Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, September 27, 1890, Page 1, Image 1

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.4v Jt-
ALBANY, OREGON, SrTU 11 DAY, S EPTE M 15 E 1 1 4 7 ,
VOL. V. NO. 201
tjrinu vcl ; n i tut m i
W I IT'S I 6ii . LI 1 I I I I II J mJ I II I I n III I W'l I r 1
rrKt.F.C'l l.D 'ltCU "1
FrrtVJillNU (U 0.
liver brought to the twu of AJbany. We invite con ar'ci.n. M'e
kn w we ou pleaM. Good honof-t prMidp, low prices and rt urteous
treatment. iCesjied fully.
Our buyer hf
us in a muss a
A nd to e-et ou.
have p-otto laake
close pi ices
insr etove.
on i)
Too in
bnnl t uu?ad
price will do it.
Girlaru, Monitor,
Argazid and Superi
or Raages. Cooks
and Beaters, Haid
wueuid Cutlery:
art fi
lKY i( !-;,
tilILDl:i..N-S ;ii)SIKKY,
111! S
funis t S,TT.
x&K Jmk.
lit? Ce'eiiHed Faich
ur m'lte
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film r
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tTi : llliEU-
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.tlMkf (OWII
i .i'.l.f me, ett: .
'.uk ii'netu.
' ri:t. 11:
turti il OihUj-
.)!, I ;itr rtict-. -z 1 Vjak Memory,
'. .-'ir i'-.wcru-i-l luip.-,- , whit-It if 110,--..
..i'l-u Ic.i-i ;r ;i.:ture old age arid
; I'n; 1 a; jJlKixtft fcrn.'X
-i ' irv .:.r l i i.tu rrluml tnr
rm '-i J 1 S'4 lliaiiritl (lit H i:otftfe(ttJ.
. . . ( ;'M !'ti;iuni:i!H from old
. : ' n't, ol iH''! ni", i)o unve iiit-it
tn !iti- 1 .t! rund ; . :if .tto I AhrodiLin
Pit..1 r fie . A-l-i-.-
At N tti li'n.h, i'.'v. ?T. I'ortlf'id, rwrfi.
1 t-t i'v Ki'.-ln v M.ftii. I'Htil and
Fur Female Ir
n rif'ritieH; noth
ing'' iik thrm on
tlie market. Never
by prominiiit
''fctff J$ (iiianintcti" to re-
Meve tmnpresseij
W'l l:n r-Bliuutlcn.
ft ft 0 ft
Pon't le humhuie
L'ed. Save time.
Huiitli and nioney.
I .'' Ti.. Take no ttlier.
j .-rv Sent to any ad
dress n.. ii ; i, rm i;.t ,l iriiw, $2 00. Ad
, .lre t.ttri 'lidirtue l'nitiiiiy
'A -t lira:-I. l'.r v7. Fiirllnnal, r.
Said by Fofbay & Ma:m. Albany. Orejeo
i-l I r-d eT:iie H.-i'iirity. For particu-
lur-. -i.iiiire jf lie... II '.mplirev.
OI.I-.F.I'I KSS NHiltl'S ninde uiiservlile by
t t rr'Me t-Miih. liiloh's ure is
-iy tftr For Maie b F...h:i V
w; i n . mi; d-
If y.-ii wi-ii to pmrhae clocks,
or j -wiry it will pay you 10 call
aii' i see Of.
Giaiid' Oyster Ownt
Oysteis for sale in huge or small
iu.iiitities. .tST'Ea-iein and
C t oysters.
I' ye elegant lotion for sunburn
l i i i j
Propose to sell their sliait of
No pno" iiiaile. Out
ustoueTS are lnviU'il to come
anl set tliirowii ri,-,tiniH ami
atno'int ot'-o iU wand-d as hn
s iii'k
i l .:; r
Captain Trimbieton Thinks It j
Inevitable. g
I he Ooiuoi Sto T Dedied - Ki.iiao
.0, T,,
Exp c cd in Large Nnnil
Appropriation Rro-ived.
rirrsKi-KM. Sept. 2fi. Captain
rrimi'lH-m, of tlie Seventh U.i.
avalry, con) at Fort Sill,
passe.i tiirougli I'itieburj? to-tl&K
He says tliH greiiteHt Imlian- hf
risititr of the present Unit? Lis
certain jo oine soon. . Tfc n 4 -
anH have got an idea that a -gr-at
medicine man in coming to wiix;
lout the whiteB aii'l restore to tliem
j iJjji
ownership of the eountrv.
The result i thev tiave entered
with the fivor of f . n.iti' s upon a
yerit s of incantiitio-p and religious
nivien. Fivi- thuiiiil Iniiiand
about Fort ill have renounced
Christianity, and he is eertain
t hat in a shoitfinie fcomebody will
he deluded to he t heir expected
great medicine man anil then the
trouble will begin. He thinks all
the C garrisons should be
In Lieu of Northern Tactile Idem
nlly Land.
Washington. Sept. 2(5. The bill
which the house has finally pass
ed, after the conference with the
senate, for the relief of the settlers
on the Northern Pacific idemnity
lands applies to four hundred
settlers, who entered upon the
land in northern Minnesota. It
allows those who made settlement
upon the lands in good f ith, and
were qualified to do so to make set
tlement on other lands within a
year, and be allowed upon those of
other lands the benefit of the
length of time they resided, a"
seitlers, upon lands upon which it
has been decided they had ro
right to make entry.
t'oliKrenn 1'iihIiIiii; the Work Along
Washington, Sept. 2fi. In the
senate to-.lay Sherman introduced
bill wlncn was referred to the
committee on appropriations, ap
propriating $133,000 for the ;jur-
chase, for the use of the sen!:?, of
the Mai thy house, at t-, crooning
of New Jersey avei'iic and B street,
nortliwest, with vacant, lots on the
north side of it. He said the rea
son why its purchase had been
so long delayed was that there had
been litigation an to the title.
1 lie report for the establishing
of a 20(10 acre park in the District
of Columbia was passed.
House bill jointly appropriating
$1,01)0,000 for the purchase of
nickel matter for naval purposes
was received from the house.
Cameron offered an amendment
providing that such nickel ore or
nickel matter so purchased shall
be equitably distributed among
the contractors of nickel steel ar
mor plating.
Honied the Chatge.
Vi. ...ittA, B. C, Sept. 26. U.
S. consul Meyers emphatically de
nies sending any dispatch to the
treasury department in reference
to the Victoria schooner Halcyon.
A telegram under a Port Townsend
date gave him as authority for the
statement that the Halcyon i-r.ow
due irom China with a full cxr-oof
opium, to be smuggled, if ,o 0lle,
! ;'Ho the United States. Mycr also
ueme sending any reports refer
ring to the return of Victoria
schooners to the Behring sea for
the winter sealing, which the cor-
resKndent credited to him. Both
s'atements were made in connec
tion with the conjectures of the
Port Townsend correspondent as to
the destination of the cutter
A Large Immigration Expected
New York, S. pt. 2(i. Hebrews
here expect a great intbix of Rus
sian Hebrews. The committee
which has charge of Baron De
Hirsch fund f r this country
$10,000 per month, will hold a
meeting in about two weeks to
consider the prob ble increase and
take steps for sen Jug immigrants
to western points.
A Santa Itarbarn Man IHacorera
Intelligence In a Tree.
A storv ot one oi tne most in
teresting lreaks of vegetable life
is tola py bllwoou Cooper, of
.'I I ... I .. ... c
Santa Harhara. as coming from.
and, morever. having happened to
him, the story cannot be any
thing but strictly in accordance
with facts. Verily may we ask
ourselves, 'Do plants think?"
Mr. Cooper believe" they do, and
here are some of his reasons.
Through Mr. Cooper's gan' n
there ran, some years ago, a sewer
made out of redwood timber.
This sewer was acain cased by an
outside sewer, which in course of
time had partially decayed.
Across the sewer wa" built a
bri k wall many feet high, and in
such a way that it was pierced by
the inner sewer, which it erclosed
tichtly, while the outside sewer
ended abruptly against the wall.
As I said, the outside sewer cas-
ing had, in course of time, de
cayed, and a eucalyptus tree
sianding some CO feet away had
taken advantage of this and sent
one of it-H roots to the coveted spot
in as direct tin ; as possihle.
Here the root entered ti e outside
sewer and followed its course as
far as it could ; at last it came to
the wall, which shut oil its course,
and here it could get no fu ther.
the inside sewer being perfectly
But on the other side of the
wall the sewer and its double cas
ings continued, and this eucalyp
tus evidently knew how ; to get
there. Some three feet high in
the brick wall there was a little
hole one or two inches in diameter
and this the eucalyptus tree was
aware of. as its biir root bemn to
A?iJi vl,7 na
di V wall and face the
hole, thrugb which it decended c.n
I he other side ami entered the
sewer again and followed along as
formerly. Was ever such in-tinct
known before, or are similar
traits in plants of daily occurence,
only we are not aware of them?
How did the tree know of the
hole in the wall? How did it
know that the sewer was on the
other side? l)id it smell, and if
it did how could it direct the loot
to go to tind the hole with such
precision? This., is, of cod se,
another explanation of this curious
phenomenon. The roots of any
plant grow always and unerringly
in the direction of its food just a a
those of the eucalyptus tree did.
San Diego Sun.
Shearers in New South Wales
and Queensland have gore on a
The Dock Laborers' Union in
London have cabled A' 750 to Syd
ney for the benetit of strikers.
The British war office is annoyed
by the inceasing difficulty of pro
curing recruits for the army.
The Italian g ivernment has de
cided to stop the payment of sub
sidies to steamship companies after
the present contracts expire.
Captain K. F. Sftiinid'. who for
some time has !een missing ironi
Cincinnati, on account of misap
propriation ot Lecion o! Honor
funds, was to-day found in a grave
yard near that city, w here he had
been hiding.
The Musicians' Mutual Benefit
Association, of St. Iamus, object to
the importation of tie Mexican
band which played in this eountrv
several vears ano, on the ground
tha' it is a violation of the alien
contract law.
Two fishermen named William
Bowers and Edward Mullen were
8hot while taking fish from ti e
nets of othc men at St. Mary's
reservoii, near Lima, O. They re
turned the 'ire, fatallv wounding
a man named Andrews.
.as fine a sm lting plant as ex
ists in the United States will soon
be erected near San Luis Potosi,
Mexico. It will be owned by a
Kansas corporation mid the it will paralyze the smelting
induetry m the I nited States.
Kev. J. J. Faude, rec.orof Oetb
semane Episcopal church at Min
neaiHjhs, has been preaching vig
o rou s sermon" against the homai.
Catholic church. He was warned
in a letter that unless his remark
ceased his life might te forfeited.
Brigands are making havoc
among such tourists as are rash
enough to expose themt-eives to
the danner of traveling in tt'c
Lower F.pirus. Cases ot highway
robbery are of frequent occurrence
and several murders have been
c- mmitted by bandits.
The friends of Sister Kose tier
tiude (Miss Amv Fowler), wlm
recently announced her intention
of livinir amont; the lepers in the
Sandwich Islands, claims there is
no truth in the report that she is
to be married, anil attribute the
story to the efforts of missionary
societies to injure her.
Mrs. Mary Meehar. is under ar
rest in Jcsey City, N. J., for
attempting to burn her biother
He charges that while he wa
asleep she poured kerosene over
him and then set his clothes on
fire. His little brother came in
i nu threw water on turn ana so
saved his life, though he was bad
ly burned.
Sudden change of temperature
and humidity of the atmosphere
often produces disorders.ol the kid
neys and bladder, use Dr. .1. 11
McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm
to check these troubles in their
Faults of mdinest on cause dis
orders of the liver, and the whole
system becomes deranged. Dr. J.
H. McLean's strengthening Cor
dial and Blool Purifier periects
the process of digestion and assim
ilation, and thuc makes pure
blood. .
v .
When the stomach lacks vigor
and regularity there will le flatu
lence, heartburn, nausea, sick
headache, nervousness, use Dr. J.
H. McLean's Strengthening Cor
dial ami Blood Purifier, to give
tone and regularity to the stomach.
If vou Buffer pricking pains on
moving the eyes, or cannot bear
bright light, and find vour sight
weak and failing, you should
promytly use Dr. J. II. McLean's
Strengthening Salve. 25 cent a
Old California Criminals Com
plete the Job.
The Jnrv'a H.sUka Coartaaiai to Our
p -She Could Not Coerce Him
Would Not Apologize.
Kfpding, Cal., .-ept. 26. The
Kedding and ( Vdarville staue was
ro'heil last night about lio miles
from Kedding, near Morley's sta
tion, at II o'clock. Two robbers
marked, one a lar man, the
other a short ai d strongly built
fe'low, ordered Ed, .Jrackett to
p, presem ng pistols, lhe first
question asked was, "Are here
inv passengers?" The Wells.
Fajgo's Company's lox and gov
ernment way iKMich were then
throw n nut on demand and from
which some $H00 was extracted.
The empty envelopes ami packages
were put back in the box and sack
and returned to the driver. The
robbery was not unexpected, as
suspicions characters have been
hangintr around the locality for
some time. In lact the ax used
was stolen in the neighborhood.
They are supposed to be old bands
at the bu-iness, for one advised
that the mail ne untouch 1.
They Fight
With Rare
One Iiea.
I'lUa and
Lexington, Va., Sept. 20. Tes-
terdav two cadets in the Virgil ia
Military Institution, Warren Tali-
fene, of Virginia, and Frank W.
Met 'ommice, of Texas, had a fist-
u If. from the effects of which
Taliferro died a few moments
later. There was some point of
honor at stake, and the two youiit
men, aged respectively about Iti
i ml 18, repaired to one of the
society halls, selected their seconds
and made a nig. 1 he fiht lasted
ibout half an hour, mid both were
ha :lv bruised. Taliferro went to
his room with his nose bleeding.
went to seep ami never woke
aga:.. His death was only dis
covered late i.i the afternoon. The
iown is boih excite 1 and ditr'ss
el. the opinion s 'ems to I Miiit
nothing can be do '' . .'.'( 'om
mice before anv jury i.vrer.'x.ur. .
s t ht! two were eveliiv matched
as to size, and th tight was fair.
This is the tirs! instance of tin
kind in the eistory of the insti
tute. Ten years ago asl'inirloi.
I.toman killed another studem
with a croquet ball in a fit ol
anger, list lights have been
going on constantly, seemingly as
a test of" pluck with no bad results.
! aliferro is a nephew of Ueneral
I'a'iit rro. one of the most promin
ent men in the state. Both cadet.-
were first-year men. McCommice
vas arrested and bailed out It
is learned from a trustworthy
source, that .Met wa- so
badly injured, that he has been
speechless and unconscious sine
the tight.
Prohibition and Farmer Nominate
a Hybrid Ticket.
( i k a n i Fokks, N. Dak., Sept.
26. Lite last night the state con
vention of prohibitionists and
farmers' alliance endorsed the re
publican nominees for congress,
lieutenant-governor, commissioner
of insuran -e and railroad commis
sioner, tnd the democratic nomi
nee for secretary of state, superin
tendent of public instruction and
railroad commissioner. nd nomi
nated for governor Walter Muir;
for auditor. H. P. Dickieson; for
treas' ter, K. J. Norland; for at
tomey general, N. C. Young and
for rai road commissioner, Ezra
Would Not Apologize.
City oj Mexico, Sept. 26. En
rique Chavarr, better known to
the reading public of Mexico under
the noin de plume of ''Juvenal,'"
society and dramatic editor of
Monitori Kepublicano, of this city,
was shot this morning through the
right hand, in the hull ot the
Iturbide hotel, by Mrs. Ixtiise
Jaurequi de Cipn mi, widow ot a
wealthy Italian. Why she tried
tojtill him is unknown positively,
a- several contradictory rumors
are afloat regarding lhe alfair. At
the muzzle ot a revolver, she at
tempied to force Juvenal to beg
her pardon on his knees, which he
reiused to do. .-ome years agn
the same writer l-st an eve in a
Heavy Loaa by Fire.
Tai nton, Mass., Sept. 26. The
i irrowsvnle mill at .Norton was
burned at 8 o'clock this morning,
together with the store house, and
atwo-storv tenement house. The
fire ms discovered in the spinning
room. lxss, $7o,0i:0 to $100,000,
A Naval Tribute.
Niei., Belgium, Sept. 26. The
United .-tales cruiser Baltimore
which left Stockholm Thursday
morning, arriv. d here to day
Duong her stay at Stockholm
courtesies were exten led to t
officers of the B.-ltim ;c and con
tinued to the hour oi ber d- ii t.
ure. Thousands lined the hat ks,
cheering and w aving God speed,
along the course to the sea. Young
girls in boats threw countless
)ouquet8 on boaro . Jl ship
steamed by. The "4 . tn .ute
was one that i o iuati-.. - f has
ever before received. The visit of
the Baltimore to Stockholm will
long be remembered.
Exhuuieg the Ituily of Her Child -Triea
to .urm It Rack to Lite.
Vienna, Sept. 20. The horrible
dei d 'A H giiei-deuii nie-l in -l er
was made public to-day. llelenc
duller, w ile of a master painter,
in Meedhng, near this city, lost
her only child, a hoy 2 years oi l,
by diphtheria in r-. bruary list,
alter an illness of otie day. The
suddenness of the death appealed
to paialyze the motln rs brain and
make it impossible lor her to real
ize that ihe child was dead. Ol
late she has devoted almost every
hour of the day to sitting nn hei
baby's grave and holding imagi
nary conversations witli the dea'l
child. One morning a week ago
tne sexton discovered that the
grave had been oiened, the coffin
lid taken oil and ihe body stolen
by the mother, who h;-d taken it
to ln-r home, wrapped i: inar-hxwl
t nd placed it in a trunk. During
the day she had taken it out. and
caressed it, ami at ni-ht while her
husband slept she had tak'.-n it to
led with her and einh -a voted to
infuse warmth into it.
A,Sinait Boy Make Capital of a
lelght-of. Hand Trlok.
He was a pretty smart boy lit
is minister's son, by the -jy,
which explains it and he got away
with a designing shop-keeper in a
way that did credit to his parent
age, says the St. Paul i'ionet.
Press. The dealer had been prac
ticing some sleight-of-hand tricks
and w hen a bov strolled in lie se
lected him for a subject.
"You see this pebble?" said be
as he rolled it in his. hand. "Now
ou don't see it, but ou till ti id
a nickel on the biiui of your hat.''
He reached over anil took the
nickel, ''Just watch this now," he
continued. The buy did so Tht
pebble was transfon.ied to a nickel.
'"Was that my pebble?"' inquir
ed 'lie youth cautiously
"Certainly," was Ihe answer.
Not content with ohe exhibition
"f his smartness he ij'seo the
.ebble in his bat; I ;o ! i. .lisao
.u-i-.i. lhe bo J d i i- :!n.k
Hi hat bi iih.'ii i- t ia e 1 out w
tne shop with ;hs i; "11
that was Uiy pebit'e. then
must be uiv nickel."
The proprieler Aas too much as
tonished at his logic to object, and
the minister is worldly enough tc
stop writing his sermon to ia.igl.
in his sleeve at the . uteness ot tin
"cl ip of the o.ld block."
I Walla Walla Olrl Who Kum
Away la Deserted by Her Lover.
I'ehd'u-toii Oretfonimi,
A comely young girl with spark
ling black eves and sporting a r ri
dress and jockey cap, f. und her-
ell in a l eck of tou de v- sl -fdav.
She gave he' name as Daisy
iui h, ami arrived yet-terdaj
from Walla Walla, with a French
man, in a buggy, lhe two seen r J
rooms at McFarland's lodging
house, and ti.e Frenchman left,
saying that he wished to put th
team a in livery stable lids w as tht
last seen of him. Instead of putting
up the team he drove off and awav
with ten dolla-s of the girl's
money, she being left without
lucre or frit-mis. Her case hap
pened to attract the attention ol h
good Samaritan, by whom phi
was furnished funds to ret or
home. She h it ior Walla Walln
The girl told several different
stories of It -r escapade. In ex
plana'ion of the Frenchman 's
desertion, she Slid he i al paid
several bills for her in Walla
Walla, and probably to k that
method of "getting even "
An Ancient Cemetery.
Fort Dodne Tines.
In excavating for the reservoii
for the water woiks on the hir
that overlooks the town, the work
men at Humboldt f.'Ui d fairly well
preset ved, the skeleton of five per
sons, and as. many more of thost
feculiarly dark seuus that so sure
y indicate a thoroughly dissolve
lody. The bones denote a very
ancient cemetery. The teeth wen
leifect in a couple of case, but a
worn as to indicate great age. The
skulls were tilled with a snbstanc
principally clay and very hard, and
shtwed the veins as plainly as tie
genuine brain. They lay upon
their sides and nothing f reigt;
was found with them except clam
shells. They were dow n about
two feet.
We'iirrv a full line of men's,
boys, 1 , .jes and children's shoes
at liguie.s that will surprise yon
i. W. Simpson.
See our novelty dress patterns.
They are cheap and of tne latest
styles, ii. W. Simpson.
Novelties in wash dress fabrics.
The largest slock in the city al
Samuel E. Young's.
Have you seen the uew
ountain a' C.iintnina'e?
Miners: go to F. M. French
or your m;.gn;! ipg glasses.
A full line of trusses for sale at
Cumming's drug store.
A Grief
Crazy Act.
Acqnitwd of Murder-TaiiffBill-Baidall
Left no Will - Heavy Lost- Killed
By a Fall.
San Francisco, Sept. 26. A
lispatch irotn Washington sav the
treasury departments extreme
efforts, have not succeeded in bid
ing ti.e mission ot the Wolcott, U.
S. Kc venue Culler. When bhe
suiln from Port Townsend, it will
ie to accomplish three great pur
poses, incidentally she will look
ior seal Poacher.", and arrest any
poachers that my cross her
course. he will endeavor to in
erccpt opium smugglers near the
United vtates tKjrders and will
look out for threatened influx of
Chinamen now returning from
cdiintiies in .'.litish Columbi.1 ami
who will endeavor to slip into the
UiU' d States.
A Jury Oivea a Verdict to a Plaintiff
Intended for Defendant.
SvuvcfsE, N. Y., Sept. 26. A
uriovs mistake occurred here to
day in Justice Olxu lander's court
room, which is without precedent
in the annals of jurisprudence,
and w hich illustrates how absurd
law technicalities may be at times.
Mrs. Carrie Darr brought an action
for an accounting against J. Mc
Culloiigh, of this city. The jury
agreed in their private room on a
verdict in favor of the defendant,
but when they returned to the
court room th foreman blunder
ingly announced a verdict 'or the
plaimitl". The court accordingly
recorded the decision as announced
.i ml gave judgment for the plain
t 11". Alter the jury had been dis
charged and the lawyers separated
the mistake was discovered, but
the justice sai l that lie could not
change- th"! records, ami that the
verdict must stand as announced.
It world be against public policy
to Iiow the luty to discredit its
o.ti vi y.liet, and it has Iteen re
. .et-liv held that jurymen can
n t make ai'idavits with reference
owhat may have taken place in
the jury room.
Prison Reform in Kuavla.
St. Pktkhsbi'kg, Sept. 26. A
reform is altout to be adopted in
the treatment of female prisoners.
The chief of the department of
prisoners proposes to substitute
lor corporal punishment, hereto
fore visited upon women, a care
fully graded list of banishment
.mil solitary confinement, both
to take place on the islam! of Sag
haben, in the Paci-'c, the solitary
confinement to !e measured by
the numV r of lashes which viola
tion of ' '. rules by ' a woman
would now entitle her to receive.
If, under the present law. (he
would receive one lash with a knot,
the new rules wonld give her in
stead, ten days of solitary confine
ment, and two days instead of
every blow with the ordinary
Womtn Acquitted of Murder.
VicroKiA, B. C, Sept. 26. The
assize court was busy all day yes
terday w ith the case of Wegina vs.
Roi'tleJge for murder. Continual
brutalities on the part of Dugan,
who was shot by the prisoner.were
proved, and the defense set up
that the shooting was purely acci
dental. Chief Justice Begbie
charged strongly against tie pris
oner, and asked for a verdict of
either murder or manslaughter.
The jury, however, found the
woman no' guilty.
Barrumtla'a, Daughter Attain.
Citv of Mexico, Sept. 26. The
married daughter of General Bar
rundia w ho made an attempt on
Minister Mizner's life, lias arrived
a Oaxaca. Mie goes to tne t nueu
Srtttes with a large bundleof d cu
ments concerning her father's
murder to present to President
The Tariff Bill.
Washington, D. C, Sept. 26.
The conferees on the tariff bill
have reached a final agreement
ami the icHrt will probably be
ready for presentation to the house
between 2 and 3 o'clock this aftei
noon. The conferees have agreed
that the bill shall go into effect
Octolier 6. The duty fixed on
binding tw ine is seven-tenths per
cent. r pound.
Killed By a Fall.
I 'oicv i lis, Sept. 26. Professor
J. C. Keezel of Philomath Coiege,
f.-ll from t he r'Ktf of the new college
building Tuesday evening, while
shingling, a distance of seventeen
feet. The fall paralyzed him from
the v i-; down. He died this'
morning at 6 o'clock.
Randall Left No Will.
Piiti.ApEi.i'iiiA, Sept. 26. Hon.
S.J. Kan 1U, who died in Wash
ington on the l.Jth ot April, latieu
io execute a w ill. To-day the re;
is ci of w ills granted letters of ai
ministration in nia estate to his
widow. The entire estate left by
the deceased is valued at about
$0000, and consists entirely of per
sonal effects.