THE MOITNTOG HKKAMU THURSDAY.' MARCH 6, 1890. Bl'KISE&g SOT1CES. The latest sncet music at Mrs Hyman'e. Buy your stoves and tinware at Smitk & Washbarne'a. Builders should go to Smith & W&shburnc's for theircarpenters tools and builders hardware. No. 1 Star tomatoes and all kinds of fcreeh canned goodi at a very low figure at Conrad Meyer's. Lovers of jrood cheese should call n Conn Bros. They have just re ceived a lot of full cream, fresh and sweet. Mexican Cactus Bitters is the be6t remedy in the world for liver and kid ney diseases, indigestion, etc. For sale atM Banmgart'sf A new line of fine wall-papers with orders to match have been opened at Tortmiller fe Irving's. They are new and elegant designs. Call and see them. For chilblain and frost-bites use Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Wbeu promptly applied to the frozen parts it wili ievent the skin from turning black t r peeling off. It allays the Itching and smarting of chilblains and soon restores the partto a healthy condition For sale . by Foshay v Mason, Grand Army boys, as well as many others, will be interested in the foi owing from Alex 6. Po e, Stewart, Tenn., who is A. D. C. Commander Dep't Tenn. and Ga. He aays: "We have had an epidemic of whooping eough here and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been the onlj tning that baa done any good." There is no danger from whoiping congh when this remedy is freely used. 50 cent bottles for sale by Foahay & Mason. Have you heard what Mr. G. L. Weast, of Cambridge City, Ind., says of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy? If not, here it is: "During last summer I was troubled very much with severe pains in the stomach and bowels, and was induced by a friend to try this Remedy. I took ono uose, as per directions, and it gave me almost instant relief. I cheerfully recommend it to the afflicted." 25 and 50 cent.bottlea for ale by Foshay & Mason. Not a California Bear. Anybody can catch a cold this kind of weather. The' trouble is to let go, like the man who caught the bear. We advise our readers to purchase of Toshav & Mason a bottle of Santa Abie, the California King of Consurap- on. Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs and . Croup Cures, and keep it bandy. 'Tis pleasing to the taste and death to the above complaints. Sold at $1 00 a bottle or 3 Tor $2 50. California Cat-R-Cure gives imaicdlate relief. The Catarrhal virus is soon displaced by its healing and penetrating nature. Give it a trial. Six months treatment tl 00, sent by mail $1 If, Absolutely Pure. This powder nev r vanes. A marvel of purity .strength i nd wbolesomeness More economical than the ordinary . - ''"' u PV1U U VUUIUW lion Witb multitrwlo of Iaw Mt ahnrt weight alum oi phosphate powders Sold only in cms, Rotat, Bakua Pow. Lbwis t. JohxhonW: Co., Agents, Portland, Oregon. F H. PFEI .l'roprictor of. Albany Soda Works Anil iiraimfiiciurM of Choice Confectiouery. We are now prepared to furnish choiec, frtsh caouics of bevt grade, consisilin:; of pure stick, amortcd flavors, mixta! eandief, extra French and chocolate creainn, mixed, candy toys and a jftncrel assortment oi nne cauaics AT Tf HOLK4iLK 4)R ItKTAII, tyOrdcn from rountf dealer promptly at tended to. Factory en first street ALBANY OREGON The Celebrated French CURE BEFORE 2.3 AFTER the Keneratite organs of cither sex whether arisinc from the excessive use of stimulants, tobacco or opium, or through j outhful inilitt cretioii, over indulgence, etc., uch as loss of Brain Power, Wakelu'new, Bearing Down - Pains in the Back, Seminal Weakness, Hys teria, Ner-ous Pros- ration, Nocturnal Oniia oii, Leucorrhoe, Dizziness, Weak Memory, Loss of 1'ower and Impotencv, which if ueL lected often lead to premature old a;re and insanity. Trice SI a box; 6 lioxe5 fcr 5.00. Sent by mail on receipt of price A WltsTTKM 4.1 tK.TF.t: i, given with every Si order received, to refund tne money if a Permanent rure is roteffetted We have thousands ot testimonials from old andyouDir, of both rexes, who have Wen permanently cured by the use r t Aphroditine Circular free. Addretui THE 1PHKO Mi:DI4 lF 4 O. Western Branch, Box, 27., Oregon. For sale by Foshay & Mason, who esale and retail druggists, Albany, Oregon. Piano Tuning. PARTIES DESIRING riANOS Tl'NED should call uhd Prof. I), Van Horn of this city, the well known and reliable piano tuner He is we'l known to the people of Albany and the entire .State, bavins had vears of experience in this litint, also in a pianoforte manufactory, and hai no equal in that line of business. It ftlway.-t pujs to patronize homo enterprise and the- public should remember that they iv.n im.w zct pianos tuned in a more skillful pi.hiik r in Albany than elsewhere ii the Stafe.JJLttive ordcrsat Will A- Link' m THE MARKETS. ALBANY QUOTATIONS. Wheat CI Oats 30c Hour 14.25 pet bbl Potatoes 90c Eggs 25c Butter 25e. Lard 12)tf15c. Hams 12)15c. 8houlders 810c. Bacon 10 12c. Hay Timothy, $10, oats and cheai, App t s -Green, 100150 per bu. Plu jit Dried, 4c. per B. 'es dried bleached 5c eundned Chickens $2.505 00 Hides Bef hides, greer, 4 c, 10 c : deer skius, 20c; sheep plt. 10 75c, according to wool. Beef 22c gross. Mutton 2 00 per head. Hogs 56c, dressed. Lard Kegs, or J& gallon tins, 10c, pails 12c. An Absolute Care The Original Abietine OintmcntJ is only put up in large two-ounce tin boxes, and is an absolute cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands and all skin eruptions. Will positive ly cor a all kinds of piles. Ask tor the Original Abietine Ointment. Sold by Foshay & Mason at 25 cents per box by mai. SO cents, You Cannot AOord. At this season of the year to be without a good reliable diarrhoea balsam in the house, as cramps, colic, diarrhoea and all inflammation of the stomach and bowelj are exceedingly dangerous if not attended to at once. One bottle of BEGGS' DIARRHOEA BALSAM will do more good in cases of this kind than any other medicine on earth. We guarantee it. G. L. Rlackman, druggist. Whv Is It That people linger along always complaining about thr.t tired feeling? One bottle of BEGGS BLOOD PUKI FIER and BLOOD MAKER will en tarelyremoye this feeling, give them a good appetite and regulate diges tion. G. L. Blackman. druggiRt. Don't fonret that at Mrs. B. E. Hyman's is the place'to get your sew ing machines, LThe Pride f Woman. A clear pearly and transparent skin is always a sign of pure blood, and all persons troubled with dark, greasy, yellow or blotched skin can rest assured that their blood is out of order. A few doses of BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIOR and BLOOD MAKER will remove the cause and the skin will become clear and trans parent. Try it, and if satisfaction is not given it will cost you nothing. It is fully warranted, G. L. Black man, druggist. Mr. F. J. Smith, Editor of the Ft Abercrombic; Dakota, Herald, says: "The most wonderful medicine, I have ever met with, is Chainberlain'e Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rein dy. fn case of cholic is gives speedy ro- iiaf. On hunting trips I have found it indispensible. Put iu alkali water, it imparts a pleasant taste and pre vents the painful diarrhoea, which alkali water produces. I couM not feel safe without it in mv house." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale Koshay & Mason. 1. DAVIS BROS- AND CC DKALKR8 IU UBXKlLAljxKRUlxICDIHK. SJI EDD. UNN (Jo. O ." KV ALBANY Collegiate Institute ALBANY, OREGON ISXS.. . ISS9 A Euli (cif- oi Instructors. I Wr.ita I, ffientlfic, liti ran, i ii ii.i id nornixl iam. 0uiko i.f ..fti.i'v nr raned to uuct the nredM of all. iriu'ii -i o rtudcut. S).ial iiKluceuionu or.i.'i to hiudcnts from abrivad. Tjiticn mii-i. liui 5.5 lo $13.BO Per Terut. In.trt.mpiilAl instruct icn jriveu by ii'sa Lanra Uoltra. Biari iu private familie tt low rates, a::d rooms lor self boarding at tninu expeufte. A tareiui 'tipervuiioo cxercweil over iw.iv rr.'Ui hue. pup Kor i:irulr iumI fall tt rc-U.'ent, particulars, adbM UKV ELBF.UT N. COXDIT, Albauy, OrejroD, Take Simmons !Lwer ator One Dose iroitTn ioo Dollars ! Ds.R S. L. h: I'conaider mons Liver K2nlator worth AlfM. I tm const iro.ted, had Headache, could eat noth ing with watixfactinn or appetite had the bhien, and felt altogether Out nf snrta 1 sorted to Illue Mas, Calomtl, Quinine, and every remedy Ufre;c8tcd, but only obUined temporarr relief. One dose of S L It did me more rooil than 100 worth of doctors and dectorinp. Itcsp'y, J c Marttn. I haveft-ecn a tfacher for twentv vpnra nn,l dtirin? that time have had lr mated attark.sof hcailache, produced by torpi.l Liver, anil ' have been entirely cured hy Simmons Live Itej-jla'or. I found it to be of to mild a character in its action as not to interfere, in the least with my duties in the school room, To thewe similarly situated and subject to'.ho same, I cannot too highly recommend Sim mons Liver kesmlator. E. F.,iCiii:EK Camphellsville, Kj . Contractor and ICoiMer. I v. nnr.1.1. wu,i. H KMSll pr.ASS, HPKcmc.i tions and detai's fur all kin.u r.f i.iiii I ... aim arcnitri-tnro. All ,.,1, ... .i.. done and gnarantrcd to be first-cla' Vti- mttM fiirnishcil on short notice for l,r;r k biit.dins. residences. r.ubii- l.i.iM U'ts, etc. ' 771NE rioAns-mpor.TEn. key wtst !' anil Domtstif, enilirafin-' tli r.l..!.rn'r.i t'!or tie Madrid. Kstrrllas. Oikiiu. ,i-r ehoii-c bran.'s in the V.MN. Ynm r.i l Wi -?, rn I'ninn TelejTat.h otfee tuiM:t ... tiMicn.toibcr the Regul Star Bakery ' A FULL STOCK OF Staple Groceries j ) umuu iiuivi The best quality of tea.", coffees, candies, nuts, te. CANDIES, NUTS FRESH BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY. At this old reliable house U also to be found a complete assortmei.t of fresh faniil groceries, to bid is constantly added all tne seaxonaiile lines of groceries and pro visions, such as Cranberries, Fine Pichles, Dried Beef Chipped to order, Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts. Eastern Buckwheat Flour. Canned Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These goods were all bouirht when prices were low and the benefit of tl e margin will be given to his customers. Remember the place, at the old corner on Finland Broalalbin Sto. Try Hubbard's headache cap sules. They are a sure cure, and only cost 25c. per box. FOR SALE 1JY ALL DRIGOI8T8. "Some months siro Ir purchased a hox or Dr. J. V. GillV Catarrh Cure for my own usj but findinfr my nephew, C. A. McMui-nn. need nsr such medi cir: 1 let him have my box of medi cine, lie now sends for three more lioxi-s, faying it is the best thin? for catarrh ecr trie! by him and his friend. I trot another box to use in my case, nnd -heerfully recommend it triotiuis. iSi-rncI). JOIIN McMAfTAN, E.v f'cuntj Commissioner Lane Co, Oreiron, SprinsCeM. I.nne county, Oregon. Prof J, W, Johnson, president of the. Stati; itniTcrniiy, says it cured him ol a couarb after tw other prescriptions had failed. Likewise two of his little rirlus:d it to cure their coughs, Mrs M.rk bailey, wife of Prof Bailey, sont it to Prof Johnsor, and recom, rotnds it to all who suffer from colds, and coughs. For coughs it acts like a charm, and can be inhaled into the pipps or passaeres, where; .o other cough cures can reach L OF ALBANY. OREGON. president, L. Flinn. VICE-PRESIDENT 8. E. fOUDg, CAsniERt E. W. Langdon fPRANSACTS A GENERAL! BANKIN" liL'SiWEiiS. Accounts kent subject check. Siirht Exchanjre and Tclegrai&ic Transfer sold on New York, Chicapo, San Francisco and Portland. Oreiron. ICollections made on favorable tcrmsi P.E. YoooS L. Finn L. f. BfcAisi W.E. ltiRSSLI, F. W. IlN'OCON Cashier. COWAN RALSTON 'AND CHAMBERLAIN Albany, j - Oregon Transacts a general banking business. Draw sisrht drafts on "cw York, San Frao f isco and Portland, Or. Loan money on approved security. Receive deposits subject to check. Collections entrusted to ns will receiv promot attention BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. r.e,noo ii. nnv tT .11. V. MKHItll.l.. ...JAY IV. KLAI.. '.tPITAI. Irellent.... Vlee I'reis... ('Hsiiirr v (ifciwaPA Gonrac Meyer. HfcnJ prntTViv Linn County Bank lUKF.CTOKS: H. PltYANT, J. "VV. Ifl.AIX, ir). IIi MpiritLT, : U. STF.WAln, 1 E, .1. La?: mx., H. F, Me Rim i,, JAPANESE- BAZAAR STOEE. Mrs. Nancy Westfall, wife of the well knovn Chineue contractor Jim Westfall, has opened a Japan ese bazaar store in the brick next door to . C. H. Spencer's. It is filled with all kinds of Japanese wares and novelties, including parasols, fans, canes, ladies wear, souvenirs, etc. tiff All goods sold very cheap. The Albanv Bakery ! Vuder the new manxtrement of WH KEEP . 'if full line of choice family ffrocerivti and drov'aioB Canned i-infcpples. Choice Table Delicacies Ornamented cake for Wedmnas and Parties. Salmo kinds. tellin mii.kIik talt lit. ilbl FRESH BAKED BREAD JfcCvorv Day. Best Svrnn.Pies. Cakes TEAS ahd COFF1 Candies Nuts. Raisios. CANNED WOODS, ETC ne best Soai In the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of aomestic and Imported Cigars tVAt JohnfFox's old ston.l low ;F1 nnt new brick. Farmers & Merchants COMPANY -0F- Albany Oreoon Caital Stock 500 000 PAIU IP CAPITAL S5,00. OFFICERS. President W. F. Head. Vice-President J. O. Writsman. Treasurer J. L. Cowan. Secretary J. K. Elderkic. DIRECTORS. K. S. Strahan, J. L. Cowan, J. O. Writsman, G. F. Simpson, W F. Head, J. K. Weatherford, L. L. Foley,. John Burnett and M. Sternberg. Safe, SounaiJonservatiye A Square Company, Managed by Square Men, Patronized by Square People F&rsonizo Horns Enterprise TAKE THE FROM CAB I'd ratEs: To any part ot the citv. 50 cents For calling, first hour $1.50, each euDsequent hour zi. Stand in front of S. E. Young' ana w. . Kead's stores. BUIlAiU'S VITALl.EK 19 WHAT you need for constipation, loss of ap- Setitc, dizziness and all symptoms of yspepsia. - Prico. 10 and 75 cents per bottle. FobUay & Mason.' Aibany Bath House -AND- HAIR DRESSING SALOON, JOSEPH WEBBER, PROPRIETOR, EifLadier and children's hair dress nj; a specialty truaranteedr DntiJe satisfactjor Curran & Montelth have lots for sale on the installment plan, rang ing in price from $125 to $1000. ' JOHN SCHMEER'S Livery. Feed Sale stable Comer Second and EUmorlli 8ls . ALBANY, ' OREGON Horsu board rd by the day or month. Ca riagca or bujrsrica on reawnahlo termv. KOSHAY & MA.SOM. Wholesale and Retail arker hi SCHMEERS STABLES OREGON PACIFIC Bookseller I i:a"V, or. E Overland to Califo li'flia. VIA Soi'THERS PACIFIC Oompaky'b THE MOUNT bHASTA "0UTE. Time Between Albany and hun Franeisee 35 35 HOTJES California express trains run daily between Portland and San Francisco. sou 1 11 NORTH 4 :00 p m . . Lv Portland . ... Ar. . 10:45 am 8:18pm..Lv Albany Lv.. 6:45 am f:4S a m..Ar...... S. Francisco . Lv . . 7-00 pm LwcmI fann. Train Dally- Ex. Sunday 8:00 a m. . Lv Portland Ar. . 3:45 pin 12:40.p m . . Lv. . . . . Albany ......Lv. . 11 35 am 2:40 pm..Ar..... Eugene Lv.. 9:00am Lebanon Kruncb. i. B:'20,pra..Lv.. 9:06 pm..Ar.. 1:50 pm..Lv.. 3:36pm..Ar.. 7;'0am..Lv., 8.2i a m..Ar.. ...Albany... .Ar. ... Lebanon.... .Lv. ...Albany Ar. ...Lebanon Lv. ..Albany... Ar. ..Lebanon. Lv. 6:30 am 6:45am 0:25 pm 8:40 am 4.V6 pm S'40 pm PULLMAN BUFFETSLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation ot Second-Class Tas senders attached to Fxprcss 1 rains. The S. P, Co.'s Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains on the east side di vision from foot of F street. Potrland. West Side Division. Between 1'oiLland and Corvallis. Mall Train Dally - Except Sunday . 7:30am..Lv. ...Po.tland ...Ar.6 20p. m. 12:25 pm..Ar Ccrvaiiis.. Lvl.SO p. m, At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon PacificRailroad. Express Train Daily (Exctpt Sunday) 4:60 pm.. Lv.... Portland... Ar.. 9:00 am 8:00 p m . Ar Mrllinnville.Lv. . 6.45am THROUGH TICKETS lo AU Point. SOUTH AND EAST Via California jtaTFor fnll information reerdiiig rates, maps, etc-, call on company a ag;ent at Albany U. KOKHLEK, E. P. KOGEK8, Manairer Asst. C. F. &P A UBM PACIFIC RL'Y Overland Route - Trains for the East leave Portland at 7 a. a and 9:00 r. u. dailv. TICKETS to and from principal points in United States, Canada and f.uropa PULLMAN PALACE CAR SLEEPERS. Free Colonist Bleemor Cars Ban Throneh on Ez resEtTrains OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS i KANSAS CITY, ! CHICAGO AND ST, LOUIS. Elegant Siew Dlnlns Cars Wit mange, Close'.Conncctions at Portland for San Fran Cisco and Vugtt Sound points. For further particulars inquire ot CuiaanJ A Monttith, First Street, Albany, Oregon, filoats leave the Companv's wharf, at the foot of L'readalbin street, on Tuefday an J Friday of each week. C. O. KAWl.Ii.GS. lxcftl Apent. C. K. MILLKir,' Ceaeral TrafBe Manager. J. TrV. LKE. . P. A, THE' OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. AND Oregon Development Co.'s Steamship Line1 "AND Hpura Less Time. Than by any other rout:' 22 Firat-oIaM throtuh paMDper and freight (rem Portland acd allpoitU in me wu- mett Vrllev to bnd ficm 8n Francisco. Accomodation unsurpassed (or comfort and lety. Fares and (reiffhts ia Yaqulna and the Oregon Dere opment comnany'a steam ihlpe, much lets that by any other route be ween all points in the WUlIamctte Valler uid San Francisco. SAILING DATES. ntOM TA4D1XA. Willamette Valley .... ......... Sept. 2bth UlamettdVallcy Dc. 7th Willamette Valley " 18th num sak rsAXtuco Willamette Valley Sep t,. 24th WllUmette Vallev Dec 3d Willamette Valley.... : 11th The company reserre the rights to cfcang teamers or sailing dates. C. II. Harwell. Jr.. Gen F. & P. Acent 604 Montgomery street, San Francisco, Cat DAILY rAMKKOim TRAOCS Et-m Kzcept Sundays. L Yaquina8:46 A m I Lt Alban; CorvallU 10:38 am" Corval Ar Albany 11:10 a m MSnf ., Use of Steamers I O. A C. trains connect frillamettcfBlver The Wm. M. Hoag, the N. 8. Beatley and the Three Sisters are in service (or Dotn pas- sent er and freight traffic between Corvallis and I'ortand and intermediate poim 8, leav inir comDanv's wharf. Corvallis. and Mesrs. Hulman & Co.'s wharf, Nos. 200 and 208 Front St., Portland, three time Leach weelr as follows: NORTH BOlTKIfe Lr Corvallis Mon., Wed in 1 u ...... 8 00 am Lv Albanv Hon . Wed. anu Fn 0 W) am Ar Salem Mon., Wdd. and Fri 3 00 pn Lv.'Salen Tirs llinr ana sai o o tlantiT Thur. and Sat.... 3 30 OUTH BOUND. f Portland Mn.. Vd. rrd Fi.... f COa Saem Mon.. Wed. and-Fri.... 7 15 BP Lr SaemT en .lhtir. and Sat 6 CO am Lv Albany Tues.,1 bur. and Sat 1 SO pm Ar Corral" Tue.,Hiur. and Sat. . . 3 SO Dm I J.JHoock, General Manure!, a.. O. P ftp. Apent Cnnrallls, O on J3. E. AVAKFOKD, Ha. lnpr purchased the PALACE MEAT MARKET la now prepared to furn'th fresh meats of all kindn; best variety ot choice beef.veal.niutton wrk nnraire, eU'in the city kept conslaritl n hanrt.' brownsville. - -' i X)Mt.. It. r XI H. I IIS St J'A A C Zi A LIl, A 7 r j laquina We ! IILES SHORTER JULIUS GBADWOHL'S . GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. THE LEADING CROCKERY, FANCY GOODS AND TOY STORE OF ALBANY. THE ONLY GENUINE ROGERS BROS SIL VERWARE, FRENCH CHINA AND GLASSWARE, BOY'S WAGONS, BABY AND DOLL CAR, RIAGES, AND A General Assortment of Fancy Goods. Specialty in the finest Teas, Coffees and Family Groceries. lie boys direct for net caeb and carries the largest stock in the Valley. rnn T a. r 3 r insurance agent lor r ire ana STEWAET & SOX -Dealers in- General Agricultural Iron, Steel and Coal Wagons and Buggies Mope and Cordage Blacksmiths9 Suvplies Garden and And all Implements SPRINGFIELD SA17W1ILL A. WHEELER, SPRIN(iFILD, PROPRIETOR. SPRINGFIELD OREG ON PT"Albarjy yard and office on Kail road between 4iL ad 5th strccte.5 A..Vhcelcr, Albany Manaper, Having lumber not excelled in quality, end facilities not surpassed forthe prompt aud satisfactory filling or orders. I reenettfullv solicit a -lmre of the trade. a. WHEELER ALBANY IRON IRKS, Manufacture steam engines, grist'and eav mil. niachinery, irt.u fronts and 11 kinds'of heavy and light work in iron and brass castings. Special atten tion paid to repaiting all kinds of machinery. Patterns tnadeca etcrt notice. E. P. SOX. eident. C. H. Stkwaht, Secretary. Tulius Joseph Manufacturer of. Choice Cigars AND DEALER IX FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CSjjars, Dug and Sitioking Tl iMck, Vinxtiiii e Iiii .full line of Smoker' Articles. Also dealer iu Next aor t Pffiffer's candy store, Albany. Orcn, Bookse hone ra NEXT DOOR TO FIRST NATIONAL BAUK. Subscriptions received fcr all tLe leading ttr ej er and veg azinen. inois Furniture Rouse! THOS. BRINk Best Line of taite Fanc Wickt: Chairs Lounores Parlw . -ftT.: "C1-. -4-V. Pillows Srin Mattresses J Window Shades Walnut Exlen? sion Tables Suits; And you can't find at other houses, I have it. In faetevejy- thing tha; iu kept in a first-class house Ash, Maple and Walnut Chamber sets, Chairs, Spring Beds, Lounges FAc, Etc., at JPrlces thmt CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD ADBANY FE D AND- GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WANTED SPECIALLY Hay. oats and notatoes. to surjnlv customers on the Oregon Pacific Railroad extension and my increasing home trade. where I sell in quantities to euit the purchasers. Offic! foot or Ferry street. me uiw LiiQuor store. Keeps ronsfantly on hnnd the finest imported and domestic w ncs, liqren SPFPIAI ATTFUT'OH Piin TO nRRPRS FPDM THF mltHTilV .marine. Hardware -AND- Mmeflfe. Carpenters9 Tools Builders9 Hardware Powder, Shot, etc. Giant Powder & Fuse Saws and Axes. Grass Seeds Used by Farmers 1 (u. at er and In the Citv of ilbanv! OREGON STORE R. M. ROBERTSON. stationer. M .: .. .. J