-4 ALBANY, OREGON, THUBSDAY JANUARY- 16, 1890. vol. .-no. 43 15 CENTS A WEEK. v V - SPECIAL KOT1CE. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal College of London, England, also of the Belle- vne Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of study and practice and makes a spe cialty of chronic diseases, removes cancers, scrofulaenlargemeuts.tumors and wens, without paio or the knife. He also makes a specialty of treat ment with electricity. Has practiced ;n the German French and English hospitals. Calls promptly attended day or night. His motto is "GOOD WILL TO ALL." tarOffice and residence Ferry street, between Third and Fourth. Star -.A FULL STOCK OF. Staple Groceries Crockery, Glassware, The best quality of toa, coffees, candies, nuts, f tc. CANDIES, NUTS FRESH BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY. At this old reliable house is also to be found a complete assortment of fresh family (.TOceries, to which is constantly beiue added all the seasonable lines of Rroeeries and pro visions, such as Cranberries, Fine Pichles, Dried Beef Chipped to order, Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts. Eastern Buckwheat Flour.' Canned Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, Tkaca rrwula n ori til hmurht when criccs were low and the benefit of the margin will be V- : - . DMnamlior Vl t TlflCf at the old corner on First and Broalalbin Sts. toad Meyer. -T.-ffrrFEI Proprietor of Albany Soda Works And manufacturer of ice Wectioiie We are now prepared to furnish choice. irtsn cauuies or nest praUc, consisting t: pure stick, assorted flavors, mixed candies extra French and chocolate creams, fano mixed, candy toys and a encrcl assort men t oi one canities AT WHOLESALE Qli RETAIL 2T0rdcr from country dealers promptly at (email to. factory on rirst street. ALBANY - OREGON RED CROWN MILLS IXMI, LAVMXG V CO.. Prop, NEW' PROCESS FLOUR. (Superior for Family and Laker's use) Best Siorase Facilities, 45THihtst cash price paid for wheatT?! ALBANY OREGON The BUYERS' fiUIDK is I issued March and Sept. each I year, it is an encyclopedia of useful information for all ' who Durchane thn nxnriea or the necessities of life. We can clothe you n furnish yoa with all the necessary and unnecessary ap pliances to ride, walk -lance, kep. eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church or stay at home, and in various' sizes, styles and quantities. Just hwtire out PnuMnTrien,ired t0 dH these things UumrUHIABLY. and you can make!a fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS' GUIDE, Jhich w,ll b sent uponjreceipt of 10 cents to pa 114 Michigan Avenai ChicasjoTlU. Albany fceri f V CU"J aiea on the old Clme homestead mile from Albany on Corvallis road. We have on hand a large stock of Choice Emit. Trees of our own growing, which we wil sell at lowest living rates. Parties contemplating planting trees will consult their interests by examining our stock and prices before purchasing. Hyman & Brown ell, Albany, Oregon PATENTS Caveats and Frade marks obtained, and all patent business conducted for moderate fees. Our office is opposite U. 8. Patent Office and we can rerure patent in less time a.id at less cost than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing, or photo.with kefcription. We advise, if patentable or pot, free of charge. Onr fee not due till patent is secured, A lii tie book, "How to Obtain Pat cnts," with na jies of a:tu:il client, in your state, county or town sent free Addrcs t Kt'MlV -t tit Opposite U.S. l'ai, nt Oil! Wiwhintfui 1.C. FFER FOR PURE DRUGS, TOILET AND GO -I If ALSO Mix The Finest Line of Pianos and; Organs in the Willamette CAT,!, AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK f TTP 1 C T Take 8nos "nlesa W. L. Douglas' name and price are stamped or. VaUl X'JjJl . the bottom. If the dealer cannot supply you, Bend direct to factory enclosing auvtiuaeu price. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR GENTLEMEN. Sold by gastcris U "Br. SaJaZ FiteW i : jBTIH 1 1 Ml ""I"" " I III IH m.i, nam ijtaai'fla'o complaint Bnyrloa- to Catog Q J. Parogorlo oy Marco tip Syrnpa. ChOdrwa cry for Cmuttrrlm. Mli liont at Mother Mean Castorln. frctrrt trrrz ft-,. s,-.t fnifl.. JVnr Stomodi, Vjt:'Lzz:, lOnittattsn fiirra healthy hhn : i i j rtida digeetion i Irs Ck & The best French hand eewed corset You never will wear any other. satisfactory 3. E). Sole .A COWAN FALS1QN 7.K0 CHAMBERLAIKa Albany, : Qreaon Transacts a jtencral bankinc business. Draw nitric x- , ' r ..,.lulolllu,cw lorn, Han iran iscoanill-ortlariH.o,. xran "n money on approved security Receive dc-pout. subject to check." Collectluu cnf.rtif..l ,n .. ..in " w win I LIT promut attrnr.o:i HIHOSE WI.siiim; K!l:ST-rL.ss IX L sTaii tiii. ibc !...-t :nu!.: t Ftnd the climate of this coas:, un ! sir!t bvcallinc at Mis. 15. E. Ilviii.ii! , o;i,w, tc the '.Masonic Tempi:, First strvut. The latest vocal and instrumental musu: !cpt for sale. Alsc the largest assortment of st nupin' putten.s to select from this uiven in painting ami cluhrriik-rj at hir st u lio over l.im Criinty Itank. (live her vuiir or icr ."!'. wt v i!! 1c :'. .- s,-1 . . v ... ,, -. ' lev,-'. . v ' I-'. ..!(!. ota.'I.M? LinnCountyBank 0 FANCY GOODS TO G. L BLACKMAN. -dbaub a- ijrugs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery and toilet article, alio a foil line of books and station?, periodicals, etc. f3J Fresexipttons carefullj rompoanded IN ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, Albany Oregon CARRIES- Valley. Fine Calf, Heavy Hand Grain and Creedmoor Waterproof. Best In the World. Examine his Ht.l.OO Genuine Hand Sewed Shoe. $4.00 Hand-Sewed Welt Shoe JH:i..r0 Police and Farmers' Shoe. 3.50 Extra valne Calf Shoe. A S Worklnguien's Shoe. ?.0 and $!.?. ISoyV School All Made In Congress, Button and Larc. $3 & $2 SHOES lJEFeh 1M.T5 SHOE IOR MISSIS. BEST MATERIAL, BEST STYLE, BEST FITTING W. L. DO It; LAS. Brockton, .Mil us. L- E. BLAIN. M, asaniw tan quick euro : ( t reeomrnena flastoria for ehlldro. rompUinU, a sjperioc lour prescri iitkjn kaawaloma,;' it, a. Akcbkb M. P.. lllSo. Oxford St, Brooklrn. K. V. ujsl. CoxMirr, 17 Hurray B6,"3fewYort. I. CORSETS BBBPerfection of Fit COMFORT & STRENGTH in the market. Try them once Money refunded if nof found entirely YOUNG,' - gentZfor .Albany- Sukban Property! LOTS IN BURKIIART'S PARK ADDITION This Addition offers superior ad vantages for residence property, commanding a view of the whole city and bui a short walk from the business portion of town, For sale by WKITSMAN A Dl LBCBT BRO'6. w. m Mcpherson, FIRST STREET. REAL ESTATE BROKER. InmraiicelusincFstranpactid and mcnev 'aned. I have a larpc list of improved and i ii tcu,iU Finau traeig, I ei on toiiiiiiisfiiiin r.iiU- ; : .i. . As or SCll It Will p .y y,m t cn,ne an-J iijc buy ii !:w;:!;r, piiArr , :u;.l jc'VifK r, Ail. :c.i. watchmakk" Jiiy, t'nvon. Absolutely Pure. This power never varies. A marvel ! Durltv.strcnfrth und U'lin1i..tnuna,s of More economical thai) the nniinon kinds, und cannot he sold iu.competi. tion with multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders Sold only in c ms, Royal Basiko Pow- Den wo., iui wan sr., w. I. Lrwis J, Jt.iiNsoxW Co., AzcuU, Fortlaud, Oregon. 1'111'SItlAN WH. DAVIS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND II. rpnti fn n .a fMtn,l k v , -.w... iuuiiu MW lilQ U1AJUV room in Strahan'u block, First street. Albany wi cj;uii 6 W. MASTON. niYSIClAK , tfcon, Albany,' Oregon. M. H. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN AND SUBr gcon, Albar.y Oregon. CC. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND .SUR . fteon Albany, Oregon, ofBce in iPierce'i new diock. umce;iiour8, irom 8 A. tt. to 4 r. m. J. ROSSITER, VETEKINARY SUR j. i. neon, graduate of Ontario veterinary college andmembcr of the Ontario veterin ary medical society, is prepared to treat, the diseases of all domesticated animals on scientific principles. Office at Ans Marshall's livery stable. Residence 4th and Calapooia oirccis, AiQauy, Dragon. DK. I. W. STARK, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon, late of Itrownsviiie, Or. Office in the Strahan-l'carco block upstairs in the rear rooms on the main hall. Cai's promptly aiienueu 10 in cuy or counuy. DR. R KOLDEWAY, VETERINARY SUR. gcon, Albany, Oregon - -Graduate of Cer" man and American colleges. DR.M. J. PA1TOV. PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon, niumberg's lilock, - Albany, Or. Female diseases a specialty. Cau. be found in the office day or night. I . ATTORNEY. D. v. n. Blackburn. . w. wrioiit. BLACK11URN, & WRIGHT ATTORNEY AT Law, Albany, Oregon. Cffjco in Odd bellow's Temple. -Vill practice in all courts of the state, and give special attention to all business. WOLVERTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY at Law, Albany, Or. Otfii-c in rooms 13 and 14, Foster's lilock, over L. E. Dlain's stor i f K. WEATHOKKORD, ATTORNEY AT l . law, Albany, Orciron. othec in Odd Fellow's Temple. Will pract in all the courts of thestate, und give special attention to all business. JAMES 1. MEAD, A1T0RNEY-AT-LAW and title examiner, Albany, Or. Will practice in all the courts of the state. Ab stracts of title furnished on short notice. Ten years experience. Lauil Surveying. PARTIES DESIRING SI RVKTIKO DONK CAN OB tain accurate and prompt w ork by calline upon ex-county surveyor F, T, T. Fisher. He has complete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepare t to do surveying in any part of Linn county. Postoffice address, Aimers station, Linn cou rty, Oregon. DRJG. A. WHITNEY, PHYSICIAN AND surgeon. Graduate of Bellevue Hospi tal Medical College, New York City. Diseases of women a specialty, OfBce in Froman's brick, Albany Oregon. CB. WINN, AGENT FOR THE LEAD ing fire, life and accident Insurance com panies. , v Delmonico Restaurant, CONER F1RS-T AD ELLfeWCKTH STS. The undersicned bavins purchased the old Herman ReaUnrant atand has opened under the above name a first- class restanrant. We are prepared to turnish meats tor parties or dances on short notice. Oysters eerved in every btyle, eastern or coast; all kinds of fish known in the market! Employ only first-class help add waiting will will be prompt and courteous, lice ular meals 25 eta. Coffee of first class quality and a cup of coffee and cake at from 5 to 10 cts: I am well known in) this city and request the citizens -to give rub a call. . SAM GOETS, Proprietor. OREGON BLRCTRIO RH.nF.IS TDK MOST BI.S rant medicine in the world for interna and external use. and for pain oi any nature. You will never find lit equal. Ask your druggist for it. Contractor and Ballder fllHE UNDERSIGN ED.HAVING LOCATED X in Albany solicits patronage from city and country. Will contract to build bridges, barns, and all manner oi dwelling nouses, including Queen Anne, Eastlake and Eliza bethian stvle of buildings. Will furnish plans and sptciflcatlons free of charges. Satis faction guarantee W. 0. CASSEL. Plane Tstalaa- -Tk ARTIES DESIRING- PIANOS TUNED X should call upon Prof . D, Van Horn of this city, the well known and reliablf piano tuner He is we'I known to the people .ii ih. nllpA Ktnti b&cinir had years of experience in this business, also in a pianoforte manufactory, and has no equal in tnat line oi. ousiub, J . natronize home enterprise and the public h.M mmanilvr that tbev can now get pianos tuned in a more skillful manner in . . . .. . I . 1 T m on Albany man eisewucre ui mc .v.. orders at Will & Link nriinrcn U1V flP nnOh SELLING WAilldU . ability to represent us as sales agent in this town, ($200 to S2000 per year can, be made) Address, Wanamaker & Brown, Philadelphia, Pa The largest doming anu niercumn .- ing house in America. LMXE CIGARS-IMPOR'IED. hfc Y r-i X and Domestic, embracing the celebrated Kior dc Madrid. Kstrella-. Connnerors and it'i-- c'-ioi e l.r.in-'s in the Vi.IIh. rarg an-l A",- f r,. t.tiio. 7-.'" .'ii!':i o t ec I'lii:'!:!!'.'. j i: j i.e. i. Ciller tin- j i.i'.i . t OVER THE WIRES. Tne Silver Coinage Question Before Congress. SEVERAL OFK1CES FILLED. A County Treasurer Abssoods With $40,000 and a Pretty Woman-Both Arrested Schooner and Nine Hen Last. The Herald a Spccia. Dispatches. Washington, Jan. lo. The house committee on coinage, weights and measures called upon Krtprotarv Windom this moraine and discussed informally the ques tion of silver coinage. The sec retary said he is preparing a bill embodying the leatures oi me pian outlined in his annual report, which he exnects to have ready for submission to congress Monday. The nrcsident to-dav sent to ttie senate the following nominations : Postmasters : llenrv i. Krausse. Reno. New : Samuel Metzler, YVooRter. Orecon: John H. D Grav. Astoria. Oregon; Howard McKuthen: San Dieeo.Cal. : Elmer E. Rupert, Wardner, Idaho. THE LONDON SCANDALS. Aa Earl's, Suit for Criminal Libel Against the Press. London, Jan. 15. The case of the Earl of Euston again&t the Parke edition of the London Press for libel, in charging the earl with ' being implicated in tte West End scandal, came up for trial in the old Bailey hall to-day. Sir Charles Russell, counsel for the Earl of Euston, opened the case, and said he would prove that the Press had published a libel. Lockwood for the defense, in reply, censured Sir Charles Russell for witholding the Earl of Euston from cross-examination at tho parliamentary hearing until the evidence for the defense had been given. ADMIKEItS F SlrLLIYAX. AriaiRnct In Court for Participat ing in a Prize Fight. New .York, Jan. 15. The fol persons, arrested for participating in the Sullivan-Kiirain fight at Richburg, Miss., were brought be fore the district attorney to-day William Harding, Jim Wakeley, William Muldoou. Mike Donovan and Mike Cleary. Inspect ; Byrnes had received the extradi tion papers from Albany this morning. The partv was after wards brought before Recorder Smith to argue the question of ad' mitting them to bail. Pending argument on the question the men were taken back to police head quarters. A GUILTY I'AIK. A County Officer Skips AVith S40, OOO and a Pretty Woman. Memphis (Tenn.), Jan. 15. Jas. M. Fortner and a woman, claiming to be his wife, were arrested on the arrival of the St. Louis steamer this afternoon. Fortner is or was treasurer of Riley county, Kansas, but left th re a short time ago with $40,000 of the county's funds. He will be sent back. SCHOONER WRECKED. The Captain and Eight of Her Crew Are Missing. Gloucester, Mass., Jan. 15. A telegram from Barrington, Nova Scotia, reports that the schooner Ben Hur, of this city, was wrecked at Blanche Point, ftova Scotia, and that nine of her crew are missing, including Captain Thornton. A Gubernatorial Contest. Charleston ( N. Va.), Jan. 15. The legislature convened at noon to decide the gubernatorial contest between Judge Fleming and ben eral Goff. The democrats have materially enjoined the ballot. It is understood that no definite plan of action has yet been decided upon Dy euuer siue. Portland's Prize Fighters. Portland, Jan. 15. ''Senator" Morgan received a telegram from Joe Choignski to-day, stating that he would arrive in this city on Sunday with a representative and woald then be ready to sign tbe articles for his fight with the "Irish Giant" on the 25th. Wholesale Robbery. London, Jan. 15. An extensive robbery of Turkish priority bonds and Mexican national bank shares has cccurred. The securities were stolen in transit from Paris to London. . A NATIONAL MILITARY PARK. ProTislons of av Bill Aboat to be Introduced, Washington, Jan. 15. A bill has been prepared by General Groevenor establishing tbe Chat tanooga and Chickamauga Nation al Park, which has tile support of tbe leading members of tbe societ ies of tbe Army ef the Cumberland, the Army of tbe Tennessee, tbe Army of the Potomac and all tbe leading ex-confederate officers en gaged in tbe battles indicated. Title to tbe park is to be obtained by the United State9 by condem nation and purchase, alter ccdin-' i f jurisdiction V; the St- tr. of Gi'-:yiu n:i( Tviju' sse' The jurK will embrace tbe battlefield f Chickamauga. Ad appropriation of (351,000 is provided for carry- ins tbe act into efiect. Boodler Brice. Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 15. The house and senate met in joint ses sion and formally declared Calvin S. Brice elected United Mates senator. Brice made a brief speech of acknowledgement. A Big Failure. London, Jan. 15. Artala Broth ers, loreign DanKerc, witn nouses in London, Paris and Madrid, have been declared bankrupt ; liabilities 450,000. ONE WAT TO SETTLE IT. A Plan by Which an Agreement May Be Reached. Washisuton, Jan. 15. The dis cussion of the World's Fair bill by the House Committee ou Foreign Af fairs resulted in bringing forward a proposition which it is suggested mfty aid in the selection of a site for the fair by the House. The committee has already decided that it will re port a bill leaving blank the Dame of the city where the fair is to be held, but it is feared that if it goes into the House in that shape and without some arrangement in adranoe to govern the method of the selection of a site, no agreement can ever be reached. Under ordinary parliamentary rules the nrobable course of Droceedines in the House would be for some member to move to insert the name of a site, and some other member would move to strike out that name and insert aaothcr. On a vote on this last proposition the opposition would com bine to defeat it, and this would probably be the fate of the original and succeeding motions, the advo cates of the different cities desiring to secure the proposed fair killing each other off in succession. To avoid this the sub-committee charged with the consideration of the h air bill has taken a bint from the action of the Appropriations Com mittee in securing alternative action upon certain clauses of the District of Columbia Appropriation bill, and in cline to report a special proposition which will provide for repeated bal lots in the House upon the question of naming the site for the fair, with an agreement that ou each ballot the name of the city receiving the least number of votes shall be dropped. In this way it is believed a conclusion cau soon be reached. DYNAMITE SHIP EXPLODES. Grand and Terrible Scene at Sea Escape of the Crew. New Bedfoed, Mass., Jan. 15. New3 was received here to-day that tee bark British Monarch, with ten tons of dynamite aboard, caught fire in midocean November 19. The crew put off iu boats and watched the great explosion. It was something fearful, and on a ship 130 miles distant it was taken for a falling meteor. Part of the crew were taken by a whaler to Cape Town, and the others doubtless also escaped; Prominent Editor Dead. Boston. Jan. 15. Charles C. Danforth, for over 25 years editcr of the Boston Herald, died of pneu monia this morning, at the age of 47 years. ASTORIA. The Gate City of the Columbia. Burkhart & Malin have now se cured tbe Astor addition to Astoria. This addition is one of the clcsest additions to Astoria, and is unlike the other additions, as it is all level land, every foot of it, and there is a motor line and wagon road which passes directly through this addition, which makes it the most accessible addition to the city. These lots are now offered for sale for a short time only at $35 per lot, which makes this the cheapest Astoria property ever of fered for sale. Maps and plats can now be seen at the office of Burk hart & Malin. Goltra's Park Addition. We are now offering for sale lots and blocks in this fine addition, parties wishing to make invest ments with a view to building or where property will advance rapidly in value, will do well to look at this addition as it is the choicest residence property in the suburbs of Albany. This addition is laid out with parks and has broad avenue's running through tbe entire length of the property with trees planted at the corner of each lot on the avenue. Call on Burkhart & Malin, Real Estate Agents. Property In Portland on the In stallment Plan. Five dollars down and a dollar a week buys you a lot in the beauti ful addition of Wheatland. This property lies adjoining Mount Tabor, and is situated directly on the motor line running into Port land, and is beautifully located, being level land and in plain view of Portland, the metropolis of Ore gon. Any one that can pay $5 down can buy one of these excel lent lots. This property is for sale now by Burkhart & Malin, who will furnish you with maps and plats of this addition. Come and Look. Thos. Brink has just received a One lot of wicker chairs, wood baskets, music stands, and some fine parlor suites, etc , which will be sold at the very lowest price. Paisley & Job Printers. STATE LANDS. What the Public Lands Oregon Are. of HOW THEY MAY BE SOLD. Toe Terms of Purchase, and tbe IRe qnirements to be Complied "With by Forcliacen. The public lands of Oregon subject to disposal by the state are as follows: School lands, University lands, Agricultural College lands, State laads Swamp lands and Tide lands. and with the exception of tide lands. are located principally io the eastern and southern parts of the state. The sale of these lands is made in accordance with the following pro visions of stato law: The governor, secretary and state treasurer, as a board of commissioner for the sale of school and university lands and for the investment of the funds arising therefrom, are hereby authorize 1 and required to sell tbe re maining unsold school, university aad capitol building lands; also lands granted to the state by the United States adjoining salt sr rings, and lands granted to the state for the purpose of internal improvements, which have been or may hereafter be selected at the uniform price of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre; and the agricultural college lands at two dollars and fifty cents per acre in quantities notexceedbsg three hundred and twenty acres to one person. When any person desires to pur chase any of the lands of this state he shall file an application therefor with the said board of commissioners, which application shall contain a pre cise description of the land applied for according to the United States survey thereof, and be accompanied by the affidavit of' tbe applicant, taken before some notary public or county clerk, to the effect that he is over eighteen years of age, and is a citizen of the United States or has declared his intention to become such and a resident of this state, that he has not directly or indirectly made any previous purchase of land from this state, or any for him which, to gether with the land described in the application, exceeds three hundred and twenty acres; that the proposed purchase is for his own benefit and not for the purpose of speculation, that he has made no contract or agree ment, express or impl'ed, for the sale or disposition of the land applied for in case he is permitted to purchase the same, and that there is no valid adverse claim thereto by any actual settler. Full payment may be made on any state lands at the time of application, and applicant may have deed there for; or one third may be paid down and two notes given for the balance payable in one and two years, with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum; except iu tbe case of timbered lands, when one-half must be paid down and one note given for the balance. In addition to the classes of lands mentioned above, tbe state also sells swamp lands and tide lands, in the same quantities as in other cases. Swamp lands are sold at a uniform price of 1.C0 per acre, full payment being required at time of application to purchase. Tide lands are sold upon the survey and appraisements of the county surveyor ef the county in which they are located tbe minimum price being two dollars per acre in cash. If any interest should remain un paid or any note or notes given for the purchase of lands for one year after the same became due, the sale and certificate shall be void, and all pay ments thereon shall be forfeited and the land shall be deemed vacant and shall be subject to sale as if it had not before been sold. DEATH OF A PIONEER. Eugene Frum died at his home oa Sand Ridge, Linn Co. Januarys, 1S9C, at 12:30 P. m. He was born in Mongahala coanty, West Virginia, March 9, 1809, where he lived with his parents until grown. When he went to tfew Orleans. Not liking his change he returned home again in a short time, where he staid fer one year, and becoming anxious to see more of the world, he moved to Bellville, Illinois, where he worked at the mechanics trade for one year. He then removed, to Putmaa county, where he remained for two years and from there to Stark county, where after two years he was united in mar riage to Elizabeth Barnett,(at the age of 32, October 28, 1841. There he resided for ten years, then like a great many others started tor Oregon, with an ox team, wife and six little children, on April 10, 1851. Mr. From like all others that crossed the plains hd a long and tedious journey. He landed at Portland, Oregon, October 2, 1851. He came to Marion county where he lived for one year, then to Linn county, where he lived on Oak Creek for one year. He then moved to Sand Ridge where he lived op to the time ot his death. He united with the Chrirtain church in the year 1857 of which he lived a member until his death. He Was a kind hnnhanrl n1 indulgent father. He leaves wife and nine children besides a large circle of relatives and fritnds to mourn his death. A Feiekd. Iowa, West Virginia and Nevada papers please copy. Important Advice to Gentlemen. F.uy the celebrated Dent gloves :it Miirrows & Pearls, exclusive :ients for Albany, t