THE MOKXnsG HEIIALD: WEDES1AY, riiJSKrARY "12, 1SH0. A. MO WEEKLY TKIM ;i :i.v .T i.ormir. except i J: y carrier, per week Mill 0.15 o m WEEKLY. l'uijIici.Lit uvtry Friday Mr:iinij.) k .oiy, per annum, in auvancc l.i-u isut r-'.'.'i in advance ..... THKjM.lILS. ilalU it tlic Albany postotfk-c closo For all otlict.4 north V'ne Eastern atntcs ' C;30 a. m, rhe West Siiiu ud the Nairow Gallic It. H. ) t-or Portland and Salem 11 A. a Oirvallis and Yaquina .........12:30 r. m office south................ 7:30 p. u The postotlice will lie closed each evening rnin six to seven o'clock. Registered matter for the .early morning should bo maile.1 before 8 o clock the previous eveninr. OREGON IMCIl'IC TIME TABLE. Arrives Departs .ill. 15am li 00 p m 5.25pm 1 f..50 I'assenifer. freight REMOVAL. The office of the Daily and Weekly Herald lias been re moyed into the Foster block up stairs in the rooms formerly occu pied by the Masonic lodge, where larger and more commodious quart ers have been fitted up. Patrons of the paper will please observe the change. SgSEHIOUS OX OBSEQUIES. . The editor of a Pennsylvania paper called the Blade some time since, in writting op a marriage in high life in the city where it is published, used the words "marri age obsequies" in referring to the ceremony. Of course the friends of the newly married pair objected to associating the happy event with a word usually applied only to funeral occasions, and one of them took the editor to task in a communication. "We are accustomed," writes this correspondent, "to look for better English than this from the editor of our leading county paper. 'Marriage obsequies' is not good English. 'Funeral obsequies' is, of course, proper, andjis used by such authors as Nathaniel Haw y. , thorne, Washington Irving, Koberln Fulton and others, but never 'mar riage obsequies.' What you Jdouot less meant to write was 'marriage nuptials.' " In replying to this the editor of "The Blade" finds himself some what at a loss for words. He be lieves himself right, but has not the authorities at hand to prove it "We never intend," he writes, "to admit anything to the columns of 'The Blade which is not good Eng lish, but we may possibly have been betrayed into it this time. We still bel'eve ourselves correct in the use of the phrase, though unfortunately Tea cannot prove it at this moment. We have in cur office ,a large dictionary, the largest size made, but owing to an awk ward occurrence it is not available ior the particular question. We will explain : One day last fa!l we were writing an editorial cn a scientific subject. Wishing to use the word 'obsidian,' we took down our dictionary to learn the exact orthography. The book was lying open on a chair near us while we transcribed the word. At this point our Gne coon-dog, given to us by the genial Sam French, hap pened to come in. He is a good dog for coons, but the greatest fool of a beast to have around when a man is doing literary jrork which we ever saw. The dog went over where our compositor was at work and, seeing that he was vigorously masticating something, began looking up at him and wagging his tail furiously. The compositor was really chewing tobacco which he had borrowed from us, but the fool dog judged that it was doughnuts or other food, and thought to pet some of it by thus working him self into the affections of the com positor. An open ten-pound can of black news ink "stood oy the stove warming. About the third wag the dog slashed the end of his tail into the ink. We rebuked him from our seat by our desk, where upon the miserable beast assumed a conciliatory air and came up to us matin? a feeble effort to smooth it over; but in bringing his' tail around to one side to show us that it was not so very inky, what should he do but drag it across the open page of our dictionary, com pletely obliterating the word 'obsequies' and a dozen others both above and below it! AH efforts to clean the page have been unavailing. Therefore we cannot look the word up and report to our valued correspondent whether we were right or wrong. But we still think that we were right. . We shall investigate the matter when we go to Harrisburg in March.'' The experience of the Blade editor, thjugh somewhat novel, is not altogether exceptional, judging from appearances. Probably that ! coon dog or some other like domes- j tic animal, is rampant in many print shops in the country, find ooks of reference t ave many blots of obliteration that hinders the full I appreciation words used. of the meaning of I Tin.- I.' infliipnz;!. which i ' " .. .. j has degenerated into the everyday ' ja K, jj,pe iias become an institt;-' tion of such fixed and universal i character that, on the grouud that f.l,,.;iiritv it q liltklllti! V ,y-A vvtivvui jt i ! is no longer aristocratic but' terri j My nnd detestibly plebeian. It j may be interesting however to find ! out that its character was known I and disclosed as long ago as 187i. A writer in Kate Field's Washing ton says that an American phy- Business men who want neat, sician, Dr. Salisbury, found out f tasty stationery get Phelps to do all about it in that year and that ! lheir printing, bis discovery vras confirmed and A speedy cure for catarrh war its value acknowledged in a Lon- J11 everv vase' to don publication in 1S82. The doc-j smoke lt celebrated Havana tor s name for the disease then was filled 5-cent Igirs, manufactured infusorial catarrh ; and Kate Fields prints some charming oictures of the little animalcular organism, the asthmatos ciiiaris, which is re sponsible for all the discomfort and suffering that accompany the dis ease. How much better the suf ferers will feel when they know that the disease ha? been mapped out so many years is a question. The German Emperor has be come so impressed with the fact that the republican form of govern ment is tn tne ascendent, mat in his speech opening the session of the Prussian Diet, he makes a special mention of the wants and interests of the working men of his empire. When as aristocratic and absolute a monarch as is the Ger man Emperor, devotes the larger share of his annual speech to the working men of his realm it is a pretty good sign that the working men's form of government, the re public, is encroaching very rapidly upon the old monarchial institu tions. NEW TO-DAY. Bid Deceived. J the Depot fun his fruit fa NOF.RSIGNRD WILL RKCKIVE BIDH AT hotel for putting in drain tile farm fuliarant tn tow i. The til is already on the ground. It is to belaid aboat thiee feet deep. J. A. Gbohs. Depot Hotel, Albany, Feb. 12, IsOO. ANTED- TO BI T A SMALL SRCOND-HANDrooK stove andrdininn table. Address "S." Herald office. HEAL THYSELF WITHOUT MEDICINE This can be done by aiding nature to remove all foreign or injurious matter from the system, by use of Dr. Wilford Hall's new hyxenic treatment. Address J. 12. Hughes, Airent, Albany, Oregon. F TOK 'SALE THREE GENTLE FAMILY horses, of (rood carriaire. well broke for ladies to drive, either single or double. In quire at the City Stables. FOR SALE: A NO. 1 MILLINERY STOCK in a No. 1 location in the thriving rity of Alhany. Low rents and splendid rooms. For particulars addrcsa firm P. O. box !0, Albany, Or. PARTIES WISHING GRAVEL FROM the Wilkins pit near this city must call at the office o' the Oregon La,.d Cd. and pro cure tickets, llv ordrr o'. 3. II Wiikins, REVER! Pi-iif IIOr.SE. ALBANY, OR. CHAS Iter, Prop. Onlv iirst-cclass house in the city. Larjja sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in toe kitchen. General staire otTu-e for Corral I in. J", OOM.S T BKXT AT MRH. Dl'UIil ILI.P.'s ON 1. 3rd and Lyon streets. MONEY TO LOAN-HOME CAPITAL ON imI real estate security. For particu lars enquire of Geo. Humphrey. 1000 CORDS OF forsile by G. NICE FIR II. Keeiiev. WOOD (STRAYED OR SIOLEN FROM THE ear O premises of Denver Hacklenian, Albany, aiout Sept. 1, three youir; treMinifs, branded thun II L on left shoulder. 'Iwo three year old and one two year old, the latter dark color, the others sorrel and red dish brown. Any information leading to their recovery will bejtsuitahly rewarded by the undersigned. K. H. LORD, " hj Albany. P.. SECRET SOCIETIES. A- O. V, W. Safety Lodec No. 13; meets every Monday evening at the G. A. R. hall on Ferry street, between Second and Third. Albany, Oreifon. Strangers in the lity and transient brethren cordially invited to attend. McPherson Post No. 5, G. A. It. Stated meetings at the G, A. R Hall on tne second and Fourth Friday evenings ef each monrh. Transient Comrades ate cordi ally invited to meet with us B. F. Tablrr, Commander Adjutant. AY FOR SALE-'-CLEAN CHEAT ui timothy, baled: will be sold in quantities to suit at reasonable rates for cash, at the stable of L. Senders. Contractor aad Itollder. DC. inELL WILL FCBS18H PLANS, 8PF.CIFICA , tions and detai's for all kinds of build in;; and architecture. All work promptly done and guaranteed to be firat-cFfess. Esti mates furnished on short notice for brick building, residences, public buildings, bridges, etc. WHERE WILL YOU FIND A 1 At the Delmonlco. TRT MKKAKFA8T, TRY HIS DISNKR, TRT HIS supper. Goetz Bros, do all their own cooking. Tiy his hot coffee and tea with cakes for 10 cts. Eastern oysters are a spe cialty, and great care will be taken to put them up after Eastern ftyle. Yaquina and Bay View oyster constantly on hand. Bead his bill of fare ana tee if you don't find what yon want. Did you ever try one of our Sun day dinners; All mnas oi game. rarmera will find a good table set at the Delimonico. Waiting will be prompt Come and see us. Fresh Fish. Fresh Game. Fresh Meats fcOETZ BROS., rropa. E. C. PHELPS, COMMERCIAL, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, OVER WELLS, FARGO A Co's OFFICE, ALBANY, OREGON. A share of the trade In this line solicited. Call and see samples. E. G. BEARDSLEY, Real Estate and Insurance Agent AND NOTARY TCEHC jBroa.lalbin Street. Albany, Oregon. H GOOD HEAL? Tinware w irranted not to rust at Matthews & Washburn's. (jo to Phelps for the latest styles in commercial v.ork. Tinware warranted nt to rust at! Matthews & Washburn's. Great clearance pale at W. I i Head's for the next ."0 day?. Good morning! Have 3011 used : Hubbard's Elegant Lotion. A full line of homeopathic renu j dies at Hubbard's new drug ston j Tinware warranted not to rust at ; Matthews & Washburn's. ! Tinware warranted not to rust at 1 Matthews & Washburn's. If you want a choice cup of tea j try my 40 cent tea in bulk. C. E. i Brownell. j at Julius Jose h s cigar factory. Tinware warranted not to rust at Matthews & Washburn's. Why nufler with the headache, i when Hubbard's headache cap sules will positively cure it. ! Those who have used Hubbard's ! headache capsules pronounce them the best remedy for the headache that they huve ever tried. Mr. Martin Ludwig. the only ! plumber in Albany that can make a wipe joint, will remain with Matthews & Washburn. Prescriptions accurately com pounded day or night by II. C. Hubbard, the prescription drug gist. Residence over the store. Work on the Albany & Astoria railroad will probably begin in the spring tut Phelps will do your printing for you now and do it right. Pure teas in bulk and all kinds of packages, also the finest varie ties of roast coffees at Geo. C. Henderson's, successor to LaForest & Thompson. Go to Geo. C. Henderson's for pure fresh groceries. Prompt at tention given to the wants of all. Give us a call. One price to every one, and that the lowest. We are not here for only 10 days but to stay and help build up Al bany, and we will guarantee at all imes to sell you the best goods at the lowest possible price. W. F. Read. S. J. Brown, who recently pur- cwaseu the cigar store ct li. . Ellis & Co., opposite the Revere House, keeps a line assortment of the best brands of domestic and imported cigars. Smokers are in vited to try his goods. Buy Albany property, ihst and last and all the time, yet if men must and will buy Astoria lots and acre property, always buy the best and nearest to the water front and the O. R. & X. docks, and that ad dit:on is Kinney's addition to Astoria, the nearest by one mile. We have lots and acre property in nearly all the additions and will be pleased to quote prices and terms on all of them. Oregon Land Company. A Timelv Hint. A celebrated physician says that during high water or floods the best, thing for ieoj lo to take is good strong collee. He forgot to mention that Mueller & Garrett have the finest coffee in the city, ground free of charge. We also have the finest assortment of tea3 in bulk or packages. 1'ockct Cutlery. The largest and finest display every brought to this valley just received at Stewart & Sox's. Call and examine. 1 ONE TRIAL MAKES A Regular Customer, MY COMPLETE STOCK AND MODEST PRICES Are what does it. Yon are Icor-iially invited to be one oi thetn. . C. E. BROWNELL. DR. W.C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal College of .London, fingland, also ot the Helle- vue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of study and practice and makes a spe cialty of chronic diseases, removes cancers, scrofula enlargements, tumors and wens, without pain or the knife. He also makes a specialty of treat ment with electricity. Has practi ed in the German French and English hospitals. Calls promptly attended day or night. His motto is 'GOOD WILL TO ALL." "Office and residence Ferry street, between Third and Fourth. Notice of OlsMlallon. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN hat the late firm of Uopkins & Saltmarsh, composed of T. O. Hopkins and George W. Saltmarsh, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, the said George W. . Saltmarsh retiring. All the liabilities of the fir Harare assumed Ity the said T. G. Ilopkinp and Mary Saltmarsh, a copartnership this day entered into under the firm name of Hopkins Saltmarsh, and the said last named firm will collect all out standing accounts and claims of the lute firm of Hopkins & Saltmarsh. Dated this Jnnuarv St. ISRK). T. G. HOPKINS, GEORGF V SALTMARSH, l :i i ,ii,.7 S. Ft. Havt- vou L'ot La(JritiH- s Breakfast or Jewel Stove or Bl have it stroii it mil on having the happust home in i the -Vnllev. Call and examine our Anti Rust Tin-' ware MAT HEWS STRANGERS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO CALL ON C. E. BROWNELL. -AND INSPECT Choice Family Groceries. $5oo WORTH GOLD HATCHES I take this method of informing the citizens of Albany and vicinity Unit I have just opened a first class clothing store in connection with my lucrchnotile business, and have added the most complete stock of gents Fiirnishins Goods ever brought to tnu :. In cider to advertise my business I have de cided to sivp a way vit tOOO vror'.h of Gold Watches. Every purchaser of ue dollar's won ii ! goods, for cash, from the clothing department will receive a clinoce lor one of thise gold watches. Stock is all ne purchased it :lu; east for spot cash, and will be sold at LOWEST LIVING RATES. Call nnd examine my stocn oefore purchasing elsewhere. Jgrio troub!e toshow gooi.w. Albany. Or. JTE 3L D -AND- mf . wa rn It I vii te t m 1 t McMINNVILLE, GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET; WANTED SPECIALLY Hay, oats and potatoes, to supply customers on the Oregon Pacific Railroad extension and my increasing home trade, wu t aeii ;n quantities to suit the'purchasers. Offio foot or Ferry street, where I 4 R. M. ROBERTSON. Will & ilLVERWAREjgc. wifiiitfv$ i iiiisliiiii!'.i-; OREGON.! Stove o buy la ii Early Til ntui on win HIS STOCK OF- lung G. W. SIMPSON. S BOTH ACADEMIC' AND COLLEGIATE Departments. In the Academic Department there are four courses of study of three years each: Classical, 8cieutifio, normal and business. In struction is thorough; location, heal thy! expenses low; advantages, first- class in every respect, e uu iniorma tion in catalogue, for;which address G. BROWNSON,Pi 8s. OREGON STORJE Stark. rv mm and Clot Jewe 3 J J J I;::. t ' ! eoiiiii:c-i'.f '3 (mm) CLEAIUJiCE Iioiiuitil'er this means everything in stock mu have room, and we do not purpose to let Portland or any other city beat' us in prices. Y want to see )7ou all and will save you money. SPECIAL BARGAIBS IN CLOAKS. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, GENTS' NECK WEAR, GENTS' HOSIERY, UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY, LACE CUKTAIN8, ETGETC. BARROWS Dry Goods, Notions. Gents Furn'gs BARROWS 111. I .11 It EliG JiLO CK. a ,- n rn n c n 1 l -, The City Liquor Store, M. UAUMGAliT, Proprietor. vrStxX door to the Odd Fellows' em pie, Albkny,JBOre?on' Keopt constantly on hand the ftness imported andldomcatic w cw. in.. tcWo. Only flnit-cUee Hqnr store in sha citv SPECUUTTir'im PAID 10 ORDERS ROaiKECQmV We hsve d .u ht a to date (Nov . 18.S ;. duced rates calf which duplitf cm of this s? lido shall he pleaijd to Masotic let. ..... 181 Hii-jf tork I w LAITES' DRESS GOODS, LADIES' FANCY GOODS, LADIES' UNDERWEAR, LADIES' HOSIERY, LADIES' NOTIONS, Albany, O'efor. & SBART& AN! -AGENCY FOB THE LUDLOW Ladies Fine Agency for Shoes. Aieo M. D. WELLS & CO. Boots and Shoes. "& SEARLS. r s Tho Leading PHOTOGRAPHERS ALBAKT, OREQOS. BOOT and SHOES Mct Remedies SOLD BY Foshay & Mam he netratlvcs made by L. W. Clark and Greenwood ms Duplicates ean be had from them only of us, ai re iave about 1F00 negatives made by ourselves, frost ie had at like rates. We earry the onlT full iine of view arsed work at lowest rates for first-class work. We ..u at rur studio in Froroan's block, next ior to tfca "WMfUMJn .'u.-. waC.m . . . ..m- wnnjaijii.,