Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, April 29, 1890, Page 1, Image 1

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    s, -V;--
C.-., ... , ,- ,
Exclusive Accy for th.cL"adlor Fins Shoes
11 L I w is i: I; f ; j li L O VK,
Colnmbia LOXJR
Tiio beit brand io the market. Tins extra fine quality of Flour i mauu-
factured by the i
The mill has re.entiy been refitte-l and -applied with all the latest and
most improved inichi:irrv. .1-k lor tin-
.Ind take no other. ATEverv t:n.-k warraiite.lTNS
UeHlern In-
Iron, ,Stcc( and Coal
ll'ftfon ami Jiuatjics
Hope and Cord aye
lilach'ifin it in ' Stt pd ics
C2nvl:ii mid
fjl toli'inents
SeloTxr Cost,
In order to avoid the trouble of packing. Call and take advantage
oi the great reductiont.
1 B'rut'Ciif, the bcsl in vlv. ( tt:uul the
cliui.tle oi thii cos, can 1 Uitt J by railing
at Mm. H K. Hvuian'tf, opite the Musonic
'leitpl, Kir-t street. The luteal vova
instrumental niu:c ktpt (or bale. A: th
Ur't a-'-irMiient f bt.tiiiin pattcn.d from tins sulu of 'Fnst:.
icii in jaintint; nJ ecibri ier :.t her
.la no over Linn County Bui:k. Oive h-.r
rutir r-lt-r utl ou will be pleaded.
M 1'herSiiii !vst o. 1. A. U. iiiect;ii at the A. it
ilalt n tiic c-co.ii and Kuiirin
t-ri'ia ei fitiui;? t( evh tuuiiili.
ir;u s.cut C jinrdin nc ci n di
al, v iiiMttd t- lJie't with us
6. w. e,
li V. Tjbicr. CujUiaJt.o
LA'.ill.S Al CENTS FTR-,
Alsoliava a complete lino ef
For upribg trail-: at prices
that defy entnjH-ritinii. aive
ii a call ini In; y i 1 r tb. ,es o! j
us at tidiotk piie--?. GuOit .
e.-o'is ;.n.t .pian o, aling.
Carpenters' Toots
linitders' Ilardivare
Powder, Siot, etc.
Giant Powder A' Fuse
Saws and Axes.
Grass Seeds
ITstd fe' Farmers!
ik CO. Props.
l.rnor' Nolirr.
. II that the lin.k-rMrnd wai by
i order of the County Court of Linn
j county, Oregon, no the 1st day o!
j April, lSit'. appointed executor ot
; the last will ai:ci testament and estate
of James S. Dickson, deceased. Aii
I person 4 having claims ag-iast ia:d
estate wid prtipn. thein to me at ht
j preu.isc.-. ot the late Janes S. Dick
; s hi with prop r vouchers within six
months timn thin date
Dated tins a ril I,t l;i0.
Executor oi the est. t . ot Jami.- S.
Chas. E. WoLVERToy,
Absolutely Pure.
Tui povetier never Tartes. A marvt"
o' puri:y.strerj!;th and wlio'esjrnuness
"tire economical than the orclinarj
khiiU. And cannot be old in compctf
i'on rl.b multitude or low test, short
wa'tnt ul'.iui oi phosphate powders
So:(i only iu puis, Kotil UaKIV ow.
OFR t .l. IO '. ;ip t. S. V.
I.FIV'15 M, JoHNkON A Co., Art-nts.
Portland, iregon.
Tlie DeletoatBi Frenoli
Warranted to
"I Of IllOMirV
the litiier.itne orcainof ellhrr Hex whi-tlit.
antn (rtin the txc'.-wvc ust o -tiiinil:'.nu,
tchacLM or opium, or through fnttirtil iimis
rrrtijii. over imliH; it-e, i tv, Mu-h aIoH-of
r.rain Iort'u:-, W 'vCiii'ii-'-.". licarin It.TAii
rains:. i the t!a--k, Srtniir.i; V kne.-, h,. n
toria, Xi-r o.i IV'i Rit N-'CLn u -1 Ouiln
hion. I.etli', l-zr.:i Wca't M-.'.mny,
i.-tttMofl'ower a-tit m;i ;.. .wniuiif m -ir'tf
I ollp-l !lv- t- (i.e.. .i'.e iiu ami
insanity. Ii ! a m: b trji fcr
6.-nt tv rtreit-t o.: -nc.
1 .l t:Mli: I ir:- n
null cur on: rc.eivtu. to K'u rltne
n- nt'V if a IVrm Mirnl t-uic i i o;t ifei w t.
We h'i e thi-u8.t::i .' oi tesiinioniujj f i cm oui
t youiiir, cf ij-h -uxeM who l:;-e iie-n
I-ermancntlyciiii'il oy tlio u-e 'I Aphioililiiic
Circular free. Aiiiin-;
i UK trintu ni im ivi'. .
Western ISratirh, liov 27. rurtiaml, Oreon.
i'or s .'.e l, t o-'i-.'.v .V Mawm, ho csa:e an-1
retail -Irimnists Ali..i:iy, oru-ni
4. ll
For IVtn;i!c li
; .ii'; noth
i( iik tin-in en
t' r n:ai kef. t-vi
t-I by prtMii'nt tit
iriu" t'oi;,(lv.
: o hi' 'i cf 1
u c.f rnr mi.
I 't c i ir,;u'
tc I' .'P
t!i ami nuj icy.
. .i i o e-thrr.
.vut t.i any a.i
ifC'-i 'V Ul.Ut Ml Ic.'-'HM "t IT!''.', Si 0'. All-
!r,-s ilini llrdiriiir 4 idtipiinv
Wt; i;ran. ). V. j;, lorll mil, r. .
Soid by Fo-'tay 6i M.: fs, Albany. Orog a
Murk li.ililrr s 'l-i-lin i
01IC!: Is HKitKllY (ilVEN-
tint li:t iiioitial mei-tili"' of t lit. .
AUiany M tor l' and Milling compaie, j
will tic -it tin.- i tlijc o! L. II.'
.' . , s,..-.-rct iry i.t sai l eompaiiy !
Il l the L'VJl d.,y of April, l-S'.MI, at ill- i
iintir nf 1 ii'i'l-ijli r M. I.r the pur-;
pose of fleet I jj sevi-n li'.seet'irs to i
nervfl for o:a; u-ir frun the date;
tllf T'-'-t. V.-i f .r Si; -It otliT hti: -s? !
a- mi;, i.rfo.-e m;,:ii unetmc. '
V. i rd, r ,,l ti,e ;i:'-!-!W-lit. "
Dan d March 1S!0. ;
in ml Mirieylii.
)r.Tir.i ir.hiKiNu senvKiNo i-onk can ot 1
I 1 tain iK-L-iiratc ami lirompt m ork l,v eallinv I
iipa:l c-cumity mrv, oi h, 1". T. Kislii r. He
iiasroinnlt-te coi-it-s of lield non an, I rown
-hip plats, ami is prepare I to do mirveiii? it,
tn part of l.inn irunnty. roM'itticc a'lure.
Miller station, l.inn con it ..Oregon.
Alliany 0)cm llmisc,
C"MMi:'o Ii,
MONDAi . AlMilL 28
The Young. I land-omn. "er.-ati!e.
and Finished Emotional Actress,
Miss Caroline Cage,
Own Eastern company of l-lav-
eis. Tii-ni;iiit (Tuesday) in the
r.-al live-act play.
Pearl of Savoy
With a chan-e oi ilav each
evening. .dmi--ioii ,V. cents to
any part of the hou.-e. lleservd
seat. on sale at Elaekmatfs with
out extra chaigc.
A good second hand organ f.,r
sah' cheap jit the art studio over
Linn County bank.
tlood meals ran be had at the
Ci'y Rest utraiit tor ?j.50 per week.
Ice cream and cake, 15 cents.
Private boxe?.
; S
. iilyi .
A New York Mnrder to
Killed by Electflfitj.
Tin: corMiiT'fi n itr.t vos.
Tie 0H aid Pllv.-r Wealth tf the lis:
State -A ETur.waj Ptsa?fr
T sis.'.- .''
Albany. N. V., Aj-ii- 2 -.-'i ll.
1:U-. -t nows uooyt ! niu! J'-ifr
iv.-:iiir..i.-r i. th:it liur is .Ptili ullvt.
an iiv l ut Vt'ardtjn lursK:n
iitiows :it v -hat hour Croa nh:vt
tiny tin; elect rical ehct'k will by
.-rent through h's body! Lursti.-n
eays tin execution witt certainly
not occur during tb6 yixt twenty-
It is understood the current
used to cause his death will be In -;
tween ioOO and 2W i vjlts. enou-ii
to HUpj-ly al'oiit 1000 Sights. He
made his will to-nigh:. His prop
erly eonsiste I of a his.orical hi'ule,
a piL's in eltivnr piuI. a testa
ment and a slat'- cow-ved with au
tijradis. Tin-: imox r.ciric.
! I in tsnil l-.(;ure Shown
the Annual K- port.
r.osTo.v, April LS The fnio!)
I'aeitie railroad eoiiip.iii i-stied its
annual report today. While the
I'. I', liloper iIhuis KUli.-tanlialy
the same teu!t as for 1SSS, the
viinh; sytein shows .1 -inp.iiai iv--loss
in surplus of .lu7,i On, the sur
plus this year heing f 1 .1-13.0-Ki
against .1 j'oL'.OiKi for the provh-u-yeai.
Tiii ! -s l'r -idenl Adams
says, is due to the dtTeaed earii
inirs of the O. 1.'. v N'., ly reason
of iho delii iein-y in crops in Ore
gon and a-hiiit-.n. The whole
.-y-ilcm sIioas j; earnings nf
TjI ,07 .(HK, the earnings on the
sioek beuiL' IS-i penent; la-.t yen
this was - per rent. The vom
patiy exp-els as important a Ivant
ae from the r.iliMjIi'lalioli of the
I;'. I . a..d t i. a" from Hie Oregon
.--hoi-l Line and I hit I iiion l'ariti.-.
Io prevent Miiother contest with
I he Northt in l'aeilii: or the i on! i "!
Hi I he O li.ii.N. t'o, and to re
duce the rental of the Oiv-ou .-lent
Line the 1'iiion l'.tiilic has p;;r
r, ased the maj ority of the O l.
s N. htoek, the tnoni-y to carry
which c ju. I le heltei borrowed ;;t
one jiercent i' .-".s thru the rental
which had to tie paid. T lie tot u
amount, due the overntneiit I'ee.
30. was : 1,8.13.0-W.
A I! linn n ay Ti-shr It. irhi 1 t'riat't
fnl llato orSt.fl.
S;.:m.ix. Va., Aptil LS. At
. m . iin e'ies -rain
n the .ana
o. raiiroa.l lor W a ilti njtoti w a-
ie. ceiioiti n s'eep trade a li:i.e
e.t of hete when ihe air brake
was lendeied tireless, a:.d tk- tia l,
rushed int-i Si.n'n oi; at S i miles an
no ir, tearing e.w.'.y tl.e ih-pot root.
Ihe julhiiati was thrown oti K
:-:de. I.i il were t'iteen metitb.-!
ofliielVar! I'ekni troupe. Myiih
Knox as kii'eu and a number '
others hurt.
I i.ior in fliistinr.t riickases tan. no
l Soir-l oy t'lo Stale.
'.Vasiiin r-i.s, Ap'd -S. Ihe
i u.'.r! of !be Cnilrd St .!--.-ih.o.i
!lt - I hie! Ill-tire t.i-tlav 1.01-
oen-d an opinion adverse Io the
, ; i i nl i-iii 1 1 1 y oi i-ie state li
provnltng !ol' the -eizure of bipio'
ni-'ieght to tee st f.e in origin:!
paei-.a.-..-1. Sia-h law the tvur:
holds, is an in.eiieivuce with ii.tei
state e-i'iiteetce.
Wa.-iiino roN, April "S The
rhiel jij-lire ill deiivel'i; u the
opinion of the court, s-ays in pail:
The power vested 111 congress to
.emulate roti'inerre among the Fev
ela. Mates i'- a power t piescribe
lit.- rules ley which that o:i:metre
is to be governed and is a powei
.-jinplet.' iu it-ei:. That ardent
spirits are subjects of inter-state
ei-miii-tce cannot be denied.
Whenever the law of a slate
amounts ".-.sentially to the regula
tion ot romi: eree, as it does when
it inhi'iits diiedly or otherwise
t ie reri:,t of an inij-ottetl eonimo
dity or its deposition b-lortt ii has
'eased to heeome an article oi
trade he twui'ti one f-tato and 11110th
er, it eotiu s iu eot.ilict with the
power which in this particular in
stance has been vested exclusively
in Hie gem d government and is
theieloie void. Justice Uray d--(hsivere'l
a dissenting opinion in
b-.-ii- It of himself and Justices Har
lan an-1 lowers.
nuttier rroRres-j
i'riemlly Amcile-au Xalleni,
V siit(;ToV. April -S. i ne
iHi,iU- n-publiran f-ilvor romui.t
i '.s. .11 SOMS'OlI too s i,.,o .
made 1:0 apparent
RcprVsenentatives 1 f nine of the
American repulics to-day signed a
forantai treaty ot arbitration. It
is expected that three more s'.gna -
1 . i ...tit .t. i.,.:. .1 ...
tUrl'S allU Sl.113 . jo i-e j .-e-e..
A Cloud of Witnesses.
I IT. I F. KoCK, Ai'l il If.s.-
(M-.i-loii invest lga ion rolninlltee
L " inVmeii to-div
examined Id-, mm t ...n.
Indicted for M'.el.
Xk".' VeKK, April 28. O'Dona -
van iiossa, was convicted ol crim -
inul lilicl In- tlio jurv to-nL'ht :ail
I V. I 1111 11- II I l-J -I llllV -111'--- -'
lor tiit-roy. K-i-sa was iinliftcl
lor i-allin; R. 1.. t'assidy a nrilisli
y and I'tililishinr siinilar liln-l-
in the I'nited States.
IIIK llll STIit'S MIMil!AI.
Oregon ainl Vttliliip;toii S! tin
Inc-rrart I'ro(lutli:.
V.MiiN; ne:, April L'S. Hir.-i-l-T
of tlio M:nl l.ceclt !i:i'- sil'ituifi-d :
tfi ((.-! :ns a report on tin- iiik-'.iii- .
tin-- cf li e pn'cio'r ruft i ! l-'l'J.
Tl.!- i.' I tr-.iln--t oi Hi'- l."i.i!i"l ':
St ii-s '.'.'.is ia2 ('( O.lf.'i) is:iiii."t .X". i
i( il -A1'.' Uic pre- i-dlii. Vi-.'.:'. 'i i.i-
.-i'w-r I'l-i-iiu-.t :i-p:o:.i. ' i
l.i(.!iJ.O"'l liiii- ni!Mi-i'S ;:t A e- lil'.lH-t - !
i- ai v.diie n! iA'i T-VI.! il l .md a ruin- j
ajr v.t ti.t ' ij-i.b-i''i,4'vt, a ;-i!i-
tiniutid prodijef 1-r lsSot'J
J.-j,7S5,(.;j liiu ijiiiiri-s at a com- i
iiifiri.ii vuiti.-of lo.OL'O.CO.) aisd a
Tin-- total uiet.iliu h'.ork ft the
r'nii,.,! i ,i,.s is i--tini:i!-t ii h ivo
i,,,,.,, 0I1 jAt,-la,v I t a follows:
tiohl ro:n ited fiullion. ?.-SM.7-J,-IK'";
tdUer coin .md iinl.ioii,
Oregon an-1 Washington both r---port
incie-.sed ts, 'he
former havin:: pr-jd iei d $l,l!0),ti 0
in uohl. Colorado leads with '"-'I,-0
(,iUJ ill gold and silver.
The Ilighi-Kt Water Kver Known., Tex., April rS. From
.ibout lour hundred ttomes in P.tlhis
and Hubiirbs the inhabitants have
been driven out by the overllow i:i
I I'rinity liver. Tni.iie wa-ta few
I inches hi-dsi-r than the one of V.-i,
'.vltich was t!u hi,;',- teci r h d
ithin i'.il meiie iy cf the ? ilik'H.
K.irtliqnaUc Sli'irk.
.AilAl-'ti v, April 1'"!. .t
s!.o ks of e.uthij'i.ike weie felt i.t re
this moi nitiir.
Following i-: tiic li.-.: (';..;
weather Hull tin -i the tl.egoii
weather liurcau. ci-o;-eiating w it!i
C. S. Signal service, 'cut rai i.lilire.
Cortland On gou. For the week
ending Satur-luy April J-itti LS'.M.
Weather The tenpe at .;iv ha
been slightly above the uoiinal
tor the week. There was v.., i.iin
fall. The d.ivs were bright, with
warm sunshine, w hich wa
the average. The nights
10 d, light frost-, .ii !
atiiiarriit dain.igc. oci-r.ied oi'
i;:i. This h:iS it the ti.'Si "'
good gro .', ing srii:g vveaihe r, 'hi'
seas-'ii. ati-1 the n-s-tlt is fiai
vegetal i-m iia mad- ina.l.C'i
Cettals Winter wheat i- in
variably te;.o. ted to b..- in e:;e-. "e!it
ronditio:i. Spring -ee.ling in
I'liritiba eoiiuiy, and in s, ctio:is
ot the valley counties - done, but
t-.o-t "f it i about bring finished
'. ei - are
sj-iing g.a;n is tip.
iesiled iu tiie Waii.l
e'i'eet .
-n the
vadi v 1-
ta' t.
:i "
s'.u-i grain a
i too much rain
low- lauds i-
i at
;i siighily
d.tlnctie vd
a-.-- thau
lij'.l' !)"
ihe !
has :
-; '
ac r
.s :;e
n sown.
rait All ari.ies ,i ir
ii! paris oi toe tate, savt
: 1 1 -, t . - ni"Ui.t.iini"!i- rt
.-ei nOreg -si. a.e in ft:;1. Id
.!,:.! in iiianv sections,
; 1 rhe, ry blossoh'.s a., o
I The fro: t -on the -J 'A i
: ini'irc the fruit. Wild
, i'
I t ics fire in bioom. 1 r.ip" ii!c:
I are budding rapidly. l;i Wa?co.
j Sherman. Uonow, " .dUahi. bark
lio-ii ihe liver, and co'') tin
south. ;h.
:or luiddii
is titat p
eroti. b'tt
and i liei-rv t re-- J
Tlie i.res- n;
11- s i ill be a short
th-r nun wilt en
Agricultural OjH-rati.-ns. etc.
Soring si cding i- bring tini-h d.
I he v, cfii Iter is favorable lor the
lambing season. Shccp-dn-aring
will begin w ithin the next lodays.
The gra-r- is gi-iw irg very tapidlv
alToiding g rod grazing, rg. t
:;bles are becoming very plentiful
and gardening is generally Winy
yel v rapidlv pushed. The weather
I'oi-'the week has- been ail ihat
r.-td.' be desired and all grow ing
ei...t:M hei shows the favorable
ichaiegcs. The .-caseii continues
bo-it tw-- '..rrk- later than Usual.
P.. V P ' t 1 .
obs-iAvr. I". .-. signal Service
ssistatit Director.
A ThrilliiiK
Last evening as the par-vengcr
train from the -tiutli- drawn by
irright engine Xo. 'M, was ne;ir
ing Med ford, the wood in the
tender took lire and the breere
caused 1 y the rush oi the train
soon resulted in r. wild conllagra
tion in the car. Turning on a lull
lir -,1 of steam the engineer ran fur
.,.r. coining into .Medi.-rd. with
j U;.. jierce il.lliies roiling tip. and
: t he train running ai -io 110.0 (.e-i
hour gait. Pausing at the depot
ira.ntneii sti.-eei u.-l 111 un
coupling the U noer from the mail
ear. and the engine r soon i.a-i
. ma
; . f t
lae subdued at the water
The mail car w as K girnir.g
to !:'.:.- ae..i the stoppage wa-j
:n:d.--10. ne to soon. Two tramps
tiding. -is the bifiipers letween
the tei.-ler and mail car were bad-
: lv scared and s-.mew hat scorched.
Vlien the alarm v. as given at the
:;: o; a no .....-. .1..... 1
.. ; potnvd from the ears. 1 he
((tv:i(1.).,1 ,it.t0(Udav. but
: u(iU. , he ,.,,..,. ..,; f.j ti;,. c:1.
; giiu-cr averted a ratustr,jphc.
1 Jacksonville Time.
A Ycun.? Groom .Shoots Ser-' of His Tormentors.
Tfl t SITt'A linN IN AtlO.
Bculmjir HectiTfj Ilia "icl i):?h
Blow in the Frea.-a Elnaticai j
0 d WVrll Affat s
AusiNMiM, l.a.. April C
St.-art : te- mly married a,
M .-.nphlil i a uvll ..ii-iwn oi:'
i - iv, aa-1 a tutusiir n yuuni! men
r.i! lU'lr i t .- riti'iivaii t.'iin and K
i .
A--or In g' v on SatuiJ.iy ,
tie :.:,r:y as-endd:' I a' lltf I
.nd hi's ui iheir .;o:ses'j:r.e ;
fl'-ket. 'j
anil opc-.-.t
he young groom arose
1 fire on ti:-; iTowd .1.
II-trv .rid 1. -f. J-linf-.ii. ag--d i 1,
were kided, and T. ,i. Alitruell t
J. Rich"! were seriously hurt. No
.iri-'-ts li:ic! been made.
uu: man ruA.vcisro srr.iuK.
The IStrlkvrc are us t lraan'-Ybrn
It l irt St .tei.
SvN En Ne Is'". Ai!il 2. "We
have k. opped all advertiseHHiits
for in nhlers" w s the remark
uia-'i" at the ot'lii e ef the Kisdon
Works t bis-( y. ning, "and so tar
as t e are personally eonce. ii'.-d the
s,i ike is oer. We a.e .'ally eoiti
pei to bill .'11 on, ers at the
X.iii-e a! Iron Woiks.
".Nil-, .vh'.-.'-liut said that the
rss'iciatioii was solid and is wiiling
io.:aii'! by their iirst deelar.iiion
"iVedo i:.t ie,.:so orders, but
t;-ke them, and if v. e cannot
handle thein we send the v.orl:
-a-i. 1 think .ii...t.ioO in work
!:: o,n- cast since the siril.e."
( nc of t no e erative neuii::! i- c s
' i the s,:-ii.i r- Shis a:'.'.-, itoon s:rd :
"We a.e as drm. and 1 a:u certain
stringer, on the propoitioi! not to
x.cketi tha;i we were when t hi
st l ike s,ai ted.
i H'.lii.lMl'S AW ft
a llorri-
fc!i Wife- S
l.i After
;ut lu re.
i' uo, Aj)til -. Aii
t v as held to-day in the
.M. Lane the rutu r
w.i-i ;-rtsa!llted lii.s w i.e in such a
lioiii'de ay Tliur.s-l.'y la?t,anil
w ho adi shot, hiniseii. The
jt-ry ik-cii'.ed t'.at he eommitt'-.l
ihe .let d while iu-aiie. Mrs. Lane
lifts sh-iun a ino.-t rcitifii kable
vitality. Siie h.'s two bullet
-.vounus i.i the he-ad, the front Jll
bo! i.- is tract:!! ed by a blow .vw a
ha'.ni'ie:-. and she w as severely
bruised and cut about tiieheal,
but she-is s-t Ti alive.
Mil TIIKItN i'A IX tt.1 Ktr.MMll.
sh-,-.iiiv; of ih.r Cnin jr y' Annl
Itejioi .
Siv I i:ani;i -ro, A; i:i 2S. The
-autiier.i I' railrjit ! c '
.tmm.:! tep-.-is ,v;i i- f.-.-d s-j-tiat .
I'll:: total md.-a; i-i t,"'"-J; r-j-s
e.iiiii.ig - , ! i.;-l:! J 17 ; t,pcr.tTir.g
oeases .v.',o l.oij, a.-rii.-t -te''.-.i,'.iic,."
an I i,7. S.(i7o in K--3.
toe o al lia::l::ii-s of iu-. road an
.?:;-. 4.0 tV.r; total Lt-se-- 4 'J1 S-7.-74.
1 1 -re w.t a -Illicit ot J;iii.
1. againr t a .-oi pittii ol $l.'o'As'
' i: i:
Sin rlc.i.Ncisco, April L'S. Wheat
easv ; buer reason, fl.lJ: bnuo
year LVJ ,' i.1.40.
CmeAoo, April 2$. i:'7i p. m. i- eadVjcasti b : 4 ; MwV
'"'jl -iuly 87.
Liv iinivoL, April V, he:
iir::i ; Ii jideis otl'ei' lu-ide-raiely.
Wantf.t fin- .Alurilet.
1'ouii.AMj, Atuil S. Liiiel 1.'
Pobco I'aiiisli arrested A'. E-J.-lin.-ou,
an emp!oo 111 lin'IIote'
1'i.rllaiid t-i-d.-.y en a telegiam lloiti
the siiiu-rii.ti n.ieni oi I no Chicago
police who says In- is wauled then
una charg. ei compile ity iu tne
mt.i-1. -rot Alis. Ihngoum iiiChieago
on M.n.h l'ith, last. Johnson
;l-M-lt- tiis ltlaocriice.
l ire iu .1 California Tottu.
iKi 11:1:1:, A pill ga, A pl.t oi
.-ienavide was l.urned last even
ing, l ire luoxe cut in a salojii.
l l.e loss is JJg.hi'O, of w hi. h Laz
Levy lest .fi.iM'J.
I ho )'i lr Kin;.
S-.n l'i: . i o, April LS. P.illy
Mahaii and P. fly Shannon, middle
weights, lotigjit in the Occidental
dub to-night for a purse of l.iljO.
hannon was knockeel out the 1-Jth
round after a hard light. He
loreeel the lighting lroui the -start
and had inueii the best ot it to the
hist round.
Samoioi Aliiiir.
Mn.orr.Ni:. April -0.- A-i vice?
fioai .-anioa received In-re etvite
thai King Malietoa i:as signeit a
Sieaty for the of lin:
tr..u!i!.s uitli Tauia.-sa'h party.
KuoluHirrr's Uae Is lfun.
Paras, April
turn.-.: hhow a lai.
The luil n
lulling 1 fl' of the
st vote m jerieid.ty e
Tlie reiiiit of the bllot-
uig is looked on as a i.eatn i.,-w to
1 loin.
The Coniatuck Mine Snit.
' S.s Fi; ls o, April The
i pfil.el ill dclei. dui.ts in the suit
. luotighi by I-'. J. Simiiics and
i others against t:.e Couiotock Tun
1 nul Co. in tho United IStatea ci.cuii
am jcVP jNiMyagygf'O-; 'LL' JU cm
I'itii 2ii:.;it,-Iv li'-' iiisti.-tv oi tltf'
!,.-.jr;j!i:;M:ioii i i tho Sutr-) TumiM
Co. ti.i.j-i ;ri the ci!Vii-ts:f T. Satro,
i .-cv . r::, and .1. -:i;es tnat the
Sntro Tiiiiuf-! .-'vnJir:itt a?
weil as 1. Siitio, atleiiipted h de-;
frau-1 ar.v stoehlu.l.K-r. '
k i : i.ri
A i' MrMISNVirS.
) A rarr.ic.-r ift-.ti De.-ilii f; nm a Cii-
cular Wonit-Sau. j
; Mi'M-VNViM.L. Or., Am;1 I
: m . .1. li'-U- a iaru'i-r lh.n" i-r.r
; tailc? n--uL of here va-j hilled t-
i tiny r.y a s.i'k. ;-f wood living fvota
! eiieuiai- ,vc.o-.i-.-.-.-.v and rtiikiim
i Iiini in the st'.r.uch. 11.- lived but
-w in:r.iit:
. elC
lc:.Vr- 3 tV'.te
an-1 l:- 'x-ral ,-i
o. Y. (lids :i fjnntr ar.d old
n;.o::ecr livin-- 3 r.til- rjitf-vc-et oi
town, na- becoie? eUddenlv etarv.
doetovs -.-py. by the
ft l.!o-.d-vesie! iuthe
burstinj oi
fH2 vic.ur non:
Other Oi:"Jtiuiiit .'lust .li
tt litis Chi-r JIj-ct.
Ni.w YuKk, A; ,;l"s The gen-e-.1.!
execut ice of the Amer.
r:'ii fedcrati- n of labor after a pn -racted
session t tiisuftoniooii issued
a mauiii-stii to-night, which rloscs
Iris: The exe utivo ! aid of the
Atnetiran federation having select
ed the linked brotherhood id car-p-.M.ter.i
and joiners of .u.erie.i te
n.ake the demand for the ci.forei
mei.t of S hours a day, as!: you i
reftfi'ti from any pym; athy with
thesltike, rather remain :.t youi
a-'k ar.d aid us to win theeon.'efet
To earjK'!:!-'! s tiiid joiners our ad
vice is to demand and in.-ist upon
e enforc--me::t of H hours wru a
1 lie l ),ifaw Sli-tUi-.
;t .if,, April is. A ical
r s.iys this ecnii!g !ht
trouol-' Ir-tAeen toe raip'-nters
.ltd I h-: Ibiihler-' Association has
tiecote.-j a game of fiv.e-out. The
members ol the association havt
irf.irtnally agreed t eittireiy sto;
the attempt to rariy on business
lor the present, i' is almost cer
tain that by Monday at least ii'tH
,r il teen r.v.v i-lie w ilt go to
Aoil. for tin- ne.v bosses of tin
,e- -eiatiou. I'repar.ttiot s for the
.x;.i ct 'd paeicing hens-.' .-Hike ; u
oeing l;:aii. Ti:e intern i' iol'a
:lt(V t'l- p-.i-e-: to ':. I lilt s-
Jt X. nns.,
X. Co"s
'.'.00, a
April i-i. The o. U. .V
gro-.s earnings are fteitd.-lecie-a-e
o! s.'lol .0l. !
eat uings ibVI.ti'S'
?'i77.0tif. The . . t
year is i, 7.;,0-.H. "i
ha-i to asMo.-e toi
count -for th-' yea"
lows; (ii-ss v::r:i:t
t earnings i'J.' "S.
.lecjia-e --t
i. .a :t for the
iiv o. I.'. .V N.
a:. I its ;n-
-i;: U'is : s !'.-
ti:!! 12.S43.
Ti e-
i 7."i.e . 71:-x-
..-!:!':- 'Aiii
' '..;.;;. i, :; .if
; . . :.:: irhes.
J .-f the o. l;. "
, i. L. .o:d r.
i be i:.t leased l-v
'2r: II. lies I.'" "
. K-xt-ig, i
!i I-ear l ire
go, ;-.
1 ...tit
.ti a
; e, j
.iv. !
10 I
v. a ; on ;-. .spree a
n .- pistoi i'soin I.i.
a v-i,,; e.;, ,,,.;
w .; ! I'i!tse I !.
I Hart Mile,
. lie thel.
o . .i Hart
dd A Ii.
V, ere
ii:s w
1 I :- ire
l.:i a -r i oui
! ( i::e.-.:i', Aj-iil lis'.--i ie-
j liiters at .ti meiii 's -....I :-i ! i..--icti-i'
!:;:,' Iio ri V. s retu-cd, and
I lie .0 1,,'i-t.s at Iv'-'si.-i i s s'liek
j g:iitisl a ronlrai t e-oio log n.Diiey
: oeposits.
frllhilMtl i lfttl.
riff '.i.t Ms, Apm -1 nis morn
ing lutn..s Ac .-i-ia, a man about 'Jl
years old,!oye.l asassist .n;
"t.iiiler at ihe ol lcn Eagle M.dlh
ut this city, got c.iiigiit in Ihe inn
c'hiiiety and was .-lushed to death.
S.i.iltrd Kevcr.
Pot i .;" ll::..n.Tetii:., Apiii IS.
.sKjtted fever has broken cut in
Pleasant, HI., dtiri.g tlie past
week. A 1. umber nave be.-n ill
and hi of the ,- i-es proved fatal.
TuCouik's ..lia ".),. nlallou.
Tmomi, Apiii 2t. Ihe t-ital
legist 1 at ioe. f.-r the municipal elec
t.ou on May 0 is 3177.
I'.ir Sale.
.', ir.ti.iber (:iie three year old
colt, well broken to drive, a carl
and harness, all cheap for ca-h.
For part ie-ulars inoeire of R. R.
The Kale of seats tor Caroline
1. age anel the Ivrene'sCo. opened
Thursday at Rl:!cl;:u:i'ts ; the price
of ad'uissie-n wa lixed ato1' rent
to any part tiie house with no
extra charge for reserved seats. As
s-.;e'ti as tickets wciv placeil on sale
1 th. y comiiieticid g-.ittg raj. idly and
j iVoin the lool: oi the 'jox sheet at
1 present, the house will be far to
small to aceoinoOale all wlio con
template attending.
Ui: prr.okul cigar. t:es and
chewed tobacco e.ntil he was 17
years old. and then stopped be
cause he had to the tobacco laid
him out for all time. That was
the verdict on a, Cali
fornia ! who stat ted rut with a
vigorous constitution but wound
up bv donning angel clothing at
the early aje of 17 years.
V, NO. 126
I ,
I Ala for ThoussEds in hi Over-
flovrd District.
I'lif.l KC i iON UV XGKESH.
fu Day's r;oocci!injs at lh Vatiocal
Cayitol Wiat liolpVs ''lavesti-.
at'en'' 0:it. .
Wa :tti::r,roN-, April In tho
s:e.-;:-te to-day ther? was an es-'.cr.-led
discussion on the question
a- '.' whether the levee syMe.n or
lb- ooth-t or combination was the
!e.--t I'.ited to protect the people of
ih-; Lower Mi-f-i.-eippi v.iliey i:om
i ii-t fi.sids. anoi23 ojiinious
were r.vp'tf'scil.
black burn. w!r in'.ro l-.iced ihe
b;!i tor the ad.nissinn of Arizona,
hich was referred to Secrctar-
i'.'-ictor, lias received Kevcr.d re"
(iiies to telegrums asking for infor
aiation iu regard to the extent oi
ihe mill-ring iu f tie overflowed dis
tricts of the South.
I'i.e goyeinor rt Louisiana said
dial ten das' rations for 2-j.OOO
-hotil-l be sent for distrioution
ihr..i:gh that state.
The governor of Mississippi 6ai.l
ro'iably L'J.OOO in that stato need
assi- tiiiiee.
The governor of Arkansas paid
150) persona in Thi'lips county
.:1 a c.iiMitarable iiuniber in other
souir. '. s need relief.
is Tim hoise.
T.'ie: iioiiso committee on public
ands to day derided on a favora
: de report of Ihe senate bill, with
in amendment, providing for the
acquisition of land for a town cite
.n:d for commercial purposes in
Alaska. The bill ehangr-s the cap
ital from Sitka to Juneau.
The expenses of the Dolph sen
ate iuvcs-tigatioa committee wete
ihotit :M00. Several correspond
ents, who were kept under sub-p.i-na
f ir ol days, aithongli onlv
testifying twice, "have been paid
Ingalis to-elay introduced a bill
grant. ng a pension of iti a month
o ::!! persons who served in the
late war not Jess than three months
oor ni.j:; ihati one year, and a
I'.'.-i.Sii to th-Pe v. ho Ferve.l more
than :: year and not over S00 day?,
..n l thofe who wrvetl over 800
day- o'i; cent per day for each day
of st n ice. No peifon who id
woith ;"'I,0U or ever at the time
of the application f-hal! lie en
titled to this pen.siou.
A ( Ot i.-s.; iv STATISTICS.
( a:, si Atl.liiiou to th l:nlver-
ity T t'-nnit-t'nia.
I :.i. . , ii.:iiA Le-!Tr.
0;K. oi the University of Tenn
sylvaria's newest court-es is that
f rtaiistirs. As a i-ortion oi a
l i-- v :! -..l!vg education thisstudv
! '-a- - ::!y ! itdy made its way into
! :a -.-;. Fr.t.icis A. Walker, "t-uper-j
o:t-.nd- nt vf the tenth cei:su6, and
i Can.di !. Wright oi the labor bu
j :ea-:, both advise the teaching oi
statistics tit the universities, and
the latter, 111 a paper wbieh he
c-eently pttjiaied t.pon the eub-
ivo- ps a reason the csistins
id of propcily l.tied men to take
! charge 01 t.ic seventeen odd state
1 iaoor bureau? and of ihe various
1 . iceu-ii;: won agenciee.
j Or. Roiani V. f alkner, instroc
J tor of s'.atittics at the univcrsit,.
j -ays that th subject is now made
1 a special ecr.rse at but two colleges
I Jo Hi I iopkins and Columbia, Dr.
j io tid teaching at the iorruer and
j Pic-ies-or R. At. Smith at the lat
ter. At --vcral oilier institutions
it is taker, up in connection with
oilier studies-, notably at Harvard,
under Professor Hart, and at .Mas
sachusetts Institute of Technology
under Professor Dew ey. Dr. l-'alk-ner
sums up the ohje-ct which he
se-eks to attain by his instruction
on the subject at the University of
Pennsylvania as the cultivation of
of the critical faculty in the use of
ligiuvs. It was early seen that
that the figures 1 bctnselvcs as such
eoaiel not 'e advantageoushr
The course in statistico forms
the" instruction iu the Wharton
School of l'inane-c and Economy,
being t lieu up in the second tenn
of the senior year. Professor IJ.
M. Smith's treatise on theF'ibjeet,
almost the only one iu exitteace,
is used as a text-liook. Witli this
as a guide, the ground is gone over
very thoroughly. Special topics
are assigned, and each oi the stu
dents is expected to prepare a re
port uton one oi these everv week.
I he reports are read in the." class
room and discussed, and Dr. l'alk
ner supplies notes and references
111 foreign languages. Practice, is
thus given in working up ttatisti
cal figures and Limi iaritv with
the results in important cases ob
taired. The general subject is studied.aa
writes, in three heads
viz., population, eccnomicg, and
stati-tics relating to intellectual
and moral conditions, 6uch as
erun-, education, etc. Statistics
of population accordingly
taken out first, and the early re
ports leceived r,m students this
year wire upon the various means
oi estimating population in use W-
iore the application oi ti e modern
census method.
Dou't fortct that at -5'rs. B. E.
Hyiaan's i - the placebo get your tew
tHi machine!.
r - v.
: '.f-it
'' 'v