. - ' , . ' ?- v , w - ' 7. J. (J IS NTS A WHISK. ALBANY, OHKUON, SUNDAY, SEPTEM15KR 7, laiH). VOL. V. N ?:-?-r Sri. r'dstSs- LMMES" IWDEKWKa.: . rnlrmra lr. ciM li.lt. a. untl 411 Iwllia .mUi-bl- w.it.i im wrilrr nI lire J . ptj fss Htt z-.tu r -t rr .a VI !... hWt Mt tttiM-Vr , i, .''f t.t.l M-.rl f vl t Sf.it .'. ttl !lll II rOR SALE hV ALL DRrC.OI.ST8. "8omeroi li8 ago I nurrhaed box of Dr. J. i". Gill's Catarrh Cnre for uiy own use. bat finding my nephew :. A. McMahan. net-din if siich nifli t-iue I let bini have my box of tnedi fine. He now sends for three more boxes, saying it in the ben thin? for catarrh ever trie-1 by him and hip friends. I got another box to use in my rase, aud cheerfully recommend it toothers, (Signed,. JOHN McMAHAN, Ex-County Commissioner Lane Co Oregon, Springfield. Lane county, Oregon Prof J, W, Johnson, president of the - State uniTSJSll?, says it cured him ol a ouirti after tw other prescriptions bad failed. Likewise two of his I i r 1 1 . girls used it to cure theircoughs. Mrs Mark Bailey, wife of Prof Built y n:l lo Prof Johnsoe, and recom luriiua it to all who sutler from colds, nd coughs. For coughs it acts like .ebaini, and can be inhaled into tin pes or passages, where, o other ugh cures can reach CiHlLOII'S VITALIZKK is what you nerd O for Constipation, lo.it of Appetite, Dlzzi im, uid al! svuipt ui of DyipeiMia. I'nce 10 and 7& cents wr buttle, ror sale liy r'thy Mason. Jas. F. P-.well A d bave jusL cei veil :i lurg. lot--f iresh fruits ami vegetables. If ANTKl A KK BOAUDKHS. IN W qairr at the rtKi lrni' rt Mrs M, K. bris, fourth ;ini :l.i.vi si rusts. 1 iCRNIStlKU RiStMS TO RKNT--Inquire X ol S. ttoTjt, ut ilfliiionii'a rptmirftnt M'HA I' H.VCMNti HI Oil tn lw H' W 1 li onml by shii. h'-i-ur 'Vnt'inrant--I'. aV'H ' :.n. Tag CjioorUB ' Fncli C (J K l me iinklr,l'i .r mem tt tr ; .iKmt -.v r ,1 ! i : fri-iii Ibf v ivc ni of ....mti' :. I -.;.tfi n otifutii! i-.ii, t ii.'ttL i.lc, et-- . -! . a :'i;iih I'owi, . .Ake'ti'ne, ' r .t !i. im -n .-emiot: v .:!. r-. i . .. S-t "i i'rt'H riiti 'ii. N I lit :i -i i.i-pf .(... Lt. :.rrii."j, lw.i'ir?., U c.., M. .)."? -..-i i-iMf t't-i ifiii-'i-Mi.'v , n:.i. ..u it . r. . if . .' ... .11 i hit : ! 's ; in-i : v i. ! t . i - . r-.-l 'I. lu '' . iiwni II ... . ' " lu.v tl y-un, .! i '. 'irr:liii (rc-. , i livi- Mlt t !li.U t It I. to. Ve-irni !'. .-..-,. ! , ' i:- i.l, .ir-ioi. K'r !- .ih .i 1. ". '! f.li ' :m Sfl,'' i i I-' ' 'i ft kfiiluritifti: tuT K the in;irkct. Nivi-r li,,iitM 'u,.v- 'r"Jr, t.iiar;t . ru 'f5' Hot- -sol jf-!. S;ue tiiiit-. naitli and ihoiicV. I .kc iiu otitcr. tlrvss Sy maii ou rc ipt of n.1, it w. Ai--IrcH. ihr in 4 4tiiiaaiiy Wtt ilraml. Ii..x L'7, oill.tiul, 4r. Bold by Fo..bty i. Mason, Ali any. OrtD tlUNtV 10 LOA.N tlt-MK CAPITAL ON i'ohI rwil ttai v curit. I-or iKtrric". lam enquire n( (;e-. Hmiii-lirc . OLKfcPl.ESS Vlljll I'S iitiMic itnTaMi hy O that tcr;itlc cuuh. Miit.-h f'ure It) . reineilv fr n. K'r will' l K.sha vV 11 AN TKI A rir-t-4-!j wire mutiny If Aeaver. Afltlrcs' Spkan: Wire .Mat- Soconti stt., Spokane Fa tits ash N'oTICK I- MKKKHY : KN IIIATALL; per.M - nilehtcl to tiv olii tinn of ( kraiue A. Iviein are re iue-ttd to co ne for- i i wanl and settle up promptly, as the a-c.unt : IllUrtt IN) L-lOtH U. Klsi.n Hhus. A iur Cure forth WMsky llalilt lr. Liviiigsum's Aiitli.loto lor DriiukenuHScj will cure any case; ol tl e liquor liamt in troni ten U thirty days, troni the moilerate to the lrunk;iril. The antidote ran Ik- given in a cap ot cotl'ee williout the knowleiigf ol the lierr-oi! tak ing it. Tin- Antiilut" will not in jure the? health in any ay. Man ut'aoiureil hy the Livin:sto'i Chemical Co", l'ortland, Orton, or iroui J. A. Cumming, Urugixt, w.le agent. ( cunpiutHns at F. M. French 'f. r'V Hit rS) ; ;.tOP vTJ AFTER Complete Uses cf Caxlete.J'ciitcr, JjiatisgCccds at !r iiiit rttiiint. Al.c. vsv. ,.. Sept. !i, I KM. .iii I r. m. on vloml i- oi this At'i'h i y i ohw, in leiiioii imiity. .. e in liroui thm ci y, a- tie - royi'l hy lir-. 1 he h .iisel.ohl .ini were :n-iircl i it tin-UaklailtJ me I iMii a:.tv oliijiaiiy. of ' ki.i .1 al. l'o-iuy. alter a .ci ml i i t tlig i' ion. the urn u yV .. er, Mr. M. II. Mtr :i I a hi le iimii ol . litjui the e ti.tr 1 1 y may Icel Jii.t l p' ud lor ii. iitiri!igi.iifs- ..rill i.ilii nui ncs.t;, hutllttl li,.- lo-- fu-t:ii etl by lis e. inp.iin , in nit eiil:i salis f.ietitui. 1 make llii- tteuient u itlejiit ..ny so:i ila; t. s .l-atever. .1. F. iun.su. Si.ns til VVlriH.o .IItltlur. The wiis 0? ''. . rnns will meet I J SattM-l.iy . v.nilig at seven .'el cK eh n .. lor the. transition ii in. ni. .antliuaiiieiss. Every r is rt qileateiJ to be present. .1. F. WlllTINU, '.. V. liKht KiMcui.K, , 'aplain. First Sergcuni. V ti.ttitl I oiilt nru.. i'lieie '. nollii i; pai'culs should be an carciiil aliout as seleeliiu 1 t tlli;ll Jl'llj,. Ilfns Ciicll'V cjllb siup is iiiectinir with ioiideriul sucevsa. The best is mine to tfuoti. ie sure you net Beyirs. Ever-bottle is warranted. !l driijri;ists ket- il Take the I'nion 1'uciiic railway I 1 tor the hast, thiity-tivo liours tuieker than any other transeon lineiital line, blegaut new dining ears, Pullman palace sleepei.-, tree family Bleeping card run through to l'enver, Omaha, Council lilutls, Kaiibas Citv, St. L.0111, antl Chi- . cago. C. t.i. Kaw lings, city lics-cl : agent, toot ol bio.ulalbin street. Freuiieiitj accideiilb occur iu 1 the iioii.seiiolii hit:.i cause uui ns, cuts, spiains ati't 01 uiaes ; lor use in biich eases L)r. J. It. .vK Lean's -. v'-jlcanij Oil Liuiuieiil has tur many yea is I 'Jen the constant lavoiite family remedy. In ihedeciiiie in lite, lutirmitieH : ueect us to whicli. our youth auu i maturity were sti angers, 0111 km I ueyii and liver are rsubject Ue j raiigeuient, but nothing equals Dr. , J. 11. AieLean's l..vel antl Kltluey ilalin as a it n.aioi ot liieseorgaim. l obliay it .M..aon. lliipKins liros. na set aside an elegant nicKel pUued stove w nich liity piupuse togie to then cu.s- tomeis. By tiading a certain amount you get a ticket in tne drawing and iiie tucKy ticket iioldtr diaws the stole, (io and see l hem ami learn tne par ticular. l'l.ose wanliiitf coj ts ol l'rol. I'al.ner'ri .-ong, "Uriglit as a huii-in-ain," should call iniinetliaLeiy at .lolies hook attue ad oliiy a limit etl number of copies aie placed on saie. We make a specially of line cakes tor parties and weddings, lilackiiurn iV i'ironi. 15 iJifi Jifi Sriici I COTTON IS. KIN (J. Calling in the Bonds as Fast as Possible to Keducutlio Debt IIKrfl.E 1HK BtKOLAK. A Pour Place t. 81- p ail r UrtilK.atei Pivs Mllliob in Uertiliotits Hut Lltty lu New JcisBy. New Yokk, Sept. . Interesting tirfureH are printed regannng tne .mil m erni). It is estimated. it will reach 8.000.00U million hales this year, which is ittrirrtsl. Lilit-A'n ill the history of the the country. An agent here porch as- 1 ni? for a Furouean House says the " . .1 1 , ctoo is ueaiiy one-iuiru larger tli.it, I . -t e..ur vl Hit tllHtlllllllt.V will L . . 1 J " , ...... " -J " J be good. Hep irts are that the lu- uian cotlou crop wul also be 1 very larg-. FIVE JI 1 1.1. ION DOLLAKS. Tlmt Is Said to be the Amount Added to the Circulation. New Yokk, Sept. G. A financial expert here claims that the moi.thly !-tateiiit nts of the treas ury uepartnient show that all silver purchase.- so far have put only $1,3110,000 of new treasury notes into circulation. He says this is the result of elaborate cal culations, and says one reason is the notes 'ssued are ot too large a denomination to use. lie also says the net addition to the circu lation by all tlisburceuients in August is only $5, 000,000. . lit FOMilir KUK HIM MONEY, Hut the Iturglar Fiually (riit Aws; With It. O.VK.I.ASD Sept. 0. About 10 o"clock nisi night V. Snyder, a store-keeper at .Niles. this county, was counting his money a'ld put ting it 111 a hack to take it to a safe m the house near ty. when a masked burglar put a pistol in his tace. Snyder knocked the pistol down, when his conlederate came 111 ana presented a.iother pistol. A scuttle eiisueu -im Snyder was beaten on the head and lace. They t'Kik a sai k 01 coin containing ; 't and went out. locking the trout door. Who. Snyder re covered he went out Hie hack i.. jf and entered his house with blood streaming from his lace aud bead. One shot had beeii tired, gia.ing Snyder's lace; two other shot missed ihe mark. The buig lal made their ocape. Went t Sleep ..11 tt Belt. Sa.n Fhancim o, Sept. 0. Jaiueo tlonard, 20 years ol age ami an apprentice at the 1'aclnc Kolling mills, met with a strange death early this morning. Howard be longed on the. night shut aud went to sleep on one ol the broad belts. Make a Mote or" Tilib FaCI':; iiiLo i t SloYI-.t) .UAIL l'O IjaV W lili.l ilK j-IKL. BiGK 1 UAUuAMKD YEARS ezges. Itajs, crd vxienxue rollers commenced to move tins morning, Howard wa-t carried over one of them and jammed between the belt and a huge boiler. His left arm was crushed and bis neck broken. WIKK CLICKING. The Texa. republican stale con vention, has placed the following ticket in the held : Governor, Webster Flanagan, of Heuderson ; lieutenant governor, W. K. .Jc Kenisonii of Williamson ; attorney general,? J. F Hacue, cf El 1'as j; Comotroilet , W,l iam Werthodu, of LietVHt; !and coininissioner, J. K. Met neli, of Childress; tteas Urer, h emiu, of Detoo j su erintendeiit of public instruction, lr. W. L. Edm r, 01 liexar. Ihe platform reathrms adherence to the priuc'.ties ot the republican party ; eudoi ts the aduiinislralion ot 1'iesident Harrison; favois re cipr jcity treatieo .of Ami. ncan states; favors the encouragement by subsidies or otherw ise of lines ot ocean transportation with s.iid states ; endorses the linaiu-itl policy of the government a-t to sil ver, etc., and favors the Australian ballot and all other proper meas uie8 that will render elections the free antl ho lest expressions of the will of the people. The Wisconsin lalior convention roininateita full ticket: (jcver nor, Reuben May, of Viroiuma; lieutenant governor, N. E. Allen, of iJeaver I'am ; secretory of stHe, Win. Lickwood, of Kipoii; tres s urer, Alfred .Manheimer, of Mani to voc; st'.orney general, K. Shau var, Milwaukee; state superin tendent, J. W. St--v.art, of H oad head : railroatl commissiom r, li. S. Hishop, of Marinette; insur ance commissioner, Charles Hatch, of Calumet. The Nevada republican conven tion put in nomination ; Gover nor, R. K. Colcord; supreme judge, K. R. lii;re'ow ; district judge, R. Rising ; congress, . F. liartine; lieutenant governor, .1. Ponjade; uttoiney g.-neral, .1. I. , rorreyson : secretary ot state, (). H. tirey; clerk ol the supreme court. Joseph Jt.jephs ; comp iroller, R. 1". Hor'on ; treasnrev. Joseph F. Egan ; survevc general, John E. Jones; superintendent oi public instruction ; Orvis King; state printer, Joseph b. bckley; regents ot tlie university, J. . Haines antl E. T. ieorge. Anthonie Jojet, present dele gate to congress from New Mexic o, was renominated hy the Si.ver Citv democratic convention. Jf elected this will be his third term. 1 tie republicans win meet, in ter ritorial convent ion on September 13, and will probably nominate Mariano 8. Otero for delegate hv acclamation. Fred Bogan, of San Franciseo, whipped l'ete Shea, of Vancouver, in tnirty-seven rounds in the As toria Athletic Association rooms. rhev weightd in at II31.. and 11" pounds respectively. Shea made 1 rushing light, having ttie advan tage in everv rush or chin u. ISo- gan injureil his right hand 111 the third round, but kept swinginj: his left. There was little hard lighting until the tli.rtlenh round, when it was give and take ail the way through. In the th'rty- to.irth Shea weaker el ami went low 11 twice, staying seven seconds the last tune. He pulled himself together and stayed three moie round', when bnlh eyi s W'ete losct! and his seconds threw up h- smii g-. He was stone blind and teriibly punished. Itngan le et ived considerable puuishnien; , th.UL'h nothing in comparison 'o what Shea did. Two men engaged in a shooting scrape at Adams. I'umtilla ouiily. lteulie Wilson hail lost some' horses antl accused Wash Hainbr.in of having a hand in their disappearance. Mot words followed unil Hainbrun broimht a H caliber persuader of the bull dog p.itl -rn into play. He bad probably had s nnc liipi ir. and hi nerves were unsettled. Anyway he to.ik lour shots at Wilson at a langi sc. close that th latter's face w as powtler huruetl, with jut peue!iit?ing his anatomy once. Vilson's el. ithes even were not t..uch;-l. Ila'iibrun e.-cap tl, but oliicers ale searchiiig for him. The report is made that the Seal. ue scait?er than ever known in iJehrilig's sea. Following is the r...oi t.-il cHleb inaiie as given by returning sealers it Victoria; riiuuiph, 5'.M: Mary Ellen, 200; Ocean Uelle, :5tHi; Viva. 123 ; l'alb linder, 114; Itich, 2'M; W. I'. Hay iirol, tit); Penelope, 2H'; A. ('. M"ore, titK); Maggie Mae. 10U: Sapphi-e, 2-jO: C. 11. Tuppei, I'O; Ariel, 20(1; E. H. Marvin, 400; Jiianita, 400. Will Trot a Mile. Oakland. Sent. 6. Director Ctittendeii. of the Golden Gate Agri-ultnral Association, has con- sented to allow his stallion "Si .111- boul," with a record of 2 :l2'j . to trot on exhibition a liiile, next Tuesday afternoon. Shipping Note. San r RANcisco.Sept. 6.- Cleared : Steamer Willamette allev, for Yaquina; Walla Walla, for Vic toria; bark Alex. McNeil, for N naimo. Consrresalonal Nominee. Stv Fntvnsft, Sent li.-Jutbre J. A. Barhan, of Santa Rosa, was ' nominated lor coni?ress bv the first ! republican convention this after- noon. tin - TLIE DAY IN CONGRESS Mill at Work on Bin. the Tariff OVK KIVtKS AND HAKBOKS Oauttda Wants Reciprocity Bnglish x porta and Imports 8ti jk.o( Be-ahs--Uerman I'I.ojs. WASHiNuro.M, Sept. ri. the senate, ciuiiiiittee m langeiiieiit placing sponges on the free list was 1031 ivye38lo,-nv4UMtlMjjaJtelf neal- lne mercury ranged duty, 2d" er cent. :aavaloTeia,tw--r, r-j of rest ired. Alter some discussion the para graph regarding ihe duty on tish was aiiieiiden to read as loilows: Fiesh lish, which are caught by .inens ol tne l niied States 111 the high seas, or in open waters of he lakes forming the boundary between the I'liited States and the Dominion of Canada. This puts them on the free list. The paragraph relating to fish on tl e dutiable list was then taken up, the question being on the finance committee substitute tor the house paragraph, which taxed the duty at 1 cent per pound 011 lish, f esh or salted. The com mittee amendment fixes the duty at cent tier pound. Gray otl'ere 1 an amendment, providing that such fish shall he admitted tree of duty from any coiintiy tuat admits American tishiug vessels into their ports for the purchase of supplies, including bail. Gray's amendment was Je jectcd, and the committee substi tute, slightly modified, was agreed to. The paragraph now reads: Fish, smoked, dried, salted, pickled, treh, frozen, packed iu ice or otherwise prepared for preservation, not especially enu merated or provided for in thisact. '., cent per pound. The paragraph placing . duty of 1 " cents a pound 011 hops, was then taken up. Go-uian moved to re duce the rate to 8 cents. Feuding discussion, the ques tion as to I e extension of time for the tariff bill wms started. Al Inch submitted a proositioii extending the time lor the consid eration of the tariff bill, to and including Monday, when the dis cussion will ! limited to thirty miiuiU'S, antl when the suga. schedule w ill be taken up. After that, the arraugiinent heretofore nude is toappiy. The pioposition '. as.-enieu to. 1 hen i.or.iians amtmlment to ted litre the duty on hops to K cents a jiouiitl was rejected. Vest, moved to pi ce Fait on the free list. Nega;ived: yeas, 2(1; nays, 34; a party vote, except 1 hat of Paddock, who voted yea. Vance ottered an amendment for the reduction of the duties on fo eign products, purchased by the exchange of American farm products. Hejected: yea, 23; nays. 3d; a paity vote. On motion of Gibson, sorghum seed ami sugar cane seed we"e placed cu the tree list. IN TlIK IIOISK. The house proceeded with the conference report on the river and I :ii b'.r bill. Alter a brief debate th- ci ni ier.ee rtpo-.t was agreed to. LVicg ite Smith, oT Arizona, to day iiilio.iuced in ihe house a bill 10 authorize the lemoval of t!-e Indians of the 1'apago reservation i:i ! - 1 if..; :t county, Ari'-na, to the 1'apago reservation in I'irua county, or to the Gila river or Salt river reservations. TU tllKS I'NION CONtlHESS. rrocet-tlinn in Tu-ila)' Sessitin iu Liverpool - lobn Iturns uu Huntl. Lt li'ii'ooi., Sept. ti. At lo day's session of the trades union con gress ;t was r solved to boycott un fairly made gnisls and all railways tramways and b'Hts whose em ployes are underpaid; also to ex clude representatives of non-union papers Iroiu future congresses. I'.irtw istle. leatler of the col ton -workers, n signed from the par liame tary eoiiimiliee, giving as I. is reason that he was not in lavoi o!' tlie ;ass: ge of a compulsory eight hour law. John Burns was appointed a member 111 I'.irt istle's stead. I'hi announcement was received with cheers and groans. The congress then dissolved. SOVlfc SOI Nl AllVK'K. .4 Ctilorrtt l!lsh .p tiiven ilin Breth ren a Severe Lecture. Cnn Atio, .-sept. 0. At to-day's session of the African Methodist l.'oiseiiiiiil V.inii eliurcli in inference 1 now mee'ing here, -there was a heated discuss'on over the fact that ma iy ministers are short in j their payments to the general ! fund. Bishop Loinax closed the debute with a viwrous speech, in wnich he said that if the older im r.isters could not do their duty bv tlie church, younger men would be selected. He admonished them ! to cease diaging out classical ser mons to their congregations and to I talk common sense, antl advised them in case :hey could not make I a better showing, to le ive the pill 1 l'1' 1,ire a Ulul a,,,i go to plowing. Among the Strikers. Boston, Sept. 6. Lynn morocco ' manufacturers have decided not to put any more skins in soak pending further developments. ints throws out of employment every morocco worker in Lynn witn nnietiers ana tanners.it is estimated that over 1500 will be idle Brussels. Sept. 6. The Belgian labor party has resolved to declare a general strike on the occasion of the meeting of the general labor congress, September 14. Hot tent lay of the Season. New Bklnswick. N. J.. Seot. 6. This is the hottest day here this year. At 11 a. m., the mercury stood at 92. At noon many of the iiianufactuiing firms shut down the men not being able to stand rnsun x.u itMJBll FaarSv San Fka.ncisco, Sept. 6. Adolph I'ierruciui. who killed Kalo Michaeli last January, was con victed 01 uianslaughier aud sen i diced to eight years in the state prison to-day. Sugar IteUueries Futon the Screws. Sax Francisco, Sept ti. The American sugur refineries ad vanced the prices one-quarter of a cent per pound to-day, meeting and passing the advance made on the third instant by the California re finery. Keleased on Bail. Oakland, Cal., Sept. 6. John Morrison, the ex-deputy sheriff of Alameda county, who was arrested tor connivin? at an escape of the remanded Ch nese. who were caueht stealing into the country, from the Alameda tail, was re leased this morning on bail. Weather Predictions. San Francisco, Sept. t For Iregon, fair weather, winds gener ally northerly ; stationary temper ature in the western portion : warmer in the eastern portion. The Jury Cleared Him. Oakland, Cal., Sept. 6. Tavlor Stull, colored, charged with man slaughter, was acquitted bv the jury to-day. Stu'l killed Lawrence, also colored, in a saloon last June. I'be men had a dispute over some inonev. Issuing Silver Certificates. Philadelphia, Sept. 6. Finally it has been definitely decided to try here the experiment, originat ing 111 New York, of issuing silver 'certificate against deposits of bullion. The first bank hereto atlopt the plan is the Fourth street national. The Markets. Sax Francisco, Sept. 6. Wheat fl.4U ; buyer, season. fl.49g Barlev 1.3H34; seasonal. 445s' Chicago, Sept. ii. 1:15 P. M. I ' lose W 1 1 ea t Easy ; cash 9U ?-e ; December, I02'4 ; May, 106'a. Corn Hrm; cash 45?'8 : Octo ber, 45'., ; May, 48?g. Oats Easy ; cash, 35 1-4 ; May, 38 1-14. Barley Steady; 75. SHK CAN KIN THK MACHINK. 4 ( Intuiting Vouug Lady Who Has Keen an Engineer Three Years. t'hifoao Htraid. To see a woman running an en gine in real life is a genuine nov- 1 ty . The fair sex occasionally run engines in novels, on the stage and so on, but a real, live female engineer is a new sensation. Of course this one is in Chicago, and 01 course she vonng and very pretty. They always are. But the romance of this one case is cut out by the cold-blooded announcement that she is not doing it to save a husband, lover or father 8 hfc or lilierty. She is purely mercenary. Ihe stipend drawn at tbe end of each week is r.ll that she is after. Her name is not know n. Perhaps this is the romantic part of it. Perhaps otherwise. Be this or that as it may, she is a flesh and blood tealitt. When a reporter for the Herald called al the phue where this novelty works lie stated his business to a young lady c erk mid asked to see the woman who 1 unsjthe engine. "A lady is our engineer," titter ed tin clerk "but she is busy, and can't see any rejiorters.' Can she 1 e seen .' was asked. "No," was the reply. "S e will see 110 one unless il is an examiner of engineers, and then she will be found ready and anxious to answer all qm ttions." The lady engineer has had chaige of the Bee Hive Laundry engine fora'oout thrt eyeais, during which time she had no trouble and has apparently been well able to attend to all the duties devolving upon he.-. Her principal claim for com petency, however, is that she has taken her engine apart and put it together u.-ain. Questions to be propound..-, to her by the report er were inn.l.died by an engineer but she declined to answer any questions at all unless they came from the Board of Engineers. E. C. Dickey of the Board said, in tegarci to tins women: "11 a woman can successfully pass the required exau inat ion, there is no law to prevent her cotinuing the practice of engineering. This case will le rigidly looked into, and un less this lady engineer can tell all about an engine, she will have to give up her place to a competent engineer." Novelties in wash dress fabrics. The largest stock in the city at 1 Samuel E. Young's. RAILWAY. I SMASHUP. A Repetition of Last Winter's Coal Famine in San Francisco. THK FOBCIQM TKADII UHIOH. lbs President's VsostiOB-WrltUg Let. Uri to th Qassn- Fbjduw Laacu Isws fxsm th Old World. Cakon City, Col., Sept. 8. A terrible accident occurred on th Denver & Bio tiraude at 4 :60 a. m. co-day near Adobe. Train No. Al f M Honing in two aectfoBsv Th loaded with .abaters come derailed some four miles) be low Florence. Tbe second section dat hed into it with terrific farce. completely smashing the coaches and injuring from thirty-five to forty men and killing a number outright. Tbe bodies of five bave at ready been recovered and twelve more are still missing. The wounded are now being cared for at the depots at Florence, Coal Creek and Canon City. Physi cians are 'in attendance. THE PKKSIDKNT'8 VACATION. He Will Transact but Little Busi ness While Away. Cresson Springs, Sept. 6. This id rather an uneventful day for the president. He arose some what refreshed from bis trip yes terday. Secretary Ualford said the president would not act upon any official matters before Monday, and only thereafter on such as is absolutely necessary. He added there was no truth in the report from Wash ington that the president had se lected Michiner, of Indiana, first assistant postmaster general, vice Clarkson. THE COAL. MARKET. .There Will Probably be a.Shortace in San Francisco this Winter. San Francisco, Sept. 6. J. W. Harrison, the coal broker, in bis weekly circular, issued to-day. says: Arrivals during the week have been from the northern mines. 30,432 tons; from foreign sources, 8209 tons. There is no very marked change in the high prices ot last week, but at alreadv advanced prices only a limited amount can be purchased by any single buyer. That the market u iu a precarious condition cannot be questioned. If the coast coUeriee .0 not materially increase their shipments, there will, unquestion ably, he a marked shortage for oor demauds this winter. Canada Favors Reciprocity. Ottawa, isept. t. aii tne can- 1IJCI UJtUIBbVlB Vt (71 D WftW HIQ1- press an opinion on Senator Sher man'" resolution. They were reti cent, bet seemed inclined to regard it with some favor and were of the opinion if the proposal passed the senate it would be taken np by the parliament of Canada. A Crasy Negro. London, Sept. 6. Frederick Nicholas Smith, a negro, claiming to have come to England from Africa by way of Boston, his been arrested on a charge of writing let ters to tne queen 01 England, lie claims to be the rightful king of 1 oraba, in Atrica, and has been deprived of his kingdom by British authorities. It is uncertain wheth er his statements are true or he Is a lunatic. Fought Duel. Paris, Sept. 0. After four un successful attempts to fight s duel on account of differences rising from Boulanger revelations, Roche fort and Tnieband succeeded in hiving an encounter at Lackings Holland. 1 hie band was wounded slightly in the thigh. Offering to Buy Bonds. Wasuinoton, Sept. tt. The sec retary of tbe treasury issued a cir cular this afternoon offering to prepay the interest due January 1. April 1 .3d July 1,1891, on bonds of 4 per cent, conseta of 1907. Towns Inundated. Dresden, Sept. 6. Tbe river Elbe is rapidly rising. A Portion of the city is inuedated. A num ber of school houses are closed, as they are in danger of being sub- uierged. ine tJoqer river in Silesia has overflowed its banks and the town of Fischerwbrder is inun dated. English Exports and Imports. London, Sept. 6. Returns issued by the board of trade dur ing August: Imports decreased 1,610,000; exports increased XI, 420,000, as compared with the cor responding mouth of last year. A Change. Hereafter no tickets will Im anM at the Oregon Pacific depot, and 111 trains over mat road will leave the city station, near the Southern I'cific depot, where tickets for all t 'nts on the Oregon Pacific will ue boiu. . To parents that wish to save money in buying school shoes for children will do well by calling at Klein Bros. Shoe store where they bave iust received a large shipment of the Celebrated C. M. Henderson's Red School House shoe.