"V. X. "fc ' Ta. .. X 20 CENTS A WEEK. ALDANY, OIJEGOX, WEDNESDAY, MAY ! H . . M ns ism. VOL. V. NO. 140 SPECIAL SPRING N O L W- TVTv -41 or- 1 , .-C H I ) V ties in Dress Groocls fame 1", t r-.ir. LADIES ! 0 11 1 '.- our j:otH! EST ft H V.'er.iirv a t'r.M 'im- if the wer!-i :! In emiiroi ieries and tl 1'ii-iiis will ln e i.-yin e 1 that Aliiany is t'e; Rosp',v A OESAT OPPOSTfflTIT'r 10 BUY (JiODS WII3 3UT LITILS AT CKiSSMAFS FIVE AND TEN CENT STORK. Tlii i-i fin ajre o' prcK'ivs-i"ii. !": worltl moves ami the man who loc not novo with i'. i" -t fal 1 -li i n 1 or le ctusImmI, W'v liavf strtu-k tlit key not . One visit to onr store will mnviiuc vou '1 c ono ilollar will mivhase more loTr than two at. an y wth''f ji'aec in the city. This seems incr ililile out wo fo-iliallv inv'te an ir.tci e-!e ! puMu: to call atpl ' f eonvinced of the truth. WE ARE SELLING AGATE BUTTONS FIVE CENTS PER DOZEN, BUTCHER KNIVES TEN GENTSTTHES BASKETS TEN GENTS, BLACKING TEN GENTS. YVe have all kinds of tiu-waiv at,.! various tdl; I ittoin. Vo xtPiid an iin'iiati.:i to a'i. te l'.i:;t..:.s, ., a cross. ... k-Ciei.s. an ! 1' c. Checker hoards, i 'atid i"c. C.:..-r..-..r.e. Cii-oiid-.rs. loe. ( '.ike turners, pie. Curliiii; ir-in. lo to J".-. ( 'oliar l-tittolis. oe. do. 'i .a: i amri r-. oe. I'i-h pan-. -" to I ic. i'ippcrs. Pv. I a-ie; s. all pric-. .. I'oIN. p'e. K-i vel.. pes, -J5 it .V. I''S heater. l-"e. I heir sitters, Jjc. I unnc!y :V. (iart-. r. wehh, 5 to 10c. ti.irter. webb, silk, 15c. Hair brashes. 15c. CRISSjVlAN'S 5 n c e lx i n o w .-.11 4 K l. M i LI 1 IjI It; ILL ? J5 5 H FREE FROM POISON. :;n .wn.' 1 ilrv adhi-r. i i :..-r ' wi; h.iv a 1 tj -.. .-: k a.r. '.er-t trading j..; i:t i:. O.-o.j' j!!. W. P. I. HnsfFRV ALLEY )M KNOCKED No More High Prices. llan-ikercl.ic fs. :. I lair-pi'i-. o an-1 i ian e.aii a-. " a: d i.v i 1 i I i v. lh. 1- t. 1 ; i.J i: !. xen. "i an i 1 ;!-. io.-o-v slio la.ee. va!,,:!. ,- . I.etUOtl S-;i!ee. V. Match rt.iiei. o an I h',-. Mirrors, 10 a:;. I !" Miik p:.t;s, o and 1 Mm:.' trats -1 hole-, p MarWes.ailkind,-. AN9 10C. STORE. M'FARLAJQ BUILDING M' :e jsr ri from r 1 -L - . - . - ,rvl LKS I; IIU V V; JL botii in at our va;i.v sn arflisliiiiir "Ve li.ivi; a erv 1 iie Mo.k t. flo.-ll : t tin !'er...''in the jwet pi '! and hinisli t.rn unox- ,..,um. in thf ttnte. (.'all and ymi V pa-a-cr" to show ri.od? READ FABRICS. TO THE 1MEN ; tnet'iil arrieo t o innneintis ,, metiiioi i X..;.- paju r. i-l -heets f-.r Xai! I.i-n-h. wi lo.- i j A Ul iiiej;-m'att r-, .n. e--, s'i.i;;i. -ic a paper. - paper-. -V. 1 i'a:!-'. tin over. .1. -J ,ts., P'e, , i'i't -i-rul ."c. I I VriUmety, 5 to -0e. i I'.ita.'o c-itter--, inc. !' 't.-t-i ma.-ln-r-i. -V. i i';:i -c.-. 5 I . -Hie. !:.i'-.r strops. 15e. : I:..', s, j,. i,.. i L'e -i ipt books, loc. I --h.iiiiois skin-i, pie. ! Sim.; blacking, oc. I Safety ins, '.' doz. f-i- lo,-. Sh-e lacers, 1 doz. I n- 5e. I Spoons, set, lL'c. Steak pontiilers. I jc. j STRUCK Bi":ATI!A!N. A Section Crew Rin Down i y an Engine. .Near The Dnl..-.. ---' rK.i:iHri iv Tiifi i u s i tt . 1 I Tho Body nf Y.isr.g Hatch I'oit'l A'ovoj Enfone- Fu:cral of T- J. Siai'.l The Halm.. May 13. au ac-i- dent cecurred last evening -. the I'nion Pacilie road Hear here, in ! which one Chinese w:.s m-tantlv killi'il ami tvoo!ht;r3 fatally hurt. j Tlio section fojfuian an. I live Oiinesf wi'io ronnditig a fus mi I a hati'l ra, hen tlioy c;v run : into Ijv tiio jpt I'ciii! '. train. The fr.jvnian jrir.iptfl l-e ! furt! the collision tx-.-ui rcl, bMt the j C.iiii'.'so Ffaytil on the r;ir arnl ; wori' thrown thirty h-ct iiitotln' air. Ono va h i Ji v cni-iiif 1, h ; liCA'l 1'fciti' M'V.'if.t from his l !y. It is thought t .Mi (i ui;l i!n. li li lis i;ody nil Mi. : in- !: !!. ;ui i i.uiiii in tli- .'Ihui.- ;:iin A titm Kuyi'ii'. 1.'' (!:;,:, M;iv I.I.-A. S !nvi i ,in iv. 'l from he Uhii liver in.::.' j la-t i vtMfin' ami ri'.mti''l tl. liml j iiiiT l.y lla-i. Wyi-i.ir, ci parts m" the i ot who n..il:..-it try- j i:i.; I i th" summit i-l tin- I mu'iLlain on I'.-i ctiihcr i.i'. : i !k' thi-'ii hur.e ati'l pait-. c f tin j -!.j'niii wot.- Smiinl. Tl.i- h iy ; iul'l li-i-n I'B'.i'tl hv V;M liCiiitH. Mill S.-iil r.r !il In ins ;-a." 1"km i-cii. May 1:;.- O: were l 'ii ;;e'i Jr. m Wit.-hiin;!'.: l - hi iav, i 'n Hi.' I m (1(10 a'i.er t' i u in l take m. :.ne' i i'or iive ii:un!h' cinii-e in !!!. -JVIU jiin.; hc.;1, ami lo a--if-t the i u'.tei ear a ; a p.tiioi ve.-.ei. Wa-hiiiktnl: O'U I'cZI.in. Km i n i:o . M.iv !:;. Tie ; j.m:i:: I 1 .(l.e. 1 ( . O. 1".. t..-,; ... ieiiecl I-.. V' i;m-, l i'.i!..-. i.'.::d in. -!i v t f the .-t.ite. A I uiand i !:;!!y i.f I'au'.'ir- il . iiuhel; i!i v:s oi j.!i:ize.l,a'i''. lirma I li. ha'. , (;' V.f..l Walia, ' n i elo'-iod ran i preMih I'.!. i luattiif.i "li'.li. in. Ore Vi.m:in. i .-UAiri.!., M.iv Mrs. nra!i i Kenton, the r-eenml wiie f f ipt. I u-m. I:. .( ... ,i ihe l'.nt i:iuk. i ' M I! eoniti.iMV, die t at her hvme ii; i l'ort l lakely this mor tii:i. 'u i was in her TSth year and . ve . ai. jesta!.; yalu -1 at two miiii.m. i I'uiicrat cf T. .1, Sniiih. I'ti.rNr, May 1;;. l"i i:im r.i' the late T. .!. Smith, u ho Mtieid- I I ol ed last Mllltlay. t ouU plare to-i!:l k ; Spi in-' -cale -. 15c. j Ml-peuders. P iiiu'J loe. I ji'ill j vs. 5e. ; S..ap. eastile, 5e. i Soap, toilet, ail priie j S eh pa pel . L' d... i'nr .Sc. loi.tiipieki. .- : -r.cAeis, bath. !' a yl 15c l o-.! ii I r .-lies. " ; i:. iw I Thimbi, -. 5e. i i i a st raim i -. Ta !. ts. 5.;. ',. Trays. I V. Traeinj; w he. is. I V-. Wa.-h Imards. -Wash basins, by. Water pails jo ,u: 1 Whi-k biii.ous. b' Cro'jUet Set-, 1.T' I 15c. OUT under Hie rut-purs ol the me !-) partment. It is learned t!i it he' had contemplated self Utrii'"f ion ' for some time and it is said hctiicd j to lift the doctor to kill as thev said Ik' n;i!t noon neeuinc in-' sane from the tliseaso in his hep. 1. 1 I Th'-iv is a ptobability 1 heincontected. TAIOJI.V NEW. A A. I:. l:m ?'ui. 1.1c Hi Saili.r Win Tliclr U'9i;ii, T ma. May i. r. ll..u.-. 1.") y..;li -- nl.l. i .iililiiiut .1 Sllici-h- (. kiy l.y s-1 n t i nr hiiu-.-'i in I ? : -l.cail. i If ha. I li-.'cn l;iiii:.: a f nit : '.ni'l ;ti:. fui .-oiiu' tini'- hat hi -cii ii'.-jiomli-a'.. Ih' v. a n m.-:;i- ii. r . tin- A. II. Wajfe-- '. 'ic ii.ii l t- tin' Miihi in the hi C'raiy.einl liln l eas.' w iay. The saihirs left '.h..- slii;) several m'.iuhd i- ami rciiisoil to .r.'iHil t!.utiulir .L'apt. Ham ilton ret:iet to pay tnem and then I'l.y complicate'! the matter ly l'ri'-pir..-' the admiralty CH-ie rii. i jn.-.tiec C'vli't. Dt!'.i-t Jlld. Il.i;;aMr. r.Ti.(.-.l !!;' e: iav"i" the saili.r.i. ill TroiiMi1 in I lie 1 1 1 f.,: iiIh I'l l rn l I v S i'i;N- "-i iv 1 '.- t a iii'ii ii i ! I ee hn ii'l ui i."'.';.ts ; tin- liiiuer.-i'y i ('u'ii'ijniia t .-il.iy tin- iv-ij.Miaiii.tii "! IVi si lent tl .r aci I'lvif wan aeeeite.l, t take elfeet Seiteinher I'.th. I'le-i'i.-rit I'.ivis jrave as a reason fur his i. ir.nticn that h. was iinat.!' to e.)iuilv with the reipiiremen's oi tiie tanl that the presid.'nt .-'minid !''i !.':'.t 1'elKcley, llie i.n-.ilion f t lie niiivel.-itv. ii'riileutatly Sliot, M'i-kan:: I'ai.i.s, May John 1 Aney, :i;'ed 14 sun f.f a we!! iii.'.vi: i . tor, was a .' ri- i;!a,.v lilt omp .uiv illi .iniithi r hoy.' lie was i lim'n inirdij'An fruin itie tre-tle of the N. I'. uoinj ;'u i'k-'s the Spokano river u Sinn :i . hi t ;:n:i he enriied was liseiiai.ed.t1 e i !:a'V ' l iking iV.'.-J ia Ida hrea-t. Si;i-il f.u- !H n.-,.. lia.iiisn, i:-v i ... -.i h C. I'r.iM. ; a eady :'. inti-. 1 (Jn a 'i ir.'.i- m' a-sa-iit io kiii i,. I.. I'.r .ii. rtr'.l, pre.-i lept : t!.-- I'aliloinia I n-lilali 'e ruiii .iatiV, to day Veyati -nit iV.ra di in-e I'rui.i i wile i.n the ::r..iuud oi u !uh-ry. A ulili-r ''uieiclis. '.:ofv::i:, May 1:. I'i i-.a'e iil-!:ii, l l - e-.mpane, f-nn i, enti ii:l.iii:ry. -tatiom-d ft Ui's plaee, i.; i:i itlee I ,'ii:.-i !e this in.irnii: ..e. the pun h i.;' !-x rvmpanv'? letaiter-i ly titootTijj himself 'iiroiiii tlm heait. Ti.o :ri-e -i his ra-li i-.et is itnkiiown. hi i: i!K i: f'ltk u.-i, May 1... ! : I . r. rl.ise; wi-.eat sti-adv : eas!i 'M : . : .lule ;i." .. Sw Fi: v .t -i-i-.i. May i:;. '.Vi.r.e. i i.i. ;e ea-iei ; inner heas-iii I .. J . ; 1 lie.ver l- i , i.-i:;7. . .i f.i;r :.. May .;. V.'iieat -eady. demand impruvin.: : h-.-id-e'-: oiler inoderatel v; ( 'a! i.'.irui.i .V . i. 7-, Jd- iV. -J:..l pereer.tnl. I i:fi- r.otr ii i iiriKivM. I.i U- i-. i I Men ire K f.iriu aie'Dtlifr 1 Mi.gh II U i.f ( l:l.iri. Oi IkIi:. . - v.-.;, : M ist pi-! -i.!;3 w l,.i Ii'-.ir il.-iiei.iii--mi;-ie ..f t!ie syh .ph--m- .l;:y.-d l'.i'dv i;uarii:e that this par'tie 't!ar mu-ii ,d in--!r.i:;:en; i- a. ik.hI--!! :::!ai--. Thi- is a mi-take. Tii.:ei-a maker i-l im s:.-a' ii:- -ii":..iet.t-. ill Iliii -kl'.li .ill.. i ha. i -- .1 e-.n-id, ral ly irt' tin i.i j . l y i: sneli t ii: ns. and lie ;-ivs 'h.'t t!ie ..fteti ahiistl Cidm-Vc , A-i re tlie lir.-t t ) t hink of the v!-i-j;i iv. : T: i a:u i.ot inistaken," he stid I 0e- oihenl iy. tlu re j : in the I ioi-i i.j'i e-f tlie Siuithsoni m in- sLittoat Washing ion an ancient Chine:-,' in.-trument tli -t i? praetie ally the saiue as our m dern xyl.i ph -ue. The Chino-t; 'fainr hit ii' e n-re-p mds with tiie in-ti limeiit we now u-e. It w .is m ule t -i-teell slabs ui wo 'd i-f ohlollj,' slulpe and of eiit:.l lv'twth. hut ot !ii! r ent thicknesses, laid on a wooden iriliie. A-; L.njr .,.r., :li I'.t'llll P.. f. the t'liinese had sn instrument in i.'.e of sixteen j.ierc-t i.f 'yu.' a peculiar kind of-fmethat polislien iM-dly. is of a heaiitiful color. :'.ul L'ies out an extreinelv sweet -ound I w hen -truck. The.-ie" pieces w.-re h emboli a name an.l totie-l to i Chiiie.-e intervals celled 'In. oi v, loch tlierc were twelve in the c.'iupass of an octave. The iii-tru-; ment w as called a 'ikan?,' ami was ! played by strikinir the stone with j a wooden mallei. It was used j only in religious. i-ervie( s. and v. as t i-o:i-i. lei i d s icred. i 'file in idern xylophone is now , p:ite eomiuoii. J-'ormerly they j in re to be heard only in some of j the tllr.i1-.i-. Now vou tin.' tlielll ; everyw la-re. insist fit' them beinj: f a cheap .jrade. I -et $T"i for i ii iii-t ruiui i:ts I make, but you eiii ,." them for 5 rents." What a Tort tin? I- a Ki.o.l. Iie.iitiiy.iii-rir'.y. i-kiu. Few j an- ;inri. ol ttic -lent t.lnr it I.iKi-s u iii-.ii Ji leii iivrr to eau-e tiiolclieit .n lie face uiel a dark urt-asy skin One '....tie jf Itei tiloiid purilii.r tilal lemiJ Iil .ki r will ietore till- or.in to eatur.,1 imil lienilliv etatu iilid c.- i'i-i s " tiluud of n'.l imp. untie, it is nu-etinir witli v oi:d-if'il -utcess. Trvli. Il in "'iHriir.t- t. AU drut- k'ji' The veiy beit brand-s of toiustoes j .iv 'I 'Jiaiiui 'Ji ivm IXtvr-n only 10 cents per can at Conn Heu'Jrickson. Till; I1.T lYf' s!nU'5 1 ,J ,J -'IIjIjI Tli lliver Sfill fivitintiM- to !!iva Siov.h at Portland. Till: STIIIKK st l.i. M;i;nia.. Thi- Firet Arrv.-t Oct Howrval iL IVi:;i imi, May i:--.t ; r. m. th Will.imctti' r-ai lied ;h.- h.-i!:t t IS feet :tl'.ve l.r,- water, having r.e!i a ii;l- iikhc ilian ati iii"h 1 s : i i i tin- .i.iv. '-'.-lak.? river at i:i.i.ii'i fhn-As a hiM-ih ot TJ to.-! an I :i in - i.e-, ni v! ii:h ,-i it ha-; st-.i.j I twn .lavn. At l'ne D.ili. f Xhc Cui-iipuia fed t itiel.r MonJav and to day stood at ISfevr s ieh--. Tli strike, remains pra -ti- aily unelun;:."!, it-.e o.dy ilevp.lopment tftlie ji.i-t l'1 hours lif-iti that I lyiite a numher r-i e.n p. nteiv wiio it id r:e to ii!j mi l'-r an ar- tanein.'ir. of s hvii-s jut Jay, an 1 hail time I r over time, were m-in.'i-1 t i ijuit iiy n:.i. ai men. lit'i sides iviMa: linn mid I!ier. is i:o immediate pi ..-pei l ! se'ti nei.t. S;'veriii i.f tli.- m..- pr.eiiMieni union lo o have reiilr:iel liuiii tin- -Hind, where tie' situ i t:...i i:: i'.nilah I lail l.iffore tie Uiii ..;iJ !her--, a.'v! i". i- : 1 !er -t-ii-l ttiaf .-li'ii.-tan'.a! aid has iieen proinise 1. Memii.'! -i i ' he iuld iin,; us.y-i-ation .-.iv ;hat theio are i.ioiv i-.r-o .'liters in '.lie city vii!l:i h worl; !h.",:i fall uet Hulk ll'a'ii t!i" Lricli-h.yi-rs l.ejrin woik. Theiv are a i:re. :e.. uiv ar(-n!e-s at w.-rk in p.:: is iy. ii, a:: i s:ifurb.-, and a I li-'.iiiOer .l bi i Uiay;-r? .veil1 to w.,ii; o-.i.iy, pie.-iiiiialdy not: union in." 1 a m;w i.ooi'iiole. ili-r C(iilrary t Law. riioM, Aii., May It. The .: livi'.ies :-!.ov:i hy th- new collect-ir at San Ihe'jO iias caused the :i.leof iliu it t hinevf iunnigration to tarn toward the Arizona '.(tie l- way of liuymas. Tho Arizona frontier is more than 300 miles loiiii and is only impeiieetly p.; trollc I ly guards. O-ut oi tiloy Chine-e who 1 .nded at liuyma. i'i en a .-an Traneieo steamei a few days a-', fnty of them are now suppo.-ed Ii he in tho I'nited Sta'es, having cros.-e.l the Arizona border. IT CStOWK INTEItKSIIM.. Tlio Kaili-.ifwln Arc J.lnkini; ni-i-p-ivj Cuts In I;at-A. I v l'ii ,co, .'i.:y 1.1. i i t: iur.in '.p I ton road to-day met the Alton cut I from Chicago to Kaiif ;;s t.'ity r.nd al-it iiiadi a swt-.cpiti cv.i l.(-f.veen Kansas City an-1 m. l.oais from St. Paul, it is learned that all the t-iU are piej.arir,; t-, meet the fill ? made ye'eid.iy and further cuts aie expect ?d in a day or so. The -i'.u.-iti.'ii is hi eoiuinileeiiledly ir:l. it-tin ;. IrnwuiJ at .-pukaur. -1'eK.ivi: 1- Ai.t s, May 1". N-w.-has h-. il reerivi.d iiere i-f the drowning of .1. Kein-r. at I'celers. on Lit tie Sjtokane under peculiar rircum-tanecs lie mil two nt !u men had "one out in a small boat to repair the raMe. One of their on- was ! i-t. and he luc uiitiiitej irili... la d grabbed tl.ei a.ble as th- t,;ij svvcj't under it. TI.eb at was carried on down the stream by the swift curn-ut. Keller tinn tried to e;iin the shore, v orkilij.' his wav band after hand, but w hen within lift v feet of the bank he jrave o it ami fell in tlie river. tallforiitH O.l.l leltoiT-. S.vn IrK.xcii- o, May 13. The thirty-tihth at.tmal comnr.iuica tion of i lie 'rand lode of O ld l eilowK oi California met here to day. The leports show that the .-ul'ijidiiiate lod-es in th; i-tate numher ;;3-i, and the IIebL,k;.li,s I .''); total nieinbeiHhip, a7,50J. the liii.incial reports lor t.ie pa.-l year chow disbursement by sub ir iiinate hnljie of .42e,OuO ; "receipts, .010,ti00; total a.-Pets, $2,l!iO,otX. fetitioD t. tlie Czar. Smv Youk. May 13. A move ment has bein started to secure buy iOO.OOl signatures to a memori al to be sent to tin? Czar o. Ru-nia, a-kin,: him f look into ami ameli orate the coi.dition of Ihe exiles in Siberia. The petition has been printed ami ropien will bo sent all over the United States. A World' Fair Exhibit. Sacramento, May LI Jo. Waterman isM'eil an address to day to the beads of cities an.l counties in the state, calling fin them to take st:ch action as will prominently hritijr to tlm attention t their euiistituents the i niol tance oi California beinj; repre sented at the world's fair. Driiiocratu in Cauru. ITtAXKroBT, Ky., May 13. The democratic senat .trial caueu to nieht spent the time up to 12 o'clock, making speeches. Proctor Xxo.t, Contjro sinan McCn ary. ex-Spe?.ker Carlisle, Hon. L. T. Moore, an! Vinav have been p!a e 1 in nomination, lleeves anil I M -Kenzie are yet to be nominated Tho Mi-thndlst Couvcutioa. i New York, Mav 13. Tho board lof bishop" of tha 5letUoflit Episn- pa! el.iiivU i-io-.e-J their .-ossion Pi vlay. .iiiimetits for tli fall cn veiitiun were niale. and l'.:-!iop I". Newman was ap)i,in!ed to visit .Ijp.m and hold a eniiteri-inff there. Uejrai'.iin th; priiposed estahlili iiient oi a national utiivenitv in Wa-hinto:i lesoiniiu;- wi-ie adopted eorniner.din the proict. mi: rssrr mii:. V -nil .) r orretlic Chinese In &;ui rr.in-l. i'J llt- OuUKiit.. -an Ii;x. May ,;. Tiii f r-t arr.t wa-. made to-day under tlio 1-e.w , ;tv ordinan v reipiirin the removal of ail t'hines" t- a dii-trit t ui tla;iir.-k;rts ..!'ii,M-itv. I lie per .1:1 ai re;-' ; l as t i"ivr Yuen. Tim eon nil mi l.eiia!: oi t!e I 1 1-li.-r applied to the I'. S. riier.il e-'.uit for a writ ni Isaht-.i-, r.irpns, -rttia s'.jrtii tha' lh- priS'it(r v-as a su!)..-t the li ni.-ror of China. Th writ wa jirau'.rvl .tud ihe xri!; Ci r wa reieaso.l On h.-ti. The ;'!'-'i;:iiei;t w ill l. hr.ard i. the I. S. r. i!! ; .1:1 .Jul v J . lt',ATI l 1. STAM.i:v. Ttto SCxfl'iror t'riitslai rnlauri r-lfid-silijUio.-l I'o'iey l. iMe.N. M-tv b". The ntV'ptioii I Stanley held in .uiid hall to day was an eiilhusi.i-'.ic n;!".iir. Tht'.l' ii ;e crowd at t he a pprn.le'... and tie' 'tie-Is Jiniii'ieied :.VUo. Tie-bo. ! Mayor prf-setitt .1 tithe p! :ie:- a L'..!d ;!-' : ith a'l a-1-ii---s fr. io the cii-poratimi of l..e.i d in. MniiVv i;i leturiiinir thanks sail that C-iriro iui-.:ht have lj' 1. .u.feii to Eiie!;:inl bad t he KiiiilisL mcn ii-:eiied t- hi lectures. Ite t.vcin 1S7S and bss-l lleliunt w as reaping ;:e hnn.lred per cent. liiiLd.md inialit have had Ka.-t Airiea. bur ! t-r j..uriia!i.-is ee vciythin- ihroc.eh opam- glasses. turmane to-aav has tlte lion .-j hare and cannot fail to win in the Ions; run. German-African Sti -aiio-liliis. II AMitt Hii, Mav Lb Tiie con tract bet a cen the Herman overn iner.t an ! Ihe liast Africa -team- :p Co. provides for the payment r.f a sui.-ilv iif nine handred thousand marks aiiiiua'dy. The company undertakes to maint iiii ioi 10 vears a iiiain line of steam ers from Hamburg to l'ebr.'oa 15ay. I'atal Explosion. Komi-., Mav 13. A tpiantav of balii.-a-tite exiilo-ive exploled to- 1 iy at Ihe military factory at Avu iaua, near Turin. Fourteen people wcie k'lie I aiel mauv others hurt. Hniiry nnrl liuIiiKs. V- York TriliuiK- price a iv moniitinv; as j; toe i!v r bill ba-1 been parsed Slid in- tlatioiioi .-."I4.noii.ii- -j., a w.-t-k in-rtead cf a vear. t a s Ix-en real ized already. See. iai eau-e- help; very jimmy, au-i : iicpj; tie ::: the eojitin t'-'l b '.il h and i:ij-i:v tow lltv.tlll lie' ?.ort l,we- and the t xcetitioiia! la:!;- a: 1 li. ..!- and injury to r.e-.p.n ir we-t. HoW lull.-h ol ti he Soutb 1 lv.;u in wheat is due to dri.eit i ,-.nl i it, v.-! I.ltlell to lucre Speeubttii-ti it i-. course, ilnliO"'-il'li- t i O il, l.;it til ices daiitx'd mi --aH'.idav iti a particuia'lv b:elv wav at ihe Wc-t. The flood iti the M:-si--ir-f pi Vall"- searcily aLa'.-s at all end coittintieii tii:i are di-ir.!. i;i- jnrv even where the ov -r-flo-.v ba llot reached, plant:!' le'markably di lay ', sucii let. r;s a- ui" exports of cot'on are ino::th of apiil. m:c thirds i. I last yt-ar's.' in re.-eij.t-i bavi-.-.u' -luallei. The oua; in siaht is 7.i,37."-,.4 ; raving i n aei .-t i'.iil: I j svaii.ie. The -mail f-,r the i.'ini; twi- tbe liit-rea-e I i eil POt.-'l ( ; it v ai'ca.h I ai on: it j ;s imagined that -yri-av v. ;i felt daring the u -i oi the cop year; the 'icesti .n is how piiis will be all'ected if there conn - .; sh rt yield at a time when ihe world is usincj cotton s. largely that more than 7.tK.,ltibaks have been taken by the market in t iht mont lis, and of late at exception ally Liirli prices. Fall Uiver mil's are reporting fair ilivideiids, though in many cases not as larir'as they were previously pay in jr. but these are not derived from pivliid in buyinj; and working up cotton .which -ost 12 cents for 111111111111$: uplands. Those who Ito.iL'ht 'wisely are now reaping their reward. The movement of wheat contin ues larger than it v.as last year, hut it is always needful to remem ber that the cxprts in IVbruaiy March and pril oi last year were plieiioiut'.ially small, and the pres ent movement is scarcely up 1 1 the average of other recent years. The latest reports published in regard to exports were based ujon pur chases made when wheat was much cheaper than it is no. In four weeks from Atlantic ports 5,.V.:M51 bushels went out, ilour included, ajrainsl ...ki.,it last vcar. but latelv the purciiases for export have dw indled to insinili cance. This is not surprisinir, since the advance in the otiicial prices for the week was 1 1-2 cents, while 2 1-2 to 3 cents liion was paid on the curb alter the Produce Ex change closed its tpiotaiiuns on Saturday, liut the receipts of wheat and flour at Western joints continue heavy, and show a greater increase t han the exports. As the end oi the crop year ap proaches, if there is prospect of a suort crop, the quantity in sight will be closely studied in order to determine whether th? surplus from past years is as lare us has been estimated, for if so prices above 1 a bushel will bard ie (w latinj;. THE DAY IX CONGRESS Tfie Senate and Hortsc Loek Hot n. on the Per.sion Measure Tin-: -ii.vKi: rii.i. iiii ssiex. ."z:a ,r Z jtts ui Arkaas FavArt l S i -e ri-r-sst Loektn i thd FreCiiiMg if iji!or - Pndta Btitistlof- W vsuivou.N, .May 13. la the senate to-day the committee on peii-iom retortftl back thf bouse substitute for the wnatft depend ant p. n-ioti biil, and moved that it tie non-concurred in, which wn ar.-ed to. Tiie senate then resumed consid eration of the eilvei; bill. Jonea, of Xevnna, why-teg'aa j'efUrds.v, . eoticludcd his s-peech. .lones, of Arkansas, next al iressed the nenata in criticism of tha lull. lie paid tho bill as it -too l should never liecome a law, out should be amended, making a provision at least for the unlimited eoinaa of. silver when tho price has reached a point at which the iovctnnient has ceased to be the purchaser. t-enator I'aiis, w ith the unani-mv.i-i ronrurrenec ot tho other ui'-nibers .f the senate pension ro'iimit'.ee to-day submitted a re IMi-i, recommending that tho sen-ati- do not agree to the atnend menrs made by the house to the M-tia-e dependent pension tiill, and aiiii.i-i'ieed their determination not to a;--e to the house Dill under tiiy conditions. The bill an it stood we.s a deiiendeni pension mea -ure identic-il to that vetoed by Cleveland. Tho house emended tiie bill bv passing as a substitute the MorreH bill. 1' is the opinion of the senate committee that is the duty ui the government before entering upon tny ether pensions legislation to provide for the needs of the dis abled dependent soldiers in a roost 'llK-ra! manner. Ihe tenate bill prepared upon the theory oi a ser vice pension is a matter which should not be involved with a dis ability bill. The estimates pre pared' in the adjutant-general's otlice show the approximate aggre gate of the cost of the service pen sion upon a basis of the 62 year's limit to bo $l,lS2,095,52o; upon the M vear's to be $1,333,109,820. Of this amount $1,079,617,024 must oe paid before the end of the jear Jso't. The average annua! par ment would be 1,"23,732. It "is the committee's opinion that w in never it is deemed wise to in augurate a system of hervice yen sion t should ie done for the ben t ;;: t f all living soldiers who are l.'inot.v.u- discharged, and that th.- r.'.te of pension nhould be rati-!'. according to the length of service. i Tin; iiovsE. The t. jusc to-dav completed the coi:.-i.!eiis'iv:i of 13 of the 1S6 pat.-'-- .! the tairff bill. IMII HI.KU ITS TtUIIIK. 1 lt Louisiana Lottery Offer the itr I.OOO.OOO rr Year. Ni:w iiii.i:.vN, May 13. The L'iui-i.u a lottery i:ompany has lo -.'.it d its oiler to the state, aud t;.... eil'-isijiie million dollars per year for the privilege of running it lot! cry. Tlo-y Ki-rd anil Made I p. Nr. -a York, May 13. Tlie re s'. 1; o: th. shootim: atluir of Mas !,':.iii and Mrs. Ilopkinson last tvviiiiii: -.v;;s that IhjUi left the pi.ii. e i ,,;:it this morning without iiviiii ttvtimony again&t eadi other. A faeiflo Coat BUbep. Sr. Tons, May 13. In the gen eral conference of the M. E.hurcb south to-day, the committee on lupiscopal reroiumendcd that a bishop In assigned to reside on the Pacific coast. An Editor Acquitted. Sax Dikoo, May 13. Jno. Berry. editor of the I. nion, was to-day e-onitted ol the charge ol contempt of court, the judge holding that he was not restonitle lor utterances if bis i.ier. lie beins out of the city at the time the article was printed. .fudge Salln' Kemalna. .S.vx Francisco, May 13. The body of U. S. District Judge Sabin left here to-night for Carson .under charge of a G. A. K. eFCort. The formal interment will be held in th .t city Thar nday. A Oood Cough Syrap. There is nothing parents should be mi careful about as tielecting a caujjh syruj. Ueirus t hurry couku syiup is latetinf with wonderful tuccew. Tlie heat is none to irood. He aure you ret Heiisrs. Every bottle U warranted. Ail tlrui'ts keep it. Cornet: Comet! We make a specialty of ladies and misses tine corsets and waists. We have a drive in a French sateen -orset at 73 cents. Extra good value. Samuel E. Yocno. Lost. In this citv, a brown bird dog, wearing a collar. Has one white eye. Information leading to the recovery w ill le thankfull received by R. A. Irvine.