- J ' I A 1 : ALIlV -.VOUIfilN, THUKSDAV, JU:.Y kO, lr,iH) 20 CIS NTS A WKEK. VOL. V. NO. 42 A 'V C S "Sz:laire -s:v f j. ac LuiloV Fino Shoos HUM tti:t:n Ill.i'CK A LI iT' l- ARKr.R BROS., KEK! l AT V STANTI.Y C'AK Fi- KM- VFUK-ll r-KTIT-! Ft r It V III K- AND VKtJKTAltl.KS Ta'lp Delicacies jiinl a wy ami Sr.-inle Grorerips- L i lie of F visions. 'am,' ! Goods, N .! ' tint- :f Itnpui t.-tl W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE. CENTLEMEN. BEST IN THE WORLD. -F)i: CHICKENS $5.00 PER DOZSr, - FJiOS is CENTS. Mueller Sr flum tt. C ui- DKKOuN LBAlN V t llil I K. f ill I i' ! I Ol l.-li!.-l,t U .. e-l i -ior:. I "V llei-- .1 . -er-t;,r . . K.t. 1-l.s. I". IJ-a.!. - .! . O. At!h.M L. I'owsn. .i. K. LM-rkir. limn l K. tatiaa. I I. Oir I I. lii.: ..li. T Pern!. . I K. fill '!).. -ft. !-. 1. Foley. .U ..,r. 2utrit M. ?ei litu r. 8afe,Hofii!0,i;ciiseiYBMTii A 'quart Company, nfiinagea by bqujte -Vtri, Patronized by quie rtiow faUKCsia iione Eatciyrttte EARLS LA';H ani ;knts mmin;s FTK Who h ive ."otni'lft- me Fei (.-. it.ii -.'! at priue. ha iiv .-..iiit.etiit ti. - iitv. Ut ; ..-ai! -lid I'll. "'!' " at i.i!r.:ii ptioe. Cm. t its hi i i-q'ia: : aloii. 1 PROPRIETORS. :i t, Camlit-s. timl I fa nit. tic Ch'trs. Salt- or J.1 1 mm MTIofliLBANKj l-KKSIDKNT L. FI.INN. Vl K FHKslIlli.Nr .1. VofNO CAIIlhK K w. La." . JON". I'KANS.llT A OKI A.XA.L BANKING s. E. Vjcno, L. U t. Ulai.i. E. E W. l.Anros F. ai.t ' hWr. COWAN RALSTCK Aoanyf ; :aid tf f HUM Oregon Trai.wa- is -ftrncrai rnKU'U hi'.uetM.v LrB. nit t lriHb oil Nc Ycr',l,Sin 'tto'di.tl l urtliiiiri, r. Ld-an mciic ti toftroved wmrity. li Civ 'lenKtU itnjt-4 tfj t berk. C.-Iict.tioiu triiLr'.dtfU to us UI re I:XK OF OKEGOa', Ai 1 -tTl... ANY. OKE(i'.. tit.VI.OMl . ... II. KRl M II t Ml IlKII I.. Jtl . IlLAIN. niii-.i I ... IilHECTOUS: i. . .l.T. .T. W. Hi'MPilHFT, ' II. Lanm. II. V. K I. Hl.AIN, M KW K1, MfllKII.L. KAMI'S' UNDERWEAR (.mill men hli l. I lillili n', Inlli Int. a - il H ljnllr Oii'uiriil uiad in i.nl. r nt tin- Japanei.eBaZaartore l-.j. i Kit Lw hWi Mi Ku KVtCO. ti mie oi Fum btirot tuxt lr S ei.iet & UiiKt.uriia. H. A. CRoWDEH. C. W. mOWIiER. CKOWDEU BROS Contractor and Builders. Office on First street with Wal lace iV Cusick. real estate agents, Albany, Oregon. KFtiinatt-B given on ;ill k nlsol bnililiiigsorcarpen terwoik. All woik in trusted to us will he promptly executetl. tjM 11 lotion tor tu 1 17-1; D UV l ill i i I FitKii ha k Kim :; frJf'' - ! - s htc, htc. 1 I liilllN. ' LinuCuunty Ban it STliB Celebrated French I CURE War:anttd to cure AFSMHIiSE" or mone refut'deo r5 c e AFTER .rjciiij m.ui the xcji-'v .(h of Htiiiiuiaiit r.-irn isi or "ftlUUJ. ! lhrnflrh J tMlthftl) llilif en . ioii, orr iimImIk1 i re, etc . aarh v I.- MViifliitht: Ha- k, ti....ul V a.., liy ! (. LtrUjoi rh-t, li.zitu. Weak MtMUr . "M- Of I'tiWC" UMtl ltlIM'eilC, Whlt ll I llCfc. rt'i tidcii l i-rmnatuiu uiij an numlt. frier Si & Imx; t bot5 fcr 9&.1H 5ht (v limit fii rci.-e'i't uf np V k. 1 1 I . 4.1 Kll I.C ill vei. vilh eer r rUer receinl, to nriuutl tu 'tjon it a 'rtiiatiritl i-u w i.ott-di tr ht Umiinti iiait itMiiiiomals (rum oI(i ti'd t utiiet i t"-th M.xt:, whu tiuve bwi .wruiait:iitl turvl ti fhe une f Aphrodittn iroular free. Ail'truns iik trill o iilIMt: o. tor tt rtiit A M.un, rt' etle ai t;,ii .,i)tl i.tf ;.lr.i v 11 v I FECIAL! Pilk ft cul riti-rt; iioth- pur ilk tlit in ui he market. Neve lii'lic montl.ly. Ouurutitot1' to r lit t mi' prw! 1 mei Miruattt'ii. S:r;,Safe, Ceriain tnl. Save time. lUiilth aini money. Tuke no nther. Sent ri any &! Ir n- man n rei i ipt uf irif-, 82 Of. Al- j !rc iliri tli'illriu, inny ; 'et Hram h H. x "'. I'nll.iiil. r. 3nld hy FofKay 4 M.-on. NTH IMMF.I'I TKf.Y TWO G 'On rnt i'lt in atiru ear who wi liti tn rk l..;u rp at tho Patjfii- I and I ( in c ) : i.n ' ! f 1 'i t -r. r'- l I.!'.' i l' l. I 'I; ' "'I 11 'Hi--iii.-nK tlie i-libiatQ i n I.., imneri-'-fc atift i 1 t V. . !', I im!li :l-i a t'EW.i: :! is J VES. TISWAR . H,:U:E FURN SHK CS. M.in':f.c t uri-;i if ua'" ai.ied imn n li. 'tile it I'll xni'ialt v. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tbis puweer uuver vnr. A luarrti 't yiiri;,lrtnttli and wiiciU-soinetifS!' fort' -i iiiii)inir;tl liiHu tin- uxfiliun kiml-i am' , v slrl hi t iniib -inn with multitude of low tv 81, hort i-it;'it uliiiti or i)Ikw(IiVij iiowdt-rt-jl.lini! , i i - uie, Kmvai l(ak." . 'o ift t o !' '...I'' t. N. 1.FVIM M. J HM-ON & I !.", AXi'tlt.i, I'iittl.mil. On-con. THE, BEST HOUSE in 0R1XJON TO BUY Ol R PIANO-, .)RJANs AND KWINti MACHINE, ... . li 4. Ms. I'seil nine iar I.. n, , r ki, tl Ix the N'a tional Muiiml caihem" A i-.atif t . J'tiin, pri K.i In. fl oitm. Will A; 1 K. All miv , i u-fcn. lertlfirate of Organization Tri ht l rmrvKNt, OrvitE or t'OMFlRiil.LKh .K THr I I UH-xrv. W AMllMiTu.l, iji.j ,;-, j W Iii.iii,.i l.j .i afa. t ir iilii.e .n-e.li.ttniil.r.i n-.1 iila.cn nail t-. a.ir tli!.i '. he l.inn Coui.tv National Kritik f.f Ail am1" in tl.e ,-ir .,f ml, ... , i hi nmiitv ot l.inn, .t0,e 0( oreuon has -..ni.lir.t ih r'I rnii-ii.i nf the t tll- .it !he t'lliltd StAt r..t. ru i... ! n.ni.li il villi Inf. re tll ajsiK-ani.ti il all be ; autli.-rizeil to t.'iiin.tncc the buftirrai f be-kniif; j .V., .hi-ret-re. I. Kd) s Ut.comp , t roller of I t niri.n.i. Ho hebv certili . ..he .inn I nniit. N .tl n.l ' Itai.k o'l .VI any in th,. ci-j- . t A . i,. ,hc COUI,t, of l.mn ai ,1 t,ie of Or, .,, authored t n.n-nii-1 -'he t..mie.(,i l,a,mit M MJ 1 1 , rtn . M9 f ,he RevjwRl 8tu., of thi- I i. lej Statea. in -ei ,u.u..y yhtrtmf witnet. my hat4 and w-hl of iB,i thi. sut d,y of Mav laM l-'.J F.. s. LAI KY. Ccrrpfruller of tjja Currracy. Ihos. Brink has just received fine asMjittnent of uii.r,, tt,alMi alsotl,,. WbeelerA Wilnon sewinv tiiiicliine, tl.e l.est hikI lii.btej,t ritnniii5 iiiri-; iiwK mmle. U.-e Betttf Iii.i,l,lion bitti-rs. for i"uiirettou, depii,Hiii aD hU kiDared di T -?S.. 1 .i , - M I tip -7 SKVT GBfSliB, The t nderful Mpottllnft Monater in Yellowstun rlu St. Paul, July 9. GfHial Pa serger Agent Ft-e, l .eXorthfrn 'aj tic, io-'l.iy re -eivrdia meseaje iro'H 1' e viana.er oi i4e Yt-liow--tone National Park reftrdin the burs'i' g nv.t "f a uew cratei g-j 8 t yea trdav. ItqoieTel down uewiiat iiuring the' bight. Ai t:30 a. m. thi-te w-'i a oll to'mnn of neam s"t up t a hiightuf fri.m I oO to 175 left a l a' O it. 7- feet in dia'iuetr. Th nar ng had eurh-ide i .4ideriiSi T ie li au-m ;b e dent ca w th tl'ie ! "New C c t-r" geyser. 1' ol'i li is enlaiged toa w dtli of ab-iiit 8 ii-et .uid he ii" a holt is v Bible a out hx feet Horn tiie Id une, widirh is abiiMJ by c ei-t. Very little wat r ia cm:nx fiut oi it. All tue pi tn-ea in lln ne ihb -rlioo-1 are eovei-ed wrh th- ir sediruen'. Th p'esent a.i pearani-e m. ems to indica e thai t ie cratt-r will go down so n. A DOMKSTK'TKAOEDY. Huahsnct Nhoutii III Wife anil la Shot by Hia Son. Cuicauo. July 9. Wm. Rir tameH, a ! itistn c irpeiitt-r. s ot his wife in th ht-ad lo-diy. His : i-vear old hon, a thei-logii-l st i dent. heard the shot and entering fie room 8 i.e I his fnther just in t" iiit to prevent him from firing again. A lernble struggle ensued and the i-on a- finally fon-ed to "l wt hip father in ordr to e.tv his tnotiier. It is thought IhvIi hushaii'l and w ii will lie. Kit tatnee has been slightly demeuied f.-r stune t me past. FROM THE NORTH Th. Wrecked Will He Steamer Aardonys A bund uneil. Victoria, B. C , July 9. The tt amer Piini -h9, whicli hna ar tive.l tr.itn tlie tmrih. reports that it Aou'd be u-i 1 e to try to i-ave any jioiti.'ti nl th" wiei kt-ds earner San'onw. llt-r ouners in'end to anHi'duii Iht and tlie Underwriter if they "Aish. run n ake an attempt to -ecnre tue ua hin-ry. The rap tiiin and rrew of the Sard niyx,w h have been living in leinpormy hut a' Ski legate, have rHi timed . to Yi-totia. The iiehO'iisr f'Hrin lit;, - from Yorih Sydney, arrived this morn ing to the gr at relief of the fri'nds of those O't boird, who had abom given them up as lost. I'll- sei.ooner had the roughest impg'n- ..i.i.. . . . ... i ... :. i i I u:.hc luif ij;e ana M.it, jupi hoiiui. ; out of pro isnms. KnlirhtH of rythln. i Mii.wM kkk.JuIv 9. The review of toe K. of P. hy ien. Carnahan th e afternoon at CoM pnnjN I 'ark w.-is tiie event o the ilav. Thou-atid of iieotde eitliere'l to I witness toe review. The prize i tri I In gan lo-ilav aol will be con ' tinue I ev.-ry dav tdl finished. In I the -l cMon oi oftieer- to-morrow Geo. H. Shav. of Em Claire. Vi-. il lie . h-sen Bupi me chancellor. ; 0:nai a will be the pla.e of tue j next mei t:ng. . Cenaaa Irrcgularltl.t. Wabhisoton, July 9. Tt.e su: erinten.ieni of the ren-us has re ceive.l a t leuram front census -upervior Davis at San Francisco savin that he find that there wa one ili.-tiiel in the citv in wltxh padli"v a done. In this die 'liei 477 ticiiti.-u nauv s were givi n i-i hy the etiuinetaio'-. He i as lieen arr.-t-d and a recount is now in progres. A Itefaulter Skip. Victoria, July P. F. Steven-so-i, a t cket cl-rk in the Cana di.n Pacific otlice here, who hat been siipjairtinsf a wife and diHig'iter on a alaty of 51 per m nth. ht 1 ft the citv defult-r to the amount of fcMI." It is sup posed he lias gone down the Sound. Will Tote on Silver To-Iay. Washington, July 9 In the senat,. to-day after a 1 g deba e on the conference report on the silver bill and informal utider tamlin was had that a vote ne taken t morrow. A Town Destroyed by Plre, Elmib. July 9. The little to a ii of Roseville, Hcro8 the state line in l iog c mntv, Penn yl vania, was tot illy ipe lo it b lire eserday. Twenty -three buildinwu in all were burned. A Murderer llanced. I t. Smith. July 9. John Hats hury was handed to-diy for the murder of his wife lat Augut near 1 ufala. Letter Carriers Strike. I.osnoN, July 9. The letter carriers in the central postoltice struck to-dav. Eminently Correct. The Albany & A -torn Rai'road, to all appearances, is making m .t uonhv progress, and it may be that its line will b comp'etvd and in operation lsfor the A -tori & South Co-t i i- running order ittween tbe junction nd Hills Intro. There is no trouble with the mirvevors or anyot e wb ba aiixthii gto do w th the Alfjr r -ad. When it is n-cessary tor -h.-Astorianx to a eis bv giving nionev and land to accommoilat a r -ad that mean-t husme-w there will be nodiuu'ul'y ia getting it. Astoria Town Talk. WILL THERE BE WAR? Alarming Jiews from Central American Kopubi.cs. WANV CITIZENS 1'CT TO DEATH A Di" orbed Conlitlon of Thing Th. t I Likely to E.d ii War -T jo Hewa B eeife.l o Wju 1 iy,t n . WAtsiiiNOTos, .lu'y 9 Th t Ir.iUi-le i biewii g aino g lie i.iiittal Aniei'icui epublic ove me pio,ioeae- nii di-i.oio , win h ay re-tilt am moment in ..ir, i. nani e-t f oui die lot at adic & receive I here. I he at ry of the death of Presi dent i nenedez, of ati S ihadoi , is given a- lol o 8 : At a l amiue laole a MnalMj.Atie of wine a -el a,.art for t ie p-e-ident'e own u e. The gue-is surronn.lin turn n id a not ne of a similar rh.uacter During the banquet me presid ni -umplainetl uf u t feebng wed a i redivd, ami wart S.-ied with con vnlsi n when medical a:d wa uu i.ione without avail, fm v itliiu three-ipu.trters ol an hour he hi liiele-s. Hen. Kze'a ai at once sum moned ami ol!eed all the avail hie lore. 8 and lnaich-d to tin white house and tinik pos-e.-sion caiiBiitir hi- t-ol'lier-and rein itninu Giles's to proc aim him provisio'i.d pre- dent. The follow big m irning lien. Kzeta summom d the minis ters of Menendez and requesieo ttiem to remain in oltiee subject to his ord rs. This the i-ahini-l agreed to ilo, but within 21 hours !enera Ezeta itisbmded the caldnit and selected men know n to beoppoeeil o iuat'-mala"s scheme to. seciir ontrol in San Salvador. Tho-c ma urinki plans for Eze'a's ovei fitow w.-re summarily dealt with. No less than 3(1 we'e shot ami aiont 4D exiled from the c untry All the (iari s n9 at Beaportsan on the fr.iniiers are lieing r in orced and San .-alva-tor today in iy be said to maintain an armed peace. The inili'aty which has been coii-Mcrablv leduce I 'hiring tin Menendez adinmistra ion in no being r- inf ireed by all th civil ians liable to military lutv. A TRAIN D1SASTKK. Two Train I)ah Into Each Other Five Men Killed. BiltMiNoiiAM, July 9. A ibsre .'aid of oplers cau-ed a colli-ion between a freight anil pa-seng i irnin on the L. & N. Mad. fury m les -outh ot tins it y tela Five persons wire ki'hd and six la'all. hurt. Kng neeis -I drei-n and John We b, tie-colored liieiiien, Jim Amstead an I l oli Wil-on, and a white pump ma naiii' il 11 irr, were Kill- u. 1 hi na sengi-r "rain had otders to tak the Billing at Clear reek f r ai xtra f"igh'. The onler was n't obey-d and a m'le heyond tin -tat on tl.e two trams 'ta.-hed mio each oilier in a d ep cut. I'oti nines were wr.-cked. THE CHINESE I'KOBLEH. V Doien of Them to be Sent Back to China. Ti csos, Ariz.. July 9. A Star spei-i d ftom Pnoenix says that ap- lieation was made i-diy In-for.-Judg Kibbee f r a wri' of b ''ea corpus in the caBe- of 24 China men, who tecetitlv ttied to enier the United -tate from Ab-xi The V. S. att -rney raised the point that they conid not laim fie privilege of habeas cornn-, thev bei g aliens and being in th United ti es illeg.llv, and in direct vio'ation ol cot'gresional enactment. Judge Kebbee sustained 'he pt)int and deired the writ. The counsel f r th- Chin-se then ma.'e in application for a writ of i er t'ori, which the onrt al o deni d on the same ground. The Chine e ill he taken to San F'ancisco to monow and by the ol ertor of the port sent bac to C d ia in c m formity to ih order f the United States commissioner at Tucson. THE EVANGELICAL KUPTl'RE, The Full Declalon of Judge Smith in the Injunction Suit. The fo'lowin-r ia a c mv of the recent dec:sion of Judge C. B. Snvth, of Ott"wa, Illinois, on the question in vol veil in the in junction case at Naperville, 111., being published by request from the Ean-eli'-el, puhli bed at llarrisburg, Perm.: After a fev introluctory re marks depe- iating tbe scriou. ni'sfortune of the church troubles, and counciling forbearance, the jti-lge siioke a follows : "But since you have appea'e l to the court it baa but one d-ity, and that is to determine t'ie law. I see no my-tery l onnecied w'nh any of it. You have all become members of this ecc'eiati'-al as sociadon; you have all pledged voutxelves tb become obedient to it laws snd discipline; you are un ler obligation to respect that nU'hori'y and to h-w to the amhori y of the churc'1; every one is under o' li.ation to do th s It may be true that sometimes the church to which you bel"Hi! takes HCiiou in which you cannot concur; ;t may be that it will do things that it ought tint to do, or its m nu.il c nference act unwisely, but that gives no member cj- Inidy of ni'-mbeis any authority to rebel. Rebelli on can have no right ex cept hy for. e, it has no lawful authority. I here is no law to ju-til'v rebellion. R b llion can only be succe ful when uccess ful liy fot'ce of arm-", no matter whether in a church or Mate: here ia no chur h ri.dit or righ' fanvkndto authotize a r. bel li ii - acion. Wh.t are the dmit ed f.i-ts in tnis case Thai i here wa ai ll nuiis conference in t ie city - f C icago. Ap ii 10. and that the in luber- that had a iaf 1 1 o go tiere met h- day a i ointeil, uid t ti.e place apioiut d. and tout on t at casion idshop E-h rw.--relusiMl the ri -.lit to j reside over t iat boily, on acc Mi'il oi his hav ing been depo-ed from hi- office, i. tii the nie.-tiiu of tu.- next n eral confer-nc; ihat i.e tnere upon w t .drew irom t at. biy d it s imt d ni'-i tint it was origin.! ly a pr..per Itoily tu.t .t is con -eiied Bishop Esli.-r then, at the meeting of toe lllin is co.i-f- rence, not being admitt-d. re tired 'o a place. Autre hel l what he called a-.ot'ier c nfer -nee, out hat wa-i no' a lawinl co iferi n.-e. The oroof s that le-al tp- had een taken which resu'ted in tin j S'lS'en-ioil of Ksher as bi-hop. A pr-sentnient had Iteen mule against him and a trial wa ha acc -rding to the force and f-rm of t -e discipline, af'er the d.ie noti.-e was given him. and h took no ai'p-id from that judg inent. 1 1 was found by the tral onference that they had jurisdic t ion of h m and of the su j el ma'ter. I see no ir'egulatit in ha'. I think he h d no rijht t' preside over the II iuois confer ence, and that body act d in strict oiiformity to the d scipline in p -int ng a p"--iding o'licer, an I that if flieit prm-ee d gs there n wete reuu'ar all were b innd t y its sic s. and if 'he mimstets sent out wi h 'he seal of that cm fer ence atta- heil to t eir cer ilica e werethe appointed mini-teis sent to their resp-ct.ve districts, 1 on't ee any iea-ona;l- cause to louot their authority. Bui sup lo-e 'he action oi ihe Illinois co -ierenee wis improper, did the mere fact hat E-her weni off and et ni a conference s imewhert el-e mike if a legal co ne ence? Ii be could take twentv in ni'er and gooff a-d set up a conference itn ny minor ty it would not tiake any difl' renew how main tin-re were. Can it be po ible that a uiin 'rity ca e-t up a con f'-j-i-nc- to tiansact bu-inc s w th out an majoriiy? I don't tliiiik any M-nsihl- man would in.kean -11 -h a i l.i i ill ; if he c tlld do it with twenty or thirty, he c mid -l ii witu live or te ; if h - mm h t rule-, it co d rule just as well with f'ree. The whole theor" o oveiniii'-nt is tint th' m.ijori must rule in church and mate, th- in jor ty must tule. ''I' is contend d here that sine luajo-ity of ihe rd of dire t ut- dust e-attach' d themselvie o i he m mist r Sent by Ksher a. rt uis coiii-ien -e, i her. fo e t- ey han .1 IU t to ailnilt Imu While ti t ue tha und r the -tat i e of this state "he irust es have the cotrro oi the chinch, to look alter itc proper y for the benefit ol tin c luifgati'-n, tney h iv only -uch control as the aw gives ihem and have no right to shut up in, hurc'i on coui.t of the tticr fact that hey have el arge of In church p opcm ; it do. s ot give on in any r.ghi to I-ck up tin chu ch. wli tner majority or u.i "ority. I hey had no right t lock up the chmcn against thi- lr.iu-i-ter: ili'-irduty is to keep tm ehtfch ope.i an I see to the priei lighti'ii! an I wamth for' he ad- nini-trat on of iel gi '!- exen i-es, and not to 1 -ck it up. Ihy had no ii. lit to excl tde .he mini-ter lr m perf rmiig lis iiuty; t is ..ty was to go tm re and admin ister to he pe pie, and when th y do th t i hey v.ola e their duo u tier t te law of the ch ir.-h While it is true I hat injii ct ous f tuis character are i ot very fre qiie tl y i su. d, he teai-ou is that i ne nee -i-ity does n t often aii-e. I he lOi'rt :.as jti'is lie ion in mat t-rsof tins kind to pr .te t men and th-ir p-operty and to r str.in trespass and interru,.tion of lr e '.seof prop rty in attending le al m etings. Tins bid d s not s ek o excL.de any member lr- in g ingihereanl w rshi ping or en joying all 'he privileg -he is eu ti'led V enj y in ht c utrch, but tlie lawfu iy apioin ed mi ist-r nnds the -'our ha. red ga nst mm, ai. d is restra -ned irom goin in there and p rloru ing his d uty, which is a clear as- of unlawim prevention, p eieutiiu ilv ia lul minister fiom the terlonning of Ins sacred duty in .hit chur. h nd ih-y ought to be eujo.n.-d noiu it. It may be true that he was not liked, that ihev di I not want dr. Fre, a id that the p. o pie pledged themselves uoi 10 p.iy liim. I best are privileges tliey Invearithi t enjoy; they may like him or no",a.- ihey cho-e, and pay him or not, as i hey see n', an.i theioutt na.- n thi g t do wi h that, and I, nor any one e has any r ght u y anything ab tut it; you can a-t i i thi- niat-t-r at your own m-cre ion, out you cannot lock the dmr and keep .'hers from lieai in Mr. Fr.e. "The opiu.ou of th s couit is that t e iniiinc ion snab remain. but it ought to be attended witu a boml." THE STORM'S WORK. More Ravages of the Deidly CyJone in the East OLD WORLD AL90 ll'FFEK'. 3a Hnndr d People Kl 1 d by e 0 done a i nt ern AiU HewiEatt of tue Ro.kiee. Mt:scAT, July 9. A terribU c clone prevaileil here and in au I t.-, lit count v Lift nio- .1 f.r..ui - - ... u mi g was uo.i" in tins city ami suirou.itling country. ".dan nous -, toth here and on pla-.ta-tion-, were ilemulished. Tue lo.-c of I f is appal iug K-po ts t-iu tui siioa mat o.er ti wvre killed ORKAT D v.MAGE IS VtRMOST. Vkkoen.nes, Vi., Julv 9. A -ir-rili.-wi d ran- and thunder etoru ca 8e I OV r Veil? -iimn I .Ht ii uh loing gr at .himag'. llundred-o. aha.le trei-e were hi iwn down. At Ball'- It utr. N.w York, mm men are r Krted drowned. The celo did considerabU daui ge at Piatt burg list nig o. No details aie ye 1 ani'dasthe .vires ire entirel. cut otf. NATIONAL KI.KI rii a. AW. 1 Vigorous Addreaa laaued by Rep reaeutalive Belden. WASiiisurox, Inly 9 R preen t itii'e Beld -ii c lainni i o th-i re pub i-.m congre-sional committee ha- issue. I an a-idr-.-s io the repute i cm editors f the cetn try n tin ubjii-t ol the national "election law. The tepubl can i arty, In -ay-i. pledged the country in its p atf .rin-i that it would see to tin xec i ion i thai, pro.isioi of the o isti-utiou w do i gu.ir i-it es eery law ul v-eer in f-der d elec tio is a rigui to depijs'ta b illot an. i i air ii minted lor the Candida t ol hi choie... Tue hou e has promptly pei -I'.rine I its du' v by tue pas-aife ot the b II ; nov it only remains for he republican majo.ny in th enate to e nulate the hou-e an i rmit "he pre-id -nt hy "is sign -t ire to ra Uy and ngisier the will of the nation. The committee is in p isses-ion of mior nation sh iw- i'ln a c.oncen rat-d etTirt on t'ie pirt'of the iiemoTiiic ny t- ch mgrt ihe tiend of puhlic tho gut hy poHnnin the mind- of tue people to the end that a sentiment na b mauufa-tu ed 'hat won hi deter congre-s from pasing tin national ele- tiou law at thi -.- i..n. In on. Iueion theadd.ese a y-: Will y .u not lo your duty in u gitu that 'he senile snail re pon-t pr- inn Iy by ihe pa-sae ! a me ifiire w hich ihe house leem b-olut'-ly esseiitiil to iheelectiuii ti its own ii tube s. ARKANSAS KEI'l'ULICANS. They Nominate No Ticket, but En dwraethe I'ul.iU Labor Candidate. I. a i i. k Koi k, Ju y 9. The re publi.-ati sta e onwn'ion tint uere to-dat and de line I to pice i repub ican ticket in the field, but f r.i ali e-.doMe I the Umo" Lihor ticket, heade I by Kev. N. s. I ize fo- kfoiern r. ADJLOUbD INSANE. Prof. Oaaton, a Fi.rmer 0vg;onlan. luiaue in t aiif.rula. -an Fbascisco. Julv 9. W. C. JaH "it. pi'Moi of nn enionio, ' h jump d fiom the tourth story of ihe Hruuswi. k in O.kl nd a d esi-aped ui huit, a ex-.m n d by the o i mis-i'.n' rs for n ani'y to day. He wa adjud ed n--.neand se t t Stockt n. lie - as for.iie Iy a piouiiu' n meiiiber ot the Ohi bar and one time r- s ded iu O e- -Oll. A FATAL SHIP LA INCH. Over Fifty len;le Drowned by an Accident iu Japan. San FKANcifCO, July 9. The sti-niuer .i.ielic bri g- ti.e f. II w- ii. g Jap'iie-e news: At Ot-aka lit x-nine p. ople wen un-wned on June loth uiing tne launching ot a iew M.iling versel. Filt.-nve bodies have been recover d ami lour are still missi g. Twenty were n ore or lei-s injuoil. An k-acitiuar MMI..U. Clkvelaso, l.. Ju'y 9. Ti e gamiiidge of Elks ua- in con iiiiiied i-ession to-day from 9 tib ti Arth-ir C .Mo eland, the lieg o cometba , gran I ec eta y m th. Se t York lb I.e, No. 1. ha been expel'i d f om ti e -der. The en tire day was devot-d o New Yoric m.itie'S. tieo. L-r y Morelan l of e.v lork iod.e 1. was ev pelle.i by a unan in ius vo e. At th-t evening s s o i .-amu-l L tuin an ot Chi. i.go wa- el- t.-o grand ruler. Othr otticers were lsoel'cted. UallaKOer Mont laiir. ancolvkr. Julv 9. Patrick Gallagher, ihe miinlerer, has been removed from the c iy prison into one of the iron cells on ihe site of the hurried county con t boie Gallagher still believes that Gov ernor Ferry will interpose but a n tition tliat is being cncoiaua in his benali nirns very lew sigi.ers Northweat Baaeballlata. Sas FiiANtibfo, July 9. Piei dem Alexin ol ihe Calilor. ia base- 1 ,1 , . . . .1 .. fw... uai I ieafeue, icunucu iw-u .y "'in la tour through lite sorthwesu la said: The club of the north est league c mii pare verv favora"- I . . . i. I w i t . - iy wnu outs anu x o-neve mef : V - -.ould give us a g'Knl eh iking upw ?.. iheie are arwra! proD nions V :t- vu'.iiig tsvivtctru u au'a luc njl iiat.-riaiize s iou ; that is i he aliilia- t is the athlia- 'J. ';:.r . u or alliance wt tne ie two cut. f f ii t co e 1 li rUcli alliance UO Afxnt .be win.ier-oi mm mm i t r I Ul.UC W .i1i m. ii icuue will i day a geri s of Kames, l'Ut IKXsla ItClUlCNS. . ho OBclal Fixurea KeKlunlna; to ai. Made Public, Washingtos, July 9. rhrotig! the odicial count ihe popu a'i-.u . f 'i. L-iUis tlie eiisu- ol as in Je i-d 1 1 'lay, snows me cny'o .Mjpu at.o.i io be 44,124. This is il exc S- ol abjm i,0Uj over the est. mate ol tue lo -ul upei visors. li . 111. nore lias over 4 ii.OOM. (J iicago's rUie. visor n. nt the re uriM to Wdbliingt-n tiday. .ie eavs ii.iw that Cli cax ' lopu- i.lion is li t leai tll.U l.iO ','KKt. Tbe Hot Weather Kecird. New Yokk. July 9. Great relief .v is experienced to-day Irom tne neat of ye-ierday by a "tine bre ze ol iwing ate dil. Ir un the notii est. Abhoiigh the t'leimomet'-r is not much o er ti-au ve'er ay . he heat is n-1 so iiotio-ablt la.-i-ause the inoi ture in tne air has le. -rea ed. Six de iths from prostration have Ite-u reported ' tne m1v; ov-r ni Brooxlyn. IIh hui weaiher his iieeu exivedi-ulv evee for i hose having j door work. The employes in the iiu i-ugar tetiner ries lo ill a t ehiir are aiiiong the prin ipal mfferera. Twenty . rsous were pro-tiated by heat yesterday and last night. A DE lDLY:KIOT. Strike of the Dorkmmjn Weal Sa perior Keaulta In ttluodabed. West si perior. Wis., Julv 9. 1 riie strikiuij .Im-k men . ined t i ir vent all work iu th s ciy this a ternoon. A not ellued in w hi- h two weie fatally shot an i others wounded. It wa expected ih it the strike m ng the street labore.-s: would be cn-ied .y the m n's a-centng the old g-8, $1.75 i-er d iy, but the desiMindeiie of the men was but a lull before the i-torm. vbout 2 0 etrike8 ap eared on Main street thi" mo-ning and p o-ee-h-d to !2t.i stiwt, wtiere there v.-te abou' I'o'ty men emp'oyed. The i-trike's msiied iiki them and a tight en u-d in wi.i.-h con tracto" Sutton cut one man on ihe . inn wi Ii a eh vel. The t ik.-rs chased Siittun to Ids hou-e a'mut three blocks away hea ing him ith club-. Liter in the day th moS ar rived at the Ameiicm et ! hurje .vorki imt were kept at a distance wthgtns. After il nner another itt nipt was made to foicj the works. Contractor Anler-on shot one an in the head th i.ull-t rl.inc in an i hi'ti m a in n named Jo-.n Foster in ih-- left a The strik- eis then chuged but A der-on Ii d the ;r 'tin i wi h a d-a n re s' lor. Ihe mob the I'rick ml clu'-s and n thing in. y ul I lay hand- no n When the iiny r and a f ace of sp cial i'l" e inicd i.n t -e ground , tin- s rite ers WeM wi il o A i.le.SOil's lite. f ne niavor qui'-te i th- i-i-owd by ap oint n a o umittee of t k r and aero id oi polc-m-n to see nd -is " t 'h- c iy ja 1 'o-night. F'u'iy ctiz-ns were worii in as special p ilice'ii-n. Virginia Uepubllcaua. Wa8iiinoton, Jnlv 9. The Vir gin a repu lican s te com nittee to-dav i as-ed ri-solut o i- -'e la -i gthat'hei will n t i articii ate, and a-liisng all ie ublic" lo for ear panicit'itiO'i in any dec tioii in the state. t I -nl as the same i-h ill 'e con lucte I under the tou' eiecti m la- of the d-mo-cra'ic P'rtv as now tr.iudu'ent'y aduiini-teied. The Market. Cuicauo, July 9 Mark-el !.- and wheat es ; -a h S--p-emb-i 89. an r KANfi-co, Jnlv 9. w li at buvers a-o-i of IH90. Livehpooi.. Jui y Wh a Im Id ers offer sparingly ; new 2, w-n er 4 s; tirm; si r ng 4s l2l ; fiim. A California Fruit Train. Sacramkxto, July 9. Hie fi st special fru t t'am of the s. ason was sent Eaut to-lay. The train as mad - up with shipment- lor Ch cag , New York and lio ton. Hewitt'. Keraalna. Vascoiver, July 9. The re in ins of the niu ered Po tlan l .ttoiney. ihe Iat C. H. Hewitt, were biO' ght here t: is aftcrm on for burial. Nomination Con firmed. Washington. July 9. The sen ate in executive s ssou toilv confirmed tne nomination of . M. B cheldor a- quartrrm eter g netal of ii e army. General Flak Dead. Nkw York, July 9 Gen.CTin'on B. F sk tiie. i this mornini: in his 62dyear. Tbe burial will at Ola water, Mich., Saturday. The Wy vaains; UIU. Wabhisgtoji. July 9. Ihe pres ident has ren md tne oili or the adniUsion ot Wjoimng -o ti e At-turn- y Utn-ral to del, nnine if there is any legal objection to it) approval. rr