Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, September 03, 1890, Page 1, Image 1

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i. --
HO. 18a
.- Cs
:5, ISJM). YOU V.
Exclusive Agencv fa.
Ii , UM It K ii li I. ( : CK
Setter .tor rabliroliun
Lai Orru'K atOk:ios City. Ok ,)
-i 4, 18D0, f
NOTICE in h . given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice til hifi inteutiou to make Nnal
proof ID support of hia rlaini, and
that Haul proof will lie nude before
the county judge or clerk of Linn
county, at Albany, Oregon, on Sep
tember 21), 18 1. vu: Thomas li
L:wis, hoi nes te ' entry, Noo'JliS, for
N K J of Sec 21 T 13 S, K 1 K. He
nam m the f wmg witnesses to
prove bis con! .:''.ioiis resilience upon
ami cultivati of, said land: Carl
Kinehart, T . Wedle, John Cliris
ti u anil Hiram Pickens, ill of Sweet
ll nne pontottlce, Liuu county, Ore
gon. J. T. Al'PERMJN,
Sutler for Pahllnillon.
I.aml Office at Oregon Citv Or., I
Julv 10. 1S1K). )
NOTICE is hereby giv.-n that
tli following-named settler
lias tiled noiiee of her intention to
make linnl pnmf in snpimrt of her
eiaim, and that aid prHt' w ill he
inade be made lieloie the County
Judge or in his absence befoie the
County 'lerk of liinn Co, at Ai
li.iny, Oregon on Kriday, Sjt.
S, lS'.H), viz : Mary Flaugher nee
twirton, Hi'inestead Entry No.
f7S6 for the W. 32 of N. E. li and
W. U. of S. E. V4 of Section 'L T.
lOS.'R.l E. She names the follow
ing witueflBes 'o prove her continu
ous resilience upon and cultiva
tion of, Baiil land, viz: A. V.
Kii-hardHOii, Daniel Neal and V. C.
I'epjierling of Jordan I'. O. Linn
Co., W. II. iue n r, of Stayton I".
it. Linn Vo. Otejjoii.
I tVEKE JloL'at,
IV PfeiUer, Prop.
4...1., i;. -..1... I.n.iu..
th. city. LarifO sample rooms lor com- t
ui-rt-uJ men. No Chinamen employe.! ' tm- I
.t hn fJMieral stKve ollli- lo l'nr.i!i.
5T Complete Lites cf Garlr z&, Lfcr iter,
Plumting Goods at
LA i)l KS ANIi ; KNTS H' K
m M S!IMK:
My Sine I hpai : unlit ':
now .on pie to wild 1 In- hit I-.-1
stvltsa.. 1 I'm. --I jid.-ut 'li
lowest ir es.
the. Luetic Fina LShccs
1 HltK.UpKNT I. Kl-IN .
Vi' I. CKKMMt.M' .1. ' Yiit'Mi.
i L
) S. K. Yoi-sm, I- Klinn
1 U K. K V. S'X
! K W I AMiM.
,! l'ri:;iV Vuwl!
X lv.
('AI'ITAI, Si'oCK, M,cm
lK K H'KNT J L li,
he Cri Mi.ltnr-.1 M
riiMhitT - K ( h;ui.l rl iin,
Assinctnt f':ifliicr OA Archil nUl.
Iirtrtirft - .1 I. rowan, . I M irnNron. (h- K
i h:.mlt rlain. W'S I.... 1.1. W ll C.ltnt.J A
ra vi".nl a'i'l A An -hi'iaM
1 ra:i-a t r '"U-r.ii i-aikiti l'ii-ntct.
I'mu niu'h" -iiitMnn New S:m an! Pottiatnl, r.
t(an iiinti v on approved m- 'irity.,
!tit-eive il (wits t i lii" k.
Coihetion iitru?tc.T to - w ill receive
prim nf ptt, prion
II. I . MJ I. iril I .
. .Ml yy. liLAIN.
H. Brtant, .1. W. Bi ms,
K. .1. I.A.VN!, II. K. Mbkkii.u
I rp.l AT II M'KISi: Till i;l .-in In-n iini. k
I it. M lit h Kiwhay X Ma-u-li.
I PAISLE7 : 1 : FISH, : Jm : Prist::;
lifted French
- i:illl to
the m nr urgaiit of fithr Hex .whcthiT
iriniii intii the t cvH,-i i- utw of tftiiuuIiUilH,
X.A'ix- r opium, or through outhful imliH
1 .H"H, ever imliiliTi lice, fcto., mrh uHlotwof
lirnii rouvr, rt:.kt (u'ue, Ik-arint; Down
L: 1 in the lirk, Stimiml W- akuesH, llys
tia, 't oiim Pros rati 1 mi, No:tiiriil tiiin--ooiiM.
Lvu-itrrhoe, Liini-4f Weak Memory,
I of I'jult umiI liuMittit: , which if nck,
'vrtil utien leol to premature oll age ami
inutility. Prif;tla Utx; ti hoxtn fer 5.M
;tuf i.v uia:i ot reuei't nf piiue.
Vl;1l: (.1 K4Mi is if i veil
:rh tery rler rt-t.-i to rIii;nJ tiu
iinMit if a 14 rillitliriil ' lire m mat He tti.
Ae haw Ihou.-witiittol leHliuioniala frotu old
ui.l I'.uiik:, oi nh Hcxett, who have leeii
iM cureil by the use f Aphroilitiiir
1 'tiriilnr free, Aihirt-sn
nit: tm ho MMM it: o.
Wt-Urn Brunch, U-j, Zl. Fortluinl, Oregon.
Kor Hiile y Kottha Miukjii, who HKileautl
ttta.l -m iii;iiiT. AIt-;n . rruor
hWi Soldon llUll Pills
Ktr Keiiiale Ir
n'irulnritis: noth-
tllLlll UU
the market. Never
itail. SiicciWiiIIv
usetl bv iintniiidit
ladies monthly.
Guarantee1 to re
Iiee 1
Dun't be hiimbnif
ireil. Save time.
Health anil money.
Take no other.
Sent to anr al-
.IriMH !iy maii 01 et-ript of priw, ti.00. AJ--Ircss
tpliro Mrlllrllie 4 liilHliy
Wi-t I'.rani-h iiox '.'7, I'ortlnnil, Or.
3oM by Fns-hay & Maxon, Albany. Oregeo
Contractois rid Builders.
Otlice on Fi rat street with Wal
lace Vc ('usick, real estate : rents,
AlSany, tregon. Kstimater- given
n nil kinds of liiii'iling.-orrarpen-erwoik.
' !l work intrusted to
s willl-i ,iroiiiit I v executed
Sol li e.
ofll Kis hi-n-liv ir'. -on that ti,r
iiiil.i.-ii Mitiiitif I'oiupaiiv will he hehl
11m-:ll,. r ..( tin-iiiiliTsi''ii.a !it-i-rt-tarv at
..In: li-ilir of it iVIcek r. u., ii-itfln-li.
r iBt IMHi, r.T'ht- ,.inpnM- i.ltliH-tirij Hecii
il it-, tora t. (-ar. A full itte. il-
iiiii'i' is (h-wirw .
Ill;llt Bill, IS!I. I.. . ..I.1X1A- K.
iiii.-rt t;.ry.
:,p i ; J -; 0 i
. :g(id ;id fieiicr Ranges. Pumps, and
Buying Tour Piojiartj
Thiougli the leal entate firm of
tturkliart Si Kceney:
The oldest Real Estate Firm in the
They have lands of all descrip
tions, for sale at the very lowest
prices and on (lie most favorable
We have some fine bargains in
small tracts of garden and fruit
lands near the city, which we are
offering at a great sacrifice. This
property lies near the city, anil is
the very best on the market, part
of which is set out to fruit.
Ve have a large list of choice
business and residence projierty
for sale including the ioltra park
addition, the best, nearest and
cheapest suburban property on
the market. A lot in this addition
will double in value in less than a
V:u, muiiMi, hock pkilliino
1 1 pr.wpvctinir. Writs J. B, llughen Al
hany, Oregon,
POK SAI.R-A icnoil mian of i;-ntli- miil.-H.
r liiipiire of (I, W. Simpson.
Willamette V ally
Make a Note
f IRE BcCK 1
ASingle . Man Hold. Up a
:i Train.
w I
Tto Bop Prosp-jct- Clarkson's Succt-a
tiirea Will Besigu as
'flUiKiLK, Ala., Sept. 2. The
Iitijsvillo it Nashville iMiilioti b:tll
Tin' last night was held up at
V-Ssacola junction by a roblier,
w il l entered the express car and
&ni t lied the mei.em'er to "ive
fc.'t'lic contents oi the safe. It is
JTdtn.uijWn at Ons-iue-tho-xta.t
ofMie loss. Having secured the
vwiuublcs the robber jmnped otl
and took to the woods.
Tl engineer, Bob, sas he
was pulling out, and just as h:
train rot under way he turned
around and saw a man standing
neiir him. Before he could ask a
question or look twice, two big
revolvers were in his lace, lie
waithen told to his train up to
l'.ambia river bridge, some miles
diftaut, and stop on the bridge.
Thre was nothing left for him but
to j')ey, and he did so. Hi.; en-
giieer was tola to g.-t o;r ins
enjii:e. Then the robber directed
Sijt to go to tiie express ami
fore an entrance, the robber put
titu a heavy mallet in his hand.
Siur did so and burst open the
ca; door, fcxpress yiessenger
A:hie Johnson was standing in
li car with a pistol in his hand,
bvt8eeing Sizer he lowered it. The
nxt minute lie wis covered and
tad to lay down bis gnu, iiid he
obeyed. "Then tiie robber stain -ing
the car door com pell i-:d the
mesiinger to open the safe and
hand bini all the money. While
this operation was oing on, the
fellow was sianoiiig in the dt.r
WMilly looking at his victim 'and
tiring trst to one side ot the tram
and thm to the other to overawe
the passengers and train crew.
When he got the money the rob
ber told Sizt-r to fallow him. The
man led the w ny to the engine and
made izer pull out, and with a
parting shot and i wild yell he
f'ashed oil' in the bushes and wa
lost to silit. A posse has left
I'loiiiatoH and another has left
Mobile in pursuit of the robbers.
She Tries to Hhoot I'niteit States
Minister Mi.iier.
City ok (Ii atkmai.a. Sept. 2. A
daughter of (Jencral Barrumlia
attempted to nboot Cuited Slates
Minister Mi.iier to-day. Mi.ner
was "at his desk translating a
guarantee given to linn ly t'ns
govt rnment that Bai rnndia's life
would he spare.! in i:ase lie va.-
surreiidered, when a young woman
came into the etl'u'e, revolver in
hand, ai-ciised him of having been
directly the cause of her father'.'
death and announced she
nant to ki'l him. Mizncr 'rie.l
lo re.istin with her, but finally she
pulled tin- trigger of the pistol.
Mizner had taken up a heavy law
book and the bullet was buried in
its leaven. The shot attracted at
tention and lielore a second could
be bred assistance arrived.
Throughout, the entire excitinv
inierview Mi.rer maintained the
utmost c.Miliiess. The pilice .vere
calleii in an. I the young woman
arrested. She proved to le
Christiana uinlia, daughter ..I
the murdered general. Mizner
will not prosecute the lady, and
insists that no further notice be
taken of the affair. It is gener
ally believed here that r.arrunilia
would have he'-n in no danger ol
death had Ue not resisted.
Ieulli of a Brother Heralls a Viiung
Man to Ills luty ami l.ove.
I'iiokmxvii.i.k, l'a., St pt. 2.
James Print, a handsome man of
20, son of Joseph Trim, of War-
wit:k, wi.oed and wedded six
..w.ntlw ii. ni the nretlv ihiiuhter ol
a neigldiorii'g farmer and wiihin a
fortnight aiterwiinl uni'ccount.ibly
left his bride and disapj eared
Two weeks ago his brother, John
V. Trim, two vears older, ui. a
ieared, and no irforuiation as to
the whereabouts of either could
be obtained. The family received
word last week from James, dated
Pineville, Ky., stating that his
brother John V. had been
drowned August 17, near tiiat
place and had len buried the
following day. Wednesday last
James, the absent bridegroom,
turned up at his father's Iicuse in
a pleasant frame of mind and lx
came reconciled to his young wife.
They had quarrelled o er a Mnall
m-itter and tiie younn man iwi
left her in a fit of petulance, but
the tra-:ie death of his trother
had recalled him ti his duty and
his love. After leaving home be
se:retlv informed his brother of
bin whereabouts and asked bun
ioin him in Kentucky. Jul J
c. imnlied and fou id Jam i at
Pineville, where both secured
gcod employment. John was
drowned August 17 while bathing
in the Cumberland river.
Axtell Is Laid I'p.
Nkw York, Sept. 2. The injury
1 1 Axte'l's hoof caused bv severe
t-jininii last vear threatened re
cently to give him serious trouble,
and on the advice of the most
exiiert veteriaiurians it was de
cided to retire him for the season,
the quest ion of supremacy be
tween him and Sunol is not likelv
to In decided before next fall. On
Thursday at Belmont park, Phil
adelphia, Sunol and Palo Alto will
trv to make new records. lh
former will be sent to oeat Maud
S. 2 :(18?4, and the latter will at
tempt to lower 2:10;'.,.
Driven IIIh IteHUtifiil Wife to Des
perately Ktll Hernelf., Septe. nber 2. Judge
Scodik, a higlilv n Rpected resi
dent of Znad, and w ho has been
local justice for many years, is a
man wnne 70 years old. He mar
ried a girl about 18 six montln
ago. .-Tiie .bride was possessed of
such beauty that she at once be
came a sensation when introduced
bv the judge into local socieiv.
lie became insane and morbidly
jedous, : id rebuked her in the
p c-s-'tice ol tnende or strr igers
t tancied errors in her conduct.
Yesterday t :e judge wh enter
taining company among whom
two young men whom he thought
had admired his wite rather more
than t.hey shor'd, and he therefore
forbade her coming into the li
braij. When the judge invited
his guests in the parlor for the
purpose of examining some rare
paintings, a horrible sight met
them. Hanging froi a curtain
pole "i the window was the dead
bodv of the young wife
clothed in her white wedding
dress, beaiuig upon iier head a
chaplet of orange blossoms and at
her feet two lighted candles.
Pinned to Ikv dress was a paper,
and upon it was w ritten :
Cruel suspicion ol my tiusua :J
makes life more than 1 can bear.
The voting woman had fastened
a rope around her neck, bent her
knees so as to clear the ground and
slowly strangled herself to death.
A HuHHian Koy The Victim of Terri
ble Cruel. y., Sept., 2. Word comes
lroin i lie city ot i;vlstick, 1'olamt,
of the fiendish revenge taken on a
po !' boy for stealing a single apple.
Isaac Siiilckewich is 17 vears old.
One day he was passing bv an or
clmrd owned by Or. Sergm Freu
dianow, one of the wealthiest men
in the province, famous in that
part of Poland as a scientist.
The df rtors ivv ihe take
an apple, a d dispatched his ser
vault after him. Or. Fretidionow
first gave his victim a seve e
thrashing. That did not wear out
his rage liu'. seemed rather to in
crease its violence; "I'll teach
you," he said, "to rob people. 1
w ill mark you so that all the world
may know you for I hi? thief that
you are."
lie bat In his servants bring hint
ome stamping iron which he used
about the place. He directed Ihein
to bind Isaac so t hat he could not
move a muscle. He took the steel
leileis and set up the Hebrew word
"ganill'" in Russian characters.
I le plunged the stamp in the fire
until it was almost red hot. Then
w it.h fiendish skdi, he forced the
iron upon l he forehead of the hoy.
I he victim fainted.
The doctor then set up the Polish
won! dicii, meaning a iiuei. in
.e frs'uie. When it was sutlicient-
ly hot he stamped the word iiion
b.. ih cl ks. The fiendish doctor
i hiickled over them, and again lie
resumed he inhuman task of pre
liariiu: the stamps. This time he
set the Kussia" word "bopr," for
thief, in the ftatne. For Ihe third
time he heated it and pressed the
reil hot stamp umiii Isaac's upper
hp and chin.
Ihe awful screams ol Ins victim
warned the doctor that he must
use caution. lie uresseu tne
wounds carefully and gave the boy
an opiate; then hesent mm home.
The hai haritv ot the deed aron-ed
the people of Ihe city and th-y
line .den-d vengeance. Or. rreudi
anow became frightened and offer
ed to pay the loy $10,000 to have
the matter dropped. 1 he money
was refm ed, however, and a prom
inent law er has taken the case
on the bov's -ide. The doctor has
been arrested.
A Story-Hook Romance.
Fro. ii Stamford, Conn., comes
the tale of an inheritance w hich
reads like the plot of an English
sensational novel. A crippled
music teacher of that place had by
strictest economy saved, some thir
ty years ago, about 15:K, with
w hich he intended to buy a home
for himself and his mother. He
always kept the money besides his
bed, "and one night it was stolen
All search was unavailing, and the
poor fellow took up his work again
with a weary heart. But the f-?-quel
of the tale is that not long
since the music teicher, still p. r
and obs -ure, received a letter lrom
a man in Australia, whose name he
had never heaid, saying that he
was on the oint ol death, that he
htd stolen the money, and so great
lv had it th'iven in his hands that
he bad massed a large fortune, all
of whice he had willed to the mu
sician Not long after the Austra
lian was gathered to his forefathers
pud lawyers informed the musician
that he had fallen heir to an estate
worth over $20,001,000. The moral
of the tile ie whatever the reader
Compatisefl at F. M. French's.
Placed on
A Wayward Girl-Murderer on Trial-
Um family Taken at One
Bad Accident.
Cottonwood, Cal., Sept. 2. The
three men who wrecked tne south
bound Oregon express on the 2yth
of la it month, one mile north of
ma, and captured in Cottonwood
Minday atteriioou by Leriu es
tal and Constable Buriiiinghaui. ot
lied Jiluti. .were taken,, in. custudxl
and positively indentured as the
parties who were wanted. They
were tried before the superioi
judge of Tehama county to-day,
and were sentenced to live yean'
imprisonment in San CJuentin.
A Whole Passenger Train Nearly
Demolished., September 2. Yester
day ait'rnoon the passenger train
on the Northein Pacific', at Eagle
Uorge, oO miles south ol this place,
going pt full speed, btruck a broken
rail and the two engines and all
the cars but one sleeper went
down a twenty foot embankment,
piling up in a splintered demol
ished heap. The groans of the in
jured passengers were fearful.
VY hen the work of rescuing was
complete, a hurried list of the in
jnreu was as follows: Fatally in
jured Be., h. loung, umpire Pacinc
Northwest Baseball League, of
Te xmia.
I. D. Keoular. a railroad con
tractor, of Red Biuff, Cal.
The injured :
E. W. Healey, Tracy, Minn.
Mrs. E. W. Heidy, l'racy, Minn.
lr. A. P. Fowler, Holyoke, Mass.
Miss Fowler, Holyoke, Mass.
V. G. Frost, Ellensburg, Wash.
Elbert T. Fur aess, district claim
agent of the Northtn Pacific rail
road, lacoma.
Judd Randall, blenville, Minn,
(ieorge Brohosky.nookane Falls.
R. S. Cpuipoell, Hillsboro, Or.
E. W. Jacobas, cook on the dn-
ing car Carleton.
H. Woodson, porter of the first
toui ist sleeping car.
George E. Purple, Edgemoor,
rhey At. -nipt to Destroy a Train
But Fall.
Rki Bli kk, Cal., Sept. 2. The
tramps, who, out. of revenge for
having been ejected from a train,
attacked and loughly handled the
conductor and brakeuien on the
train, and tried to wreck a passen
ger train by placing a tie on the
i rack, have come to grief. The
sheriff followed up and arrested
one 1 1 amp w ho was positively iden
tified as the individual wiio placed
Ihe tie on the track. It turns oat
that he was the individual who
robbed a section house a mile
north of Tehama Saturday after
noon last, securing two pistols and
,i few dollars from the Chinamen.
I lis name is Frank Ocean. He is
a native of Iowa, IS years old and
has been in California five years.
Ocean was brought before Justice
Tolly, but waived examination.
He will plead guilty to a charge of
obstructing a train, as be has ac
know le lged having committed the
The Tar! ft" Bill Still Under Cooald
ratlon lu the Senate.
Wasiunuton, Sept 2. In the
senate, Evarts presented resolu
tions from the Buffalo Merchants'
Exchange favoring reciprocity, not
only with nations to the south,
but also with those on the north
House bill in relation to lot teries
was reported from the postutiice
committee and placed on the cal
endar, with a notification by Saw
yer that he would ask its consid
eration as soon as the tariff bill
was passed.
The tariff bill was then t .Len up
and the sugar schedu'e considered.
Carlisle gave that he
would move to strike out all the
paragraphs relative to sugar boui
ties. 1 Iale offered a reciprocity amend
ment, of which he had given notice
on the l'.tih f June. He addressed
the senate upon the desirability of
such an interchange of product as
the amendment proposed. tie
said it had lieen a suojeo. which
had given rise to the closest atten
tion, and Had resulted in grave
and pertinent suggestions from
eminent pnbli : men of the United
States during the last thirty years.
Whoever had seen the gradual fall
ing off of America1! trade with
Central and South America and
the isles of the sea must have wit
nessed those conditions with the
greatest impatience. The people
oi an those coiritues bad a com
mon interest with the people of
United States. Alluding ty the
late Pan-American congress, Hale
said that it proved t-urt he same
considerations which had their in
fluence in the United States, were
also moving in the minds of emeni
nent men from our sister republic
whicft took part in proceedings of
that congress and that they pointed
to one sure inevitable end, an in
crease of trade between the United
States and those people. Those
considerations which applied loan
extension ol trade and increased
interchange for produ- ts, applied
not only to the nations of Central
and South America, bnt to the is
lands of the ftpamsti main.
A Wayward Olrl.
San" Francisco, Sept. 2. An
officer this morning arrested a lb-
year-old girl who refuses to stay at
home, and booked her for the in
dustrial school. The girl has been
arrested two or three times lie-
fore. About six months ago she
stole $200, which her parents had
saved, and run away to Portland,
where she joined the salvation
at my. fche was brought back to
this city to her home, but again
she stole a similar amouut frotu
her parent aodMMMrt it iu tiaehv
jewelry and back rides. She waa
tren arrested and sent to Magda
len asylum, but is now out on
Exhibiting- the Prod acta.
Makvsville, Sept. 2. The 13th
district agricultural fair com- -
nienced here to-day and will last
all this week. An immense crow d
is in town. The doors of the pa
vilion were thrown open at 7 :30
this evening. In a short time the
large structure was crowded with
people, viewing the handsome dis
play of fruits and the hand work
of hundreds of people. The live
stock exhibit at the fair ground is
excellent. The race this afternoon
on the large track was the best in
the northein part of the state.
The w ther was per., ct. In the
f -st race, thr e-m'nute class.
the purse of five hundred dollars
was won by Vidette in 3 straight
heats, fme 2:42. 2:46.
Second race, running tbree-fourths
of a mile and repeat, for a purse
of $2t I: .Jieat'ieifvonh tak'og 1st
and third heats; t:me 1:174 and
A Crnel Marderei on Trial.
Fkesxo, Sept. 2. The work of
impaneling a jury for the trial of
Samuel Mas, the slayer of Ma.y
roster, was begun to-day. .Mars
i the negro who on the 2hth ol
last ' March shot and killed his
colored mistress. Tne ciime was
atrocious, Mars pursuing bis vic
tim along the street, shooting her
in the back three times.
A Whole Family Drowned.
Sn Diego, Sept. 2. Quite a
gloom wa cast on the city this
morning by the news that the
t iree unknown persons of the
j .rty d-owned in the bay yester
uay were the w.fe and two chil
dren oi J. W. Collins, cashier of
the California National Bank, who
is now in San Francisco. By ibis
lisaster Mr. Collins' whole family
is wiped out of existence.
Sherman to Retire.
Nkw Yokk, Sept. 2. Ex-Gov.
eter has been interviewed here.
He savs Senator Sher .nan will re
tire from the senate on the expira
tion of his tern. . He Ins said as
much and 1 believe him, as i.e is a
man of his word. Foster also
says that Sherman will not be a
candidate for the presidency in
General Grant' Remain.
Washington, Sept 2. S. T.
Collins, a . membet of the New
York Grant monument committee,
to day telegraphed to Representa
tives Mower, Leiden and Quinn
that if the Plumb resolution,
looking to the removal of Grant's
rei.i:iii8 to Arlington was not
acted upon to-day, plans for the
monument in New York would be
adopted t'i-uiorrow.
Western Union President.
Nkw Yokk, September 2. It is
understood on Wall street that
Norvin Green is about to resign as
president of the Western Union
telegraph Company, lie is to be
succeeded by young Gould.
Wbo Will succeed Clarkson.
Washington. September 2.
Representative Morrow wps asked
to-night if he was a cand datt , as
reported, for the position of first
assistant poSbOiaster general, to
succeed Mr. Clarkson, who has
just resigned. He replied ttiat eo
far as his name was concerned
there was absolutely nothing in
the rumors being circulated.
Weather Report.
San Francisco, Sept. 2. For
Oregon fair weather is reported
except rain at Uosebnrg. The
winds are generally northerly and
Hop Crop 1 Booming.
New Yorc. September 1. The
Mail and Express savs that tha
present interest in the ho:, market
exceeds anythine known sine
18S2. Prices continue to bound
npwan., with no intention of a
bieak for some time.
Ban Ball.
Chicago, Sentember 2. Below
is the the result of the games of
the national and brotherhood
leagues to-day : Bostons, 4 ; Chi
cago, 3.
Brooliyn, September 2. Brook
lyn, 5; Pittsburg, 4.
When the etomacn lacks vigor
and regularity there will be flatu
lence, heartburn, nausea, sick
headache, nervousness, use Dr. J.
II. McLean's Strengthening Cor
dial and Blood Purifier, to give
tone and regularity to the stomach.
Use elegant lotion for tan. '