ALBANY, OllEGON, SUNDAY, MAY 18, 1890. VOL; V.BOi U4 ao CiSNT A WEEK. SPECIAL SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT VLv Stock is now complete; embracing all the latest, novel ties in JDress Groocis both, in WO AND ladies III Knit KibUd and M ushii. Cai prices uic tbe I'lWKST ai our good THE BE " We wake a spe t iaity ! . ' Lais' S.E We cany a full line o: the world renowned Broadhead Dre ss ioods, which for weir and fliiush arc uuex- !UJ. hi .'liibroi l. Tii s and rtounciiiirs we have as large a Mock as anv house in the slate. Call and you. will bs cor viii-.-ed that Albany is the best trading point in Oregon. TA pleasure to show oods. R A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO BUT GOODS WITH BUT LITTLE HONEY AT TO i act a I A XT'CJ TjilArw A Mfi T17AT "WYTT T This is an atre ot brbiud or le crushed. We have struck the key nolo. Que visit to our store will convince you that one dollar will purchase more 1imv than two at any other place in the city. This seems incredible but we cordially inv:te an inteiested public? to call and e convinced of the truth. WE ARE SELLING ACATE BUTTONS FIVE CENTS PER DOZEN, BUTCHER KNIVES TEN GES, OTHES BASKETS TEN GENTS, BLACKING TEN CENTS. have all kinds We xtend an We bottom. A jute HuMons. 5c a gr. Corkscrews. 5 and loc. "urcker lards. in and l ' !'gili'. "h. Cuspidi-rs. l"c "ake turners, tt'e. Curling iron, li) to -'".. t 'ollar buttons. w. do--t bangers, ie. Iish p:yi. t.. -11' liippers. inc. lingers, all pric"- loll. inc. . . envelopes. J'u'r Kg2 beater l uiff'8- '"' 15- Funnel' i w ebb 5 to inc. fcilk. l.Sc, 1.1c. , . .-r, webb. ,jir lnusbeM. CRISSJvlANS 5 WASH FREE FROM POISOH. st HOSi ERY. W. vr. No More High Prices. L'lie world moves progression. of tin -ware and variolic invitation to a'l. ! llandkercbiei's. ." and ltc. t Hair-pins. .1 and H'c a . i llarmotiica-'. oan.l lo,-. Hooks and eves. -1 tl. z. fur- -i Hose, la lies'", black. HV. Ilo-e. iiu-ii's. colnivd. .1 and in,- I LiiiimocUs, ."fl.iiii. Knivc-J, pocket, inc. Key chains. L'iV. K llii'e li'ixes. I "ic. Knives, mincing, in and IV, I .cad pencils, HJc a dozen. pillow vlip. mid in. I.aiv. val'n. .". I.elno.'l SiUecer, 10r. Match safes, " and in,., i Mirrors, in and j;,,.. Milk pan. " and 10c. Molls,- tra,s -' Ill,- Mjrbles.all kin.U. AND 10C. STORE. M'FARLAJSt'D BUILDING FABRICS. -TO THE- MEN Call and look at our in 1 - ii J I JkJW U ITIIIII U We have a very choose from at tbe ever oll'ere 1 in 1 be large stock to lowest pricii VALLEY REAJJ orn INOCKE nr:d the mau who does not uov; witli it must till t her useful articles too numerous t mention at rock Note paper, :M ;.h--Nail brushes. In,-. Nutmeg-graters. ." ts ! Ni'eilles, sharp. a paper. i ins, papers. ;c. I'ails, tin covered. Pot scrubs. 5c. Its.. !!. Perfumery. 5 to -40c. Potato cutters, Iny. Potato mashers. 5c. Piuses. 5 to 40c. liazor stro .-. 15,-. H'.i -J it! . i.'eceijit U)oks. I He. Sbainois skins, in,-. Shoe blacking, 5c. Safety pins, .'( do.. f,r l (,.. Shoe lacers, 1 doz. for ."-. Spoons, set, 10c. Steak pounder. 15c. A ROW IX CONGRESS. " . The MoM. L'xcitins Scue of the Session. K' T II K IIOI SI-: IN AN LPItOArL,; Congraiiiiiaa fcyauai Calls Another Me. bcr a Liar, rail Ceunred t th. BaWB a month was enough for any of tU?n:ase -Wild Sceasi. . Washington, May 17. In thjfr senate to-day tin bill appropriat ing iiiniiioo foi :i hron.e statue. of Hen. Grant having beenl reached. Hour su"!rested that a mcti.M, c niim ivau ji.iraiFi the word "equestrian." and this was agreed to. Hie bill was fur ther amended by increasing tbe appropriation to $':;00,000 and then passed. The executive session then adjourned. A house" conference was ordered on tbo senate anti-trust bill. The boiie then went into a committee !' the whole, on the tariff bill. AN ri'lto.Mt IN" T1IK II0l.SU. McKinley offered a long amend ment to the. international revenue clause, mainly administrative in character, which was crdered printed, and went over till Mon day. This disposed of the com mittee amendments. Cayne, of Pennsylvania, speak ing to the verbal amendment sent j to .he clerk's desk and had read a later from .lames Campbell, of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania,, denying the Matemc.t reflect ins; on his . ciiaracier niaoi- .i. i u.-. ; bv I'.ynum, of Indiana, ami ' son, of W. I Virgina. Inthel ! liu stronuly attac:s these i ! Springer said tbe letter wa character made a few days since ami Wil- Inthe letter men. nrm-'er s:ul uu; leuer iwn mi- I wortbv of the gentlemen who pre i t-cnleii it. Wheeler, of Alabama. ; made a point of cder that the let ter should be stricken from tbe record. The chair ruled the gen tleman who presented it responsi ble f-.r it. P.ynmn claimed -cognition on a question of personal privilege relating to the Campbell letter. Then c ls.icd an up-.oa.. Bvnum endeavored to proceed, but was shouted doivn by ti e republi can side, i'.a . ne added to the i on fusion bv xclaimim at the top of his voice that a vent1' man for whom be bad tie b ,.v,i, respect had been charged wii i forgery and wanted to pn ?nt a letter in his defense. Bred u id; ', of Ken fui ky, Hliotited to tl n chair that it Wiis not fair to silence a man wbq l.on untilii-tv ii!tn' nml let a man speak who brs made himself sponsor .f the slanderer. Silling scales. 15c j Suspenders, in and I" I Sjyinges, oi-. u.iji, caslile Soap, toilet, all prices. Shell paper, - doz. for 5c Toothpicks, L'.5nn for 5c. Towels, bat h, in and 15c Tooth brushes. 5 and I'V. Thimble.3, 5c. Tea strainers. 5c. Tablets. 5c. Trays. 10e. Tracing w heels. 15c. Wash hoards, L''c W ash basins, inc. Water pails 10 and l'5c. Whisk brooms, in and 15c Croquet sets, $1.1". the proper inode of doing honor tol this attack of Campbell's has Grnt. Edmunds moved., to oniitksad.0. its way into the record. OUT Amid tbe excitement Bayne was beard to declare tbat Campbell was eiual in every respect to tbe member of Kentucky, and Breck- enridge to assert tbat he bad no doubt tbat tbe member from Penn sylvania took tbe mun as bis stan dard of manbood. .After bnlf an bour of uproar, Bynum secured tbo floor J-nd said Campbell's affidavit was to tbe effect tbat Wilson and be bad said liss blower in tbiJ district "here be was known tbe allidavit l'rid not been rirculai'J, but it bad in Wilson's district. He bau telegraphed to tbe Mrguna papers, denourcing Campbell as a liar and neriurer. Since the gentleman fro.u Pennsylvania bad subsUtufd mmspii a sewer luruuKii WlllCU tllere Cheauie, 01 liiuiana, muue a point of order that tbe language was out of order. Tha chair taught the word "seAer" in this connection was hardlv parliamentary. Bivne s-'i.: "I v.ithdraw it, then," and Fay . co iduct p'.e. 1 hr :e as great confidence in the character of Campbell as I have in the cha latter of the gent leu: in who n.aVes this attack on me. Kxcitement and uproar. Cutcheon demanded that the words be taken down, while M or pin of Mississippi, t-tood in front ol the chairman and urged that both the letter r nd the sepech be strick en from thereiord. He feared they might lead to tro.iblc outside of the i. 'CI... ..Il-..i.:ii'a U'ord were house. The oltensive woius were t il:,.ii Iowa and reiorted from tbe clerk's dck. Cutcheon moved that the committee rise and report the words to the house for action. This was agreed to, P-'l to ?'. The words having been rejKirted to the house, Cutcheon then offered the folios. 'ng: liesolved. That the member irom Indiana, William 1). P.ynuin, in the language used by him in the commilUe oi the whole and t iken down and reported to the house, and relid at th clerk's desk, has been guiltv of a violation of the rules and privileges of the bouse, and merits the censure of Ihehoti-e for the same. Hesolved, Tbat said William 1. r.ynum be now brought to the bar oi the house by the sargeant-at-arms and there receive tbecensiire ol tbe house, to be administered by the shaker. C:ntcheon demanded tbe previous question amid suggestions of "gag law " from the democratic side. After a number of dilatory mo tions tbo jirevious question was ordered on the resolution, ycaN II"., navs 5;. Hand moved to reconsider. I be speaKer uccimeu iu irtugiiiwure motion, ileclanng it uuatory. i nen there was another pcene of confus ion. Cutcheon contended that the entleman from Indiana had vio lated all parliamentary usage. I'he time bad come, in view of the language heretofore used by bun, that tbe line should he .irawn where parliamentary proceedings ease and a violation of the rules begin. ... pringer said the majority in adopting the resolutions would set a precedents which would not redound to its benent. The language ol the gentle man from Indiana was justi fiable, if not parliamentary. The letter was an insult to the demo cratic party. Mills spoke Rliarpiy, asweruug that Bayne had given tbe first of fense and severely criticize.! ins action in bnnninz tne letter mis ilia hoime Snrinecr demanded a division oi ti.n resolution and the first resolu tion, declaring that Bynum merited the censure oi tne nouse. -vuoia- ed aves 12 ), nays lOo. ine sec oiid resolution, providing lor ar- r-iiiMiincr Bvnum Detore tne imr of the house was also adopted, ovoa 1!?t;. navs 10li Then leaniug on tne arm oi Ilowan. Bynum appeared at the bar, accompanied by a large num ber of his associates. The speaker obtained order and requested the (TMitlemen to take their seats Springer acted as PHkesman for his party and declined to do so. Sergeant-at arms Holmes then said, "Mr. Bvnum, bv a resolution of the house of representatives yon r, rp, i nircd to aunear before the house to receive the censure of that bnilv tbrou'di its speaker. Tiie sieaker again asked the members to take their seats, and the democrats refused to comply. The speaker then said calmly "The house of representatives er eeives it is impossible for tbo chair to enforce order on account of the net ion of certain members. The chair will therefore proceed to do his duty under the present conui lion of" disorder. Mr. Wm. 1) i'.vuum, you are arraigned at the t,:irof the house for havins: trans lthssciI its rules bv your remarks For this otl'ense the house desires l.t vou should be censured at its bar. In the name of the house therefore, I pronounce uKn you it: censure. The sergeant-at-arma will now release voir mnunj s-.idr "I nder such c:reuinstan ....j I n. ceot the censure as a deco ration. ! Democratic applause Here some disposition was mani fested bv the republicans to take umbrage' at this remark, but be fore it was understood iwrfectly the house, at 10:30, adjourned. Thus ended one of the most ex citing incidents of the session. Pure cider vinegar at Kenton'. A DEVASTATED CITY. Swept by a Destructive Cyclone and Fire. HLNDKEDS OFFKOI'I.E I'KKISH Mr. Blaine'i Daughter Married -A Flor ida MyorCbacd lit tbe W'oiJs by Armed Mi. St. l'KTKitsist ko, May I". A horrible scene is reported to have oceuroed during the burning of Tomsk tbe capital of Western Siberia. Tbe place. was visited simultaneously by lire and a cyclone, the result being tbe destruction of three-quarters of the town and the loss of hundreds of lives. The cathedral is in ashes, and tbe walls falling crushed the hospital, burying the inmates who were rousted alive. The garrison brutally refused to assist in saving lives and property. The bishop and priests marched through the burning city with sacred emblems and administered absolution brthe dving and blessed the dead. The panic-stricken people huddled to gether in the streets and tirmly believed the und of the world hail come and abandoned themselves to despair. The storm was fol lowed bv a sudden fall in tempera ture and soon the devasted city was buried beneath a mantle of snow which added stinging cold to the sutlering thousands ol shelter less men, women and children. WKOOINU IN HIOII MFC. .Margaret IUaino Married to XV. .Iturocli of New York. I. Washington, Mav 17. Margaret Isabella Blaine, daughter of the Secretary of State, was married nt 1 o'clock today, to W. D. A in rock, of New York, at the residence of the bride's parents at Madison Place. Three hundred guests were in attendance, including President and Mrs. Harrison, Cabinet ollicers and tbe ladies of their families Members of tbe Supreme court and entire diplomatic corps and mern hers of congress. A KKIGN Of TEltKOK. Mayor Cultrell. of Cedar Driven Into llie Wool. Ckimk Kkvs, ria., Mav 17. edar Kevs during the last week has been in possession of Mayor Cottrcll and a band of armed men. Business haft been at a standstill and citizens have been confined to their houses in fcr of their lives Yesterday, however, the I'nited States revenue steamer Mcl.ane ar rived off the city and turned her heavy 24-pound howitzers on the locks, Alavor Cottrell and Ins band took to the woods on the ap proach of the McLane. Thev de lare thev will not be taken alive. Cottrell is a man of education and culture, but possesses a lawless nature. Iniring tbe past two years he bas held the town at the point ol his gun, and in the past yar has killed four men. A TRIl'MPH OF St'IENCK. Plashing MeKaafrea Over a Hundred Mile by Heliograph. Pkescott, Ariz., May 17. The greatest achievement yet made in heliograplung was accomplished during the practice in the depart ment ol Arizona yesterday bv Lieut. Witten Meyer, who suc ceeded in signalling a message by a single flash one hundred and twenty-live miles Irom Reno to Mt.Ciraham, where it was received by Capt. Murray. The latter by turning his instrument flashed the message to Fo.t lluachuaca a dis- ta .ce of 90 miles, making a dis tance of two hundred and fifteen miles with a single intervening station. The longest distance made with a single flash hereti- fore was aliout 70 miles. FATAL KX PLOSION. Two Men Killed in a Penayltania Coal Mine Diaaster. Viki:sisarri:, Pa., Mav 17. An explosion of fire-damp occurred this eveninsi at the Knipire Col lierv of Lehigh Valley and Wilkes- barre Coal coinpenv. Iwo men, W. Thomas and Robt. Crawford, were killed. They were doing some repair work and it is sui- t owed fired the gas. ine expios ion was a violent one. It shook the whole mine and set fire to the limbers. At. a late hour to-nuMit tbe fire is racing fiercely. Several other men were in the mine, but nfter i?reat dilhcultv thev were rescued unhurt. A Defaulter AbaconiU. I'ohti.anii. Mav 17. A. llohm, merchant tailor doing business with John Rietzel at No. o Wash ington street, has disappeared and it T Minted that he has collected a number of outstanding bills, be longing to the firm. HolitA was inn rried onlv four weeks ago. The amount of the firm's bills which he collected is not known at present Coming to Oregon. San Francisco, Mav 17. V, H. Hull, supervising engineer of tbe Arid lind survey for the western grand division, will leave here to-morrow on a month's tour of Oregon, Wslnngton, Idaho and Utah, to look after the gauging of streams. Iiaii win put in ener vation at several places an electric report current motor, used bv cable and traveler method, which is a recent invention of his own, and which is said to gauge the How of streams w ith much greater facility and precision than the old method and that nt a fraction of the exjiense. Chinese In rortlaail. Portland, May 17. There ar rived from China on the ship Colo ma, Wong Ham:, a merchant of this city, and his wife and child. Wong Hang was landed on a cer tificate, but his wife and child were detained bv the collector of cus toms. Her attorney, therefore, has applied for a writ of habeas corpus to-day, that she may establish her right to land. Y nt was made re turnable Monday, when the case will be argued in the I'nited States district court. Southern I'ac-lflc Snon Shed. .San Francisco, May 17. The Southern Pacific officials have at last decided on a future policy in regard to the snow-shed nystem of the Sierras. It has lieen decided that the sheds will be retained. Supt. Fillmore says the structures will all be placed in first-class or der at the earliest possible mo ment. The River at Portland. PoKn.AMi, May 17. The Wil lamette at Portland to-day re mained at a stationary gauge, indi cating 20 feet above low water mark, and at Kiparia Snake river has fallen two feet since the high est point was reached four or five days ago. Application Denied. Sax Fkaxcisco, May 17. supreme court to-day denied tbe application of Hong Yen Chang to practice before it as attorney and counsellor on ground that trie ap plicant, who is Chinese, anil ia not aresidentof the I'nited States. The Weekly Crop Iteport. Sacramkxto, May 17. The fol lowing weekly crop report was telegraphed the chief signal ollicer at Washington to-day: All crops favorably affected bv past week's weather. Verdict of Nut Guilty. Pour Townsknd, May 17. The jury in the case of Martin Phillips on trial lor the killing of John Hall on Lopez Island last I et-em-her returned a verdict of not guiltv last night. California Pioneer Dead. Santa Barbara. Cal., Mav 17. J. 1. Keddington, a California pioneer, died here this morning, aged hO. He came lo ban I ran Cisco in IM'J and ioumied the Crug house of Keddint-tou it t o. Proinluent San Franciscan Dead. Sax Francisco, May 17. Wm. P. Fuller, of the large paint and oil firm of hittier A Fuller, died to day from the effects of an appnletic nt. Schooner and Crew in Jeopardy. Kingston, Mav 17. A three masted schooner is ashore near IIorse'SLoe Islands, and is fust go ing to pieces. It is expected all hands will be lost before assistance arrives. Oregon Continuation. Wasuinhton, Mav 17. Confir mations : T. S. Lang, receiver of public moneys at The IUlles; Aug. Mallorv. iiostmaster at Heppner. Bitten by m ICattUanake. Milton, Cal., Mar 17. A sheep herder was bitten by a rattlesnake this morning. His recovery is lonbtful. THEUAKKET. Chicago, Mav 17. 1:15 close; wheat steady ; cash and June IH'i Julv94'ii. San Francisco, May 17. Wheat weaker; buver year 1.44S-H. Liverpool, .Mav 1 . heat firm, demand poor, holder offer sparingly; California 1, 7s '.jd per cental ; western winter t s Id. Why Do Yon Smoke? Kroin Tne Indiantpolig Jeurnal. After all, the fascination of cigar lies in the lact that u man can see the smoke curve in the air," remarked a tobacconist to Journal reporter. Lhd vou ever stop to think that you seldom see a blind man smoking? There is onlv one in this citv'that I know of who has formed the habit, am that is Luke Walpole. If vou will watch the men who come here vou will see that nine out of ten seem to take asiiecial delight m looking at the little pulls of smoke ttia arise as thev light theircicar. And then vou hear men say, 'A cigar is such a coin tort to me w hen 1 i.i alone, for it keeps me company. Well, it isn t the cigar that oc cupies his time,but the fantastic dt signs that the smoke assumes. 1-et n smoker shut his eves and be will throw his cigar awav. No. the consolation that a cigar brings is more through the fight than taste.' A Good Cough Syrup. There if. nothing parents should lie so careful about 8 selecting a i-atigh syrup. IJesrgs Cherry couch syuip is meetine- with wonderful success. The best is none to good . Be mii e you get Begirs. Every Lottie is warranted. All druggists keep it. All kinds of canned fruits, veget ables and meats new and fresh at Spencer & Blackburn's. French keeps rail road time. GROWING WAR CLOUD Germany Warns Russia to "Keep Off the Grass." OnnifcKK WILL UK TKOLltLK B'port or tit Coalition cf Crops Through oot tb United 8:att Te?r Ohildrta Bameii to Death ia tbcSsutb. Ci)rlKlit 1MDI, lUr A., lalcU l'uu. Br.iti.iN, May 17. The emperor's utterances at Koenigburg have su diced to irritate the Russian government and to dispel all delu sions regarding the possibility of the renewal of a compact with Russia. The r.ewepapera here niimicized the reference to war in his speech of Wednesday, but yes terday a final utterance" was made that contained this allusion, w hich is iniMssib!e to misunderstand ; "1 shall not allow mv provinces here in the Fast to be touched. Those attacking them will find my tfifngth to lie that of a rock." As Russia is the only possible frontier assailant oi r.ast rrussia. his words, especially in view of follow ing his first aggresive declaration, are now interperted here, as in St. Petersburg, as armed against Russia. The Country' Crop. Washinuton, May 17. The sig nal crop service report shows that the weather during the week in the Northwest including the states of Missouri, I 'piK-r .Mississippi valley and the upiier lake region has been generally unfavorable for growing crops.ow ingto the low tempcature, which was accom panied by frost, causing some injury to fruits and retarding tbe growth of crops. Weather con ditions wee favorable on the Paci fic coast and crops were improved. Tbe continued dry weather in Oregon will result in some injury o grain. I.IUor Selling in Kansas. Topkk a, Mav 17. Foi the first time in 5 years intoxicating liquors were sold opc-nlv in this city. Au itrent for a leading Kansas Citv who'e?ale liquor bouse has opened u:t an "original package" shop. The unusual ight of the sale of liouor attracted people to the saloon. Will Kesigu. Washington, Mav 17. Col. W. P. Canady, sergeant-at-arms of the senate, has decided to resign his iiosition ami it is said to-night that : - - -ii i : uis resignation win ijc i-uuiuiuui- cated to tlie senate Monday. Col. anadv w ill remain in the city ;ind lei'.resent the interest of several large corporations at VTashington. Senator Ingalls Robbed. Washinuton. May 17. A thief entered the aoartments of Senator Ingalis tri-day, during the tempo rary absence of the family, and secured jewelry valued at several bundled dollars. C timed to Death., Ala,, May 17. Crockett Tate, a negro, went to church with his w ife last night, leaving four children at home locked in. Tbe bouse burned to the ground and all the children were cremated. Carlisle Elected. Fr.ANkrop.T. Mav 17. J. G. Car lisle was to day elected I'nited States senator by the assembly in joint session, to succeed tbe late Senator I3eck. The Kecerd Urokan. Washington, May 17. S. S. Rowland's high jumping horse to day made a jump of Feven feet, thus breaking his own and all other records. 8now-Storm in Wisconsin. Mekkill, Wis., Mav 17. At six o'clock to-night an inch of snow is on the ground and it is still fall ing bard. The i; ail way Conductors. Rochester. Mav 17. The order of railway conductors to-day elected delegate Clark grand chief conductor. A Loving Cup For Mr. Blaine. Tiffany - Co. are now working uimn a nolid silver loving cup. ordered by the Ijitin-American delegates to the tecent Pan-Ameri can C ongress as a present to James lilaine, Secretary ol Mate. Tbe cup will ie presented to Mr. lilaine ahout t lie middle of this month, as a token of the personal esteem oi tne delegates, and in recognition of his services as presi dent of the conference. The esti mated price of the cup is $300. It is about twelve inches high and two and a half inches in diameter. On the sides of the cup, at equal distances from each other, and curving outword and down to jKiints four inches from the bottom are three beautifully dressed handles. One is inscri!nil with the words, "North America, another with the words, "South America," and the third with the wiods "Central America." The names of the Secretary f State and of all the delegates arc en graved also on its sides. For Sale. C iood single buggy, harness, robe, whip, horse blanket, etc. Buggy new ly painted. All for sale at a bargain. A nice outfit. Call on E. 5. Bbabdslky.