0 TTT! Mmrniyn mm aim WepjneSHat srPTTrvnTrr? 3 in. V AIUY 4ND WKKKLV TEKMS UK SlHr-CKlPTI"? OAIL4 ' f utilinW every momtiiK eoept Monday.) Ileeeed be carrier, per " v nuul. per w.- - 0-20 0 00 Punlistied erery Frl Uj Morning.) ue copv, per unnn, In Ivmnce. Whrn niit Mid In advance . i.f Mail t the Albany pototflceele fur all office north ) rb Rastem ataUe ', - me Went Side 1 And the 5 arrow Oi ' R. B.' -r Portland and - . .!, . -railitaad Yaqui..i. "'J? i 9oe anrrth... . ...... 7-J r. , The uoatofflce will b. I each evei.ll. Ibtaml matter lor the ly rnominit nun should be mallei befot revvtnne ereninr. o clock the OREOOS PACIFIC T1MK TABLE. ArrWe Depart -Il.lSenill.OOpni emrer. .. frenitit I.S01 MOSSY AND BUSIKSSS. Ox the question of the trade of that iuntry anil the circul&tinjf medium, money there w niurh anxiety at present, fur there neems to be an extra Ktrinicency all over the country. The Sew Yoik Tribune, which is perhars as well posted an authority as there ic ays: a 1 Washington has made the mix chief this time. The delay of the tariff bill has caused an increase oi $30,000,000 in imports during the months since the tenor of the bill became known, which, with duties, has taken about 4o,0iH), 000 in money from the market-. The sliver bill has caused large speculation in bullion and products which locked up for the time $10, 000,000 in silver held for a further advance, and large amounts in grain and other staples, and in se curities sent back to Europe. After this heavy drain of money, but while it is yet in progress, ciinii'4 the annual demand foi money to move the crops, and this interior demand is enlarged h the expansion in general bnsines throughout the country, which in represented by an increase in bank clearings outside New York o! 20.9 per ennt over last year for the li.ivo v t-ks of August. Hence it is uot at all strange that the mone tary pressure here has been severe. Part of one day's loans were made at UM 1-2 per cent yearly, and mot of the lo.ins that pay at about Sf5 per cent. There is little room for mistake as to the reality or extent -of the drain by which the market lias bten exhausted. Since August I no less than $15.J0O,UOi) has gone out of the treasury and the b.tnks, the banks alone having lost $18, KI0,0i)0, while the treasiuy ha gained $2,VKH),00(). The expoits of gold during these weeks have been less than $1',000,H)0, and the move ment of money to the interior h.in, , therefore, exceeded $13,(XM,Ui)o. Since lart year the increase in all kinds or circulation has been !":.', CM), OH), or Ies than 4 er cent, and while the surplus wasnotfuliy employed a year ago, reports of tightness in the money markets of interior cities increase so rapidly as to indicate that the expansion in all kinds of business, specula tion included, has outrun the en largement of circulation. For the present the hilver bill has caused some contraction of actually avail able currency here, as was ex pected if bullion should be largely held to cause an advance in prices. Money has been sent to the mining regions for silver, which lies here instead of going to Kurope or int the treasury. After rising to $1 21 per ounce, bullion has reacted to 1 18 1-4. and the onVrii.g for sale are large. It may be a consolation in the present out look for trouble from the stiike on the eastern railroads, to know that the troublesome in cidents are not confined alone to our country. It in said that tht strikes in Australia seem to be more violent in character than those in any other country. If wc may judge troiu the meager tele graphic reports, riots are imminent and business of all kinds is at h standstill. The fact that curl. Vrious labor trouble shuld exist i Australia, a country which, accord ing to all accounts, has of late year enjoyed exceptional prosperity. would b surprising if we were not jasrieciiv laminar wim tne same phenomenon in the United tate, where wealth has increased in tir greater r.itio than in an country on the glote. In tiie citt of Melbourne, where tu;; s. at oi the Australian trouble seems to l-, speculation in land and mines ha been running much higher thai, most people in Ameiica are awaie. Fortunes have been made and lot-; with great rapidity, and every bod seems to have gone into the giddy whirl. The accounts agree in epreseuting that the fever ex- reeded that which followed the discovery of the bonanzas in Ne-j vada. when nearly every working-' man and servant g"rl invested their pavings in stocks only to l"fe them. We all know how our xenseless acts resulted, and per haps it will not be far out of. the way to assume that the intensity of the labor troubles in Australia is more due to over speculation than underpay. Wjiks one reads the authentic accounts, such as were transmit ted by the telegraph service a fow days ago in relation to the guards of the Russian political prisoners, shooting down indiscriminately. the persons under their charge for attempting to escape from the tor tures of their inhuman treatment, some of them being delicately bred young ladie, cannot longer feel any astonishment at the coun tenance of nihilism in that country. That practice is the last resort "f despotic men and women, and dia bolical despotism of the Russian government is calculated to devel- nlW lUMt that Class OI UlUlVlllUaiS. The height to which the standard of ocean racing has been raised is indicated by the fact that the Teutonic, having been two '-ours longer than the City of New York in crossing the Atlantic, is gen erally considered to luve been thoroughly defeated in this partic ular contest. The time may come heii the distance bet wen steam ship rivals at the finish will lie reckoned in lengths, as if they were eight-oared shells at the end of a four mile tace. " A Ainu'! Chauce to Marry." Half per cent from 50 to 5b years of ag-i. Two per cent from 45 to 50 years of age. Five and a halt per cent from 40 to 45 years of age. fix and a half per tent from 3o o 40 years of age. Ten and a hall per cent from 30 to 35 years of uge. Twenty-live per cent Irom U5 to 30 yenrs of age. Forty-seven per cent from 20 to lb vears of age. Three per cent from 15 to 20 ! years oi age. One hundred per cent if you buy yo ir cloii.ing oi G. W. Simpson, vloauy. Oregon. Hack mid BuitKien. Three carload' of buggies, hacks and carls have just been rect iveil y Mesais. Trice it Rubs.ni, oi this city. They a-e thorough! y up witn the times and cany everything in i lie suape oi a buggy, cart or hack, mat could be dcr.ir.-d. 1 lu-y also ran v at all times a lull stock oi i he bet shell hardware and ew nig uiat'hihes. Ladle l-'lue Slioea. I make a specialty of handling ladies tine singes. 1 carry some oi the !e.-t lirands made in hue and neiliuin grades in widtlis irom A to KJ. All warranted goods; no trash, and w ill repair any pair i dioes of any kind sol.i tliat will rip or break. Samuel E. Young. To parents that ihli to save noney m buying school r-hoes i-.r children wdl do well by calhug at Klein liro. Shoe ftore where hey have just received a large shipment oi the Celet.rate.l C. .M. ilendei son's Red School House niioe. TI ose wanting cop:-s oi l'rof. IV '- ' -ightas a Sun beain, mioiiiu call immediately at Jones' book toreasonly a limit ed number of copies are placed ou sale. We make a specialty of fine cakes for parties aud weddings, itlackburii dc i'ironi. Quench your thirst at the new soil fountain. A EH JO-J A i . " . r. .: .: - - :-r: nR ltiOlt 160 Al'Kfcb Or KiK.sr-cLAs.S lanu J 'itild fnttu L'niioii, urrh im .rovo.i, auuaiile lor daoy atirk. fruit fioultry. r'e further intormatioti inquire t thia othce. It'ECOOL BEtK ON OKAlulll. KUAW 1 from the cellar, at M. Baumg.irt'a. A' I.L PKIlSoNs HAVI.NO IX.SKI TLKIi accouiita with John Dierreinter are re- lucateil to call at once aii'l cttle an he has sold hi meat uiirnet and haa retire.i from ttie bualtiem. rL KMSilKU K(XMS TO KKN r linir " of 3. ('OcU, at lt-riuinifc rttaiinioi i 1 1 w. X V K KS, AK:illl'K;r ANUt'iKl J 9 irUeii.Unl. OUi.-e otrr Kirst .Nuliobat Auk iiildiiitc, Albany, Ur. row all itifcrtt uf th cuuntv VV.rk rioitciteti b'LSK ClOAKS -IMIUKTKI. KtV WKSI ami lAjuivtttK-. t iti(irH4-inK- tiie cth hrat-l . ior tie MiMiriU. htr lias, i-Vnitjut-rorH and iherchoiiv lirmnU m the U-lii, turi ami fcatrii LniMt. rck'Krrupti othi.-e buil-tuin. htiieiuHfi f.ht 1IONEY Tj LOW -lluile: CAPI'lALUN U. iKU ichI tr-tate (tttunt. t'oi paiticc- i ai enquire vt Uv. tiuuii lirey. f i I KVI'I liS. Vllllll'Sa n..d mUl.l K. I O that ts-rrhie onih. bhiloh 'ure ii hi- renietly for ii. Kor Half Uy Konha.v t Man. llrA.rKI - A 'ir-r-.- M,re mattrea. If Aiiu'r. .ltlrt-s ?ipih.tfie Wire M i t Ka- tr, tat;ii' ii;m Xn. us W. nl tt.. .Smu iiie Kais wah V TI .1 pi TI K i.-s IKKKHV t.K HUT 11 I I :rMn in.lt'.tiil to 'hi n.lf ttil to 'hi olil II t I .lit nun i m tu-ot & K.fiii an: tenit'-U'l ti. eiauc fir- ' mut 7 -i. I' ' l'v-." ' - ;l" .IMS. V. Ton ell Co. have in-t receiv.-d it largi- lot of fresh fiiiits 11 d vegetabh . O III LOH'S VITAI.IZKK is hal ., n.ci O for I'MMtipatiou, lii-sof AiK-titt. liiizi i.s, and all m uipt .mn i.f ij S,e a rjc,. 0 ami 7S i.entu rr but tie. lor anie by t-'o-nay .V M.isiin. UrASTKIf A Hi BOAROKKS Hiirr at the residence of Mrs. Werria, Ir'viirta aad t alsyoia street. IN M, E ruiMtiOK El. LIS, PHYSICIAN ANTl StlKr ireon, Altai.)' Oregon. w J H UAVIS, M V PHYSICIAN A .hp I nil foil. Can he found at his office room ir. Strahan'a block, r'lnt afreet. A I bam Oregon- .1 C KKILY, PHYSICIAN AND AVR y. Kcon AILuiiy, "riKOii. otri. in Pierce new block otllce hours, from S A. . to J. KO IKK, VK'll l:INAi:Y SfK itcon, graduate of Ontario etirinar A ;-ofge n:,.l niemlHsr of th Ontario urin ary medical society, i pri purJ to treat the .lise;u)i of all iluinc-licnted animalH on -M-icntitic prin.nplea. Office at Ann Marshall liver) stable Residence 4lli and .'ala.ool streeU, Alhanv, OretfOUj D" R. E A. McALISTKR HOMBOPATIIIC rHV- ami oiiivvon llaa removed l.ii- iUce into Crawford block. All calla prompt ly a! tended to. DR 0. A. WHITVEYTpHYSICIAN AND urg.-nn. Graduate of Hellevie Hoapl tl Medical Uolleee. New Vork City. lHneawM ..f women a spe.-iilt)'. Office in at reiden-e on 7th ttreet between Calapoiia and Vine, Albany Oregon. rK. m J PA TON. PHYSICIAN Ni I I Surgeon, lilnnilienfa Itl.ick, Albany, Or i' eniale ibiteaaca a aiiecialty ti the office day or nitfht. I'.vi e found W. T. M'RXKT. L. T SARIN, J. W DKAfKR Bl l. Y. It AltIN A HI; iHl ll, VriVi! t . n ' .&. oret'OiiCitv, t e.'OP. Twc i tv . ais exficrictt c aa roister th.t. h. Ijifi.i (ilrlt.e t Ore. on City and in tne Iwd itru.'Lit:M ree'itntu. lida US ill our Roecialtv liol .e bef ire tue Uinil Office lliecour i ana niv mviiii( me pntMicu in inc ye --eri I.'tlld HfticC il C. WATSON, ittornc, at-law, Albui.) L. Oregon. Oflice in Stridian blook J s" i( Si:an -ah.ikm v-itl ku iiuUn puntic. o tlce in the Strniian ilJh, ioiioa No. I and 2. U. V. H. liUAi JKBI R U. W WRIUUT LlACK.;l KN. & WKKlHTATIOllNKi AT La, Albaii), Ort'iion. Ufl it il; Oild ellow'n Tc. iple. ' Aill practice in all courts jf the -'ati . and give apecial attention to all liUauic. OLVi.i.iON C'HARLrS E. A rTORNEY at I. iv , Alban, Or. Ottii-e in rooiun lb iii-l 14. :'.'cr'a Block, over U K. Blrin tore. JK. WCaTIIKKKOKD, ATroRNEY AT . la-v, ban), Oregon. - 'tsi, in the Klinn Bi Will practice in all tht -oiirta ut theatare, anil ive apecial tttention to ad unaineaa ,1 A KS P MEAD, A 1TOKN EV-AT-LA W and title examiner. Albany, tir. Will urjclice in all (he courte nl the state. Ab- mractoot title lurniahtd oi abort notice, Ten yeara experience. 8KCKET StK IKTIKS. A. o. U, W. Safety LmlKe No, 13; nieet every Monday evening at the O A. K hall on Kerry atreet, betw-cen Second ami third. Aibany, Oregon. Strangera in the it and transient brethren cordially invited i o attend. Mcl'httrrt I'tmt No. b( A. K Stated inttinH at the 0, A. K Halt on tne ihcoimI anil Kourtfi r rulay eveninifH cf each moinh. I raiiSient Coiiinultu are etirdi y invited to nieut with us S. W. RKKCK, K K. Iablkr, Couiiuander. AOjuUnt, Land arvrylug. KH bKSIKINU HI KVBW.SO IMlRI OAK OH tain i aocnraU and prompt work by culling iijmm yx-tmnty auryoi r, 1. I. r inner. He i;i!-.iujiti e copivMOf Held notcu and town fiti . tu, nd is prepitrt 1 to do urveu in ui ..it of Linn county. FototlM-tr aihlrem, lillern stalmii. Linn cou itv.Urt'KOii. t'oiilriilir ami Ifutltler. . aHKI.L WILL KI KMnll PLANn, HHRCIKICA tiona and uetai'n for all klndaof build- alio architecture. All uork promitlv ioiifc and uuaranteed to lie timt'cla.iH. kati inalee uiritiMiietl on abort notice for brick uuildiui, reaiilencea, public building, tiridgea, etc. 1 B. WINN. AlihNT I OK TIIK LKA1 s inw lire, life and aci-idetit iiiauruuce coui- 'mie. oulrarlitr ami Kulltler. IMIK rNOKI(slNhl tIAVi.Su LOCATE! i. in Albany licita itronae from city and inuutrv Will contract to build bridge fiarrm, and all manner of dwelling hoimea, inc.udiug ouecu Anne, l-iatlake and Kliza- iclbiaii atle4 of buililin4. Will furmah ilai.a, aiuiptvitlcati' na tree of chargca. Salir fai.tion iMiarnlitei" W. t:. :ASSKL. lATAi.KII CLKLU, health nnd sweet KJ breath aecuieil, by hhilob'a Catarrh bcuitdy. I'rii e b cenU. Nasal Injector free, -.ild by Koabay & Maaon. ll'ILL Yof SLKFEK with Dyapet. II Liver IJonipldint? Sbilob'a Vi tela and talizeria uara ntecd to cure you. Maaon. For ale by r'oabay if lit lame back, aide or cheat.: use Sh Hub's 1 Poroua Planter. Sold by r'oshay & l-won. DivjuirSlalc Fair, '(J0 1STII ANNUAL EXHIBITION Under the management of the St-ite Hoard of Agriculture, will be held on the stale fair grounds near Salem, com mencing on MONI'A Y, KITEM IJKK 15, 18!Ki And lasting one week TP CASH PREMIUMS ; flfT..r...l f,,r ...ri,.,, I I. ! - v. . . v. .... Ci. ivui till l, riUI K ' and merhanical extnliits, for workf j j of att :ii.l fancy work and for tr -i ais in hpeeo. i Reduced rates fur farennd freight ! on ad tratispor'atioii .int-s t and trom the fair, linporlant iin-ipivi-metits have lx;-n made upon i'ie irroiiililn and ini-re.iscd facili ties me ottered exhibitors. The Pavilion Open FOUR NIGHTS HUHINC THE WEEK. A splendid field of hori-es enter ed in the si-eed department, and tine exhibitions of racing will lie given each dny. Entries for pieini'ints close Mon day at7:i'o p. ni. Exhihors are n rued to make us many of then entries on Saiurdav before tiie fair lis tuissihle. (inii.is uiiliiinln mill ai tit-k-s lor exliil.ilion must he in i their places hy In p .1.. Monday. THICKS UK ADMISSION ; Man s ilay ticket 60 Woman's day ticket 2- Man's season ticket 2 50 W oman's Mt-a.-on ticket 1 00 Send to the secretary at Portland Oregon, for a premium list. I. H.LOUNEY, PresidenU J. X. Uiu.a, tieoratary. -tr n '. I I I II II I The City Liquor Store . iiAUMUAUT, Proprietor. 4T.Set door to the IKld Mlowa' eiuule, Albrtny, Oregon ta KeeiM winatautlv on hand '.he fliunt bn-ortl old do mittlc wi'im Honor to'ia-tKia Only flrnt liqnor store In t he PAID T0 Tu'uus Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Ciras AND DKALKR IN FINK WWWm AND KEY TO '?!gars. Pluir and Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipe 'a- full line al Wmokers' Articles. Also dealer in Nett doof to Pffeitter's candy store, Albany, Oreifon, " Is PiTTTTftW w I" Shoe ar vAUlAUil warranted, and ever? aalr nla name and price stamper en bottom. H I P) w hi A. Q 3 o W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf and Laced Waterproof Grain. The ixcellence and wearing qualities of this shoo cannot be better shown than uy the stronfc endoraer ments d Its thousands of constant wearers. leJD Genuine llaml-ocwvd, an eleirant and 9 stylish dress Shoe which commends Itself. S.0 lland-newcd Writ. A tine calf shoe unequalli-d for style and durability. SO.S Goodyear Welt la the standard dree O ' Shoe, at a Kpular price. SO. 03 Polireiiinu'H Whoc Is especially adapted O ' for railroad men, farmers, etc. ill made In Congress, Hut ton and Lace. $3 & $2 SHOES lafd.es. have ben most favorably recelvprl since Introduced .told tht recent Improvements make them superior to any inoem sold at thep Ask jour Dealer, and direct ro factory end ooatftJor order blank W. 1,. IIOIULAS, Brockton. M ASK YOUR Columbia Thejbest brand iu th JEFFEP.S02T FL0UEINQ MILLS OF JEFFKBSON, OREGON The mill has recently been refitted tnoHt improved machinery. Aak tor the ''CCLUMBI A." A nd k no ot'ior W N rr ED -Ten thoucand Men Women mid C hildren to huv goods of DEYOE & FUOMAN UHOS., WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, Graduates 'students in CLASSICAL, LITERARY. SCIENTIFIC, NORMAL, BUSINESS. LAW AND MEDIC AL COURSES. ALSO MUSICAL, THEOLOGICAL. PH ARMACEUTICAL AND ART COURSES. U is the oldest, largest and leant expensive institution of learning in the northwest. School oftens on the hrst Monday in September. Send fr catalogue to CO t c fj 9-3 jf ?1 e T?m?Z 5 ii S rt;"! m Xolli-e fur I'ulillniiliin. he.nil ollice 11 Oregon Cii) Or. I vir-it 5, l'smi. f XOTK'fc is hereby ulv 11 Hint tin-liillowitiL'-iiHiiicd Hi-ttler lint, tiled notice of hi!) inlctiticti to muke I tinal pi-iif in Ull(lrt ol lnf clHim imtl j tliat mid proof wiii lie nmde before tin- coiinly Jude or clerk cf Lii;n countv, at AHiiiny, Oretoii, on i-teiiilx r 211, 1MNI, viz: ,)nic Snn-U-i.n. Iloiiicstcad Entry No, for ti c lot 5 of Section, 4 T. 6., K. 2 Wr. He liuiiies lln; loliouini; Imi-s-i" to prove hi contiiiuoii re i-iu-e upon andcnltiviitii'tior said land, viz Janic Craltrce and .lohn K. Kiley, of Scio, Linn cout.tj, Oregon, Marion Thomas nnd Enoch Miller, of Albany, Linn county, Oregon J. T. APPERSOS. KcgUtei, LADIES' UNDERWEAR t.rnllcnirit s Khlrli, 4'bllil ten's loth I nil. antl All LaUlcH (.inuxul suad lu oriler Ml the apaneseBazaartore RRICKH VBT Low. KWnNU WOKKCU, t-S Store on First Street next to Sinccr & lllaukixirii . Miners: go to E. M. French's or your luAgui fyiug glaM. city ORDERS FROM THE OOdNTRY r o H K 0 i prices. If lie cannot supply you send Ming advertlaed price, or ft R0CER FOR iFLOTTR market. 'I'Ii-b extra tine quality of Flour igfmanu factored by the C02CFANY, and supplied with i ill the latest and sMTKrerv sao.l? wirro-.t'V-l atsET"Imortere and I'ealerf in all kinds of guns and aiimiunition, fishing tackle of ev ery descrijit on, cutlery and bace ball goods tents, hammocks and camp chairs. The largest stock t-outh of Portland. Come one and all. No trouble to show g ods. QuicV sules and Hmall profits is our motto. Also repair shop connected with store and first class workmen to do all kinds of work THOS. VANSCOY, President, Salem, Oregon. hH RE c FOR SALE BY ALL DRI'OOISTS. "Some'montliH air I nnrchaocd box of Dr. J. P. rSill'R Oatnrrh f'tire for mv own use but finding: my nephew, C A. McMahan needinir such medi. cine I let bim hsve my box of medi cine. He now sends for three more boxes, iiiyinir it is the bent thine for catnrrh ever trie'J by him and hip friends. 1 got another box to use in my case, and cheerfully recommend It toothers, Sign-d. JOHN McMAHAN. Ex-County Comrolfsioncr Lane Co Ore en. Sprinefelrl. Lane county. Oregon Prof .T, W, -lohnaon. president of the State uniTWIiy, says it cured him of a coneh after tw. other prescrtptionf had failed. Likewise two of hi. little sirls used it to cure their coughs. Mrs M:irk Kailey, wife of Trof Baley. sent it to Prof Johnson, and recom. no nds it to all who sutler from colds, and concha. For coughs it acts like eh m tin, and can be inhulcd into the pei. or passages, where o other ugh cures can reach SPOT CASH "RACKET STORE," JUST OPENED OPP. MASONIC TEMPLE. Li'lies and irents fuinishinir Koods, corset, tabl. eners, llies ai-d itents hosiery, men s and boy's neckwear, suspenders, dress bat tuns, hair, tooth, nail and horse brushes, stationery, perf".merj'. Inks, rencils. shoe blacking, and a rcat nianyarticles too nu merous to mention here. These goods ue sold st such pi ices that they ccn not be du pluated hy any other merchant in the city, unless sold at a sacrifice, Come and get our uricra No trouble te show stock. One price to . BaKXAUB tfA. ztESi i- x il m am v iir-t a i t x Li U K 05 -Sold .n -,' icnrT for- ci uljr.l btrtorfltj (or n'rNIMDicyM!UL; - . .-la . -..... s I lie Best Sillies i I V) 1 H'-t U252 -' JlILIUSUlUDWOHlS GOLDEN UTILE BAZAAR. THE I.KADINO CROCKERY, FANCY (tOODS AND TOY STORE OF ALBANY. THE ONLY GENUINE UOGEKS BROS SIL V EH WARE, FRENCH CHINA AND GLASSWARE, BOY'S WAGONS, BABY' AiND DOlJL CAR, RIAGES, AND A General Assortment of Fancy Goods. Specialty n the finest Teas, Coffees direct for net cash and carries ttie Insurance agent for rtre ami FOR PURE DRUGS TOJLE'l AM) FAlSiCY (iOTO ALSo CARIES The Finest Line of Pianos and Organs in the Willamette Valley. CALK AND TXAMlJv?. lll S'ltt'K FEEi D STORE AND GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WANTED SPECIALLY flay, oats anrl potatoes, to soppiy custim.. n on the Oregon Pacific Railroad extension ard my increasintr home trn.'e, whre I anil in onantitioa t euit the urce Otfc fort or Fetry stt-tt R VI WOBRRTSON ALBANY PARKER BROS., PROPRIETORS. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND CAKES FORV. I -. FKESH FKUITS BFR-v I FRESH ti. ..ED '.WEDDINGS-.-. RIES AND VEGETABLES BRE ii' TaVile Delicacies and Full Line y and Staple Groceries . ! Pro visions, ti Goods, Nuts, Candi . . l..c, Etc. F Ul Line of imported Foshav ri Iktw BANYJOKEGON, We want to givf our friei'ds hit ot advice. As we ureinsitlort! ? konw wln-reof we tpiak. 'fve buy a cheap tove. Vait iil yon t an ge! a goKl one. Thi Ikwkl. Wt keep Vm. fiurt-ale !" tinware is Ptill nil tl gossip. No j-oor goods in the (store. flie Market. SHOES FOR 50BOYS and filKli? HAOBl KID. Ladies Fine islioes LAS IS At Lowest Prices. Call and see onr new stock. sxnvn ip so isr and Family Groceries. He bu largest stock in the valley. Marine. PS S. L BUG Ua'ttgg, Paints 0 rum tcdwaarttrlc .jnwilj. pertodieata. BAKERY. and Domen i; Jit t ' ' ' -TH K Yaquina Route : OHEGON PACIFIC KAILKUAi, AN. Oregon BByriopieiiUu. Steams 1-tiio i f i illlLr.kUid'i li.ii Sh 22 Hours Less Tim Aff-otiiiitionh i:iinf '.d fr. Uiffitiu. Oregon V.c (-i..ci t ct, yi.t 't 1 -Uip, n.ucri Iitj- t l u : hi ; thi r r ulv vtu aii oit. -i 'i .i - . i v -.;. uJ San Frtncitco. SA1MNO i.Al-:. Aiiluieie VaJie....4 Ju) :(J!b Kl Wiiijjiictte ... . Jolt. '.V'liuiuclW ailij ttiu KRU3C H4 FKAMIKV Karallnn iVillamette Valie.... V, Ulamette V allev . . W. V - ... Auir. 1st : lltb .... " ltb Julv Slid I'bc tompaii) rencrve tb riht to cliaiu teanrers or sailinu dsti-K C. II. liaeHKLij, .1 R , liiu K. a. I'. A(,ent. it4.Moiitromtiy Mm', uii I miiciM-f , Lai KfllK-lliln-r the l t;cll i'iii ilit- pb lar (-uiumi-r exc urr-iti.. !. rote i-xcurMi'ii tk-ktlB arc on Nile tvi-ij V'edncsday.n:d Saturday troai Ait mi) Crvalli8 and I'iiilon.ulU to Yuqiiiiia and for the return trips ui.lil SpK-m-ber 30, DAI LI tlMLMIU TKAUin J-jtCCt IUjiia. L yaquina,7:00 a : Lv ,:.'.;iv 1 t (kinallm lu:S a m I " Cor iu.il it nj rt Ar Alliaiiy 11:18 a a I Ar lau,u:iia 4 3'. t. r. O. &.C. traiua ouiinu- M.i..L umll'il W M. M . U.iu, C. Hoors, Geuerai Mauakei. Actinir U. F tl I. Arnt Uorvallu, t w EAST SOUTH -V1A- southehn pacific Mint. THE .MOUNT iHSU "iL"!Ji CaliforDia exi rct tiains luii daily aouru , B:wpm..Lv PuriUuiti Ar.. b.J.. au. 9:2apm..Lv Ali'ai-) !... t..U r.w :45am..Ar l-ra:ic-tnc.L .. pto Loral fa. Train i.ii v'"- 8:00 a m..Lv Pi iiUnd t. . 4.H.- , iu 12:20 p in. .Lv. Aibaiu L . .I'i.vy nu 6.00 p mAr RoMjiMiri. t,i . . B.-J" m LrtHiiioii It inn. ,i. 1:60 p tu..i.v All.ai. Ar. . in p m..Ar Ltbaiifii i. .. .jn 7;HJ a m..Lv.... AiUinj .i. . i. i iu a in.. Ar l.vliun i. . . u, AL. . -ACAL, I'AIAV (1-Xl.t.J t r LI t.u 5-t.O ' ...... 1'. iji,u Ar... y.iA. am .(K Ar Ailuli LV....6.0J a a PULLMAN Bl'FFF.TSLEEPEUS. TOUKLVT Si.EEl'iNG CARs, accctitiiiiHia' ti il :oui ,!t4 t'a scucra attaclicu i. t-Airtsn i.uin.. HW M.lr Itl w.... Between lVniianu ami Coiviilin Mall 1'raln ml - i..i-. s.in.ii i.3'iai;i..ii. ..i j. ij... . 12:lo p iu.. Aj... v.r inn-.. .1. w 3 i p. in L li.i.'ip. ni At Albany aim i...rail. contiivt wit tram, ot Or-. n i'ai.iiietiainvaii CxiiresK Irnlu l-ail u x-.i.i f-ui uaj 4:40 p m. . Lv. .. . 'ur:!aini Ar.. 20 am 7:25piu .Ar.... iKM:iiuti!lc.Lv . l.ibMO THROUGH TICKF.TS 1 All Point- EAST AND dOUTH tdl For tickets and fu.i information re irardin rat, jia(-, eU-.. 1.11 i-oiiipanv' HKeot at AllKilr. . R. hOKlil I K. E. P. l:K..r.U. Ji i-i uri-i At. o. t . & l . A mm fiuMi m Ovrland Koute Trains for the fjut leave I'urtiand at 7 .M no 9?J0 p. 1jiIv. j xLUIvlliJ O -i'-' in In tl&tt, . aiiHita antl Kimipe, j FULLMA.'; PAUCL (At, SLtiFERS. ! Ffto Oolonist bleenine Cars Eon Through on ! Ex rass Trains OMAHA, COUNCIL BLl H.- KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO XU T. LOL'IS. I-lettaat m Hitdnt ar V 11 Cime Connections at Portland for San Iran Cisco and l-uet hound jM.inta. f-" Boats leave the OautAnv'a ahart m.t tli. tiNft it' l'r-aiiriiiii:i irt.. t . ?,"-iu,..tt , , r j Fr:. lay o! each l t.. '(.. 1 i.-.' I City ticket and l-rkM ireiit I t. SlfLII . .rieral Traffir Manager. 1 . M . i t K. .. r. . ALBANY, uuh'.H Hoaam KcAuno le tii.-u ,-. ruM.n t at nananr liuvi.-o in j u term F"OSH A " & MASON LBAKV, 1'KKG IROUP. allOf-r.tl.if :.. a.i.i l.,..At.:.i- y Jy ue.ii b st;,..h. cur., aar saie oy Fuanajr Mafiu. Dra