1 at-i i iulj i will ; i 1 1 1 i i ivT- 'i i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i i iiMi i ,kw i i 1 1 i i,, ii i i i j v i i ibA - i ix ii i v, j ii i inn m i. , . y . i ir i i i i i i i - i i i i ii ii ill ill ill ii m ii try ill ii i i i i w i ii i i v jta lis i i i i n i , . - . - -. . . ' - .- iiru njii villi Li V ii 1 1 1 1 ii v in ii vi i u 1 1 ,rs u ury i i i.ijv Ji.V: (i j . - . . a (in ji w 'I'ui i;vn s.r i i i " v o i , iim ' - w w --w A je . . . - r I I - e E. S Exslu9iT? .jencr fa It 1. 1 M H E Ii i v It L itCIC ALBANY BAKERY. PARKER BROS., PROPRIETORS. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND CAKE- VOM-.-.VKIDlX(i-i- . FRESH h RUIT- BER RI K- AXI VEliETABLKS Choi.' Table Delicacies ami a Full Line of b aiicy and Staple Groceries and visious, aiin"l Gols. Nuts, Candies, Etc., A Full I hfoj iHtpiirUil C)iiJi V. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. QCNTLEMCN. BEST IN THE WORLD. FOR CHICKENS SS.OO PES D0ZE1T, EGGS 18 CENTS. Jl ueller Garrett. hmm & MrrrliMi'ls NSUR Alhany CO OK Oheoon ctrirtL toiK. .io.om II Plltl. N5&.WUW. nFFICKKS l-rni.i.-it V . t. Keml. V.,.4wFrtidefit- J O U ritsman. Ti:tsurir J Seeretarv J. L Cowan. K. F.lderkir.. PIRKCT as. k. .h. rrah'ir. J. L. Cowan ; Writs-, on i-., ' F Re I. J. K. I.. Kol. foil" F Sinipfon. W V eat tit rfor.l. L. Burnett and M. iSternbrif. Safe SounajiOnsei-vaTivB A Square Company. Managed bq Square Men. Patronized by Square People PivraoaiM Soma Eatarprisa EARLS LAD1LS AND (JENT8 FTR Aio h ive complete line of BillJTs ai fillip pcc hat iletv ruinpteiti'.'ii. ua a call nuil luy v-'ir sh-ma oi at beilriMik price. vGik-i i.8 sut Mjiiare I-Jliiifi. lie Ludlow ino Shoo3 FRESH BVKKI) .. BREAD V.. ro- Etc. ttvd J)i nn1ic Vifnrr, HE8T HinuiiLBAIKi I'KKSIDf.NT L. FUNS. Vt K rKr'SlbENT . ? TOCNO. CASlUKk K. w. Lam xn. 'KA. 1 lit .S3AC I A OKI 3.AAL BANKING lit . KSS s. E. VorN8, i.. Flihs V. Klain. K F. sox. E- W. I.nu.. n COWAN RALSTON Albany, t AID hmmiK Oregon Truiivi-t 8 ventral hanking ht.miieM. ilrm i(ht ilmltn on Nt ort. San L.an ni'iney on fc(irmeil swurity. Ket-eiv deponilt nuhject to i-ht-k. Coll-vlion enrruannl to ua will ro prp t.i att lit ii BAXK OF OUEOO n', ALBANY, OREGON. ctrirAi ... 3v,mm r .-.Iflnl. lr l-rra.. t ahlrr . II. KKYtVI II t Ml HUM U . JAl M.BLa. niRWTOKs: H P'tTAN'T, .T. W. hl.AIN, (tin. Mi weiiKKT, ' II. STE WAHT, E. J Lannixo. H. F. M'kuii l. LADIES' UNDERWEAR CrMilrmrn hlri. iklMimV 1 talk Int. ai-ri til litillr (Miwenl wal Ifi 1 1 ese Baza ar tore .... ..... . tll.1ki:tl(il.ll.wi, ) Aj S'ric on Fnal btieti luxt ir 8 eiiiri & I. A. CKOWDEK. C. W. CKOWDKK. CR0WDER 15R0S Contractor and Builders. Office on First street with Wal lace & Cusick, real estate agents. Albany, Oregon. Estimates given on all kinds of buildingsor carpen ter work. All work intrusted to us will I promptly executed. For Sak If. Dw ll(Ut Utuaa far tea. Bajini Tour Property Thioujth the leal estate firm o Burkhart A Keoncy: Tle oldest Real Estate Firm in the Willamette They have land of all dencrip tioiiH "for pale at the very lowest prices and on the ino.-t favorable terms. We have some fine bargains in small tracts of garden an I fruit lands near the city, which we are offering at a preat sacrifice. This i projierty lies near the city, and is ! the verv best on the market, part of which is set out to fruit. CITY I'ROl'ERTY We have a large list of choice busim-ss and residence property for sale including the Joltra park addition, the est, nearest and cheapest siibi than properH on the nii'vket. A lot in this addition w ill .loMde in value in less than a SAST PAYMENTS. BUR ART & KEENEY, Ii i: I , EST A HK. Lit A A INSURANCE AGENTS. ALBANY OREGON ITdwiisi'ihI &. Wilson, HKAL ESTATE BROKERS, i INSURANCE AND LOANS. First street, opposite Farmers & I Merchant Insurance Co. Albany, ' Oregon. I Agents for the following Insur ! ance Companies: .Etna IfiHurance Company, of Hartford, Connecticut; total awets $9,780,751 .5. The Guardian Assurance Com p:inv, of London, Kngland ; capital $5.UtiO,0i 10.00. The Columbia Fire ani Marine, of "oil laud, Oregon ; capital, $500, 000.00. TOVYNSEND & WILON. FOR SAI.E BY AI.LnKroOISTS. "pome month eo l nurrhaoed a hoi of Tr J. P. 3111V rtrrli ( lire for mv own e rut finflltiB' m nef tiew C. A McMshsn needine aueh mfdi cine I let'him hve n t ox of medi cine. II now arnfl for three raorf boxet, aayinir It if the betf tfalnsr for oaturrli ever trle-1 hy hin- and his friend 1 trot another ho to nse In my cone, snd cheerfully recommend It toot fr rs. (Slcmdi. JOHN MrMAHAN. Fx ounty 'i nim;sionrr Lane Co, re iron. Snrii rfl -'d. Lane countv.Oreirou. Prof W. f oh naon. president of the Jifnte n Waaai )v, says It cured him ol a conn h atur t-other prearrtr.tiont hud failed. Likewise two of hia little irlrlniHi d it to cure their rouirhs. Mrs M:irk Halley. wife of Prof Bailey sei.t it o rroi jonnao-, ana reeom m "d it to all who an tier from colds iiml i ouuh. Tor cougrha It acts liki' a rhhini, and run te it lihted into tli pities or paasairea. .here. o other coujfh cures enn -reach ASTKD 0w t aaatara. W ala 4 V ally A TOWiN IN ASHES. Seneca Fails, stroyed New York by Fire. De- TUEttSIMKAKLT A MILLION, A $800,000 Fir is Ctaicago-ExpnMon f a K.llion Jrwt fern Eauia The Cent nl Ameiicin Wr. Seneca Falls, N. Y., July 3'1. Fire broke out at 3 o'clock this morning in the new I'hienix bio k In a few minute tlie t-nti:e st'tii ture was in names. It whs I approachable ir -in i.jt one ilirei tii.n and the attnopp'iere quickly liecame no hot t'at the tirenit n ci-u'd not endure it Th splendid t.K k, including the electric lig"t plant, electric railway plant, p st-otti-e, expie-s office. Reveille printing establishment, Courier, -andei son's lurniture ware-rooms and AVe."tern I'n-on tele-jraph office mcctinibed to the flames, and within four hours, 15 store I east of it to the Sheldon block were ruined. Flames sprang across the street t the iiuag opera house, and that was cou 8uniel. with all the buildings on Fall street on that hide ea-t to the Sheldon hlui-k on t-ite tieet. The flames extended to and in cluded Kellotfu's livery etahle All three nenspajers were burnel and the telephone service has sus pended. The Western I'nion com pany is doing business at the rail way station. The tire wns under control at 9 o'clock, but soon broke out again in Feilmi" & Glaski's lr!g s'ore, which wa- burned Ai bi kx. X. Y . July 3. Re-po't- received here from Seneca Falls place the loss at l,000.0tO. Three acres were burned oer, covereil principally by three-story bri- k buildings. Latk:. Tlie best hnildirn.'B in The Celebrateci French CURE KF0RE 9,11 S AFTER the ceiintiTe'rprsuMiot rithr mmx ftheUkci ArisiiiV truiu thr ecivv ny ot stiintilani-. .otm--6i or opiain. or thrniikh )(iuthtul inltn CTt'ou,ocr iinlulirriire, ate , midi li)oi Brain Power, W ake u'oM. Briiiir Oowi Fainnlnthe B li, Senm.l W kknew, Hy teri, Ner ou Pr. ratixn. Nocturnal Oini sioi.i, Lencorrhi, lliwinew. Weak Mem-ir). LikoI Power a 1 Iiu(ilenc, whirh if nci. lecretl oftin let to iirematur oij iwfc am inaanity. Price $1 bn; 0 boxes fcr 5.1K Sent maii on receipt of price. . A WKIIItA MklM: is firi with er ordr received, to retumi tn. money if a rrrnnnrhl cure ia hottffette-. We have thimaatniKof irtinionia!a from old and younif, of both m-ih, who have lieci pertuanently cured by the line -t Aphroditin. Circular free, Adilrem i nr. Afmso (iHi. . Wmtarn Branuh, K-, 27. Portland, Oregon Kor (ale by r'oahay M. Won, who eale an. rti.il fluikifiMK All ,. -r ,TliB People's Bakery Frsli Srd, Pies and Caks DAILY. Fine Cakes a Specialty. BLACKBURN' & l'IROXI. LEADING GROCERS AND BAKERS. FEMALE Fills For Female Ir reirulnritie; noth init iikc them the market. Nevei ir3ti. aucceMfulh iml bv prominent 1i.iim4 -poptt.ly. Guarantee'' to re lieve Bui'presae.1 nieiiStruatiun SnrSaSafiB, Ceriain o o, ll Don't be humbuir ired. Save time. itn ami money. Take no other. Sent to any ad- dreea V mail en rec Ipt of price, 12 00. Ad dress tuhro MedlrlMr l onitianT Went Branch Box 27, I'nrllanc. "r. Bald by Forbay i Itasca, Albany tv iihiM DIHK IEAI.F.KS IN STCVES. Ur-ViAR., HCUJE FUFN'SHIICS, Manufacturers of galvanized iron cornice. l'lunibintt a siecialtv Give ns call. GRANT PASS PEACHES ! MUELLER A GARRETT, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Orders for anv quantity will Te promptly niled. CITY RESTAURANT Havine been envirelremn 'ele.1 this oM anil tx.pnlar restaurant wit he m.vle first-clans in everv n a pec The pnhlio will he tiiven good nel it all hours for onlv 25 cenU. Evert IhiriB-neat and attractive. Ovaten- i Faber s w Tv -' ..j loV i 7aV .'-t JU f the village were wijieti out. A care ful es'iiuate places the Iob.-. U-t veen tOOi.UoO .nd 47tW,tWj. with i 8ur- auce at flou.WJ, CU1UAOU. SOO.OOO l.we in the !Lnht lards d tb Lmkm Front., - Chicago, caly 30. A disa-trous tire ovcurredj.o-uiht on the Lake front at tlie fj'oi ui Jliuingan street near the injutii of th Chicago river. It U.1'an on tue docks oi F.izsiuous trjiii.el, C' intra, tors, an i quickly irt-ad to the lumber aid- oi l'ayir & y ., W'h.t-omb i. o., iVt.i gk 0. ana tt. rl4e & C. 1'hj u bjato-taiue in itood play. Uef; -vu . ten aQd fiiteeu acies ot iu.Ocr muu ui.ea were burned anol number ot irt-Ubt Ciiis. liiefcrTtuioii oi me wind :ioue s e-Ai- 'iifiie -;:aiiui4t;tur-ing ebUljIifcflulenta ns.. 'ViaiJa. the ls.-ea agrg ne f 800,hOJ. WASHINGTON OU8SIP. Houie Inside, r acta C'oucernlna; Af- fitiraat the Capital. Washington, J'llv 23. Pre i- 'lent Uanifoii, accomp 11 ied bv .-ecret irv Fro tor, , t'orn.-v Gen eral Miller.Geiier.tl Scolield and several in-iv or less diti- guistied gentlemen. l anled a government nig tli- aierioon ai.d i-teamed lo-n the Pot-line to old Foit Washin. ton, where the District of Columbia niiifa is hoMit g itsan- nu.il eiicaiepment. 1 h id a g -od I 'Ok at Mr. tUrrison, end was u really siirpria- d to di-c -ver that the tle.id white, waxy color of hi fce, which hid cai sed so many strangers to tliiuk him dangerous ly ill , w 1 gone, and that there va a slight tinge 01 bt-iwn, a very h'it brown, 11 1 most yedovv upon his cheeks mii'1 nose. It mxkes a hedtd imirvement in lii- ap pearance, and the nxl iim ho goes t'-Cape May Point h should make it a point no pun intended to spemi as much time a possi ble in ea b.tiiinn. and unl- s- the un .itIV, t- h s liea i he should go barehei.d--d. Perhaps ex-cjinmiM-sioner of ihmimoi s Tanner, who. by the way, N ce'ti'g rich as a pensio i ajeir.mig -t oe peruadel to volnn'eer his set vces to assist n giving Mr. Harrison's t-kin a thoiough t unit g. Among the seorttors wives ho liave nraved the war n weather 111 Wagiiingto'i in o'd- r tu make their oetter halve, c oiiiell.ed to be ii re, us comfortable asi po-ible, la-oe-1, "'e 1 1 eat at, re Me R -:ii;an and Wol-.-oti. The Us amid being a bri-ie -f eonrs- d -et ve u -pe .ai redit lor desir- nutoiein.in wtiereer iter h;.s- ba el has to bti. T. are all tbat wi y during 1 . Lonvyiu .n. The op.-o ients oi tue 'ot.gti a? package" liill co::soied theni-elvs lor it-pa-4ege by ihc h-U8e es- eiday, by yefi g awav with an unusual oil. ntiiv f the ton ten h ot tne original packag s donu u n strut, a d some ol lliem Biic- ee 'e l, ami 1st the merry 'V-p Hip, pop," in forgettin' tlie black eye 1 hey had re'-eived. Funny, Ui.'t it? I'e pie eel- bra' e theii vie orii-s and their del; a' in pret ty :niic 1 t:e same .uy; tint is, I should have aid hat a e itmant peoiile ue the snue iog edienta in iireparing a dose to lemove the gloom of d-- eat that they do when the pati nt is over exhih ratel hy the joy oi victory, and the efl'cct On! never ui i u that. Ex-Secretary liayard, who is a much greatei man .-ociullv than Me eer wa-po i'icaily, alth u he once had the presidential lever, i-i in asluntoi-. I err-onally there are lew men more iopular i:h tlie extreme upper ten lb Mr. ItayaM, and he prii'.es him elf ti 01. that fact, and ioves 1 loidora f -ii-ign nimi.-ter a" fei veient y a ever Ward McAllister did Air. Havaid'a new ife seems o have had a rejuvenating effect up hi him, as he looks consider oiv younger than he did when he w as lit ti.e head of dr. Cleveland's cabinet. K19SIAN OVTHAOKS. Million Jews Expelled Inhu man Treatment lutlicted. Loniion. Ju!y 30. The Time s iv the Kussian uoveniiiieni nas ordeeu me application 01 m ... .- . . 1 .1. edicts if 1882 against the .lews fne Jew must henceforth re?idi 111 c.'ttain towns, ami win noi o Dermitted to own land or hire it lor aurn ulnnal nurnosts. 1 he law limiting the residence 01 . e to 6 Drovinces nas oeen put in force. No Hebrew will be I owed to enter the army or any other profession. The enwc nieiits of tlie t diet wil! result 111 the expul-ion of over a million of Jews irom the country. S-veral prominent .lews at Mo- hileff have been publicly clia t sed. A Jew ish Uy at Bialosto k ha had the word "liner' in t.iree liiiuage- branded on his :a e with eau-stic, by order ol tue iv.Ct. An Editor tthut. J,ck8on, Mis . July 30. State S nator Joe W.Cuter. r to-d ay shot and fatally wounded Freda'id cii. vc. nt" .r of the New ('oahi.ian at 1 rears Point. No particulars, except toat Chew had lieeu assail ing Cuterer in hi paer. Fatal Explosion. ireknsbi"ro, I nd.. July 30. This morning ttie S md ( 'reek stone qiT.rry boiler exi-lo led. killing two uua aua injuring live otueis. SENATOR MITCHELL He Reports Free ; Postoffiee TBAI2T . BOBBCM AT WOBS, -A Xhty Opei Fir ta TraU-A Tnif Lai Orowaai Whlb Learalax Iv to Swim. ; Va8hinqton. Julv 3i. Senator Mitchell, notn tue cominirtet: on postotfices and post loads, Ulay eported favorably - wiib aineu i uieuts the hi 1 to extend the free neiivery STbteai. Iho bill wa Amemed b ibe c muittee so as api ly to ditie.- of 50i)0 txiuula DROWNKn WHILE BATHINO. Voana; Lady Meet a Death WblU Learning How to Swim. Minneapolis. Julv 30. I-ewis l. Washourn, a civil engineer. as drow ied in Lake MHuetonka this evenins;. with hi9 iieice, Gus- e Buckman daughter of E. II. Buckuian of kux Citv, Iowa. He was teaching her to smiiu and was seized with cramps and both went down. IN Bl'KNOS AVKKS. The I'oualace Threaten to Araln Keaort to Violence. London, lulv 30. -A Times cor respondent at Buenos Ayres etya the exasperation against Coleman indefcnbable. 1 nless lie re- gns, it is feared attempts will be isde unon his life. 'I he minister of war has is-ued a bii!h-t:n par- loniog the rank and file of th- revolufonistf- and declaring that 2t.i,000 national guards are rea 'y to dt i'end the ouutry and presi- lent. The bu'letin ia treated with h-ri-ion and trampled under foot y the people. A MIKDKKEB KSCAfKS. He Hhoeta a Man Becanae He Whipped HU Own Child, Denver, Col., July 3. A Dallas pei'ial to the New mvs: A man herding mules lor railroad graders n Leopard Creek shot and killed W. Foster, a randier, las' evening and then Mole a hore fro'n Geo. Ha'ins.'s' farm and esc.ped. The heritl" is in pursuit. Tne cause tor the dee I was the imird-rer taking exception to F-ater whip ping his own child, the iniir L-red man leaves a wife and six hiidren deetitntw. A HOKRIBLK PISCOVEKY. The Mutilated Kcnaalna of Two Children Found lu a Berry Patch. Portlad, Me., Julv 30. Cha. fho.i son, Iiis wife ami hi sonV wile, of Great uheDengue island. eport that vesterdiiv win:.' iK-rrj- ug on Goore Island, near Chebe.t we, they came acioss tne remuin f the bodies ol two cnililren. tin tock were f-ur hinds and four f-et rec ntty cut oif. A large fire hid been biiiit nearby and in the charred wood were the chaired bones aa if the children's bodies had been burned. LADY Dl.NLO WINS. Her Recreant Huaband Falls to Secure a DiTorce. Losdon.JuIv 30 The action for livorce by Viscount Dunio against his wi'e. who. previous to marnag-' was a singer in a music had, and in wiucii isaaore vtorinneiiner was named a co-respondent, end ed to-dav with a veidict for the defendant. When Lady Dutilo made her ap- Cea ranee sne was greeted wun md cheers. Justice Hanner, in summing up siid, that it was very evident the suit had been brought hy i.oni Clancarty and not by his fon Dun io, ami throughout his remarK ne showed that he sided with Lady Dunlo. THE M'KINLKV BILL. Efforts In Europe to Retaliate Not Meeting with Much Succeaa. London, July 30. A dispatch from Paris says that though the French government has not met wi-h much success in i's effort to induce European powers to form a tr.le coalition in retaliation for the American tariff, yet, it is said that secret asainain-es have been given tbat di-couragemenr wilt he tin-own indirectly in. the way ol Vmeiicaii imp ir-ations, in those lines which enter into competition with native production, in fc-ng vnd the a-itition over the Amen can tariff is greatly on th- i- crease although, at present, and h.r some time past, business in goods for American uiarketn his bee-i mu h stimulated ny the piop ct of the McK nley tariff, many factories rtei.ig op-n day and muhr. to sup ply tue market ahead of the anticipate-! em'argu. Presidential Nomlnatlona. . T . 1 1 . ..1 .1, VVASHINOlON, JUiy . ! lie Julv :). The; preM.lent to day s.nt tithe senate the following nominations: Thad . narreus 01 .narti inn, general api rai-er of rnercha.i.hse ; Louis Desmans, of LnUisiana. coiner ol of Louisiana, coiner ol the nr.nt of the: 1' nite-l States at New Orleans; Stephen M. Eaton, p iBtmaster at New Orleans. Reg isters of laud offices: Saiuuel Goidon, of M .ntana.at'llileB pity' Rceiveia of public -tnuiey: Richard J. Monroe, of Idauo, at Lewii-toof Idaho; Alex Cale. of Wyoming, ac Buffalo, Wyoming, Indian agent. George Steele, of Moo tana, at the Blackfoot agency, Moutan. BOLD TRAIN KOBBEBt. Th7 aU?tat to "V jC.luradu, to Rob a Train la bat. Fally' Tkihioau, Col., Ju. O. Tbe Saute Fe 'train from the- -uth,doe here at 10:4i v. n, wae held up by lour loeu three mi lea aoath 01 Trinidad. One uaau topped the tiain with a red lignt, and aa U stopped three meat etepprd up to 1 be- cab and began tir.ug at Ju gioeer " U Keilly, aboojug lum twice' tbivugh tarn hand-i -am wria . : i'bo arc-ci r. fc k. iiail, baa a (revert; w n '- tbe- head. 7 -srvi .th' 1 ran the train 10 t ribulaTTViiautn-T to Lnjunta. The shooimg began '.vithout :i word of waini tg. i'he engineer ami rireman wvre given no show lor their iives Omcere tre scouring tne niouutains. PKISONERS IN HAKKH1 Knaalan Women Abducted and Car ried Ott to Turkey. London, July 30, Much excite ment exists in the south of Ru-sia over t he story hi ought by Russian A'ouien that women are decoyed or abducted from thei'i ative country and are prisoners in harems. Tnere i-eem to le little doubt ol the truth of the women's state ments, as it is 1 ustomary forTuik ish agents to attend Kusian fairs held in tons near the frontier, :nd after the f.tirs peasant women jre i-ften reported 'nissi 4, al though owing to the humh fta tionof ibe parlies the authorities have never made much inquiry; if, indeed, the Rus-ian offi. iais do not share in the nefarious traffic. AMIINO TBI BKALKHS. A British Schooner Warned to Keep Out of Behrina; Sea. Victoria, ': C, July 30. News ohs been received here of the seizure of the Seattle schooner. ieo R. W..ite, by the United States cutoms agent at Oun daka. The White, like the Mattie Der, tiealected to keep a opv of her b nd filed that Phe vould not take firearms into Alaska. The Victoria schooner Drill, it rep -rted, has been boarded by :he cutter Rush -And warned to eep out of Be!i ring sea. A copy ii tite loruiHl prM-iaiuation tiiere,- in ha been g ven to 'he captain. Ttiia incident, it in '-eught, con tradicts the belief thai the policx f 1SS6 i to be pursued this season bv the Cnitc Sta'es. A Bloody Fight. Portland, July 30. Henry .azii-r, a soloon-keeper, last nigh tl supiier set Kium fisti before hi --arkeeper, Antone Berkle. It wa not co'iked to his taste and a row -nisued. Chairs, pitchers and iK-ees were usnl. Be-kle attacked Fri.ierwith a chair, and mule a deep gash on his nose and another in hi finger. Blood was epattered about on al! the furniture. Both parties were arrest d. The World'a Fair. Springfield, 111., July Z The VVotldV Fair exposition bill was oassed this morning lv the senate. The senate this evening refused to concur in one of the house intendments, providing that anv indetne.s created shdl be pa;d bv Cbi -atio al ne. This will lie reported back ti morrow. Breckenrldee Nominated. Little Rock, Ark., Julv 30. T1k democratic congressional con veiit'on for the second Arkansas distiii-t to-dav nominated Clil'ton Breckenridge for congres bv ae claroation. litis is 11. t jisirici from w'tich the Cl.iyton contest is now pending in congress. The Beat Facing Record. Cleveland, Ohio, July 30. In tne second In at to-dav Adonis, a i'alitoniia horse, paced a mile in 2:11)2, the fastest heat ever paced in a race. President Harrison Accept Boston, July 3 . President Harrison has definitelv promised tlie G. A. R. committee to be here on August 12th. The Omaha Republican Suapenda Omaha. July 30. The Omaha Republican, 'he oidetdany news paper in this ci'y, suspended pub lication to-day. Nominated for Uoveror. Nashvilk, July :. Hon. la.-wit- H. Baxter, of Ihttidson couutv wa; nominated for governor to-dav by tlie republican state couveu tion. A Convlet'a Hudden Death. Sas Qi-kntin, Cal., 'ulv 30.- hub auernooM a convic', lhos. iiarper, employed a brick mason on the new jail ruiilding, fell head j first on the balcony, a dit-tance of 1 Ift feet frut'tliriiio- hia cbull and I ' - 1 - . " 1 P. ..r u.l i.lviinr inatjlllllv. He e...u hu for ht y.ars lor ,.,,, iarc,.ny ' comm.tted in San Francisco, and ,j8 term would have expired 1 temrK.r thi8 Jvar . mu Lain ropuiauua. Washington, July 30. The cen sus teturn give Salt Lake a popu lation of 45,025. POIWND S POLICE. Ckitf i HO R Jaa 8tma. Jua PotmV? W "rev ; wid to rJ; rah dtv; uiinea tof dow w oa to make wny for Jobp VI. . : It rd atbi.tiuB-Ssm4 talked with (thtBitaiutiaWB Stiaon ' r and cardwetl aiyl awtod tJaW V. vWJiat do 700. VIKrt Bkt to do, ' - "Aot unless you want to," President Mmou ia reported to have said. Chief Parrish then said he de ired to remain with the police lepartiu- nt. Replving to a que 1011, he said that there was notify ing new in the ma'ter. . It waa never intended that Chief Punish ' should leave the police depart ment unless he wanted to do . A friend, a man who iB on the . inside, explained the significance of the prop-sed move to a reporter, tie said: "Though Joe Simon was downed in the primaries, he is not auch a lead duck as one might suppose. He knows Jim Ia 'tan a iil fight him in the next legislature, and if already laying hia wires to' contest it and prevent the passoge of a oill taking the management of the p dice department out of hi? hand. He is not dissatisfied with Parrish, but he thinks he an strengthen ins po-uion by putting in Minto. " Minto's father, y--u know, has been elected to tlie legislature from Marion county. Min'o. I am t-ld, agreed to deliver 1 he Marion delegation to Joe, pr. - vp le i his son was appointed chief. A STABBING AFFRAY. Two Men atFrret Orev Flgha With Pocket Kalvaa. Portland, July 30. At Forrest jrove telix Black and iob. ,Gu- hrest became involved in a quar- rel late M Midar night, which re -ulted in Gilchrert teceived a tr- i-iblt- cut in the oeck. The knife ised bv Black was an ordinary e ket kiite winch entered jat toove Uie breat-0ond . harely missing the carotoid artery and go ing to a depth sufficient to pene trate the upper part of the lung. fhe doctor pronouueed the wound 4 serious one. inougQ not necea- arily fatal. lilai k leit immediately and navs tot been seen since. It is not likely any arrest will be attempted 1- no one seemed inures led encugh to make a complaint. A STEAMER SEIZED. Portland Paaenger Boat with an Cnllcenaed Engineer. Portland, July 30. The Port land aud coast Steamship Co's steamer Alliance was seized to-day -v the federal authorities. The vessel is charged with carrying an inhcensed engineer. Moses 10- cum, tne otneer, anegea 10 nave violated the law, says be has car ried a tiist-ciass license for some cais and when he went on the Alliance as 2nd engineer ne was ignorant of the fact that a iifferent license was required for engineers running on passenger steamers. Ibe vessel tarnished $1,0.10 bonds and was released. TERRIBLE BAIL STORM Cropa on S.OOO Aerea of Land atniat- ed In North Hakota CAShti.TON, N. D., July 30. Thn mo-t .usistron Hailstorm of the, season came over the south part of Hie county this afternoon. A s'np of country four miles wide and ten to twelve miles long was almost icva-ta ed. A mm from Wheat land reports tenible damage in that vicinity. Crops on 5,00 acres 1 land rwing almost entirely ruined. North Dakota Republic Grand Forks, X. D.. Julv 30. The republic .n s'ate convention this evening nominated the follow ing li.k-t: ('apt. Burke for g.- crn -r: Roger All n. Ii utenant- governor; N. H. Johnson for c m- grehs the present incumbent, Has- orougu, oeing anocned oat. The convention is still in session. Southern PactSe Onlclala. Marysville, Cal., T'VWj 1s sistant General Suite... vJdin Pratt of the Southern Pacific: ril- to.id, acconipaiueil by general rr as ter mechanic Small, master car builder We'ch, assistant division t-uper ntendent Bnrkhaltei, aud division roadmaster Cooley. were in this city to-day, en route to Portland. Crnay Train to Make Another Trip. Tacoma, July 30. George Fran cis Train has made arrangements with the Tacoma Ledger to make an attempt to beat the record for a trip round the world. He was leave Tacomt August 7, on the s eamship China, and calculated lie can mske the circuit of the glebe is aity-seven days. in :--;. V-