1 ft KEriBLKAN I'LUFOKM. t "flit r?i'fi;i;in prty f rTort in tat ! c :icnti ja .-i-.-niili:d, prou i it rcroni :vit .K history, it- dcvotio.i t the irit..-i -lc5i lutnii'i liberty nl human riirht-, it cTe vt uivt im perishable nuim- whit b It tut ; lattrt and iiry t; l tit A i. rii'.ifi nulion at j home unj auiOn.,' the nation ui the earth, f ui as an a-mrari't of it- continued lidclitv i.i tiitf irreat r;a:iI;- (or tthkh it ha von- t-nicii in the a-t in Kt.-itr ami nattun.il 1 tfat4, tiot-- hereby nuike an-1 affirm li..- ! lolt'twuitf itclartioti oi in principles: Mrst- "hit weHv -r Iwiit, erticitrnt an l ccoumicl aduiiitistnttioa ol every depart- ! luuut o' govern DLMit tw;h stntu aul nati.ti.al Svtri'i Thai e recant the free sh-jol ' n st tin of our state an the pe.ial i.tre anj pri.ttr of the repuMKati party, to be c heri?lut j :u ono of the bulwark "f the liberties o! the ' lfo!e. TtiirJ That wherr-:, the republican party h n .ilwavt conto."tl.l for a pure electoral bwtjin, in purMi.titnj f this kUov we favor the adoption ( trie AiKittlia-ii ballot s stem, , ttnti pUtle the republicAit party to enact ick a law V the next e-w.n oi the Iciilu t ire, sjl-j;iiti'!v upon the lin? and of thy ' t uurttctcr ? th- j -t tlrutttnl by the tilkt : Htfur.'ll l-fi'lc ot Oic.;m. t't mrth- Tint the r-pubili:ajia of Oregon n: 'r-'titii'LT au-t curi'r;ii!iliif;i;:is t. their i liifth.-rn of Viaiue i r h'.vii'i; fiimitied Tuomt II. K ;m hone-t aid cour u;4.ii i(!tit, w tr, .ts ap iker oi the h-ii-e i rjpr-ii titatie-. h.i4 s:;irMl ! r the reprr i fetir.i'ivt'9 oi tne pi!iT:e tho rht ot tl mjri!y t u'tvi-r:., tw.l w-j denonnee the fie:! mi by uhlchdeni'MTarii iiieuiSer- of ort Kre?4 attempt taj4fiiy ihe t. chnual M.t ' the Wtll of the ;x;opie and the majority ? their o-vn Imtiy by itiiitfi t-j .ote, th .ii-h in f;ct pre-ient and in duty hound u do ." t'iUh 'hat vie rej.ji.-o m the f i ;t th:it in the l;i(lpres:d.ntial election the A men cau I people ofd t buntuiii tnd uphold die re ifiibheaii doctrine of pi'jiv.tion uhic.'i the UriUocratie pjrty pr)Kc- to detny, fid we ' A in f iVi.r t the ciit uiince o? that 6h ; tt-'ii uf prot tirm w hi; h h:tj tteveloprd the iti.iniifat'liiriii unJ ari- ulMinil inter t u( ; iir country and protected Aiuvrit-aii iuooiui' n.e:i fr.in derjKliusc e-inpetition with the 1 pauperized sum pverty sr.-. ken lab the Old World, mid to !h: e.. J ac indorse trie (ruvUioita of ti.e b'i k..u.i! a- the M:li:dc tanii bill, now peiidinc bi:,re eonr-- ..!id on behalf f tne - .urg uid olii-r i'iiln-itnes ul the I i rtrthuest we nr.e : nj oii our reptrjnt!'- ea t:t cv;ure-.- to !o U in tlitir pow r t j secure the eii ly pav;i;e : iud b;;l. ' ; Sixth Tiial leci'iijJ-iM tiie fjt that the I tinted Stul-s is Hie greatest nil yei'-proliii.ini; j . ..uittrv in the wor'.tl. and th.t both dd and j drer were tnuall". the money of the eoitli-1 tulion from the beinniu of the republic j until the hostile leirislathn aaii-t silver, which undii!y contr-ietd the circulating Uicdiutu ot the country, und re;.u'niz:n tr(e . real interest of the pf.ple demand inr ui jnr? lor Use in the ciiauneU of tmdj tid ' jviuuu'rcr thf-refoie c declare ours.Ivrs in furor of thr the trre and uiditiiiteil eua-re '' f eiUrr and d ii'-'incc attempt to oi- . run mat. on ru-'iast Mlvt-r uimi-it I'M uojust. Seiehth -Tit tiie ratit l Jc the the tifeid'r-i oi ii.e union eannot br ui-xiiirc-J by la 3' To il ilia leiUtiou I ..tirfrc-hoiill coniorm lo the pledges uutdc a loal pwjK-, and be t:i!ar.-eJ ;tn ltd a t"proii le a.;:r.i?t the po-ib:. : .tr any man who bo:iorab! wote tl.c ttderal tAifrin &hiil bec ome an iiiuiute I an aluisiiuLUc r drpeuJecit up'wi pii:c aiorltv, K:iith--That we are in Uor of a lair ;;ud j n;.iai tliitrib'itioii ..f t ixatiyi,, :al Me bv i lle that all propeii;. nd iu' exempt !v ; ;.v hm!d tr.Snre i' due proportum lit ' iiic:i! the legitimate eptnsn of the : government. 1 hat we are m fvor of the ' ud jption ol ouch uiiieihinu lit to our a.-eM :i, lit laws as vit!) fecuie the ej;ul arid jmt ) .teMment and tavation d all propt itv at :t ; true altie. . ! Ninth i'hat we d-mand the iiiniivdit.tr furieitu e by conr 4 of the luiiit jTrnii ! ! :t.e Northern Iai :Ie rilrd lion: Urdinla l'rtland. I 1 eiith - That wr are heartily in ta r o the ; pa-4-eive through eoiptfres oi th bill pii.i I fi-ra boat, railway hi the balUs of ; i.e i oliimbia rivertthieh has beeii p.!-ed in i?ie ,-:ia!e by the erfrt- of Scna'oi- l t !i ,.r;d ; I -iph; thtt : be:i:-ve i lo l-c r.i ti p.a't:- a il-. p. ui b.r th r:t;e? t ti;- proii:ers :;r..i r f"T tne th'Ve'f'pnunt t J ct a .t tcrritirv ol j t ...:rit tt.hu'.ii v f. Tt,.i if a- t'o H;iiii;,i i r;er. Kievent'.--'l I kit i.e i.ivor 'lie e'jU- Ulle!i! ; . law oi tht- if.'Cfc; -f the A;'a turnii e!:i lit Ti r.t.v-t, Ii..ne'', M-.rkrh0p4 Ulld j p :S;ic w t -rr. - il iuj. e. bt h-jitr- a a t:t . h h . r'ri, butt tr de :-.-e t:it; m i: l lat.-r j .:: m a-i ui;j i-t t the h.ie-.t L' i1 of f-".;r j .I'lllniir.r ill." i.l .4'. I --OLiniitiM I r. !i :i rtt te;n he ' j' a!e i, thai a e :!'e oi nj ' i . ri.- r.irtii. r :Ki!ii:,Ki.i"ii of t'hme-e l.wtiur- ' t- - to ti: I'liilca .-.Ittt aiid we demand n mc .tr:nent aim etfe-.tive u;easure t -r ' ir: ::u into pra tied opera Hon the u:jv! -I iiteiit-4 il ',.;- eXclU'llTiif t'te ('Itiliiiu borers ii out American j ';' AelPh --1 h t v. e rc'terutt itr uppro a! i j ti. pt.lu-v of I f eral aupropriati:i4 r inter ! iii ;iipro' tun -ntii. especially for our nverf and hxb'ir: that we io tiu f Mitinuatioti ' -r the policy 'fuiiiitin public money fori the pu:hc eilare. btdiewn;; that tlie im- lrori:iv-iit i.f our watcrwava will r-uiU in a J . itenl rethn ti--n of the rates of traiirta that t hold u'.l corporation- stri- tly iespjri&tf.le to their liabilities under th law, mid reio.'iiii:j ths riht d the leifilat ir tc :t all re.t-ionublc UnatatioiiH on corporate lbirteenth That we favor leui alive en n-tmtnt by which there may be eleete1 r :;oiintt d a utate ii:4pe tor f weight and ui'-a!irri, and favir anieiuliiient4 to j m.inicipal t harrer- which shall require the Myoiiit:ite:u of building uid Panitary in-pe--tr n a'! eitiea of ten thousand or more ! iriiiabitaiits. r.jurteeu That we tre in favor of an early -iMcy of unurweed puhlic laiuli in tfo -.tate that the fttme may be eiaime and occupitt and tilleta jH-ciily pr-Mirel by U'lia tide m. tilers, under the law- of the I inted Mute. We demand hU ral appro ptiattons by con-roH to secure that end. f5t ifteeti That bile diclaiintm; the riL'ht to Uitorft-re with the almiuUtration of internal atfiUM of foreign nations o sincerely approve theetTortof Irish and KiurUfh stale-timii to - secure by e.eful raethotls the American prin iple of home rule for Ireland Sixteen That we denounce all trust n and ombiiMtitUis that have for their ohjvct the eoritrollini' ol the market value of the no t arles of hie and that we are in faor id bus letraiuinit and abolishini the san e. Seventeen Tliat we congratulate the ountrv ujon the miccessand projerity that ha'.- marked the first year i President Har rtson' iulininistration;tiiat we rejoi:e iti the restoration of duiutv. vior and statefinan fhip id the conduct ot foreign affairs, which h:.v r iett!fd iravc inteniational eomplica tioi upon a ba.s which e" iire every Aiueru an riht, and whi-h. by f i inll v U'l a?i v and ho-pualitv, nave treiu;thened the w..rd- of nu.patny and interest which join n to the republics of the American continent pawn:; the way to a policy of pa-.e, t extended commerce, and cf nmlty nicii all the nations of the New World: that w commend the present national adminis tratirn for applying the surplus :uti!.4 to the pame t of interest paying londs, is eon triutcd with the demo- ratie policy t-f leiulii i, ti.-. o.irplu- tt tanks which rotain their t"n and collected inttrct thereon while utility the K-ople u money, which should hae bvrTi npplit J to the pavmeist d said bocd An Iilen. W think the people will like to buv live ono-pound bars of splen J!1 laundry soap for two bit. We will sell at that price to-day. Sl-ENCEK it Hl.Al-KBl'ltN. STANAUD & CUSICK, rnoi-niEioHs ok OiTY DRUG STORE. Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chcm ioal, Kancy and Toilet Articles, Spongee, Urusheii, Perfumery, School and Ai lists' Supplies. I'hysician's prescriptions carefully compounded. gjratStreet, Albany, Oregon. CITY RESTAURANT. Maving been entirely Jremo leled, this old and popular restaurant will he made tirst-cla9S in every respect. Th pnWio w ill be K!veu KooJ meals it all hours for only '-o cents. Every thing neat and attractive. Oysters iu every style. W. A. MtttMEK. mil f10T?T)S?;LA vi y I ' - ;o jMnUti to suit th t'uroliasr. Inquire rth re?tri Moirtoith. &ALL Oy ! urn: ! CllSICK, Fur information concerning invest ments iu this city or uurrounding country. They hav listed a lare uiimhwr of Cue farms, suiUbU for graiu, fruit or stock. They make Insidu busiaus and i crrPerty a j : ' . j : WOCULE'S Riverside Addition, the! . but iaii p; opei Tu oil ii. at I; '.t. HALF MILLION DOLLARS To loiiu oi: Inn' time ou go.ul ins- I proved farms ur uity property. Agents for the Anglo-NoviJa As-; suiMiice Cmporatiou, the Mrougcst : Kiie Insur:noe Compauy ou the Pacifla s Coast. i pi linn uwv i iivit ivi i C'urran & Montelth have lots fot sale on the installment plan, ran inj: in prieo from tolOOO. LlATAUIIIl Cl IlKL", health unJ mw! ; hroitli "k-cureJ, by Shiloh's Catarrh K.'innlr. I'riit M cvnti. injector free. SoM hv Fcshay & Mason. 11',1 Unit ' k, sKlt it chest, use Shiluh's i'rou i'Uater. Suld by Kosliay & Mason. SillLOU S COCGII anil Consumption Cure solil by ui on a iruarantee. If (-urea ( onsuiniitlon. SoM by Koehay i Miuuu. S111I.OIC.S VITALIZER is what yon n. l dirCoiiBtipotion, loMuf Appetite, Dl..:i ne.aml al! sympt nii o OyBpepsia. I'rice EO and 75 cents jht bottle". For sale by Foshiw V iiaoon. SK S LOT (It Hl'.rrcil COLI.IK NTS, WITH A V little uipol J.nplish sbrpMcrtl. Thev make the very liest (arm stock and watch doyt. For further irticlars impi'ire .of lieu. V. Uray, Dentist. Land .Surveying. 1)akt:ks dksirino h; rvktiso do.xkcan-ob . tain accurate anil prompt work by cailinir upon ex-county surveyoi t, T. T. Fisher, lie hs complete copies of field note's and town ship i. lata, and is prepare 1 to do surveying in any part of Linn county, l'ostotlice address, Millers station, Linn cou ity, Oregon. "Iiril.1. YOC SI FFKR with Dyspepsia and I? Liver L'oniphliiit': Shiloh's Vitalizerlg miraiiti ill to ture yon. For sale by Fothay Mason. Novelties in wash lre?g fabrics'. The largest stuck in the city at Samuel E. Young's. BROWNSVILLE. Q. r, COiiHOW A hOU, Keal Jlistato and 1 NS URA XCE A CEN k jsPRINGFIELO SAWW1I LL j A. WHEELER, S1R1X(H"ILD, rKOI'KIETOlt. "Albany yard JanU otllcc on Kailroad.'lielwceii 4Ui tiud 5th 8trectsIP i davlnff lumber not excelled iu qunlity, and facilities not surpassed forthe prouipi aim ssmsmciorr uiunz or orafis. i ruiueciiuiiv miiiuii a mimic i trade. A. WHEELER 52! Y Buying Your Property Throng'1 the leal f.stato firm of Burkhart & Keeney: Tto olJeat Keal Estate l'irra in the .TLevhavel.nJ? 0( a.. Uc-acrip- nona for sale at the very lowest prices and on the most favorable terms. We have gome fine bargains in Hiiuill tracts of garden ami fruit laiuls near the city, whifh we are ottering at a treat sacrifice. This property lies near the city, and id the verv best on the market, part of which is Bet out to fruit. CITY PROPERTY We have a large list of choice : business and residence property j for sale including the (ioltrii park ' mlJition, the best, neaieBt niil cheapest suburban pyopertv on ihe market. A lot in this addition will double in v:ilue in lead thuu u year. : EASY PAYMENTS. BURKHART & KEENEY, n i:al estastj, loan ' A N I) INSURANCE AGENTS. ALBANY. - OREGON i ITownseod Wilson, Following is a partial lint of the property we have for sale: A rew cottage, G rooms, 1 large lot; price $1000. One lot, unimproved, ou 5th strict , $.175. Several tracts of 5 and 10 acre lots 1 J miles from Albany; per acre .'100. One lot with two story house on Water street; jrice $1500. Cottage of 5 rooms, 1 lot, ou First. Btreet; 81500. Two story house, 2 lots. Chamber laiu $: Maston'a addition; $1350. A house with G rooms, lots in Elkins addition, S50. 1 lot on 'H and Main streets, $'J."1'. Two story house on 4th ntrcet, $2200. 1 lot oii Washington street; S50. A good stock farm of 1500 a;ri .'3 miles from railroad station; $S0O per acre. One farm 3 miles from Shedd, first ciass wheat and fruit laud, 140 acres, $5000. A farm of 823 acres 4 miles from railroad: 30 per acre; cau be divided In lots to suit purchasers. We are ftrmiuently located on the old Cline homestead 3e mile from Albauy on Corvallis road. We have on hand a large stock of t Al 'i i Ml !T "M il I'I ! ! iitji'vW i mil i in of our own urowsiik, which we wil sell at lowcat living rates. Parties contemplatiui; planting trees will cousult their iutorest by examining our stock and prices before purchasing. tlYVA.N BaOWNELL, Albany, Oregon. 1ITANTED A wan with wife and ulM V wants to rent 2 rooais for house kewpioj; or small vottigd. Call 0B vvrite . N. StMLE, Trull E. O. earsley, Altvr.yOn MONEY m Albany Nurseries 5VR 26 packets arsolutcly the best seeds giown eeut to any addrehH, postpaid, for $1, Don't buy until you see Allin's Seed Catalogue. Sent free to an addrci. 171 Second street Portiaiul, Oregon, MONEY TO LOAN-HOME CAHIALON (ToikI real ettate security. For jmrticu lurs ciKpiire of Uco. Humphrey. "IITAM'ED - A iooii irl to make lur home V with a small fainily. Inquire of Mrs. F. A. Ilurklmrt, Corner Fifth and Hailrcai streets. rut i i a T II. DAVIS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND IT siiieoii. ( mi he foiiuii at ins otlice room in siralian's blcck. First street. Albanv Oregon- CI C. KKI.i.Y" I,1IVSICIA-AND CIC . k-eon Albany, tirruuii. ;Wee in Pierce's iiih block. Oiicc hours, from S a. M. to 4 r. M. A. J. I'.OSSI IKC, VK'ltltl.NAKY SI K iteon, craduare of Ontario Veterinary college and inemln r of the Ontario veterin ary medical society , in prepared to treat the diseasi-4 of all nomi-ticateil Riiimals on Scienti'ic principles, office at Ann Marshall's livery stable. Hi siileticc 4th and fala ocia streeiii, Alhanv, Orevon. 1 kR, t. A. McAusTra- iiomi.oi aiiiic mv 1 suiaii and Fiirireoti lias removed his cilice into Crawford's block. All culls prompt ly a'tended to. Dif o . a." wit i r Tk T, i'i i v s ician an b SlirLT.ion. (.raillliirf of llellt-vnn tul Meili' al t'ollicc. New Vork Citv. Difcases fwitmeli a sneciait v. tlMice in at resiiletiist on Tib street between Calanoola and Vine. Albany (ireu'on. 1K.M. J. l'VH'OV. PHYSICIAN AND IJ Surgeon, Llumherys Ploek, Albany, Or. Felnalc tlise .Lsit'4 A ft M'l'tfllf I I'm Ins friltlnl n the office day or iilht. AirOKNEV. J? A. l!Ki:i;Y, attorney at law. Special J. attention ;i en to collection sf elaiiiis. Iltlco with J. J, Wllitllev. X. I'l'NCAX - ATroUXICY-AT LAW and liot:ir- tillblic. O'lice in the Sti.-ili.in tli :!, nsiios Xo. I rind l. It. N. 1U.M KI:I KV. O. W. WRIUIir, BLACKHl l!X, i WI'.ltillTAriOUXKYAI Law, Albany, iir-con. otlao in Odd .'i.!riu's T.-Tiii.t.. .Vill I. I,, nll -,iPt. Ot tlio Hut"', nii.l L'ivc hpecial attention to all biisiimss. Wol.VKKI'oN CIIAUI.K.'S K. AITOIINKV at Law, Albanv, nr. Otllro in rooms IS and II, Foster's Llock, over L. K. Ulaiu's store. I K. LATHI I'.FUUD, ATI'OKNFY AT la, Ain.tiv, on-con. (Hlice in the Fill k. Will practice in all th t'uiirts nf thestate, and -he special attention to all hitsii:rvs J AV.KS 1'. MF.AD, AITOHNKY AT LAW and title examiner, Albanv, Or. Will practice in all the courts ..f the Btate. Ab stracts of title f 1 1 r 1 1 i -1 ... I on short notice. Ten years cperii-ii-c. 1KKi:K llul 8K, ALBANY, VX. CHAii V I'foilTtr, rn.j. Only llrHt-txlims Imurte iti t Jie fiiy. I.aro ran.'le room for coin-men-mi tin n. No Chinumen cmploytM in the kitcht'ii. ticiicrul nXtrn: nrtic lo ("orvalhs. Mi'DiiiKild k Lassrll, IIARIMSlirUf:, ORKCON, Ale pre pan ! t-. luriu-b lirst class lumber in car load at inlini; prices for the e jiii itnr M-aifOii. 'I In y ' fnlicii eorrcsjiondf me. 'I. C. MYEIJS, H iving )np-ht I the PALACE MEAT MARKET Is now prepared to lunii:-b fresh tutats of all kinds; best variety of choice beof.veal, mutton pork Bausaite, etc.. in the lity kept eonstai.tl n hand. Special delivery wagon etnpbved to deliver nil y.ods prompt y CllEAJ MONEY! H'e have made arrangements to suj - j ply money to all on lotijf time at l: v j line in juirirtu em iiuprovcu lurui, uml choice i-ity property. Those who contemplate lmilding brick blocks cau ort money. Spc us 1 WALLACE A: CUSICK. TO- Onigood farm and city security. S. IT. STEELE. A I. ISA NY, - - OREGON ISi't'il Stallions. Dr. U. K. Wiitterc, of Eupene, Oregon, has three pure hred C'lydc l;ilo stallions and two Hani Lletonian Htallions that h oilers for sale for cash or on time. Write to him for particulars and pedigree. Tinware warranted not to rust ftt Matthews it Washburn's. T?OU SAIL A oJ fresh milk cow. L Wnrth Apply n bani.l Huk ange lit. 7 m 8PER CENT. n I Ml V Manufacture steam engines, grist and saw mil. machinery, ireu fronts and all kinds of heavy and light work in iron and brass castings. Special atten tion paid to repairing all kinds of niaaliiDery. Patterns made on stort notice. E. F. SOX, ""tsident. Ii. Stewart. Secretary. DEL" CT. JONES, HAhflPQhllAAUlop onrl imv LlDO IrOUQtv Bail ui in i hi i ii ii i n t ii i ii ii f 1 1 1 ii hum nun i . v NEXT DOOR TO FIRST NA T1GN4 L BANK. i .Subscriptions received for azines. THOS. BRINK Best Line of Furniture In tie Citv of Albanv! Fancy Wicker Chairs Lounges Parloi Cornice Poles Mirrors Feather Pillows Spring Mattresses, Window Shades Walnut Exlen' sion Tables Suits And w..rit you can't find al other hourie,I have it. In faut every thing thu. in kept in a first-class bouse. Ash, Maple and Walnut Chamber sets, Chairs, Sprhiff Reds, Loutiije Ktc, Etc., at Prices that CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD SPRING NEAT FITTIXfi SUITS FOR MEN' THE LATEST THING IN SHIRTS. FINE UN DE WEAR, SHOES FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER, A DESIRABLE LINE UF UNDERWEAR, STYLISH FURNISHING OWODS. All these aud much more are iucluded iu the iiiiiiieus new spriug stock received l.y L.K. BIvAIN, THE- Leading 3 ft A ft 1 tff- I THE in Ry Investing your mousy ou soiiie wheels of fortune there are nine chances to lose and one to win. There is No Cltanee to Lose oh This Wheel. Invest your money iu the hub and (wave the outside slone. This wheel has been turuiug once every six months for the past two years, and those who speculated in the hub have doubled their money on every turn. We predict this wheel will turu ouce every uinety days for the next year. If you wish to be one of the lucky speculators call and let ns show you some of the finest bargains in farm, suburban, residence and business property ever offered iu this city. CURRAN & M0NTEITH, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. I) -U.' JL J..L I'llL? .v-. all the leading newspapers and mag AND BOYS, Clottiier Albany, Oregon. WORKS, mi. mm FIRST NATIONAL BANE PRESIUKXT L. FI.IN.N. VICE PRESIDENT S. K. YOr.NG. CASHIER K. W. LaNODON. niRAKSAOTg A GENERAL BANKING X BUbiNESi. S. K. Youse, L. Fuss L. E. Blais, E. F. Sox. E. W. Lasclok Casbier, SOWAN RALSTON IAKD CHAMBEFLA1!.: Albany, " - Oregon TraiiwHits a genwal bankluir hiuiness. Draw iljfht drafts en New Ysrk, San Fra' Isoo anil i'ortlauri. Or. Loan money on appro ed security, Kecaire deposits subject to check. Oollections entrusted to us will recelv prorout attentitn BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OUEUOX. CAPITAL &a,000 Frnldtnl Vice Tree 1'ssblec U. KKYAT .B. F. 9IKUKILL. ...JAV W. BL1IN. DnteoTOR: H. BRT4ST. .T. W. Blai., 6so. Ii cm pa kit, C- B. Stewakt, . I. Laski.vg, II. F. Merhill. Sight exchangs and telegraphic transter bought sod sold ou New YorK, Saa Francisco and Portland, Oregon. -rCnIIctions made on fa orab'.e terms. CAPITAL SSOCK, SIM.tKM PAID IIP CAPITAL U,00. FFICKE&. freeident W. F. RsaJ. Vice-President J. O. Writsmau. Treasurer J. Ii. Cowan. Secretary J. K. Elderkic. BIHECTOR. K. b. Mratian, J. L. Cowan, J. O. Writsman, 0.. F. Kinipson, W F. Kead.J. K. Weatberford, L. L. Fley, John Burnett and M. Sternberg. Safe, Soiuni, uonservative A Square Company, Managed by Square Men, Patronized by Square People FaraoaizQ Some Enterprise I JUKE CIOARS-IMl'ORTLD. KEY WEST aod Domestic, cmbraoln; the culubratod Fior de Madrid. Eitvella. Osnuuerors and o(br choice raDds im the Wll, Faro anil nusiern uuiao leiermpn oir.ee, nuimin JgTtaqia t tat plase FOB SALE BY ALL,BRWOOISTS. "Some'months aKoIrt)urchsed' a box of Dr. J. P. Sill's CuUrrh Cure for my own use. but finding mr nephew, C. A. McMahan. needing such medi cine I let him have my bos of medi cine. De now sends for three mere boxes, saying it Is the best thing for cAtarrh ever tried by him and his friends. I got another box to use in my rase, and chsorfnlly recommend it toothers. (Signed), JOHN McMAfTAN, Ex-Oouuty Commissioner I.nne ('. Oregon, Springfield. Lane county, Oregon. Prof J. W. Johnson, president of the State uaiTersUy, says it cured him ol a coagh after two other prescriptions had failed. Likewise two of his little girls used it to cure their coughs. Mrs Mark Bailey, wife of Prof EaUey, sent It to Prof Johnson, and reeom, mends it to all w ho tuficr from colds and coughs. For coughs it acts like a charm, and can be Inhaled Into the Vlpesor passages, 'where.; .o other cough cures can reach TAKE TELE CAJJ FROM va am i iu RATES: T any part of the city, 50 eenU. For oalllng, first hour $1.50, eaoh subsequent hour $1. Rand in front of S. E. Young' W4 F. Read's Btoret? II P f ill 1 j I Mem ffiirftiercDainsinniin tv, a Vr t UUUli Albany : Orkoon to 0tG oH tA1fm SCHMEER'S STABLES F. H. freprittor of. Albany Soda Works AnJ manufacturer ef-- We are now prepared to furnish chOlfs. f rtsh cai.uies of kt crads, csuaiallSM St pure ktick, aaeortcd flaTora, mixed aadTss, extra French and choc la t erewBS, fancy mixed, candy fr, and a jcerI aasortaiSBt of fine candies 'AT HIIOLISAIL OK ttbl.tll. 3 0n!or from country tlwlanj prsmptljr at tende.1 1. Facitrr oa First street. ALBANY REQON ALBANY ALBANY, OREOOli I8SS.. A Eull Corps cf Instructors. Clatwcal, sdMitiev, literary, eeaieaaralu and librmal clanea. tinea of atadj ar ratijrcJ to meet the seeds l all grade of tudanta. tpei.ial inducements offered t students from abroad. T-aitiea ranges from RBtI.S0 lo 914.50 Pr TerSM. 7 Instrumental instructien in music i glrec by Miss Laura Coltra. Itear.l in private families at low rates, aad roorr s tor self boardina; at small cxpeote, A cartful SJperrlalon exercised orer pup iway fre-m home. 3 For circulars and full particulars, address the president, KEV. FXbLRT N. COND1T, Albany, Oregon, WHERE WILL YOU FIXI AW 2act MEAL'. At the Delcnorxlo. rPnt kKKAKFAST, SET HIS DISKS, TBT HIS X supper. Uoeu Bros, do all their owa cuokinir. Tiy his hot coffee and tee. with cakes for 10 cU. Fjwtern oj-strs an a spe cialty, and treat rare ili be taken to put thcni up after Eastern ftyle. Yaquina aad Bay View-oyeteTs constantly on band. Bead his till ! fare ana ee if you dos't Brtd -thai you wan:. Did you ever try one of our 3tui day dniLers? All kinds of game Farmers i II fli.d a jrood table set at she Delunonios. W ait in j; m ill be prompt Ceaie and sm as. Fresh Fi-h. Fresh Game. Fresh Meat 4.0ETZ UKOS., Prcpa-B The Albanv Bakeryi ! Uuder the new management of 1 irker Bros. WH KKEP-3 A full line of choice family aroeerles and Jrov'aion ICannea lirieeipples, Clioice Table Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Wcdiunas and Part lev. iSalmo lelliej i . i 1 , kinds. FEESE BAKED BEEAD lvcrv Dav. TEAS and COFFE Wes Nuts. Raisins CANNED OOOD8. ETC. -i n Ik-iit Soap in the market- Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of aomeUta and Imported Cigars mi Sitp. Pies. AjTAt Johr tFov'a Old Stan J low ew brick. OYSTER HOUSE Just onened onoosite tha Ruaa House. Everything new and clean. Opu dav and nipht. ttAKRr JONE?, Proprietor. c-. -t . T - r- m w A New IteiM' Shop Has just been opened on First street, ojosite the Rush House, w here you cau get all kinds oi broken articles mended. Clocks, guns and locks repaired, keys fit ted, etc. Work from the country promptly attended to. f Utany Bath House AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON, JOSEPH WEBBER, PROPRIETOB Ptfl.adice and children's hair draw, ug a specialty, lhitiie eat ief action guaranteed 'PlioSK WISHINUA FIRST-CLASS IX i. ar Jirent, the best made to stand tiie climate of this coast, can be suited by calling at Mia: B. E. .lyinan's, opposite th Masonic Tempi f, First street. The latest vocal and instrumental music kept for sale. Alsa tb" argw assonineni or stamping; pcttara select from this side of 'Frisco. .. iciven iu iiaintiufr and embroidery at her etudto over Linn County Bank. Uire her yemr erdcr and you will be pleased. LADIES' UNDERWEAR Cealletne s feblrts. t hlldrea's Ctolh Inic, and All Ladles Uwcali asiad lo order al Ihe JapaneseBazaar tor asicci vaar low. KW'ONO WO KEE CO. y .Store on First Street next tc Spencer A lliackliurns. FrRNISUED BOOMS TO REST- Inquire of S. Ooetzat 01 ir nice restaurant Confectionery i ! I '-.1 it 1 ) -j .1.1 r 1 ( 1