cit VVEEKtV F3l'HSCRJPTI'N DAJLt - avsry mornln except Moiuly.l .M..a.I K BU W 020 V mull, pw T , 00 'WEEKLY. trjbUansil Try Friday Morning.) ae psf annum, lo dvno. 2 00 iid In ndviwa J TtW W I LA. lalla a ths Albany pustofllcsclors for all offices ooria Out Eastern states til We da . tk. Maims Oi ' H. EJ Portland, and ..mjnsaad Taoiu, 1:'?r " oflca auutb -.TaO r. M The Dostoiflca will be each eretdua na six to srren o'clock. aevbtami matter lor the It raornlnir un ahouUl ! mailed before 8 o clock the liMTtwi sreuiar. &BUUX PACIFIC TIME TABLE. ArrlTea Departs . 'lLlSamjlOO p m .. S. 25pm I 6-6f' coyuBsanioNAL DUTIES. To tie average American citizen, who studies the political economy f the nations of rbii earth, and understands the wants, interests and duties of citizens as well as raters, it is a permanent belief that law makers, elected by the suffrages of the people and en trusted with not only their own but the welfare ol the entire pet pie, hare certain duties to per form ; that they subscribe to a oleum and binding oath to per form these duties, and if they fail in carrying out wht they promise t do, that they are amenable to the law that holds a broken oath as perjury. ' One of these essential duties for congressmen is attendance at the sessions, and action for the best interests of their conetitients. The foundation principle of our gov ernment is that the majority shall rule and without this sure and permaaept anchor there would be uo stability, in reality no gov eminent, for we would rapidly go to pieces. Majorities may be wrong, but even if they are, for the safety and rights of the people, the will of that major. ty must rule, and truet to the logic of vent to right the wrong and cor ct the errors of the majority. It is the plain and unequivocal duty of the minority to perform then legislative duties all the same, casting their votes in tbe direction that they believe the wishes of their constitienta would direct ant and accept the results, and main tain their patriotic devotion U; duty. That our legislators do not hvi up to the requirements in thi respect in apparent to every per son who has watched the con gressional proceedings. As disre spectful and censurable as bai been the action of some of th. congressmen who have forgone to be gentlemen and used language i'i the debate that afterward wa-i ordered expunged from th records, that was as nothing com pared with tbe palpable disc ard of duty in refusing to answer roll call or to vote, for in the firt-i instance the acticn simply affects the individual who makes it, while in the last it aim ot the very foundation of our govern mer t anJ contains all of tbe cowardl. elements of the action of a veii table train wrecker, who to for ward his selfieh per.-onal iuierebt-. would endanger the lives and droperty of all on board the train : he would wreck. ' Those who have iollowed action of the obstructionists in the' house will say that the following j criticism of the Chronicle raej ample grounds for being made. "The democrats in the house are about as perfect an example of the tlg in the mangi-r as could be im agined. They will not assist in carsying on legislation nor will they consent that it be carried on without their asoistauce. When ever they want t defeat legislation they sKUlk out"of the hous-e ho as to break the quorum, anu yet none so loud at they in talking about popular rights and the beauties ot representative government. They have by their conduct, misspelled the republican majoi iiy to disregard the wishes oi tiie minority. They have forced the issue upou tho dominant party ot making laws without the aid or advice of minority, fur that minor ity has shown that its whole policy is one of obstruction. If the re publican party gees to extreme lenghts and adopts radical meas ures tike blame must rest upon the i democratic minority, which would do nothing to assist in carrying on the work of the session." Ir Ye Lang, the 1'ittsburg Cnns taiuized Chinese, has seen an ad vertisment in a highbinder journal of Bau Francisco offering reward of 500 for his head be might aa well ujaks his will. In vey few eases have such rewards been offered without results. We live, of couro, under American laws, but thes ? can't rcn'h the highbinder, as every coo'ie in this country knom to his cost. This fellow in Pittsburg may fancy that because he has be come a christian he will be more likely to secure protection ; but he will d stover his mistake An enterprising highbinder will as saxbinate him some niuht just as surely as though he had continued to pay worship to his joss and his ancestors. This state of thing it not creditable to our laws, but it will continue as long as any Chinese remainhere. The school children of the State of New York have voted that tbe golden rod shall be tbe symbolical flower to represent that state. A sharp competion was maintained ; but t.!- rose and other favorites by gol Ien rod won. Well perbaps even 1 1 . . t will be an improvement on the Scotch thistle. f., LIU ilxi n-. ' passed by cjngress, and is now the aw of the land, should be folio we'! by further s'.ite and national legi- j lation until swindles are forever eliminated from the land, or at least, driven to contort with the other criminal practices that dare not show their,face9 in the broad light of day. The Panama canal scheme, aftor exhaustiug all resources and frittering them away iu the almost criminal expenditure of money, anally curat to an e nt it wa suppos-d so but now it ap pears thai e hurts are being made to revive the defunct thing and spend more. money upon it. French lanHy Wafers. These wafers are a sure and safe specific for all kinds of female troubles and will remove all ob structions to the monthly periods, no matter what the cause. They are just what every womau needs, and can be used safely. For gab by the Livingstone Medical Co., manufacturers, 1'ortlaud, Oregon, also from cur solo agent, J. A. Cumming, druggist, Blumberg block, Albany, Oregon. Jackets and Wraps, I am now receiving my fall and winter stock of ladies, misses and children jackets and wraps which are oi tbe latest style and good value and as cheap aa standard goods can be bought. 1 have a lot of ladies Newmarkets carried over from last year, which 1 am selling at cost to make room for new ar rivals. bAUL'EL E. Voinu. Barlett fears. I am agent for the Salem hq nery and prepared to buy a'! the Bartlett Pears brought to u . in a shipping condition. 1'arties having pears to sell will do .ell to see me. bAMt'KL E. Yoi no. Lost. round, Mosaic gold br A oih, ty- t of A Al 'i be l by about the size of a silver tw five cent piece, eomew here v i Railroad street, in the city bany, Oregon. The finder w? suitably and liberally reward leaving the pin with L. 11. .'li ve or at the resilience i Malin on Fifth street, n. a. road street. Taken In. I often unetoread the nev -rMjer alo : . ' . v t ;V. said a g. -itle-man in our town the other day, but once I was fairly taken in by one of these little advertisements of groceries and patent med cities. The paragraph begun with the madest account of a sea serpent but ended by setting forth the virtue of Blackburn A Pironi, say; if you trade with them you will never get taken in. Corset! Corsets! We iuske a specialty of 1 iee i and misses fine corsets and w ft : We have a drive in a F ncl. i sateen corset at 75 cents. xtra good value. Samuel E. Y i no. To the Buyers of Shoes. We are offering some rare bar- gains in men's and ladies shoes, We sell you the same shoes that j other hoUHes show you made by j the same manufacturer in short i they are the same goods for much ! less money. Call and tee our : prices we guarantee to save from 20 to 50 per cent on each pair of shoes purchased. These good6 are new and first class iu every particular. A. B. .UcIlwain Buy your tickets to the east via ! the Canadian Pacific railroad, the j oei?t raiiway service in irom . to 10 t -heaver than aoy other traiiscoutiiieiitul line. Lne finest scenery in the world is along the Canadian Pat itic r.iilroad. lie uicmber you can t-ave d on a second-class iickt-i and h) on a lirst-j class ticket l.y purchasing our! tickets over tins line, for m ips :ind ticketfc. . tc.cali on K.A.Dui k-! hart, otficti opjKjhite tiie Fust National bank, Alt any, Or. New goods at head's. .MJtl f( ONE furnished front room with ! b..lh, i an be tented by a Krutleaisii a id j wi! or two ladies, bv ap,lyinK io J. l. SC'it, on bcvind street, beiasen Uroadalbia ! an4 kUworth A LiJ!0-t ,Hvl,NO ru:u ' X. accounn with Johu lierrciitr are re- uu sted to call at once snrl sittie as he has so, 1 his meat market aud ha. m.m the business. ' C A(i-NT ,rUk LtAU Sr.. hi. and aceKi. ins-ue, c. i CIS -GO TO C. FCR BARGAINS Not, selling at cost, but at prices that defy competition. Call and get priees. Our motto is "live and let live, quick sales and small profits. jnsr"Don't forget the place, McFarland Block. Resp'y, NEW YORE C. B. B, STORE. DEALER IN- Exclusive Agoncv fe Ludlow Fine Shoes- tiLt'MBEUG BLOCK The City Liquor Store M. BA ZJMGA UT, Proprietor. trSext door to the Odd Fellnin' cm tile, Albany, Oregon 8-1 Keeps constantly on hind the finuit i.nrrirre I and domestic wines, liquors, clears an ': Only first claw liiuor store In the city ' N PAID'. r0 'ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY' u Lius Manufacturer of -AND DEALER IN- FINE MfflD AND KEY WEST Cigars, Plug and Suoking Tobaccos. Meerschaum and Briar Pipes,'ai a full line cl SmoKers' Articles. Also dealer iu Neil -icot to Pffeiffer's candy store, Albany, Oregon, w v n rr JED Ten thousand Men Women and Children to buy goods of- DEYOE & FlfOMAliBOg;, r H ! yaU llUfl warranted, and every pair has his name and price stamped an bottom. 9 hi 3 W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. Fine Calf and Laced Waterproof Grain. The excellonre and warlnr qualities of this shoe cannot be bntter shown than ny the strong endorse ments of Its thousands of constant wearers. Se.OO Genuine Hand-sowed, an elegant and 9 stylish dress shop which commends Itself. MJOO llanderrd Welt. A flue calf shoo unequalled for style and durability. SO. SO (oodyear Welt Is tbe standard dress O Shoe, at a popular price. SO. SO Policeman w Shoe is especially adapted w for railroad m-'n, farmers, etc. All made in Congress, Itutton and I .ace. -72 w I rJ $3 & $2 SHOES l.adie's hare been most favorably and tne recent improvements inaae inera superior to any shoes sold at tbpiu Ak vour Ileal., and If anv suoes sola at ines. Ask your Dealer, and If direct to factory enoliwlug adTcrliaed price. poruu tor oraer oiatiKa. W. I lOl C.I.AS, Brackta, Man, SPRINGFIELD SAWMILL A- WHEELER, KPKINt SFI KLD, PKOl'KlETOR '"ion. Ti JI7T TCI Tl, 5,1 J f l&Ll) OREGON Albany vard and olHce on Kailroad, between 4ih d 5th ATX aa A. Wheeler, Albany Manager, a" MreetS-aW Having li mber not excelled in quality. Mid facilities rnt , a , .v prompt .nU satisfactory fJUing or e?dera. reSMarJtet??W oVlSe U a, WUlti?LM m RIGHT, THE IS. n m SEARLS (104 Notii (Qgtf LAiMliSAN D(OENT8 F BIHTR ai SHOES My Shoe Department is now'roinplete with the.latest stvlesfand fmef-t goods at the lowest pr ces. also Joseph Choice Cigars IinnrterH and TtpnlprB in all timl J f guns anu ammunition, fishing tackle of ev ery dencription, cutlery and base ball goods, tents, hammocks and camp chairs. The largest stock south of Portland. Come one and all. No trouble to show goods. Quic sales and small profits is our motto. Also repair tshop connected with store and first class workmen to do all kinds of work. r -o (!) H 0 PC h LADIES. received since Introduced j rlres. he cann ithtb. he cannot supply yon send rilYSKIAMS CU. CHAMBKKLIX, 31. D , Hoa,upathk Phvsician. offlce at l)r. Wallace's U -ard.Broa.lalbili street OS it liouu, 7 to 9 A. J to 3 and 6 'o3f, 11. M H. ELLIS, PBYSICIAK , geou, Albar.y Oregon . ANl SURr WB. DAVIS, M. D. PHYS1CIAS ASU mweon. Can be found at his o:Hce room in Strahan'H block. First street. Alliany Oregon- cTkEILY, PHYSICIAN AND riUR J. geon Albany, Oregon, office in Pierce' new block Office hours, from 8 A. a. to F. u. A J. ROSS1TEB, VETERINARY SUK . geon, graduate of Ontario veterinary college and member of the Ontario veterin ary medical society, is prepared to treat the diseases of all donieHticatcd animate on scientific principles. . Office at Ans Marshall's livery stable' Residence 4th and Calapooia streets, Albany, Oregon. DB, E. A. McAlistkr iiomkoi'ATiiic phy sician and surgeon lias removed hia office into Crawford's block. All calls prompt ly attended to. DrToTA!-WrHifXEY. PHYSICIAN AND surgeon Graduate of Bellevue Hospi tal Med!cal (to! tae. New York City. Diseases of wunen a biw.'ialty, Office in at residence on 7th street between Calapooia and Vine, 1 1 Alliany Oregon. irR.M. J PA 'TON, PHYSICIAN AND I L ' Surgeon, Blumberg's Block, Albany, Or. iriuau uuKiHW A ae:wi(.y. lie iuuiiu i) the office day or night. 4TTOBKVb. W. T. HURNKY. L. T. BAKIN, J. W UKAl'KR l)UK.S'?:V, BAU1N II DKAI'KK, ATloll f neys at law, Oregon Citv, Oregon. Twea t v years experieu -e as p-jitsterof th.' I'. S. Ijlinl Ohlce at Oregon City and in tiie land practice reconnnrnds us in ur Sn.-cialty lusioess before the Lund Office or tbe courts and inv.ilrbifr the pnt'-tice in the ge end Land Office. C. WATSON, attorney-at-law, Albany , Oregon. Otlice iu Htralian block J. N. DUNCAN ATi'OKNF.Y-T LAW and notary pumic. O'tice in tbe Strahau blK:k, rooms No. 1 and 2. l. R. H. BLaCKHLRN. d. W WKIOHT, BLACKBl ltN, i WRIGHT ATTOKNKV AT Law, Albany trt-K'i. Office in Odd f ellow's Temple. rVill practice in all courts jl the state, and give special attention to all business. OLVERTONCH ARLES E. AITORNEY at Law, Albany, Or. Office in rooms 13 and 14, Foster's Block, over L. E. Blsin's store, K. WEATHFKFORD, ATTORNEY AT . law, Albany, Oregon. Oftice in the Klinn Block. Will practice in all the courts of thestate, and give special attention to all business. J AMES P. MEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and title examiner, Albany, Or. Will practice in all the courts of the state. Ab stracts of title furnished oni short notice. Ten years experience. SECRET SOCIETIES. A. O, U, W. Safety Lodge No. 13; meets every Monday eveninic at the G. A. R. hall on Ferry street, between Seeond and 1hird, Albany, Oregon. Strangers in thj city and transient brethren cordially invited to attend. UcPherson Post No. 6, O. A. R. Stated meetings a: the G, A. R. Hall on the second and Fourth Friday evenings ct each monrh. Transient Comrades are cordi- y in vited to meet with us S. W. RKECE, B. F, Tablsr, Commander Adjutant, Land SnrvejiuK. PARTIBS BBSIRUra SDRVBYIKO DONS CAM OS tain accurate and prompt work by cailinr upon ex-county surveyor F, T, T. Fisher. He hascomplete copies of Seld notes and town ship plats, and is prepare 1 to do surveying in any part of Linn county. Postoffice address. Millers Station. Linn cou ity , Oregon. Contractor and Builder. DO. 611 BM. WILL FIR.VISU PLA-S, srsciriVA . tions anr) details for all kinds of build ing and architecture. All work promptly done and guaranteed to be first-class. Esti mates furnished cn short notice for brick buildings, residences, public buildings, bridges, etc. - CW. AVERS, ARCHITECT AND SUPER , intendaut. Office over First National baukjbuild'ng, Albany, Or. Work solicited from all parts of the county Contractor and Builder niHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING LOCATED X in Albany solicits patronage from city and country. Will contract to build bridges bams, and all manner of dwelling houses, Including Queen Anne, Eastlake and Eliza bethian styles of buildings. Will furnish plans, andspecifications free of charges. Satis faction guaranteec W. C. C'ASSEL. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liver C'ompldintt Shiloh's Vitalizeris uara nteed to cure you. For sale by Foshay Mason. FOR lame back, side or chest,' use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by Fchay & Mason. OrepStaleFair, '90 13TH ANNUAL EXHIBITION Under the management of the State Board of Agriculture, w ill be held on the state fair grounds near Salem, com mencing on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1890 And lasting one week CASH PREMIUMS Offered for agricultural, stock and mechanical exhibits, for works of art and fancy work and for tri als of speed. Reduced rates for fare and freight on all transportation lines to and from the fair, Important im provements have been made upon the groudds and increased facili ties are offered exhibitors. The Pavilion Open FOUR NIGHTS PURINC THE WEEK. A splendid field of horses enter ed in the speed department, and tine exhibitions of racing will be given each day. Entries for premiums close Mon day at 7 :20 p. m. Exhibors are urged to make as many of their entries on Saturday before the fair as possible. Goods, animals and articles for exhibition muct be in their places by 10 p. ja. Monday. PRICK9 OF ADMISSION; Man's day ticket $ 50 Woman's day 25 Man's season ticket 2 50 Woman's season tick -1 1 00 Send to the secretary at Portland Oregon, for a premium list. 1). JH. lOOiSEY, President. J, T. Qum, OMnUrf. OVER $15,000 :.!Sffiffia Fete & Mason Q? MatWWaslibiirDe fv.77 ALBANY OREGON, t ir VKZxi YI 'm' tbia game. We ft - hsl mean to win if we don't make a ii f I I cent. We're going to do the bulk y v w Lfyy q of the hardware business of Al X b Si.any. Get of us. Ours areas m y jk) ; J g 1 ;,ood as anybody's and a little Is y Q po'ieaper. Our stock compriees ttT - ' .tttVn c5- r ail that is best in hardware stov. , t'.iwr. 3, stoves, e'.c. Tie tel. Shoes io (lie Market. HI J.OB0VS iiiiii GIRLS 3- W SX3VE3PSOHST JULIDS GEADWOHL'S GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. THE LEADING CROCKERY, FANCY GOODS AND TOY STORE OF ALBANY. THE ONLY GENU IN h ROGERS BROS S1L VEBWARE, FRENCH CHINA ID GLASSWARE, BOY'S WAGONS, BABY AND DOL.L CAR, RIAGES, AND A General Assortment cf Fancy Goods. Specialty n the finest Teas, Coffees and Family Groceries. He buys direct for net cash and carries the largest stock in the Valley. insurance ageut lor t ire and FOR PURE DRUGS TOILET AN1 FANCY GOODS GOTO h. tV'Isb " - iss7 cr-T-, mm: j. : ALSO CARIES The Finest Lire ot Pianos and Organs in the Willamette Valley, CALL AKI) T'XAW IJVE II ST1CK 1? EE D -AND- GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WANTEDJ SPECIALLY Hay, osts and potatoes, to Bupply cunton eri on the Oregon Pacific Railroad extension and my increasing home trade. wnerp I wil m o"antitiHs tr suit tli;i ALBANY BAKERY. FARKER BROS., PROPRIETORS. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND . CAKES :for-. V. WE1DINGS k) oice Table Delicacies and :i Full Line ot Fancy and Stable Gicc-ei r jd Fro visiors, Canned Goods, ISuts, ( anoier, Ltc,, Etc Juiliix tj J ti j i u a ct'fi J t tne t tic. Cigars Ladies Fine Shoes At Lowest Prices, and see our new stock. .Marine. ft. L BLAdMAN Urutt Paints.. Oils, Irftaaerj aa4 tofit artki, tda a Ml DM at book a:: utiwry. partoiTtrais, ate. yf fi 111 lift) sai aartrfulli oral i oa mum mum. STORE ..r 1.hs rs. Qftr-. f.nt it Ferry afreet Vt IVf. RORERTSON T? I'll FRESH Fia:iTS BER--.' I FRF.SH B. ED RIEf" AND VEGLTABLF.S I v.vBRE -TH K iapQUlOii ! OREGON PACIFIC RA1LL ABC Oregon DeTelopmenttvs Steamship L,ln- I i..!T 22 Hours Less Tit Than by any other routo: Accomodations unsurpassed for ccmfi safety, t ares and (reiKhts via Vanui the Oregon sere opiuei.t comiiij't ships, much less tliat Li any other rc ween all points in the Willan)ctfe ' anu San Francisco, Saimnq dates. PROM TAQUIKA. Willamette Valley. W V Jul -Htn Auk m1 Willamette Valley.... ,ota Willamette Valley - oU, P OH aaH rRAKCISOO Farallnn Au.-. Willamette Vjiey.......... ; Willamette Valley W.V JU! illtl Itll Inc company reserve the ri-ht to ' iux te. "ncrs or sail' nir dates. C. 11. IIaswkll, Ja., Gen F. P. A i. juiiilonttfomer, street, San Fram'scc. I. Keuieinber the Oregon Pacilic , u lai summer excursions. Low exiursiou tickeU are ou sale ,ciy WeJuesdayaud Saturday from. ..i Co. vallis anu iliilomath to Y- t' aud for the return trips unt!l . u.. berin, ' dailt rAssreKB nuu.i&. Except Sucuyt.) L T uir.a 7:00 mLv Albany 12 ' " Cvralli10;35sM Corvallis i . r m Kt Al-"nv . I :jt, a k I at Vaujua 4.;. J. A.c. ..... . . . -. iuju oi .. lloaa, t.. liUttCB, ttviitiral alauafcci. ActiiiK i. t 4 k. aiteut t'orvallis, O ou EAST S SOUTH VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC HQUJE. THE MOUNT SHASTA ' Oil It California express trains run daily suuru 6:o0pm..Lv Portland Ar.. !l;35ui :2b p IU..1A Albany Lv.. s:14 am :45am..Ar S. Francisco. Lv.. 9-xt -tm Local Pass. Train Itaily- -(Ex. Suiway b0im..Lv Tortiand Ai.. 4:00 ,jd 12:20 pm..Lr. Al.--n-..... .Lv..l2;00 am ti.OO p mAr.....hoyburft Lv.. unto am Lebanon itrant-u. l:50pm..Lv Alba . Ar.. tf;25 pm "2:36, p m..Ar.... .Lebanon Lv.. b:4o am 7; a m..Lv..Alljauy.. Ar.. 4.2b pta b,22 a ni..Ar....Lcbaii'M. L . . 3-40 pat ALBANY LOCAL, UA1AV (Lxevpt 6l l.a) 6.00 r m..Lv Portland Ar D.Ovi a 11 M.O0.....Ar....AlbAn.....Lv....i.iXi a m PULLMAN BLFFETSLEEFE: 8. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For acccnoiodation of becon.M'lass Pa enters attached to Express 1 nuns. Wfl fUe DIvIkIvb. Between loi'Iand and Corvallia Wall 1 rain Dll - Kxcept Sunday 7:30a m..Lv. ...Port.Tl ..Ar.s'isOp. m lglUpni..Ar . I. f p;.p. m At Albany and Corvall.j rouuect aitli trains of Urej,-o.i Paciiuhaiiroaj Express Train Pail) (Excpt Sundi-y 40 p m. . Lv Portia id .. Ar.. 6:20 am 'a5rm-' alM.jDU,Jre.Lv.. 6.45am THROUGH TICKETS lo All Point. EAST AND SOUTH iarFnr ti.L-..tu 4 t .1. . " '- "uormation re- aKent K. KOEI1LEK. E P. Km;KRP &Ianai(er Asst. u. F. AP, A TICKET nd freai p-iii' in "- a I'.t ."opr PULLMAN PAIACE WRJSLf Jliio. in Colonirt 61eein 0an GLoa i'ttroogti oa Ex resstTraiat 10 5saf OMAHA. COUNCIL BLUFFS KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS. Elrgant ftrw inning r Vll 4 hatmr. Close Connections at Portland for San Fran Cisco aud Pmret Sound points. aMi'Boata leave the Company's wharf, at the foot of Proadallin street , on Tuiwiav anJ Flidav of each week. C. . KAWI.IGS. City ticket and Freight Ageut C.8. MILLL. Uerral TraUr Manacer. T. M. I I E. 4i. - JOHN SCKMEER'S Livui'y. FeedS Sale stable Corner Scrtmd and KUxwerth 81 J Us ANT, - OREGON H Cleans boakdst by tun day or tronth Car rea or bnzicies f reonabie terms vonl FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale and Retail Drugists I Booksellers LB AST,