THE MOKNING HERALD WEDNESDAY MAY 21, 1S!K). ijaily and Weekly TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION- DAILY published every morning; except Monday.) elivered by carrier, per week....- 0"J0 Iriv mail, per year...... ... ft 00 WF.KKLf . (Published every Friday Morning.) oe copy, per annum, in advance $2.00 Wlitn not paid in advance.- 2.60 THE MAILS. Mail t the Albany post office close t r all otncea nortli ) The Kaatern states ' f C;30 a. , I be West Side I And the Kairew Gauife K. It. ) r or Portland and Salem 11 A. m) Corv&Uiaand Yaquina ..1.';3 r. T office euth............ 7;:!0 r. ' The peetotnee will be closed each vveiiu , ram six to teren o'clock. Registered matter for tin? early ruoriiiiijr train should be mailed before S o clock the previous evening. OREGON PACIFIC TIMETABLE. Arrives lk-parW Passeocer H . 1 win 1 1. 00 p m Freight....- .................. o.Japm', t.U'a REPUBLICAN STAT K JTH'K KT. I'osgrkshman Binder Hermann. ovinor - D. P. Thompson. Skcektary of Statu Geo. W. Mi-F.ri.le. TRAirBX Phil Mctchan. Srrr. Pcbiic Instruction --K. I!. MiKlry State Printrr- F: V. Baker. ll'DOR SCPRKMK ClH'RT-K. S. I'.Cilll. Dnnii T Attornkv Tiiiri. -Ii i.iii.u. Dimbmt Geo. G. Bingham. KEPI BI.ICAN Oil NTV TK'K KT. Statu Sks iron. Peter lltiiiic, M. Cunningham, RrrKRr.Tiv V. A. Tt-mpleton. - It. I- Smith. - .1. A. lti"har.Uon. f'OMUisNit.Nri: -.1. I:. Trask. RkcoRDKR r're.1 I. Cmllev. 4'lkrh F. M. Kriim-M. SHKRirr Janirt A. Pearl. Trrahi-rkr I. I:. Smith. Ashkmsor Ja mcs I!. Jl.-Coi . School Sitrrirtknpknt K. A Mihri...r. Si rvktor K. T. T. Fisher. 'oro.nkr Wm Furtiuillcr. PEXX0YE1PS EXCESSIVE E'.O. TISM Siiukti.y alter the democratic State convention lial linisbed its deliberations each of tin- newly nominated candidates wan inter viewed a-i to what course of action in tlie campaign would be individ ually taken. .Miller said he w ould make a vigorous campaign and try to lie elected. I.e Hoy, and others had the same intention. But now comes the li: man, who started off with so much bombast and confidence of election, Gov ernor Pennoyer, who said when asked what he would do,' here are his words verbatim.) ''I shall not make a regular canvass. I probably will keep my days i -- - .- SaUni the same as Mi wa .x ...I'antki.- a waitkiito ... I II '.osimiriti.t. Iiutiiire at candidate. I w ill uwli ne or two speeches, but I do not ndto make my speech-niakiiu; in j---1"" with my duties. So far " ve made but one prom1., and that is at I.ebai Xow after this great amount of egotism, where the iersonal pro noun is used six times in four short sentences and "my" three times, and a jositive assertion that "I will make onr or two peeehes, but I do not intend to make my sjiecchmaking interfere with my duties."' what has prompted the fiove-rnor to send out appointments all over the i-tate? After taking in the valley he advertised for Kastern Oregon and will then closely canvass the southern counties. When the governor iiuislied his tree trade harangue at Lebanon, in which he descanted to the public hi over flowing honesty and Thompson's dishonesty, he found a surprise at hand. A number of republicans, who had talked lavoiablv of his election, after thespeech declared strongly against binu and iml a few democrats who went to Leb anon 1'ennoyer men said they wanted none of bis tree-trade crankism. That is what alarmed the governor and has caused him to absent himself from -my days at Salem" and go int.. the Held lagging for votes. It is said the governor is changing his speech and is trying to make it conform more nearly to the .sentiment oi the voters. He cannot make that work, for he wrote out his w onder ful epistle, and asked the Oregon ian to publish it in full, which was done. However, he is subject to change and he may sny of bis lirst speech as he does of his approva' of the nn-.i-taxable liondsj of I'.aker rityand The Palles, "I didn't take time to consider w hat I was doing ill 1 had it done." In a few months longer f'tovcrnoi Pemn.vci will have due time to consider UlAM t.n .,.... 1... .. '.11 1 i.x ... i.i ..- . in nave no ; " , office to intctvene between bis! lowers of consideration and Ins acts. Another advantage he will have after the election, he will be enabled to sell lumber for the construction of state buildings from the "Portland Lumbering and Manufacturing Company's" mills without the interMisition of the laws of the State, which stopped him once from gobbling up all the state lumber contracts. The Dundee Advertiser of April 22J prints an article under the caption "Dundee goods under the new I'nited Slates tariff"' in which the assertion is made that the' McKinley hill will destroy the Mi'imit'iPlnrinir rd' lu i i , , I In . carpeting Vt th tt u lace . he place. II the -UVertlsei IS correct, then the lavonle free-tiade tilieivj "Ioe protection protect?" will le answered in the affirmative so far as these two articles are concerned. The same paper also says that the tariff '"will keep out the sixteen ounce jute mail bagging, which has always been a thorn in the flesh of the few manufacturers who saw it made in Dundee'' ; so we may felicitate ourselves in this country upon the removal of a very disagreeable thing from the llesh of our envious manufacturers, for the hill is bound to pass, whether Dundee likes it or not. I r would bankrupt the Shah to send his whole harem to Europe if it costs $100,000 to give the favorite wife a glimpse of continen tal capitals. The only salvation for Oriental sovereigns is o keep their harem favorites in ignorance i ol foreign customs and lashions. Like the Morinaii elder, the knowledge of recent lashions is j fatal to him. as it entails expense unknown in more primitive times when modes of dress changed not with tin' ( banging seasons. j Tin: inventor of the dcath-dcal-i pig iatling gun has followed that j up with the invention of a truly i murderous torpedo, w hich is said ! to be capable ! reducing I be I heaviest iiouelad to small splinters and all on board to mincc-mcat. He was formerly a physician in a large practice, but en an aveiage loss of only a few hundred patients per annum found the business too slow to suit bis tastes. .Iamks A. Pkari., republican nominee for sheriff, is a capable business man man and is energetic and thoroughly ipialificd to till that otliee. If the voters of I. inn county elect him on June U'nd the sheriff's oflice will be in good hands and will be well conducted. Thf. IIkkai.o predicts that Hon. E. B. McF.lroy will be elected as superintendent of public instruc tion in June by as large a majority as 'ongressman Herman received at the last election. xi: IV TO-DA V. WORK IX A niiire nt Hkrald odice llfANTKO Co-T" ,i , ..asian. W0...11, ltr..s f :.- A: f,, SI.KEI'I.KSS N u:? ' iiui.iu iiiiT;.l.!c In flint r..rr.l.!.. "ltfil. Shiloll'K I 'urn is the for .hi. . "r s;U- l.v i-oWi.,v .V I,,a,.., Sybiittu. OF THE COr.NTY C (I I! T OK i j Linn county Orc,'on I will on Wc.ln-s.iay .' the 21st. day of Mav lt0 at the hour nf one 1 o clock r M. Sell at public auction for ;.. 1 1 in ban.l t the nif;ne8t Milder the fence surrounding the court house sqivir- in Alhanv On-sron. ! :ko. HlMrilltKV. AUctli.lll'.T. I 1T0KSALK My household fiiriifshinsat a ! harain: also some real estate, -ood l.K ition in Alhany. Call at my house J'i ! Second street near O. P. railrosil. .Ia. V. j llasaell. ! : i T.1AKM KOK SALE 200 ACRES Ol J? choice land, all under cultivation, tour : .. I 1 1. i A 1 V . n I t .. ..... 1 sain. fii.tiire of Paul .Mincenmcir, or at this oflice, i IKL WANTED To ilo ciuxil house AorkJ T Applyatonse'to Hkrai.d oflice. DltlC STORE For sale in a growing town also a larg list of city and country ptopcrty. For particulars enquire of Oiii- . liedJiek, over First Katiosnl Bask. al MY PATIIOXS A NO l,AlIK-S OIAI. . hany, I am prcarcl to do clressi: akin on short notice. A erfcct fit and satisfac- lion uuaraiuee.i in even rcHH-ci. inaiiK-. for pant favors. All in the future will he gratefully rax-ircflt Mru. II, Barn, .orn-r ami Jefferson. iOR NALK. A KRW SINflKR hRKINO MAI IIINK. at jreatly rednccrt rates; also choice canary hints, English ami Ocrman singers. For particulars inquire of Mrs. Win. Jfier. J OOMS to rent -Two fiirnishcil room on j III- corner of ..-IT.-ro' :.n. Sifh htrects. II. Itarnr. 1IIAKlo.torHilc-So I, gnwle A, iicarh iii-w icrv cheap, also a silicic harness. It. F. Tal.l. r. C 1 wTA Y KUS, Altl'll IT hl.T AND S I T K II . iiiten.laut. Olli.-e oo-r First National hank hnililiii-.', Alhanv, Or. Work soIi.-ite.l from all iv.rtsof thr .-..ui.ti. rplIA r II AflilNi; COICIf can Ik- ko .pii.-k- I.v enrol hy Shiloh'n I. 'lire. Wriiai-anl.-e il. Sol.l hv Foshi.y A; Mason. I IOfl.S.S-r,ou .htanl"sol.l on Wont favor IL ahle terms. Apply to A, t.S.-iiilcrs at Marshall's or Schmct-r sstahlc. I I W, MoKNCfl .t I'KKIt" KI'Krr XKIi. ' j. contra.-tor.i ami huihler. Plans, Hsi- J ncttions an. I .d-tails fiirnish.-il for all kinusof frame au.l hri.-k hiiililins, hri.lrs. et-. All work pionitly lo ie :ii,il uuarantec.1 to he first -.-lass. 1 1 in"i ... " .-ii ....... .... 1. 1 i 'i uie ll.-n.lins i .-iri.-ti. s. i has. s. Mil- ...Or,. -t. -,- .. tr, l.J t. ' I -VI. V- A : I. r. p.ronnsiill.-, or.-on. f 0T A M.iall iwr.-.-l of papers aililrcsMeil Ii In t. F. Mi-wart. I.nx T.K'. Fin.lcr .. ;l )lc;.s. hair same ar Kstofti.-e a- I ol.!iii ! o-.i ui-r. -i... ,., . , u L'ol. .sAt.l. . A soo.1 oiins con and calf.: I Inquire at the 1Iki:i,i ofti--. r It. X. llar.lmaii on Alhiny prairie. CUlol p, whoopiiv,' cmi-h and hronchitis imm.-iliateli-rcliere.lhv Shiloh's Cure, i Jr "ale ny Foshay & Mason. i p It. WINN, AGKNToTt "TllK7.KAl7. j J ng lire, life anil ai-.-i.lent insurance cm. Ianies. ; : I'KFSH STKAW?F.HHIK j AMI : CIIKKUIES KVKRY PAY AT i M FELLER tt AKHETT'S. The City Liquor Store HAVMUAltT, Proprietor. r-TNeU door to the Odd Fellows' eui pie. Alhanv. Oregon ! j Keeps constantly on hand the finest iii.pcrt..l .'mi .h.mtfct..- w'.n.s, li.U. i". . t--o-..n I to'--., only first-clans iiuiirtore in me SPECIAL iTTEKT'OHL PAID TO Tulius Manufacturer of Cigars, I'liiff anil Siiiokin::' Teliai ees, .Mreieli:iiiin and Pipes. :i full line of Smokers' Articles. Also ilealer in Next door to l'tloitler's i-aiidy store, Albany. Oregon, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorta K it I 1 W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR CENTLEMEN. Solil Wee have t ;;i;lit a lie nes;alies ilo dale (.Nov , iss . hnpiii-iitt-s (iiii uiet-.iriiie cm- .i.ive jihoiil ltmi whieli .liinlit l - .a . IkiiI 1 lif. 't ,i. cftkisMate, ::, . ;,r--.l wrk at l,.,-l lutesfor tirt..-lass ,vork. V shall he picas! to oti ut cur in Kr i, l.loek, n.-M i-.iur to the llii-m ie Ten ASK Yon; . Coh imbi; t The hest brand in the Market. Tins f.iei-l'.-l TTSTSS-ITSTS f SS- r-SS- or .ii-:i'i-'i:i'.si). oiikcdn. 'I'll,. , ill I.u. r.. nnllf 1... it.... 1 , ---.j i niosl nnprin'cl ma-niai-rv. .-Isl; fur I r , j . C C Hi ( J -lllil t.i!;e I thcr. H O P K INS !T('( i:ssiii:sTi Hopkins ,v Stoves A N I MA X I ' FA oil vaiiied Iron t'orniee. Window ( j Unildin" l-'illishillgs , lli- j Having nan . years experience nameutal gait aui.ed iron work for ; .'iiaianteeil I'liiml.inir i.e. .,..! I.. it i st s'n:i:i:r. Altamout H fastest utallion ami sire children with a 4-year old record of i rineiiinriiit, -car old record 2: Alhany, and Saturday .i.i . ,,, a'"' al "me M'.ikI.i.v. A Howe. am ALTAfiO. 9320. &:J year old roeurd 2:4 1 Son ef Altainonr, the sire of a regiincut aud Maggie i Arnold, record '':.!.) (public tnal 'Z-:Zb. U.iueliter of the famous brood mare, j Alice Drake, the dam of Normaii Medium. vill be keptt t'orvallis Mondays aim i iiPHnays: at nai.sey, u etinesilayR and Satiirdava Season coinniencinK April 1st, and no renponsibility assumed for aeoideuts. M'J'C'Tn t'i'.''' lo'i'.'i'i Contractus and Builders. ' 1 hanking our patrons for past favors we invite all admirers of the light ; Marv famili. For t. mis aj i-lv to pi. iman liarnetis horse to call and see us. A few choice brood mares suited to the Arn''his nu, (the ..W M. r. . r 1 ,.mp Oflice oil 1-nt slrcct wit Ii Wal bove s-tallions. alHi ehoie.. v......,, ,lr;.. .,,.1 f... . u :n .l o-i p!e.) ncaroheru l.r.djc. . lace iVt Cllsii'k. real estate jl''ents. pleasure in any day except Sunday. IkAfLf tiltfLlT DDr0 IflWlMllun I DKwO mi ORDERS FROM THE fCMSY Joseph Choice Cip-asj9 siinQiiiiimm ' ". I.. WoU'UV iiiitnc ;iiti pri.-r ;trt st..m. 1 t-i. - .iltr i-:innot iiiily witil i'.rf I t lhirsitl l.t.iiu ;iml rrliiiM.i v. i-rroi.. K '.!; 4.( Hilllil, It:. s..Mi i;.t il X'Mi'il V : ! :. i' I It! III' - i.f.r, . ; ..ii t . t ) I if 4 . 1 1 I . . . !r- 1tli... ,-. m ;;iiil n i:i is 'tjp'e; .Km, lil l.Mtr 111 H; , I ill t . s:LvvsSil)Ks. jti.:. s.oi. km: !!-!.-. P.KST : 'l I'KIAl.. I'.KST VI.P.. i:T I I I ! I i . W. i . IMIK.I l i:i..-t.l.i., 'a L- E. BLASs. Tun I-earliii IMIOTOCKAPIIIins AI IIANV, ol.l,o. i:iii.!r l. I.. V. t'lark ami tin-i nweeil tit. !, f i I hem only ef us. :a in -;ilii- malic I.v (,iuc!vc . linn, - W,. ....m- il... ,',lv r,,u ; .... ... . ..... i liKOCKK ro FLtOUBi13 evtr.4 fin- .pi.-dity l' 1'h.iir is n,:ii.-.i- ii- the mmm v . . 1 . C I ... .1 .1. .. .,piiiM i.;i .., the J.-ltcst ; M B I A. 9 . e l. W.. I..I.I.-.I J3 R O S . s Al.T.M aL'sh; .l'.l.'l;s l rn pa (II K (TI LKKS 0 1-' tips, Water Tables, Pilasters and in the business of manill'.letlliing or buildings, etc., satisfaction w i!? I., H..,l.vl i AI.I'.ANV of Delo.i, leading AlUnimit's eraial .:!!. 1st dam Kelle Price, the Jam of IIIU Mill RECORD, Wm :1 of '2 Mil ist Jam Kelle Price, the Jam f ! 2;:i5, ami Zilaplione 2:35. Will lie keit at ! ys:at Salem, Vcilne8;lave ami Tl.unlaya, t.. .-rve mnres at .0 to insure. . and 1 hursdays and at home Y TlmrsdavM and at linme Kridavs ' T II K Una lioiih . ! ) iOKEGCN PACIFIC HA! LRU A! Oregon Development Co.'s. Steamship Iiric A' fety. :he .hll'S. vei-ii all loiiits in il - V en! Sr.ri Frali. ice. Sailing uati:s till. 1 VA'.I i-.a. Willamette Vai't-y Wiilaniette Vailev Willamette 'a!!:-v I . A '. "II rii.m MS m:aim I Willaiii.-llu V:ii'!.. y. '.Vill.e.n. tti- Valli-y tVillumi'tto 'all. v V V I'd.- .ompaiiy r.trve 't'v riuM e ..-.tncri or Saiiilll' II. II m-iu, Ji:., i.i it r. a r. M !..!' l:i.i. I rai.,-:. I'MI.V I-.-1: .1 :. im:-I.M-pl M.-..1 -.-...) M;u It'i. " :itli !(t!i i M.-i , 'i ;.i.i:;.a .1.. in i I, .!..; ' i it . '..rvail. I'll t-s A v i " ' i ; i I' tt ; Mi'inty 1!:M A '.( IA;- luiilii::. '. -'i l'. . o. .V ' . I r :n - . . 'i : ' . i I1 Ml : I "! ' V. v. M H-.v.. c. :i...ii f, (.i i..; i .1.-... i. 'in.. :. I' -V I . nt tJVl'i'iilHll li'liili, LU U( VIA -Hi illKKX r.CH H- I'o-H ,M '. jXXTZZ. nil: mount 'mD.sta "ours-. Time lie! -a. i ii ml sail A Ilia it) 35 I nni'iM ii :: o .':i!;fnri;i. .-xprt.-str:i.'.s run i'.. I'..rti.i!n! a-.iil S.-ii ' r:iii'- . I. .'HI p in. . Ia I'..:t!:.ii-i :ls i in . . I.v Ml in-. .. . ." a n:...r S I r:.-.- : . . 1 1 .4 . urn . 1:4.'. : ii. I. ' ".'!' i.t. , T, i ! I ..... Lin : ':'-'-.:n :.-i I.oral diss. Train l::li.i s:i a in. . I. I'.rthii..l . Ar I I" '' ' t"""Y !; ' - Li--:!:'.'-!'''"- 11 Lelinmiu Ifraa. Ii. : :Ju,p in. . I.v Aihaio -r I le'si pm..Ar I.ehaaoii I.v. 1::" pin.. I.v Alhany Ar. : :::;.p ni..Ar n la . i V;'i a in..l.v..,.AMiaii- Ar '"', - I'l am j I -J.. ; in I'l -l:i , l'KLS. s.i a'.iii' i I.v NmiTKTsl. Tol'iasT SLKl-.I'IM. I'..r iircoilillii .i:.t i.'ri r.f f-,,': Hcncrs atl.-i.-h. d -. I' pn ..s 'i i ,t 1 lie S. P, Co. s I. ri ' Make: ii:o.i from t....t ..f I" r-i ' . I'. t'' ei !. : W l-sl Side Oil ...ill. I'.elween t'otiliitiil and Corvail Hall Train Kail.i - i - .1 .-i.t. .. ' ;::.! in.. I.v, . . . r...-:i i:: 1 ....- . p. I p in. .A.-... . 11:11,1 ... 1. 1 :. ... 1 . i Alhany a.'.. I i'or.:cl:- . . .:. ::-.ii.of Or. l'Oii Pariti: l':.:!r-:..! i:)irrss Train llall.t --( I'x i; : 4..'.n p m. . I.v I i-rl ':ii;,l . Ar 1 ""pin .Ar M: ?.l nan ::'. ! 1 . . . ; THROUGH TICKETS i.. a:; Poii.i- ; SOUTH AND EAST Via California. J-ST'or full iiifonii.-.ticii rati-, iiih).s, et-, call on c-a p:eiv h .-i. nt :il A'.-.i:.v H. KOKIU.KK, p. P. I!.n.i;i;s. .Manai-r-r A-t. :. P ,v r A llfflON PACIFIC RL'Y Overlain 1 I-ovitw ' ' trains for Cue Ijit I. n c !' -rl 'n 1 .i .1 7 TICK ETS uiX ' t ai:n.!a ami Ktir -pc PULLMAN PALACE CAR SLEEPCRS . IVe- Catoaint Sloeniaif Cars Ri3 Thro ,i-h t Ex iress Trains OMAHA, COI NCIL I'd FIT-- KAN'SAs ( I I V. (TIICACO AND T. I.OFH. I h'Snnf rn linlu-iirs Mil i tiaiiKc, I'I'.se Coiinci ticns at P(irt::Mi.l lor .'-.n I 1..1. .is, o ami Pum t Si'im.l XsTIJoats l.-av- the I'-mipaf.i's -.iha:f, at the foot of I'.ronili.lliiu s'rci t, en Tin- ti:y an i fnlav of each w.i-k. I . (i. HAW I.I.NliS, I'itvtirk.l niiil i'r.i.,l:l At-.-i.t '. s. yiiu.i v, 4ieHeral Tialilc laua-er. I . M . 1 1::. ti. I'. A, JOHN SGHMEER'S T ITTQW VoDfl JtV Id 013 IpQ ' Jjll CI J 1 UUUUlOillu 0 l&Vlv 0 , , 7,f7 ' ntr heuwa .ma .....r,.... ALBANY, OUEVOH rnKrt ROARrrn y the day ori'n.rith Cnr top I FOSHAY &5MASON, i 2 Hours Less Time. . . ; I C )OKS-OJ ffiMftVuuo-1 i Thau l-v :. . ..a r rn,,,- t l.icke.i.-tl .?wr, .tl : 1 S" V?- tv. V&,.- ami lr.-ial.ts ia V.i-.iitn-.' to wool. . yU I j.SES F T H IfUA 'J. : i-- Orc-i;..ii iK-teopim-iit c;:.! ai... d h:-..i. I"1. I ;c :;re.-. - .. r . n c -ci- ; r,1sBi t-i :.. ,t i , o - h l.v. Il::.t l.v l r.ih,-r if.l.t, 1.. Mlltlon ! Ikl ..T I.e.L 1 1 t 1 J . I VUl' ttK. .-.!. i:.i,:.tfc Drupls hMkkm Sjfrf S'iko Ym Line of pIm 1 i-:n!- will eiintmili! the l.lisiness at l"u"u UMKV, I'K. . 1 - I.M.o.'ir i ..ti.l.-i t lie il.-In soft and beautiful. OTTflDfll UflTJ TT HAT TTTPC! OflUlll I HUM. UAuVJjiji '' IX'lt SALK-TWo !' MOM 11 ol.:) P.lf.t. r,'.", liver nilli ne a .ufM lax mve iiiVl ie! ilirei tlv '.ti il'' Tver pjiit ki.!' ..v, e!l i." 'li.-'oncU Ml.ln-.i- A i. A,.nl::.. - -The market - are eiv .juicl. there heill- l.i nt..eineiit in either wheat .r.ats. AI.I'.ANV 1,'IOTATIOXS. Lit :, Kiour i j'i'i !'!! I'ulat-JO- s! r.ggs lia'tvr i "'!' I.lll'll V:.(,fi:n. Hams 1:1 ;o LH-. JiC; Sleailclcrs N' (ic. llou3V.l, I;cm-'-i!. I. .III! Ki-ir;. or ."i Lr:.!! I.-, il p. I :.-. !!. : nia.-ii- :it ?!is l!;.e. :ti--. N i. I Star !.:iii.i!-.-s ;mil ail kit!t of fre.-ii :.Nii -.l; at a v.-iy !r.w :: ' ;r a! ' --i i- I M'-yi i'-. I...M-r of i !. rl.i.iiiil .-ail on ' l:n " '-. I'l.i V !i:le in -! I i-- .t ... . i. .-ini -ui-rt. Mex;,-;!. I Ili':, I .- r.-m. .! it, ia.- ..:-t.l f..r 1 i.t M li.i'iniari". i i J'..-- ol ; !;. I in.:'- i. ' ' '. l',,:!ili :,,;,! ' ' '! ..- , ii !; :' In -":' !.V PnWl.Iiaiia. ; i.'.i.-.l tn I tie I .. : ) '.' ; 'i k'.. : t.: I'ii.g - -:;t:g i i.ii;.v. ;i.- : .-il::"'illg "f cl. ;':..:..- : !..r, -s tl.e .::tt :.:. 1.- ..lil-V I .1 -.; '.!. ::!., (ir.rni A'iny i-.e. A.!i a.- !: --u i i-Vi. r.-, w i!i e vi -t(-d 'a t!i. A:rg ifiii; A lev 15. I'o; , M.uait, j i ti.. v ii.) :s .. i. i .. t eriitnaiiurr I'.-. I T. a.-., ati-i ;.. II- f.-iv: -We ! i-..- I,..! n:i eiiUini.: : w la-opia-iMtv'.i ! i"' Rllit iir.m!.' r':-i-.'- .-Is He:-: '. h - in- :!: I ' . .i..... i . . il . :i i ; . .. l. i.i- 1 1 n ', i !-.'.-iv t. .-'.!. ."liiiini - i-'s'!- !.; l';.,i.:iy Ma--!'. li .vi- i i what Mr. !. I.. '' ( ' '- - t 'it V, Im!., e; t ii.-.ti:!ii-ri.(!ii'., I 'uli... f'huliia ami I'i.-.;-:!..! U. ? liil.'t, 1;. re it is: ":' lii'; !.:; r:;:ui;.ir I : r-s lieiib'i-.l i!'. v. ir!i .-..v.:e p ilns iu t!:e -1.. :':-i. -:i :ii:a i; i - .as nii'it-j.-.l i i v ;i;- l'.-.v : i Ol:.-,' i. a : ;-:.! t. !iv tins IJenn-.iv. Iifll . oil 'V. :.s ! r .iineti-.t's, ami Ii ; ..V-- l.e tin .1 i'.iViv -.i;i. -i.-Z.-mi i-..: t. I i-. Mill.:. :.-i ; '. the ami :-;).-u M. - j !., '. ill- I e! I '..'hot 1. I! 1 .- I'l . , I : . !. i a l t-v it in ::.v 1 .tt!- !-.r 1 !.:. ' :i,tii.' . , i I. v 1 1:1- iieil i:iilll.-i-. 1 ' . : m i .:. tar - i..r ail U:i .N f l iiii-i- i .1 I ....!: I-. tur.-. All well, p:i.i: t'.l . ;: :.: ..1 -.1! t .:.t. , -i I-. he la -t . i.i-i I -Ii-. .: i . . t-.i , : i, . I I. sl i. 1 1 I i til.- i.r 1-ri. V :'.ti-,i, r. ::. I ..i'.lit.. Tat c ions JUiVCf One Dose ironTit 100 Dollars! t' ' s. I,. I;: I . i 1 on,1 sI'ofisim .ris i r i: - t'.ntor wnrth SlHI I :ih . i.-Ti..t,-.i, !'.vl ilfitl:t lie, r.niM v.X nntli-io-' v. i' li n.-t if.ft i'-ti 'V :ii;jrtit' tvol tlu imii'", m.-i fi it :tito-. ihT out .f Port. I re -'i 1.' 'I tn I'-1'!.' M't-J, 'a'' tiH 1, i 'uiiiiiM', :iiul t rv r tf!(iv t; 1 l: ;, 1nt m,ly i-ht i iiirt) ti ii! r irv ri'lii f. ottcd'WO of S I. K ihl mr t.'.trt ol timt it:t of in.-:nr4 ml lr'toriii.r. !o -l', .1. MAhrtx. I o: t' !( ii .1 t-u Ii f -r wt-iitv vt an. fiinl inri'v.' th..t tiinph.i'. e i "jH-atcl at !i kof I.i i-.'l j-r"'l:m''l t..rj ;.l l-i a r. ami -rui 'I'-r.' " 'i ' imn I it t i ..i m.Vl :i . l-.r.v. i.t in in rti. a- t.t to i;.;. rf. r , in l"' Z:: . Ti T'! , i ,,... .0 i,:,hiv ,c ..,',. . s;,. !'.. J. UKr'ts'1 r.i:n;i1- -- ill. K. Hay in;; sai.i: 1.1; n niKAT o: :. .S 1.1... II 1 .,.,...!l...u , --.ii . r,'..,uW- ra-V-.r .a-h. a. the v:iiti h ni 1,. N f iktv the ohl slaiHl. Wlti; w Imtii all aceonnis f I..' .ettleil. Al'HW. :iv .". lVi-f ', K. liAUItoW-. V. . SEMtl.s. I ... . H!. I:. . w. i ;dvi l;, nlUVWUFl' IlPlC Vjll'Jll I'lill IHIUO ! Aloany. Oicifm. I.stnuatef. uiveli ) on all kin-!-. if bui'.iliiiSfO.icariien-, terwork. All work intrusted to ! Simth ' TXVT' 1 11 llU " -i JfiSTg 53f I fi -,A' Y BLSi E(& tfctS , . Srcl for'ct rcolir'.l itr UH.i (or " !ritrriNF.f.,Dco.6fi3yiLLi.fAi. C S EARLS i-"i: t. i:i;i:ihv.v si:ai;i J J Ssclusivo Agency for th c udlcv Fire Shoes ; , ji n : ; a hlo ck. ic h I FARGO'S TO ;8 mSSWk. X. Dongola KloJ fffl SrnsTifik OFEBA and 4 111 te.V!viv I'OHVOS i -,. Itr - 1 fct ."'a aw-zr .-i!i. )m GEADWOHL'S GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. Till: I.I'.AIdNfi CLOCK l'.KY, FANCY COoDS AND TOY STtiHE il" AI.I'.ANV. THF. ONLY C.F.NFINE ItOtiKKS lUvO.S SIL VFMWAKi:, FLFNCII CHINA AND (JLASSWAKF. " r.OY S W JONS, I'.Al'.Y AND POLL CAM, F.I AfJFS, AND A G-encral Assortment of Faacy Goods. Sjic. ialty in the linest Teas, Coil'ees and Family iroceries. He buys direct for net cah and carries the largest stock in tbe Valley. ,gT Insurance aent for Fire and Marine. FOR PURE DRUGS TOILET AND io CATJ. AND EXAjM!Xj: HIS STfXMv TE D STOR E GENERAL PKOIWCE MARKET. WANTED SI KCIAI X) Hay, oaU and potatoen, to supply custonw r on the Oregon Pacific Itailroad extension and mv increasing home tracV where I k 11 in jnantitie, to'mit the piircl.asem. Otlic foot or Ferrv Mre. t. W'fof'1 MliiWfUiV H3 t - Cj i 11 P Fill TWA .ilii;H!i Til .lC t. I t AI.HAhY okkcox Ah: there! io to .Matthews .V Washburn's for Moves. I.'.'ii'.pfc.s and Muilder::' Han'wai... Tiy carrv the largest a.-..iiii. i.t ai.d at t'ie louesl price.-.. iJrv (i()!ii!.Nniii!iis LA.HLSANM f.K.Vls I I K MsMI;s. Also have a line of JOHN MS I'er !-prii,i: tru.ic ut piiceo that ocly cempieitieli. fiive i.s a call pint buy jour ln c of lis at I Ktietk tin . I gaoiis aiid"ie tl ui n i. in (lie Market. -d!o! i; iiiiMliiiLS lis- At LoUc.-l i'-i.e I all ' nl!l' n.-U ste FANCY TO HOODS i. -DKAUOl Ut- Lirugs, Paints, Oil?. 1'erfoaierT aad toilet article. si fall line of boot, uni .uitioxirry, periodical, etc. Jf PresstripUouf cfcre.fn! j oti ixtandod :H CKI RILCWS TEMPLE, I -POlC ARIES and Organs t tie ii K. M. ROBERTSON. I.ti. I US Will V ! VIII I M l iiirM .