TUTC MOirNTiSTfi TTTTT? AT,T TUESDAY. AT'OUST 12, 1S00. a IXHI1.Y 4NU WEEKLY TERMS iKSthsCklFT"' DAILi rutuirtwd ory suornlnic tufi-t Mondays :tTerl br oaxrtes-, per we-i... V -c-.il ir TW - 8 " WKKKLY, ruMWMd ert Friday Moral mt.) m v'Opv, per annnm, in advance. r:i-n ii.it rai'l In advniue ....... ... .00 TBK HAIL. vtte U the Alban DostofHrrlo For ll ofBoee north ) fb. Eastern state '" rr.c Went Side ( 4" 'h Nairn Gautf K. R4 7 - -tland and Salem 11 A. , . . ''in and Yaquina ..12:!W r. ', ' aouth..... 7:30 r.' (Hiatofflee will be closed each cver.tu; . ram x to wren o'clock. . Iteiristered matter for th early momliiK rain should be mailed before 8 o clock thr awrlnoa aranrjur. OREGON PACIFIC TIME TABLF.. Arrive Departs !11.15anin.0Opin Hreirtt. , ' 6.Sin ..roa THA T IRR10.A TIOS QUEST JOS The matter of storage reservoirs, to gather the supe ralmnlant inoiHtuie during the rainy reason, and distribute it over the region or arid land for irrigation pn rposes during the dry seawn iu one that haa engaged the attention of the public to a lance degree, and the action of conirress in the matter has been accepted with approval, for it was looked upon as being sure to lead to the desired result. When congress made the appro priations to commence tbe work, the people generally approved Even when Major Powell's sug ' gestion to remove the arid landc from the settlement made, there was no real objection rained, as it was supposed that such an action would be needful tor the entire success of the work. When, ho tver. it is apparent that the - removing of tnone lands from th market was only a subterfuge, and I the real object in so doing was to i get them in shape so that epecn-1 lators could gobble them up ac ) soon as there was a prospect oi their becoming valuable, it puts an entirely different aspect upon the subject. In commenting upon this matter and the opposition to the ex em pton clause by Senator Stewart the democrat i 3 Alta says : "Sena tor Stewart inaugurated the irri gation policy. He gaye to it that profound study exertion, wnich he has always devoted to his Sen atoral duties. He ana other Western Senators secured an ap propriation for an examination and survey of the watersheds and reservoir sites ol the arid region. (This appropriation was made in tbe Sundry Civil Appropriation bill, which passed October 2, 1888 Wbile that bill was in the hands of a conference committee a pr vision was inserttd withdrawing from market and reserving all res ervoir sites and all lairds that could be irrigated by the f instruc tion of reservoirs. Senat r Dolph of Oregon says that it is ' 'believed that this extraordinary 'rovision was drafted by Major Powell and inserted at his instance. Senator Dolph says that neither the land commissioner nor the secretary of the interior was consulted about this extraordinary legislation in an appropriation bill, nor did tbe public land committees of the house anda senate kuow of it. Dolph, himself a member of the Sena'e Land Committee and chairman of the sub-committee on changes in the land laws, did not know of tt is change and its scope until within three months. As construed by the Attorney General and secretary of the in terior, and no doubt correctly, this legislation will withdraw iroiu entry all land in the arid region. The lands which are arable with out irrigation cannot be segregated from the arid lands without the survey contemplated by the law, therefore all the land laws are sus pended. The region covered by this covert legislation, as maiked out by Major Powell himself, is bounded on tbe north by the .Dominion of Canada, on the i-outli by Mexico, on the east by a line drawn through the mildle ol ! i Sorth and South Dakota. Ne-1 braska, Kansas and Texas, on the I west by the Cascade mountains, through Washington and Oregon, j the Sierra Nevailas in Upper Cali fornia to the latitude of Santa Cruz, and thence south to the Pacihc Ocean. It will he seen then, that Major Powed, by a few lines in an appiopriatiou bill, as to which he consulteJ no member ol tbe cabinet, no one i't the General j Land Office, and piobably no member of the land committees, sus pended tbe operation of all the land laws of the country over an area equal to two fifths of the domain of the United Slates!" Probably the remarks are in thM main correct. There is cer tainly bo adequate reasou for re- j moving from homestead and pre- emption any part of the lands, ex cepting such poi lions as are actu ! allv needed for the reservoirs themselves, and later attempt d legislation plainly indicates that speculation is the foundation if the exemption. The public lands should be reserved for actual settlers and not be in any manner subject to speculative absorption. Americans complained of many of the questions asked by the cen sus enumerators this year, but iu Germany the people submit to fai more rijid tcrutiny of their domes tic affairs without a murmur. Even the income is obtained, th rent of the building occupied and other matters which even Superin tendent Porter "had not the hardi hood to include in his little catechism? Albany's mines up the Santiam are attracting the attention oi men of capital, and they will be worked in a way that will prove to toe rtorld tliat there it- uulolo wealth there. This tact in airedy tieginning to he dt iuoti.t rated. Latllna Hue Uovh. 1 make a Mecialty of handling iii'ties tine snoe". i carry some ol the het brands made in tine and medium grades in widths from A to fc.E. All warranted goods; no trash, and w ill repair any pair of shoes of any kind sold that will rip or break. Samuel E. Young. The luion Pacific. Is the only line running two last trains daily from Portland to Omaha, St. Paul, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis and all points East and South. Buy your tickets of C. G. Raw lings, foot of Broad albin street, Albany. Faults of mdigest on cause dis orders of the liver, and the whole system becomes deranged. Dr. J. II. McLean's Mrengtbening Cor dial and Idooi Purifier perfects the process of digestion and assim ilation, and ttiuu makes pure blood. XtJ II TO-1JA 1 . nOR 10, 11)0 Ai:RES OF r'lRST-CLAbS X lanil 3 lulled fmui Leoamm, p.rtly im pruveil, eiiiuble for uauy to-k. fruit ur sultry, r.ir further nifuriualion inquire ' at Una omce. WANTEO. Uy a laly who write a jrood hanti, and it both quick and accurate uh accouuu, a position in a more orothue, lius- store prei-.Treu. Ailurcu G. R. Box 80, Aloanv. l'UR KENT. lliree desirable dwelling JT bouses. tor prtjcuiiini inquire of lr. tt a W INN, AliKNT FOR THE LWALI t ing tire, lite aul a-cidttiit insurance cnui IMiieo. LOa T In tiiia city, a litrbt-red i.lwellun detter. Answers to name of Pouts, Re .rd will be paid tor hi return to hie owner. C. W. W atts. I OE COOL BEER ON DKAL'OH r, PRAWN from tbe cellar, al M. liauuiari's. F COWS, AT T rites Bros,' stables. t A. accounts with Johu PierreiiKer are re quested to vail al once and settle as he has stdii his meal nuraet and has retire.' from die hiuiiivsa. lllMatitU KOOMs TO KEN1 Inquire 3. uimu, at Uelmonica ri-Mtauran LI W. AYKIW, ARCHITECT ANO SlTEK t9 inleudaut. Otfije over i-'irst National ixuiic riuiidiinc, All.any, or. Work solicited iruio all parts oi the county I.'1SK CIGAKS-lilPORTED, KEY WEST lUid Domestic, embracing the celebrated dor de Madrid, Estrellas, Conquerors and other choice brands iu the Wells, Far go and Western Union Telegraph o trice building. i3t heuiember the place For Sale. CHOICE STOCK OF GROCFRIES, Ef.X turea. etc. Dolnx KOod business. Oocd reasons for selling. Address Mr. P, A Box S75, city. P('R SALE-A i Jersey cow. Well broke J? for town purposes Inquire at Oregon Land Oompauy's office. LOST- A breastpin oi heavy -rolii wire en circling a coral branch. The tinder will lie suitably rewarded by leaviny the same at tins otbee- MONEY TO LOAN HOME CAPITAL OS irood real estate security. For particu. Iara enquire pf Ueo. Humphrey. L11 1LEEPLES3 NIGUfS made miserable by O that terrible coutrb. bhiloh's Cure is the remedy for you t ot sale by i'osha) Uason Notice VOTICE is hereby itlven that tne annual of the 11 meeting of the stockholders Ootden City 5Iininir Company will be held at the office of the undersigned secretary at ne nour oi 3 o ciock r. M. Mon.iity, ep.em ler 1st lsBO, for the purpose of electiiiK seven iirei-tors to rerre one year, A full attend nce is desirec . UKUSt rjth, 1690, L, H. Mostastr. Secretary. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tni owaer never vanec. A'marvei i purilj-.gtreniftli and wbolenaraunees .More economical tbau the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in compt ti. tkin wltb multitude of low test,shon aeight. alum oi phosphate powder Sold only in ctiis, Koial Bakinp 'ou. der t . lm. U'kII -t.. N. Y. Liwn Ja, JoBinaoN & Co., Agent, PorUaod, Oragoti. OMSUMPTO ro ! r C . I .nP..".i 1 - - S end" (oi- ci rcolj r.J t)tr It 3 for , The Best Shoes 9i EOOT,' .a :!A ' SAW JJ if Far ( -r- A JULIUS GRADWOHL'S GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. THK LKADIXO CROCKERY, FANCY HOODS AND TOY SI ORE OF ALBANY. THE ONLY GENUINE ROGERS RROS SIL VERWARE, F'RENCH CHINA AND GLASSWARE, BOY'S WAGONS, BABY AND DOj,L CAR, RlAGES, AND A General Assortment of Fancy Goods. Sjiecialty in the finest Teas, Coflees and Family Groceries. He buv direct for net cash and carries the largest stock in the Valley. Insurance agent for Fire and FOR PURE DRUGS TOILKT AKD FAISCY GOTO ALRo The Finest "Line of "Pianos aw! Organs in ftp Willamette Valley. Call a;j examine ii is stock F1 EEi J3 -AXD- GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. ! WANTKD SPECIALLY Hay, oatg and p.Utoc, to supply customers j ou the Oregon Pacific Kailroarl extennion and my itirruasine home traile. .vhppe t Rail in (inant'Hes t. nii the I ALBANY FARKER BROS., PROPRIETORS. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND CAKES FOR-.WEDDINGS- . FRESH FRUITS BER--. KIES AND VEGF:TABLLS uoice Table Delicacies and a Full Line f Fancy and Staple Groceries ai d Pro visions, anned Goods, JlN uts, Candies, Etc,, Etc. A Full Line of Imported Perfect iiemefe 71 - aVatasr 0 - Fosliav I Miisrn ""l 1 i.l , r II I ! lMM' im l O III . 11!)' II A I BAUY OWE GON We w.,i t to give our iri. i tU a H of ad-, ice As we ure insiifi-rs e know whereof we r ak. evi." buy cheap tou Wait id you can ge a go d i.ne. The KWKL. We keep 'flu. Dm . -ale f tinware is rtdl nl the gs-ip. .No oor gooils io tl e store in k Mi SHOK KOH . i rz av a x 50 MS d MA t KID. ma Ladies Fine Slioes At Lowest l'nces. and see onr new stock. Call Marine. GOODS ILL drugs, Paints, Oils ti ratuor t an toflt artkla la, a fafl itae of books ant utUowcy pariodicaLs etc. -TT rtftrlptkan earefv;!' ..Riiaosjadd 1 000 rHiSTS TIWP11 CARIES- STORE iirvhaarra. Oftii fHt or F rrv atreet W 1VI RORRRTSONIR BAKEEY: FRESH jfr . BRE- , ED and Domett ic Cigar. '1I1I4IAK w W. fcASTBUKX. M. D.. PHISVriAN aild Slirireon. Office in Mi'lludin'n hrijk Can be found at orbie day nr niirht. M. ti. Kl-Ll, HIYislClA.N KeoD, Alt.a .y Oreifon. AKD SURr DAVIS, J! D PHYSICIAN AND 8U.'enn. Ci n tie found at hi nnV room Orep d room ic airanan o mocK, t int -treet. Albonv Oie(ron- C. KIIJ.T, PHYSICIAN AND dl"B ;eon A ba iv. Oreiron. otfi in Pierce' new block. Odioe hours, from 8 a. H. to J kosM'IKK, VflLKARY Sl'R- ueon, graduate ot Ontario veterirar college and member of the Ontario veterin ary medical soiicty, is pri pared to treat the iliHeaaee of all doneKtitted animals on H'ieiilinc principles. Office at Ans Marshall' liveri xtatile Residence 4th and Calapooia treet, Albany, t-reiton. .)' lR. C A. McA LISTfCR nOMJIOPATIlIC PBT pician and mi r peon Ha reaiuved hie olfiee into Crawford' l.lock. All ckllB prouipt- I)" (i 1 -(iirii A. WHHNfY, I'HYMCIAIi AM rifw.n. (Jraduate f bellevne Ilcni- 'al Mnli.-al l.'cllmc. New Yi rk l ily. IHeaHe f wnicn a fi t, iaitv. Office in at rcHidi nce en tli xtreit t'dween Calnpooia and Vine, A bam I vR. M 1 I Sun J PA TOV, PliY'SKIAN M) .Surireon, Kh:nibeiK ' Uiwk, Albany, Or. h einal liveaMci. a ialty. Cau be found n the oltict day or niht 1 1 o i: ;i W. r B' RNK.Y. L T. BtKIN, J. W DRAI'KR I ll'RN -:Y, KVKI.N" ji PKAPKR, ATl'oR I ) ni'vsat law, Oreiron Citv, O'eon. Twen ty years exicrien u as Krister f th V. S. Laml office tOi-.--on City and in the land Tira. tice rciMmtu uU us in our specialty iiusiiic-s bef 're the Liml O.lice o' the courts and inv living the practice iu the ge. eral L in.l of lice. I t;. w.i I 1 . Ore rsoN .ar.rne at law, Albany on 0;t'i. t- in Stiuhan block N. Dl'SCAN- Arron.NEY-vt LaW and :n.tar nubli.-. mice in the Stratum i'liii'!., roniK No. i arii) 'i. V. Klackbir. o. w WKIOIir. I ACKHi:R.. ,v WRIGHT ATH RNEY AT Lu. All-aii. ti . .-tt it in Oild How's Temple. -V ill pnwtii- in all courts ot the state, and tivv Hpt4 ial attention to all business UrOLVEIITON CHARLES E. AITOKNEY at. Iaw, Albany, ir Office in roonin 13 xnd 14. Poster's ltiMk. 'tver L. E. Blpins store. TK. W E ATI! K II T( RI ), ATTORNEY AT . law, Albany, Oregon. oitice in the Elinu HI ck. W Hi piactice in all the courts of rhestate, and give special attention to all business J A KS P MEA1, AITOKNEY-AT-LAW and title exumircr, Alban, Or. Wil. raclice in all the coiirtB ci the mate. Ab- nttacth of title furniinnJ Hhort notice. I "en years experience I KVEKK UOl'SE, ALBANY, OR. CHAS l I'feiiler, Prop. Only HrHt-eWtuMi houmr in the city. Lame sample roonm Ur coni mercial men. o Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General fltae unV fo Conallw. SECRET SOCIETIES. A, O. U, W. Safety 'LotJge No, 13; ;meetn ever Monday eveninif at th G, A. K h:tll on Ferry street, between Second and third. Albany, Oregon. Straiiifera in thr it and transient .brethren cordially invited to attend. Mcl'hcrHon l'fHt No. 6, G. A. H. Stated meetinirH at the G, A. K Halt on the second and Eourtn Friday ev ening cf eiu h monrh. Transient Comrades are cordi y invited to meet with us , , S. W, KEECE, B. ablkr, Comraandtsr Ailjutaiit, I.immI Mirveitm. IlARTIKH DK-SIKINCt fH RVKYINO DONK CAN OB tarn crurtto and prompt work by cuilm.; tiKli cX-Ortinty eurv.yoi I-. T. T. Fitther. 11c liamt-omplete copies ol field notes and town ship piutH, arid is prepare! to do survevimr in iuiy part of Linn county. FortUimVe address. Millers Station. Linn cou ity, Oregon. ionlrarior aiul l.iiildcr. 1 C. SMKLI. WILL F1RMSH 1'LANH, SPEC1KICA- 1 . tioim and detai'h for all ktnds of buihi ing and architecture. All work promptly done and uuaraiileeu to be first -cla- Mti uiutes turnisht't on short notice for brick tmiidiiiif, residences, public buildings, bridges, etc. t iiiif mrtor nnl Kiillder. qiHE t'NKEKSIG.NKI. il wixo LOCATE!. JL in Albany Hi;. it ..; .iliace from cil and rountry. Will cw. tract t- r.uild bridires baris, and all nianner of dwcllillr hoUHes, iric'udini; Oucen Anne, Eastlake and Eliza betluaii stU-j id muldiii-.. Will furnish plans, andsM citlcati"ns tree of charges, batic faction lEiianiit,.... W. !. CASSEL. LlATAIiKIl CCKED, health nnd sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh ketnedy. Trice do cents. Nasal Injector free, bold by Fcshay & Mason. liril-L YOU Sl FFEIl with l)vspctia and f Uvor Con pld nt Shiloh's Vitalin-ris uara nteed to curs you. For sale by Fuehav Mason. tOU lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's P Porous PlaHter Sold by Fosliav & Mason. T HAT HACKING COl'GH can be to quirk- ly curtd by Shil"h Cure Wyuarantee tiilil b F"?ha Jl lason. Smith H a I I S3 o b R 7. Th p M o o o u o and OUR AERIATED OVENS lake the Nioesr. Thread. Trv us and we willjio GARLAND STOVES AND The City Liquor Store . ItAUMGAltT, Proprietor. svTNext door to the Odd Fellowi" em pie, Albany, Oregon Keep conatan"r oi hand the finest imported and domestic wtdea, liquors, cigala an towx Oidy fliitiaM iqaoratore in the city Zl nM T'ON PAID "T) ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY TU LIUS JOvSEF'H Manufacturer of Choice Ocas , AND DEALER IN E IMPORTED tars. PIuk and Smoking Tobat ioe, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, at a full line oi Smokers' Articles. Also dealer in Vett floor to Pffeiffer's candy store, Albany, Orexon, r H niTTTinW 1" Donglaa Shoe art vaUllUll warranted, and every pair haa bis name and price stamped on bottem. um, 3 hi hi W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf and I.aced Waterproof Grain. Tbe excellence and wearing qualities of this shoe cannot be better shown than oy the strong endorse meuts of Its thousands of constant wearers. Se.OO Genuine Ilnnil-smed. an elegant and stvlish dress Shoe which commends Itself. $ jf.OO iland-newed Welt. A fine calf Shoe unequalled fur stvle and durability. SQ.SO Goodyear Welt Is the standard dress O Shoe, at a popular price. SO. BO Policemnn Hhoe Is especially adapted w for railroad men, farmers, etc. o All made in Congress, Button and Lace. $3&$2 SHOES ladie's, have been most favorably ana ine recent improvements mane inem superior to any shoes sold at these prices. Ask your Dealer, and direct to factory enclosing advertised pi postal i or oraer oianKS. W. 1,. DOCGLAH, Brockton. M ASK YOUR GROCER FOR;, Columbia, :FLOTJjft Thejhest brandjin the(market. Thipcxtra fine; (lialityjot Flour is)maDU- factured by the jeffeesoit: FLOUrJITCr MILLS OF JEFFEBSOX, OREGON The mill ha recently been refitted and supplied with all the lateat and most improved machinery, sk for the c j4nd take no otliei W A. N T JEX) Ten thousand Men AVomen and Children to buy goods of DEYOE & FKOMANJJROS., guns and WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, Graduates students in CLASSICAL, LITERARY. SCIENTIFIC, NORMAL, BUSINESS. LAW AND MEDICAL COURSES. ALSO MUSICAL, THEOLOGICAL, PHARMACEUTICAL AND ART COURSES. It is the oldest, largest and least expensive institution of learning in the northwest. School opens on the nrst Monday in September. Send for catalogue to THOS. VANSCOY, President. Salem. Oregon. WE CAN BE FOUND AT & senders LLU 'NE STOVES AND RAtvr.cc. bearing this trade mark are to-day making more World's Bes- tome, comfortable happy than any other brand in ex- istence. They areiuide in all styles and sizw, both for Cooking and Heating, and are sold at prices to suit the puree of the ric'i or Por- f imltationi. Examine tne Beware .. . .aannT ITDDDHU AND KEY IVEST r o 0 ft oiy re remer ?se prl I If be received since introduced if be cannot supply you send iisea price, or C0MPA1TY, LUMBIA" tarKvery sack warranted"- Iniorters and Dealers in all kinds of ammunition, fishing tackle of ev ery descripfon, cutlery and base ball goods, tents, hammocks and camp chairs. The largest stock Fouth of Portland. Come one and all. No trouble to show good6. Quic) sales and small piorits is our motto. Also repair shop connected with store and first class workmen to do all kinds of work. CJ. RANGES r - rg;.af l n t tub jfapa Route : OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD Airr Oregon Deyelopment Co.'s Steamship Line TEH i5 AKD 22 Hours Less Time rban by any other route: Accomodations unsurpassed fur comfort an Mlety. f ar... and (reiKl.t tia at,uina auf Uie uregou Ocve upiuenl colnr i'. te mine, ruutb less tliai lj ant cttaci nu:t reeu all points in tb. V-iliUin.et'r V .11 umI iiai. Fraucisc". Sailing dates. rm.K Tavruta. ryillamette Valle .... . W V... . Willamette Vallej .Jul.r . . AUV. .ft -6.il tthuiuietU; ValK-.... riuM SAS PkA.UH f-arallin A.i(j iviiuuuette VaUvv VV lU.UifltC ai K: W. V Ju l let 11 L I- i 3.,l The compauv reserve inc ri. UMtuiers or smiIiijk .iuts C. U. rlASKLL, Jk , u. Ii j MH.sioiitoniciy sii.:i, ..ij r Kcuieuilxr tLc On you iii .. t. ,fti.i. tixK ill! U lar suuiuier cx.t.is. nn. Lk tale ) CiCUl tll'll llfKlls jll OI, t-KI excureion tirku: VVeuucsduyui il aiutua.t liviu .-1, buiii Cmaili : nil fllloli,. siiu tor iutj rciu.i. il .t'S Ul.lli .t , L, Ui- Daily rAasm.iiut iKaias, L Vaquuii..7:) it .Li A.om ) l; Su r Uuniuitt iu. . a I " cvi..Uie i.-3 r Ar Albany ll.te a k I Ar i..,u,i.. 4 3- t. f O. tt C trait,. L-ibLut ... ..i ai,u n t i II...., U. Uoeia, Ot.i..i.i Luiiu, Actiutc O. f tt r. iiti,i rHiiis, or EAST 1 SOUTH VIA Pali tie SOUTHEhN hCUJt. THE MOUNT SHAbTA ri)l1 California eij rcttiaint itn aailj ' SOl'TH I NOHld . . y .i. am ,. W-Cl i Hi ,.tl:u0 p ni..Lv.. v:Ztpiu..Lv.. ilAb a m..Ar. ...PortluiU ... Al ...Aibat j ..... L ... e. 1-rai.ciscu.Li, Local fast, liala Itnliy- vki. bui.ua b :uo a m . . Lv port laud i2:&lai..Lv... Alban . 00 f mAr.....RoseburK. .Ar.. 4.0V .iu ..Lv..lL.Cuain IcbaawB ttraucai., l:Mpm..Lv Albany Ar.. IaA pas .3UHfj m..Ar.... .Lebanon.. ...Lv.. b.so ani ; 7;S0a m..Lv....Aibauy.. Ar.. 4. it. pn a Pi..Ar....LelaiiuiiM.... Lv.. .ai ALSA.W LOCAL, UAIAY ll.tfl Sul bAO r a.. Lv.... Portland Ar... A tt.00 Ar AibAU.....Lv....o.'ou a at PULLMAN BUFFETbLLEPEKS. -TOUKlbT SLEEPING CAhb, For acommoaatiou ol becoud-Claas Pa enters attached to kxprtsw i rains. Weal Mcle Ulviaiau. Between Poitiaua and CorvaUi Stall Train Itally - tuep:. sunaa) 7UWam..Lv. ...Po.tUud ..A.. 6 3) p. ra l:lu p a... A: ceraiis.. L lz.oop. m At Albany and Corvaliis connect aith iraina Ol urefcron Paubcliauroau. fcxitrcsa 1 rails ail ihxttpi suLuay 4:40 p m. . :t6 y ni . Lv.. Ar . 1'oil.al.d .. . &J 3b lliUV ntt . Civ ia i..i . c THROUGh 10 All Point 1 EAST AND SOUTH tS t ot tickets and lui! micrtu. tltn re gaiding ral.s u.aps, eh., mil m ccn;t j.a I agent at AlLanv. U Kor.ULKH. L P. lit .I I.S, iti.k. r v I j. l , A mm Da i !?'.' EL'Y tr.UI'A.s': Overland Koute Trains tor the lst ic;..e 1 ituu.u al 7 a.n. nt v:W r. jii. TlPIt !" '" ,run' ir',ii:iu X J. VX.X!i JO 1' iMt il. lu.Uo btiua, PULLMAN PALACE uAh SLliPLhS. Fm Ooloaiat Biocmnr Can Una larongh oa x tmi Trains OMAHA,; COUNCIL BL'l" FF KANs.A CITr, CHICAGO 4NL nX. LOUIS. tlCKaat Arts Itli.liiK hi Mil 4 haua O'.aM Connections at Portland for San Fraa cuuo and fimet buna jH.int. tV'Buata leave the Cv mi,j hart, at tl r loot ol firuadalbiu slrvci, oi, H,tuu slJ Priday o each week. C. C. hAV LiM.fr, Cit ticket and rtiijht Aiitut t . MIILsa. -ral TrsJBe Maaagrr. T. M. Lt.SU ti. V. A, JOHN SCHWLLR'S LiYery.Feed&Saie mkt Corner Bectmd and KUxvorth tU ALBANY, - ORKGOli Hoasat aoaaoaD by the day or month. Cat riainja or biunriea on reaseobla terms vnnl FOSHAY & IMASON Wholeaak- and; Detail Diigists 1 Booksellers" I3AKY, CROl'P, mbofiiie cciyh sin licnrliitia immrdiatxly reliered by ibil( b't Cout, For sal or Fvatiay A Vb,sop.