Tit ha. p. a.iv.v;"'- ' VOUl XO. 123 e. h i ! to BARROWS vCv ! rV i!H:( S.LM Szcl-idve Avzy for the Ludlow Fino Shoes Ji f M li i: t: (J i; O CK. ASivYOm GROCER FOR Columbia- TLOTJl Tin- ,- hratid in the i,ni !:i t. TK-.i citr fin.; quality of Flnur is iin.mi- :'.:? ': by the JEFFEESOl? FLOTJEIITG- MILLS OF JEFFEBSOX, OREGON". Th.? nr!l lin ie 1 i:"'v !iri"i n-St tr I mit itnjiroi-i-.l nit !iiiK-rv. t..; tlu C C LUMBI yl !ii take ii'i tl..r. L 1.51 f Dealers General ; Iii! II Iron Steel a in I Vonl Hope am! Co whiffet tilitvkxm it is Stuilies Ciarrlen and ;!! !ii!!i!n!h-i;k ART STUDIO, Mr?. r. I'att'.n'r ols:nn rHtr.-. in liliitn!'-! t'h hl.rk. new i';i'iy i'lr t!;r rifcj'ti"; stiiilcnfr1 in pnint inir an-1 in'-.- Tli'-- i:itor.tcl in v.rt :::o art :i rv sr.-1 viti-d to call and in- i'i t colifction A I'icturc-. PicMm-f for nr.lf 1" p crJ'T at rrfonaIo rate- tlic a !"' OYSTER HOUSE AND HKSrrA uka? r .Tost ofici.rU oppositv the Ku-s nou-t Ev. r thins ni-iv and clean Oj en d iv d oil ht. 1IAKKY JONK-. Proi.rk tor A lit'liiiir l HI on 1 1 1 1 just Ih'OH opened on First street, oppos te the Rus House, w here y..n can get all kinds of Woken articles mended. Chicks, and locks repaired, keys tit ted. etc. nrk trom the country promptly attended to. I'liuin tniilns TVf'.TIb-S IiK-i!llNi PIANOS Tl"NEt ! 1 ctll tun !'rf. L, a , Xtir well U n 1 w o a t . i Horn Ims .tv relialfi I ri.ino tuier He i we'i kiAfi to the pe At ' f Alhun the entire St.4te, ha intc hml j f ar of r--.vii v it) tiii b'.ri?ni-s, aiso in u j piin. f-'rtc iT.amit.it lory, aii-l ha 1.0 o,uh! in : tlit line 't l:ir.i(ii.-!. It pu b t I pmlr.nne ht.mtr Miitt-r prist- unU the piiMic J th ul 1 remeiiit rr thut ihey can ii-w iret 1 pijinv tuftvi in a in, ire hkihtul n anner in : Athanv th.in t-Ut wiu-re in lh Stat-, Leave ltirUbolfrr Mrt-ilii:, 11k-. msviLl.F Wo .i.k M'f': Co. i At.'JANV. o, . At-r.l -I. l'i'. roiii'E i iiKKf.iiV oivr.. HHl Tit r. thu iJruwmnl.o W jo.t-ii -M i.'H.iitiii i'!.' t il l:im. will I held il ti "-r ttic 111 ti.e cny uf An an . I inn C ui.t, "r n. 0:1 the MCiiinl liloiU' 't M ... 10 0, t'.c- rallMt K ing ti.e i::ih U- 01 M.i at tl.t li'.ur ot .ij o'Cu. k ii. It.e aiu-ri...ii -l sm m . f r tilt pu.p e cl vUctimc loii' 1:1 eciora ui (aui r.m)ui,MKiie murine the UrtUiai; year, ami 101m tr.iiactixii of mi h .tlitr t.u.int-Hn a- ma lvr:i! rn:e l.tiorc ss'A metinj: liunc l. crier cf the prenuci.t. J. e. Oalbrai rn, bct-retry aini irc.-iiitr. INHilLX) ROOMS TO RES t Ii. quire OodW, a, bclatunica reiiaurau;. &11 cSc S EARLS a 5 . - - r - - - - L.'. '. ) 1 L A N I ; F.N T.S FTE-M-SIIINGS. Alf-oh :ive a complete line of SilliTMiii!! M F.:r spr i.g trade at priCe llat Ort colluce:".!"!!. iiv uaacil ?i.l I'liv '-'r blm. ii o is at I din el. piic.-r. do (p ale ti alp ;.. COMPANY, an ! ijj-IieI with ail the latest ami iTF.vn v stick w ari.i'itKilUS arclware Carpenters' Tools Hoi tilers' ilortlieare I'o tetter, Shot, etc Want toiviler !' Fust Sates find Axes. CJ rass 1 V 0 V ' j Albany Opera House, A NIGHTS cov :."C iNi; :MONI)A , APIUL 2S Tho Young, llamlotiio, Ver.-atil..-, and Finished Emotional Aetros, (Miss Caro iiie Gage, 'irrOKTED BY- HARRY F. KEENE'S j Own Eastern company of j'lay-u-r. opening Monday evening in j Tillottson't? he.vutiinl live act soci , etv drama THE LIFE OF AX ACTRESS. With a chaniro oi eveninjr. Admission anv part of the housi play each oil cents to Reserved seats nil saie at Blackmail's w itli- out I'vtM i'h'irc , ,n . , . . C. ' 11 lJ iini matiiit-o Satur- Uav alt riKKiii. OTIPK IS HEIIEBY GIVEN' i t the ualiiiL;iie(l viis hy or.ler of t!ie t'ounty C'ouit of Linn: county, Oregon, on the 1st day of i April, 1SIKJ. appointed extcutor of! the la-t will an. I tc-t anient anil estate f. James S. Lhukgon, ileceaed. Al! 1 ci5.au havu.; claiins inst said estat.' will pi. ! n them to me at 'he prrn.iv ui the la'e James .S. l:ck- .:; wiiii ; r -per vouchers within bix ii,onth trom this date. Dated this , 1 ril lt 1S0O. MAKY E. KK'KSOS. Exeriltor of the estite of Jame S. Iiickson. (.'HAS. E. Woi-VF.KTO.V, At tot ney. A wj I second hand oran li-r sale cheap at the art studio over Linn Couuly bank. QUEEN A, POVDEH j Absolutely Pure. j TQ .uiir r iicvci variei. M cinrrti ; "I (uri'.j jjtrc iftli and wlmleeotueiirRf More solium u-n 1 ttig.i the oraindrj iniln 4iid cannot be olt! in i'omi ti lion witl Hiiit!tuo of low trsl, hin vciii!il aluiii ot : ti ( tn T t mwnVo Sol'tunli in !itai. Kaki o. oi-k . V .1 I S. . Lkivis M. Ji.iiNBd.v ,t I n., Ari-nti-. Portland, ( (i rir'in. TiiB Celebrated Frencli CURE H'arri'itL'J to the at'itcr live i.raiiHof either sev w hetluT .iniiiL' ir-tin tho ccc-ivc of Htirmtiams, folu t or opj jm. or throti-h j miTiiful imiis-rt-tioii, ovt-r imiiiltMi-e, t t:., u-h al(Htnf Kr.itn I'ovvi-r, '.V.iku u'n?-;4, Ut-Hrinir I'.ivn Pain in lie :.v k, Suminal W nktit'34, Hvt term, Ncr on- I'ros ratinn. N wturn il Onlid Hioii, Li-iirttrrhiu. lhzi: s. Weak !t'iirj , !.!!" of i'owt: l liM f.i'ut' , hli'Il i' letrftj -ftTi (t;L'l X't jr.uiitttirt' i'itl a:il inanity. Trit'tSla b..x; 6 bat.r fi r .',n S nr hv m.tit mi rei-e-ct of price. tl(IIIK (.1 (KiMli: is ivn iih t-vtrry i: onli-r tii iivc. to rctutiii t:u m'ni. v if 111111:1 iM iil cure if r.r t Hi. t;- i. Wc hte thuiirtauriB ol tctuiionialt Ir-jiu oUi i'ld voutiy', of imth stxi-rt, who have I wis perm ui'Mitty cirii by t!ie ue t Apbro'i:t:iit i.'ircti! it f rti. .X-l'irt-fis KIIK AIMIICO Mf ltlr. . ft'tt:r 11 I'.nim h, llf, 27. i'irt!;iN'l, tirt.-znn. rorst!oty l-h:i a M;im,'Aiio( aiva?nl Fills K.r Krnirvit Ir- Tf iiarit e-; noth i i;kf tiiciu n f 110 in:i. krf.. Ne iwil protnnic.it (Ju:ir;intw .0 tr iicve Hiippr-1-.' irfn'rritH'ii. Sure.Sa Don't he luimhj '(J. ri.ive ('mi', ' l v:ilth.ind mor;".. T:tkc 110 lit her. bent to anr a- ircn y 111:111 en rivt iot r.i pric-, $2 0. Ad ' ort i it tiro Jli'ilfniif t iiiniiufiv ! u-t Rraoh 1; x -jr, I'orll mil, r.M j Bold by Fo iiay & Ma-on, Albany. Oregon Mnrk lliililci's Merlin Nona-: b iiKRF.r.Y givex th it the an,iti;il mretiD of the Albany Mini. 11 1 1 Muling company will he hi-lil .it tin- utij.-e "of L. II. M'Hitanw, se.Ti'tary ot s.ii.l .(unpin v ..11 th-- -JS:li il.j of Aptil, s)0. at thr hour of 4 o'cl k r M tor the )iir-io-. of 1 l.ftiMi; si-vi-fi ilircitors to SHivo for 010: .-ir from the il.itf th. n- t, in. I f.,r mi li i.-lu r hiisiiit.K an 111 iv v in.' U't'oiv mi. h nn'.-lno'. I'.'. rfl r o! thr j !.' d M:.i.-h t?S L. II. -II t 111. 1 soi 1. M UNTAX K. Si ci ctai M. !!. KI.!J, ri!Vni..N AM' M Jir K'oun, Ai!a y Mivon . I.iiikI .-nrvr 1)ARTIKK I.RMKIMt stKltllMI liv.r)l. tan. c. iirate anil protunr ..rk l.i eailiu-.-upoii cx-ioinilj Ktirv. toi , r KisIkt Hi liM.-oniplitc copii-i nf'r.eiil i,..t. H uml loan ship plats, ami is prepare I tUo B inem in nil part of 1. 11111 county. I'nstotti, e a-l.lrc Millers station. Linn cmi it. .Oregon. plaSto S - IMIOSE U'lSIIINO A FIUSTC LASS 1 8rin eiii, the host inulr to tan.l tiic cliinalt' of tliii cunt, can In- unit. In i-all'in.' at MlM.lt K. !m iiian's. npM.Hite the M:tM.ni7 liinpli, Fi. st street. The latc-t vo. il ai d iimt'iiiiiental iniiKie kept for sale. Aie th largest asnrlniei.t of stampiifj putteri.s neleet from this uir of :s.-i. Kiien in patMtiti and eint.o.i!f r :.t 'c.-r tU'lio over Linn Coiinty Lark. l.ir hei votir oplir ami yoti will hi pli aned. tree to V. A. M. IVai-tifu! en'rav'n of graphic n. ient M.i-onii.- Siciie. :il-n ire ill-isttiited c t'lih.-tie I nil the Masonic i;ooiK and o,,k. I.o-.ve-t i.rin, in North Amerh a. AIo oiinel new illiis.tr.itcd otk for hircnN. a ! wi k and iipwi.d-. n, t, Fedtliti V ! Co. lol linjadway, N'.-w York. SKCItET hOCIETIKS. ..r. f e'..r. '. 'v- -S.itty Loilce No. inei-ts M imiav evening at ti.e ii A. I: hall on to rv s:re-t. letween Second anil lhird. l o.mv. llrei'iu. S".ran.rs in thn lit., and transient brethren eonliailv invited toatlei.il Mi-l'li.TM.in Post No. f., O A. U. Stated ill -. 'titles lit tlie ii, A . 1'. Hail on tli.' N. eni.d and Kulirtn rrida enin's if eu li inoiiih. Irins;e-'t c-jiari.les lie e..r.:. al y iniitid tu meet uith us S. W. IthtfE. U I. TASLri: toium .11 Jcr. An uU it. AET J. F. WHITING, AliTLST. lus'ructii.n g'vn and work evtcutwl in Lauds. nie. Conrait aial leo.rutivi I'au tii.e;. Lettering, Ouui.ii and iltihai.ieal 1 law itiL'. Kocms 8 and , tester Mock, Altttv OtatfOQ. "APaaODIIiNE- 3f'S AFTER 1 m 1 1 f ' ' j Man ai..t THE DEMOCRATS. Governor Pennoyer Renominated Without Opposition. FOi: THE .JI NK St.lrC.HTEE. J. J. Whitnsy, rf Albany. N minatoa for Pr.a C'ltitir; Attrn-j-Bo .1 am for Sa pr me J-d;e- A St rmy Sen?. FoKi 1. sr, April 21. The demo cratic state convention was called to order in Turners hall at 11 o'clock t!i is m irninj.' hy chairinaa Bush of the state central committee The name of P. II. D'Atcey of 'inrion was at once placed before the body ior temporal v chairman, : . 1 .r;. I e ,l .u. .- ; . liir iiuuiiuniiuiie. Es-irovernor John Whiteaker wits the Geeond nominee for the place. Houston of Washington said in relation to the second nom ination: '"viovern r Whiteaker has always been a repieseiitative democrat and there is no man if the party for whom 1 have a greater admiration, but he has ti.nl plenty of honors conferied upon him. l'Arcy is a voting man, an active worker, atnl 1 desire to see liini niiininated.-' W. R. Bilyett of Linn, wanted a man to lead the convention with dignity and strength, and said he knew none of a better itialily than him. There was considerable wran lino at this period, about twelve claiming the Hour at one time, and the chair found it iniposiplc to m:i iut.iin order. Turner remarked: "I want no law application in iiivnr of White:. k-r. I want the ip-etion decided by a fair vote. iali. won't work in a democratic con velili' 11. but tlie lloinination of tetiipiiiai v cbairiiiaii is an honor Whiteaker deserves.'' .1. .1. U.ilev of l'olk eonntv said: "While I appreciate Whitakcr's talent he i-s no sut.i t i. r to D'Arcy, v. bo has always lu en an active, hard working man iti our ranks, and in recojtt'.itii'ii ol his past servi cs 1 would ask this convi t.t ion to hiiji pcrt him.' etiafor Wauerof I'tnalillu i.toved that the choice shou! I he ma'le by li.-tllot. Holiiian, !" Miii'iiomali. Iijeeted on the ground that such a procedure would he ui prcceilenied, as pi) committee on credentials had yt-t. reported as to who were entitled io a voice. Oov. Whitakcr, growing (i red of th'" proceedings, reitiested his name to be withdrawn, adJin: ".My name was never submitted at mj- request, and t'nere hhall never (e a con!e.-t oer my name in a democrat ic con vention. .i. F. Miller, ol Lake, moved lo nominate D'Arcy oy acclamation, which w:is catrieil. Temporary Chairman D'Arcy was tiien intro'luced to the con vent imi hy Chairman I Ii . D'Arcy said: "'I sainte yen with fraternal respect, lam I soi r that anv eon I enl ion sboiihl haveatien here over the tempoi a:y ch:!irinansbip, but the youn-ei tleinoeraey botllii be recognized In ttntherance of that view 1 thought lii.it the majority wanted me. I have helped Gov. Wlntikei on several nccaions : olilicaily.ati'l 1 ibink he is lavorahly ilispo.-en toAarils me, ami lie nas t-liou a proper pll :.t. While I am a yotitiy man I li nv d me is milch as ati one lo advance the interests of the democratic I'Tty of tlieoii. Nov , a! i he In ad ol our ti. ket. it ' S oilt .ai'V to Ii. .ii, mate (i.iVi'ihiil i't :ii;..v el l aeel.itiiatl ami be s 1 cc:t limy in- jv-e'e. t- tl." Ap- pl 111:-!' J C. .1. i'lenchatd, of As'oia, wa. elected iciii(i...ry i-ccioan, ai.o -eais, ..f ,!.!, K-on, ati.i .Mi h r, o Linn, as.iistai.t M-. ielalies. (y'..iu imtlees wete tin n appoin'ed as loiious: . - .11 1 11 1 1 1 1 e o live on eieden'ials. onlei of bus tn-ss and I't-i 111. nu ll! 01 oaui.al ion, and one lioui each county on plailoiin. An adjournment wa-thi.-n tak u until r. m. On le-assenibling at 3 ::20 it was found that imiiei.il the cummiltees were n-ady to iep-r and a recess was taken of lo minutes. At -1 p. m. the convention was iiL'iin called to order and the com mittee on ere letitials reported that I!)ti delegates wete entitled to seats, .he repoit was adopted. The committees on order of bu-iness and permanent organiza tion repi.ried that the permanent i o nit ers he elected by ballot, una jib.tt the following order of busi ness he adopted : I 1st Nomin.uiju of congress man. J.I ( iovei nnr. ;Jd Sti r, tary of state. no .iaie treasurer. 3th Superintendent oi public inst i net on. b h Mate printer. 7th District lion: i nations. bth Election of state ccnti.i! coiiiinitbe. The report, was amended by mak.ng tlie temporary officers p manent, and was aooptc , " . r, j amended and the- temporary oh.-1 c. rs were made Hr".ane-i t. -; lieconveiition then adjourned until r. m. J llli: I'LATFOI'.M. j At the evening session the repot ; of the platioi m committee was ie ceived. The platform begins by conoratulating the democratii I party on its auccesa iu the recent flection1? in Ohio and Rhode Isl and and says : "We denounce the fraud by which the people of Mon tana we're deprived of their rights ol representation in the United States senate bv the eena'o' of their choice. We favor tariil" for revenue, limited to the expense of the government, economically ad ministered. We condemn the tariff bill now pending beforn the house of representatives as an a "javatton of the existing evils. We toudeiun tho attenut of ihe repnblteiin cotij;icss t reduce thu orpins in the treasury by squan dering and iinsappr.ipriatii.o the anie, and i- spenailv denounce lie attempt to nporo.ri ale a pin ion ..f -li- Mil pills, whi' b lj.-l-to the W lio'.e neop e to I lie . iliei.l I a Ii II:. IV oil -lUaf. We -le . ioU'icc l lie act ioii o: "spe.ik.-r e. d i i C'.iliiliii a- x..tei- ih in.. s. - ' I Ti.itic r.'i .i 4-.enf ill i.s ulni na.l not uteil up"ii 'ii'linu mea.-iite:- iVu r.-allirm toe po-i'imi which i.is eier oeeli in in.taiin d Iiv ihe ileilioei.stie party, that old and -ilwr ate iqiallv the "people' inotiey. U -ire i'p,.oed to a-! inea-iites of dih iimmatioii oain.-t -liver and dem.ii;d its lre; Coinage to sil;ply tlie needs of I'tisi-ue.-s, arid thai all motley lslle.l hy he tnveniiiieiit In; made lejjal tender for all delits, hoth puliltc and private We direct the atten tion of the votci 8 of Oregon to the record ol the democratic party upon the Mihject of Chinese iniiiiiratic n .ind demand the strict enforcement of the Scott exclusion act and the passage of a bill by congress of further vigorous legislation, which will prevent Chinese fiotn enterini; our territory by evasion -f law. We not only favor the forfeiture of the Northern uaeitie land grant from Wallulato 1'ortland, but we ulso f.iyr l:ie itnmediaie and nueondit ional forfeiture ol all unrt-st rved land eratUs and reservation of I a in !j to the public domain. We insist that in legislation and ad ministration toiiehinjj penson f lairs, r.-i;ard be had t j honorable set vice and present, necessity. We arc opiosed to all measutes which draw no d-stinction between tlie veteran in the held and oamjcfol lower, or the adventurer i:i the rear, a? involvi.ig a cruel wrong to tiie soldier and a wanton waste? ol tb.e icjojiles' money. We urg" upon congress the iiassage of hUi h appropriations and the adoption of such fie:c-ures as will tend most speed ly to the opening ot the Colunib'a and Willametttr rivers to free navigation. We favor thea l option of an iimetiiiiiietit to the loderal constitution proviuing for elecli.in of senators by a direct vote of the people. We unqualifiedly urge the adoption in this state ol the Austialian system of voting. Weap;rovo of declaring eight hours a legal day's work in factories, mines and shops. Gov. I'ennoyer's veto in the last legislature of the Portland water bill was endorsed. TIIU NOMINATIONS. After reading the platform the following nominations were made: 11. A. .Miller of Jacksonville, was rominated for congress by accla mation. Gov. l'ennoyer was renominated f 'T governor by acclamation. For secretary of stale W. M. Townsend of Lake county and Xathan l'icr&on were jdaced in romination. The vote resulted: Townsend, 151 ; I'ierson, 24. Townsend was declared the victor. G. W. Webb was renominated for state treasurer by acclamation. For supreme judge B. F. Bon ham of Salem, was nominated by acclamation. For superintendent of public in. t notion Rev. A. L.tov of Brownsville bv acclamation. For state printer ('apt .1. O'Brien of 1'ortland by ac lama t.on. lll-IHit r NOIIINAII0NS. I'ir-t di-triet, pro-eeuting at tor nee, Win. C' Iviir; i;d, (i. G.Oai ii ; 3d. .1. .1. Wiiini. y; 4 Ii. D. Ii. M'liph.v; 5'li. J. B. B oek-nlior-oiil'Ii; i;n, Clias. B. Hyoe; 7:h. I, 11. Dutiir. In ihe Sixth judicial disirict M .rtoii D. .-laff .id was nominated lor circuit judge. Joint senators for I5-.ker and .Malheur counties, Geo. Chandler; Ciackamas and Marion, Iletirv Warren; (irant, Morio.v and II irney, II. Blackmail. .hunt representatives for Grant and Harney, Chas. Dusti.i; Liamath and Lake, G. W. Smith; Sherman and Wasco. John l-'ultou and A. S. Bennett ; Tillamook. W. :;. Cole. STATE CENTRAL COMMiTTm:. Stale central committee: Ben ton, John Burnett; Baker, H. C. George; Clackamas,.!. D. Latour ette: Columbia, II. C. Graham; I v'latsop, C. J. Trenchard; Crook, i.l. A. Donttiit; curry, John l-res-i burgh; Coos. J. M. Siglin; Don- i, " . 1 lis- 1 i. l.ane; runt. u. K. Hazelton; Gilliam, II. C. Condon; j Harney, W. h. Grace; Jackson, L. :G. Ketims; Josephine,.!. W. II w ', ard; Klamath, G. T. Bildwin; Ij.ane, I. L. Campbell ; Linn, J. I,. ! Cowan; Lake, M. I. Walters; '.Multnomah, B. Goldsmith; Ma ; rion, J. Gray ; Malheur, William il'ierce; Morrow, J . w . .uorrow; S- y ,Ia,;v i,rrnatl, W. j w 'Bonn8tt ; fil'amooi, ii. W. F y Cmatilia, J. I'. Wager; ! i. i -:i i".,ii,.-o ir Fierce; Morrow, J. w. .vorrow; Fnion. B. F.Wilson: Wallowa, II C. Smith; Washington, T. 11. Black; Wa-co; (Jeorge Herbert; Yamhill, W. C. Ileinbree. Tinware warranted not to ruat a Matthews & WaukM'B. THE DAY IN CONGRESS A VIGOROUS ATTACK Or. Tlie CIVIL SEUVICK I.AM'. Bill toPrsvlde for Compulsory Ertu ratioa Anin; the Ca-nr d'AIenc Indiana-tirtlui I. awn. Wasiiiotok, April "1. In the eomnii tee ! the wliolo the house today considered the legislation appt- piiaMon bill Wiieti the clause appropriating ilie sal nes for ihe evil service commissi -n w.is le u-he I, Co h oiiug, i Ne.v Y-.rk, hi ide .t pit .t "f ni'l.'i t at it a not pi. 'p. i . t'o' Oi'l. a- t'e e, .in in ti. ,i I .eiMie-- ii- isai. -. exe.-utive -o j;l li.-lal. A.H-r -ollli' .len.iV 111 I 1 .' I ' "f older as . ' V' 1 1 II led . H nil niifcr oi vi oh.ih .i ttcUs , r. oi.t te on the civ 1 -er. tee law n t lie I"-ior-e I liei dei.ate. I rii' ill J f littler .III O' t'o" 1.1.1111. ,f ir m- ai. -I lo lo.ii-e a j n In- . IN Tlii: uENAir . Among the bills reporti d from the committee and placed on the calendar was a senate bill to rectify certain agreements with the Co-.n d'Ak-n." Indians in Idaho territory to provide tor oompulsorv tbica- tion for Indian cliildren. The committee on privileges and elec tions reported as an original measure a bill to amend the sup plement election laws of the L'nited States and to provide for the etliciciit enforcements of the laws. The bill was placed on the calen der. It provides that chief super visors of elections shall be chaiged in their respective judicial district with the supervision of congres sional elections, with tin- enforce ment of the national election laws, and the prevention of fraud ami irregularities in naturalization. Fugh said that, every democratic member of the committee was op)oed to the favorable report of this bill, which he paid places re publican supervisors over every state officer, thereby insulting and degrading these stale officers. TIIK JllSSISSir?" FLOODS. .Many I'eoplr In Imminent Dangei of Their Lives. BavuU Saha, I.h., Apiii 21. The real conduion of Ihings in the overflowed district is ju-t coming to light. The entire front of Point Cooper is under water. Most oi the levees are gono. The wntet back of the levees is deep mid a hundred lives are m jeopardy. Small stretches of the levee hie still ftanding and these were crowded with men, women and children, fside by side with horsef, utiles and cows. In an old elevated in houe 500 negroes are huddled together. Tne condition of the unfortunate blacks is pitiful. They piteously beg to bs taken to some place of safety. r ttl KOAD HEN WILL STItllili. (': Thlr Peinauds r f errfed To. F.oston, April 21. A special from Cheyenne says: A confer ence has been called to consider the demand of the L'nion I'acitic Railroad trainmen for an increase in wages Xearly all of the ofli cials are now at Cheyenne. Ii some solution is not readied to day a strike will ensue, taking in the Denver, Texas ei Fort Worth. Oregon Short Line. Kansas Paeilio and the L'nion Pacific railroads. A FIENIlS;i ! U'.KXT. Cray Fatliir Drowns Hit Chil dren in h Itarrell. SiicL.it UN. On'.. Aoiil 1M Thi ii .r' i i; a e!l t i- lo I i m. i' tia.m M -iTi-oa. nf'er dr :iiii. ti.s . hildien in a b.irr-l of at r attempted to droa n ii ii-e!l I'll, neijll'i Ts found liim l inn bv th creek i:i il preeitl ' co.l.llttoii His reason is dethiOM-d. Tit K UNION TACIFC. A Dealr to Build fi-naa rortland to t'.te) Sound. Xkw Yokk, April 24. The price of Oregon navigation stock went up live points to-day on the execu tion of a c nsiderable ord.'r to buy from Philadelphia, coming on a narrow supply. At the same time the Oregon Short Line stock was moved up. Tjie real bull points on these stocks is the recommen dation to the l'nion Pacific direc tors by the engineers r.nd experts to extend their line at. once north ironi Portland to Seattle and Taeninti instead of reiving on Xorthern Pacific connections FATAL EXPLOSION. A ButUlat WmckiiI bj Dynamite TwMem Killed. Delcvan. Wis., April 24. An explosion of dynamite in i K. Doan's etore this evening com pletely wrecked the building. Four men were in the building at the time of tho explosion. Two, P. H. Doan and an unknown man wern instantly killed and tiie two others badlv hurt. I At the Foot of the Italnbow. J Er.ira the Sava niih News. t One day last fali, while picking j cotton, Ellen Powell, a negro wo- man, lost a bag from her person 1 containing $5 in silver. She was working for X. Hughes, who super intends the plantation of X. 13. Bauni, near T omslMiro. One dav last week, alter a thunder cloud had just p.'ss.,L si. ui w, k in the same field knocking down cotton stalks. Seeing e. b.auti iul .rainbow aero -s the lield. and thinking at the name time oi ihe lost money, Mr. Hughes told Ellen to go (o the end of it and she wouhi tind her mor.ev. Hie took him at bis word, and ju'st in fr- nt of her about b 0 vards or more, where the end of the rain bow appeared to b-. she looked on the ground and found her m -ney. THE K IKKF.T9. Sax KttN, : C' .t ii I'-l '.VI, ! el . .ii s ..Ji ""'a; !' -e.-d 24.-1:1.-. e I i .lo ,lj.l -". -V ..I'll i - io ; .lulu so . I liEi:!''.!.!., - i I'. . oeoi ui i e:a ! v . A y :i wi, i"! I. t t l.'ef.nii in Nm- 1 ..ik. 11.!! IN-. s r ft i .. .- o l Ii ; ': i w . it t i a- . ijie-d ii N. , A e I .'4.-1'!. . i li .lie I Ii o .i i 1 1 ll it refer il ii i p s-a'd, ch liliTiti, lo alKeicled li b I-I Civ hv tin vi i : 1 1 . I - g- iV. riioi -tori t! I.dl. til I oi!. rs. It i.. .imler K-ivc-rttor v.iil si-;i the ret anl'nstaaaaler Aiitii.inte.l. Washington. Ap.il 24 Tiie ; re-ideiit io-day .-nil to the senate tlie name of Aden so:; P. Ham mond to be postmaster at Af hlanil. Oregon. Itrnwnerl al aleuiiinvllle. Mi MiNsvn i.!:, Or., pril 21. Aiiibtei Alackev was droivned to- day at Jones' miil w hile handling j-'i:) in the mill pond. His fathei is a proniiiic-t lawyer in l-'e'ih t e.otland. Five Foolish ."VlahU. Mosi-ow, April 21. Five si-iers, named Domovierofl", the youngest P years olj. committed suicide liere.to-.iay. I? is lieiieved thev feu.re.1 am.-st us nihilists which le i to the act. DlTiNE!) TO DEATH. A IIUKTITL Hfttif Ai A SIIK ricxoiv. h l IN Man; fatliiu aim Firatmrn Fvrii.li i tV.9 Flan" -An Eiloio.i tf banal Aiit-A Haary !.. Ali.sintown, April 24. At. i; :: i this morning fire started i:i the dye house of the l."n". n Silk .'!:!: ai Catas'iua. T;;-' 'irmvs fpr;td with remarkable sj ee l ntid d -.---troyed the buildlu-. to-.-ut 1-er i;h the inacliinery an ! ijttvuitity o! tine silk. Many of the rmji'.-i'-e- - already m the mi'l at work. J-t'.-.v Cooper, Cha. Trick, ho Ta'tle and .1. Totiejta.xi. .in 'in'--M'. los: their lives an-i abor.t t hirty-'ive more were h;;rt. Three or i-.ni may die. While the firemen and employ; ? were working hard to control the lire an explosion of vitriol and other acids took place, and before the liromcn could escjpe several were caught by the failing wall, tnd many were hurt by the living debris. l'l:e following ha'.e been lake!: from t'ue buildiini: Juliu Go. -d iosepli i odigiau.:, an lt.:lLs:i : tr.. jss tlyer and t.vo ot n-.-rs, w li .s oodies have not yet Ic ea iottii.i. o.d a i '.mliiio-vu ; I'l'-s-e.- -. E-i-rctt, ag'd Is. i.:t.-.!iy l:u l ..'i.arles nick, :1. i.ac;ure i. .ill .lie; M. o i. it, r... 1 ;. L;rt, c.'.niiot Iiv:-. .Iauv otiie a were h ;.t. Tin. .ill.' IS sUopos il to have - s ! 11 -) .-.I'-lscd b s.io.u 11 lei l'he loss wiil .c.icii 110.'JO. 1'ilc ust r.ll i.lll slw.ll. 1 he m.iiii points n: the Austia ian ailol A'..ierieanied. ai e : 1. Ml .allois m .s; print-. d and disiri iii .i at the public ex pense. 2. Th" name- of ail candidates must be printed on the same ticket. o The l-allol must 1 .leiiver.d t ) the vul'T within the poiiiog place by s.vom oilicers of election. 4. Xo ballots may be voted save those delivered. .". The voter must ' e guaranteed a;'Sol ite privacy in orepating his ballot. tl. The secrecy of the ballot must be made compulsory. Frr. II, C. I.ilnivr'a 'i.tti.rr.-tlorf of Unslr, Twcedale's block. First street, Albany, Oregon, opened Jan uary 20. IS!):). Tiie course of ia striietiDn will consist of classes for oiano. organ, harmony and voice culture. Thf-re will be u normal class and diplomas furnished to teachers, specify in? capacity and expui-nce. -.'tu.ients pariic ipalo in monthly ieci;nis, uivl Br graded lo h; ;re (-...ahty in rendi tion. This fiUKirvatory will bt conducted oi tho same la?is rs thc.ss in :o:c;i, Xer,- Yoik.rtc. This is the 03 '.y recognized s.iccr63 tul system "iown for a thorongii musical edua Mori. Send fox circu lars and ret. "ence. OilUe bor. from 1 to o. Uo:i"t forjct thai at V.rs. ii. 1-. Ilm .l's is the placejvi tret oiir -c ing iiiichiiit s. Go t Lango's for your jrocoriesj CAIJFORk SHAKEN Tho Ser?rest Itrthquakc -Expe-rier.eed for Mary Years, KFTrSTnKOlCIIOrTTHECOlST A I.js: tic M ir.-B Hip W.f? a- d ti:en K 1! H ciself Drur ei! Mi!ueil i o 1 1 A HW3. Sn FrtANCi -co. if iiie n:o-t -cw-re -pi ...e . xn-r.o I one V l - !.' li I h I . r 3 .". I". k Ai il 24 O e l.s . i en h- f .i- a I.. -.-i? . a : i : n l...i! i-f-p ib v . tl 11: e- I ;.i. li ..I tl.-l i'. ! s. le f m t ..--crt. u . h i - "'I I ". u VI ..i in ii-oi: r- I oi n. l2l i. V 1 1 r t ,-H: i.lO I I II I ali 1 I ol .-a--.' i I.l li VI i , 111 t A ' d-: :i ije one.-. f.ie r . I road ;..::. no .v.is i!ir .i-v. ii on t W.l :ee! a:id th." ..eplo .ctit's veiv la:ii- -oed, riitm in;. const i ui tioii tiain lor lepaii at ;::.o".o:ii ,-1 v. lh:D'.,i;'jii(';i-) .Vpiil 21. This liluce was vis.te I by three heavy shocks, ihe sev.Tt it for years, this mor:r..g at o :'.''. A I' I'ilTAl-l VIA. Pi. i vi-fMA, Aptii 24. At twenty i ..Vep- slim k v. is felt i j rfto ,,r,.t. liji.t-r ui.iiiites to lour tins morning a in this place. shocks fol- 'Wei Uie heavy on-. Mo;:;: damaos done. Mavfiki.i, Cm!.. April U4.- !.. April i:4. An arth.piake occurred 111 this ci'y at ;!::.. tins morning. Chx-ks jtre stopped ; plaster was crackeil in huii iin js. The temperature stood r.f tiS with a heavy atmosnhere. Not :i breath of air was t-lirritii. Fall trees sayed, making a loud hissing noi.-e. Tne railro.id tracks south of here neir Paseadero moved a lew inch's out of line. The bridge is impassable, b-.th pier? being out of hue, and having scttl'd a lew inches. The rails w.;:e pulled a fjot apart. The ground settled (5 to 12 inche in pia-'s. A LUNATIC'S CHIME. Iim1ti Itis " f and Thn Commtts buiriiif. vv J'ham :s o, April 24 Mich- l..-i!i.". a s'Ti' c ittir : hot 5lt:d f . , : v ..:. tr : ' ell i i d i:: .t !; Th- -i.lv signed f. . ': had a i.ir.te : I -I h.s v. it" i e.t their : l.iyctte s'rei-t to day .' out it's own brains. cans- i''it can be as- iie act is i.isaiiiiy. Thiy i.in.ilv of children. AN OI.O CHIMIN. Tiia :.-n y ufa rai'.lilaa Wifr and "urilerons Villain. Si;ai;i.i:. Wa-h., Daniel Allen w-is i.vi. l-ti las! 1 i'ht f' Aptil 21. Rrres. d at i- a mir-l.T i-..::in.it:ed t!oe" Nei s.ii e. C atk -i'. N.-.r V'c'i's . n.ar. i o e Up Mi'," V !V I.Hicil t. ill's l". I ". Sli" . . ?! .. -i 1 A! . i...' . 11 ' . 11 1 ol . p"i ; .:i 01 , . d , ."i.. ye.i, olllll v ago 1.1 U IS-OII- r-i-ldeitee iv. a-i I Allen b lo love a .1 li I li-. Hi' I h. af r I,- I 1 11 I Oi it 1 1 I ri .Si -s i " ' s , u t lie iu a 'i . m-i a i "t l." i tie" 1 if . irs ii i i- r c - ..i. l I .in t 1 v II It w i! ill a:i I k .f i . ."IJ l a'l l tr- o' to r .1 i -ti-. i --.i i ..a tin i -ao i , n l....gi.s ai... i 11 ' wed I-.- ... . t .vauilliii tlieir -.ling ovei c. . i coiupii egs. s- 'e litie of iii.-is, co.rs an I v.-sts and trotls-i itigs hef.ue c.:vitig vur or-l-r as t .-y posiiive !v gua-eiitee pi tl'ect lit. tsl orK matisiitp and general Satisfaction at the very lowest pric -s to be h id .-onsj lerin '. of cmrso. the- material use.) and the workmanship. Ilir I'rldc of 4iiau. A e'eir pearly hu 1 trin-pureiit a'lin nalwavsa siyn of pure 1!.i.hI, and .!! p'rrtons tioabl-d with dark, .-.-o-isy, yell'iw or hloti'io-l skin ca.i ft asiirel that their blood is nut of ' n'.er. . trvv Si .s of BKlitiS' V.LOtlD PUK1FI0R ant BLJOD MAKER wtll remove titu causa anl 'Ms skia will heemne cleur and tran ;are:;t. Try i:, ami if ti.:sta-ttou is -io. gives it will c :-i you nothiuq. i is f-.-.lly warranted, l. I.. Biack nm, druggist. nhv It It Tl.it people linger al.mg always omplsiniiig about thr.t tired feeling? jiic botticef bi:g;s- BLOOD PL'KI- ami BLOOD MAKER will en tirely .remove. ti:i fueling, give tliem a goal app-jtite r.r.d reuulate digej ticr. G. L. Blackmail, Uruggit. I'arasols! I'arisnls! I iiavo just received inv tpr:ng stock of parasols direct from the nm.Uifaciiirer in Xew York in all the latest stvles and prices chea-ier than everbefore). Samuel E.Younjf.