1 x sflBt. V n . , gr ,trr ; . . gpgg ALBANY, QUEZON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, U0. VOL. V. NO. 4 L -BY- B.jim Tour fiopertj Through tie ': 3,ate firuj of Ciirkliarl It The oldest Real E-taU Firm in the Thv have land!' of al descrip- i..rale at tlie very lowest n.l on the most favorable i" " " terms. We have pome fine bargains in .mall 'tracts of trarden an.l fruit i nr the ti' v . which we are offering at a great sacrifice. This proirtv lies near .the city, anil is il.e verv best on im market, part 0f which is set out to fruit. CITY iMPKIIiY i W have :i lurse list of ! husiness and residence propi i t y for salt- ini liiiliiiir ihe (inllra park addition, the i-est. near si and rheapest suburban 'iM-rty in t'-e m.-irket. lot in thi ndd'n ion will double ii; v-.;! - jr. Ic- ''ii'n a year. BUR:-ART & KEENEY, 11 KA L EST J Sv LOA A a . i INSURANCE ACENTS. ALBANY. - ot.tCthN Townscud L Wife vyiit REAL ESTATE BROKERS, IXSURAXCE AND I.OaXS. First street, opposite Farmers A Merchants Insurance Co. Albany , Oregon. Agent for the foilowing Insur ance Companies: jEfna Insurance Company, of II: rtf..rd. Connecticut ; total assets !.;s.7r.i.ts. The tiii.irdiau puny, nf London, $5.000,tKH).(!i. AsHiiram-e Cdi.i l'ligland ; capital TheCo'unihia Fire ard Marine, of "oitlaml, Oregon; capital, int, OOO.tXl. TOWXSEXD A WIL-OX. C U R K Wirrai '.a fr . l itiit.kfcil tliL- t-r.er .live trncanaof rittii-r w;x h' th ariiiiu innj lliv txin-iir mm nf tm-ti n.., lrliu-fir uplUlu. oi br,.iiKh voiithlul in,h--rcti'i,, o-- r ii.n:li i if, etc.. .;cf: Bni.n -res. W -ke i'dhi, IV:.ri -i: l r'atit ii, lti la k, m,nai W' aknt, Myk ru Ntr u- l'r. rutinTi, Noi-t,ir::il iol,, l.vlK-iitlh-e, 1I3lziii-(i M.-ak Mi:,ii.f t,. ot iN.aer and IiiimiIiii' , whii h i' m- i-tien Itra.i rn j rcn.-itun old ai.i. liin.!t J. I'nct (I r.j; 6 ln'xcS for HM Scit l mail d ra-eit of pnve .iil er ft ..rrlct reteivrd. to rviu:,1 i:.t n ,.i j ii a friaiKHrxl ure is el,t). i, . w hair thcuiwi i.aof lot nionial fn n. eld si ii , Up, ol lolh me,hti h ot- bet-u pvriuai,eitl) cuitd l tl. use I Aj. hroiM:n Circular fiev. AUtireMi AIPU MIM4I. to. :n UisihIi, loa, 7 Pi .it laid, ona-'fu. i Kit ..e bf IbU) Mason, oho in in ami UuJ ,iustv Aisttya bestsv Ml' ftiut KFOBt' o?? AFTER My. Ezclisivc genev fa: he LI? M HE HO : It LUCK ALBANY BAKERY. PARKER BROS., PROPRIETORS. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND CAKE- FOR-.-.WKDDIXGS- ".FRESH FRUIT-; RER V RIE AND VEGETABLF.S Choice Table Delicacies and a Full Li n- f Fancy ami Staple Groceries Pro visions, Canned Goods, Nuts, Candies, Etc., Etc, .1 F'tTl i in c of Iinitn tt W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. CENTLEMEN. BEST IN THE WORLD. t FOR CHICKENS - $5.00 PES D0ZE1T, EGGS IS CENTS. Muelb't' & Garrett, oiit-f l-r riilillrnlliii L'niK-d Smt. s Lmd Office ) Or.-;.'..!, i ii Or. 1ny2H !!)() f NOTICE in eoi E IS MKKEB.' tJlVtX THAT in eumpioince Willi the provwion o lie mi I at Coiiirres f June 3, IbTS. eiilitle'l ' An net lor the s-ile ol tun- er lanr! in ll.e Stiilic ol ahfori i--. Oif iro". Ni-r.da. and Wahin!;i' n" I'-lm Kinkin of K.ick Cri-eK, Cuiint o. Li-ill. S aic of Oiecot . haa this dav liled in lii offii e his miir stall hient S.. , 2U.W. -oi the llri-liiie of Hih S. E.W ; of 'V i, S. W. )i ,.f - F. V slid lot, I3:iiid4i Si-rtiou Vo at, in Towi.shin IDS ulli. UoiireN... V. st. and W II "lh-r roof lo h..w that the Imid Mi l.'ht i inme v.ihiah'e for it- liinlirr or -tunc than f.u au'riciillural purpioi- and to clalilih I i- claim 'oa'n: l-tiid helore the Keif'tt r and Kici er ot thif oii.ee nt I ireon Cit v. Oi cl'oii, in Fi-id.iy the lilt Ii d..v ..f Septi-nil.er 100. lie names a- itnc9e : (i-i-. Mi ler. of Porti nn. OreL'on. E. E. T f, of Ruck Ore. k.Oiecon. G V. Wallace. f R ek Crei k Ori-L'n. aed D. A. ilu ck, ol Koek Cr-i-k. Ore. on. Ai y and all peismis el . i in 1 n lt ailV'isily 'In- iiIium- I'l-M-rMicd land are rem-steil to tile their chiitns in 'hi office on or ht-lorc s.iid l!Mh, daj of SipUtuOcr, lMsi. J.T. APPERSON UvijiUr, SEARLS Jill LAD1LS AND rtFNTS N1SU1XCS. FTR Also htvea complete line of For sprite trade at prices hat defy cumnetiiticn. Give us a call "lid (my your shoes of at bedrock prices. Good da and square dealing. Ludlow Fins Shoos- FRKSH BAKED v.'." BREAD-. tl awl l)mtn1iv Chjnrn. For Sale BY- IS BKQTSl iHCSTUTIUHiLBAM I HKKSlriKST L. FLINN . I Vl K hKI-SllKNT S. v TorKO. I CASiiiKk e. w. La:-- , ws. V KANSA,TS A titl E IAL BANKING S. fc. Yocmi. L. Ktnra I.. K. iilain, E. F. box. C'Bihier, COWAN : RALSTON !AIC Albany, ; (l.UHIil Oregon Tia!iwu.-ts a general banking ttuaiini ora iht 4irufi ou Nr url(.Haxi p, faciAial CortloiHi, r. I.'ii iiifinp uti approved aeenrity. Krwiv, leioaiti .utijvet u t-bwfc. Cjllttimua eutruxtetl c us will n )riu,bi altnilion BANK OF OREUO.V, ALBAXY, OREOX. -tPIT4L .. rr,lilrnl . Irr I'rra aalalcr 9 50,00a II. RKI tM II I tSKK.L. . J n.BLll.V PIBKCTOKS: H. Brtant, .1. IV. liili HiMPIIKtT. C II. Bi.aim, SttWART, M'Han.u E. J Lanmnu, II. F. LADIES' UNDERWEAR .- Ilruirii hlri. 4 hllil ru' llh Ni d til Ladles laaisurula suatl l uriler at I lie Japai iese laza a r "store KKIcrs VKKV Low k W I U W u h St CO. tfi bn.ie 01. Kim blutl luit ir S ei.iei A liirfckburtis. I i H. A. CKOWDER. C. W. CHOWDER. CROWDER UROS Contractor and Builders. Office on First street with Wal lace A t ncick, real estate agents, Albany, Ongon. Estimatt-s given on all k.n Is ol lnuhliugyor carpen ter work. All work intrusted to lis will he promptly executed. Utu aiipp.-rt at . C. IfMrla', I ! ILinnCuunty Bank e.s wilim tow.rk. lnqure at the Pacttc Mattress Factory. ! DEALERS IN ST3VES. TlNWARt. HOUSE FURNISHINGS, Manufacturers of galvanized iron cornice. Pluinbmg a specialty, (iive us a call. w to pasture. Woodle & Tault Bros POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tbis powner ui-ver varies. A'uiarvei of purity,strt-ni;tli and wliok-saruenees More e-onoiiiii-al thau the ordinal) kinds, anil cannot be sold in compila tion with multitude of low test, short veii(ht alum 01 phosphate powders Sold onl in c-inii, Kotal Bakiv 'o okk Co i Hf '.'nil t. N. V. Lfwia .V. .Imbnson rS to., Agents, ' Piirtlsnrl, Oretron. the; BEST HOUSE ii OREGON to BUY OUR 1'l.vNO , RiiAN AND ;EVINti I AC I UN E . ri . Will 4 I l K. Allatt t I "ri."r. I'st-tl t'ine )iai K:llitifi O iti. NnlircFor riihllriilloii. Lund Office at OreL'on City, Or. N' ;TICE IS HEKEBY C.IVEN tl,ut tlx- folliiwiui;-iidin ds- tile ha fl'ctl n.ilicH of lii inienlioii t. 'nuke timil proof hi Miip"rt of Ii i ili'im. and that mi id proof will lie nihil hefi.rr tin- County Clerk of Lini coiuily t Mli.i n v Oreiron. on Tui-d v An i. lS'.m. vii: Ethan E. Tuft P'e--ini ti"ii l. S N.. 07(S7 f.ir the E. r-i X, W. .4'aml F. M W H S't". 34 I'p. 1(1 h 3 E. He names tl.e follow ii'tr imcspi s to prove Iiik continuous refid wo upon mid cultivation of, -a:U lai-il, viz: David A. Iluvck. Charles I). H:itc. Stephen B Tap. (ieoiire V Wiill.ice, all of Rock Cru-k Linn rouuty Oretron. i T APPERSON KecisUtr onre rr rabllratlan. LTnit'd States Land office Oregon Citv Or., May 2s. 180(11 0I1CKIS HEREBY t.IVF.X that in Ciimp iance with Mi provis'ons of Mie act of (.ongrew- f June 3, 1S8, . entitled "An act for the sale ol timlier lands in the ttes of California, Oregor., Xevada, aid Wa.-hington Tern trv," Francis Postman of Tacoma Count v of Pierc, State of Wapl invton has this dv tiled in thif i-flice liisswnrn statement Xo. 2081. for the l un-hat-e of the X. W. V; of Section No. 1.', in Township Xo. 11 . R.nge No 1 K., and will -iffer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its liml er or ftone tlim for iig icuhural pur poses, and to estai'lii-h his claim io sinl land b fore the It- gister a' d K-ceiver ot ilns oni -e at Ore gou City Or., on 'Ihuisday the2 jtl tlavot f-fpteniber, lBim. He name-' as witnesses: John Brenner f Tacoma, Wash. ; Fied Van Cire, of T.u oma, Wash. ; Lena Williams, of Tacomo, Wash. Mary Schatler, of l a-oun, Wnah Anvund all peis ns claiming advt-isely the uhove-descniied lands are n-qiie-ted to tile their da m- in this oilice on or before said 'oth 18J 1. J.T. APFERSOX. R'-Kifter Kiillre ol Final hrllleiursiL In the County Court of Linn county Orrieon In the matter of the estate A. Ii..liev. ileeeased. N OTICK IS HKKEKY til V I A that tiie undersigned ha rhia .lav tii. d her hnal ac emit as A.liicniitrttrix of th. E-rate ot A S L tiliey, deceased. and that, ti.e Court his pi-"inte.i Tus r! v :lie St Ii day of July 1890 at 2 o'ciock P M., of said day, as vhe tune Im l.-niig ol.j-.ctiiiiis t said accoiii't and for the Settlemeii tin n un. Da ed June 4th. 1890 Mary A. Loonky A'hniuistratrix, of the estate ot A. S, Lomiey, deceased. Oko W. v kioiit. Attorney for Adniinisitratrix. In the decline of life, innnnitiei beset us to which our y.-inh and niatnntv were stramrern. our kid n-ys an-l hv. rsre subject to de rai'ieeinei't. but no hinit quals Dr. J. II. Mi Lean's Liver ai d Kidi-ey Palm as a regulator of thee ortans. f waujr amssw. I.- 1 JL M . rail I Bluff Point Hot3l Blown Champiain. Into I THB Cf CLONE'S DEADLY WOKE The Btorm Qenertl Tbocsanda of Aorea of Crept De.it oyd and Many Peopli Killed. Tnv, X. Y., .m.1j- A. Rep jus were received at the railroad sta tion lae to-nis;ht that the Bluif iVnt hotel on the shore of L ke GliHini.l.iii. ownel by the De'a- '-LiVjir' -HuUhoh railroad company, it into lane tiVsviteV V,Ki. !OHrbuiltiii'SV'',re Vl'ttwd h 1 several 1 .vee lot. Iris the major, who made a speecli oi noon, and kiown that a B-wre i-torm amounting almo-t to a cyclone, mged in th.it vicini y toiiay, ni the wires are all down aiid no par-tu-nlai's are obtainable. It is reported from Sarat"g', near the Bluir I'oii.t ho'el, thai a number of eini8 out in a iow iHjat, weie lot. .""ixteeii or more are to be liiisnrg. Geiieial I'as-eng-r Aitcnt Bur lick, of the Dt lewaie & Hudson, lift hire aittr inidnik-ht tor H ull 1'oint. Me uaid the hit-st inlorni iion wa- tlu.t wi-ih- the h-iei wa b idlt damaged, only one lite wut-lo.-t." 'I he storm was of extreme eeveriiv. DESOLATIOS IS NORTH DAKOTA. :-t. Paul, July 8. A Jamef-ton n Xoith D.ikoia Bp'-cial to the Pio neer Pres-s-ys: Yeaterilay uiom ii g the lmrri' a'e did urea' dam xtte in Jam s river valley. J-h.h i'o b ig a 'a-iuer near Jumesto t was kiln d, ami his wile and ha In f i a ly injure !. In ihe n iitmrn r oi Hi couit . io a i-t up l- miles lug all I 4 oii 8. wide, lli an -illilated. 4ii tenitic and 5,0)0 crop- w r,- I h- h -ii acres of grain was le tioved Til K STOK.M lirNt-KL. CLi-VKLASn, tj.. .luK S. A tre- iiici do is wo o. -loi ui ltom n e no thwet struck tiii- i y .the even ng nd oid treat ilama v o iny. Freight ear- wer, oer urni-il ii toe rnli- ao-, aini t great hoisiinj m h nu-oi iiiC'-r, to ks wer-- c- mpl t I v ' st.im d i m i w.re hull Wi-ie oadly d.im- ged. Ihe los.-es ag. r gi.e ).- IU.I. VIOCSKS OO DOWN. Wi.riiit-e, .Me , July 6. At S oViock t us veni' g a veiy sc- ver.- storm i t in, accompiii ei n hiiost ii cess nit ti-uiuicr ami ightnii g, togetln-r with ah-av.v 1,-. .Many lioiise-i were luor oi 1 da : age-1. Ihe h.-inv ol the meiho'hsi churi h was blown "11 d le 1 npo i Cues -r Suaw's hou e, width co' lapsed under it. Mrs. Mia wa latallv h.irt. KEVKKAL PEOPLE KII.I.K1). bARAToOA, Ju!y S. Ihe pa-r-en- liera on the ira.n wiik-ii teacneu h-re at 2 a. m., from .Montred s ij that the siorin was general f on liouse's Point to Whre Hill. Many hoii-e at Rous -'s Point and oilier towns along me luKe wer le tioved. The'Blufl Point hotel, they say, was serioily damaged, out no one was hurt. One giiebt oui in a to- boat wa- drowned. The storm in Western lenn-yl vamaanu r.asieru vmo to tug lid ureal damage. Trees were blown down in aw directions. At brie W m. iuiitli was killed and his sit-ter stunned t.y light ning. KM I'LOV EH TO Bl'V STOCK. The Policy of Trout snowing on the Illinois Central. Ciiicaho. July 8 Concernitii! the published rumor thai the otli ceis of the Illinois Central railway company are seeking to induce employes to invest thei'- savings in securities m inai coi potaiion. Pie-ideiit Fish said to-day that tne company had no 8 o- K lor sat-, nut propose to as-isi any oi lis oHicers or employes to huy om shire at a lime for the m.irket pr.ee, t-ie inch.8.-r t pay in a sum of not ie-s tha'i loontnese sums, th intetest to be cie.lited, an I when the share is paid for he can if he wisiies b-ain the pur chase of an -ther. Ills hoped t" nli-tt every tiugal person in any way connected witn t ie roid as a pn'tner on a basis of the mmo-i liberality t sin ill p oprii tors A TEKKIBLE STUK.U. A Number of Vessels Wrecked on the Atlantic Coast. Bt RLlNOToN, Vt., July 8. A stoim ti is a tern- on ws ihe worst known for e trs. .-everal pr vat -va. hts ha I a narrow a ape from sinking. Ihe steam tig. Little Nellie, C-'pt. C ark, ir-m WelsM.ro. foumlered oil' liouses Point ami sa k wi h theca tdn, h s son and the eiik.li e.-r, bn-e ..ame is u- - U.ovtn. on lioard. So f r as known i o lives were lost in this vicm ty, but i here was great dam age to property. Monmoulhl'a.-k Kaces. Monmouth Park, July 8. The weatm-r is Imt and the a'tetidam e hug ; t1 e 'rack is last. In the 7 fui itiiiif race Belli B con. Jame- 8iconl, Kenwod third; time, i ..l -i I. . i i was 1 ;2o7 made over Sheenshi ad i A .if-. . in ... r-,, I'lt i IUU i trt UI 11 . t i I . . '11 ... j uawa. uy critiuuiic. me LOrillard $250 each with iu,iu a ioeo ; starters ra.iisiiati, . 1 I. j t I 1 Protection, Sir John, Tournament, Burlimrtoii. Devotee. Torso and Banqne'. Tournament led from the tsrt and kept it until near the nnish, when Torg : cdme front and won ty one lenvth, louinament sei on.l,Btnquet third ;t mf '1 :3G . The l-oiillanl Btak.es were worth 21.'X),i to the wii.ner. HIK PYTHIAN KMtiUTS. The Oprnlnif KzerclHes t Milwau kee LarKvIj Attended. MtLWAiKKK, July 8. The fa- tuiesof tne niormnt! coiictave of the Kniiciitn of l'vthia liu-le .ere a giand rec-pti'in at the ex poaitiun building, and the opening d--lneiaiioi.8 ot tne Suprviu Lode. The i-xercises at the ex i-lcuuie. lhe iri.vernor followed 1 h a we.voiue on In-hali of the H-ople ol tne stale. Approximately 15,i00 men were prt s -nt tnis moniii g. teveial ca-ea of piostiation from neat oc. ui red y.-sterday and to-day but lion- s-r ous. . Ti-e paiade ol the Kn-ghts, in spite of the most unbea ame heat, was a greai stici ess, there h.-ing 1 1 1.0. 10 in.-u in hue, and live bri gades of l-'iO Culiioinia k n gins and ot ier weti rn states ui.der .-..iiniuiii-l of vjeii. Ii. II. Schatlner. Commander Carnaham snen oils y d.-iiouin ed the st ry t t the etl'ei t that he h .d rt-fu-ed ihe Cal ifornia delegnion a: mis-ion to tpiarteis b-taus- they wanted U bong wine u.t-i c imp. A NEW OLVSfcU. It Bursts Out Id Wyoming With a Sevei e Mluck. Washington, July 8. iecretary Xohle ie t-ived iait- tins ai eui-i n he h;loiig d spatch fr..:n Supt. I'.outi lie ai ainin . oth ll.it ir.ligs vouiiu:f X ws iia- just ie i- c.-ived tro'ii the ba in ihat tin-it W.iS a severe SlioCK, 101 owed Dv a tcri o-le loar, a d t.ieev er ra led "new ti-i'tr" had an . r..pt on. Ii I- th owing Steam. S'OUeS ai d iat r ab -u I'd. I eet in t ircumlei i ee to a oei hi ab ut 1-5 leet a. d it s si.aiii g ti.e whole dasii .ii.-und th t icn.' v. TltK CUAII MAN KILLKIl. in Accident that Itefell Some San FranciM-u Ladiea Out Ititline. San Fkancim-o, Jn'y S. Maitin Court .ey, a c achiiian in ihe em ploy ol X. 1'. R oe ait, Was irsiaot y koleii t da by the team run iiui u A.iy. .Mrs. R d.'oiit and two others w-re in ihe carriage an ivciv all tluown o"l on the pice n e:it. ouiiney st i in ii on hi ht ad, c . u.-i i .-1, s ileath. M.s. Rnieout was badly cut a hull the In ad and was orus. aioutthe lady, and it is it-ared se si. st lined u.tetnal injuriei which my cviise her de.nli. Th. .ther two occutiaiit were also .-evetelv hu t. t'Al'UHT IN SEATTLE. In Ahscoiiding aliirr Arrested and Idt-utilied at Seattle. Seaitlr, Juiy 8. L. H.B irtlett. the tli-l.tt-1 1 i Oi; cashier ol tlie Bank oi Foit, .lofg in county, Colorado, -irresieii here, having been caught tiv a detective Oil Sunday la-t, was kept in a secr-t cell in jail, while waiting identification, whieii came to-day. Ii is said Bart left's donate amounts ta 450,' 0 J Wiien arre-ied he was working a ireight clerk on i lie steamer Geo. Starr, whi.-li runs on tiie .-ound. SlICIOEIN I'OltrLAMI. A Fourth of July Spree Causes the Hash .Art. Portland, July 8. Thomas Kennedy, a laoorcr, livii g m Al hin.i, coinmit'ed mi ode tuis even ing liy lak nz an overdose o: ltudaiium. He hid beei on a spree si. ice ihi 4tn, aif.1 it is iln.Uilit he became despondent hi.e sobering up and decided to take his lite. IN ION PACIFIC CHANGES. Appointment of Officials nn the Pacific Coast Division. Portland, July 8. Piivate a 1 vicestroiu Omaha say that general tiallic .nanig r, M.-llen. o: tne Union I'acilic h is mattethe f -ll-iw ii g apioini men's : l. Campbeli t be assistant gem ral tratli.- in m- t.ei ot iiie.-ysit-iu with hiadqun- t-rs at Portlan I. J. C. Woi i- wotth, general lre;glit ag nt.Pa. ili Divi io i, witu iit-ada larieis a Pol 1 1, nd, vice H. Lai-i-D.ll pn - ni-eed. F. s. Miller assis'aut gen eral ireinht attent. P..ci:ic Diti-ion, wi h htadqu.titert t P..itlmd vice, J. (i. vVmal-tortii, pio noted 8 II A. ML: ON I.OllSIANA. The Lottery Bill Passed Over the tiovernor's Veto. Baton Roiue, Julv b. The lottery hil. w .s pa 8 d t-id.y by II, e hoii-e over the g.-vernoi V veto, yeas 05, nays ol. Ten Thousand Teat-hers ST. Pah., July 8 The nati nal ducalionat assiM-ia'ion eonvenlioi oene.l today vtiih about li, 0 it acners preseiii noill all pari ol tlie . nited States, loan aldr.-s Hoii.E.B McE Mj-.of Or. go-i.urire.l the a-eoei..tlon to llieel in port I 1 inn i in i.tYiH. ai llie eveii.no ass on much interest in ad . I . , . " i ureiiWB was Uianilested. THE DAY IN CONGRESS A Sill Introduced to the Women Pension WHO. AIDED THK SOLDI K3. The Wy .inlng Admlnloi Bill-Ooatsstsd Election Caett Dsoldrd ta Favor of Df tiocratt. Wasiiinotos, Julv 8. lii? hoiie to-day concurred in ttie sen ile amendment to ilie liou-e on for the admission of Wyoming ai- a s'ate. The committee on elections dis posed ut the two Missouri con iettod -eIeeliolii'ca8'a";:ol"Hllt ; Catchings, from the Third district, and Kernaghau vs Hooker, from the hevenih disirict. Ihe decisioi. avors the sealing of the demo cratic meiutjeis, Patchings and Hooker. Biiga.lier-tieneral Benjamin H. (irit-rnon was placed on the retired list. Represeiiaive Belknap to-day repotted favorab y from tlie i-oin- II l tee the invalid pension bill granting a pension of $12 pei noutli to all Aomen ho served us irmy nurs.-H in the l ite war for a p. -nod nf six months or more, ami who rendered set vices to the sick on the battle-neld. IN THE SENATE. In the senate at 3 o'clock tin conference report on the silver bid tent over until to-uiorrow, ami eulogies on the late Representative v S. Cox, of Xew York, were held. FIRE AT SPOKANE, t hree Houses .f III Fame Burned Poor Fire I'rotrctluD. Spokane Falls, July 8. Fir roke out ai lour o'elo-k th-eeven- n n a imild ng. O'l'ainiiig hous s lot" ili lame at t'ie c -rner ol Ferr .md Alder streets. The firemen nr.- slow in rea-li n! the S'-en nd the waiter supply was inad. - .piale. Tor.-e bawdy h use9 Wei limed with a!l tneir coiitelit- 1'he total loss is ah ut 15,Mi ted covered bv insurance. The n ldiiiir was ownetl by Pelei Co-te.lo. The Markets. S Frvnoisco, July 8. Wheat buver v-ar 18SI0, 1.4o7; sellei y-ar 1SW t, new, $l.3.. Ciiicauo. J-iiv 8. Close; wnea inn; ia-h 8S.1.. ; August, 81JB Sei.teniber, y,i . Liverpool, July 8. Wheat ii r in ; den. a -d improving; hold vis o.Ter sparing y ; California, 7s l..d(i3d p r 'cental; Weeten urin. 7s. lt.,dc:7s. 2d; red .vest. rn. 7s. Long Ministerial Terms. r'roin the Milwaukee Evraii.ir W iecODnin. Ihe tact that the Rev. E G Up Ivke, one of the leading ininist-rs oi the Methodist Episcopal Ctiurch in - he Xorthwe-t, is seriou.-ly con sidering a call to accept the pas toral i barge of a church of thetjon git g .tioi.al deuoiuinaiion will re vive t..e iliscussioii, which has Deeii rife at intervals ever since iiinerant system of the Methodists was established, as to whether or not the benefits that flow from liequent and pastoral changes re mo e than offset by the di -ad van ages winch ih system involves, foe idea of Wesley was to discour ige tlie members of the ministry r om setiing their hearts on ti.e things worldly.,, It was hie theory tnai scool. rship in a minister was f far It ss coiieipieut e than rehg ions enihusiasm. His great ob ject was to revive the spiritual life of ihe chinch, and lie found hat this could most quickly be d ne, tinder the conditions whii-h levaih d in -his country and his lime, by the o icy wmcn ne pur sued. But a century of prosper- us exiLience has seen a great change take place in tne character md mnuenctf ot tne Mettiodi-t Courch. It is no louder di-tinety achuichoi t ie hum ler classes butdiaws representatives of ah oidc:s of the population wi'hiu its to d. '1 he sprcbd oi popular edu at on has also done a gre tt deal to change t ie conditions under .v icn its work can be mo t profit ably on led on. In social as wed as in lntelh ctuai stand-ng, the letho lists of the United States include a verv d.fl'ereiit class ol u o ie irom mose wi.o lormea ai . j t uio-t he wnole oi iiieaenomiat'on a cent irv ano. Ihe necessity lot so. ne in. diticati -u of the church olicv r g.rdi. g tt.e ministry has been re. ognized and acted upon ii is rea-ued that me average con grejati-in ot tins tener -i-n c nilo eceive little t tiilication from the prea.-iiing of an ignornt mat ow. ver sinc-ie ins p.ety, and t'ie ciii-equence is that, ns a b dy the .Me llO U8I IlilldBt. rg ot to tlaV oinpare lavorablv with the clergy oi ot er tteoominati us in It-arnn and ami ty as w ell ax in religi us leivor. It Iks also come lo be realized Unit the old polit y of re moving a miuistt-r from his charge as Boon as he his I. eld it long enough to g-t acq tainted with the K;...le, and t g ve them auopior- tunitv to get a qnainted witti him is n-.t as wise as it once seemed -mil the policy na been gradua'lv moiiti.d, until now it permits under ceita n conditions, the iv i en t ion ot a pastor by the same .congregation, for as long aa five . .. . - I deal of chance for the assignment to 1 determined to a considerable extent in politics in the confer ence. INDIANS FAMISHING. Deplorable Condition of Things mm the ChayaBB Asaney. St. Pacl, Juiy o. A Pitts spe cial from Pierre, South Dakota, nay s :L.it n. s Ironi ti.e CL vi-n:ie agency ,eounrms the surmises as to he Indian trouble at that point. There are about 4000 lndiaus at ihe agency and tbey created a dis turbance to day when they found that no rations could be issued till Wednesday. The delay was caused ny the fact that the cattle were notdiiven in from the range, thus leaving the Indians almoet r-frrmg.tjt-iluuty 4i mor row. ' Tiie Indians - also object lo be counted in the census aud their enumeration will be taken with great difficulty. Tlie con litioii of the Indians id deplorable. Yes '.erday VI died o' consumption and ung trouble, and the physic. an i. is many more serious cases on nand. Ihe sickness prevails almost entirely a.u.oi.g the seini civili.ed Indians. TUB PKIZE KING. Weir "The Spider," Knocka Oat Boxing: Master. Bi ffalo, X. Y.,Julv 8. A prize fight between Ike Weir, "Tne pider, and Jamas Connor, in-I'rut-Uir of the Buffilo athletic lub, took place to-nigbt. The men fought witn skin gloves. In the hr t lound eir led the tiitht, and not in two blows on Con nor, alti-ongii the latter scored on eir s ieit eye. In the second round Cnnor ma le a lurioiis effort to .each Weir, but fai ed. In the third he tiied it again aim the same result, anil beh-re ie could recover Weir t-tretthed him on the no-.r with a right der on the jaw. He gathered him-elf up but was too weak to ntinue and -'Ihe Spider ' KJon ot him back wrh a smash in the .nouib, kn-s king him out. AN EXCITING KACE, A Horse Falls and Breaks the Keck of a Jockey. Washington, July 8. The Drexel etakes was ihe event of lo tay. The race was captured bv the crai k California horse. Santi ago. A fatal accident marrt d ttie Sort n 'fii- race, - Ii- ys being killed. Xoretta fell on f.io. home etr t-h and roded over Voljos, ti e rider, breaking his neck. - The Death Sentence Pronounced. Tri ckee, CaL, July 8. Charles H. Bowden, convictetl of the mur der of Mis Lillie M. Price last January, was this morning sen tenced "by Judge Hunter to be bung on rh fifth of next Septem ber. .A motion of appeal was en tered. A Heavy Fallar, Sa.n Francisco, July 8. The firm of An-tedt A Co., owners of the Lafayette brewery, filed apeti n ol hantrupH-y to-day statins that their liabilitiea amount to 1258,000 and assets, $170,000. Hot Weather la New Tork. New York, July 8. This is the hottest day Xew ork has had in e.us. A number of prostrations ar reported, but no death. At 3 o clock p. m., the ther mometer n gistered MO. Miners Will Return to Work. Victoria, Julv 8. It is stated that the striking miners of Wtl- intrton admit that thev have no grievance, and 20 1 are w illinu io go nack to work it Liunsmuir will sea 'ha' tbey are not molested. Visited Bismarck. Berlin. July 8. The Independ ent Xew York t hooting corps, in ullunifoim, paid a visit to Bis narck to-day. The icea -which some people have alout the French word ''nee" s amusini:. It is no uuu-ual ttiine o find some people speaking of Mrs. James Brown, 'nee" Mi-a 4City Smith, and it must be con- ie sed that th s innocent disease epidemic among a certain class ji country corre-pondents. But jne use oi this severely worked French w rd hi h recently ap peared in a little paper seem-like ly io wear the championship palm unchallenged for some tiin-. The effusion was about lined aris- to racy. A woman twice married betore,'o h thed?ughterof a count, w-s w. auea tor a ttsira time to a French marquis. The delightful sto y called her "the Marquise le .a dioix. nee Cume-s Son li meade, n.e Bar n- ss tira.iviile. nee l.dv I'.everuipV- " If tlu ....l of births in the family Bible of years. liut there is sun a kouui th s often-oorn lady were kept ac- , cord n to the ti.eorv of the man who wro-e that storv what an nn. solvab'e problem it ouhl be!" A Convenience Fur Albany. For the morning 5 o' lock local train ruining from. Albany toPort- ianuf which maaea tne run through wiihout cham-e for breakfast, Mr. Gross, .f the Depot Hotel, will pre- pare in i couee witn the lunch served to he taking the train who dueire it. A 1 table claret 25 cen's per bot ile or 2.50 per dozer, delivered to aav part of .the city. M. Baumgart, L i