f . V" SHornma tlaiUiI'utahl II i.sky Sept. 1-4. j Ml.S l.lz; Wat" of Portland is ! visiting friends at this place. j i-'arter V Kecior are doiiu a ' lIuiiriLinjr Musiies since tlie a- j ai vai of tlieii new slok of drills. ' I'fof. Miehner is ti'iu'hiit!! the K cotkI m-v'k 01 ilit 11 lirey put. lie f li. .. I .vin, - h ucces a'- .l l:ure ul eiiiiiin- e. ir. .i:c:i!'i-i .r jl'it r I- -S'lr lias lately air. . .i-t ami i-Xj'if.i-i . hi- I-huliii: hen. 'In.- pro I r 1 lie intention 'S.i.y Keeriry of lingerie ' i! v.iorinerly oi t It id plaee was lately placi-d umler t..e treatment of lr. Krown, Portland': ellicien' ..itnal sxcialiM with gratifying M-SHltH. I. N. Van Winkle, an. I family liave returned irom Solaville hiingiii.; in bottles tome t .velvt gallons ol the invigora' ini initii.i Irom those pop-iii.i i:.::-i. II. I. iodley :: fi 1 1 ; 1 1 tr up first rlass order tiie Hlore next door to the Post Office 'o which lie will tr;iiMer fiis stuck of t-toves ai d tinw;irp, wiiti some considerate adhtioii!4 oi new ocls. Th new Lake c;eek school house liu jii-t Seen finish! with new patent sea's aul sill the l,ite-t ap pliances. School will commence n Monday "JlHh, uml-r the piin eipalship of Pr.it. J, Uons.-eau. On Suturlay last lite tc;m be louiiiH to Mi . Owen llolid becanit' frightened at a buy tie and after running aionnd svvcra. blocks oronht up ..gainst the town pump, dciiioiisiiiii the waon, also injmiii one horse. On the evening of (he l'.'th, inst. Prof. liiid anived home Irom Salem where he went ostensibly for the purpose of attending the Fair. Put it is rumored that a fair (darnel; in that locality has more attraction for the proll'es-or that the state exposition. He returns looking well and sporting a new dicer. A MIUSIMMEU ITEM. Some l-iinlfr-t That Wilt Save Money t HoUHekeeperrt. (ioand sea that oei'.utirul gold watch at th "jo!de:i llule Pa zaar.M J."it ( ',; id . oiil the pro prietor of e -o 1c i Pu'rt C;i.aar informs u .i..i. Paking Povvue. tea, exp.e -.siy . nets and "or . custome's t. pJWile. - i laxw.' i.; the .ea . " ir!t w i.e . e '!;H i.u? P. ie . i!i .so. I Japiin . . i lOl- .H.i OIIS!" . -km) a. ot his -.1 bo'. . ' oaxinjs i. '.'i a 'ei ti oi jiie : . I 'O ClC-l .!tU o" ;ii a v of iint . t..'.o ne : 'O buy e.. o. o . o." bak . i'c ' i will-, anted, one inuio itiiT pow e ill ha c i '.an. e o i tha:, bei'ilti .cn. Iff .' i also add assoi'i :ueut of family ml fcO'u w. . ed a line irr.' .!! io lis .umiiiOi.li stock oi i.iaswa. e s.i(i ockeiy, wlrch is t:ie largest in . e Wiliume le v.d ley. tioa.id see Mi. ;r:' " le ! V thV (iolden it.ile Pa'-.aar, ;-n i y, . will see lhai iiotliing is niisrei-ie-Kented. She Was at Juhnttowii. The success of Mrs, Annie M, Beam of MeKeeanort, Pennsylvania, in the trejtnie it of diarrhoea in her chi! .lren will undnuhte !ly be of interest tn many mothers She says. "I spent several weeks in Johnstown, atrcr the great flood, on account of n.y husband heini; employed ther.i. We l.a.l several clnMren with us.tw of whom took the diarrhoea very bmlly, I yufc some of Ciiamherlain's colic, cholera and iharrhoea reu.eiiy and it cured both of thei.i, I thiuk it canuet he excelled ai: I "iluertully recommend it," -5 and oO ciut bot tles tor sale by Koliy A Masi.n. A Sure Cure fur th Whi-ky llal.it Ir. Livingston's Andidote for lninkenness will cu.v anv case of the liipior haoit in from ten t thirty days, from the iulei,ate to the itrunkaril. lue aiili.lot can Ih- given in a cup oi to! lee e.ithoui the knowledge of the pe' uti tak ing it. The Antidoie not in jure the health i" any way. .Ian iitactnred oy ..;e Livingston 1 hfinical Co., Ponland, Oregon or from J. A. Cumming, Druggist, soie agent. "For summer CiiniiLii.t says Ben L. Iar. a proiii'beut Hragmt of L.,s Angeles, Cal., I know of no otner remedy so sure ami sife to use as t 'hamlierlaiu'a colic, -holi ra nu. iharrhiK-a remedy " "Mr. Hear is ool ai.'iie in euteitaiuii' tit t . -ii as, Ik rever known, tlie rime.lj is praued by all who use it. For sale t.j h. s'o iy Mason, Take the Northern P:.' ilic Kail road tt all piiiits l.a-l, shoi'.est ti :.f any ;o .i '.'.ari. No ciiaiige ca:s. in i. :n-,miatioiis and the inosi e.f.' ! oie to travel. Tickets a s;..' ovei li.ta ro id to any and Ml p.i.ls.ast at the lowest rates i'oiikl.ar. .v Ketnev iio are Hie authorized agents of this tonipany at Albany. Call on them for tickets and full particulars. Hopkins Pros, haw set aside nn elegant nickel plated stove which they propose to give to their cus tomers. By trading a certain amount you get a ticket in the drawing and t ie lucky icket holder draws the stove. (o and see theui and learn ti.e par ticulars. Dr. .1. II. McLean's Stret'.'then ing Cordial and Blood Puritier.by its" vitalizating proper'i--s, will brighten pale cheeks, an" trans form a pale, haggard, dtspint 'd woman iutoone of sparkling healtn and beauty. There are many accidents and diseases which afFect stock and cause inconvenience and loss to the firmer in his work, which may remedied by the use Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. f.ivlia'i cja-s alJ jkets ior ladit's, misses and children at the j Indies Bazaar. aims Ml MAVH its mk ill feiy PEACHES PKAK, A WLK PI. I ilK:.is. Choice i'viii.iiy uioicries, Fruit. Vrretahle", ':une d te. Provisions. ST FKKSII t;iXl) . FLINN BLOCK, FikST MRtzL nr ? 1 c f Manufacture steam eiiL'ines, gri x a: ! all kir.ds of heavy ai.d Si.i.t ..rl- .u mm tion paid to rpaitiii2 all tiiuli of macl:r A. COSTLL, President. P LIXtlKAN -OF- ii bating -IN HE a " ?3 w t a T . .. i .".'it ,.A.'t!-- .-i-SlA I: fVl. '.LttM., J.. J ...... .... ... .... .K H . - .iM--m. i -; t -vv i&m a, H Itoll i (i H N! - ( i SKA PES, u. ikoi-icAi frim rs, T i'.!.- )elica .- ;n:d all kinds of $tT PF.ASO . I I I i I 1 m ne! !i a.:t;ii'ei v, iren '.ones an. -!.! '.; : . Sic .-:' arte! ( ,. i'.it .. t it ooritv cr.-Wj. JOHN IOLM,N "Sui.'t mxm CITY- ENDERS H 5 1 q -1 o fie rv rh mm, t r:;T?ypr; rra7?AL-v s.vrrTtPAY gp,r-TTTrTt THE MARKETS. nLBtSl yUOTTIONS. Wheal iT Oats AS,- Flour 4.36 pei bbl Potntes SOe E-rifs 23c Buiter aiiiTC Lai J lOKtl.sje. Haras Hiiil'ic Shoulders - U8c. B:tcoii i'.i.lJe. . ...I.. Hay 'i imothv, ii, oats and Av eS -reen, 40(4 .i'Hi :.er Plu-ti I)ried, -lot'-, per 0.. App'M t'ried oleai lied SK Ml ta, H c. Chickens f4.5(l(';5 (W Hides He-f hides, (rreer, 4 t, 10 e : cleT skins, 30e; 6heep ielts. l'.'th 75c, according to wool. Beef 2(i2c tfross. Mutton MIX) per head. Hogs 5((i;tie, dressed. Lard-KeLrs, or 5 gallon tins, lit , pails 15r hiim oiii:s, I'lie la'esi sneel music at Mm ' yumnV No. 1 Star tomatoes and all kinds of fresh runii'jd trrodi al a very low iiriire :i! (Jonrad Meyer's. Vlex'u an Cactus Bitters ,f the beet remedy iu the world for liver and kid iey diseases, indigestion, etc. For sale st M Banmirart's new line of line wall-papers with 'orders to match have bee.i opened at Kort miller .t Irving'a. They are new .ml elfirar.t designs. Call and see hem POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tii's nowaer never varies. A marvel o" ,u.-iy,strenth and wholesomeness M.i.e ecui.oniK'al than the ordinal) kind, and eannot be sold in competU .ion with multitude of low test, short veiuht alum oi phosphate powders' Hold onh in e-ins, Koyal BAKisr 'ow. pk n... ne .v ,r- -t.. N. J. Lfwis M. .I..HNSON v Co., Agent, l'orHard. Oregon, Take Simmons Liver Regulator One Dose WORTH on Hollars ! Prr S. L. It: I i")n!.'ier one 'lo'e of Sim mons Liver liemilatrr worth Jfil(H). I was -'onitii.ati'cl. iia.i iit'Tla.-lic, eoul'i eat noth int' with : 'f.iplion -t aip?tito had the 'ilirls, auri i li iltoirth..r out .f sorts. Ire inrt.-'l to Htm Mass. C.-ViiipI. Oninine, and ..vr.v rem-iv siiixirf-t.'.i, hut etily nhtainci temporary relief, tine il.-se of S L R did me more ito.m1 thin il(HI w-.rth of doctors and drctoriiiR. Kasp'y, J C Martin. t have !een a teaeh.-r f-.r twenty years, and l.irine that time have had icpeated attacksof headache, pro.liu-etl h forul Liver, and have been entirety cu .dhy Simmons Livei HcirnIa,or. I fonn it "to lie of so niild hara-'ter in its a.tioi. . not to interfere, in the least with my duti i :n the school room, r those simi "riy si tin d and subject tohe same, I cannot too hi; recommend Sim mons'Liver Reeutator. E. K. I'nnii . w , 1(.l iltr V An tbsolmr Cure Tne OrifriDitl Abictine Ointment 'is onlv put up in hirire two-ounce tin boxes, and is an al olutc cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped handr a,.H all cl.-;n i-i. tiv.e Will nnottiire. Iv cnr.i all kinds of piles. Ask tor the Original A hietine Ointment. Sold by F ochaj & Mason al 35 rents per hoi y maii SO "ento. Beggs liver pills are a mfld laxative and act directly on the liver and kid neys as well as the bowels. All druggists. ROYAL lil'M, THOS. bu. I 6iSS . 1 IREtVwt..7a i.dried i-r . iirfiT&tenm&w And m. tlmiff tha at, you can't find at other ! kept tu a first-class Fanners & llercliants NSUR4.NCE CO OK ALBANT OKKOON P4IU II 4 41'ITtL 955.UUU. OFFICERS, i'resiilent W. F. Head. Vice-President J. O. Writsnian. tr easurer J . L. Cow an. Secretary .1. K. Klderkic. dikkctoks. ii. . Mralian J. L. Cowan. ,J. J. ritsinan, F. Head, J. K. L. Foley, John Stern berg. F. Simpson, W Weattiijrford, L. Burnett and M. bate, Sound, uonservative A Square Company, Managed by Square Men, Patronized by Square People ParsonizQ Home Enterprise (JAN" VA has removed h s laundry to the O iron house on the eori.er of Se. ond and Lyon streets. SrELI. BOKI.NO, KOCK UKILI.IlXtJ II prospcctinif, Writd J. U. Iluhei., Al bany, Olego.i, ICKC'OOMiKlilto.V l.liALGilT, DKAVYtN 1 Imiii the culler, at M. liauuiKari's. rr)5 f" iFinr-l" eo CD S - 0 a-c to ) s tx.a,.- CITY RESTAURANT. Having been entirely' remo lded, this old and popular restaurant will be made first-class in every n pect The pnhlic will be given good meals : at all hours for onlv 25 cents. Every thing neat and attractive. Ovsters ' IP "very style W. A. M;hkk ! BROWNSVILLE. O. P. COSIIOW A XO.NM. Hea JtL,fetif ttiif BANK OF OREGOX, ALBANY, OREGON. tl'ITAL tal,mMi Prrsllriit.. lice Pr.. raxhlrr II. Kltl M H. I. WKKKII.L, . J4V . III.AI. DIUF.CTOK8: II. Brtant, .1. W. Hl.AIN, (iBO. HCMI'IIHET, .' If. STEWAKT, E. J. Ijxnixo, H. F. Mekrii.u Dr6iu.s H a h n FOR SAI.K BY ALL DRCGG1STH. 'Some'months aeo I t.tirchased box of Dr. .1. P. Sill's Catarrh ( tire for my own use but lindinir my nephew. C. A. IVfcMahan. net-dintr such ni di cine I lei him have n.y box of medi cine. He now sends for three more boxes, Bayinsr it is the best thinir for catnrrli ever tried by! him and his friends. 1 Tot another box to use in my case, snd cheerfully recommend it toothers. (Signed). JOHN McMAflAN, Ex-County ('omniissioner I.nne Co. Oregon. fprinetleld. Lane county, Oreiron, Prof J, W, lohnson, president of the State univBMiiv, says it cured bini ol a eoinrh after two other prescriptiors had failed. Likewise two of his little ffirlsuscd it to cure their cousrhs. Mrs Mark Kailey, wife of Prof Bailey, sent it to Prof Johnsor, and recom, mends it to all ho sutler from colds, and coughs. For coughs it acts like a Zhaini, and can be inhaled into the pipes or pastaires, where' o otiier cough eures can reaeh SHlUiH'SVITALIZERis what ..u need for Cointipation, lots of Appcti'e, IMzzi ncss, and al gympt ims of liysper.Ria. Price SO and 75 centa per bottle, tor sale by Fostiay A Mason, Jas. F. Powell Co. have jiwt received a large lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Dry goods and notions on first floor, clothing department and gents furnishing goods on second floor at G. W. Simpson's. 111! - 1 SjImJ ciFWSb4r- 11 mm mm mm m - Hi era 27. 1530. BRINK Kee6 a tine assortment of NEMiniKE Pine '. parlor suites, lci-rooni Bi.a.o, wiu.iov. aiiades, bi.it ami siiiLle l.oiuea, book c .ses. ami etipl.oarcs, extension and tiimn lai iet, i urieti haii auti winl iiiKttie8.-s, wove wire maitiei-si t , wiwker chairs, be(isteads(liolh great aud small chairs ot all kinds, and the Wheeler! 4 Wilson sewing machines. All goods said at hedrock;pricee. houses, have it, in fct?every- hous I'ile,! Piles! IMIrs! Or William's Indian Pile 'Mntmem is the only sure cure lor hliud, blee nig or itching piles ever discovereo It never fails to cure old cases of lonu standing. Judge Coons, Maysville, Ky, says. "Ir Hill'am's Indian I'ile Ointuieni cured n;e after years of sutt'ering." J inige ( otliiiourv, Cleveland, U, says "l nave oun i by expe.ienee that Or Will a . , .u Pile Ointment giver .in 'i ernn.iienl relief. We have hundreds of such testi momalK, Oo not fuller an ' instant longer. Sold by druggists Rt 50c am! tl per liox. Sold by Kosha & Mason Albany, t iregon. ol a (alllornla Itear. Anybody can t-aleli a cold this kiuc of weaMier, The trouble is to let go, like the man who caught the bear. We advise our readers to purchase ol Koshav iV Mason i bottle of Sauti: Abie, the California KiugofConsump on, Ar-ihma, Bronchitis, Coughs anc Croup Cures, aud keep it bandy. 'Tit ph-using to the taste and death to tin above complaints. old at $1 (X) t hol.le or 3 lor ti 50. t'alifornia Cat K-Cute gives immediate rel:ef. Tht Catic i hal virii6 is soon dinlaced bj its liea'iag anu penei rut Bjj nature Give it a trial. Six months treatment 1 00 sent bvtnail tl 10. The lrlte Monian. A clear pearly ai.il transparent skii. I always a sign of pure blood, and til persons tumbled with dark, real v, yellow or blotched skin cae ce.-t - oMUicd that tneir biu id is out o! i.ler. A tew l.ises of BI't:(;S hLOllM I'L'UiriOii aul V.LfiOl MAKKK wiil i.iin'.-.- t!i- .ii'se an-' :he skin will l..e.ni.L e'er .iit trans .aiept. Try it, joul i! sitia!:tet.ou t not, given it will eont. you Iiolliln It is fully warranted, i. L. Biack- ran, druirn-t. Liiic Comity Natioua! Albany, Oregon CA PITA L STOCK, .$ 100,(iou. I'KKMl.KNT J I. C'oWIIll, Vi.e 1 resi.teiit- .l .M ILilston. astiier ;e E Ch:in.berlain, AssiNCitit '.'a.liier OA Arcl.d.ald. l.irectorn J 1. Cowan, .1 M I'.a'.-ton, Oco E I'ha'iiberlain, W h Ladd. W li Unit ra, J A t'rawf.ird and O A Archibald. Irai.KM.-tH a iceneral banknur butiiiiesa. firaw eilit dinfts on New York, San an Ihco and Portland, r. Lun money on approved security.; Kceeive deposits subject to check. Collections entrusted to us will receive proo.pt attention TAKE THE CAI5 FROM mva nr rates: To any part of the city, 60 cents. For calling, first hour $1.50, each ra'oHequent hour$ 1. Li." a u W-s n -i m ! . aj BOtl " H Hi: m i LADIES' UNDERWEAR I ;rnlleniru s hhlrK. t'blldren loth Ina, and All Ladles damirnla mad to or-ter al llir j J apatie3eBazaar tore KRitrs vkrv LOW. KWoNG WtKKK CO. l-jj'Store on First Street next to Sincer & ! Ulaekburn . rpilAT HACKING COl GH can I so quick 1 ly cur. d by Shil .h' Cure. Weiruarantce it. Scld bv Knahay & Man. What a Fortune Is a good, healthy, pearly, skin. Few are aware ol the short time i takes a disordered liver to eau. e blotches on the face and a dark Kres2 skin 0lle bottle of Ucirirs blood purifier and blood niak. r will ietore this organ to i its r atu-al and hea, thy state and I ciL'i-.riM-s ?l-e blood of nil iuiiurities. . Tt is meet iiir with wondei fill sueeess Trv it. ft is guaranteed. All drug. I gists keep it Ladles Kii.e Sl;oo. j 1 make a specialty of handling i l-.t.lies tine lu)es. 1 carry some of the bet-t br ind? made in fine and medium grades in widths from A to KE. All warranted goods; no traeh, and will repair any pair of thoes of any kind sold that will rip or !':'. i ToUankera and Merchants. j The Tylr Desk Co.', of St. Louis i Mo., have juft published, in colors a g'eat work ol art on .Bank coun ters, Fine'Pesks and OtPce Furni ture generally, Big cut in prices, with increased cash discounts. Tl,.Uni-.iiin,. i n I he -anker s Lata ogue. loO pages in cotors, iree, pontage tw. Catalogue of desk and office fur- u nre , J oO pages, free, pc stagelOc. Prsprietor el. Albany Soda Works Aad auuufaturar t re are now picparwl M fiuuisk dwioe, irbsh luuaies of beat griuie, iX.uautiuK : tiare nio, assorted flavors, Biixad canuis, extra Kreuch and chocoUM crwtnis, fancy mixed, uaody toys and a g-unenu aawnawnt A une cauaKjA X4Xrder.frooi couutry daaien yromptly at leudod to. Factory oa First street. A LBAN Y late liLslilutc, ALBANY, 0REQ0H ltUM..... ISM A Euli Corps ol Ihbtiuciois. Classical, acieutilic, literary, cvmuieruut. and normal classes. Course of study ar ranged to meet the needs of all irrades el stuuenta Special induoeuieiita odeiyi te stuueuts from abroad. Tuiiion ran(u I'freo. S.M I I.M Per Term. Instrumental instruction in uttiau: i j; i veil l.y Miss baur Uoitra. Board iu private families at law rates, and ruoius for self boarding- at amah expense, A careful supei vision exercised aver -pup iwaj fruui home. For circulars and full particulars, addreo the president, KKV. KLbKKl N. CO.NU1T, Allnuiy, Oregoa, A New Repair Shop Has just been opened on First street, opposite the Rues House, where you can get all kinds of I broken articles mended. Clocks, guns and locks repaired, keys fit ted, etc. Work from the oouatry promptly attended t. HAIR DRESSING SALOON? JCMI WEUBER, PnOPi:;F.TOK: tt' hadiee and child; eu's hair dress-'-r a specialty. UntUe auUlactioi ruaran'e-Cl ! -I'ftlOSK WIMUMi A FiKSI-CLAV "IN I srJirent., tt-e hest intuie to ataii 1 tht I climate of this coast, can be suited by tlintr at ilia. li. I,. iiniaii8, optmsite the MiRiinc leuiple. Firtt street. The latest vocal and intrudieuMl music kept for sale. Aim th largest assort meiil of stampinK patterns delect froiu this wide of 'Frisco. U'iven iii piiutinr and enihroidt-r her ittudio over Lino County Bank. GU her vour ricr and you will be pleased. Coburg Lumber I sell the host Iuinbor in this coun try, ceriai Posts, shingles, lath, doors and windows, moulding, etc. Pricea from $5 to $22 per thousand. Yard at Lawson, on the Narrow Gauge. See me before purchasing elsewhere. W. V. CRAWFORD. PoBtoflice address, Tallman, Oregon. REAL ESTATE ; i i Loan Broker I-arge list of good farm aud city property for sale. Loans money on real estate ifl Linn and adjoining counties. Insurance written up in reliable companies. Notary Public and conveyancer. Gall on or write me. S. IT. STEELS & CO. ALBANY, - - OREGON DR. W. C. NEGUS,. Graduate of th Royal College of Loudon, Eugland, also of the Belle vue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of study and practice and makes a spe cialty of chronic diseases, removes cancers, scrofu la enlargements, tumor tnd wens, without pain or the knife, lie also makes a specialty of treat ment w'th electricity. Has practi. ed iu the I erman French and Euglish hospitals. Calls promptly atteuded day or night. Hib motto is "GOOD WILL TO ALL." fcTOtliee aud residence Ferry street, between Third and Fourth STANARD & CUSICK, PROPRIETORS F r MURE, I J I V Will Dealers in Druto, Medicine, Chcnv ils, Fancy and Violet Articles, li S' iies "'isheti, i'..i uiuery, School aud A: : : " Supj.i'cs. I'l.yEi. iau's prescript. .-Lie uareluliy ooinoujJed. r irst Street, Albany, Oregon. Montana Dlsrovrry "Another wonderful discovery has occn maoe ana iuai loo oy a lauy in this county. Disease fastened ite clutches up .n her aud for seven ear sue wilnstooa its severest test, but ber vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly ana could not sleep, She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery tor Consumption and was so mucn r. ieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has Keen miraculously cured, tier name . Mr8- Lutbcr LJte XhUB write w. i 0. Humrick & Co. of Snelbv, N. C- Get a free trial bottle at Voshay A I Mason's Drag Store tote S.ilWeMo ia MUUU I!f STOVES,ni )V'ARE, HOUSE FURWSH1KS3' Manufacturera ef galvanized iren cernice. Plumbing a ycialty. Give us a call. ..A rtlX 8T9CK f. Btapia Grocn Crockery. Glassware, The bit quality if .Mas, Mffeea, saadlsa, nuts, etc SaiKV KKkU BAJUSD JUtT DAY. Atthuold reliable boonia atee efce found a eouiplete imilient el ffeaa lri"' g-ruoer.as, te ablet as canetanUy haii iMa) all ue wwaonaale line of ifrocTl aala pre Tiuoua, auca as Cranberries, j f ine Pichles, Dried Beef Chipped U erder, Anonouy Mustard, Lunches and Nuts, tastern Buckwheat Flour, Cunneu Goods of Ail Kinds, Bonemian Glassware, tte, rnesu gtxNis were aU ooucal rha art ereil mm4 tile aeuaat ( (ke llif wdl Hiveu tu bu ctutoaiera. tteuemoer aba f4 t uie via uuiuer en t'lnlaad Bnataflka Vonrtul Myer RED CROWN MILLS 1SOM, LABIkMV at rwp SEW fKOCEbg FLOUR. (Supener tor Family ana Baker's see) Best ISiorane Facilita, iVUeaest cash price paid tor waeaTM &LBANT RKO0II r - m m - ' T . -rTrm THE STATE Agricultural College ! OPENS SEPTEMBER 12, lWt. Course of study arranged ex pressly to meet the neoda of tlie Ismail;: and mechanical interest of the Ptate. Larse, onunodioua anl well ventilated buildings. Tba college is located in a cultivated and Christian community, and ene of the healthiest in the state. -Military training. Expenaee need not exceed $150 for the entire session. Two or an ore free Bchelarshine from every Oregon county. Write for catalogue to d. L. KULi, rrea. Corvillis, Oregon. rallfor-Jai Cal-K-Csnre, The anly gut antccd cure for catarr cold in the be bay fevar, rose eld atarrlixl orufr s and sore eyes. Ke Mere the it- .j-e f taste and nnplaaeaa breath, reji:.:ir ' from catarrb. Eaa and pleasnt U lse. Fellow directiea and a cure is w .-ranted, by all e'ruf eists. Send fc circular to Ablctia Medical Comp r. Oreville. CaL Six months' treat jnt for tl; seat er mail, fl 10, t : sale by FeehayeY Mason, TiiB People's Bakerj frsli Imi Pies d Cib DAILY. File Cakes a Specialty. BLACKBURN PIKOHI, LEADING GROCERS ANUBAKERS. GRANT'S PASS PEACHES I MUELLER it GAB RETT, EXCLUSIVE ASl-NTS Orders for any quantity will te promptly niieo. H. A. CBOWDBB. C. W. CKOWOBK CROWDER BROS Contractois and Builders. Jffice on First street with Wal ce & Cusick, real estate agente, lbanv, Oregon. Estimates gives n all kinds of buildings or carpea- er work. All work intrusted te s will be promptly executed. 20,000 k dried ap ples 15,000k died plums. HIGHEST MARKET Pjt!!3 WILL BE PAID BY THE Before wrcbasing yeur Artuti rnateriala examine tbe new ateek just opened at tbe drug store ef J. A. Cumming, sucoesaer te B. O Hublmrd. j FINE DKB88X0 CHICUV8 MUELLEBJ GARrg.; HOPKINS Bakery star x iit , - -j-aajBfjaajBMSfjBf 'tt .1 li 4 1 i I t u is 0