T.--.,,1 rf..T. ''"fitwjJjB A.IIY AMU VVKEKbV IA1LS : 'oXied vr rcorulo- eauapf Monday.) ' trr?cd br carrier, par wek. 0-W V mail, , ,,, fl M WUKLt. ifwldlabad rrury Friday Horoiug., V Mum, in adv:.......e-.'lO VSei iwt mid la advance tM I MAlLft. tn Albany puHoAra daw 11 oflh north fita fH na tt Want Bid lad Uk Star row Oauitt K. IU or Portland and Satan .tl a. , twvalliaaad Y equina ....lll;SO r. a". adM eouth.... 1JV) T. The poatofBc will be rioJ each crmlng tmm nix to seven a'ctoofc. agsatared matter tor the arly movnin rain idtould b mailed before i-Jncs Mm xvrina rania. OftKOOH tkdVK TIMS TABLE. Arrive Depart .lllliantl.se p a J (.(Spat ft. ft a rJah. THB BYAXftELIOAL ftOPTUSE. la rna Karros or tna HseaLo. I see in the the Hkkald of July 10, you have published a copy of the recent .'so-called) decision of Judge C. B. Smith in the injuno tion case at Napeville 111., copy giving been furnished you through the " r vangelical" of Harriaburg Penn. With vour permission I will give a few word of explanation. The aaid "Evaneli-al" is the papT published by the "minority" party in vbe Evangelical Associa tion, th copy furnished you lor publication claims to hv "the full dncision of Judge Smith" while in fact it is only the !ing preamble to the decision, in which Judge smith given his personal opinion, which he and every other man hat a right to. Why only publish tnir- long pre. mblet or personal opinion of Judge Smith, and omit the decision in its legal form as it is entered upon the records of the court, and signed by the juUg-j. Why? The fallowing is taken from the - Evangelical Messenger tfficiul rgan of the Evangelical AsBoeia iuchtding the revision of Judge Smith in its legal i'orni. "Just as we anticipated, the minority party organs are publish ing all sorts of misrepreavntatitons concerning the decision of Circuit Judge Smith, in the Xaperville injunction case. They declare it "decided against Er-her," and mat the Judge decided that the Sheffield Ave. Conference was the legal conference, and that "Esher bad no rig! t to appoint a preacher for the church at Naperville," etc ., etc. Now all this is untrue. We gave in our isfue of two Wfeks ago Judge Mnith's decision verbatim, taken down by a stenographer as lelivred extempore. As we Kited thrn, he prefac-d his decision with some desultory, off hand crude remarks which have no bearing upon the merit- of the ease, and ate of no more authority than the opinion of any other in differently informed private indi ridual. We are happy to present the decision of the court in its legal form a signed by the judge, and as it is. entered upon the records of the court : " At Chambers, June 3. 1890. "The Hon. C. W. Upton. Judge oi me jiu, juuiciai circuit, nav iug requested me to hear the motion to dissolve the injunction b-retofore issued in this caus? and having fully heard the matter it is ordere i that the motion to dissolved the injunction is over ruled, but it is forther ordered that complainants ' givo a priori and eefficient bond m the sum of two thousand dollars in 10 day to be approved by ihe clerk of trie Cir eot Court of Dn Page, county, nnd wpon failure to' give sneu hond there in that court this injunction haT stand dissolved." "C. Br -M1TM, ''Judge of the 4th, Circuit Court." This is all there is of it ; nothing else that the judge said belongs to the decision, and this in more than Uubs and his frienils care to havi published. Ihibs, in his version of the affair, is .-arttfnl not to tell his readers anything about the b.md that is required of the plaintiffs, which in an essential part of the decision. As to the bearing of 'he decis n upon the general question at issue to onr church, it is suffie'ent to state that although the plain'iff read their affidant or presentment upon he alleged "susitenston" of Bishop Eher, yet, when the defendants came to that part of their an vr treating of that matter, the jiid-ro iwiusea to near mum, sayinut o did not propone to entr into tost T-iesrion, hence i' was not norea ary for the court to hear arma ments upon Uie point. As to the radge's impartiality in hearing one aide and r.ot the other upon . that point, we leave toe reader to fociu his owo opinion; bis reason for not beari:. the defense should not be overlooked. Tbe case, we are informed, boa been taken to the Appellate court, and will be heard in September." Now what is that to croW over j on the "minority" party? What; have they gained ? They are com pelled to give a bond of two thou sand dollars for the privilege of ' n rear h mi in a rhiirrh in Narx-r o I ville 111., to a congregation that is overwhelming in the majority against them, and doe pot want to hear them, while tho decision of Judge Smith doen not in any way interfere with the poises-; ion of the "Loyal" pastor, it ouly ic joins tbe trustees from prohibiting the "minority" man from also vising tho church. And should this decieiun not be reversed by the higher civil court, there is a court that will meet in October 1891 that will reverse it, we mean the general conference of tho Evangelical Association Yours for truth and right. I. B. Fisher. In preparing for tbe use of dyna mite in warfare America has easily taken the lead of the world. Eng land turns to this country when she wishes to procure a dynamite gun. Tbe weapon she hart con tracted for was subjected to a tent up the Hudson yesterday a ten! tl;nt was successful and satisfac tory appAii-atl in all respects. This powertul exploitive will be a formidable axent of destruction it it is ever put to the test of a practi cal trial ; but the prohahili ies are that tbe effect of its introduction will be to diminish fighting rather than incseas it. Tbe humanising of. warfare bus gone band in hand with improved weapons, ' and dynamite may serve an imponant purpose in hastening "tb thou sand ye irs of peace." Thksjc is danger that the river and harbor bill will not pass tbe sonata,, and the decision of the senate to take up the tariff bill first has caused some senators to grow rathur nervous. HOBLLEa 4 wABBSTrg. XAUBT. String Beans, Peaches, (sugar Peas, Apricots, Squashes, Apples, . Uuuce, Cherries, Radishes, - Black Raspberries Onions, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Lemons, Beets, Kew Potatoes, Carroits, Chipped Btei. All of the above fresl: fruits ami vegetables to be found at Mueller Garrett's.the leading grocers. Call early and secure the best. As inaartcao Harulaa. Miss Josie DeMott, the pevriess, ! tearless and dabbing equentrienne, who electrified the Londoners by her reckless riding and to whom the London Times gave the segno- i men of the "heroine horse woman of the world," is with the John Robinson chow, which will ax Mbit t Alhany Thoisday, July 3i A Cavfnia fvr aibaaty. t or the morning & o'clock local tram running trou Albany to 1'urt- unu, wtucn naaee toe ran through .1 ithout chance for breakfast, Air. (rross, of the iK-pol Hotl, will pre pare hot coffee with the iunch servod to those taking the train who demre it. ILL TOV SUr aH with Ovs, and Liver OoapidiaW ShUob's Vltaliawia nara utead to Mn you. For sale Foobsy nam L'oa Saul A an atssaa aawtxa machimr. X at sreatK; reduosd rates; also choice f partlcalars iaqair of Urs. Wat. Myw. A U FRaaOlfS BAVIiiO U.HHUnXF.D t. aceounta vita Jufea Vierrenger are re uested to eall at aaca and settle aa he uu sold his saaat saarsat aadlaas retirei from I OOT. In t'.la eKj, a liybt-red UawclUo Mj enter, anawert 10 -rd UI be paid for tu retnrn to bla owner, e. W. Warra. t K COOL BKEK OH DttAUOHT, iKAW . from tae cellar , at M. Baiinnart's LyjB laat baci, side or cheat. Bo SuUoas X Poroi Flaatar Sold- Pasbay, & tatOX MMWQ. HOCK DKILLUNU II pcospsctlait. Writ J. B. HuMtwa. Al- auy, Oragiaa, IMK SALK-OOOb MILCU COWS, X Trite area.' stabUa. AT I.n;KNUatn ROOMS TO MJUJT- -luouire r of 9. rcac at Ueisaooka rvsawiraot i W. AYUtaL AHCHmT ANo SLTKH- J. intandaot. OOlje over Pint National oans irtjiuuur, AJTjaoy, or. f rom all parte of th eount Wor. asUciud rrlAT UACKLHU COVOH ran be eo quick ty cured by dnlioh's Cure S'onmuiu 1;. St Id b j Pnaaay 4 atasoa. ou-.M i.tsa ftlUif rs mad atiseraoie by innoa i"tLiD. rjaiWflT run- is 13 reated for you tor sal by v a LHiX CMAWIaIfORTt. kTT WHST f iK. faawsteg the ncW4 i aWrid. EsnUH. Cgan.Mi w lw dbaioe bra bi ta a Wefla, raraa and watru Ualoo lUegwaaa MU4b, awMwistaaai BKOWKJSVILLJ!;. - r. nm.ssim a-. 4 Htft JrJUSCsACfjt . ini CITY RITAUKaH - fIsviof bft. etuirosy.fvtBo-j tbla tt lawi wpnJsr trMriit avitl t tna,le tirrt-cla. to every nsjayet. Tna l oblio wih be an en anni wi. at au borirs lor eolv ia orats. vrw tbwg ll3trr (hxr W. A. aloftirrp Mmt akatvw lot 4Jt at Ts-reyk's.) klus, physicun . siittr i" ". " onMj. w U. DAVIS. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND aueoi. Can to foon id at hits office rootu ic Straban'a blook, Kimt ntnt. Albany T c. 'KEij.nrBTliira'is and Ivk- V. gtou Albany, Otrou. utBce in Heroc1! ium block Office fcuure. froD it a. h. to 4 r. m. J. ROSbiTER. TriEHINAKV SIR- f . neon, graduate aeoa. Eraduaw 01 Ontario reteruwn coU-y and maiBber of tb Oc:ark vataria ary ntcdieal aocicty, ia prcparoJ to treat tbe dtoaaaM of all liumeatkatnl at. inula on t.itiliaa ariucipka," uSmm Aua M.rnlnH't lirery atable Rasldeacc 4ti and Caiapooia nrcata, Albany, Or)fpn. Da. K. A. McAusnutsosMuraraio m ieian and arsan Ha removrd hit oflkn la to Crawford't alocb. AU calls prcrapt (y attandad to. ip O. AT WHlTNa",-PHYSicIAN ANO IF wargm,. Graduate of Itellevuo Hoapl Ul MadUal Collc. New York City. DlMaae of women a apeciaHy. Offio In at raaidaoe on 7th etroet between Caiapooia and Vine, Albany Oregon. Ir. a. j. pa 'Ton. PHYSICIAN ND Lr 8unrOD, Hlambenr' Block, Albanr. Or. Female diMtaef a rcialt'. b found n tbe office day or night. 4TTWBNBVN. H , Oregon. OOoe la Straban block JX. DUNCAN ATTORNEY- T LAW . and notary public OVre 1b Uie HlmhMi bltprk, ronaia NS. I and 1 B. it. !. BLAcnaVKr. e. w wainat, BLACK HL'RN, WRIOHT ATIOHNE ' AT La, Albany, Orcfrou. oft cc in Odd Uow Teasvle. U1 proctlos In all court at the MaU. and tf Kpao&l aUrottoo U U budoe tirOLVERTOS CMAXLKSK. APPOHNEY fl at Law, Albaa?, Or. OWoain roouw 13 and 14, r.'-n' Bind. orr U 8. bloln'a u.rr J .K. WEATHFRJORD, ATTORNrTV . i.'hanv, Orraon. WB-.t In Xt nine Rl.cc:. WUl praeUca in all th tvtuu r taeniae, ao-j xpcial atUnttx o all buslrwm. JAM I .KKAll, AliVtCNKk-Al-AAtt and title cutmlna, Albaty, Or. Wa pric to all tb courts rf tbe state. Ab smrt.of 'W fumbibert nhnrt 41r. Ten yean efierienea HOC'SK. AL&ANY, OR. CHAi , Irn Only flnt-eclaiai bousi It Pieittt, Prn- bt the ky. ' arrr xmple rooms tor com tnorcial m-o. ho Ch i imea ropkj-d in toi klt-fvoo ten ralaavri offi- f" OorvallM SO IP, nrbraplnc cougn at) J brnmhlti- Yj unaedlately lalievea Dy aaiK4-a Vurr. V aaht ay foanay A Masaa. SHILOH-S COCUU and Conannictlon Curt la sold by ttaoo a raarantea. It ton Consumption. S-ibJ by roahaf t Uaaou. SHILOH'H VITALIZKK i what vnu nenl Sot Ci,uUiioa, kmu Aptitii, Ultsai ossa, and all aympt ns of lsyspetxtia. Vrkx SO and 75 veou per bottle. or sale bj Foaaay 4 klafon. MOfiKY TO LOAN llOMK CAPITAL Ok rood real eatete soeurity. Por partlci!. Ian eaxjaira of Oeo. Uumpbrey. I IATARKH CVRKI), beahh and sweet j breath aecured. by Sbllob's Catarrh Keuedj. Price frO oeuU. Nasal Injector tree. Sold by Foahay A Maann. SICKKT MOCIKTIKS. a . O. V. W.r-Safety Lodge "No, IS: il every Jtondav evening at tbe O. A. K hall on Perry HUeet, betwaao Seeondand Third. Albany, Oregon. (Kratucers in Uu--! and traiMtaot.bretarea; oordially invited toaMad. atePhenioa Pout No. 6, O. A. K. tated BMetinita at tbe G, A. ft la!! on the sroond and Ponrtn rtday eveninn if each month Transient Comrades ate cordi y invited to meet with us S. W. BKKCK, it P. TAbUUL, Conunasdar Adjauuit, rtaao Taalan JjE8iRi.NO PUNOn TLNKl' rsil upon Prvf. D. Van Horn I jAKTlfc L ehcuM thia city, tbe well known and reliuhl piano tuner He is w'l known to tbe avU f Albany ami the entire Utate, bavinr bad yearn of experience in this business, also La a pianoforte manufactory, and has no equal In (hat line of business, It always pa)S to patroniae home enterorisa and the nnblu ahoald reraember thai they ran now mi punas tuid In a mora skillful Banner in nr in Lear Albany tbu elsewhere in ta naata. nrdersatWiUdLink Land fHarveylB. pAar fui .run oaaiania arsvirrwo nnvaaaxos tain accurate and proenpt work by calUr.i upon axounsy survey! I, T. T. Fisher. Lit basconiptote oopias of Betd. notes and town ship plat, and la prepare I to do survevlng in ny part of Linn county. PostoOoe address. Millers Station, Uaa oou tty, Oregoo. B(rartar aadl MalMcr. Dc sHaU wiu rcantaa rum, sntctncA . Uona aod detells tor all kiada ol baud ;nf and architecture. All work prompth done and iroaranteed to b Bm-claa. haU mates farnisbed on abort notice lor brick buildings, . residences, public buildings, bridges, etc Calrac(r aad Ballcter. THE l'EKalOXEI) HAV1KO LOCATK1 ' la Albany solicits ntrbunva from ati and country.' Will contract to build brldgvs bares, and all eoanner of dwelling bouses. Including Qoeeu Abb. Eastlake and nza bethiaa stylat of bulk! knur. Will fa mint. ptans, andsptoiBcatloas Ire at caargas. nath faetioa guarantarr w. n. t:issP!k . A CULL sTOCg Ok Htapio Orooeriew Crockery, Glassware, The beat ualtty of mbm, eoleea, candies, aula, etc FRK8H BAKB1I BKBAD KYKKY DAY. At this -Id rallabie aauao Is uiao tone, round a ooupiete aaadrtaieot of fib faouly grooeKes, 10 wblel i consteftly being addvd all the saaasaante lnei trraearioi and. wo datoo. such at Cranbeniw, Fine PioMe$, Dried Beef CMppeii to order. Anchovy muatard. Candies and Nuts, tastetn Buckwheat Flour. Gannea Goods of flll Kinds, Bohemian Q J dataware, Etc, " These goods wars Q beu-M ptfccs as tew and to baaattt af U e Rtaryia mVJ rw glrn to hi onatoaters. Resnettiber the plaes. M MmM cvrner oa r'mrtand anslslkto St. Cttnrad Hyr. -j WT !,.jL" t -ilT TAXU. Nouca Is bctabv gives that , lb bu ici: at tb citj o; A;aj, Or., tor tb year 180, has been placed ts nrf hands for nlloctioa. and that I will Iw at shacousclj cbacsbars of saM dry to recetre .d raoeipt for theteses obargod in said roll, te th petted of thirty daye from date of tad oottc All rases remaining unpaid at ta ail ration of thirty days tbrvnaiter ul be rctumea to the roesnton eouneU : ot thHy f Albany as delinquent, and coata and aipeasea tar coltecting such taxes b d.ted tbareto. JoUN V. JaOtTkLAM, City Marabal. Mataa a: alaatijr, a , .tate 1Mb day at May Star Mm The City Liquor Store M. HAUMGAKT, Proprietor. door to th-Odd.rV!ow- ompaa, Albni, Oregon i Sf ECIAl TTENT'QM AID T1 OliDCRS f ROM THE CtWsTRy Ivi to'-aj- Tulius: Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Ci?as r AND I 1 1 1 1 tnti utt t li u t.izsrs, nu-.-snd Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar full Hot- Q' Smokers' Articles. Also neater in .o - to Pffelffer a candy stors, Albesy. Oretroo CAUTION Take no attoes uolaaa W tbem. It your melostot; lvrti.i"d price. IV. L. DOUGLAS &9 OI sC roR A?k f Saa. CCMTLKMIH. AKK YOUK Columbia The hft hmnii in (ti3 market. This faoturel FL0T7BZNG- MILLS W JEFFEB8UN, OREGON. Tbe mill timt te ciifly been refittau int, improl n.snhin' rv. Aik forth 4. C C L UMBIA" smith 1 mm on and OASOUNt. -Oi'- M Mak Wm. Miller Steele FAMILY AND 4 Hotel Ranges, Richardson A rVryntou; FURNACES !! W A. NT ED Tea thousand, lien tunen and Children to.buy $ls of DEYOE & FBOMAN 1JUOS., What wasksaSssSj stuyj alaa Ata dutiua t laaSlBa DEALER IN L. Poulas' naino and ric nre tanipd oi oanaoi iff J you, send direct to raptor? t-lnr Hir, Heavy Hand tirat aaal CreraiiiiHir Wairrpruv.. ! tin Ike Harltf . f.xnailur hi M4W rf-BttlBer'Hun4l vhi alloc. S4.IW Haud-oesni Vtrti kImh-. a)3.aw rnllreaud l-Ni auvr.' tkor. fS.6 S.xira talar lf bvr. .: ! HurltluKiaraV fthae. an4 SH.J5 Itoyt. ettmol Akaea. AU WhU la tU)AW. Balfin aat Lar Z k 2 SH()E!S lot. 1 AOIc 11.54 H4 frOK x BS8T MATEltlAl , ISRST -TVLfc, WjiT FITTlNt.S . I, lWIil.A. Hrm-klMM. ajMx. L Ea BLAINa GROCER FOK FLOUB exir fiD Jjmli'v oi by th- Air iinan; COaatPAlTY, aa-i aap(iJiyi erirr, ai; u.e U(t, j.ik) UPEx V10R Stoves & Rangi'S FIRK BACKS WARRANTED FOR 16 YEARS. . i I MEYERS FORCE PUMP, BEST IN THE WORLD flfE & fUMfS IX ALL 8TYLE8. jRooflnSa PlumbiLg, Jobbing In All Branches by Practical workmen. itfluiorters and Dcalt-rs in all kinds of ' gtiiih and ammunition, Ushiiig tackle of ev ,. cry ileccripton, cutlery and base ball goods, tt-iilfi, hammocks and cun chairs. The lfiigest stock fouth of .. IWttiiud. Come one snd all. No trouble to t how gcods Quick Hftlcs and small piofits is our motto. Also a repair shop connected with ftore and firsr- 1 1 workman to do ali Iriods of .wort is 4lek rviHt mmAa t Oaaisv C UatBAsT 71 hluTray Bt Vtrv VoA IT insnssnsnal Ouuiria fw ebu.v'-v fattSafBafcaaaaTgraTrtoany aiuam. sisajiiiniir a. A. AacTtsa, . Il Ul a Orfaai At, ataohlyB. J r IHsiIP -TASrc r- "MrfrocOUO! ,KJ1M rnronchiti5 enfl'f0'- c: ecular.l ttTUrflt3(.rC) LC i-ORS TO EVEliY p iR mssm 1 iSSS- is ,-""v Sjl. I SSS?22fSi IH mvJ!z "omr rejP1- S3 Z "vlaSf w Albany aurt ana s-raaclaca The h SIhhs in ) VUiS'BOOT,"." -f cAT and ((za'-J.i'sae. Ladies JULIUS (jiEADWOHL'S GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. THE LEADING CROCKERY, FANCY GOODS AND TOY STORE OF ALBANY. THE ONLY GENUINE ROGERS BROS 8IL VE B W ARE, FRENCH CHINA AND GLASSWARE, BOY'S WAGONS, BABY AND DOiX CAR, R1AGES, AND A General &8tortmet of Faacy Goods. 1 Specialty in the finest Teas, Coffees and Family Groceries. II buys diivt-t tor net rash and carries tbe largest stork in the Valley. Insurance ugnt tor i ire and FOR PURE TOILET AND IrO :ATaSorAi The Finest I.jiie of Pianos and Umaufi in tbe WlaiOBttiVallfly, OAU AND KXAlMjj: lim STsnrK V. AMD GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WANTED SPECIALLY Hay, oats' and poUtnes, to anppty etutoaten on tbn Orszon Paci6n Railroad extension and my increasing boms trait, whew I sell fn riBantit;ato anft the pnrctiaasrs. Oftir ftot t Ferrr afraet P kAI BAHY ORROON SVt are not hogs, bat we want til the hardware "trade 'of the town, and we are going to get it if t he best good at popular price .-an do it. We carry a large and vy complete line of household 'onvt-nieiice, stoves, tinware, cutlery,' etc. KRAUSHr u KLEIN; WARRANTED. the Market 8MOE8 FOR BOYS anil GIRLS At Lowest Rices.: and see onr nVw stock. Marine. DRUGS FANCY TO OUD8 II L BUCKMAN i l0ilSaif a fnq Hum f bsaatf nr :l.ry. partoaVaif. ate i ea mint nau THB- laquinanoutc ! OREGON PACIFIC KAlLKCAi AKL Oregon Deyelopment Cos Steamship Line m MMOKTEK. AKI 22 Hours Less Time. Tbaa b any other ronta: AaooaBOdaUoM aaaarpaad for comfort ana avfety. Parte and freiarbts la Yaqulna and the Oregon Dave opment com null's atean. bins, muck leak thai by any otber route b waan all points in the Will'snirtrr VaU and aaa Fraociaoo, SJa.IX.INU UATK8. pnoa Tsvia. WUkunattt Valley....,., - June S7tb r'aralkio... . ... July lat Willamette Valley ..... ' Stb FaraLon......... " Xtb WUlanMtVlley. . " IStf. mm aaa paaacirok farallna.....- W. V. WOlaBMttoValkrr. June 27th Julv let 6ij 10th - 16.fc at ( ch."Sa' farallOB, Wuianotto Vau:. .... Tbe touiaii reeer tne tsa lasts or sailing datea. U. H. Uaaazu. J.. Oen f. i T. Aeot tuSiUootffoBiery stm-t. ban t iocis.t.. tL Kenieuiber tbe Oregon 31 ific .ui u lar lunmrr exurnii.iii. Lcw 1 uta excursion litkeU uic ou shIc tveiy WeduettUyaurt Saturday from Aibsuy CtrralliB rod PuiloniHlb to Yaquina and fur the mum trit uliU Sej-u m ber 30. aii.t raii9M( TBAim. I rlxvpt ttundaja.) L atituua A I i. Alnauy IM t I CorvaiUa loain a a I Corvalls l .-W r Ar Albany 11:10 a k I Ar V'..,u. ' O C. tratna woLf 1 at vu fiLt' ''h "in. K B". c. Buata, Oer.rn.i kianatft- Actiatt ti.r m t. igtui OOrvallia, O California a .- train run daily between ' . fortland and aan r'nuiciaco. SOSIB I " ' 0tB a.-O0pa..Lv... Portland Ar.. S 80 am S:tBpsa..Lv..... Albany Lv..t:14an ?atsa..Ai.A Tiiciaoo.Lv.. 8-uupai I aril rasa. Train Daily- Ea. Sunday S0aa..LT..;lurtland Ar.. 4 OOpui UK p St. .Lv.. Albany.Lv . .It 00 ua .00upaUtr.;...ate,b Lv.. 8 .00 am .- tahafcem KraacJu iM p m. .L... .i Albany .. . . Ar. . HJHi as S3laaB..Ac..iLebanua.....L.. bisfdass I'M ia..U..... Albany Ar.. B.zb pal kflpm..Ar Lebanon L.. S:4oam iTO a m..Lv.... Albany Ar.. 4. 20 pa S.SXaa.-.w....l tMinnw Lv.. a'40 4a PULLMAN BUFFT6LPRS. -TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, Fee scaasiif wiatliai of Serondlsas Fat angers attavaed to Kapress Iraiim. Tha S. I"i Oo-a Ferry make connaettoa with all la ragslar trataa 00 tbe east sail a aiateji frocB loot of 9 atrast. Fotrlaad. .- West IMc Hlal. Between PoitlanU. and Corvalha Trala DaUy - acep. Sunday i ?40ial..Lv. ..;Pa.tlari P. JB lit:ldp m..Ar.. Cnaiiia Lvlt Mp. at ."At Albany and Cart alii. cvnnvt train of OrsgPB FaciiicKaiirrad. wtth Csai I rata Itally trUnpt Sunday M) p in. Tato p u. Lv.. Ar.... Portland ... Ai.. b tuasa THROUGH TICKETS load! Foint- EA8T AND SOUTH VZ& Cedifoxua. VFor full information reganiLig rates, saps, etc-, nil on cot, u aaa-cnt at Albany R. koKbLta, 1 1'. hooutb, Ma--.afctr At. ,. A mm f AUDIO RL'I sjsrMIAl Overland Rout Trail ia for the tast l.,c Foniandat? A. a .iBd JK r a. Oadt. 11Tsr'Ia lTVJ " "d from principa ' A XJ Ik i 1 O pouiu in Inited Stalaa, Canada aod Kuropa, nam palace cab suipers. rsatCoaiatat lis awns tar Has ihsaack as z reas Traia OaiAHA. COUNCIL BLVFFS KANHAS CITY, CHICAGO AND VT.'LOCIs. alma at Maw Malax Car U thaajte. Cos Connections at Portland for Ban oeoo aad Fugvt Sound potnta. leave th Oomivnv's wharf, as U foot ot Broadalbla street, on Tuesday aaJ nuav aaca wasa. v. u. rut v l.jls City ticket and Freight Ageot c. a. snixait, ' tiaal Ttttsac Maaaner. . c r. a JOHN SCI.r..EER'S LiTBry. fted & Sale stable Corner 8ud and Elltvonh 8U ALBANY, . . 0BBO0H HoasBsSoAasss by th day or awoth Car riagasor bsawiat an rasaonabia taraw SDl FOSHAY dt 1V1A.SOK Drosgisfe 1 Booksellers UlAT, eaa Elegant Lotion renders the skla soft and beantiful. No matter what the price, onr good will alaaya be tirst-class. BLvSisl Tinsmm A BLtacf sitv.