Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, September 02, 1890, Page 1, Image 1

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' '"Vis
ar ' -V
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VOL. V. NO. 187
' -5S-i ; , : "A X -7 . " -V . ''Jr,'"1
VTV '..-.T
Esclusivo A?encv fa
It L iTM n i: i:c, HI l K
Soilre for I'Mhllmliun
Land Office - '--': n CirY.On .)
AURUSt i IS'.tO. f
NOTICE i- eteby en that the
fol d iiig-iiaim r lileil
notion or hi internum to nuke tinl
(truof in suprt of hist cl.uin, n.
that sail rMif will lie mule before
th count) juli-e or clerk of (.inn j
county, t Ail " Oregon, on Se- i
tmnber i9, ' 90, viz: Thomas B
L-wis, hoin" ad trv, Xoi'-'tjS. for
A KJof Se 14, 13 S, R 1 K lie
nam -s t'ie oilj nig witiif.-fts to
ptove his t- tia us lesiilence upon
ami cultiv on . aaiil Utul: C i l
Kmeliart. ' I) We.lle, John Thri
tmi anil Iliraoi t'lckens, jliot Swe
ll Jine poatotiiue, Ltun county. Ore
go d. "
J. T. Appkrscs,
Knllrr for Pbllrlln
Land Office at Oregon C'vy Or.,
July 10.
NOTICF. is hen by pi v. n that
th fi llowinj:-ianiel -flt-rr
h tiled no ire of her ;iit-niiO'
make tinal proof in eupp.rt of h-r
cUim, an.l that sifid proof wi l Lie
maile Ik? inaile befoie the t'oun'y
Jii'ige or in hi abseii-:e hefre the
Coiiny I'lerk of Linn Co , at Al
b iny. Oregon on Krid i y, ept.
5, iS!K). viz: Mary Flanttlier lie
Barton, II :ne.-'ead Kirry N.
571)5 f r the V. of X. E. l. ami
W. i f S. K. ?4 of ettion 22, T.
10S. K.I E. .-he names the follow
ing witnesse topiove hercolitmu
ous reaideiu-e UHjn and cultiva
lion of, paiii land, viz: A. V.
Rli'hardtHn,laniel Seal and F. C.
IVpperling of Jordan P. O. Linn
Co., W. 11. fue n r, 01 Stayton 1'.
O. Linn Co. O-eon.
for coin-
XX, I'teiner, erop. uniy nrvt-ecu
the city. LarifC wmplr room
mcrcial men.
faff ti"-A
' .My .Shr? 'Depurtnunt is
now 'ORipU-t' it'i tlit Jii'tvt
HfvffS Hll.l tinO-t iMMulri Mt til
v Vvnnl pre. . . : , .
the Luilew Fino Vzocz
vi i: 1'ki.m i - ; i t
1 i.. . ;
Lhl i
1 1 : .
i A X K.
i:l'ITl. : i k, Si"' ,"
pRrbiUKsr J I. ' n.
Vire I'rtsiilent .1 M I: Nt n.
Ca-shier - ro I ho. t r' i- ,
A-HJiant 'ii-lii. r l.. r. hs'ulil.
Wrc-. r. rs- .1 I. . i. .1 M I u.-t . n, Oi o 1
t h inioeriuin. i -.. .1. V iii.i.ltra.J A
it' f onl an. I i ' A ' ' I
I ra-l-'ii.'ti . .H-r:i' . t-- i- .'tr.
lm i-li .11- .ii . V. '- w n.
t.n 'IKmt 'ip'.r... ,-. ,rt
'tc-ji'i .ItfilT.- tll.t, i-t (. .1.
Cillei.'Ti.inj t-riiru-.. .' i i- wih .. eivc
11 I II ..
!- llrl;l
Virr ! .
. il r.v l
II l. IH.tlUI.
..Jl v. IElAI.
niKi:i tohs:
I H. V.KYANT, J. W. Hl.AIN, j
' lRO. I! I'M I'll K ct, "' I'- STtKKT,
E. .J. Laxmnt.. II. F. Mfkkm.u
rr'i.T Ii vl'kiS"'. I II .an U- qii;. k-
lvirur.iM Sliil iri'ii'i Wt-.'Uarantce
t. S 1.1 1 Ki-li.i & M;ir.n.
iPAlSinsisnSl ! Jobs Prints.
a-j, n t-" -B-'-.v-
Complete Lircs of Garland, Itlcritcr,
Plumtis? Goods at
Tiib GBietated French
.v- pj'fj J 5 W J f
Hi- u .tr..te Mfitit! of either sex whether
r NM.i fnirj the exivo?ive uw of fitimulanus
tf lcco cr ;i ium, or through j outhful iinlis
ociioi., over imhilKmice, etat nuch as lot of
Jirjut Pocr, akt'iu'ntta, bearing Down
iu tiic I 'ark. Seminal WakntwtHyM
Urit Scr -a- l'n6 ration, Nocturnui Omim
nioirt, LuticurrhiK. Uizzini4H. Weak Mtjinor,
4 v. routfrHl Imptfruv) , wtiich if U.:v
tiiui(it. l'n:f i a lx: o ooxu5 fur
Jvrit hv niuii on rectjiptof pnue.
V k; 1 1 i t .l tKlM fcK is jfivcii
w .tli cvyry -$i .der reeiveil, to refund lift
iii.;itcy u :i PriHHlitnl cure 18 iiotetfuite .
e h.ivc ihtmsiuiiiHoi teotiinoniab from old
:id .unt ot both Htx8, who have bvvu
jn rtn .htfif Iv cureil b the uw f Aphrmlitin
irc'i!ir fee. Ad.iri'KH
ill: i-ii;c idlHit
Vc-ttTii liiamh, lvfv.7. Kortlnitd, )re4'ii
r'or s.ile It Koli;,v x M iMtti, Ho ttmtiiaH.i
. T.,l .
At: :n mi
mat Piiis
For rVmiitt Ir
fi'ii1 ritics; nnrh
iik them ti-i
the mai I et. Neve
:ii . SuceeMsfulh
ietl h p on mi cut
ladle nxiiitldy.
tiu;iniitetr to n
lier sn-'preMe I
wvt -ilrimtit u.
Sws.Safe, Ceriain
loii't he humhuL'
tied. ssave fiuie.
lloalthand money.
Take no other.
Sent t any ad
re iiit of prir. $2 Ad
iplirir YlrtJIrtiii i uiiiimii
h i; x 27, rrilriul. r.
Snld hy Fophfty &. Mapnn, Albany- Orflpn
"I. A. CKuWIlKK.
f'ontKi'to.s u;:d Builders
Oilice .in First -treet with Wal
lace : Cusiek. real estate : .cents,
Albany, Oregon. Estimated xiven
n ail kinds of bii;!iliii?orcarpen
erunk. ' il vnrk intrusted to
s w i!' 1 e pmiiiptlv executed
ti J II ( in h. tf j lhat fue annuil
in iliiiL' wi Hie Kt.irkh.iliii-M of the
a.otiii ii i "iy .Mininif (Yiii .mv will be he!d
ait'i"!li e ot the uiU'rii!..H Mecretaty at
In. li .iir i f 3 , 'ticck p. . .Mniiilav, Septem
t er Kt IrtiMi. f-ir ho :ui posit if eluctitt Hc'Vtiu
I re tontt.i mtm: i.iii. cr, A full atte.-d-aiii-f
is ilt'sirei .
lit; list litil, ICJO. I,. H. 1I0VIA.I I.
- yr'-.j ,r.i
S: ill . - -
?1 fiUjISl
r if r
I ilrt-sM '. m:iii .-
I I'.iai
Argcrd :rd Etjexicr Earges. Pumps, and
MO! m
Buying Tour : Property
Through the teal estate firm of
Burkhart 4 Keenej:
The oldeHt Real Entate Firm in tl
They have lamlv nf hP iles;.-ip-tions
for hale ut the very lowest
pri-e- and on the most favorable
Wa have saime fine bargains in
small tracts of iraralen and fruit
lundi near the ciy, which we are
nfering at a treat saa rifice. This
property lies near the citv anal is
the verv best on the market, part
i if which is set out to fruit.
Ve have a larjze list of choice
business anal residence property
for sale including the (Joltra park
adalition, the V.est, nearest and
cheapest suburban property on
tliA inarL-ut A li. In
will double in value in less than a
I year.
pnwpectintf, Writa J. 13, Hughes, Al
bany, Oregon,
lOlt SALK A ijaiiij spsn of iftMitle mules.
niuireui u. . 01ill)i80n.
Makr; a Note
I'AY n 1 ill lilE
j-h.L BcCK 1
-s. ;".!r:iii!'i;: I
A General Observance of Labor
Nearly Wrecked in a Bto m Henry Georue
and Single Tax- Six Fires in Ono
Plaee- Fast Shooting.
Washington, Sept. 1. Iu the
senate to-uuy Slieimaii ve notica:
of an aineiiiiineut which lie pi o
i oed to oiler to the tarilf bill,
looking toward reciprocity witii
tile duuiinioii of Canada in
xuai toward extending trade rela-
110118 oei wet al Cfil-tiU Hiiil. the
Luitd Slates.
iilair and Hoar wanted to let the
tu ill' bill go over and, as it wa.
iahoi day, Jo Bonit-ihin lor laiioi
"y oiiiiih-i'ing lab r oids.
Ao.r cli lliaiught Blair and 11-ai
ueru iiii liiii d to buncninbe.
wl en ii.on lilnir chai ai tei ized
Aliiich as a represent .tive oi
i ipoly. Ti.e presialing oilicer
ca leal I'.laT to vider for unpml a
mentaiy language and the tanll'
bill Was taken up, Aldria-h object
inn to its pn-tponeiui-nt. the penal
ii question being on the finauci
committer's amendment to the
woola-n sa'he.lule, which ina-reases
tlie dutj per p- ir d on wool and
icoolen products from two to t.vo
mil one-half tunes th duty im
poseal fin unwashable wool of the
tirst cl.i'S
Paddock saial he would be glad
to follow the majority oi th.-
rinaiice committee, but he re-let. al
that he could not see his way
clearly to it. is all sections of she
agricultural west never favred
hiah protective duties, but di I
favor stillicient protection to cover
the dill'i-rence in wagei-, while at
the saina time the semblance, at
least, of foreign markets was pre
served. The west regarded the
"revision of the tarnT ' as mean
ing ' a reiucioii oi the tariff,"
whenever possible and not an in
crease in tariff initior'S, and he
was confident the aieiiiand for
lower range duties would have to
receive an early and favorablo re
sponse from congress.
Pliynielana Kxplaln Mm. Miiuil
wairtli'a Power.
Sr. Lonri, Sept. 1. For two
week- Jefferson avenue lias beam
the scene of a manifestation of a
iiiy.sterious power that has puzzled
thousands ol interested tipeclatois
and some leaaling scientitic men oi
this city. The central ligure in
the proceedings is Mrs. M. B.
Woodwo lb, who is galling great
fame by the wonderful success of
her religious work. The woman
came from San Francisco a lew
mouths ago and her congregation
lias grown hum a ie iiu.mivu to
10,000 every night. Xow come
two piominent physicians, who
have petitioned the mayor to stop
tier procedings on the ground
that tt.e strange power wielded by
Mrs. Wooiiwoith is hypnotism.
Every evening from 55 lo 100 con
verts fall una oiiS' ioiis anal go into
trances. The phy-ic'aii9 are Drs.
U'ellington Adau s and Tneoalo'v
Wnley. l'hey s iy she has by .
no'.ic power wiihout her i.wi.
kn iwledge and that those who .o
into the tranee slate at her meet
ings are (oui, letely contro'led by
her. The physicians -av that they
bcdi-ve k'is Woodwoith to be in
s oie, anil a though phe is per-f.-ctK
sincere in pretensions,
the n rv'i'is - rai l i-r uglit on
ei th .sia- s influence 1 by ha.i
hypno ic KJWer is exce oingiy
harm ul and will re-ult seriou-l"
not "lily to the persons iutlucnci al
hut wih Ji main her. di aty. Mrs.
Woiiwortii was ve y lited when
seen, but finally consent d Ij tab
to Vis tol'-a
V 1 1 n you have isions lika
fo ks .t o e-tings you noist givi
even t g right up to (iod. You
mil -t look ght up and stretch up
your a'lil- and oll V II seeti:e
vi-i hi. 1 V"ii a e tuoboni .:ii i
wo i'i 1 iok it hen null will not ! e
traosported. li a pets n in this
state is toiicheal, the vision is
broken fur the in-tant, but it
comes ba. k lijain."
Dr. Adiuu- a-1 e I f e smi
i-oiil I move w ol.. in tin- s at -.
"I lose my o n wid pow-r. hut
I am sTonger," sa:d lis. Woo I
worth. 'Soi.ieiiiiies it takes six
persons to hold me. The Lord has
my t 1 1 ii I and body anal I have nn
control ot my actions. I hive
preached while under the power
and my face shone as bright as
stars, and people have told me
that they have seen bright lights
a ounal my head like the Savior."
Another Man Struck hy an Engine
and Killed.
Mayfif.ld, Cal., September 1.
Lawrence (Jillan was walking
home alone on the track last night
when he was struck by a train ami
killed instantly. The body was
found this morning. He leaves a
wife and rive children.
A Steamship Encounter a Severe
Hamilton, Bermuda, Sept. 1.
The steamship Orinoco from New
York arrived here this morning 24
hours late, badly shaken up. Mie
encountered a huincane at two
o'clock yesterd ay while 100 miles
northwest of this port. The
barometer had been falling since
Friday evening. Thr Orinoco
was struck by the hurricane with
full force during the height ot the
gale. Her steering gear broke
down and the deck load of sliooks
was washed ashore. A cargo ol
acid was jettisoned and part of the
cat ie ' arried as Ireight were lost
.-ails, aim irauieswere
washed ua'uv and the saloon wa-
compietely wrecked ana lluoded
Shut llln Wife and Little Sou and
llien Killed Himself.
Stockton, Sept. 1. Citizens oi
this co uity, rt ho came Itom ftoi
An ireaa lo day, report that a tei-
rible tiagedy uccurvd . t West
Point, a mining town in Calaveras
county, tin lay niht, liiwhi-n i
man name i Gallagher sl.o his
wife latiily, kohd his son, ag-o
tonut lo ) -ars, and then Com
mitted sin il . i he news via.
o.o ajht to an v e irly thi.
iiiorning by a m sseiiger, v!i.
went ti.ere for a do t r. Ftomlnm
it wa It-ar- 'it a. dallagh r ha
been .li'iiki In avi.y ai d in a fi
of pHgsiun st.ot h s wife anal i im--eif.
The lie n t d a ', tlie
messe-.ger said, but she was nut
expi-i teal to live.
Mis. (i d agher has k pt a bote'
at West Poiot ior - 'eral ve ir-.
and la'elv her bus- and has been
away, but shj sent him m mey to
return. He came home recently,
and, it w .s said, anted nini-"
money, as Ins wife was well-to do,
hut sue refused to e lurther
sums to him.
i rested and Arcuweal of Stealing
One T IiouhhiiiI DollarK.
Skatti.k, September 1. Fred S.
Cabin, a dapper yoi'tig man attaint
L'l ajf age. was arrested to
nigi.t by Deputy bhei iff Waxilerv
an.l City Detective Wil lard. I fa
is a freight a-lerk on the side wheel
steamboat Idaho, anal is charged
with stealing $1U0 I, which was in
a canvass: sack, from the North
west Express Company. A week
a.:o the expies- company sent
$5000 in gold coin to ahe r bankers
at La Conner. The money was
put in a im ni ass sack, sealed up
ai.d sent by tha sta-aiua r Ialaho,
and some one had cut a small bolt
in the hem of the saa-k, taken out
f-lO(K) of the amount and c.irefully
hp we I the hole up aain. The
seal not b dug broken the loss was
not immediately k.-.owu. When
the robbery was discovered the
young- clerk's niovemeirs were
sh.i'iowed and the authorities
claim that there is not the slight
est doubt as to Cabin's guilt.
Sticialixts Celebrate.
Bkklin, September 1. Si Uahst
helii a gran i .iemonstrai ion yestei
lay to celebrate the anniversary
of the death of I.aal:e. The pro
ceedings were oralerly.
I)r. Cat ver's Peat.
IIamiu'i-.o, Sejit-in i-r I. lr.
Carver, ihe .-hoop't, i. h s nw
record here to-ia hy fom u, inula s
aii'l twen'v S'Coi.als li lireaki g
b'NlOglas- nal h with a lllle iu e
aeiiy t-'i'tv 'our iiinn-s. i (
shoo mg took p ace in t-.e re
nee oi .71, t 00 peopl-.
Mm. i'amley lead.
Ann AitiioK. S.-. ten. her 1. ac
Iviza'ii'th Cooley, wile ol .lu v
rho M.Ci. l.-y, chairman o' th
inti t it c ; nierce commissi n
li - l vest ulav i orning of cam- i
nf t e st i ach
Will I'. Ml pone the Trip.
Wamiim; iaiN, Srptemlier 1
Private S-ci- tarv Hal lord said iln-
mornii g n a there was so inn It
imp it. mt b si a-s ra'apnring t'.e
presl ia m s ii"
i n t
a lie i. ail
Iu- trip tai
t-r a t
I- t" llllll'- t 'I
lass p. P. .
o in we t.
aeiliail i
et- al
. Ill
0 ll '
Iliads me t eg"! wi nig
! i ir a e. ie In i e. !i.n y I'a k
in toe atteino.'ii, lb - i'-g ts .
Labor wi !- .cl'. , i. il .cii- tii -v
ifl' i ot ai'tiei .1 II i' to p II-
ticii'.i e and ! H i a.
I. Ih In M Iium :ta.
Sr. Pri., Mitio., pt. inlvr I
La ho Dv was iiui'e g. lier!lv ob-
setved here to dav. A bigp.rade.
with I'oO 1 men in line, con-tituteil
the forenoon e.xereises, ami a grand
picnic at Silver Lake is being helal
this afternoon.
Plenty of Fires for One Hay.
Canton, 111., September 1.
There were six ina-einliary liies
here last night and four stibles
ami small bui dings and the Tole
do, Peoria a!fc Western railway
stajck yards buildings were burned.
Died From Heart IHease.
Salf.m, Or., S'ptember 1. Geo.
G. Glenn, a well-known farmer and
horseman, dropped dead at his
saw-mill, thirteen miles from
Salem, yesterday.
Nebraska on Labor Day.
Omaha, September 1. Eight
thousanl men were in line in the
Lalxir Day parade to-day. Bust
ness was suspended.
Awbrey gives gas for the painless
feJtlrtMjUiMU al Utk
! A Fatal Tsack Waiking Ad
Drowned While In a Fit-German Official
Suiciiiet-Ships Binned bj Cut
ton Firts-
San Francisco, Sept. 1. Judge
St.wyer, of the Jnited States cir
cuit court, to-alay adirmed the
jualgnieot of tue district court ii
the case of Richard Mortoi.
..g.iinst the American ship St.
i'aul. Morton was second mate o.
the ship an.i wb.le on a cruise be
twew. &n EriViviaco.aji4ilublin in
138o, went al ft nnderoniws. lit
was obliged lo liust his weight to
a rajtceii crai.e line w . ich broke
a i.l p etipita.-d hiui to the deck,
oO l.t below, bieak. ng h.s ur.i
a .d destroying his eya a got.
I he ICeHult (if Incautious Packing
of Cotton.
London, September 1. In the
i-ourseaif the Board of Trade in-
quiry into the hiTrnii g at sea of the
National lime steamer Egypt. some
interesting testimony has been
givei. as to the cause of such oc
curence. An insurance expert
testilied that there were records ol
seventy two fire i similar o that
wli ich destroyed the Egjpt. The
trouble was due, he said, to the
tmeiia'an system of packing cot
ton. If Ameria-an shippers would
adopt the methods employed by
shipgera of cotton from India, in
surance companies would make
large reductions in the rates upon
cargoes composed wholly or in
pint of cotton an I upon vessels
carrying them. This evidence
a as corroborated by other insur
ance men.
The Wlsconsiu Laboring Men Cele
brate. Milv.'ai kee, September 1. La
bor organizations of the ciiy ob
served artisan day w ith a proces
sion anil speaking at the shooting
park. A rout 5,000 n;en were in
the parade and also many wagons
and floats representing various
trades and industries. Fully
H',000 p.-ople gathered at the park i
where the aal.lresses wereoetivered
y Miss Eva McDonald of St. I'aul
and Wm. Kemp if Chia-ago.
It Raines the Ire of Parties Who
Trample On It.
Pittsburu, September 1. The
' ierman flag w as pulled alow n and
torn to shreds and trameled under
toot this afternoon in Allegheny
by the Junior t). V. A. M. men.
It was carried by the bakeis' con
tingent in the labor parade.
He Prefers Acting to Pugilistic
N'kw York, September I. John
.t Sullivan wa- interviewed t--iav
When a-keal w ho he bougie
wool I win th SI;vi'-McAuhnV
t h- sai ' : "I n-v-r s eith. i
: t; fin put up their hikes and
ps qi.-ntb I em't gi'e in
fit -tii n jii'lg neiit i-
the matte' . howe r, is 'hat M--
Vuii'f. will w n, nd I h'M it
ilo.-s- u t b cause I like 'jm
hi- ma ag r- but or th etm.'
n isou he i an Ameri. an "
"VVill vou ligh' dcAuiffeift e
whi f Slavin?"
'I'll tigh' him f'er we 'bii-h ir
season, p.-: haps, but lei tainly oi
ef re. Tharr"9 m -r- sil!- n e
n a 'irg I an the is n ghti ig.
I"li give o i a i ii at."
KMa. ,a i KEY lEli.
I'lligte.l al L iii-vi.le l.a-t tint
hioI Never llt-c v-red
Nkw Vai:K S- pteillbi r J. - a-'
I'aul. a.'t-al li'.t d - d i gtai ,
iv.. vest ral.v. II w ! e o:
theolde t I im rsof im is j the
t'uited S .' . Li-t s tig he
ot i L uis h- an w bil h
was ' e ia-va-al ha- S alntgg d
.ii aiiv rate he a n h aii iu a
inconscious coalitimi. .td hi-
pliysiciui failed to di'gnose his
case. He was tor some tune in a
haif-tvnsciou stuor, but finally
a as able to take short walks. A
tew v. eeks ago he was taken woise
anal the aloctors said a well defined
ise of paralysis had developed.
Paul had been handling horses for
nearly half a ceniarv, and among
hose he b.s trained were Day
Star, Hindoo, Jiul, Badge, Terra
Cetta, Mrs. Chubbs, Montana,
Regal, Julia L., and other go.d
ones. Ilia last training was the
preparation of the Kentucky Derby
winner of the present year, Riley.
Labor Day In Missouri.
St. Louis, September 1. Labor
Day was observed in a becoming
manner in this city. Many fac
tories and wholesale houses clos
ing in ordei that it might be cele
Henry George at Home.
New Y'ork. Sept. 1. Henry
George reached here this morning
by th tamor Servis. Delegates
oi the Single Tax Club met Mr.
George at the pier, and extended
welcome, in addition, a large
number of single tax men marched
in a body to . meet him. George
informed his friends that he felt
tired over the voyage, and needed
a few ininrs root Ha will h
present at a conference of single
tax men this afternoon.
Drowned While In Fit.
Modesto, Cal., September I.
Yesterday afternoon Christopher
llopustad, 2(j years of age, em-
ploved on a ranch eleven miles
east of Modesto, fell in a tit while
wading in tour leet of water in the
luolmne river and was drowned.
New York and the World's. Fair.
Nkw YokK, September 1. The
Mail ami Express advices holding
a Columbian fair in New York in
m:r' ami eays: "We need no
help irom cougress. We can go
oiT luttopeuctenUj Acdjao , may.,
Ciiicago. Let us bavwr 'T Globe's
lair in New York in 1892, and a
U orio's la r in Chicago iu Isiw. "
Jeaunie Winston Coming.
Portland, September 1. Jean
n.e Winston is expected here some
time the latter part of October or
early i.i Novembt-r, with the Carle
ton Opera Company, she will
never reach the "tjereand yellow"
w ith her Portland friends, who are
numerously great.
Democratic Nomination.
Chicago, September 1. Allen
C. Durberow was nominated for
congress by the democrats of the
third Illinois district to-day.
Eighty Miners Suffocated.
Vienna, Sept. 1. An explosion
(jeeured to-day in a mine at Borys
law, in Galicia. Eighty miners
were suffocated.
The Bait of McConnanghy Agalnit th
Governor to Go to the Highest Cosrt.
Governor Pennoyer has appealed
the McConnaughy case, from
Judge Deady'e court to the United
b'ates supreme court, and Llzd
bonds in the sum of $1000. Mo
Connaughy brought suit to restrain
the state board of land commie-'
sioners from issuing patents to any
part of a laige tract uf swamp land
which plaintiff had purchased
from the state, and which the 1 t
ter, by a recent act of the legisla
ture, undertook to reclaim, by
a'iniiling the act under which Mc
t'onnaug'iy bought and paid for the
land. The plaintiff came out first
t est on the demurrer which the
state tiled, ami now thr board in
tends to take the matter to the
highest court in the land and have
it settled forever.
Strange Story of the Work of
Flash of Lightning.
I b .rlotte Serial to Atlanta Constitution.
Yesterday, at Mount Olive, this
state, lightning struck the resi
lience oi Mr. Smith, doing consid
erable da.nage to the building, and
tunning the inmates for a few
imments. The very strangest
phenomenon of the was
The holt pissed through a
pia-ture of Mr. John Taylor in a
rameo'ithe mm1 lp ecc, demol
ishtng the traiue entirety, leaving
ii the picture the ell-aleune i
e tograph of an angel with out-t-
to. ed wint:, ..v-r8hadoing
I . a . lor's head, t..e arms en-
cr mi., n a n.-ck ami toe runt
ti .1 hoi u . g a beautiful bouquet
t-tiavers. The pictnte of the
in eii a m st as .listinct and as
aeur ,.s the ph togiaph itself, and
' he x pres -ion ot the face may be
pi mil s . 'i.
lie n il tie a'nt-id f the celes
tial isit t, togei lier widi thn smile
i -ii the fa e, s -ems to suggrt t
; e lellO 'In t te iala-a Of pr- te.-tia.n
I ena di -iii while the alark
li e f gntu g' i u .i val ngtlie
t.iimaral. tu ii ii . ..side ju-ta' ve
a.- s i .g face oi Mr. Taylor i
e i. l ., an pass'-i.g off th"
i it, -e '.a . ' sugg st t e id.' t that
ihi't ii.i : been lur I ,.!.- !iy
p it- '.p.g w ngs.
' p.. pic ur is on exliiu on in
th -t.- .- o. Mr. J R. s oitb, aid
has been thr cause o'" qui'e t-en-
sauou. l tie exi''a"at on the
I'lien una n .ii is hat tii-' picture of
hi- Miig-t a n t e back of
mother pluitograph that was near
the pia-ture of Air. Taylor, and
ran-teir. d it to the picture of Mr.
I aylor, jet the strangene-s of the
oincialetice has struck everyb-jdy.
and most people have understood
the feeling of the old negro who,
ii-iiig shown ttie picture, said:
"I'll tell you dat's something to
pray over." The affair has caused
imsjderable excitement and com
The I'nion Pacific are now run
ning two daily trains through to
Chicago in three days, carrying &d
lasses ot passengers on both
trains, having Pullman sleepers,
tourists sleepers and free reclining
chair cars attached. Passengers
can now leave Portland at 7 a. m.
and 9 p. m. For sleeping car res
ervation, etc. apply to C. ii. Raw-
lings, foot of Btoadalbin street.
Geoige Anderson & Co. have
fitted up a neat fish market oppo
site Frank Wood's marble shop,
where fine salmon and all kinds of
fish fresh from Yaquina bay will
be kept every day.
Cmpasst at F. If. Freaoii's,
ov2 P