-. r - i 1 . 4 flowing gaily luraW Daily a.nd VVkkkly TEBM8 OK SUBSCRIPTION OAILT ruoUafMd -) owrnlim aaccfM Mood;.; , . . i aum-. wimm n nmir. ucr v v . -nil, par ., . 6 00 wfcklt. j PahNabed srerr Frliav Morning.) as copy, pr annom, in advanoe.2.ll0 Wheri ant naid in advsnca - . iJV THK MAILS. ttaila at Um Albany nostofflcadOM PDrailoiBcaaBortb Iba Eaatsr ataus fb West aid 4 Hal row Oaasa R. K. SB I .inland and 8alem ... Uaand Taqolna Via aonth '630; ..11 A. it 1S;S0 r. a ...7.30 r. . uoatofBc will be eloaad each evsuUis ij mx to asrcn o'clock. Regtatand matter lor tha early morning MnanooMM mallsri Dsiorss OCJOCK iru urarkxM arennw. OREOOlf PACIFIC TIME TABLE. Arrival Depart r.7..1U.i5am'lll00 p m 6.25pm I 8.M naaitl. KDITORlAL HUT US Thxbk seems to be a chronic desire among the Emperors of Greece to abdicate. The honor of reigning over that ancient classic clime Deems to be to onerous to be borne. The present emperor wants to abdicate and will probably make it out. Tn Behring sea difficulties it ia aid has been considered in a cabi net meeting, and the suggestion to retaliate, in the manner advocated by Mr. Cleveland, by measures against carrying goods in bond through Canada to points in the United States, was dis-nsaed. The recent cessation of negotia tions upon the subject is likely to result in some radical steps being taken. JrnoK Bonham, formerly United Htates consul to Calcutta, with his family have arrived in Washing ton on his way home to Salem in this State. They went out on the Pacific route 6ve years ago, ai d bow return by the Atlantic route having made the entire cir cuit of the world. Globe circum navigators are becoming quite numerous, so much so that their performances have ceased to be on of the wonders of the World. Soars? newepauer reporters re- .... quire oniy two condition to war rant the publishing of long inter views. These 1 10 conditions are newness and capability of pro ducing a sensation. All other ele ments are considered simply ron tingent but unnecessary append ages. For instances it is said that numerous interviews with Mrs Harrison, wife of Hie president of the United States, wherein she waa reporte i as saying some very- strange utterances, are without foundation in a single element of truth, still they are published, and to the great annoyance of the lady in qaesti n too. It has been facetiously remarked that speaking in a general way, neither Elihu Yale nor John Har vard gave enough money to the founding of a college to support a modern young gentleman througl his college course. Many a senior has spent this year more money than the 1500 or the portion of half the 1,500 which Mr. Yale ' and Harvard respectively devised . the institutions which bear their names. But, as Lord Coleridge U'd when he was on his visit to this country and was told that Washington once threw a s Iver dollar across the Potomac. "Men could make a dollar go farther in those days than now." England and Germany have been on a jack knife trading scheme, which culminated in swapping the little inland oi Heli- golaiid for the chance to gobble tip patch of land in Africa, whereat all the world is astonished, for all suppose that England never peace ably gave up the title to any real estate. However as little lleligo- land was stolen bodily from Den mark, and England did not want the expense of making it solid enough to fire a Krupp gun from at German canoes that being all the use she could really have for it it is not to be wondered at that she traded it off for the mere chance of glory in Africa with the . future prospect of something more -substantial. It seems that the catastrophes that were predicted to follow the going into effect of the legislation apon the silver question in con . areas; do not come about as fore told by the opponents of the white . aftetal. For instance Great Britain wm to become enormously rich out of selling silver bullion to our country under the prpvisions of tbe bill requiring the purchase of iilver bullion to a certain amount monthly. The following from tbe New York Mail and Express shows that we retain the market here; Since the first movement in silver, 1 dariaf, s period ia which the price j has risen 15 cents an ounce, Great Britain sold us little less tha t two million ounces at price- 5 or 6 cent below the current nuotation Due ing the p repent week we have shipped back again almost as much a that at an advance of cur rent prices, and the effort to break our market has proved an igno minious failure. There is now no chance whatever of our losing con trol of the silver market, which has been so suddenly taken away from Great Britain. One of the greatest of modern geographers is said to be King Leopold the Belgian monarch. He has travelled extensively particu larly in the dark continent, and to him is said to be due the initia tive that Afiica has become one of the absorbing questions of the day, both in the political and in the commercial world; and the great Congo State, of which he is the founder and originator, will re main forever a magnificent memorial of his farsighted and en lighten d philanthropy. The dis interested nature oi the latter is demonstrated by the fact that he has just abandoned his purely personal yet sovereign r'ghts to his immense African dependency in favor of the Belgian gve nment and this, t-o, without chiming any indemnity ior the enormous financial sacrifices made by him Constituting, as it does, (be most productive and choice quarter of the dark continent, it is, in truth, a royal gilt; and it is characteristic I of the princelv honor while re fusing to permit'atiy money to be wasted in celebrating on Monday last the twenty-tilth anniversaiy of his accession to the throne, he should have selected: just that moment for presenting the Congo state to his people. SEll TO-DA J . rU 160., 160 ACKES OF r IKST-O'LASa ianu 3 miles from Le'ianun, p .rtly im riroted, amiable for duy toik. fruit or poultry, tor further iuturuutiou tuqaire 4t thia office. WANTED. By a lady wbo writes a good nnd, and ia bjtn quick auj accurate un accouuis, a position tu a store or ortiie, 11 Uf atore preierre j. Addrea O. K. Box eu, Albany. LOS f One bay ponv br.ui Jed . P. ou tlie shoulder, weigUing &jO pound, 9 ea iu. Ant iiif-jruiatioo will be suitably re garded. AddreeM Wriuman a Hulburt. i.'UH KENT. fnree desirable dwelluig 10 noQttoi Eor particular iuquire of Dr. V C. Meua. L & WIS, AOKN r VOK TUK L1C Ml I lug Hre. Illf iuid awiueut iruumice com .uiiiea. I IT ANTED A KE BOAKUKKi. IS- II quire at the resujeuce oi ji'a. U.K. iHjrrla, rourtu aud iUUpo-na streets. LOaT lu this cit, a light-red tJeivelleu sett jr. Auswer ) to Daiue ut Pontc, Ko- rj wdl oe tMi Ut- oi - return to hia owner C. W. Watts. ICE COOL BEEK ON DUAL Gil P, OKAWN X irom me cellar, at 31. Uaumgart 8. it' ELL BOK1NO, ROCK DK1LL1INU 1 1 proapecung. Writ 3 J. B. Hugbcs, A1 wny, Oregon. I KIR SALE GOOD MILCH COWS, AT 1 irom uroa, siaoies. 1 LL PERSONS HAVINO UNSETTLED . account with John Dierrenger are re iuuav4l to call a: once and settle aa he baa a m meat nurket aud(!ha retul from ne nusineaa. i.TRNWriKD ROOMd TO RENT Iuquire L mo. uoeu, at oelmoniut rritauraai 1 1 W. AYERS. ARvHlrtCT AND SLeKhV Jm Intel dam Orhje over First National ulc buildiug, Allny, Or. Work aouoited irom an parta m law county L'ISE CIGARS IMPORTED, KEY WES'i J; and Domestic, embracing tbe celebrateO nor de Madrid, Estrelias, Couquerura anu other choke branos lu tbe Wells, fraryu auu etern L'uiuu Telegraph ornce buil'tiu. iM heiuember the place - IXiK ALE-A J Jeisey cow. Well broke J; for town puiims Inquire at Oregon uid uompauy's wince. LOS(. A breastpin oi heavy (fold wire en circlinK a corl branch. 'I'be flnder will .. suitably lewarded by leavlu- the same at (bis oiLce- MONEY TO LOAM-HOME CAPITAL ON iroud real eatate security, ror Darticu, tws enquire ut Ueu. Umupbrey. ror Sale. ClHOlCE STOCK OP OROCIRIE3, EIX I turea, etc Doing food buduesa. God easpns for felling, Aduress Mr. P. A,, Box j74, city. Jnst received a lance invoice of ithoes at E. C. Pearls. u.E.rjc xiiuni-3 maos miatrabu ') O that terrible oiuirh ahlkib's Cure is he remedy for run, ror sale br Poahav A Mason. Absolutely Pure. This powaer never vanes. Aiasn-ei tif purity,trena-th and wholesomeoest More economical than the ordlnarj kinds, and cannot be told in compel!, lion witb .multitude of low test, short weight alum oi phosphate powders Sold only in cms, Rotal Biror 'o. on Co., 10B U'all st.. N. f . LrwuM. JoBssoir A Co., Agente, FertUad. Orsg. n mxmm rmonit VLT W. fcASTBURN, M D.. PHISYCI N if and Snnrenn, office in Mcliwain'g brick. Can be found at office day or niiftit. M tl. KI.I.I-- PHVNU'IAN . (jeon, Aluai.jr Oregon. Wa DA VIST M 1. PHYSICIAN AND room IE Strahan' hlnrk. First atvAe AIImi.t Oregon- I C KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND dUR . it eon Albany. Oregon, office in Pierce's new block Ortice hour, from & a. m. to 4 r. a. J. ROSS1TER, VKTEKINAKV SL'lt . (eon, graduate of Ontario veterixari Ttl I Mr. mnA mum u. A Ka flutan. .,....-!.! ary medical society, ia prepared to treat tht .llaua a .11 -1 .i.. J 1 - mn . uuiwinaicu nil i uut in Of: -wientifle principles. Otflce at Ana MarshallY itreeta, Albany, Oregon. D. K. A. McALlgTER BOMBOPATUIC PHT siclan and surgeon Has removed hk offloa into Crawford' block. All calls prompt ly attended to. D"RO. A. WHITXEV. PHYSICIAN A.H wrgon; Oraditate of Betlerue (Inapi al Ueilical College, New York City. Diea.ie f women a ape -laity. Olflce in at resilience on 7th etreet between Calapoola and Vine, Albany Oregon. DR.M. J. PA TOS, PHYSICIAN M Surgeon, Blumberg's Block, Albany, Or female dianaet a (edalty. Uau be found ii the olflce day or night. TrWKlKlft. W. T. B1R.VKT. L. T. BtltlN, 1. W DKAPRR BURN iY, BAKIN i KKAPER, ATl'.iR ne at law, Oregon Citv, 0 teon. 1'we.i tr yaar exierien -e aa rvtristerur th.-U. s. Land Offlca -t Oregon City and In the 1 uni prai-tlca recimm nda ua in our luecialt; usinea bef-ire the Luid O ficu O' the cjur V and involving the practice in the ge. era. Land Office. H C. WATSON, attorney-at-law, Albai. , Oregon. OfUce in Sirahan block DUNcMN ATlVK.NfcV-VI LaW tf , and and uutan public UUce in the dtratnu. uoci., rooms no. 1 and a, D. K. X. BtAtKBLBJI. . W WKlulll BLACKBURN, WRIGHT A TlXiRNEi Al Law, Albanj, cieiii. I.S u 11, Mi r'rllow'a Temple. VIII practice In all court jt the state, and iri"e special atteutiou to al biisinsss. OLVEKION CHARLES E. ArTRNt at Law. Alban . Or. ihce in roouv 1: nid 14, roster's Block, over L. E. BlainV itore JK. WEATHr HPORD, ATTORNEY Al . law, Albanj recoil. rhue in thi Klliui Bl ck. -. Ill practice in all tli joort o( thestate, iul give special rttentioi to an ousiutMS. TA E3 P. MEAf, A 1 TORN EY-AT-LA H and title ea: linnet, Albaii), or. Mil practice tu all tbe curls uf tl.e Mate. A I. atiactr of title fumished oii short notice Teii j ear experience. I) EVEKE HOUSE, ALBANY. OK. CUA; li PflSer, Prnp. Only Urst-ecUMa Loum m tne- city, irve wupie rooms fur com tiiercial men. Chl-umen emplojed in tu. kitchea. Oem lal asaj urtti- to Oorallis. SKCKKT bOCIETlKS. 1 . O. U, W. Safety Lodge So, IS; meet V every Monday eveniiK at the O. A. K hall ou Kerry street, lielween Steeond and 1 mm. Albany, Oretron. Stranirers in thi it; arvl transient brethren cordially iuviten to allri.u. -McPhcrsoo Poet No. 6. O. A. K Buted meetinin at the O, A. h. Uail on tbe second and r'onrtn Friday evening cf each mouib. IraLSient Comrades aie cordi y invited to meet with as S. W. Kr.KCfc. .BL F..Tablsr, Coniuiudert AUjuUnt. Land Harvrylnit. Paanu Disiaias aoaviYina Dux a can os tain accurate and prompt rk hy callini upon ex -comity survtyoi r, T. T. r'isher. lit Iiasi-moplete copies of held notes and town nip place, and ia prepare I to do surveying ii. tu) part l Linn cuuuty. PostoUtce adure, Uiilers Station. Linn cou ity.Oruxou. 4 on t radar aad Bulldrr. DO. SUILk WILL rUKMSU FLANS, SPKCIFICA . tions and delai's for all kinds of build ing and architecture. Ail work prouiplK done andiruaranteed to be Urst-claNi. iutti mates turuishol on short notice lor brick buildings, residences, public buildinga, bridges, etc. ('iraclwr and Balldrr. ItBE UKDEKSIUKED HAVING LOCATE I, in Albany stlicits pairomure Iiouiciij and country. Will contract to build bridges bams, and all manner of dwelling houses, inendiuo; Oueen Auue, Eastlake and Eliza bethiau stvles of budding. Will furnui. Diana, andsptcificatl"ns iree of caargea. Bstir faction guarantee' . W. ;. I'A tSEL. LlATAKHH UUKED, health nnd sweet breath secured, hy shiloh's Catarrh aeinedy. Price 60 cents. Nasal Injector free. Mid by Fcshay & Jlason. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspeia and Liver ConipldiuiT Shiloh's Viialutsris uara nteed to cure yon. .For kale bj r inJiaj Mason. IXK bune back, aide or chest, use Shiloh's ' Porous Plaster. Sold b) Foaha! THAT HACKING COl'Oll can In s quick ly cun-J by Mhil h's Cure. Weguaraotee it. Scld by Foahay A Mason. Smith I I o c J w a 2 o -9 o J - miu sold o poor. Uj o o o OUR AERIATED OVENS Make the NioHst Bread. Trv un and we will do vou goo GARLAND STOVES AND RANGES The City Liquor Store . V. ItACJlOAJiT, lroprietor. i-fTNext d-Kir to the OJi fellows' npie, Albany, Oregon tea Ketqai constantly on hvi'l tha diia impned and domnstie wines, liquors, (ntrarsl Alamos. Only Brat-olast liquor store in the city SPfClll -TTEKT'flH PAID T0 fPrR? P11M m WHvm Tulius Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Cipas -AND FINE IlirOHTED AND KEY Ml Uars. Plujt and Sniukinjr Tobaccos, Meeracuaiim and Briar Pipes.; full lln- ) rimokers' Artielcs. Also denier in Ne ' oot to Pnelffer's candy store, Albany. Oregon, Ct t lTrTIAT Tk no hoe unlets W. U Doiwlas' name and price are etamied 01 J .- U 11 JJi them. If your dealer cannot supply you, aeud d irect to ia.tur euclosibK adkeitued pri -e. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE tltl v FOR CENTLEBflCN. ASK VOUU GROCER FOR Columbia FLOUH TheJIiest brauil4in the market. ' Tliifextr rinej Ualny oi Flour imaiiu factued by the JEPPEESOlTf FL0I7BI1TO MILLS C01IPA1TY, OF JEFFK1JSOX, OREGON fhe mill lias recently lxen refittel and supplied with all tbe latest ami most improved machinery. Ai lor tbe "CC LUMBIA" Aai take no other. aVKvery soak warranted' W Jr T ED Ten thonfand Slen Women and Children to Lny tp? li of DEIOE & HfOMAK 1SKOS., WILLAMETTE Graduates CLASSICAL, LITERARY. SCIENTIFIC, NORMAL. BUSINESS, LAW AND MEDICAL COURSES. ALSO MUSICAL, THEOLOGICAL. UOUUSKS. It is the oldest, larsreat and leat exnenaive inntiMition of learning in the northwest. School oiiens on th hrft Monday in Seitemler. Send for catalogue to THOS. VANSCOY, President, Salem, Oiegon. WE CAN BE FOUND AT & senders', IIILUIIIHIIIH THE STOVES AND RANfire bearing thin trade mark are to-day making more lo World's Beat- ' rinmna rnmfoTtable U - il .1 1 J i uuppy man any r"ner Drauu. w m- rrn . .. 11 .4.-1.. onri 1JI.CUV.U. J.i.t BI3 ... -B 1U iUl Bljirs " size: both for Cooking and Heating, and . . .. .t f t.a rirh at prloeawstat uio putw . ti..-Mia- Xxaiaine tne UpWrft trade mark cloly, it - that you are aot ' DKALKK IN as a Hue 1 air. Heavy IImmiI Ural unit 4'rre)aur Mtrrprw.. brollai ike Wrld. Lielkc S.m: ciraalaie Haitcl lirwm Khar. aU'OW staMti-hrweil Writ hbwr. SW.Sm lllr akil t'atsHrr' Kliur. a IM I aim talar,il Hr. .. t WerklMKiuraV stkwe $ UO aud 91.73 Itvya' Srhaai ikwea. All Made tt 'Harraa, HMlla aatl Larr. $3 & 2 SHOES KOK LAUlb ALU HHK IOK MIKNI. BEST MATF.KIAL, BKSI STYLE, brT KITTING V. L. IMI CL.tv atrorklau, Ma. L- E. SLAIN. 4P"Im oiterp and Ft alerp in all kinds of gna and ammunition, firdiinpr tackle of ev ery den ii. t on. cnlltry and bare l.all goods, tents, lianimoelis and ctnip cliairp. The luiget-t stock houth of 1 '01 1 land, i'omeone and all. No tr iiMe to t-how goda. Quick fiilt-p and tniall juolits ic our motto. Also a repair Fhop connected wit Ii f tore and lirst-i-laas workmen to do all kinds of work. UNIVERSITY, students In PHARMACEUTICAL AND ART -2 v I i 1 , w I or I I w rt r Hf(ojS -Taste .j- oMrHTo COU rawiiia3awij i-u ju ei?iri s Send for- OrcMrSl r MIl 3 a " 1 FjN MED.co.onpyiui.fAL 7 1 1 . .- iy J.. fv J'.f - - - ' V - -i -a. -i . l i (Ss&skssss. m FUlt SALE BY KLEiiN BllUU sUCCisoi:s M) KKAl'SSK & KLELNj tVERY PAIR warranted I lie lies! Sillies in (lie mi 50EOYS S3 t : - ' n . 0 I I LS iXIL - adKID. USTS Gr "W" STRIPS OILST JULIUS Gli GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. THE LEADING CROCK KRY, FANCY GOODS AND TOY STOI.F OK AI.I'.ANY. TIIK ONLY liKNUINK HOtiKK.-I l.os Sll VEHW'ARK. FUKNC1I CHINA AND t i LA SSTV A KK, BUY'S WAGONS, BABY AND DOi.L CAR, KlAtJES, AND A RmibmI A eeftTTnar.f Specialty in tlie finefl TeHr", CffleeM . I ilirevl lor liel cash aim . arnt me larteni hiock 111 me t auey. 1 lusurance agent for Fire and FOR PURE DRUGS! TOlLsEl' AX I) FANCY .GOODS tiOTO mm Al so CARIES Tlie Finest Line of Pianos and OrjOT in tte Willamette Valley, O'Af.la AM F'AtijsF HIS snoi'K FEED AND- GENERAL IT.0DUCE MARKET. WANTED SPECIALLY Hav. oata and 1 ot iti, t sin ply cnatctm-r m the Oregon Pacific RailmaH extension and my inereaaii g hme trade. l , j aJI ia (luanUtiaa to suit tlia f un G ' l mid V cri. W v Cj ?- f (fs . l i JSCIl iI;!llli(!vsVas:.l)!in ALBANY ORE;GOiN We are "it linp', lnr we wani all tlie hanlware trale of tin town, ami we are piinvf to p-t ii if tin- Ih-pI kimhIh al Kiilar rii-i-can ilo it. v .,irrv a larjre anl very i'iiniili-lt; line if liullfi-lml' eonveinemv!?, stoves, tinware, cutlery, etc. ,1SJaiEslll"?l?iil3 111. 1 -aam a ti-BlVM .a KIIOE.S FOR llarket. anil GlliliU Fine SlioeH:?- At lowest Pricea. Cal! and see our new BUck.T, j A I) W 0 HLS nf Puflev G-ftorle- and Fain'lv tinavries, lie bu ; . . I - . . V 1 .. I Marine. ii. L BLAlTO m, Faints, Du arfttOMry an4 laiictar? -In .- I111I liar f l Ai -t .aiionvry. prMidK-aa, elr. I ST riaaarlaasmia cart I I ODD FEUrS TIMPU STORE l'Sr. 1 nw tnot or r rrrv afreet -THU VaquinaRoute ! MGOiN PACIFIC KAILROAD Oregon Development Cos - Steamship Line lIlLhliyiilEli. A.N I' 22 Hours L.t?sst Tini than In an !! cr rTut: Aiioniodatioiih. oiifiii ai ft r -inf ? an .iel. I ai ai.i' irt-ii.l.l- i .,iiii-i. sue ie tirLvoii le: i.-n.i. I -i ii. V 1 le -ni, niiit ti li il-ui ai ilti niue sf-t, ah -f;ii 11- tl.t i-tl.si. niL ml San Pram-wen. Sailing dates. raoa yawuisa Villanictte Valle.v.... Ju t 16 h nU . 1M V lUiifllir UIV) .. lr. ii W.iu.metu: t aili-j " :( raoa aa raa-MlrcO rarall'Hi ... ti.iauit-ite Valit... duuiuttc n: . . . A. V A". 1 1- J... a.rt ciin 01 &ilii.M dates. II. II AI KL, .k, r.H r A I . A. I t. M VliltU;llta flit I. C II I'illliNi Krlllt-Illlt U ll.v -(sli 1 ait I 111 i u- . ir "Uiiiiui'i mlf ' rdii.'Mi.yuij uiui!a Iimh .iImu tJ'MV.lHtS JliU IVlM'lN.ll I U (UIII 111U h'f Hit: iiiutit tlit t'liili -1 j K Lu UAiLV fAMlKM'KH IMAINfa r.CJfl Ml'ilit.r,f t VU)l O a a. ..-aa..j lj2'l Cruiia- i'. a w : t..n S m If AlDM'l) t T.i O A .t a.,ilttlt. 4 I. t U. -V, C. Ill it.- U-l I It . I j" I .mllli M H'iUUH, t.il tfel A saliaia; I. Avtli:. O. 6 t. it.: 4 rMliia. t ' . j EAST SOlilH SOUlHthN PaCHC JCUJt. M Mou.M i.i..-u -ont. California expic timi.t run ciaily -tin ; I .uh-!U 0 uv p m..Lv.....l'uinuio ... ai.. It ii,' am tfopm..Lv Aiu!-.... i... b.i- csi wutui..Ai.H...d. I iiutucu. L .. WMm MM-al Fam. 1 ralu Itaiiy- r.i. ui-ua - aMf a uj..i..... . 1'viiiaim .. . am . . U pw .2i p m..t.v. Aiituj ........ L.t..ium ii Qj p u.Ar... . Ku.-cbur i. . . o..- tuit trsuys ttrauao. lMpiu..U Albany ... Ai.. pm sjo p ui..Ar.... uimkiii..... t.i .. t. in a m..Lv....Aibau.. Ar.. 4 ji pm bi: a ui..Ar....lrt:0iuii I.V.. j - pm 1 ULLMAJS B V FFKTiSLF f t'LKa. fOURT JSJJitilG CARS, or iXiiinHiuaiiun of sect nl v Lm 1 a gcre atiUM.u tu rxpiee imn. I Wt-KI nlalr Ilti-,liMi. between 1'uiiiu.iiu anil Cuivuilli ! MH lraln ItuHy - Kmei . Mii.uay ;joaui..L- ...fj. Uni .a..:" 3 -p. m 1.-. a.il. . t. 1 Joy. m Al Albany and LWiaUi. cuuno,.-! ith llLl''-' oprna iri. inu.--vi.x. ,(1 i,i.imy I l:u u...b. ; :zb p iu . ai., iwii... 11 m II l,,.li it . t.. THROUGH TIC lo Al! I onii- M m at t.i4ii ti, hOl.liLLk. ai.iiuer t V, I U.Iks, A.l. l..l.il,A jOMOii PACIFIC EL'Y ss.j.i ,- j Overland K't.vite t rait lur tit . i lm i ii.i,, . - . A M I ,. ,-,1. " PULLMAN PALACt Uh SulPti-S - ; f ra Coisumi fcltmiur Cait ban lLnn gh j Li tcsa 1 rains - KANA." CITY, CI11CACO AND .Vr. LOLJS. I.lraul . Hiring .ina Mil aMua- Clone ConiMrvtions at I urimno (or aai. Fra asc-4j aim I'uri a. ui.i fM.ii.ta. tSbvmtt lea tlie Miju)', wharf, al Hie loot 01 tiiuadalblli livn, ,.i, lUvnlkl auj rriday ol e. Ii k CO. hAWLIM, Clt) uvket and 1 rnvl.i Akvu( I . B. MILa.l... a.r'trral 1 raffle Maa-acrr. 1 . . ut, -. r. a. JOHN tilhNtth'ii Livery. Feed & Sale stable iJunuer decuiul ana KlUvttih &u ALB AX y, . . uUHtiOS Huaaaa soaanao liy the ! o- unwih Ca rumra or tnuta-iea ou rt-h cm :t ivruw FOSHAY it ;,MAtUN Wbokaale ami hviail I riAr-Y, OKKO ClKol I', uo. ii(f MU,in si n 1 1, n Litis t inimrdiatrl) ii;iiri l.j fcbili,b lura. r salt-1. Kualiay A sl.irou. Sllll Oil's Ci . UOU and Coi run., imi. Cur, Srulil liy uti-ii a iiiiaiaiit Ii curaa O nmiiuitinii. Sold l Frha A.Mumh.. tVk ftALK. A st vikuaa imi Mauia, at iticatir roluinl raim; alsn i-Ih.h vanar) birds, KiiK'b-h ai d i.einian-siinsra, far aartkMiaia iaajum al Mrs. Ha. MXt J I JL: 'c 1 ' rJK "Ei;A ' " " '" mm 1 1 an I It mmm. "H.,1 ai 1 if