t ft" anting uUjj iter iU -.IL.Y N1 Weekly ; i t.kvi- of :( xirr v DAU ;n.i-, Br-rk o - io ui. per .. 00 WKKKLY. ibtwbod eery Fri tiv M..ruini.) j Have five years ti.iiH spoilt recon per annum. In advance -' j ciled the re,iiMi.-aiit of the state uael in atr "ice THE HtllJ. Valla the Albany tsule'tlce close ar til !! north Che hasten, state i:3o a. , The West Side i od the Nu row CH R. R. 7 ; Portland and .- !1a. ,.rra!Usul Yaqui.. ..l?::iO r. .i8 touth 7:30 p. x I , poPtotflue will he ' ! eurh cvemiit ria sii to en o'clock. Kf)fit i twitter for the ly inoniini n:u ';! J " mailed before 5 o clock the rertooe eoi.ir. PACIFIC TIMK TAP.LE -'aaaenrar. 'raifht. BjBMeaea an PI.OMPT. Thurk ia t'o element in human aion and intercourse that enters o largely into justice and riuht as d.wa piomptn-fs in dealiig. Mauv Dersoni in t'orniin and ii. carrying out their idea- of justict fail to make a. c--un' of -he element of lime. Thy inland to deal jiwt ly with eve-y one. t uithho'.l from no one his due. to tultill every obI.gat.cn and safsu every clam. ; but they feel no M-ec.al duty hasten these acts of justice. Ii they are done event. .al'y they art content, and think that others xhould be content also. The h..urs r dayi or weeks thai may elap-e between the claim and their ful ullment of it do not bee in to them very important, if it i but ulti-( i;i. oi.i ak- ! mately discharired. They would j J, II. Holt .! 1 1 a il w ift, tj , not for the world evade a debt, ; f lcherville, Texas, have ceh- . -ii i i . : bra ted their tiltviiith weildiny ' hut they will delay its payment . .,.:luver!jar. ald urt. tli hal)? ; without any compunction. They hearty. The secret oi their lone j intend to throw all their influence ' life and goo i health is tnat the.; on the bide of the ritfht, bic f'Tect any slight ailment prompt-1 . . . ... , ly, and in th .t wav avoi.l scrion-1 whether to-day of to-.nor.ow they Bickluw. Likt. 111(. t t.v,.rv oM,. j have not decided. Now there are. ; lSe, they aie m .re iretpivtitiv i of course, uoiue cases where ; his I troubled with con.-tipation ih:n. I may be unattended with anv ..p- j il"-v utI,L7 I'I'.vsm al disor .er i ' ., , ., i .-orrect tn: t ev akc-t. lVtnck'a parentevilrehultajthe.eareo hMs.j.ii,,, vrvil.tt.uv,,. lo a(. ()Uil.1. where more or less inconveiwe ... t ( because, as Mr. Ilolctjinh savs 1 ensues; and till othets where ah j "They are a mild niil and, besiue- uianr er -A sofferhfi and loss is en- : ati 1' . yu !" 111 Hm ., , r. . i .oner. Ue prize tiiem verv 1ailed. Those who come do ;,ijjl.!y." 1- r sae by toshay enough to the pcorer classes t";.dason. Druggists. succeed in gaiuing their confident-. : Hod that prolific source of the : sunenng tney are tryiriL' to ai.ev; - its is the unpunrtuul pay in c j Hervices rendered. llappi'V th-. I , . .... , . .' . people who .lehberately cheat I workman or a workwoman out . i his or her just earnings are e tremely few ; but tht-Aoiinhei- wh put them off to a ue.re o. vcinei. season if by 1.0 menu- small, fcflight excuses, suca us tir trcubl of preparing for it bel'otelian J, : making change, or .if I r akmg ii. lit some iiiterea inn occiij.ati .i w ill sutli- e to (juiet whatever con punctions they mav have in pos polling a payment that is dm . They can not see the disappoin -ment, the weariness, the d-ni; ' of com f 01 1 orneces ities, the i -ability to pay a pressing credit- r or to employ a reeded physicia . perhaps the sickness, sutlerim , ruin, and even dea'h, which 111: y olten loilow their procra-tii.atio!.. Even where the results aie le -i.nii.ediatel) disastrous thev o:tt 1 nive rise to a seriep of otl'ensi JJe w ho fail-t to collect hi dir irprjuently fails in consequence t 1 pay hi- deVits, aud thus a who!.; seri s of ntipa'd workers m tra. c ba.-k .heir va'iotis t.out'les i0 a ui..flu slui i ... . lit... t s. !, , 1 11 will say tiiat in the end they pay all they owe, but ihis is not !-o, P r j thev oe t r mpin W ithout ! 1 . , . . I this, justice lias nt ben r.-n sceo. Tardy payment can never at .-nej lor the injury wh'.-ti n.sy nave j been inflicted. No t.ret, ,. ; , . . , . . i apology, no added -nterest, von, - can ever nna-i wnai nas net n none. g(,(Hi value. or restore what by this negligent 1 41t M ' V m. and indirlerence has been taken j ... in.. itu). t m .,.. away. Though it is true that such j W e are oUYr.ng wm.i- r.uv i.;(r resultsi may not follow, it isceitain ains in nu ii'ia and la-in-s siioe-,, that they often do, and wo ar ,.j " "eh you the tame s,,k; .i.r. . .. ... other Incuse.-show vou m.idc b never sure thrt they w.ll not. HllliJt. iu,m,a,.t,m,, 1U B!ill Often those who press the least j toey are the s;.me;.l.- i-., nii.cii tor their iust dues need them the j l-'s'!' '01.0. faii ai..i ?e.- .,Ur most, and we can not fores- the cousetjuences of delay. As Senator Stanford's term 01 orhce drawa t a close, it become- apparent that his becoming h s n successor is to be stronLj objected too. In ill probabliiiry I no man can be found in Caiiiornc. j who in private character, gentle , ' .-.....:..; iri .1:1 i slit; in certain dirtctions and j II Karat l.tvaiiitali t v could snrt..i- ! . r j Mr. Stanford, but in the matter of tilling the ollice of senator or ; .l,.alA,.ini rvui-nlixr tilnen to. i UE.r.v...e the position, the record does not how ud to anv veiy conspicuous amount in that direction. 1 i.e XUiiJOriiy OI ptfopit? u inn i'iir ill i .... ao lAjnii.,' r.l.n I gover. a... , t- -, T,h Chrsi(il y: Is wav,J :;;! ifh coifidM'tle as;.eri'.y, ...ski- : What lias .Stanford done I", r Calif'-rnia'.' If tit- had cwi fai'bfullv remained at his pojt o. 'guard the interest .t" his state j that duty f n til ed iniidit have be- n ' pa.-sed o Inn credit. But he ha - been alMftit tr..m U a-in.crt.M, about half hi thu faired with about half hi i some t qua!' ' i some quai 1 .e;i.--.;eiii ieui-,cr:u . I , .. , to me meutcine which tin swallowed with w r. t'-tce in ls.V.'" To which we in . y ti.v.er reia.bi- ean?) are) not rc-oneied t the.. medicine, althoiiirh it shiih to In the desire of tiie d.-ttioera' V make them apjr to be. J r.N eeui lo by tie- lruitiu! field of the cholera ettide mic aim it in said to be pr.'vailiti.; .o a frightful extent at Yokahomi. Arryve iM-pan- ; Tl)(. r, ,s , y,.,, fr t,,e hj,i,i,.,i, 5.25.m 6.M " ln tlllij.' t.. 'h,- t xtellt tint tl ; itoeH I .!iat the lail .'c t'H i:io;i li.:- l-It ! home an ml. : lil 11 ' i l''Pi'i- ' '' '!' i t r.iU- that ,.uv t ; liiiom , jR. I ,n.,e OI. j, ,, ,lul!, ,. ,-.,, ; rviu..inn , ,. , . teach. Re.-entlv an aed school- nelster .. s i jected to the ru'e eri,. -ate revoked. That j ( j is a move ee t in ihe riht diicc ! tion. French tansy V:ifm. These vvaier.s are a .-lire and .-ai. Slt.,.ltl(. ;or ail Kjn,lfl ol u.IIKi trouides and will ie.n.jt- til! oi. -t''ciions io the luonlhly period no m..tter hal toe cause. The jWt whaleVt,n rt,1Kiii , ; ;inJ , an r. u -c.i s .ielv. ! .;, by the J.iVOiu-Ion. nianuta. liirci s, I'm ; also iriim ..in -so. .Wc.li. . ;l.uc!. i! 1-.. I'j. j--.li. t iimmiii,', tlr.i;' block, .'i!h-iiy, i .lio-kels Hfi.J VrH.N, 1 itlll Ili.w ret;t-i villi; i-y t.il w int.. 1 st. ici; cl ia.liL-s, ini-;e-cl.ildien j.i kets i raj ar- ol lin- latest myle atici v,.iiile an 1 a. cueaj. a- -I. goods call be :.)Ukht. 1 i... . of i.i'ilc- Nt .. niui kcln c.ui li 111 ia-l year, i... 1 . at Co.-1 lo loaki- roxt.. rivals. a.yii ki. II. '. .-.ai I, 'i 1 1 t lleiy ..it . .n't 1"' uarueti rcitrs hroiii:;,t to a stili'lulig 1 o:aiii .,u. laities. :iaviug J.ear.i lo sell will do vt 11 to see me. .r-A.Mi i.i. K. o;.(,. lake, 1 In. ! I olt 11 u e to 1 1 ai the lieu paner . a:on I lo my wile Sal'i a gciiil. -10.111 ii. .1111 ii.,n the oilier dav, but on-e i was fairly la .ei. j,, t",-, ilieoiUH oe liitlt' a.l el is -li ill I .a gioeor'.e and ,-alcir me.i i-in,--. ; 1 ' o paiagraj'ii beL.11 11 aiiu tue Mia.l. si a. 1 oiint oi a -a Si-.jn ii lU ended to i-ettnu ton., the virtue of il..ckniii ., .v 1'iioni, "d-v : " "" " v ltil tl!''"' '"' ' wnl never j.t-i taken 111. Corbel! 1 t,-st-ts: VYenniKea Siet iait o! .t"i uiisse,. tim- corsets :nd Ve ha- a orive in sa,m wrt i(. ;;,,.,.,. i .e . iit ncl xtr.: juices we guarantee lo -avt ii.,m lo 10 oil e. m ,,n j. ji,- ,,, shoes iiliithasi.l. 1 1 Koo:s are new aiai ii:n ,-Iaos 111 e. re particular. . 1,. -u ii Jui opeueo at J. . 1 uinm.i's i dt dote. -.-' - ..;?"".' "J"..1:."1 A t; it J - .4 i . - --rr r-'' ."-fc"''- " " Vn:, A,.,,, t. "" t j A ., ,,,,,,,,, ; VJ i-aii, can h, 111, m-ht.l -r- ut r.n m witli U i l it iita ii.i',: a '1 or iu 1 ,(i:t--, i i -i i 1 tu .1. .... tt, 011 Mjc n.i vtrvt-t, i't-tw.-t-.i lifutwi-iii-m ' i El-w.inn iic uti.. v ;;n J im 1 1 n i -1 r ;tt tit Mit-il to r;.i; -.Li nt . a. .1... n . 1 i hw i B. V I N .N . aI.K.N ioli Tlifc LKAD . Mx uiin.'. , l .i i he i.e..p!e rtHe.ii j . . . i,'-si-t.. eandcn.ev.e.itlv ... , 1 i ith-tai.-. the i.ivm -H ..f (' I K idia-e. The ;ll:t:,e,i,:e, .,i ..,.) s aVs& vneiso. i,.,,. d. I,,,, v V-(V YmtMm i d -f.ct, t .. ! TK ....:d ..r e!, ration of Wash', ton h: j:d..t. o I - CTC-w. and : .11.: : .l.Cli i 00.1 . .Ill : , ij o.iy a the I 'S-.t in ' CAS! m -go to YOKK (1 -ITU Ni't.seliin,' at cost, hut at I'liee ltt-t prices Oiu hi tto i "livi- an prolitri. jDon'l toilet the pi C S I'R.M.Ki: IN- ...... ; afee- ??5.r scv ff HI H 'si The City f : i lV : A 1 "r Liu '!' i KfiH .av v ul 11 ui t in (p 'NPi!!'Ti) I J IRITIS .Mcinutcicturerof Choice Cigars - Ni : ami ntnokinj: Tobaccos, Meerschaiuu and briar Pipes.'aD a lull hi., -j! Sii.oU, rs' ,rtici!S. AIho (leylur ir. . ' '.. I'll'-iilci's i ttiii'v store, Alhany. Oretfou, W N 'lei, ihoiifcami Mi ii Wi int n and Children lo buy o ds of DEVON & FlfOMAN lilJ)., .lot -' v . 1 j A. u 1 AW-C,- CAUTION has i.i, nniiic 11111I W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. fine C'nlf nnd I.nrp.I Waierproof Groin. Hie excellence nnd weiring qualities of this shoa cannot be better shown thenhv the strontr endorsa metitsof Its tlioiisands .f oinstaut wearers. SR-OO ;rniii!ir' lit, ul-nevi etl. an eleeant nnd srvl,.-.li tires sin... wlilcli cenillienits Itself. S OO Ilniid-sr-vvetl U -lt. A line calf Sho tiiici.i.-ili, , fur stvlo nnd durability. S.S0 L.iiwvi-iir Welt Is tbe standard drets J Siioe, al a popular price. SO. CO Pi.li.tiniin Shnp Is especially adaptott for rallruail men, farmers, etc. All made In Congress, Itutton and I.ac $3 & $2 SHOES laIs, hnveheen moKt favorable received since Introduced an. I the recent Improvements make them superior to any shte sM at ths prices. Ask your Healer, and if ce can'r.ot iupplT you t'n direct to fa.-torv eneloamj; adrertised prfct. or a postal for order I.I-.nks. W. I.. IXM TJI.AMJlrockl.D, Mias, fc If H 3. ui iiiiiyriiiLO aft wiviii i A. WHEEL El!, M'ivlNdFIFLU, f'ROI'KIKTOR. s l 1 ; i ; , i -1 u ( . , ? promp, and aaurfaV "orV .T 1 Z " -lavuii, m.j.-r no: cii ellt-d ID ..iialitv. .,n fu,. 1! I trad. KIT. THE IS. II BARGAINS - that defy -oin petition. Call and t let live, quick pales and email ne, McFarland lilot'k. Reep'y, C. 3. S- STORE. EARLS v-v !m -:k Notions (.A.HI.S ,M) OKXTS FUR M;-l!.N;s. i ty h e I (-partnient 18 now . on. pVte with the latest 'ies-':U!d t;n.t yoods at the i-W'S jir t s. AISO t-ii Ludlow Fin.o Shoos- Liquor Store ' Y Proprietor. - ; mile, Aloiiiv, Orcrfwi I tii'l t...ii.4tic wint!. liHor-, ciijaM an OrOfSS FROM TH COUNTRY' JOvSEPH i)!;alkh IN- rF JED P 1 '1 IMS linort' rs und Jicalers in al) kmiltfoi nun? and amintinition, fishing tackle of ev- ry iU-m ilpt on. cutlery ami base ball goods, tents, hammocks and camp chairs. The I a 1 $:; el stock -outh oi Portland. Come one and all. No trouble to show goods. Quic sales and small profits is our motto. Also i t -pair shop connected w ith store and tirst . lass workmen to do all kinds of work. Tj. DouirlfiH Ahnfte P ft 0 (!) 0 price Mumped on botlom. 1 h 'V.'IV "liei .? surpa8.ed forthe rt-arwctfuiiv uolicila share of the I'llVMICIlVK n r.CHAMBEKLIV, M." D. Hon a - patlii. J Phjwei-in, office t Dr. WaMace'e t.1,1 Htand, Broa.lalbi 8trt. office Hours, 7 to ..; ItuSand BtoSMi. f H. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN ANI' 1U. Keon, Ailiai.v Oreiroii. - SCRr WH. DAVli, M D. PHYilCIA.N AND SUiu'eon. Can )? found at hi oifice room w Striktiau'e block, First strecu AHin-. Orejfon- l C'."KEI lPIISrciANSDUR. J. geon Ali.aiiy, Oregon, otfi..-e n Pierce' new block office hnnre, from 8 a. m. to r. u i. ROSSITER, VKTERINARY SfJv XI . (feon, graduate of Ontario v.'teriimr-. college and uiemlie of the Ontario veterie ary medical society, is prepared to tr.t the diseases of all domesticated anim.-tlp c.w scientific principles. Oincc at Aris Miuoi.uii's livery stable Residence 4th and Calapooix Btrcots, Albany, Oregon. DR. E. A. McAMHTKK HOMKOPATIIIC PHY sician and .ir'con Ila removed hi. ottice into Cmwfi.rdN Ijtock All calia prompt ly attended to, Da o- XT wmfxEV,' iravsicJiT.NjTi surjf in Oradil .tj -.t llcllcvue IIH.i tal Medical 0-..-i;e, Vew York tltv. i'ist;cs of . unci a M. j ialty, "!iicc in a't rcai.tc .cl ou 7th street -fiut ween Caiupooia and i-ic, lAjbany Oreyon. DR..M .1 PA Ton, PHYSICIAN Smaeon, liitimlMT.''H lllick, A I Ik my, Or. r"ina!e discis.. ;i n.rial'..-. 'he Mltiee day or nijhi. ii -.it t:is. ft, B. I!KV. i,. T B K I N , J. w UPAl'FR T.s -.y, ii.i,!.v .v iiitAPPK. .Tici: ii( m ar ,4W, irrcon Cilv. Oro-'C.:i. Tvc,. r jei; ...Npiri.i. cms register h th.- I . f. L.i.Ki i-lll.-,, .t (Iri-s:, .. ny in li e '-... I pr:i- tiif rc.::.iiuu. .-j.is cs i:t --ur )i i-iriU i.H .r.-1., i,,, .,1 o::!cc .. -l.c t- ic-s 1 il .!:-l.l! h..: tin: in llllUC 1TI1! ! Land f!-. . ! II (j. iv '. Ni:;, aitiu-tii-s ut-':i, . ilrr;,:.:. ,3 in Slv .haii tu 1 n !h: . an.'. u.,t:i N' - N MIHKNKV-M LAV iry :.iitil" . . . inx- in t lit- s: r.ib.,i O'tll'S .V.. lill.l I', ft. N. Ul.xcKl.l'I'S. VHKMO. j VLAL'KIU K. .V WiMUIlT Al I'l'IlM AT J) i.avv, ASLapy 'kwi.. .. :. Hlo ri llow's Tcinpk. Vill .i;Hti; c in all uaur:r jf the stale, ai;.i iv. sp.s-i-il attcnt ion to all linsincHu. UOLVKKTON C11AKLK.se. AmKNKV at Law, Albany, Or. Ollice in roini 13 and H, Foster's liinck, over L. E. Illain's store T "lC ""WEATll K RFOrTi, "aTTORN EY" AT 1 ) . law, Albany, Oregon. oitice in the Kiinn Bi;ck. Will practice in all the courts of thestate, ami ifive special attention lo all business. TAWES P. MEAD, ATTORN EY-AT-LA W I anil title examiner, Albany, Or. Will practice in all the courts of the state. Ab stract of title furnished on. short notice. Ten years experience SECISET SOCIKTIKH. , O. lT, W.-Safety LCKlgre No, 13; meets il every Monday eveninn; at the ii. A. K bill on Kerry street, between Second and I iiir.l. Albany, Oregon. Slrainr.-iH in lh. city arid transient brethren conliallv invited to attend. McPhcrsoii Post No. :i, (i. A. K. Stated meetings at the G, A. It Hall on tbe second and Fourth Friday eceniriLfS cf each mniuh. transient Comrades aie cordi y invited to meet w ith us Ik S. W. Rl.rXJE, C. K. Tabi rr, Commander Adjutant, Li,l Mnrvryins. 1)AKTIR8 DRSIR1NO BCRVFYISO DONB CAN US tain accurate and prompt work by calling upon ex-county surviyoi F, T. T. Fisher. He hascomplete copies of eid notes and town ship plata, and is prepare 1 todo survcviiiir in any art of Linn county. Fcsiottice address Millers Station. Linn cou lty, Oregon. tuiirnolor and Kulltlt-r. DC. SIIKLL WILL Pt-'RSISH PLANS, BPKC1PICA . tions and details for all kinds of build iin( and architecture. All work promptly done and guaranteed to be first-class. Esti mates furnished on short notice for brick buildinirs, residences, public buildings, bridges, etc. t 1 W. AYEKS, ARCHITECT AND SUPER J, intendant. Ottice over First National binkjlmildiiiir, Albany, Or. Work solicited from all parts of the county 4 ouiraclor niui liitlliler. nillE UN UEKSION EI HAVING LOCATE!. X in Albany srlicits patrnnaire from city and country. Will contract to build bridges barns, and all mai.ncr of dwelling houses, including Oaeen Anne, Eastlake and Eliza bcthian stvles o: buildings. Will furnish plans, andsiH cifications free of charces. Satit faction uarantee' W. c. CASSEL. TILL YOU SUFFER with t)vspeisia and It Liver Compldint? Sliiloh's Vitnliwis uara ntced to cure you. For sale by Fnshay Miison. TOR lame hack, side or chest, tise Shiluh's Porous Plaster. Sola by Foshay & Mason. II 111 1STII ANNUAL EXHIBITION L'nder the manageinent of the State Hoard of Agi iculture, will ! be held on the state fair grounds near Salem, coni j mencing on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1K90 And lasting one week in CASH PREMIUMS Offered for agricultural, stock and mechanical exhibits, for works of art and fancy work and for tri als of speed. Reduced rates for fare and freight on all transportation lines to and from the fair, Important im provements have been made upon the groudds and increased facili ties are offered exhibitors. The Pavilion Open FOUR NIGHTS PURINC THE WEEK. A splendid field of horses enter ed in the speed department, and fine exhibitions of racing will be given each day. F'ntries for premiums close Mon day at 7:20 p. m. Fxhibors are ured to make as many of their entries on Saturday before the fair as possible. Goods, animals and articles for exhibition must be in their places by 10 p. ji. Monday. I'KICKS OF ADMISSION'; Man's day ticket $ SO Woman h day ticket 25 Man's season ticket 2 60 Woman's season ticket 1 00 Send to the secretary at Portland Oregon, for a premium list. i). U. JLAJONEY, President, J. T. Qum, Secretary. .'MAI! XT' A h UH liUllkUUIl; I (111 $15,000 r?t f Miti& xp -Taste t-bcati. Tcr - n'-'.'CYrR THAA( A t .iT J X ""Skft wV U ' L ' ' k ki. S"' ,5 id, & QjA xrr' m a w t k re is u . ... j 11 1 VHL- .cT!o'iiw " O -'id jc- :i fCuldr.Sj p.r tfftitS far cfl.onrim..1.. ; s-..v. . . t .ware, stover iocs .' t ' i 1 JUL1L THE LEADINti CHOCKKI'Y, KANCY (HMDS AND TOY STOKE OF ALBANY. TH K ONLY (.KNUPl WOtiEKS BROS SIL- v eh ware, fuf.nttt cjilna d glassware, HOY'S WA OKS.BA.UY A Ni DOl.1. OAK, KI uiES, AND A GencrU Specialty 11 the finest Tear,, Ci-liVes and Family Groceries, direct for net cash and carries the lartref-t stock in the Valley. tf Insurance agent for Fire and .Marine. FOR PU TOIL El'. AND FANCY Giro' :f?j3jk-.v- 2 x - vai:3r5 - The Finest Lice of Piaiios and Organs in tie nr:? n i flTTP U I CALL ANP TS All) FEE, J3 anp GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET; W AJN lhlij M-I-.CIAI.LY-Hav. oris and potato, fa, supply enrtonri on the Ore.-ou Pacific IS.iin.ad extension and mv i.cra5r.i. h.m tr where I pl ir ,na.nti! h t- nit l.r; ALBANY BAKERY. FARKER EROS., PROPRIETORS. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND . CAKES "FOR-.-. V I I DlNGs-.-. MRESII ILT ITS P.FR--.-RIF.s AND VI GFTAI'.I.FS v; oice Tal.le Delicacies and a Line ot Fancy sr.d Staple Girctiir-r-visions, Canned " Goods, MutR, ( ar n'. "'.r- fl . ( i 1 ' flf ! TU-'i!; i(H: ' l '-.' . r: I. ml I iWai 9,- V ALBANY OREGON, No limit to this garre. We mean to win if we don't make a cent. We're going to do the bulk oi the hardware business of Al binv. tiet of us. Ours are ae ir.iod as anybody's and a little . 1 1 . 1 1 tit- i in- ufrwl.F - t- v' coo all that is ljeet in hardware in Hie -lit! t )K CliU I.MIt'.it 1 ' 1 IT Kin. Ji 1 ..id a KID. mr ladies Fine Slioes LASTS --t"jjTJ l lvesi l'rices. Call ' and see onr new stock. 2 iSGEADWOKL'S RULE BAZA AH. As:rtac2.t of "arcv Goods. He buvp DRUGS GOODS !L L BLACKMAN rVrfmary arr tMlet artirira. alv a fall IhM rt book at' -ti7. pTtodicrala, etc. .3T ?aactpto eawtrfn!-;. f.ro pv4r4 2eliJ vtVwrr : I ii. v-ri ALS0 CARTES ! Vt I Ufi ljF. STOHJE t:r. Ism I-. (teO- (.ft or Ferry fin ft t-? VI RfRs l?TSO f FRESH Li. .-..BRE Full ? l d Pro I'tc, Etc TM K- 10 .j It mm i a e I V (TiU!mi.N i ALlrlL KAILi AN't Oregon Development i Stearosihip Lin ,(li Ul.il W vii 22 Hours LessTli Than by any other route: Accomodations unsurpassed fercomf. salety. lares and frcifiLs via Yziii. the Oregon L-eve cj-n --nt coiupiiy'a hips, much lees lii: 1 ; any other rt -ween all pomio iu n!e V. illlm-ttte and San Francisco. 5rAIIINO DATES. PRoM TAtll INA. Willameitc Valley.... July w V Auc Willamette Valley .. Willamette Valley . " P OM BAN PKANCIHCO Farallot Aur iliauictte Vaiiey..... ': W UUmette Vane W. V '.JU IA Tnc company reserve the ritht to 1 1 . teau.ers or hunii. da.es. C ii. iIahwull, Jr., oen F. t; P. tw i4,A,o.iiL;.Uicry btuet, San Krav isct Ih-mi iiiln-r tl;c Urejcou ilit lai suimiicr e: cm-bioL's. Low cxi U1.M..11 tickets are oil sale We lucMluyaial bulurday from Corvalhi- und I'hilomatU to V. and i..r the return trijir. uuiil S: . her 1 DAILY I'Af SKOKR TRAINS, Except bumiaya.) L Yaquir,a7:00 a 11 I Lv Albany li , C rvallis lo:3,-i a " C.rvailis Ar Albany ;J u Ar 1 uuina 4 . -V,l . i. fc ..,a. .. . . V K. il . liOAO, il'i.f, ... ll iUl.afc- Acting 0. t A I . onnit v.orvallis, O no EAST SOUTH VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. THE MOUNT SHAM - UL jL Caluiirniafexpresa trails ri.n uaily 'l'"1 I " ' ; Wmii " 0:00 p m . . Lv Portiatid ". "ArTT la, a.2s p m..Lv Albaiy 1 -.. , ..i ' m..Ar S. Francisco. L... t. u.. ( lan-al Vhs. Train loitly- (i.x. Sun. ay o:iXiam..Lv Portland ... .A; 4:00 -in 12:20 p iu.. Lv.. Albany Lv . Ij.ni.im ouupmAr I.OM-' iirLT. . .1.. O im la-ttt'.,.- :...,-t., i.cpmL 11L.a. , Ar i,.;i, l m j:.it,, nia.Ar. Li..aii.,n i.,.. s:4i ".lU1 ',VUl... l-T, .IiiOii, .v,. b.2i a 111. j-iL n:.i;". ).. . . .i't. m . V4I- ; m ali -.., oci., 1..MA1 (i ..ii .-1,1, iay; .10 1 N. la Pcoiuid Ar... urn a u f.w Ar....Alb.. Lv....o.oe a a P U LLM A N BU FF ETS LEEPEK&. TOURIST SLEF.'!: '. i kt. For accouimouation of s .vn.i-vl Pa aencers attached to F..resa i,-.-lllN Between 1 ..ii,..;id i:JKl CwvaiiiB Mull Train lim', - xeep-. .Sunday 7:.(0a m..Lv. ...Po. la 12:lo p m..Ar ii: . . Ar.fi.Mp. m L. I2.5.".p. oi At Albany and i:, rvallis connect with trama of ure-on Paiii. -!.'.-i.Toail. : im..Lv. , i:Jb p m.. Ar. , . PorCiuni . Ar.. 8:20am . .M.'iiainn'.Ie.Lv.. f.4Aoa THROUGH TICKFTS lo All Pnint. EAST AND SOUTH tf For tickets and fn i,:formation re- irardinir rules mans, aireiit at ilnv. K. KOKMLI li, Maiiairer , call on company 'a E. P. RtK.ERS, Acs, li. F. & P, A TICKET nd frAm oiiiis in t Can PULLMAN PALACE CAR SLEEPERS. Ti. Colonist (Sleet'" Cars ?ta Throe gh b Ex 'lOTflTrftltif OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO ND ST. LOUIS. Mr,tt Jew Uinliii: t ar Mil linnicc. Close Connections at Portland for San Fran Cisco and Pupi i Sound point. ?'Bat leave the O n-p.-ny's wharf, at tbe foot of P-rtn'olbin Hree,, en Tuesdsv an j Friday of each v oek. '.' O. RAW LINUS, t'itv ticket and Freight Agent 4irxrral TrHfllr Mssafrr. 1. W. Jt.K. i. f. 4. JOHN SCHfEER'S Livary. Feed & Sale stable Comer fifmd nnd ffl'worth St ALFANT, OIIEGOX Hot:rks BOARnFn by the day rr inonth. Car r-.-'iree or bmric rea.t.le termt -. cr.l FOSHAY & MASON Wholeee and Ketwl 55 .i:h . !-r ..if. !tl .li L--y ,,y tl-a n.- f if LBAKT, C I IO