P- - . .- .. - r- .... . I f '. V . -'(J CKNTS A WEEK. ALHANY, OLIAGO WEDNESDAY, JULV 30. l&UO. VOL. V. ISO.59 -"aaBaBaa -P" I 111 ZX W S Ex:lU3iv9 Ageaev f j. VLB ANY E. P FARKER BROS., PROPRIETORS. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND r:KF.-5 for- .'.WEDDING-. Choice TsiWe PtTwacir-s and Lit me of Fancy ami St-ijilr- (irc r s, Canned Goods, Nnts, Caiul A F'tll iim-of Itn'Oi fi TjN For Salt; JJ Kim IV. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. CENTLEMEM. BEST INTHEWORLD. -FOR- CHICKENS $5.00 PES D0ZE2V EGGS 16 CENTS. MmllevJL Car tilt. tors A Mrirltsii 1 NSUR A.NrE CO OF Alhany Okkoon I iir I -oi. .mm 1 IP lITl S!.rm. OFFICFKS. j i i(ltel!l V. F. Read. j V:ie-l'resiMciit-.1. l Writsman. Ti -asiirei .1. I. CiiHiiii. j S-i-P'turv J. K. r.M.-rkir.. IMHM'T K. K . . Mriili .n it. WriJ-n.aP. ' F l.Vs.1,.1. K 1.. I - . . J..:. Sienilierg. .1. I., f'owim, I. F "MlnlOU. W W.iith if. r.l. I.. I'.in neit and M Safe, iounci . rcLse va uvb A Square Company. j Managed by Square Men, j Ptifvnized by square reopie , EARLS Div CaMkilim LAD1LS AND CENTS msihsjs. ftr; Also h tve a complete line of MIS ami Sllllk Kr nrne trade at price. iat nely citinift;ltllill. lalV. ii a a call mi lm j.-'ir glns-i. it bedrock price. k(i oi tiiaaud square dealing- he Ludlow Fina Shoes- BAKERY. vFRE-MI HtlTIT- BERvl FRESH BAKED UIK- AND VEGETABLES v.vBKEAD-.-.V a Full I ! IPS iiiiii i Etc., ro- I it 8, Etc. tl mnl lu vit Citarr. FICST NATIuNlLBAH PRESIDENT I. FI.INN. Vi K l-RISIPKNT S. YlNO. I'Animh k. w. I.a:-. kin 1KANatria A OKI 1 IAL BAKKI.NG t. E. Yot-NO, - U Klin K l(l.i. E K. o. COWAN RALSTON Albany, ; tii EiriiK Oregon Tniwiii general tinkliiK liiiKiiiem. In. iht ilralli. on Nt- Ycrk, hi "o.iTi'l OTlnt!t r. i.-ian innne 011 airmel neciinty. KeceiVfr deKMiiH milijevt to crMt-k. r.illi-tii,n eno-ustcl lo u will n iii .1 UHl.tii n BAXK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. rr;ri.... rmMml. ttcr li r... Kblrr . . HtM.Wia II. ItKl ! II I IM KKIIIn. . J W. liLAI.V DIRKCTOKS: V Bhtaxt. .1. W. Ht.Aix, (i.l. Ilivl-IIKET, M-SllWAKl, E.J Lanmxg. II. F. M'hKii.L, LA I) IKS' I'NDEIiWEAR l.t-ml mrn bltii. I liilil rii' Inlb Inv.mal til luallrk .nitMil nrntl n wllla-r III llir JapaneseBazaar-store hrii'is ri iow Mm No Mo k-i- to. H Mi r 01 "i blietl I,, ill 11 S n iei & lii.Ct-tUlliP. II. A. CKHWDEK. C. W. CKOWDER. CHOWDER LROS Con 1 1 at to, $ and Builders. Otlice on Firnt street with Wal- l....u x-'iw.-k runt ..chiiu u..nte ' II v ii I'-tio.i.i. "",'- , . , ., ,. 011 an Kiimsoi iniii.iiiig-or 1:11 pen - terwoik. All work intrusted to us will lie promptly exe-ittel. ML Lidd County Bank AID mi) BY- Bijini Tour Piopertj Th tough tlie teal estate film of Burkliart 4 Kccncy: The oldest Real Karate Firm in the They have land of all descrip tions fur sale ut J lie verv lowest prices and on tlie most favorable terms. We have Rome fine bargains in small trarta of garden ami fruit land near ilie ci'y, wlich we are ottering at a great aai-ifu-e.. This proa-erf v lies near the city, and if the very best on the market, part of which is set out to fruit. CITY PliOrEliTY W'e have a larj- list f e.hoiee husiniSH and recidenee proju-rtv I'm -liU iiirliniiii); the lioltra park iiil'iii i-n. the i-ept, nc:irtit and rlic:i i-Hi hh!ii )liin Mrtv on the iiiMi kt-l. A lot in t lii inliVlt i(,n will ilixthh- in vniiie in lfh than a year. 3AY PiTliZTS. BUR . ART & KEEHEY, :.! . EST A s7. J At A A sn- INSURANCE ACENTS. ALBANY. OKKfiON Towiisciii! tS. Wilson. KKAI. ESTATE BROKERS, INSURANCE AND I.O.lNP. First street, opM)sitp Farnie's A Merchants Insurance Co. Albany, Oregon. Agents for the following Insur ance Companies: -tona In-tiratce Company, of Hartford. Connecticut; total assets ".7st),751.t. The (iiiardian Assurance Com-l-n v. of Iotidon. England ; capital 5.W10.tHlO.OO. The Columbia Fire and Marine, of 'oitland, Oregon; capital, 5O0,- uuo.iiu. TOWNSENP & WII.-ON. .TAJ FOR SAIK BY A I.I. nm-OOISTS. "Si ne n n -His Rfo I i-tirchared a box of Pr .1 P. Sill'f. Tsti-irli fiire for mi own ufi- I nt liiuliinr mi nephew. ('.A Ali-Mal-an ie-rliTii' (unh m1l. cine 1 l-t hini lisve n y ox of medi cine, lb now send for three more lHixe, iiyini; tt i the tie tlilnir for eHtsrrl. ever Inei I. Irm siiii hi fr'.-iidit 1 ifnt diiotln r I ox to iim-in n-y i-Hse. and 1 lu crti.lly r conimend It toot I. 's, (Skii-di. JOHN Mr-MAMAN, Fx I 1 unty i ommissioiier Ijine Co. t'rei;i -n. Snrii i'S- M, t.ime rnuntv. Orecnn. I'ro' V, I i'iii!iin. president of the i'tate 1 1 Itm i , says it run d hint ol a emu.-1 vilar l v. other nrescrli.tlon liHd fiiile... Likewi.f tun of his IPlle ifirl-iii-cil it lo cure tlieircoiiL'h!. Mrs M.tk MaiU-v. wife of Pi of BaileT, leiili'to I'rol .liilinsn--. and rei-om "" VA ' "I" ' M'l'er from colds.. . i,rt . .nii:l.. tr 1 iH.tfhs it sets llUe , H , ,. ,. , , , j, .i..d ifo o. i .i.i t. or p.ii'-.iifcs. hrre . other j i-onirh cio- ciin i each ANTt:i-Cw u Wi Sametto Vally 38H TUEDAYINCONGpSS ' The Presiddnt Sends a Message oa tht Lottery Busineii. AUT1SK ACTIVE MKASC11K4. i. Tbo Mailt to Be Closed Agaiuit Tha sni Every Effort Pn FortU .0 S Thm- 8p ker Bead Abui d' i 'is- n AwmxoroN, July 2. I'rei dent Han in n today set the fal lowing m 8 me id co'-K'ts: To the senate and h-iu-e T-ie lucent a tempt to fei-uie a cli irt-r foin North D.iko'a for a lo' t - v 0111 pa y, an. I tlie pen imte e'tF"n to i-taiu fiom th stitof I.oui-iaiia a renewal 01 tlie lo tery au-l ilie e-t blishmeut f en - or iinre 1 t tery compani- s at Mexiciii tiu nst on the lorder. have wividthe iKxl purpose of cal iiu public ai teiitiou 10 an evil 01 va t pr p -r-i .ns. If the ifforts of ine lot teriea were eon Hi ed to the stales that gave the eomp ime- eoro aie po e'S, and It ense in eoiidct the biifiiu-8, the cit'en- 01 oter ta es oeing Kjeilt!-8 to apl le-.'.il reme-ii s it nig t i-le r thenisi-lves of a te.p"n-i'-iMty by tlie use of .-ueh moral ajerci-s a" were vitl-in iheir reai-h, but t'ie -a9e iF not eo. l'enple 01 xll siaten aie re aiiehid and defr.tu led of vast suiiis of ii.oney olK red to the states for charters, wi ich are iliawn fro-ii the people of the United S'ale and ilie central tov.-rnuient through the m-nl s.htem and made an etrecive an I irotitible me lium of inte eour-e b.-teen tin- lottery lompany ai.d ttieir viriim-'. It would be practically iniosi-! ble for ihc '-ouip.inii-8 to re:isT, ii be public ma'ls ere 01 ce etl 1- j tualiy cl- ?l against tbe.e -oiii-pa- is. The L uii.ini lo'tnv comp'tiy and its numen us a-.-eiit-aii'l nt'f- rtiev are ondii-tinsr a luisine.-s involving aritei u e f the mans t an H'at I ot a v : ijitini tie iit. ri'iise hi ihe i Di tn t . f (MiiUi'aa. j less the inkling-of the principic- vereanl eft-tve legislation j involvei. whicu havecouieio the should be (irompfiv nac id lo eo-1 kuo- 'e-lge of the discoverer's inti able toe postotliiv dpart-iictti to I mates t d 1 'imes, can be dev. 1 purge the mai s of .ll 1 tter-, j 0 e 1. Mr. Ma col 111 wai f.1110 11 newspip -.- ami eir-u'ms relannui lloverh - wornl for his know- i-i me ousjnesa 11. mav aiso w. 1 e- essary 10 r.-Mil te t e t-arryinu of letters by ilie express con panics fO ue to prevent the use o! riie OslBbratsI Ffsacli CUKE M ru-rauttd to -:.fope AFTER the uenerutive uTaiiB ot either sox whether an si 1 ue from the exowvt- us of Mtunulai.is, to.nvxo or opium, or throuti j outhful hwlu crctiou, over induttnce, etc., such a lost of Knun Foer, naketu'DeM. Kearin Down Pains in the liark, ii.ihal akii', teria, Ner oum Proa' ration, Nocturii.il lmii 4inntl Lcucofrhru-, DizitMttH, Weak M'.-irmrr. 1.1'dftOf Power anil hui.ttucy, h' .iv. lucted oftor. lrad - .. vutv and insanity. Pn-ia fn.x; 6 boxt f cr Jf.l' Hent I'V mail on receipt of price. A . tKi(M: is with vtr if nrdet rttfhttl. to refund tn money if a IViniHitrMt rure is iottf7ett Uf; have tliniiMii iisot tcvliinonialif from oli a'd Ulnr, of iHtfh Mexew, who have tier i pennanentlv cunil h the uoe "f Aihroditin (Mreular free, Addn tiii ii-ii if u miihii: . Western Hranth, lux, 27 pmtlaitd, refii For sale Uy Kotdia iV Miiwrn, ho i-wOe an Ifiil ill in vi-'. A il M iii-il . rater's ' Goldea FEMALE Pills Pir Kemale lr r?trut'ritie; nr.th itiv iik them i theniarket.. Neve ;i. SmctSHfulh need by prutiiJiK-ot laM moiitl.ly Cuirantee t" re lieve siicprescwi ii ci siruatnui. .nrcSafe, Ceriaii Ih.n'tlie hiiinlnitf irril. Se time llealtli nii'l money lake nn uther. Sent t ant iul- drem Sy mail i n re- iel of mire, t On. Ail- drm iihrw Mrtllrlnr i imiinii.t West Prni.ih U 'in, '. . Or. 8old hy Fo.hat k Ma.on. Alhrny. 0rt HOIKINS BHO'S. DEAI.F.KM IN JKVES. TII WAR', KCUfE FUrN SHI.CS. Manufacturers of galanized iron cortiice. riiiiiibing a secially. ("iive its a call. .KANT. TASS PEACHES 1 M ITF.LLER & GAKKKll, EXCLfSlVE AGENTS Orders for anv quantity will ie promptly hileu. CITV RESTAUKANT. Having lieeu eiHircUrciii.cl. I.-.I 1 this ..Id anil H.piilar M Maiirsi.t win l. ma le rimt-clasa in ew-ry n s-u . ti.. ..l.K.. uill Im. uivell usmI meals ii ......., .. .il l....,r f..r t.i.lv 2 r.verj .t and attractive. Ovuter m -very atyle. W. A. WuOmm. or moi.r rrfWM. , o ihese ageneieH to maintain commu nication between the I -ttery comp.iniei ana tneir ag-jn a 01 customers. It is hop?d that such powers as are ti ce,nrv to tint end will be ;:lve:i 1 tlie pototlice department . W AsmxoioJi, ! uly 23. In ppenk ing of one of tiie senate amend iiienH to the suudiv civil bills Strnbb, ti tovva, nude an attack Oa .S.-eaker Ree.l for his action to wards t e geiitliuen h.iving n interest in tne r' blic bnil tii g bilU. He c 'ii'r.isied the c.intt-au man ner of Sjeaker (Jarl sle t wsr is all i-'fz.s.; v M'.c-iog rt-tojini.'.'Ori, uiui H e abin st sneeiing manner io which the pri-eein hp akei trea eil nuch r quests. The fjieaki r n at d ilie members hs ihoug-i they were boys. He d d not pro oe to S'and this 8ot of treat ment any long r wit out a pro' est. .-houM the liienilx.T-', he xske I, continue to submit louder, I ke coaMls, t the die atin of the speak-r? 8h-uld loey not rather c -Hi h ue in an tmne-t a1 tempt to have lecnttiiition ? He was lor re liellin ajiiiiii the ridiiusoi tbe sjMker in rcg.rJ to the pub ic buil in s bit s. ruble's remttrks were viiior- uly applau led by democrats. Co mo outer Al ison has submit 'e-i to t ie Be retarv of the treasury 1 pieliiniiiriry ieK)rt of the n er tion of the inti-inal revenue board durinifihelisc.il year. Total collect ui from all source iiitemal revenue ere $14,594. ODti: increase. $1 1 .700 i'ompa-i-d writ the preceding year t.ibles ppend d to report s oa "he receipts f.i m si'iiitslur ing the ye.ir were HI .67 S7-i, an in tease" of f7 375.ltS; tobai-co, $:,"')S,y;il, a'i increase of (2,0V. I3; feniicr.ted liquors, 2tj,0ti8,- 531 ; in.-r. -ase, t2,-i84,S!i9. HIS SttlCKT GONE, A Loniiikfr' Iaih Euda an IiiinrtHiit Dlnc(ivrv. William Mal.-olm died at. his resiJ-i.cp in f racus N. Y.. re- pob bly aiirei tl. hai- the Wa-himrton Star. j'nl a ss-ientiiii secret of ine-lim bl - value is st to the w- rM. un- tiUii.i; jt a-'ruinMor- ant - micros- copy. He ,-vote'l himself to t'ie st-idy ot uifch ii. i s, and lieing left earn in Ire utli ample means to md'i'ge this fan , i-.u'---- ."I bis o n I'"' I ' .:....!. m the IhsI with liioitght of tun.in-.' Li- tab rii into money. !'.. lost .in eye while le-ti .,.- ti,c i-iio.ting qualities of a r..r-ech-load:ng lowlm bi--ce B -tore tiiis misfo: tunt lh fell hi n be had already achieved wonders in the pe-fection of len-es. The study of optics was an accidental choice, made origiiiiilly for divers-on, but ptirsne-l later for 'he itifiiculties it ottered. At hrsf he workel in the attic of his residence on James street. Finding the range of visio limited he alter ward took Mis-es-sion of a little shop on he top floor of iiis block down town Since tlie qua 'ilie of :he lenses have been proved' or lers have been received ir in remotest conn !;.'. eveial gove-ninents in cluding our own have employed tllcMe lelescopes. nUastroDR Flic. Tewer, Ciil., -luiy 2.). por tioii of three business blocks sxere bum. d i-ere thi- uiorniiiir. Ixiss. & ag.T -gate aUuit $4').i'00, iiearl all iovered by insurance. An Important Deciolnn. Helen , M nt.. July 2. The sip'-iue com t t-i-d-iy oecidd tne .ii8tr:an bailot law was niin d tory nd nm dnecory in it chiir.ct-r. The ca-e grew out of a sun f.r justice's otlice, in which one f the cand'dstes wno received a ui ijo i'y of votes and who ws jien ihe office had fniled to n tify i he coiiiii v cl-i k ot hs cani'idacy uitbin the time fixed by law. The decision N r g irded as of great im por.ai.ee. VALUABLE PROPERTY. For sale or trade for good pro peny here. A two acre bha-k (or 24 lots) witling mil house and all in a v.'ui.g orchard in Ocean Parkaddi tion, A t-.rM. Anv one flesirirg to makpa liv- i g bv ra'-ing fruit and girden, at the wdl lie iretropolH of tireton. a 1 have a i:ood home on the sea--ide. h re they can have the Is st fish and oysters, etc ,ill rind il-.is a ba ' in. I no u ire of Dr. D. . Jones. A Sur Cure f.i" Ihe Whisky llalilt. Dr Livingston's An'idote for Drunkenness will cure any case of fie bquor h.ibit in from ten 10 lor y day,, fiom the moale a'e drii ker t the drunkard. Ihe Antidote can lie given in a cup o inffee rtit'iotit the kn xledze of the sraon taking it. Tne Ani ...tc . ill noi iijure the health in anwviy. Mami'actured by ihe l.ivinjst n Chem cal Co., Port. I mil. Oregon, or fr in .1. A. Cum miiig, Druggist, sole sg-'nt, F.ms Its of indigeston cause dis orders of the liter and the whole -vsteui becomes deranged. Dr. J. II. Mcl.'-nn's tr-ngthenin,: Cor- 'i il anl L'I'.jo I Purifier perip.-ra the process of riiaestion and assim ilatkin, and tfiuc makes pure blood. STOCK YARD DhAL Seattlt Wrestling Match. White and Jap. A TACOMA LAND DECISION. Hon Bat BU -Fire lu O'lif rtU-Iodi-aoiaudWhtt Ma Qna tA 0m Fitbiog at 8 tka, Alaaka. San Fbxncisco, July 2i). The Chronicle's Chicago Becial says that fun her detii.s ot tbe great Armour stockyard syndicate s ow full in addition t tuede .1 a re.idy ecor.ied, 3 00 acres have be ii s-ciired near Haden, iSan Mate-, c lUii'y. of which 1200 will be useil for s o -kyani corporations with combined capital of $3,500,n0n. .hile the iviuainder m ill be de voted to the shops and lottud nouses of tlie Atlantic & Pacific radroid, winch, it is claimed, is interested in a d- al and will push on to -an t rincis'Co at one-?. I'eter Iter, who represen's the syndcite hich is to ertabli-h packing tiou-es and siocky ar.ls a Baden, ''an Ma eo county, sad: "We have aliout 3500 acr. s of land in one body and extiect to make very exten-ive improvements, p - sihly at an expenditure of a c tuple in Hum oollars. We will tie pre pared to recieve stock of all kinds lr. Her state I he uou'd leave f r Chicago in two weeks and on hi- returu the erection of tbe big es tabli-htnents woi.l I bin." ..1. rocker said lie had known of the deal for some ti ne, our didn't b. - beve the Atchison road was in te res ed. -WKUHIXING MATCH. Seattle to Itn the Scene of m Wrestling: Kout. San Frakcihco. July 29 Young Mit- h II and Joe Acton left her. for Seatt'e this nir rniiig. where Aeon will wrestle fe .lap. aftei which he wid appear with th Mitchell combination at the Vaii.-ty toea'er. Mitchell a d Acton wiil meet a'l comers at boj.ii g and wre lling. TACO.UA UNH UKCI9ION. rhe Application f.ir an Injnnctlun leuiHl. Tacoma, July 29. In the Uni'e.l -tates circuit c-mrt f-lav, Judg I lanafi rd rendeel a d cii'n it. nying tbe application of Mann. toab & Manning for an injnnct on restraining the T.ic una liinl com panv f'-om makiii. improvemei.t on the tide Dais, f h l.-cis on i in effect that entiy on tni land with Valentine script is inval d. The case will probably be api ea'ed to the United Statessupreuiecouit. HI tti .NKVV!. risblnir Tronblea Between tTbltea nil Iudlana. Port Towksbnd. Julv 29. Bv the steamship Queen of the Paci fic, which arrive! to-day fr to l tska, the i iIIom ing ml vices havv beeii received from -itka: The schooner Si'ka, C.ipt. Mc Ke -n, arrived July 6th fiom Ira- tukav, tiring ng some 55 Mir seal and three bun I red pair of sea) kins. Two Indian ca tawavr fiom the Bri'ish sealing schooner, Kate, arrived on a schooner whl h sails for the westward early next week with a cng of general nier hamlise for W. II. Mills -tore. Lieuten int T. HeC -onz and a sijii id of in nines ) ft Si ka n the P-tlnnst., to quell a iiturD.inc that had ari-eu or. Sitka bay, Peril stniis, b. tween white nit-n a id Indians over fishing matter-. The Indians claimed the exclu sive right to fish in the bay, which m hve or six miles long, ine in- hau- weie arrested and brought io Sitka. Tloee Indians were drowned neir Si ki about July 1st, while out seal fishing. MtKDEKEK CAUGHT. Renlata Arreat But la Finally Brought I' p. Port'Townsesd, July 29. Dom inico Coeha ali is Joe Smith, the murderer of John D. leta, the fruit merchant, was safelv ! ded in the conn y j .il. Chief of Police Thomas Del.in.-y and Sheriff W. .1. Jones arrested the murderer under exciting crcumstam es The officers have had information for the last two weeks that C elii was secieted in the w ols back o' Port Discoverv. and th t lie was armed w itu a Winchester ritfe and a revolver Every avenue of es- cipe has been wat'-hci. ii was learned by the nttic -is last Friday hit he would attempt io leave the country and ac ordo gly the offi cers laid in wait alongside the ro id near Irving pirk la-t night, and inter ept'd Coelia. They called loin by none and demanded his surrender. The only answer was a sheet of fl-one and the lozzing of a rifle bullet la! ween Pe'anev and Jouea. Two loads of buckslu t ami a rifle bu'lei was ihe rep'y. Coelia uttered a yell and fel.tothe ground. He wassli.-htlv wonudexl in th"! ca'f of his left leg. Two bullets went thro- gh his ha. and one struck the na-i-k of his rifle. A hurried examinat on revealed the fact that he was not badlv hl'"t. On his way to this city he coolly told the inipuie detail-of the ter rible tragedy . H said that Dele- : . l L : ..v.. , e settlement on any terms. In a moment of passion he hit his em ployer on the head with a ham mer, when the two clinched. Coelia snatched a rzor nom tlie table and with two slashes ne iriv severed the hel iroin the trunk, tie calmly picked the b. dy np and lain it on tne bed. lie took the Keys irom im pocRet and r.n- ackel the murdereii man's eties ior money, ii &aiil that all In got was f 15 irom the till m tin d ore. Coeiia, with hi-, clothes all tovereil with his employer's oinoa, ten im n his i at the dead Hour of midnight and escaped to me woods, ifiere he exchanged his clothes for a suit ih tl he car ri d along and threw tlie old ones into the bay and the razor was thrown into he woals. Hismant In-iian irieuds have been aidini: him since and kept him well sup plied with tool. He coollv re cited tlie stoiy and says that he knows his fate ..will be that of a uiur.ierer. AKOENTINK KEl'tBLIC. rhe War Euded and the Troopa Have Surrendered. London, Julv 21. The Argen tine legation in Ix)n Ion to-night received a telegam from Buenoi yres, signed bv Itnanee minister iarcii, that the government was c imoletelv vic'oi-iou-. Tho tnu'i neers citulated an.l will deposit their arm-i in the arsenal. Ah reMlious supei ior otticeis will be dismissed a- d the troops will re tin n to their quarters commanded by loyal olhc- r. The forces will e mobilized by the g -vernment, returning to tne provinces. The oolitical situa ion is thoroughly onsolidited, tne city and whole country quiet. A Fire In Michigan. East S.aoin-iW, July 29. A dis tstiou8 fire waa s'arted in the lumber yard of Hutchinson & Co .iboul noon, which communicated to tlie pUning i.iill and lumlier va d of 11. B. X.-ase & Son., and thenw 'o the hnnbei vard oi John i. Owens, all of whi -h were d troyed. Ninetef n million teet O umoer, Id dwellings. 00 railr mo jar- and other propel tv were burned. Total loss. $475,000; total insurance, fl5, 00. ttaae Bail. . - , Spoknk Falls, July 29. Tht ba-ie ball score to-dty stool: -pokane, 11; nat'le, 1; PortlanJ, ; Tai oma, 4. SvKACfss:, July 23. Syracuse, 1 ; St. Lou., 5 Rociiestke.J nly 21. Rochester, J; Ixni sville, 3. Piiii.adklpiiia, Ju.y 29. Ath let e-, 7 : Toledo, 0. Ci.KVKLASo.July 29. Cleveland, Ig; B-K-toii. ti. Cincinnati, July 29. Cincin nati. 1 1 ; B sto'i, 3. Inih tNAPoi.is, Cleveland, 3; Brooklyn, 12. , Children Itun Over and Killed. Pattkrson, N. J., Julv 29. Five children returning fr in black- lerrvn g staited hcios-i Hie r.ric bridge over the Pas-aic r'ver thi- veniiitf. hen midway a fra'n came da-hing down on them on th. track. Tnev st- pped on the o'h.-i track, not notic i g a passengei tram going in an oppo-ite dir c nr. I lie en.ineer could not st -p and the childien weie hurled in all direct ions. Jennie Daws, awed 13; Nellie Warren, ag d 10, and Mamie Warren, aged 8, were badlx hurt, but will recover. California. Fire. Napa, Cal., July 29. A moun tain hre is tawing Oct ween here and Berr. yesa val ey on the east. vjine damage has already been done in burning ciop-i and it is re ported that one or more buiidipg iiave been burned. Theie is much dai uer that it may g -t do ah into Berreyest va ley. Ii it should the loss will be heavy. Another City Clerk Gone Wrong. Terrk Haute, July 29. A siHH-ial from Paris, Illinois, t ihe Express -ays that Ab-ert tleoghe- baii. city clerk of rans. is im-s- ini Hil l hi- ac ounts are short net weeo J500 ' and 10,000. EfTorts are being made to overhaul him. Failure Announced. Philadelphia, July 29. The f.iilipe i aiinoinced this after noon of J. E. Tygert s Co., nun-ufaciu-ers a.f ter.ilizers, of this citv. The firm's asset-i are esti- ma'ted at $345,000; liaiiitien, f317,(l00. Peace Restored. London, July 2.1. It is officially announced fiat the English gov ernment has received a telegram from Buenos Ares sayiegthat the government has triumphed and all is over. Fire Damp Kxploslou Paris, July 29 A explosion of tire darn a uccured in IVlzier pit jai S'etieiine to-day. lusrep .rteu that lzl men were killed and do h in. Illlnola Leclalature Dlsacreea. Sprinokield. Ills., Jnly 29. The senate I his aiu-rnoo'i adopted a joint resolution providing lor an amend-iient to the state constitu- tion permiUingCh cag to increase ; pa limi of inalebteduess so as to i sue $5.0 10,00 to aid the world's ia r. In the hou-e the resolutioo fail il in the n-cessary two-thirds majoritv, i nt a vote as taken to recnsnler and the re-olution will be taken up to-morrow. viaowruuim ow ana reiusea a THE WAR ENDED. Th Central America Difflcilty USeUlta A TICKET .OrriCK SOSBBD. CalMg. BMra-OUUi-w IlUad By tat Cart- Waats U lu u Tra-Ivf frsa tba Old Warld. London, Jnly 29. The folio win cable d.ited Buenoe Ayres, July 2i, 2:0 p. m.. hit been reteived at the ligation of Argentine Re public in this city: it is announced that the insur rection has been completely sub. dued. ihe president of iha re public, ami th national cabinet are giving orders from tbe govern. meiit nouse. ine n nance uauiater is at liberty. Signed, Juan Garcia. Senor Garcia, figner of the above oispatcii, is tne Argentine minister of finance, lie r.as taken prisoner by the revolution ists at the beginning of the out break Saturday. A dispa ch to the Times date Kuenos Avres. July 28. 7 p. m "ays that it is reasserted that terms for a settlement between the gov ernment and the revolutionary forces have been aitreed uoon. According to these the civilian who h d taken part in the insur rection will not he punished. All captains of the revolutionary torces and alt the officers above the grade of captain are detriva-d of r-ank. The artillery of the in- jurrectionisia wid be surrendered to-m .now. The above dispatch ia Prec'rUnt Colemaii's version of the situation 4t iJuenos Avres. Private dia i atches from that citv dated Jnl 28. 9:2) p. u., state there ia no hange in the situat on and no chance for a compromise between tne tactions. The latter dis paiches say the trouble rauat be - ought out. BKCBVIT FOK GUATBMALA Oa Maa Saya He Caa Bala Abeaa Sooa. Kansas City July 29 A Kev York iiie-aage to-day a id an ex co one) of the Seventh M saouri infan ry offered to rai-e and equip 30)0 recruits in two weeks foi Gua temala if there ia $30,000 plao-d n the New York bank to the credit of the trustees. Two ex-officers of ttie Seventh Missouri infantry live here, one of them being Cap am Thos. 11. Plielan. Captain Pnelari, when a-ked about tbe story to-dy, said rsons con-n- cte I Willi the matter are in the city, but he c uld not give any in ioimation aout mem ior several days, when he may be at liberty io make public mho correeond ence. NEW PAKTV T1CK.KT. 111 'he Old Iaaaea are Caaft Aside. Lincoln. Neb., July 29. The people's independent party of N'ebra-ka met in sate convention to day. Nearly 900 delegates fiom an over me State are nrrvnt The platform demands that a financial system eh aid ba nt. formed by the restoring of silver to its old time place in currency as free and unlimited coinage in equality with g-d. The general if avernment should own and oper-at- railroads and telegraphs and furnish transportation at cost. BOOK -BIAKKKS. They Get late DlflUalty at the Haees. Chicago. July 29. Juatica Lyons issued warrants for the. ax rest of 32 bookmakers this morn ing A number of ool s;i. r ar rested at the west side tract for selling pools were discharged from cu-toa y by ti e police justice this mormng. ibis waa a decided vic tory lor E.I. Erregan, who owns the we-teide track. Fifty-five of the down town bookmakers were arraigned in another court but the casi s went over. Trying to Settle the Iisiealty. Hio Janeiro. July 29. The fol. low ii g dispatch has been received : tuenos Ayres, July 29 At noon the armistice has been prolojiged .' and negotiations are pending: be tween ine government and foreign iiiiiiiiieas who are trying to Dring about the restoration of neas. Effoita are being made to form a c-aition. Congress has aaaam. bled. Ticket OBtoe KohbaWI. Denver, July 29. Burglars ;en t red the local ticket office of the Cnion Pacific raihoad at 17th ad Loriuier streets soma time after 12 m. last night and blew open the s ite and robraed the cash box ot about $15 X). Tlie police a'restcd 4 men t rslay who are suspected of being implicated. Qalet Blecttea Jackson, Mis., Jnly 29 Th vote throughout the sta'e to day is very liwht. The election was quiet and there was no oppo sition to the 14 democratic nomi nees to the constitutional conven tion of the state at larve and th democratic local nominees wen not oppused in half a docen couxr UaU i r