rivr.1 1? AfADVTVn TJlMJAi n. ITinnAV IIH'T' A I? Y T 7J3viLY A.MO WEEKLY !AILV IMV::ni. l evi:rv morniiiif except Mondaj.j e!tv'-t;i! 1V earner, per v.ecK.. .... u.ia v in.u. ir VtW ....... 5 00 WEEKLY. (PuMidheil every Friday Morning.) i e i-opy, per annum, in advance.........S2.00 . lien not paii in advance 20 T1IUMA1L3. Hails it the Albany post office close For all offices north Die Eastern states f 6;30 a. m, l"he West Side I And the Nairuw Gauge II. K. for Portland and Salem 11a." Jorvallis and Yaquina .......12;30 r. u office south... 7:30 p. it The postotlice wilPbe closed each evening rm six to seven o'clock. Registered matter for thujearly morning train should be mailed before 8 o clock the previous evenin?. OREGON PACIFIC TIME TABLE. Arrives Departs Passenger 1 11.15am '.LOO p m Freight . ' o.25pml C.50a KEHOVAL. The office of the Daily and Weekly Herald has been re moved into the Foster block up stairs in the rooms formerly occu pied by the Masonic lodge, where larger and more commodious quart ers have been fitted up. Patrons of the paper will please observe the change. OUR MARKETS. One of the chief facts brought out by the forced plitical discus sion of the tariff issues, during the last campaign was the one that our home market was the most profit able, best and surest market we had to depend upod. Every sub sequent review of the situation has only more fully demonstrated that fact. More especial'y is this the case with our agricultural products, as the foreign market are being more and more occupied by foreign coun tries. These facts must be taken into consideration by our agricul turists and there future plans made in view of them, gauging their varied productions to meet the demands of the market. Especi ally is this the case in this section where wheat has been the crop. Statistics upon this subject bear useful business. The annual re port of the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics on the foreign commerce of the United States for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1889, shows that while in the matter of imports we purchased more in the past 3-ear tnan ever before, the value of all imports for the year being $743, 131,652, we have not kept up with some preceding years in exjoits, the total exports for the year amounting to $742,401,305. The . years in which this "as exceeded were 1&S0, with $J5,:)8,658 ; 1881, with $902,:;77,340; 18S2, with $750,542,275, and ls8:5, with $823,-' 839,402, whilethe exports of 1885 reached $742,1S9.755, or within about $300,000 of the exports for 1SS9. Tiie decline in exports dur ing the last half of the decade just closed was almost wl oily in the products of agriculture, our exports of manufactures never being so great as last year. Beginning with 1878 our agricultural exports ex ceeded those of last year, the total for the former year reaching $530, 192.S73. In 1879 the agricultural exports reached $540,576,703; in 18S0, $093,961,091; in 1881, $730, 394,943; in 1882, $552,219,819; in 1883, $019,209,449, and in 1884, $536,315,318. In 1885 they fell to $530,172,906, or about $2,000,000 below last year, since which they have yaried between $484,954,595 in 18S6 and $532,141,490 in 1889. The chief decline has been in breadstuff and meat products, the exports in the former having fallen from $2S8,036,835 in 18S0 to $123,- 876,661 in 1889, and in the latter from $150,809,840 in 1881 to $104, 122,444 in 1889. This does not in dicate that the wcrld in using less breadstuff than formerly, but that other countries are supplying them. In 1880. the year of the highest wheat export from the United States, the total amount of wheat sold by all exporting countries was 209,987,072 bushels, of tthich the United States exported 144,483,907 bushels, cr 09.13 per cent. The wheat export from all countries last year was 221,713,923 bushels, or nearly 12.000,000,000 bushels more! than in 1SS0, of which the I'n'ted ! States exported but -19,53 1, 915 1 or 2..;4 per cent., .vith llouri onou:.'!i to rai.e the per cent, to .'Ji!.(;9. The Uus.-ian exports f wherit li.i 1 one ut i:on: rr,t:-":; ' bu-ia-'is in t UN;, 14,720' m-!:i-:-5 i:i ls-s, th:.t from T.riti.-h .-:iii l::,v.x;,It;7 i:i 1-' ::,-.'.K'.r l-i-.-hc'.-i in i v"s. JLv-t fui-.rs sh..;v that flu- r.i:,: jr.''.i,.;!i i ! Kus.sia n'A Briti.-h !r!i:i Jl.lS I:'." -Ciifj'.l-, :v. 1 ti.,it i.:i- ::Jit however, of the falling off in the exports of American wheat, the United States continue to produce a oout one-fourth of all the wheat produced in the world, the rapidly growing population consuming what the rest of the world does not taken. Whether ve can long maintain this proportion of the world's wheat product against the expansion of the wheat-trowing areas in British India, Australia, and the Argentine Republic re mains to be seen. The cotton and tobacco exports during the decade just closed have been very uniform cotton exports reaching high-water mark in 1881, with a value of $247, 095,746. They reached the lowest point in the decade in 1884, with a value of $197,015,204, and rose again in 1889 to $237,775,270. Tobacco began the decade with ex ports amounting to $16,379,107 in 1880, reached the highest point in 1886 with $27,158,457, falling again last year to $18,901 ,008. Changes take place n the methods in all the avenues of life. As new theories are put into prac tice and their feasibility proven by the test of actual woik, new opera tions, and new appliances must of course be brought into use. The wor'd moves and the people must keep up with the procession. In agricultural matters it is said that there are hints that a revolution is about to come in agriculture through the discovery that the free nitrogen of the atmosphere is ab sorbed and "fixed" by the soil itself under suitable conditions. Plants need phosphoric acid, pot ash, and nitrogen. The first two are in reach, but the third has been supposed to be elusive. It has been the general teaching that the nitrogen of the atmosphere plays no part in vegetation. Now M. Berthelot and others affirm that it does. Thev have demonstrated, they say, that the free nitrogen of the atmosphere is "fixed" and made available as a fertilizer "by the co-operation of mineral matter and of living organisms in the soil." The fact explains, it is said why it is (1) that spade husbandry is much more productive than plowing ; (2) that land can be en riched by bimply plowing under its own product, and (3) the summer fallowing, with frequent stirring, actually enriches the soil." Pul verization of the soil increases, it seems, its capacity to absorb nitro gen. The method of centrifugal tillage now being developed in the West supplies, it is claimed, an ideal modus operandi for the new fertilization. It pulverizes the soil and aerates it in the manipulation, and then confines a mass of air in its midst for the slower process of absorption and digestion by earth and plants. NEW TO-DAY. I- OST In this city, a gold lockkt contain J iii two pictures, with a stone set. The firder wi 11 be suitably rewarded bv return ing the sine t" the owner, C'has. Kiefer. 11T"ANTRI TO BI VAHMALI. SKC0ND-HAXD COOK V stove and dininn table. Address "S," Herald otti'.-c. HF.AL THYSELF WITHOUT MEDICINE This ian be done by aiding nature to remove all fureicn or injurious matter from the system, by use of Dr. Wilford Hall's new hyjetnic treatment. Address J. 1$. Hughes, Agent, Albany, Oregon. FIOR SALE THREE GENTLE FAMILY horses , of good carriage, well broke for ladies to drive, either single or double. In quire at the City Stahles. FOR SALE! A NO. 1 MILLINERY STOCK in a No. 1 location in the thriving city of Albany. Low rents and splendid rooms. For particulars addresj firm P. O. box 'M, Albany. Or. PARTIES WISHING GRAVEL i FROM the Wilkins pit near this city must call at the office o' the Oregon La..d CD. and pro cure tickets, llv order o J. 11. Wiikins. REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR. CHAS Pfeiffcr, Prop. Only first-eclass house in the city. Largo sample rooms for com mcrrcial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General stage office for Corvallis. TOOM TO RENT AT MRS. DlBRflLlB'S OS Ll 3rd and Lyon streets. lloiiHf to Kent. WITH WOOD FURNISHED IN THE wood house all ready for .use. inquire at this office. MONEY TO LOAN-HOME CAPITAL ON irood real estate security. For particu lars enquiro of Geo. Humphrey. Drain Tile for Sale. ACOOD SUPPLY OF FIRST CLASS drain tile for sale at tbe Eage brick and cile factory East f Albany near Knox Butte. Call at the factory or address Propts & Auston, Albany Oregon. 1000 CORDS OF NICE FIR for silo bv G. H. Keener. WOOD STKAYKD OR STOLEN FROM THE premises of Denver Hackleman, rear Albany, a ont Sept. 1, three oun eliliii's, brandtd th:H III. on left shuuliLr. 'I wo three year M and one two year old, the la'ter "lark inli.r, the otlurs sorrel :i"l red dish brown. Any inf nii:itin !iaiin' ti their rcrorcrv will bo suit iMv rewarded bv the u:t.:ersiu:ki'. K. II. I. l;i. Aik.'.y, .-. si:f i:i:t soi iktii:s. A . . I', V.--Safety L"i1j Nr.. :;; t ; ! .' w r-.- M !:i! i.v eve!!!ii.r a' t! i- i;. A. 1! I Ir.i! :! IVrry street, b- . en .-.-. .l r..l 'lhi:.i. v:m.-, i ire S'i '.'i.vrs i:i :l,e( ivli and t r...'i:-:it I r'li :i cr.li.r.y i:i.',te.i ' ; r -.! e ' . ',r ! .'??J . ,. .... w. ONE TRIAL -M AK!:S A Regular Customer. MY COMPLETE STOCK AXI IM0DEST PRICES Arc what does it. You an coriially invited to be one ol them. C. E. BROWN ELL. The Celebrated French C U RE retcdto,APHR0DITiNE''roe3 8EF0R 2 AFTER -J X the generative organs rf either sex whether arising from the exooMve use of stimulants, tobacco or opium, or through j outhful indis cretion, over indulgence, etc., such as loss of lirain rower, wakem'ness, iseannjr Down Pains in the Hack, Seminal Wt akuess, Hys teria, Nerous Pros' ration, Nocturnal Omis sions, Lcucorrhoe, Dizziness, Weak Memory, Loss of Power and Impotency, which if neg lected often lead to premature old ae and insanity. Price $1 a box; 6 boxe5 fcrSo.OO Sent by mail on receipt of price. A WKITTEN (iUAKANTEE is given with every So order received, to refund the money if a I'r rnutnrnt cure ia noteffected. We have thousands of testimonials from old and younir, of both sexes, who have been permanently cured by the use "f Aphroditine Circular free. Address THE APUKO MEDU'IXE CO. Western Branch, Box, 27. Portland, Oregon. For sale by Foshay & Mason, wholesale and retail drug's it 1 3, Albany, Oregon. THAT HACKING COUGH can pe so quickly cured by Shiloli's Cure. We guarantee it. Fosliay & Mason. ACCURACY. NEATNESS. ALBiBY ABSTRACT DO, The only complete set of Abstract Books and Maps in Linn County" OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE. Business entrusted to my care will receive prompt and care ful attention. BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. CAPITAL 950,000 President....... II. BRYANT Vice Pre II. V. MEKKILL. Casbler JAY W.BLAI. A general banki ij business trans" acted. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfer bought ana sold on New York, San Francisco and Portland, Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms Tliis Space Reserved FOR US GRADWOHL'S BAZAAR STORE! ThirdSwarcl Having purehaied this popular es tablishment I 'am now prepared to rill any orders in the grocery and pro vision line. A fnll 6tock of groceries kept constantly on hand. The highest cash price paid for all kinds of coun try produce, or will exchange goods tu tra;. Come one, come all. CHAS. ESSKi- STRAYEO HORSE -A MEDIUM SIZED bay horse, with a blazed face and one eye out, about four years o'd, hag strayed upon the farm of Daniel Houck, near Tan gent. The owner can secure the houe by calling at the premises and paying charges. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal College of London, England, also of the Kclle vue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of study and practice and makes a spe cialty of chronic diseases, removes cancers, scrofula enlargements. tnmnrn' ami wens, without pain or the knife. He also makes a uneei.iltv f trt. inent with electricity, lias practic ed in the Ccrman Trench and English hospitals. Calls promptlv attended lay or nitrht. I lis motto ' , - . "COOD WILL TO ALL." ' " i!rO:!ii;e and residence Ferry street iu-twci'Ti Third ,i!ni I-'nurth. ' we UIU1V oi:- i.l ZJissoliilioi). XTotk;;- is m:i:F.p.v .;ivkx ya'.n.irs!., .,.,1 ,.f T.li. I!..,,li,,s .-.'rt - .. Sa.tin:.rli, U this day ,-"VI''V.'.V l-Uiiial f. ill-, .lit, l!:c s:ii,l . .Niitniai'vi, .. ''- "I' 111" iirn !.! H-Mim,.,! :'v,t" " V""1 '''' l,:S'li"-- i.d .M;nv n;:! , .1 1., r! ;,! -! . i p H,-,s (.iy ',!";'.' ' 'li' " K.- i:!-:il :,!,: -t -' ; -U'l.at-h, ;:i:l 1!. :.j, : . ' V;':'' vlll , ;t . ;' '. :".''''"''!! ,'!'1'';'" f V:. -"!!i:m-.-Ii. !:!k;ns. STEW AST & SOX -Dealers in- General H Agricultural Iron. Steel and Coal Wafions and Buggies Hope and Cordage Blacksmiths9 Supplies Garden and ltd all Implements SPRINGFIELD SAWMILL A. WHEELER, SPRINCiFIF.LD, PROPRIETOR. SPRI GFIELD I3r"Aliiy yard and office on Kail road "between 4ih and 5th strcetsrt A.;Vhecfi Albany Manager, HavihJ lumber not excelled in .(Uality, tnd facilities not surpassed forthe prompt ant satisfactory lilKnsr or orders. I rcsneetfullv solicit a share of the tr!ie. a. WHEELER ALBANY IRON WORKS. Manufacture Jsteam enqiuee, griatjand saw mil. machinery, iron fronts and all kinds of heavy and light work in iron and brass castings. Special atten tion paid tn repaiiing all kinds of machinery. Patterns made on stort notice. E. F. SOX, ."--indent. C. H. Stewart, Secretary. Tulius Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Cip-ais -AND DEALER IN- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST (.'ipars, Plugand Smokinjr Tobai tos, Mcciscluium :j d 1'riur 1'ij.t-t, at full line of Smokers' Articles. Also dealer in CALIFORNIA!! AND TOPICAL SFkUflS. Next door to Pffclffer's candy store, Albany, Orcirou, h: cr. cr GeneraUBookseller and Stationer. NEXT BOOB TO FIRST Subscriptions received for all azines. inois Furniture House! THOS. BRINk Best line of Ftiroitnre Id the llv of Albanv ! Fane" Wickt. Chairs Louno-es Parlor Corn: ce Poles , Mirrors . Feather Pillows Srino1 Mattresses,? Window Shades W alnut Exterr sion Tables Siiitsi And u. 'U, you can't find :it "Hi'T houses, J have it. n factevery thin2 t!,a; is ket in a first-class house. 'i'-h navictnul Walnut Chawharsrts. Chairs, Sprhi'f Beds, r.oinW Kfr.. Etc.. at Prices Unit CANNOT BF UNDERSOLD a r d w a re AND- Imitate. Carpenters9 Tools Builders9 Hardwarel Powder, Shot. etc. Giant Powder & Fuse Saivs and Axes. Grrayjs fc?eodss Used liy ham : OREGON oust ies, NA Tl ON A L BA UK. the leading newspapers and mag 8 Q Special Ibhrw Sale j To in.-.s. -room lor m comiiu1!!!-?- Jajiiiarv J0tli a GEAND CLEAfiASCE Kememler this means everything in stock I ms have room, and we do not purpose to let Portland or any other city beat us in prices. We want to see you all and will save you money. SPECIAL BARGAMS IN GLOAKS. GENTS' FURNISH I NO GOODS, GENTS' NECK WEAK. GENTS' HOSIERY, UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY, LACE CURTAINS, ETC. ETC. "W IF1 lEeZE-iL-IDS Albany, O'ecu. BARROWS Dry Goods, Notions. Gents Furri'gs BARROWS JSLV3IBEBG BLOCK, aw Tl I C r y-c -T-i I OA nT X AHir.TINC MEDico-ORpyiLLr ai. The City Liquor Store, .;. 11,1 17MCAHT, Proprietor. if? Ne' ujr to the o 1 1 Ftilows' cinjle, Alljanyr Oregon ii-t Kivp nntriiit;y on Irm! tin- Hiiotft iii'j-ort cI anlj,irn.is:ic- v I is', i ZXDLl UnEr'OK PAID TO ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY' Bi-.- .v V.'.- I 'iK-l li U' w.i.-J, .!;:;.:;, f f il i- -h. M ! . t lr.i j..- Tcr. s.-h-l- jiririg tock I will LATIES' DRESS GOODS, LADIES' FANCY GOODS, LADIES' UNDERWEAR, LADIES' HOSIERY, LADIES' NOTIONS, & SEARLS, AND- s AG ESC V FOR THE LUDLOW Ladies Fine Shoes. Also Agency for M. D. WELLS & CO.'S - Boots and Shoes. J &ISEARLS. -an 7i mWa .mmmU Tiio Lendinp; rilOTOCRAPIIERS ALBANY, OREGON. BOOT mi mm m mm ifti i - - . i -vi rats SOLD BY Foshay 4 Mason. l i-Diviliv. s ii!:nic l.y 1.; AV. 'Iaik Grrrnwotul l.;j-lv-::ti- Lc frmn tlu r.i ciilv .f ?, ;n n - i.'v.-llli r.i-:iliv s mailt- liy nfs-lv-. frmn ' :it t:;tc. We c:'rrv 'hi' cli'.V full ;i!:e .f i"v ! v:-r!; ::t I.vc-1 r:tos for t!r.-t-t-lsi work. We i'j : -ur a!i.i:i- i:i Fminj.n. l-!o-k. next rcor to the ,S:;tti ; 1. 1 :;.:.' i.c.t? carts tlian i". t'.:-- y v. l.i ! c n pe'.l. i i' !.'V..t t!:r at:. !:!!..,;: oil: i' c: : !'-:' '-; I:i f : i y.i v I'm: v i.y. I . . th- . J ; : : !i I . ..'. i