Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, August 12, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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fjftotntog gaily lualtl
The Daily will be o;
Mtoeach morning at H. J. Jone'
book store.where it can be procured
at S cents per copy.
J. A. Wilson returned yeeterdav
from Newport.
B. W. Cundiff and family have
returned from the bay.
Mr. and Mrs. E. (Join are over
from cio fur a few days.
Mr. P. Leis, a resident of El
lennburg, Wash., is in the city.
i n(. Lee and family left yester-
oat for a visit 10 relatives in
Mrs. R. F. Ashby returned froni
Uarrisburg yesterday ,her daughter
being better.
E. G. Beardsley was up froni
Portland yesterday ia the interests
of an Independence addition tha'
he bason hand
The Mr-Knight Bros, have their
famous trotLng horse, Oneeo. in
training for the ftate fair raeea, on
the McMinnvil'e track.
Lane count v hoi men expect to
oav packers 40 cents a box for
small boxes this year, and 60
cents for the large boxes.
The Eugene postortice is t be
orovuied with n-w boxes in a
short time. Seven hundred iron
boxen have been ordered from the
Among the throng otf ior a pleas
ure trii to the bav were seen C. E.
Wolverton and wife, .las. V. Pipe
and familv. Van Wilson ane Clare
Mr. J. W. Cusick.and .sou E. D.
Cusick, and Hon. J. K. Weather
ford, have gone to their mines in
the Calapooia district in Iane
It is estimated that more people !
are camping about Newport tiii- j
year tban at any other previous
season. There is a big caiup on j
Big creek, about half way to C'ae I
Foulweather. '
Tbe Chicago Comedy Company
disbanded at Yaquina last week,
leaving the members without a
cent. Some of them smrceeded i.:
getting money enough to pay fan
oat of town.
Mr. O. H. Irvine, grand elm:;-
uellor of the kniuhts of rvthiaa t
Oregon, has returned from a toi.r
of inspection of the lodges of the
state. He has official!- v-sited al?
the lodges of.Kastern Oregon and
tltose north of Albany, twenty
three in all, and will next visit
those in Southern Ore ton.
A company of gentlemen from
Nebraska Mr. J. R. Niel's former
home, will join with him and I:.
F. Ash by in forming a land com
pany wuh a hundred thousand
capital, t be known as the On -gon
Pacific Land Company, with
o trices in this city and Portland.
Mr. Niel will be in charge of tin:
Portland ottice.
Take the Union Pacific railwa
for the East, thirty-live bonis
quicker thn anv other trunscoi--ttnental
line. Elegant new dining
cars, Pullman palace sleepers, ire.
family sleeping cars run throim
to Denver, Omaha, Council Biulh
Kansas Citv, ft. I.ui- and Chi
cago. C. C. RawliiiiiB, city tickt t
agent, tout of Broudalbin street.
The Union Pacific are now rui.
ning two daily tran-i through t
Chicago in three days,-arryinga:i
clat-ses of passengers on bof.
trains, having Pullman sleepers,
tourists sleepers and free reclining
chair cars attached. Passenger
can now leave Portland at 7 a. m.
and 9 p. m. For sleeping car res
ervation, etc. apply to C. ti. Kaw
lings, foot of Bioadalbin otreet.
Isaac Banta, over whom the un
fortunate domestic shooting scrap"
in Lebanon took place, was re
turned to that city by Sheriff Scott
from Roseburg, where he wu
found. In the preliminary exami
nation be acknowledged to being
at fault, but laid the blame on Un
common eause of human d tl
culties whisky. The grand jnrv
will probably consider the cae
with as much lenieDt-y as it d -sei
Death of Archi Prnnhnw.
Mr. Archie Prushaw, for several
years a drngnist in this city, die I
at bis residence on Third street,
yesterday, at 3 o'clock, aged 3d
years and 11 months. Ti iei lei ease-1
bad been suffering for several
months with consumption, and
had recently returned from the
Mountains, where be had gon -With
bis wiie in hopes ot beiietittn-g
bis health. The luneral will occur
at 6 p. m. to-day and his rem.uin
will be conveyed to their lina:
resting place in the Masonic ceme
tery. Keller.
the annual meeting ol the stock hltl
er of tbe Albany Electric Light, Ho,
er and Telephone company will l
held at their offlee at the hour of :.
p. II. Wcdtiej-day. Auirust '20. IV' !
th purpose of electinif seven I i -rectors
to serve one year.
Dated Aum.t. sA).
N. H, ALLEN. Secretary
An elegant new lino of undress
ed kid gloves, in all tbe latesi
shades, just received at the Ladie
Having disposed of the grocery
store on Second and Jackson
streets, Albany, I desire all who
are indebted to me to call and set
tle ap. Persons can find me for
the rest of th's week at R. M.
Huston's office on 1st street, two
doors belcw the belmonico Res
taurant. ClIAKLEK Esau,
Albany, August 6, 18!K).
Awbrey gives gas for the painless
extraction ot teeth.
Will & Link received this week
a fine assortment
Btji sag kMka.
of new .sheet
Nkwi-okt. t r.
To tiii KorroRor Tim Ukrli:
Aug. 9.
In the ieue of t'-ie A'bany IV n-1
ocrat of August 5th pome person i
wntirg from this city, signing ;
him.-el' 'camper." t liT t-!
abueoiir worti;v Postmaster A.
H. Hampton. Gentlemen, A we
belong ia .Albany ouiseives, and j
having business with Mr.H amp-on
we cm -a tbe charges were not;
called for in the least, ami that
there never was a more a-emno-.
da ing postmaster anywhere than
Mr. Hampton. He has iiine t
considerable trouble and expense
this season and has tried harder
than ever to have tilings run
smoothly, and it is the opinion of
all the Albany people that
''camper" is out oi his mind, and
thit the papers he refers t'K ali
lelt Albany at the same day sir
rived here the same dav.
Hoping you will nive this space
we remain. i ours l ruly.
Wm. F. Byer to Mrs. Nettie
Dolan 2 lots, Brownsville. .$
A. C. Lister to S M. Lister,
15rt acres. 12 w 2
Enoch Cyrus to Win. Cynfs,
320 acres 10 and II w 1 ...
Oregon to Wm. Cyrus, 40
acres, 10 w I ....
D. C. and M. W. Currie to
Kebecca Krown, tut) acres,
13 w 4
Martin Gillerau . Henry
Lvons. 80 acres, i E 2
J. W. .Miller to A. E. Morri
son, 2 lots, helburn.
i. W. Lankiord to Peter La
tor ire, SO acres, 12 w 2 . .
Peter Laforge to (i. W. Lank
ford, K0x2:4 feet, Lebanon
Jeminia Ralston to Sarah A.
Moore, 2 lots. Lebanon . . .
Eva A. Smith to Jas. A.
Smith, M lots, Lebanon
John Harrison to .las. Harri
t.2.ri !
son, 430 acres, 13 w 2
F. Kae lo Harrison A Oar ret t
3.31 acres, and 22x!t2 feet.
Jacob Stiver to Edward
Stover. !M acres, 10 w 1 ... .
America Ann l)ouglas to .1.
R. bought, '4 lot, l.loek 17
H V 3rd A. Albany
II . Bryant to Wm A. t'rat't,
400 acres 13 w 2
F. M. Millard to John A.
Rowland. 40 acres ! E 1. ..
.)00 I
The Went Shore.
If any enterprise deserves suc
cess it is that of the West Shore.
To publish such an elegant, big:i
clas illustrated weekly on the
Pacific coast must take a greater
supply of brains, hard work an i
(erseverance than would lt requir
ed in the more densely populate. 1
portions of the country West
Shore will celebrate its tir.-t anni-ver-ary
as a weekly by enlarging
its page to admit better artistic et
tects. This enlargement will b.;
made August 10, and the papei ,
l printed in five colors, will be th
peer of any colored llinstr.iteii jour
nal in the world. A new ilepart
meiit will then be added for Boys
and tiirls, conducted by Emily A.
Kellogg, a la.iy w ell known as a
writer ior juvenile pub lcatiom.
Ella Higz.nri .ii, editor oi the W. -
man 8 I'ep.iriuient, tia- a uuireti a
national repuiation as a poe' Hici
writer, and her work in West
hoie is her best. The oiigmal
1 1 u morons department is contribut
ed to by the brightest w its of tbe
country. Its independent and
pithy editorials are giving it an en
viaole reputation in newspaper
circles everywhere. The Pacific has reason to be proud oi
West Shore, and it should he loun I
in every house and place of busi
ness. Apprainlng- Their Land.
George H. Andiews, secretary
and agent oi the Oregon & Califor
nia hallway company has fur
nished souie informal ion concern
ing the much sought-after l.indi
of the company. The company
had done as it agreed last winter,
about starting out parties to sui
vey and apprai.-e lauds for settlers,
and have four parties in the fie!i
now. Mr. Van Meter is at work
with a party in townships 1, 2 and
3 south, ranges 5, and 7 wes'
N. E. Britt is woiking in town
ships 4, 5, t and 7 south, and 4, i
and ti east. Charles J. Howard
has five parties in 30,31,32 and
33 south, 5, 6, 7, 8, y and 10 west.
Mr. IvuFle-t-h is in 2o, 2 and 27
south, 2, 3 and 4 west. These four
parlies of men are examining ami
appraising the land of the Oregon
Oi California company. The past
two years the;e has bee-i. as is
well known, a large iinmig ation
into the state. Railroad l.iuds ar
always in demand ly the settlers
who liavs already exhausted their
homestead lights ; so that last tall
and this spring tere wan a per
fect deluge of correspondence pour
ting into the land ottice ot ttu- corn-
pa n) tu-re, asking tor puces on
their lands. It became necessar;
therefore to start out ex.uiiinin-.r
parties. The i nn now at work arc
exje ied to ex:mi:iie and price this
summer U-tweeii 2o .00( and 2S0.
0liacie- oj land. 1'iit-ir retiiint;
this fali depei.ds considerably on
this season: but the appraisers
are generally driven in by tbe rain
about the first or second week ii
CUM MINUS In thiscity, on Sunday
eTeiiiiitf. Anu'iist in. In'.ki, the
son of Mr. mill Mrs Frank ('uni
mins, uiiid i monitis.
Venison. Corned beef, el ipped
beef, and a ne lo; of lull crean
California cheese, jusi the thing
tor lunch these wann lsys. Call
on Spencer Blackburn.
Jas. F. Powell & Co. have just
received a large lot of fresh fmits
and vegetables.
Have you seen those new stvk
hair ornaments at the Ladies
They are the latest thing
All tbe Tbirteentti Biennial
tSessi.'u of the L6.inl,it.VA Alterably .
The follow inii is a full list of the
members ef tbe next legis'ature,
which meets m Salem in January,
with the coun'y ot each. Dein'
crats are marked with a before
each name
skn.v roRs.
Blacknian, Henri, Morrow.
Cars I.C., Mnlinomah.
Cameron, ! heodore, Jacksou.
Co-swell, C. A,, Lake.
Crosno, C. B., Benton.
Cross, JIarvey E., Clackamas.
Dodson, O. M. Baker.
Eakin, S. B., Lane.
Eas ham, E. L., Clackamas.
Fulleiton, J. C, D 'tiglad.
Fulton, C. W., Clatsop,
tiates, Peter P.. Yamhill.
Hatch. E. T., Polk.
Hilton, ( has., Gilliam.
Hirsch, Edward, Marion.
Looney, J. B., Iarion.
Mackav, Donalil, Multnomah.
M.itlo'ck. W. F., Cms' ....
Moo e, F. A., Colum .a.
.M vers, J., Linn.
: .-l. J. W., Cni., .
;liie. '. 1L, Uimitill.t.
imon. Jo. -ph, Multn jina'.. -Smclaii
, t ., Coos.
Tongue, Thi's. H., V, liiin?t.. ,,
V. atcb. ii M , Lane.
Wait, J. Iv., Jiurti jmuli.
V'-'ttkins, (ieo., Wasco.
ea'herf.'i-d, J K., linn.
'"Tis, P. L . .Mu.inoi ah.
Armstrong, W., Marion.
Baker, J. A., Marion.
Barrett, W. N., Washington.
Barnes, E. V., W.-iI 'm'-a.
Blundeli, J. E., Iouglas
I'.otkin, O F.. Multnomah.
But!er, X. L., Polk.
Crook, A. 11., Coos.
Coleman, E. P., Lane.
lm ham, S. A., Washington,
bustin. C. S.. Grant.
Fox, John. Clatsop.
Fuiry Samuel. Jackson,
tiarlield, .1. !., I'oor.
Gambee. E. 1!. I'matilla.
Geer, T. T., Marion.
Hardy, Ivlwin. Baker.
Hartman, E. M., Clackamas.
Hansard, F. C. Linn.
Hall. J. II., Mnlinomah.
Henry, J. F., Linn.
Holmes, W. II., Marion.
Jenuing, A. C Lane.
Johnston. Geo. W., Wasco
Killain, J. L.,
1. am son, 11. W
I.eeper, V. II.,
Littig, Thos. B
., Yamhill.
.. Malheur.
Manning, .-. A., Yamhill.
McCall, J. M., Jackson.
McAlister, John, Union.
McCoy, E. O., Sherman.
McCracken, John, Multnomah.
Meussdoitl'er,('. H.,Multiiomab.
Merritt, J. W.. Jackson.
M iore,C. E., Ben'on.
Mo re, J. C, Washington.
Montgomery, J. C , Multnomah,
.dorey, P. F., Multnomah.
Milier. II. 15., Josephine.
Myer, G. W., Polk.
Minto, John, Marion
Mnlkey, W. J., Oilliam.
Pacquet, Peter, t la. kainas.
Keed, A. W., Doti-jlas.
Kichev, J. S., I'matilla.
Mied.l, C. J., Linn.
Snider, A., L;ike.
St.irr, M. T.. Benton.
Slillweb, W. I)., lillamook.
Stewait, J. 1., Multnomah,
Story, Geo. L., Multnomah.
Stephenson, f. J , Crook.
l homp-on, J. C. Mor.ow.
Thomas, W. E.. Aiultuomah.
Tracy, J- A., Clackamas.
Welch, J. V., Clatsop.
Weed, Judsoii, Columbia.
Wilkins, Jasper, Lane.
Wrinht, J. A., Unim.
The bulletin of the Oregon
Weather bureau for the past week
says : The fall wheat is nearly all
cut and considerable of it has heeii
threshed. The late spring sown
w heat is almost ripe ami promises
a much larger yield than was ex
pected. For the fall wheat it is
siinnlv mai?nilieient . The hern
is large plump ami dry and has'
esc led all expectations. The
yield bids fair to be the largest
ever harvested. Columbia county
reports say that the crop prospects
are unprecedented in the annals of
of the country. The musKtiielon
crop of Washington Co., w ill not
be large as last years. Yamhill
county sends in reports of a fine
yield. Tillamook county reoorts
hay bailey and and oar crop- good.
PoIk county rejnjns yield oi 4"
bushel per ace I No. I ipiuiily ot
wheat. Marion county has more
than an average wheat crop, ami
it is freer from foreign matter
than for many years. Benton,
Linn ami other v.tlb y counties re
port fine yields, some as high its
42 bushel per acre. In bougias
and other counties of Southern
Oregon the w heat and other crops
are turning out well, at Rosebuik:
samples of club wheat wheat
show ed from 100 to lu5 grains to
the bead, and 7") bushel per acre
is expected. Wasco, Snerman.
T'inam aim .uo row counties liae
more man average yields, luMie.-c
counties ihe neny is not so lame
and plump, as a rule, as in other-.
Umatilla and Uni. n coiiutios still
cla m to have one ol the largest
crops ever gathered and the
threshing repoils appear lo justify
the claim. In Wallowa, Baker
i and counties to the the south the
crops are hue. l lelds more than
averaue. Barley yields of r bu.
Ier acre are reported from Crook
county and 4-3 hus -:el of oats per
acre is reported from Klamath
county. The hay harvest through
the stock country was good and
there is more than enough hay for
any demands. The se-ond hay
crop is being tut in some sections.
Hops and fruit continue promising
Use eWant lotion fur tan.
For Sale,
Some household goods at a bar
gain. Also a larite dwelling on 1 st
street for tent.
Fresh apricots at Conn A Hen
(. entlenjeu's tine shoes at
E. C.
My fruit jars have arrived C. E.
Fruit cans and wax at Matthews
A Washburn's.
A new lit of pirtMols just re
ceived at E. C. Searis.
Adjustable window s:reeus at
Matthews A Washburn's.
Tin am) plumbing work done at
Matthews A Washburn's.
Kerosene ami gasoline stoves at
Matthews & Washburn1!.
Tinware warranted not to rnsl a
Matthews & Washburn's.
Drink ice cold Eoda at C. E.
Brownell's and be happy.
Finest line of i ent'.- neckties in
the city at E. C. Searls.
Warranted garden hose at
Matthews iV Washburn's.
Garde-t hose and lawn sprinklers
at Matthews & Washhurn's.
Ice cream and lemonade served
very day at Gottz's restauiant.
Ludlow's $3.00 ladies shoes all
sizes aud widths at E. C. Searls.
A complete line of gents' fur
nishing goods at E. C. Searls'.
Try. Conn & Hendricson's once
on groceries and you w ill be happv .
Go to Cuinimng's drug on
Blumberg Llovk, for your artist's
Klein Bros., give a pair of fast
enets with every pair of ladies ox
ford ties.
And when you want a delicious
cold drink go to v '. E. Brownell's
for soda.
Bcgir celehrali-d Tamil remedies
are for sale le. all lettdms; drugaij-fs
every where.
Mens', youths' and loys' cloth
ing and furnishing goods atG. W.
Happy is he who buys bis Iruit -
and vegetables ot C. b. brownell.
Always fresh and full weight.
Thos. Brink Las just received a
tine assortment of window sliaoes,
also the Wheeler A Wilson sewing
machine, the best and lihtet
running machines made.
Harriet Hubbard Ayer.- Recam
ier Balm, Cream and Powder, can
; be obtained at Hubbard's ne
A 1 table claret 25 cell's per bo--i
.smoke th celebrated liavaiii.
j tilled .Vcent :gHrs, manufacture)!
at Julius .lost b's cigar fa- t"rv
i A large invoice of our celeb: ate.'
'"Engineer" shoes just received a'
E. C. Searls.
Free trial, anyone desiring 8
sewing machine would do well to
try the White.
A trial will convince ai;y on--that
the White is kin oi a 1
among machines.
special prices made on all dress
goods to make ioiii ior fal; slock
at G. W. Hudson's.
rull value lor yoir
what you get r hen
W bile ew ing machine
money is
you bu.. a
Get some of thoe line pies aud
cakes in Sunday at B ackburn .
PiioniV. bon't cook over tne hot
stove these dav s.
Cash paid for bale I hay and oid-t
at L. Senders' s aole. G- o l
prii es w ill be paid ior large c-r
small quantities.
J. F. Merri'l agent for Me
White sewing machine has esta -lished
an agency next door to
Thompson & Overmau's.
Those wishing screen door and
windows should call on R. 1.
Vuuk, who will put them in com
plete Ol; shull ii.aice. Sh,,p , ,i,
corner ol Second and Ferry streets
Secure your railroad, pteamsl.ip
and sleeping car tickets to .til
points North, South ami East wa
the Union Pacific railway, and
save time and money. "Ticket
ottice on Broadalbin street.
You cannot accomplish any w.-k
or business unless you feel well
It you feel used up tiied uiu
take br. J. H. McLean's Sarsapa
nila. It will give you heai:li.
strength and vi ality. tosbay t'i
Aii ele.-ani di-pl.iy o: fruit, .n
cluding peaches, apiicots. melons,
pineapples,, pine
apples, ami in fact every kind oi
rare fruits and fresn vegetables, is
to bs found at Jas. F. Powell A
Company's grocery store. The
keep ail the market affords.
When ihe stomach lacks vg .
and regularity there will be
lence, heartiturn, nausea, s. k
heailache, nervousness, use br. J.
H. Mcleon's Strengthening oi
lial ami Blood Purifier, to
tone and regularity to the sfomac.s.
Unsuspected (li-oi.lers ol the
kidneys are responsible for mi,ny
f lln: oxlinary admentsof liuman
ity which neglected, devebip inio
a serious and jierhaps fatal malady.
Experince would susrgest the use ;
of br. J. H. Mclean's Liver and
Kidney Balm.
Undue exposure to cold winds. gh" !:g!-r or malaria m.iv
bring on inflammation ami sore
nes of ihe eyes br. J 11. Mc
Lean's Strengthening Fye Salve
will subdue the ii!, cool
and soothes 'the nerves, ami
strengthen weak ami failing eye
siiilit. 25 ct its a box.
Take the Northern Pacific Rail
road to all points Ea-t, shortest
time of any road La--t. No
change of cars, lwst accomo lations
and the most pleasai.t r ute to
travel. Tickets f jr sal over this
road to any ami all points east at
the lowest rates by Burkhar x
Keenev who are the authorized
anents of this company at Aluaoy.
Call on ttiem for tickets and fud
The Origin I Abietlre Ointue nt
only put up in luie iwo-ouui e tin
boxes, and i mi absolute enre for olo
lores, burns, weuntls elmpped liiiutls
and all rkln eruplious. Will positive
ly cur.T ull kinds of pilet. Abk tor the
OriKinal Abietine'' inient. Ssold bj
Foi-baj ii MhbOL a ceuU per box
Irj BU 80 ammU.
S)ime Pointers That Will Save
Money to llouNekeeiiera.
Go and
see that beiu iful eold
WaiC.l al ttle -Onlllell Pulu Ua.
zaar. Jul u : Gr..dw. id the pro
prietor of the Golden i.ule Bazaar
informs us tin. t he ha-- the Prize
B .king Powder, and No. 1 Japtn
tea, expres ly put up for h'8 busi
ness, n ' for the benefit of his
customer , each box ol baxinn
powder will win a piece of fine
Jas -,i are, and also each pound of
the tea' w ill win a piece of tine
glassware, ami customers who buy
one pound of tea or a box of bak
ing powder, which is warranted,
will have a chance on that beauti
ful gold watch. He has also add
ed a fine assortment of family
groceries to his m imnioth stock of
glassware a id crockery, which is
the lamest in ihe Willamette val
ley, tioamlsee Mr. Gradwhol at
the Golden Rule Bazaar, ami you
will see that nothing is misrepre
sented. r'llio AnoiHIuieilt.
Everybody went away well
pleased and smiling from Mueller
it Garrett's yesterday. They had
the finest di-play in the c ty. All
kinds of fruits and vegetables, and
as ior their d. lii ioiis lu.icli goods
tle-y thev fake the lead. .wiss
cheese, chip beef, comb honey, etc.
Delicacies a specialty.
Fur the .Mountains.
Nearly all of our citizens who
can lay aside bus uess cares and 1
take a shon vacation are going to
the mountains this hot weather.
i ourse they ;tll want to lay in a
supply ot canned lunch goods be
lore tliey start, and Mnelle
c. I
Garrett keep a full line of the best
in tbe market.
xf.,r)l lien.
I have jus) recened
lot the popular .lo'iiisen Oxford
ties for .f.oU a p dr. The Ima
j shoe I have handled for the price.
I Samuel K. Young.
A very handsome robe for a
bahy buggt . was picked on the
side walk iu front ot the Lvangeli
cal parsonage, t he ow ner can re-
i cover the same bv calliiitc at the
I parsonage.
I Hi-ys jv,.r piii. :irH a ,(1 rid laxative
; and act direcily uu lue liver and ku!
I lievs as well as the li.w-ls. All ) ritij
! uifts.
Gradwold's fine teas, with the
cut -glassware hat goc-s with I hem,
forms quite an attraction and goes
very lapidly.
Anyttnnir yoti want in our ba
kery depaitimnt is oi 'In- ven
1 i;. )ils and
H vim "et thi-r:.
low pu-e:
Ht-il!: Dandelion bit"
i ion. ily-pe.i:i am al!
ers fu
kil' lr(.(l
Ve in ike a sp. cialty of tin
cakes for p:ir'ie ,md weddings.
Black: urn ,s: Piioui.
No matter what the price, on
CimmIs will always lw first-class.
-e .-i-k,v Hi. h-k ' its
New s.ith en.
bra's ami other
received at i. V
jiugham's cham
was. i goods jus;
. Simpson's.
A new line of hi irk silk mitts
just receive i at E. C. Searls'.
Elegant lyvtion
soft ami beaut :o-'.
renders the Skin
The best watch in the world
the money at K. M. trench's.
The bread w.ignn and
get f esh bread every
morning, or leave or
der with J. R. I long
ias oppoue ine kus--Ii-livereil
to all parts of
the citv.
e -n m
cn -cm
e ' i i C8
? r
. - .rj ...
J : .- CO Vt
c o - ft
(Q r m '
Warratited tf
2.?? Af'TER
thr uglier 'tive orAijsc.f 'itht?r mi whether
ariMin fr.'in the xf-ivi ntu f stitmi antst j
tt tta c or opium 'ii T,mu;h mthful in Ian- ;
rrcti'Hi, o' r induijTitce, etc., such mU of .
Hrain Tower, W-iki'Mt'nesa. Branny Lo wn !
Tains in tht k, hcminul W aknetw, llys- I
Uidu, S r on. I'roh r.itimi, Noctu.'il omta- )
nioitj, Lcucw i h'te, lJijEiiii-M, Weak Meit'ry,
L"Hnf Tocrmii itiiHitein . , whk'h if nek- 1
locU'l uftrii itf'l o I'rtii'aturu old :te and j
innaniu. Pn t$! a G buxcV fcr ?.f.00
Svnt lv innii -n r'CH't f 'rice.
A Mltllll l.hKtXIf is (fin-n :
with ever;, s'.'i :,i, r it..i(-l, lo r. r ind tne !
iiiiiit ii I'iiiitiiti i Aitt, :a i i iiet to I. 1
v it i e ti.tMisai rhoi it.-i.iiifua1 r Hi old ' r,uii, of U.rh t-rxw, lu- Ime been
IHTinaneiitlv cured by tbe uwr ' f Aphroditine ,
Circular free.. Address 1
in Ariiito i;iirir '.
Wentrn Hiunch, ". Portland, ron.
Koi Bitle by Kohbay A. Ms'i,, who aland
Ifi.l d til '. it-1-, A M - I t y
T ilt l:rn.
pasture. Whittle di
(Uire at ttle rei k-nce ot M-
Poms. f our:h w.d 1'aUuooia strtreta.
M, E.
1 l at greatly re.!urtKl rate; alto choice ;
; canary bird 4, CnylUb and Uarrjnau inirara,
Far paniavlan taqn f UN. Wa. m.
Fi'encli i
rr moi.n j
: ?s i
fe J I
By the most modern and ap
proved methods cures female dis
eases and private diseases of either
sex. He has a sure cure for cat
arrh of the head. Consultation is
free and everything strictly confi
dential. Ollice hours 10 to 12, 2 to
4 and 7 to 8. Residence comer
Third and Lvon streets.
laitest designs in jewelry
received at F. M. French's.
If you fe-d unab'e to do you
work, and have th:t 'ired feeling
take Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsapar
illa; it w ill make you bright, active
and vigorous.
IV! .
opens eitemb: :. i-iw.
Co. u . ( study ar i.trtd t-.
pt-ssly to ii et bene .s v- liie
inning and u echaniea' int. re s
ol the state L..rgo. ex u.n uio-
a i weil vemilat-.! bui: ..ugs ili
C)d ,-gi is o ,?te .. cc
' h i-i :um .oil.
tin be.iltbie ' in il i-t.
id ..m
''i' i.aini::..
! lie.. : no. . ft I )0 to-
i he en. .e
Two or more free scholarships
! from every Oregon county. Vri:e
lor catalogue to
i . , .no. .11.
r. I., i n..M.;t.L,
Cory tllis, Oreeon.
I" OST One :av diiv bra;)ti :
:.i V.
P. eil the
lJ shxuMer, wuislim .v; pound-t,
9 - ears
.)ld. Anv iut'oriuatiir.i will ie auitalnv re-
.eil .l Iress VVriiitmaii IL iluiimrl.
Farmers Attention
Do yon want to Viuy a Hinder, KoL'iDf, Tbresber, Mower or ot.lur ui;i ljiii ry
this vear ?
A Stoam "boat Load of
Oall mid HeL ct What You Want.
IVEy Stock is now complete
embracing; all the latest novel
ties in Dress Groods both in
We make a specialty oi
Kuit Ribbed! and Muslin
Onr price are .the,, LOWFST anl
our goHts
We earn a full lin- of the world renorrd Prcadbeed Drefh Goodn, . i i r ii i i i r
elled. In ::broirleri8 and flonneinKB we have as large a etotk pf In; 1 n i'
will he oim e -nd that Albany ia the heat trading point in Oregon. f)TA pleasure to ihow goods.
Willi a Fortune
Is a good, healthy, pt-arlv .skin. Few
are aware ot the ohort tinifc it taKeb a
disordered liver !o cause blotches on
the face and a durk greasy skin One
bottle of Begtrs blood purifier ani
blood maker will iectore itiU oiau to
its natural and hea'.tfc, state and
clt ane the blood of all impurities,
it ic meeting with woudriful success
Try it. It i guaranteed. All drug
gibU keep it.
A Good Cough Syrup.
There is nothb.g parents should be
so careful about as selecting a cough
syrup. Beeus Cherry couth syiup
is mectimr with wonderful success.
The best it none to irood. Be sure yon
tret Beg. Every bottle is warranted.
All druggists keep it.
The People's Bakery
frd Ereai h: and Cab
Fine Caks a Specialty.
Onlers for any quantity wil
e proutpih lidel.
Faxm ldccl;re:y juctxcccivtd
AiiT fclUDiO.
Mis. br P.ttou. Lyou and 3d
Stieet. LcfSOnd gicii 111 iiirtWUig,
paiutuig and music. Pu tmes for
sale or painted to order.
Am Ia.
We thmk the people will like to
buy five one poun t bars of splen
did laundry soap u r two biu. We
will sell at that . i -e to-uaj .
SJ-tNl't) Bl.ACk.uiKK.
lulllur .in 'al-K- urr.
. Theoulygur aute-u cure for tutarr
cold iu the ne La ltvi, rote told
c-klarrhul ueufi an- ana oie ejes. he
6tore the sense A tunte and uupleubHa
breath, resultii ; Irom i atari h. Kv
aud pleusaut. U ike. Follow direclioa
and a cure ib w .runted, by all drug
Kisls. Stud fc circular to Abicliu
Medical Coujp f, Oio iiit, C 1. MX
uionilis' trcul jut lor 1; sent by
mail. 1 10, I sale by rubhu A.
Uee elegant lotion for sunburn
ISOM, LAlt. A III., i-io,
(Superior for Faiuil and Baker'a uee)
Best tiioito Jf'aciJities.
t Hijjhejit vkU ric paii let l..kt't
en e a i m i :
We hae uiatie arraiiemeuU lo Mij -ply
luoue to ull on loi.g liuu- at I w
rales ol ililmlt on iiuprovvd luruia,
and choice ciij pr .puiiy I Uobc wi.o
contemplate Uuiiuu. uuek bio. ka n
ttKl uiou . til- us 1
W tl.L ct A: Lt 6il K.
1 Viereck's :
ting saloon,
having and hair cut
liHVing I.) cents.
fci ttt tcftcnof
-Tt TI1L-
Call and look at upvalue, in
Ve iia e a ery
elicose from ;'t 'iie
er t'er"i in llie
1 H k t