Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, May 21, 1890, Page 1, Image 1

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' -LJI 111 S
IWi.l -. - 'i ; -
VOL. V. KO. 146
W.; will trv to
a o'l as n.
isiii t!ie N'-.v Snjieiioi. ai
l iie best iu all thf i.ii.! .1'
rail in advance, v.c r"n:' ;s
' o
2 V I I
..... -. - . . .i-
y Ufl -1 i
gfir.-ICf! -Siii'
tli'. tit 'onl i in-i til's am! f'-ul
BI1H W!l
Wil.l. I:!. i:i:'i:ivki
'1 ! ! 1
-i I. -I. ill.iii .'h....l l!.-tl :C Lit
I . billion llj. t.. 1-' 0 11...JH CH r-.lnr.i.iy.
M..i- :il-r, l-'i . t-j. tin; i-r.-. 'i..n ot :: .-lir. I
'Hil.hll a:nl I:lr:.-lrUi.' of ai! in ! r
!s- a:!!.. 1'lar-i -.rat it. i i.n.-. --i. r
n ,.r i;. -i - .
:. -m. m, li'.t :1 Vr .- .
; r . r ,:. w. Avn
'. '. il l-k' il.S'i.
. iU -JJI.I. mi ! ft..-
S il'ir.l i
I ! . ! J-
,1 '..-.
-To Til r.-
e ii -.!.ti::!ly
" - - V j
enil )!-M( -ing; a il iiie hil esl novel
ties id Uress.Groixls both iu
We i :iiiy a full line of the woild n-iioV.n d I'.rca I'nead I Mess lioods, w ijieii for ,vr and liinisli are une.N
elled. hi embroideries and tiotincinys we have as laie a stoi:k as anv Jiouse in tiie state. Call and you
will be i o:;vi!i"e 1 that Albany i tb? best trading poititin Oregon. fSS-A l' to show yoods.
jIUii W ilu
3" ? Ilfs1
.1j AjMI'j.
.Til.- -
7 EE.'J
mi: prr.i.ic is iwitkhto
of I ia-iu'
Mr-i. Lr. I'atb.ij
block. Les-oiis qiv. i
(laintin;: and musi.'.
sale or vamted to or
Bluuil-'frti's !
drawhi-. '
i. titi'.-s !..; I i ii. r.LLis, r-m
"'1 i:3 s
il '..c.J it.
it. .M
"W. &
Hi ( v is now oniilele!
it. isy
;". r l-Vnia'.e Ir
jiiliritics; noth
ing uk ttu-ni on
tli. iu.irkit. Never
nil. Mirccs-ftillv
ruiit.-c. to ri -
ii.-.f Miiirc5f.i
mi riiti-Uati.n.
"V . ... ......
- y li..ii l lu- iiuiiiiini;-
,'. Ii. a'tli ami m..:ii '. .
'..k' no mli r.
52sv--i.;v " "'
y I It : i Oil Hi . C! 1'riil', ?2.(. A;I
t)iliro llcdli-iiie 'im:iiv
i i . 1 1 : i i i t:n "7, i'nrllanil, Or.
I b'oUl l.y fofhsy &, Jl.iscn, Albany. Or?;;-J
! Tlie CelBliratoti Frencli
i i
iu-r ;t:.' ..raiis of citl.rr win'.!:-!
t or opiiirn, or tiir-.i: ;ii '-r.'titul id.!:-.-
- I left, over tri.lMirrn. 0, it.-., ji-'.'ll :i-
1 i .t.ii I'.nvi r, Wr.i:ciil'i:.-, i: I '-
i' mi-in tit..' K-i'-k, Srmiii:(l Vt . ;'.!;:., 1 1;
t- -ii, S t on-!'r..- iMtiitn, No. turn;-.! oini..
l.t ii'-.-irii'-.'. liz.irK-..-, Wt'?.k .'.! !:i..n ,
1.- -.oi I'nwt r u'nl IinjM;cin-y, whi.-!i if m
I. t.-.l ..It' ll I- a.l t. iTi'lnatiiru .i.i - :tii.l
i'l-.'i'iify. I'n.v si a 1..; G l.-.-.. 1.:
.-.-lit 1... nt;i! ori rcrril't of j.ri. .
4 i::s!!t . i.l ihimi:: i .-h
v. i-a t v. ry .-i.l. r r.-.-t-ivol, t-i r. .iii,-l tin-i.i-.n.y
ii a VrrnniM'i;' .im? i t-.ol -ft-cte I.
Wi- haw li..tin .. i ti'stiiiun;.iN trr.i.i :!
r:ii.l v.iitr.'. nt a.-, v. !i.-i hav.- !-:
r. "iiiaiiTttly i-nroi t tin-il-.- f Aj-la-rnliii'i.'
t ,.. M!::r in-.'. A-l'Sr. -
rK ai'hko .::: ti:
Wrif.-i-n Crau.'h, I'ov, i7. I'.-rtiand. Ort-iMi.
i r .!. 1-.- Fo!i.iy v M -''.i. w I." ! r.f.
i. .irii.-U-, .il.-iav, oi.-i.:i
Iir-ira; Lmj iu 0rU oxi.tttiil iu
l.uiid-i ro?rra;t and
l.ttLrTih', Ow.isiiics: aiJ iof.i I'li.-.
in.-. i;o. u: s ii'i l J, l'i'ir Moi-k. .".Unf.v
a . o. r. w
o. I', W.-Saftty Lotlgr No. nifit.
Mor:ilav t-vetnn at tii A. II.
hail on tVrrv Mrct-t, hi't'vci-u St-i'Oiiil utiJ
Thiril.Alli.itiv, orivn. Strat'ifor. i;i th
city an.l tra:i-.i..-nt lirelhivn .-(iMlinlly lin ito.l
M.-I'hi rn i-st No. :.. a i:. I
.S:af.l inoctn attheli. . r. J
II. Jl on ttu? pacotid nl I -onrtn
1'ri-loy -ri-nitij ct each nioiuli.
I ..nt-nt .'inrvl n ixr.!!
al'v i:i . It' ll t meet with ui
3. W. KKEfE,
1; I'. l.o.i.KH.
AM) M !:r
Call and look ..I
.in a:i. 1.4 iu
iiiive a cry
in. Ill al Hi
pi icr
i.- ico in t
1 3
The PuUlk:;! is i aver
ab'f i'ur KcBUulican-.'-.
rtN not
I.O.tI N. Lo! is j-y-! TUii 8- I'- Ti
'.Vai C.v.ry t'.r ::iit! ly No; '
tO-iUy ci Uii" uatifio!; for t :o
jmbliiuii!? in t'io jneseiir camp,
l iiainu.iii 1 ot:i:i of the st:iti'
tral commit:v. s.ii'J : "It i- a
thin'? that v.! 'U.I iMrrv t lies KMt:
hy leust ,"i0'.0 maiority. Tl.i; "in
look is v.a -.vo could jjos.-'il'lv
i:,ieLt. 'lin-if i nothing to b:
lemoi,i':i? itiv
thci;i:-vlvci In- f.iv.i;; the iv:iiU':i'.n;M will fcni:'o Mr., l.ut sr,uieho'v or otlter
we f.".n (in 1 none that will do -o. i
The imm'utT of democrats wh.- id.
vote for Thorn. .on wiil bo fnii;.
!ar 'c as the number of reiiuiih'
.ho i.l Vol-' lor l.iiV. 1 Villi
mi:. ;:ioii's is iM.Ks.
Mi. Tiioiut:s:o:i leturnuil t'
l.'oui eastern Or -joii and left
evening lor . oi! !:t.-r:i heon.
r:1 potter who met him In
"i fou:i.! even thin;; very .
U"t;;: v i:: eastern ivo:i.
i' , .-.
. i 1 :
.ii i.T"
.ii y
rej u'.i;
Ki-. a:
md :U
ill (
v.orkin:: hari
e:i!:;e In.-:
Ire-; Ira ie
- to li
ie : no .iv
:. We wiil r.;n;
b-.'voad a iii:: :.i
in toe .Ia;
Ji.'V v.oi
'.vi'ii lui
, t
d wi
i lie.
Ail Hied
:i !lie re;,
lite trade I
j Cti.'s U il l .
! hiN-au.-e
I v.
; 01 the o
; veais auo
IllOCl.ltli' liltlOi'lll
will vote with us The repul
proved ioy. i'emi
is-an.-j wi...
ver'- vote t
. tin-
l'orthiiid wat-.r i'iil conclude 1,
when they head that tile u'oVi inor
had ap'rovel simitar bids for
i;.tkr-r City and The D.iik'.-,
iiis veto was a piece ( i democra: i'oL'Uel V ar.d s ill not '.o!t f t
lliev will
.';!i. Mil ti' iC t
tlii' Ciilif:
I'll VI. I
Mi ii
in. i tin-
lull llii
.IfPil I Viiliej-.
I'o.::i.iN:. May ITaisk
I'helps, who way arn slod yrster-daj-on
pu icioti of being tlie pei-.-on
who fihof hi.i faili'T, t). S.
i'iielps, Sunday ni'ht, is ftillin
custody, awailiii'j; devc'lopiii'-nts in
li.etasi'. ( lid iii.iu l'helpi is r.
U easy ami hi - sveovery is:ilii.ol
as-'.:ii'-.f. lie rot'ii-" to bcli-.'
his sun :ui!ivof the rime. Sits e
I l rank Thelp'.-:' itrrest I lie :d..r- "i
j hii f ii m r a'b mpl on l:i:i i.itl.Ji
i lite h:i be. :i iivt'ii 'tililicat.on.
! Tut; old i"t)t fleet'' o:i the ii:'::
tl'jor el ivr
j an ( nt ramv
! through a win
j .-Dir.? one i'. ; !
I slow v. i;h a '
idi'tice, ir.t wl.i.'li
is c.i-iiy eiicrti' i
I . A mreilh :u.o
through that v.:ii
!oth ialnratcd '.'. .'ti
ei.lorofonu. Mr. l'iielp, hov.:-. -r.
j awoke bn'oie tiie intruder o;ild
jea.ry ("it his p::i j o-e and cried for
! ho.ji. l.etore :i--i.--t:ii:ce reariie.i
! him th.e ( iilorof:.;'!!.1'!' made ieo 1
hi.: fjrai e. It is thought the r1""
son m.'uiiii;; tlie lortri.'i' attempt io
kill tie' oi l man is. tne same cue
w ho tin d the shot Mm. lav nihl.
.OTfcs I'HOJl
iU.'TI ."H.
'I'liv 1 uleitdiiii .fti
Hotel Sulii ti.
k - -'Li.' Esi:i
M'E dtcntc.
I 'onn.., ::.., M.iy J). Mnjcr F.
II. llundlmry, 1'nitel ta!ea en
gin';r in chiire of tlie improve
ment at the mouth ci the
Columbia, had fio-indins ma le on
the bar a. d ty two since t j -ce
whilf efl'eCt tlie jetty, so fill as
completed, had pio bleed. It was
found t'nat u straight channel ha.!
been cut clear in the bar, liavin-; a
1I..1. l!. ,f "".I . I-. .1 -.t lo.i- .v
I Thus, liuincaii. of the I'.smoiid
'(hotel, I o-iiay sold his irterei-' itl
! tlie house, iticluiiinv: ihe furuii'iri'
iin.l eood will, to Dr. Savior . r
siO,"od. iir. Miyior purchased the
hotel for a syndicate, of which I"
is a meinhei, :.:ul the house p ill
be refitted. f
This evening ai si x o'clock I he
Willamette river stood p.t -.'-10 feet
above "io an r.lin;r to ihe Ash
street .lai;.'. liavin;.' been at a
stand for the pa-l "1 hours. I'lie
Willamette ha-- neither risen nor
fallen since Monday but reports
from the upper river show t hat the
water- are Yado.allv rececdiliL'.
iiii: nun
.-aiua::l law-linn r Oftl:-tr ;il tl'.
i'oi t I::im1 Ilncaiuiiiuetit .
I'.-iii i. .:::. May : - Ti.c a:; "nad
sos-ion of t !-,. o;ai:l eneim: i :i !.(
o: th I. o. (i. 1. oi Ore;"..:! met
her,- M-day . To.' .-'land etic:.::ir
men! d.'ti-e o.tif-'n-'d o:i a.i
bii :" e.dii.iii hs present. Hie
1 K'i lit ('''! 1 V, ( I C
H'ii lli: I 'to til 1.'
initti'i'.-:. The iol
oliicers v ere electei
d a:id
.owiii 'train.
1! : dram!' 1.: -
triarcii. t;. .!exa:i :e: : lai.o
priest. A. !. Jlilman: i-u-i
.seine., waiiien, . . oitieii;
'rand treasurer, .1. ti. Wr.cut;
c . . . , 1 1 - -1 -.
i orand junior wimien, mi.i..iii
i l'l'tinder.
j Tho l'oitlauil trik-.
! l'oi:n.ANii. May L'lb The liidon
lutchanics of 1'ortland are confi
dent of access in their ii'-'l.'t for
(.the inauj.'ration of the cijiit Jiour
systiin. Tin' new Iniildiiii: i.x
"lianjre recently iTv'Miii.ed luts
nciveilcl tii the !eli!;llicl of tin.
union that iht hours and :i
.-dii'dwl. of wi'.ues shall constitute
a day. work and work on this
lasi-iill he lesmned to-morrow.
Alx.utoOOmen v. ill be jut to work.
A dispatch way received to-day
from the secretary of the Imilders
trade council in San Francisco I y
tin union building league of port
land. It n-ad-i a follows : "Hold
linn; will send you all linancial
aid required.
iHK n!:thi;kn I'Ai'inc
UiiN f.r nnl ruoliin; I.ini" iu t!i!
Sound Country.
Tacom . May .M. The Northern
I'acilic to-day i jiened bids for the
coiisiruction of .'or!hern I'acilic
branches from Tacoma toOlymjiia,
llu'iiiv to (iray's harbor ami alon
the south side of the li:irlor to
(icorta; i'.l:-o from Ceiitralia tothe
lirjuth of lllaek river, there tocon-
.' ' w in lie m:c M,JMi - -n u.i.ia 10
"'JO'- , .
' -' estimated t oi eonstruct-
i.'i'j a;:o. iioiiin.; uic loan .u ii-
i.iile-; to be
liiil1. There are lUo
built. nich will re-
oiiii'e a force of lour thousand men
to coiiinleie.the work bv .lanuaiv.
1 I.OHll
rM S
,-. -Jit. A M H
t M;oMi.i.i;. i.
J I. .Nine
I a '..ay on
.alh-r riv-
bride s have be. ii ;
I !i" n.i ill toi l: of the I
er. and it is belU ved
lni.'.'e iii the val'evs .f
has bo n swept away L;
of tin- rivet .
I'.,.V i'l I h: lir.'iilti'I
h mi'ltiiiL'.
uil evel'V
In- t-iOllilS
l!i.- risiitL'
l i:a.. :m o.Miiy 'K Wheat
l.uvcr se.i-oii, !fl.:il ; buv-r y'ar,
sl.'l ..
Chi. u.o, May ;'o. - 1 : P' i-. m.
ci ',e ; wheat 11 fin : lii'.i, .lune, '" ;
.h'lv, t-ll'...
l.'iVi:i:i.oi , -lay Wh.-at
i:iet : hnldi'is otit r moderately.
llr.i'Ht'h i'.lc I'ut-f-liiis.'.
i'li.xM :-i ... May :. W. I;,
t. proprietor of ihe -'.aiui-
ii.-r. to-day
chiis" of tin
coniplcte'l tin- p'.ir
pl'opert v know ii us
Ihe Nucleus bnil.iin
ltu.iiid on
i :;id and
the soutiiea-t cornii'
.Miirkt't streets, and consimiini"
ten ihoiisand -.Uare feet of area.
The purchase price exceeded half
a iji!lir.; dollars. It is fonteni
plaled to erect a handsome build
ing, which wi!! l.i cupied by t he
'. I i i t':IIto; iil:oi' Ileml.
oaovu.i.r. May lion. !..('.
iiati'. i' of I " city .'.ied ill his
liomeliiis evenine. The c.'.use of
hi- dciith was pneumonia and
complication of diseases lie was
receiver of ihe Marvsville hind
office, which position I- mad.'
vacant by his deini-.-.
i-'u.!iitr Kenurilv Mt-nl .
San I''i:as'i i-t ii, May L'o.- .I.S.
Kennedy, ex-cashier of the foreign
money order department of the is an
1'i.ineisco poslotlice, who was con
victed of fmhezh'in'j; $11.0.H, was
this aitentoriu sentencuJ to six
vear-i in San tjiicntin penitentiary. liin DriiKitrut,.
Svn 1 ia Cisco, May 'Ihe
l.'iiiociatie state central cruniit
tee this ait -rnoon seiei h-d San
.lore us the place of liuidiin; the
next state conwiilicn on Aiin-t
U-l!tMI Kit tO tl liHlUJll.
r- s I-'k.'.ncisivi. May "Jd.- .1 ud.ire
' "iii phy to-day sentenced Clark to
i. . haiierd fo;-'ihe mei'der of ('apt .
lhliii iin l.o-au l is! Sept'.'inber. of
v.bieh crime Clark was recent ly
.in; ii t-.d.
Tin; ir:mil HI M.-uiuf I tul -.
('lis. ii. indeed. N one
"raud old nu n.'' who hac iii
recent vears had so lare a share
in direct in.'.' the destinies of I'.tirope
and states. I ie has past his Tmh
vear, and yet his physical and
mental lioweis seem undiminished.
He holds his own as stoutly now
as he once i'oii";ht the myrmi
dons of the execrable Ilomba
under the deep blue skiesol Sicily.
For, like Cairoli and many other
deputies, Crisiii was 0:4c of the
jrallant soldiers of the war in Ital
ian deli vera" ?. I'-oiii in Sicily.
in 181l. h c in- of that famous
(ireco-Koii. stock contributed
manv a tier'. iirit to the Southern
Italian r'Vol
of ihe ber
a recent w r
ions, wise,
jet either a
on. " I he Sicilian
uiiian race, says
"is silent, stispic-
llul. unable to lor
toimI or evil deed
without haviii'j
rewarded or :;ven-
"ed ; not easily moved from his
purpose, always armed with in
fallible Ionic. ' Full of boundless
"i .'iriiience. In hates cowardice and
indolence : w i'l Use anv means to
obtain a desirable end; is a faith
ful friend, a terrible, irreconcilabh.
hn! holies! cnemv. and more in
clined to action than to words."
This lnii'bt serve erv Well as
i ho ilescrintion of t he chai acter of
ihat remarkable race.
For S:ilc.
( bxiii sucjlii bli'-'irv. Iiarne-. rone.
w hip, horse blanket, etc. 12us'gy
. - . 1 . 11 .- 1 . ... 1
w lv
new lv painted.
All lor sale at
A nice outfit. Call on
K. b I'EARI.'M.KV.
French keepn raihoadtiLae.
Con;;ress Should Adopt Measures
to Prevent their Destruction.
D.dirs (f "Or.'giiwl Pftckaeex'' Glow
fioUterous GnrSeld't Eemaina lit-u;.iTi-.l
to the MtaiorUl Tomb
Nasiimii.k. Tfiin., May -0. In
the national conference nt" the
state board of health to-day, lr.
1". II. l'.rice of Canada, read a p;t-p-r
oti the preservation of our for-csisa-:
a national sanitary meas
ure. Resolution:! were adopted
that eco'inized the well-known
evil.-, result in;; from the recent
disastrous Hoods and destructive
cyclones, due in a .treat measure
to the cut tint: down of forest trees,
this confeivui-e desires to brinji
these evils to the attention of the
federal ".'ovt'iiiiiient ami to ure
such measures as a prevention of
further destruction. ;tnd also lo
plant trees on wnsie lauds lo be
i-'raditiill v re-forested.
i;o.i i.ioi'oi: i::ti.Ei:s.
i In- r.illi i- Coiuiiellc! t. Ouiet
Thrill in K:i:is.i.
Toim.k v. May 2.". The dealers
in "original packages" became
more bold to-day. Some of them
hired caniges in which they drove
about the city with their front seat
piled high wiil'original packages"
of li.p.ior and beer. They halted
at ihe entrance to the state house
grounds and ufltred their goods
l .i sale to the slate otlicials until
Secretary of State Allen telephoned
to ihe police lo remove them.
Slii i iiio i: ulutiinis Aili.lcil lit
Vlrulaiil tily.
VnioiNM, Nev., May J. At a
meeting of the republican state
central committee tc-day llou.
Thos. Fitch introduced a .series of
resolnlioiis which were unani
mously adopted :
liesoived, That this committe;
a.'iirms that the state and national
republican platform of ls3S,in.-!ud-ing
the declaration of the republi
can party, i" id favor of the use of
both gold and silver as money, and
that il condemns all Hfurta io de
moneliz.. i-ilver.
liesoived, lhat the pur-iisteiit
nolact. ol" Siwrotury Vifil.
crease the coinage oi eilver to a
inaximum of ."i.000,0i!.i per
month, collided with his attempt
lo influence congressi ji.'.d U-i.t!.'.
tionoasto perpetuate sil'er dc -m
jii'jti.a'.ion, is a shameless vio
lation tin? silver plank of the
national republican platform, and
ati act of parly perfidy that should
call for his retirement from the
councils of administration.
Resolved, That the republican
party of this state is in favor of 11
iree and imlirr.ited c.-,in:i'.'e of both
gold and silver.
Till-: SOI 1 il LliN 'itl'lttilHSTsl.
Are 0m.-iI t. lanviU(.:. turd.
Tlirstira. ilai'eo and Vllle.
Sr. I m: i;., May In the
Methodist conference this morning
tin- coniiiiittt'e on temperance
made a loicj report, in which they
detined (he position of the church
on the subject. The report says
in substance that the Methodist
Episcopal church south is emphat
ically a prohibition church. The
temperance report was unani
mously adopted. The committee
on the spiritual state of the church
made a long report condemning
dancing, card playing, theatre go
ing, attendance at race Jeonr-es.
etc.. which was adopted.
; ai:i m:i.i"S 1: em ins.
r.vmuirj Secretly lu the Cii llftU
Iiuorlul Toiuh.
Cih.vLi.ANu, May L'O. Tiie it
mains of the late president,. las. A.
Ijarlie'.d, were removed from t!r
public vault iu Lake View ceme
tery this morning to the crypt in
the Oanield memorial tomb which
is to be dedicated to the memory
of the li.te president. Mrs. iar
field desired that no public demon
stration be made during the re
moval oi the remains and it was
accordingly duno in secret.
( i .n.keil OlirlnU.
Nr.w Yoiih. May X Tho Fas
sell committe.; to-day began their
investigation of the health depart
ment. Several milk dealers swore
that the health inspectors of milk
had demanded money for immu
nity from inspection." When the
demands were refused the dealers
were arrested, their milk de
stroyed, and they were continually
harassed by the inspectors.
Niitiotliil Medical Afciuoi'ition.
Nasiivii 1.1 , May 'JO. The Amer
ican -Medical Association met in
its 11th meeting to-day,
with delegates present from every
state iu tiie United States.
Tin Kemmlcr Cnso.
Washington, May 1!0. The su
preme court adjourned until Mon
day without deciding upon the
Kemmler case.
Flood in I'cnnsyliau'a.
Wii.kksuakiu:, IV... May -.'0. The
unusually heavy rains "that have
been pouring down for the past
two dav caused a great deal of
damage throughout il
AM the ra r.iM.I
. . , . , . ...iva ni nil.- linn.
lulls and 111 other nlaces iiulil
track at the foot-
"in and covered id, .a
tJind. i ranis aw :.! I .,m
'-'- Vll .111
Ihe roads. A dispatch from l'lv-1
mouth says all the colleries we're
obh'j.-il to shut dow n.
Ilalluay thanjcK.
Ni w Yoak-, May L'O. The prin
cipal owners of the St. Louis and
San Francisco toad stated this
uiternooii that the control of the
company was absolutely sold to
:be TopeLa & Santa Fe" railraad.
I his deal adds Hoo ,lus to the
Atchison system, besides giving it
absolute control of th:; Atlantic &
I'aciiie railraad.
A ( ily Treasurer I.iim W'rout.
K i.nsa s ( 1 1 v, Mo.. May -0. City
ireasiiier I'.-aks was suspended
from cilice this evenim.'. a short
age of between 17,tt: and .fl'0.0iX
having been discoveivd in his ac
counts. I'eaks was elected to the
ollice as a democrat two vears airo
and Wits re-elected this soring.
I'illl. Mllil.I'lll A
, Mav 20. kit-hard
;in., uemocrat, was to-dav chos
en lo be Randall's successor, the
prohibition candidate appearing
against him. receiving 47 votesout
of s:;:ii.
. r;e Fraiuis Triiiu,
CiiicAoo, .Mac 20. Cjco. Francis
1 ram arrived in Chicago this evt ii-
ing aim leu lor Omaha enrouie 10
1 ill'olllil.
(ilaiNlonc Talks in 1! !i:iif i.r I rc
luud's Caus.
I.oNijoN May 20. (alaJstor
spoke to a large audience to-day :
Lincoln on the political situation.
In discussing the Irish ijucstion he
said the hope of Ireland eou d not
be expected to timl a tealization
ihrough the present privileged
classes. lie ,vas confident the
people would declare for Ireland's
rights at the first opportunity they
might have to maLe their voice
THF.v r.issicn HIM Altai NK.
Hon County Su'rvlsors Shirk t'ar
liij for tho Needy.
San Jo-t- HtTalJ.
"I want a permit to eni- i the
inlirinary,'" said a rather imelligent
looking man to a Sryervisor o:
"W hat aii- "-on m.
ri. .
T )jiok.e in
luv arm.
"yjf'U'i two mouths
months ago'.
'i- Cos Anueb-s."
. Ang,..C '
didii'l vimSiX' !b"
theie?" '
"1 did for awhile, be.
iili i
tired of me. apparently,
charged i..e lx. I had
"Well. tlnH's si 1 alii
you money lo travel ..ii ''
"No. 1 hadn't any mo
w hat they gave inc. "
"Who gave voir.""
"Why the Snpcrvi-oi "
enl counties."'
"The Supervisors of
count ies irave vmi moi:ev
fiad I dilier-
to v,;ne
"Yes. I will tell ymi how il was.
Alter I iiad broken my aim and
had been in the hospital a short
time, the place beine: crowded with
inmates, 1 was -iven a ticket to
San I'.eriiardiiio and told 10 l'o
there, as ihe Supervisors of Los
Angeles ,.juld not keep me any
lomrer. I took the ticket andwtnt
to San Lernardir.o. :.pplii-d for a ;-sistam-e
there and was given a
ticket to I'.akersiield and 2; got
another ticket there, as they re
fused to take me into the hospiial,
and so I traveled from city to city
until I reached Santa Cruz. 110
placf desiring to give mee,uarters,
as it was stated Cut the hospitals
in all these places were crowded
with infirm and. destitute, an.l
the counties were supportingtoo
many mhu- people already. At
Santa Cruz 1 asked a Supervisor
for a permit to enter the hospital
at that place, and afterijuestioning
me the Supervisor told me to meet
him a! the dcot about noon of
that day. I went to the depot at
the appointed time and a man ap
proached me. asked tuy name, han
ded me a ticket to San .lose and
saw me board the train. So here
I am."
A Hork Burial.
The wav the college ymilig ladic
dispose of unpopular presidents
is related in the following excerpt:
There was a mock funeral in the
grounds of Mills College on Mon
day atternoon. l.elween lorly ami
fifty of the young lady pupils
formed in solemn procession, and.
marching to an ojH-n grave on ti e
wooded hillside overlooking t
lake, held impressive services ai .
consigned to its last resting-place r
coflin supii.-eil to contain the re
mains of ex-I'resident St ration.
A poem was recited and an oration
delivered, lxith of which we.e
more satirical than complimen
tary. Then the grave was strewn
with (lowers and a monument
erected to the memory of the de
parted, after which "the assem
blage of mourners dispersed in
great" glee.
The veiy best brands oftomatoes
only 10 cents per can at Conn :
Pur eider vinegar at Kenton'.
A Sr.asp Debate on the Sugar
Sttator ttr.nfcru3 Lid Loaa E.ll-Tl
"0:i::al Package" Bill D;ctiis4
1a t'sa Sec ate.
Washington:, Lay 2J. In the
house to-day McKenna, republican,
of California, moved aa amend
ment, to Cut su-;ar schedule, re
ducing ihe existing schedule of 3.1 cent., retaining the dividing
hue at 13 instead of 10, as in the
present bill. lie attacked the
sugar schedule in the McKinley
bill amid loud applause on the
.lfi::ocr.itic side. lie declared the
internal revenue system should be
desi roved rather than any protect
ive system be turrendered. Tim
suar industry was part oi the pro
tective system and w as surrendered
by this bill.
Canuan, of Illinois, opposed the
amendment. What was the posi
tion of the republican party touch
ing the protective system? To re
lieve from duty those articles of
foreign production except luxuries,
the like of which could not be pro
due d at home. Less sugar was
produced in this country to-day
than :.) years ago. Then gentle
man 1 i'o in California was not happy
wh .1 he sail that wool stood on
ail i..:::s with sugar. Recause he a 'fpubl'.can Le was in favor oi
it-moving tiie revenue leech from
tiie piotective system and placing
sugar on the free list, lie denounc
ed the reeiprocily wi'h Sandwich
Islands and declared a few men in
California controlled the product
ion of sugar in that country. Put
sugar on the free list and good-bye
to the. 5,000,iJ00 to the four men of
California w ho owned sujar plan
tations in the Sandwich Islands,
l'rice favored tiie amendment and
opposed the bill as being injurious
to t lit interest ci colored laborers
tt the south.
ilorrow of California, supported
the McKenna amendment on the
ground that it was the only legiti
male way of ; protection and for
further reason that a revenue oi
K'.VOJO.QIK) would be derived from
a"e sugar necessary to meet the
obligaiions oi the government.
McKinley closed the discussion
Had McKenna's amendment was
rejected by 115 to 13L McKenna,
Morrow and O'Neil, of Pennsylva
nia,, 1'epaken, Barline,
'a::! ever, l.rossey and Keer, of
-i.di.itia ami Coleman and Keyburn
. ting " vt:..''
O i aio:io:io McKinley auuaiber
oi aiii--i:o!;ieiiis were auopted.
in this senate.
Sti.uior Stanford introduced a
bill for loans on public, lands, and
aniu iiui-edihat lie would hereattei
ad Ik .-j the senate oil the subject.
j'l.e senate then, proceeded to
consider the "original package"
bill, and was addressed by Wilson
of Iowa, in favor of the bill. Vest
opposed it.
Wilson, of Iow a, w ho introduced
the bill, addressed the senate in
explanation and advocating it said
it mas made necessarv by the re
cent decision oi the supreme
conn. It was in resjionse to sug
gestions contained in that decision
thai congress could jeraiit the
exercise oi a rest.aininj power of
state and it was for the purpose of
giving that peraiissioii that the
bill had been introduced and re
ported. The eti'et't would be to
leave each state to determine for
itself what its policy should be in
regard to trafiic in intoxicating
liquors. At the present time
original package saloons were be
ing organized in his state. It was
to put a stop to such practices and
recognize in every state the jiower
10 regulate its own internal policy,
that the bill was rejorted. Vest
said he was not able to agree with
the majority of the committeeiii
reporting the bill because it would
sweep away the exclusive jurisdic
tion of the Cjiited States over
inter-state commerce.
Washington, May 2d. After
iimhcr discussion "the bill went
over without action, and the sen
ate proceeded to the consideration
of the resolutions ottered by Cam
eron in resiH'ct to the meniorv of
the late representative Keller of
At the close of the eulogies, the
senate, as a further inaik of re
six'ct te tiie memory of Mr. Kellev,
Senator Hoar to-day introduced
11 joint resolution proposing an
amendment to the constitution,
providing that neither the Tinted
I Mates nor any state shall pass any
I law ae.thoriziiig the establishment
ior maintuinance of anr lottery or
distribution of prizes "by chance.
The question of the Ik-hring sea
fisheries was considered at a cabi
net meeting. It was decided, it is
understood, to adhere to the policy
of last season, which is practically
the same as the previous adminis
tration. Trenlieti 'oueluded.
London, May 2J. All the power
except France have concluded
commercial treaties with Turkey
upon a basis of a fixed tarifl".
Heggs cclfiirateil family rcmediea
are for sale hy all Icadiug druegist
every where.
- y