v r V. , : - 'W V ' - ' ' -V ,i, ' J' OUEGON, yniUSDAY, JIAV l. 18VM). -v SO CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY, VOJ,. V. NO, 141 .TV 1-5. -J v- SPECIAL SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT M!y Stock is now complete; embmoiris all the latest novel ties in Dress GroocLs both in WOOL T . Till-: I LADIES We make a s In Knit Kihhed O ir price- are t l.e our jto.hIs and Mi; i.o-.vivr THE BEST AND Ladies' MX We carry a full line of tiie u eri.l renoum-d r.n;aoii.-;;.i i -us.- ' i--u c Ileal. In embroideries ami tioi-incinrs we have as hir.; a stuuk as will be eofvin-pd thaf Al'ianv iis tho BOTTOM KNOCKED OUT A GEBAT OPPOSTUHITr TO BUT GOODS WITH BUT LITTLE fiPIC!C!I ATI CI This U au age ot progression. Th world moves behind or be crushed. We have struck the key not. dollar will purchase moiv here than two at any other 1ace in the city. This cordially inv'te an intciested public to call and e convinced of the truth. WE ARE SELLING AGATE We b )ttom. nave all kinds or it i t We xtend an invitation to a'J. Agite 15utt"iis. ,V a jross Corkscrews', o ami H'c. Checker iwards. lo ;iiid Coloirne, Tm'. Cuspi"lors. 15c. Cake turners. 10c. Curline iron, lit toL'-'ic. Collar buttons. rc. doz. Coat haniTcrs. 5c Dish pan-. "' t 40c. Dippers, inc. Dusters, all price. Dolls. H'c Knvelopes. 2-" for fte. E?g beaters, 15c. Hour sifters, 15c. Funnels, 5e. Garter, webb, 5 to 10c. Garter, webb, silk, 15c. Hair brushes, 15c. bV. CPISSJVIAN'S 5 WASH 7r i"i Sv kv"- fv C'-'l"', HOSIERY. host tradinr point in Oregon g.Z? W. P. ciaity l I . t i . I I FREEFROM POISONj No More High Prices. FIVE t irv rii BUTTONS FIVE CENTS PER DOZEN, BUTCHER KNIVES TEN CENTS, CTOTHES. BASKETS TEN CENTS, i tin-ware ana v, arious other Ilanoki i.h is. ; u o a b. llaii-p and I larm-'iiiea.-. "' and luc . 1 1.Hiks and eyi I lose, la ii- s'. I I'.'e, i.i u .-. i I I iru.ii. .i ks. s Kii'n .-. p"c;;e Ki v chains. '' Kn'ile bo ! K ni -. mitu i l ead pel'" ils. r . b'c I. .".III! 1 ... in : cd 15. ztn. Hi. I I.acef. piilow -lip-. I.ace. aloii, 5. . l.emon s.jueeer.-, hv. Match safes. 5 and 1(V. Mirrors. 10 and 15c. Milk pans, 0 and h'c. Mouse traps 4 holes, iot Marbles. all kinds. AND 10C. STORE. M'FARLAND BUILDING FABRICS. to Tin: and 1.. .1. at i.lir all.e: llrHLsilllljf v1 A ' I.li-e nl 1 OWl-t t . . K t pri-e f:.i. .:!eie it Till VALLEY ! s. wrucii I- anv house V:M- -lllil fiillisll ill'." I1II..V- I in the state. v iii ill I' i ' ii '..ll 1 ...... plea1-!-.!'' to show uond.o READ I.T V irji innl the man who does not i.iovo with One visit to our .store will convince BLACKINC TEN CENTS. useful articles too numerous tonenrion at rnplr i Note paper, I'l shi-ets I Nail brushes. 10c. Nutnie-'-u'iaters. 5c. .V II , - r .ic. cues, siiarji. oc a I'ins, ' papers. 5c. iper. I Tails, tin cover.-.! I'ot scrubs. 5c. Its., inc. j Perfumery, 5 to Joe. I Potato cutters, lfi.-. I otato m i .' Pie rtc, " or etropi, ij:. Bole, t , . OOOKS. l"c. Sliainois skins. 10c. Sli.je blacking, 5c. Safety pine, ;t doz. for 10c. Shoe lacers, 1 doz. for 5c. Spoons, set, 10c. Steak pounders, 15c. I ( . , i k Si) X V Kl'JS ! v- ""1,'v' ' ' " ' J"" The Assistant Postmaster ul Intel vwwed. a whole j um.v tnniKsn -4". Marriige of the Ytuugrit U. 3. SssirUr -A Tr.-;l!io E.itt'.e With Kaif.i 5:ow r." 1 Riia. " : 1 I Chick. May 11. In :i Jfont; interview to-night with a report or of a local napcr Assistant muster xjrunrt" , -.i , y . . - t f i i j- as savitiir: i tho I'nited tatos is a tii!itic:.l not - - - --- ! a lmsincps iiiachinp. Tho :.-nins of our political pro'ross, ho Hdpd, . lies :n the activo intort'M tak'n in tho uovprnnu-nt ly tho eop!." 1 Clark --on thinks decidO'liy that : this country would not hcttcr 'oil' with a civil service iikc l-'.v.n-' land'. "I l.plii'vo," )io on!iniicd, "that service in the jrovern incut's cijtpl'y in had lor any man. and a iter a cei -lain iicrind ail pn'nlic ser vants SllOH"l l" P- ii.!e I.) renew tiiein- l a k to the elves.'" a wdi.-h ( la ks' ii wuiihl not a Kili.-I: i no . 1 v : I r-ervico eamin;i;ini, hut ihiisksev ry man shonl I ia- exam ined !iy an oiliciai in wh see:nploy he is to i'c. .ii i:iKi:t:i rm: monk. Airtolt l'an.ily l.i I'.uo In red ilt -i'il' lv:il.l:i. 1 W' a-iiim. i"N. IVim., May 11. t News l as hi n i.ceivcd here ui a triple murder committed at I'.'. n- t'vvilie, John Ci farmer. near here, las: niht. .iieli. an au'.-d aii'l.wealihy ,i wife and "Town ni .i i were fiiiuid ibis in. .in in ln-d with their i ear. the lo. hroat.-- c it fi'.m ear 1 ..r ..: tin- hoi:.-e stale an.' the Im.i1 elo'lruj. aii'i walls sta'iiel an I A it 'll blood. u;.' open, furniture be-pal U i " Tin' mur.l. ueahlii. st ii i eoi'ntrv. .u..'. ; i -1 pers-'tl ; w i ;. t in i that section ..f the it i- the tl ry l 1 e o.iim tied for money. !e-ia!lv lhoi'lit p. 1 e muider was c which w as "i kept ahoul the lions.-. Search in-. lin-c! i'.ii- parlies after tl: iart'-d mur ! ! in a! I'i-esil4-i:l in! Wasiiim. ion. A pieOntlileuU. M iv I - The I I'ic.-iii iilent sent to the senate l- v lay - . : .- t .. . . J ' lin; ioii'.' in'; in 1 1 ii.ii i. q inspector, lldwaru Stew.rt, .y IS l-j'IOl lei i ot the Imreau ot provisions yx,: j cluthin', and j ayauistr general of the navy with tho rank (J Commo iilore; receivir I publk nionevp, iThos. li. I .an-, at Th.:."ailes. A iwit li-r 4 lit in i!:iti4. Clin loo, Mav 14. T:e r.ur'.in. MOHEV AT r it must ial a on that one seems incredible but we Spring scale Suspenders. Sponecs, 5c. Soap, castih Soap, toilet. S'.ell paper. Toothpicks, s. j.)c. lo and 15c, all priiH s. '1 do., for 5c. L.5-M for 5c. i. lo and 15c. Towels. I mi li T. .ot h brush Thimbles. 5i Tea st rai n- l TiC.lets. 5c. Trays, joe, T racing whe- and oL-. .-Is. 15c. Hash hoaie.s. 1' I.-. Wash basins, p.)c. Water pails 10 and 25c. Whisk brooius. in and 15. Cromu-t sets, sjl.in. ViWV JJ.Ull.Li " r"d lias uiinounccil that next Saturday tho passenger rat to St. rani from Chicago will l3 reduced to The M-csenr rate is is. This afternoon tho C. M. .v. Si. I Paul road come back on tin; Pan-! hngton by making a ran- be tween Chicago, Council I'luils, Omaha an. I K:ina? City, nn.l . .J0 to Sioux (.'it v. WEDHINCi IN II Kill I ) t. The V..illil;sl I . j tho A Iter liy n Hi ti ai.o. May lay, in the St. 5. Si-nal.o I .1 t I'lfllV Vul. 14. At' noon tu Paul cathedral. Hon. L i Woleott of Colorado, the voiiiiirest I. S. senm.ii- nn.l Ui-s. IMetealie IWh , daughter of .1.1 j--i i-t;-- ... l i :.,.. br r.ishop Cox. l lie Dnde is a accomplished beautiful wnniaii. and MIVMLI.KSS MOIIIKC. H. i- Sitn'ti Trrrililo Itiittlt Vt'llli Hit I'm r.'imour. I'okisM"! I ii.l hio, Mav I I.- las. Manlt wasstaiibed to the heart and killed yesterday by Spencer Mut ton. Mr. I lu-loii. a widow, and Jie t:n)!l. r of tho inurdiier. has heen .ivi'iir with Maull, ami wli -n the sen i, card this he ciiine heic with the intenti. n f Lill.i ' hir mother and Manlt. He met Manll and they had a battle h Kiiives for half an hour, when Man'.l fel. stabbed. Tho woman fled. SKNNAIIOS.lL lKV Kl.ll )IETS !!rlkellriIc., Scut t.i le lletliflre.t lu eugr. -t ViK-ant. t un i.;ii, Mav 14. A Vahinj toii special says : A report wiil be ni.ele hv the house conimUtet on elections in favor of diiclariiii." held bv Ciiftoti va-iiit tin- eat now I 11. DiwKfv.t i-!'"-. f tiie -.-.ai.l lin- iep.it di-tii.t ..i Atkausa-. w iil he l.a.-ed upon the ve-;i;.at ioiiM ::ia.!e by Co.nlii.tle, .;c!' i-i'-. a:: ! i-xan.iue-l over l' ' in le.ird to the a-j-a-l la v'o:;. recent in-. : the suo .1 Ail:ai:sa o Hitnc-.-i 'nation o! IS A ".HI 1 11 il I li liilr.li U-tlus U. l.f r-rl or ".l l;iti"- f.ir l.almrer-. I."M)on, May 11. In the house oi c millions to-iiihl ILx, nation ahsi. iiMV-d the -eeund lea 'ln- of to." 1ifii a.'i icultiiri- lab. -r till w l.ich lroj ii-es to il-e tiie i.ilich surplus to erect cottages .. I il.or- r: set ji'n rc.i-'.inj a as amid ,l to Y, thou', division li ciiei-r.-. r..."i:-ei.l in Till: SOI TIIKKN MI-.THOOpif. ..e.f.-reiu-f Will I. I.nle I'rnliibit iun uoi.tl.ii. Ifar ! m . I.oi is. Ma.' 1 1. Iii tin- Soiithetn Methodist i-onfereiici' (u .i ... .1.., .. .. .... ...... .... . U,l, IIIU . INillllltl. i: Ull l.:i!lK. l.t.!ll I reported in fav...r f uni. ! in-:i!ed jvin- f)i sacrau.tnt w henever piacticabie, ami appuved of the .esolutions introduced last v eel; opposin:: all laws licensing or per iniitinj the luanufact'.it iii; .r sale of iutoxicatine; li.piois as a bever ages. The repot ( was placed oil ! he calendar and ill cause much debate when il i oiiis. np for cm si. h-r. it ion. riita icMiiit: on; i.tivs. Ho- t liliiesc ( iinliiiiio to l.niiil i.n rrhiil.lrn Trritiirj . Wasiiimhov, May 11. - Tie- m-c retary of the t-ea-uiy to-day trans- nitted to the Henate a report from D. K. ('o.m, Chinese inspector at Sail Diego, California, dated Apiil 21 , with respect to the evasion oi the Chines.; exclusion act. Coon says it is truo that Chinese are coming to the Tinted States despite the eilorts of the customs department to keep them out. Coon Kays the opportunities fcr crossing the Mexican border to California aie many ;w itli the mens at the command of the deni'rtmeiit it will be ini: jssib'e to prevent all of llu-in from entering this coun try. Coinnicntiinj on the charge that the Scott exclusion act is a failure. Coon says this is practic ally true as to its execution, for the reason that when a Chinaman is arrested he is. enabled while in con finement to make arranitcinents with friendly men to lie returned a second time and be eotidiu-ted to some other town. He is also able to so disguise himself as to make identification, if caught, extremclv difficult. A KKK1N OK TKKHOlt. aiiscd by a Cut Throat Mnjnr and Marshal In Florida. Ckdar Kkys, Ha., Miy 14. The I. S. marshal and four deputies arrived here last niiiht for tho pur pose of arresting Mayor C'ottrell and the eitv uiar.-hal on a chaige of interfering with government business. i Mitchll has l,eea a.-ieited, out Cottred is hid ii'. A perfect tcin ! of terror ha been create"! bv action ! of liiee two men for uevctal weeks past. Cottiell ha- had men whip 1 ped, and insulted women, parade.l I i he streets with a loaded shot lJUii j tiireiiteiiin to kill tiie people. He . fin a man Aith a knit"" and l -iced nis own ie elect. on, tiecaBBJ it wa- worth k in urs lite to Vot naui i him. II" was formerly an inspector i of customs under tin democratic . ei.'I.K!. .r leit was recioved bvtiii- ! nre.-ent administration anJ has been viry hitter to-Aards the repub lican collector, finally assaulting and threatening t j kill hint. I'se elegant lotion for sunburn. A DISASTROUS KIHK. All Kxiensivc (.'a!itoiiii:i I.ttui-h-'iins fonciTii B'ltinil. i:iw tir r.i i:i 'utna:i; A Nt:w Iron Sbiji f::ty f-f S.ttr!o Ba.c.M.- l'( 5.1. San I'ks i- ., May II. --The Chronicle.' San lieruardino special snn: Tire broke out in the West Coatt Lumber and MdK Co mills this evening, "ami in a few minutes envoleped it in llames which r-pread quickly to the mir rom;lin buildings and the i.irae jiiles of lumber in tho yard, making a fcheet uf flame about fcuir n -res in extent. The lire ilepaitm"Ht was powerless t fave any i l 'ihe pioperty ol the company. The mill was wot t!i . lo.OOti; (he insur ince wu $j,onO. l'here was over $"iil,(i'Mi worth ci" lumljer con-ruined i rtbieh was not insured. , IIOMKIIil.t: HK4II C rimlit-it tifitriitli n l'w o Tou flock, iMl-t'.i, May 14. The s l.s Ani-les snecial M. Whittakerand M. Sin lii (Chronicle savs: C. Stubbs ui ie i-rusLed to death in a i:r;.nite .itiarrv near Monrovia tin titernoou. The men were loadinj; a t '.vo-toTi rock, when the derrick broke and the rock fell on the men, crushing' them to death. SWIMM ERS IWI'l!I-OM.II ll'u Allcr.l I'uteiit k-'i'" Cum t.i 4.i-ir in Rtr..riiii. ' - -., M;l H. ( 'lar- en cSanboni.tho - x-ilb-.l "-i-nt nt a'c.t . v..vil "f using the 1'. S. mall- to oelraii'l inv.-nloi-s, v.::s to-day stilts-need to ni' n-nl' iin".ii-oi;i!i-n! and pay a line of ?75'. -aiiiii- I .-.inborn, similarly in .!i" ted, was M-ntt net d for IS moiil h-i lapri-o.imer.' a id a line of iflOo. hlnfl-sf Ortlvr-'! Ilt-tarued. I .os Am. i.i a .-. May 11. I'niied -ta.es Coi;iliii--ioliei- Yand v ke has renil' ied a .'.. "-i-ion in the rase of elt-xcii I hinaiiit u apti'i-t bv the Uovei nnieiit otlii-l.tl.- u bile tryin-.' to i nter the I'niu d -lati-s i'-om Lower California. The commis sioner lioels tlult tliev rati I'"' ''.--til punish. .! and rt man-ted to the roinitryfr.ini wh.-nce they came. Nitt St-imis1ii f.r tti. S. .nn.l. PitiiMiKi i iim, May 11. The new iron steamslnp, liiy oi Seattle, built for the I'ucet Sound Ai Alaska steamer Co.. was suc cessfully launched to-dav. She ; ii! be fully completed by Aupu-t 1, x hea bhe takes her departure or. h r vovae to Seattle. Stcaiir In lili-rss, .-a Fitxsfi.-co, May II. dis- Ifch l:ii. I MotileX iIeo sil Vs t he British bark Kn.bl. ton from Aii'lrissan to fac ma is reported oil' the coast of Chili totallv dis masted. A tleatuer has aill.1 to her assistance. I) am nee Knit Li.'Kun. PoitTi ANO, May t. The tint of ('apt. S. Simpson of the ship Clap Mackenzie, aainff. tho steamer Oregon far $ii'J,Ono damages allewd to have been received in the recent collision on the Columbia, was be- !nn ltitho ( . S. ilis-.rnt co-.i't to- dav. I)rss anil Other Ilarnile-s Fml-. I f-nii tl... rlii.-o Inter Ov. an. The natural tendency to run alter fads is a constant source of i-!.licule, and if it were not for the i-estrainini: inllneoee of such ;1: cule society wou'd be kepi i.i a state of rbsnrd extremes by the freaks of fashion. As it is. "these fals o.'teu sebserve useoil ends, ami on the whole oo iiood. Thev accentuate ideas, a no. hv their xery exa.ueraiion are educational Iv in edect. A few vears niroO-cr "'"leame ainoii'' lis Viih Ids li 'e Lord Faunile oy hair a. id knee Vi eches. His die -s xvas -:.ieiiiie, man ners ope.i to ei-i.ieism iu many wavs a.id intelleeieally he vvas a little bette.- than a ' pretender. The furor ove him was one f'f the most absurd i'ads nat ever swept the public from is moorings ot I common sense. I -'t even that lad had its uses. The fe'iow provided himself with a small quantity of Kuskin's ideas oi art, more esjeci allv in their application to house hold adoinme.it. A pn-al many people v.itn i.ioie money than eul-tin-e lis..ei?el io his snggehti-uis. or more likely e.ill received them throi'i:n aliiioslieiie pressure. The ie"ilc was xWiolesomc. Some Amei-icaii e.-ali'ties v ere eliminat ed. A little more utteiuion is now jiai'l to harmony in color and the other rudimentary principles of decorative art. This country is no doubt the better for that visitation even though it did serve to eose our people to ridicule. There is no end of the fun made of the dude. lie is a preposterous specimen of humanity, but he i- less harin.il' than the old-fashioned prodigal son. Letter that his fa ther's surplus money thould lie squandered on clothesthan whisky and the general influence is far less harmful. No doubt some young men are enfeebled by the dudish tendencv. bin lliejiatlnvay i.l voi'th is a thickly strew n a ' formerly by hh life drunkard. Ir is n' liuhi man. i-t'mu drunkenness is now bad form. And the avcra-'O yotn- Amei-i. an i- n..i in no-. -Si danger oi" beinu lo.i Nellie.1. On l he emit la. v. deal mori1 .i In- can siand a vod it and still i..i h ive Ills 1. Willi nc- nmi'iir, ,t Tl... dude not onlv ., improvement on the pro 'l ;al s.n. but i. iui him uoes o.ll a e.ieral influ. i.iv that makes i... the retiiitMicjit i i,,an iiers. lie i an exaeiaiion. an.i i Ik u ton. d do. n t.i i i-a.-ou a etmlcman. The influeuc- .hat ;CS out f-v.ll ..b.-MpaUGll ill l.ieh lite i altogether b.id and i)-rnici-oa-. lu ihe coiifctaiu ahit!ir.K of the sands of fashion tiiepreiVi.iiiHnehs oi huni.iu :iatare seeks for itself ik-w oliannels from lime to time, and it ii no little eomi..rt to know thai the foibhs of fashion have ll.c-ir f.ritjlit si.le. tn.-ir reileemiiij: miahties. Mn. h :)s ,-,,ii'd be -ai.i witli JaiiiKss a;'ain-i the fol'v i ia. is. they are not with.mi I'.efellsible .pialities. their SlOK.xr IN XKW VOIIK. A ( en II. It? Sturm Uotn Mut-h Dmiiiie to Crops. l i" . N. V.. May 1 1. A severe storm which prevailed in this section during the last 21 horns, has caused many streams to over flow tiieir banks. The Mohawk Valley meidoAs inerallv are under water. A terrible " storm passed ox.-r the southern portion of thiseouniy eany this morning and much damage was done. Carlisle Ahead. 1-"r ski-out, Ky.. May IL Tie de'i.ociajie cucus to-ni-ht t.x.k four l.iii:.ts. , .-x. na.ne, were voted. Cih-le, McCieaiv, Lind say, Knot;, Mor.je and Set'lle. The fourth baito! -;.: Cailisle :!!l.Mi- ( i.-.ity IL', Lindsay is. Knott lii, Mooic IJ, Set? If r. 'atlislf is un-doub'e-.ily s?ro:ieer to niht .iid his men aif in a mood to pus.i the eont-s". to a close t-j-nniiiow . A Hunk, r iu .fail. Nkv, V.,!ik. Max 14. -W. II. M. SisTare tin- banker wh.. wi'.s m resteil Monday f-.r failing to a Cjiuii o.-f 1 1 1'Vou xv-! t h of se.-urit iei p vd with his (j,.,,, l.y k. I sh.-r ..f Piiiiadelphia. pa d la-t ni'.'ht in .-nuiiiieuieiit in l."ill..w jail. Sn Lir he bus imi l.. i-ii iih!v to obiain b ail. w hi.-!: w-i- i'--.d.it The j inn-ter 'riu.ri.islii. Wx mi:. vi. ros. Mav 1 l.-'Pax ina.--t. ; - ieii. ra! Looker ha- ft iu-d the "Ili.-e f chief of the bun au provision a:a! .-l. tiiii.-j ...u account of illness. ..mi.ati.ii .u;i.rti j. .V siiN.;rt.N . Mr nomination of Win. I !h ofj! llississip;.:, to !j c-.- :-u'- :m--i ti !o KijU.-idoi, w:i- t oi.tiinie l iy a pr'y vote to-day. A --croii i been madeovi ' him i. senatt.is. 'lit IlilS oiChein -now in Nvitli Dnktll. Ni: hi.. ini lies of N. D . snow h M: 1 1 - 1 1 r. c. l.ll e emiif aiii! :t is sti'l siio-.x iijjj 'or.' Mormon ICrciulls. V OIIK. AlJV H.--l'lie lillil- d red and tifty Mormons ai lived) this morning on the steam, i j Wyoming, enronte i.. Salt Lrike Cii . Snow nntt Halt.. Si. Pali.. May 14. Snow a;;.i rain fell in Xorih Mima's., la and North Dakota to-day and farmers welcome it, aj a benefit to crops. Inmost quarters the -now was quite heavy. ItROWNSVILI.K Mill:-. Preparations are being mado for soon commencing act iveoperatious on tin1 mines above us: also a force of men is s.ioii going to work on a pack trail up the Ca)ixoia. so as to go into the mines from the north. Carson Ivendig.who broke his leu tome time ago at Mr. l'oxvell's ranch near here, is getting alxmt again all right. His excellency, Uoxernor Pen noyer. spoke in the city hall here last Saturday night. t"uitea large crowd xvas in attendance, includ ing a goodly uuiubt r of r pribli cans. The county court seems to be iu no hurry about our bridge here, and we are really in need of it. SIX IY WITIIOI T FOOli. A t'rnel Scheme for Obtaining a Portion of an Estate. A horrible piece of cruelty is re jiorted from Singapore. Aetinjr upon information reeeivel, In-oei-tor Metiregor and gergeant Mort n went to an cinptv house at '2 ) Duxtoii street, and they there found a voting Arab, aged alneit vears. tast'-netl into stocks. tast'-netl which were hooped with iron and nailed to the fl - r. The Frie Press savs it t ok ..vcy, half an hour for" the police t lilt-rate th" vmiii" Hem vvlin s-ii.l 1... in.i put there by his uncle and bad been there for six days. When he was liberated he could hardly stand, and was much emaciated and was at once sent to the hospit al. No reason is assigned for thi gross outrage, but it is said that the young man ha lately conic into jKjs-ession ..f omsid' rable money from his fa'.h-.-r's estate, and the uncle took this means of forcing him to give him (the uncle) some of the property. THK SILVER BILL.D Set'.iUo! Teilor Cl!s It a Ventabie Trojan Horse. llo t IIIHKSK V:V IK I HE LAW On of Hsilic-Ma'i Scbeiaci Stopped by ..a I' juii;iioa-OM World ASah-a -TrflT!tl' C3IU. Wa.siii:.oi..n, May 14. Tiie sen ate to-day. after unimportant busi ness, rciumed eonpixleration of he silver bi'd. Teller addressed the senate.- He criticized the Windom bill and said he could not eee what is its purpose and abject. The scheme was met with approval by the ;o!d niono-metalims cvery-wlu'i-e ami that was leason enough to warrant the opinion that it was a Trojan horse." Of the bill, re porte.i frotn the linam-e committee, lie said it xx as founded on the samo system of financial policy, and tere xvas some philosophy iit P.but it did not propose to u-e silver as money. Its fundamental idea was, as in the other bill, that silvet was a metal and nothing else. A CAHIiOK FREEZE OCT. tiuutlugtou'4 Sehane Stoppad bf itu Iajuncllon. Ni w Yokk. May 14. Judge O'P.rien this afternoon granted an injunction restraining 1'reiiOleott, C. P. Huntington ami others from taking any action under the re organization scheme of the Iloustcu .v Texas. Central road. The injunction was granted on application of the stockholders, represented by c leriisheim i Co., claiming that the stock holder! would lie frozen out in favor of Huniinetou and i he Southern Pacific. TEltltlld.K DISASTER. Th I laumork of a Uridc rail with Fatal Ktult. I...I isvilm:. May 14.--The c-aia-son at the new bridge capsized '.iii.a:tei-uixu, killing one man and st-rioiisl injuring several others. I'ifteeii men were at work cement i::'. when the caisson suddenly i in nv !. Tl.c timbers snapped and ti.e mastive structure slowly turn ed .."xtT .ti'.-j no",- stands bottom side up. - Srq t. C. 1'. Mitchell wan killed by the falling timl?r. ;rilK I. LACK ItOICBEKT. Tj Xs-islnnt Kli tor Stole" Fifty 1 li..aMiid Ilollara. Ni '.' Yt.Pk. May H. lteardin th. r- l.b. ryot John W. Wallace, edit -r. i the Wallace Monthlv.Ins- r byrnes ; Lis evening said the i.artv wii"ist":e uie ?-",tju worta .if b-.ii.'-from Wallace xvas Ieslie j 11 ,-' .''- ns.i.-t;i ui .-tutor .it tiie ! mauayim . M -I.'tl iias been itientitied bv 'the llic:al of the Safe Leposit ... . . . . j i o. aini- man who xxeni to tuc i vault on Wednesday and Thursday nioriiiii!?. The Ivnitls xi-ere missintf the same day. and he took the j steamer for Havana. TIIK M.UiHETK. "ii: aoo. Mav 14. 1:15 r. ii. Ir i-: w I. eat fti-ady ; cash fG ; June 'ft I n st i. , May H. Wheat reason, .!. "2;" buyer year. :er tl.t!-' i.'.vnn-ooi , May 14. Wheat imet ; holdeis oiler moderately ; CVif. inia No. 1, 7s, Id. per cental. i.rrman Affalaa. Ukkus, Mav 14. During the le bate in the reicbstnz to-day on the military bill, the minister of war explained the provisions of the measure. Moltke hpoke in siippottof the F.uropean situation. He declared it was always growing more difticnlt and it was impera tive that derniauy should hae strong military system. A strong government alone would not bit able to maintain peace, and there is no one who does not hesitate to throw a match into a powder ban el. Th Canadian I'arlfle Blaclloa. MoNTun.u.. May 14. At the aii.iual meeting oi the Canadian 1'aciric Railway Co. to-day the old Ijoard of directors was re-elected w ith the exception of R. V. Martin, iu xvhose place General Samuel Thomas, of New York was elected. The rejiort for the last year ehowa the gross earning to be $ 15,080,000; working expenses $! J,024,OUO : net earnings tf6,000,t.HJO. The report expresses the lielief that there is no ground for anticipating hostile legislation nt Washington and states t he intention of the company to continue the 5 per cent, divi dend. dragon Can Beat It. Lot isvii. 1. 1, May 14. The features of the opening day of the I nring meeting of tho Ixmiovilld ! Jockey Club were the great crowd, : ..mo " verv lively, though not hcavv. betting, and tne mua. Tlu if the Kentucky derby was run in the siowest time on recjrd. I'ilev xxon it bv two lengths, Bill Letcher, -d; itobespierre, 3d; t itnc.2 :45. Tltfre v.ere six starters. The Hallway Conduetera. Kooie.teb, N. V., May 14. The cener! convention oi the order ot failwav conductors decided tottajr to eliminate from the ceostittttioo the clane prohibiting Btrikea. .1