i 1 HE HERALD: SATURDAY. JAXUAKY 11, 1S90. BC8IXES NOTICES. The latest meet n:usie at Mra Hyman's. Buy yoar stoves and Jtinware at Smith & Washburne's. Try Sapoliofor house :leaninp. It ia unequaled Brownell & Stanard, Builders should go to Smith & Washburne's for their carpenters tools and builders hardware. No. 1 Star tomatoes and all kina3 of fresh canned (rood) at a very low figure at Conrad Meyer's. Lovers of pood cheese should call on Conn Bros. They have just re ceived a lot of full cream, fresh and sweet. Mexican Cactus Bitters is the best remedy in the world for liver and kid ney-diseases, indigestion, etc. For sale at M Banmgart's' A new line of fine wall-papers with borders to match have been opened at FortmiUer & Irving's. They are new and elegant designs. Call and see them. It is" no good to look at the thcr momctei this year to judge of winte.. The only thing to guide you is Brownell & Stanard's priees, which are always down to zero. For chilblain and frost-bites use Chamberlain's Pain-Balm. When promptly applied to the frozen partj it wih pievent the skin from turning black ex peeling otf. It allays the itching and smarting of chilblains and book restores the part to a healthy condition For 6ale by Foshay Mason, Grand Army boys, as well as many others, will be interested in the foll owing from Alex B. I'of e, Stewart, Tenn., who is A. D. C. , Commander Dep't Tenn. and Ga. He says: "We have had an epidemic of whooping cough here and Chamberlain's Couh Remedy has been the onlj thing that has done any good." There is no danger from whojpiug congh when this remedy is freely used. 50 cent bottles for sale by Foshay & Mason. Have you heard what Mr. G. L. Weast, of Cambridge City, Ind., says of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy? If not, here it is: "During last summer I was troubled very much with severe pains in the stomach and bowels, and was induced bj a friend to try this Remedy. I took one aose, as per directions, and it gave me almost instant relief. I cheerfully recommend it to the afflicted." 25 and 50 centjbottles for ale by Foshay & Mason. Mr. F. J. Smith, Editor of the Ft Abercrombie, Dakota, Herald, says: "The most wonderful medicine, I have ever met with, is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy. In case of cholic is gives speedy rc liaf . On hunting trips I have found it indispensible. Put in alkali water, it imparts a pleasant taste and pre vents the painful diarrhoea, which alkali water produces. I could not feel safe without it in my house." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Foshay & Mason. FAIK DALE AUDITION. Bin-ivhiMt Ti Mali 11 offer for sale 105 ; v to s" . 1 'e.inlifii addi 1v v.i-Vil j' L been platted. Th;- f !"".'o i i- i-iuwic ion tho e" . o e iHlioi'iin-; Abe HauV'c : k 1. 1 md is the clo- f j 1 1- e i'i.y that is now. o.V- I ij- e. Tne c Jo'.3 will ov. 3 ' fo ' .-" iu5 to -'er lots f i : Ji-n.vry l;i, after v. 1 1" e : '. -ruling W 1.. iO . " ' dl. Thet9 1 ') v " . f. y term. ? t i i - them v, ' f ' e ( 0 -e p New Addition to Albany. J. R. Abbey '8 addition to Albany in the eastern suburbs ot the city has been platted, and 54 choice lots are now on sale at $50 to $125 by Curran & Monteith. Apply at once and select your lots. An Absoluie t'nre TheOriginal Abictine OintnicntJJi only put up in large two-ounce mi boxes, and is an absolute cure lor old sores, burns, wounus, ciianpcu nanus and all skin eruptions. Will positive ly cure all kinds of piles. Ask tor the Original Abietine Ointment. &oid uy Foshay & Mason at 25 cents per box by mail 30 cents. You Cannot Attord. At this season of the year to be without a good reliable diarrhoea balsam in the house, as cramps, colic, diarrhoea and all inflammation of the stomach and bowelj are exceedingly dangerous it not attended to at once. On hottla of BEGGS' DIARRHOEA BALSAM will do more good in cases of this kind than any other medicine on earth. e guarantee it. U Blackman, druggist. Wbr Is It That" people linger along always complaining about tlu.t tired feeling? One bottle of BEGGS' BLOOD PURI FIER and BLOOD MAKER will cn tarelyfremoye this feeling, give them a good appetite and regulate diges tion. G. L. Blackman, druggist. Don't forget that at Mrs. B. E. Hyman's is the placebo get your sew tng machines, Tbe Pride or Woman. A clear pearly and transparent skin is always a sign of pure blood, and all persons troubled with dark, greasy, yellow or blotched skin can rest assured that their blood is out of order. A few doses of BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIOR and BLOOD MAKER will remove the cause and the skin will become clear and trans parent. Try it, and if satisfaction is not given it will cost you nothing. It is fully warranted, G. L. (Black aian, druggist. Hot a (California Bear. Anybody can catch a cold this kind of weather. The trouble is to let go, like the man who caught the bcri. "We advise our readers to purchase of Toshav !t Mason a bottle of Sanla Abie, the California KingofConsump ton. Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough and Croup Cures, and keep it hand-. 'Tis pleasing to the taste and death to fie above complaints. Sold at $1 00 a "bottle or 3 for ?2 50. California Cm. F-Cu;e gives immediate relief. Ti.e Catarrhal virus is soon displaced iv Its healing and penetrating nature. Give it a trial. Six months treatment 1 00, sent by mail $1 10, Fortmiller Sc Irving have just opened a new line of portiers, table rovers, iowel rings, stair nails and i.ov:-":cs in furniture and h'ouso-ilnifh.. .' "' and sec . , their elegant. i, t . .ove in the THE MARKETS. ALBANT QCOTATION9. WTieat 0 Oats 2530c Flour i4.-25 pei bbl Potatoes toe Eggs 30c Butter 25c. . Lard 12K 15c. Hams 12$15c. Shoulders S 10c. Bacon 10 12c. Hay Timothy, S12, oats and cLeai, $8. App ts Green, Ki1.00 per bu. Plujik Dried, 4c. per B. Appcs dried bleached 5c sundried S c. Chickens 2.505 00 Hides Berf hides, grec-r, 4 c, 10 c : deer skins, 20c; sheep pelts. 10 75c, according to wool. Beef 22c gross. Mutton ?2 00 per head. Hogs 5tie, dressed. Lard Kegs, or 5 gallon tins, 10c, pails 12c. For the finest silver polishgin the market go to II. Kvert's Take 'Liver Regulator One Dose v. . -- wonTn.K t ioo Dollars ! Drar S. L. R: I consider one drue of Sim mons Liver nest'lator north ""(MOO. 1 was cons'Jip.tc(', had Headache, could cat noth in? v ih satisfplion or appetite h.-d the blues, and felt altogether out of eons. I rc i rtcd to Blue Mass, Cr-'nmcl, Quinine, and every rcnietly suggested, but only obtp-ncd tempprmrv relief. One dose of 8 L R d'd me more pood than (SI09 worth of doot 013 pnd dectorinf. Resp'y, J C Mahtis. I havefjbeen a teacher for twenty vcara, and during that time have had lcpcatcdattncUso headache, produced by torpid Liver, r.nu I have been entirely cured by Simmons L'vcr Re-zulaor. I found it to be of so ni'il a character in its action as not to interfere, in the least with my duties in the school rcon, To those similarly situptedfnnd subject t-he same, I cannot too hi;;hl Jlrccommend S'ni moiis Liver Regulator. E, E,;t'iiRKK, Campbellsville, Kj. For your fine imported and Ke West cigars, eo to M. Baum?PiU' cigar store, one door ;ast oflih'ik man's 'drug stcj I propose Uo lipye yci'.r tiac'c, if honest goo:'s, low pi iocs an'1 'ooU treatment will sccuieji. C. E.1 Liow. nell. Fresh oysters served every day at Hermann's restaurant. Ladies prefer to tiade at C. E 3rov, lu ll's' because everything is ne.it imhI i lean and in apj)!e pie order. When Baby was stole. We gave her Castorja, When she was a Child, She cried for Casioria. When she became Miss, She clung to Castoria. When she had Children, She gave them Castoria. OF ALBANY, OREGON,' PRESIDENT, L. Flinn. VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. ToUDg, CAsniERv hj. W. LaDgiion TRANSACTS A GENERAL BAXKIN BUSiXESS. Accounts kept subject check. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, San Frar.eisco and Portland.Orcgon. Collections made on favorable terms. S.E. Yocxo? L. Funs. ZHZ L. . JBLAIS1 11RKKLL E.W.;iASGDOX Cashier, Candies, Nuts. Green fruits, tobacco and cigais. T)plav not till to-morrow to be wise, but buy of those who adver tise." Always read the advertise ments of C. E. Brownell. They will be meat, drink and lodging to ou. J. F. WHITING, ARTIST, I 'ti-i iTf-., Ii, ,;u;,ir ami JIrt-iiauic.il l'lv.-.v- i:-':v.';i an-l ', F'-Mvr blech. .M!-aiv, I t'aQU. ' j Simmons liiS JAPANESE BAZAAR STOEE. Mrs. Nancy Westfall, wife of the well known Chinese contractor Jim Westfall, has opened a Japan ese bazaar store in the brick next door to C. H. Spencer's. It is filled with all kinds of Japanese wares and novelties, including parasols, fans, canes, ladies wear, souvenirs, etc. All goods sold very cheap. The Albanv Bakery ! Uudcr the new management of -WH KEEP I 'A fuil line of choice family groceries and urov'sion Canned ir'irieapples, Choice Table Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Wedmnas and Parties. galmo bellies n 1 1 i 1 1 1 alt f sb ( i al kinds. FRESH BAKED BREAD fivorv Dav. L) TEAS and COFFE Candies Nuts. Raisins. CANNED UOODS, ETC ine best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars 5TAt JohnJFox's old standi ;' low Tl nn 8 new brick. C O M l1 N Y OP- Albany Oregon OU I'AID II ttriTiL $35-000. OFFICERS. Pit- :!e i; C' ;i ' ' E. V.'olverio', Wc-TtT :'e . O. vViit -mnn. T.e;iMi:e: .!. V.T. ( vM.i Secretiirv .!. K. E!ie,,'i-ii". Jin C'TORM. i:. -. v!:.'ui- -.-. E. Wolve i .1. L. Covr I). 1.. Monleitt .1. v.". ! ic-k J.O. V Usiiian, J-. K. Koe ! .. C'l-:!es lonteith, (.. F. Si'iui- j . SaTe,So0!iii,uouaiife A Square Company, Manooecl by Square Men,' Patronized by Square People PaxsonisQ Scaio Enterprise TAKE THE CA15& FROM v ft m warn a -v ratEs: To any part ot Ibe cUy, 50 cents. For calling, lir&l hour 1.50, each subsequent hour if I. . Stand in front of S. E. Young' and W. F. Read's stores. SIIILGirS V1TALTZER is what you need for conhlin. lion, loss of pp petite, dizziness and pll symptoms of dyspepsia. Price, 10 pml "5 cents per bottle. Foshay !t Masou. Albany Batli House -AND- HAIR DRESSING SALOON, JOSEPn WEBBER, PROPRIETOR; jggTLodieg pud children's hair dress nir a specially. iDntuiv satisfaction j guaranteed;! OREGON PACIFIC. Curran & Monteith have lots for sale on the installment plan, rang ing in price from $125 to f 1000. JOHN SCHMEER'S Livery. Feeds Sale stable Corner Second and Ellsworth Sts . ALBANY, - OREGON Horsks boarprd by the day or month. Car riai;c3 or buujrics an reasonable terms. vonl FOSHAY &'MASOT, Wholesale landUctail '"D " AM! AN Y, ')1': ' wr Eros. BestSroD Pes Cakes Farmers & Merchants NSURANCE 1 001) M GOLDEN Ml BAKING PO IV DEJi. Put up expressly for Julius Grad wohl and sold at his Golden Rule Bazaar in ONE POUND CANS AT 25 CENTS PER CAN Guaranteed to be first-plasn in every Respect. JULIUS GRADWOHL FIXE DISPLAY OF FANCY GOODS, ' Chine: e d'srir- JpiMitee curios ities.and I'oie'lV or pll kinds have been ope ted tl ' e J? iw ne. Bazaar Store of tlie Tvoi' Va(JeeCo.. opposite fie row Manc Temple! The ladies s e i.iviled to call and inspect tic fine holiday goods. tJTFancy p.oods sold cheaper than in Portland. E.SE. WAKFOKD, 2Ha nnz purchased the PALACE VEAT MARKET Is now prepared to furnish fresh meats of all kimls; best variety of choice beef,veal,mutton pork sausaje, etein the city keptlconstantl an hand. BROWNSVILLE. Jbieal JtL.staie and INSUltANCE ACEJSrf I DAVIS BROS-3 AND CO DRALRRS SOKSERAi4mKRCIUXDI8E. SII EDD.LJNN Co. OP EG ON : ARCHIE W. BLACKBURN,: C. K. HKOWNELI., THE ;R0CEK ; UNIVF.RSIiY OF OREGON, s El'fXNE CITY. Ne-1 sc-fs:o i b; ::is on Monday, September 10'i V "'e U ,!01, f ''l s,-," "try couri ty l.yfic st. Ic. A i ii : onr county super iiitciHicnt. Yi -Q t :i'o,i aitrr .lanuarv J, s 0. Four roe.. - : :.. -ual, Scicnvi.i.:, Litcirv n-.i a :io:i En-.i: h course. i which I.t.(h no I. n, Frcn.li or (icrm.in. 'lhe Fi,i , is - ic -cniincitUr :t biisine-s co-iitc. For culo-ucs cr otntr iu ;oruiiitio.', ocdress J. W. JOUXSOX, President. A LEAN Y Collegiate Institute ) ALBANY, OREGON 1S.S9 ISSS A Erll Ccipci; linuiti:. 'la; -:i ' icirotii-c, ii.p.ar.v, ctmmercial am. no-..-. .'. "tcs. t'oii-.tsof Minlv ar-ran-tV i..-t Hie ne ci s ; all grade's o.' students. v-j . i,i,:it-e.nents otTcml to students frc.u : oio.ul. Tailion ranges fioi.i ."5.50 lo Sl'i.5o;riVr Term. Instruni-nU'l (int-: i ic toi in! n i:si.fli given bv SI vs i. I'r.i Go'tra. ' ll..a:i in p. itric f. nii'icsrt low rate, anil rooms "or self ;o."i.,iii-,' ,,. fm.ill xptiiM.-. A careful s j-ki lision cxciciscd over -pup' iwpy ti,. Iioine. - Kor circulars and iul- particulars" adurcs thcpresii'ciit, JKEV. KLCERT -V. CONDIT, Albany, Oregon, Over TheS CASCADE MOUNTAINS Fr.O.M ALRANY OR LEBANON EAM WABD. The Willamette ValIP c.de Mountain Wagon Uoacl is in ex cellent comlition, and by all odds is the best ?nd shortcut wagon road to Eastern Oregon. Hrater and grass is abundant along the entire road. The grades are easy, accommodations su perior and the road well bridged making it the be!,t mountain road in the state. For hummer jaunts, hunt ing and fishing tho Cascade Moun tains in the vicinity of Clear Lake and the Three!Sit,ters? afford tllliprinr advantages. D'GiLVLoU W c (j R I FOR KAIFEYA1I. TWl ;JTS. "Some moiitlis no T 'rmr-lnc.,i n box of Dr.. I. P. Gill's Cntarrh Cure for my iwn use. but find! 11.7 my nephew C. A. Mc-Mnlian. needinir 8iu-h medil cine I let him have my box of medi cine. He now sends for three more boxes, saying- it is the best thitiff for catarrh ever tried by him and his friends. I n-ot another box to ue in my case, and cheerfully recommend it toothers. (Sisned). JOHN McMAfTAN, Ex-County Commissioner Lane Co, Oregon, Spi-mibld, Lone county. Oregon. Prof J, W, Johnson, president of the Stale l iiivct-. i"y, say" it cured him ol a coi-'i ii rfler J wo oilier jres-ripl ion& had railed, Likewi.se two or his liille sirlaused it lo cure their couarh. Airs Mark liailoy. wife or Pror I'.a'h-y, sent it lo Prof Johnson, and rc-oin' mi nils it lo all who sutler from coM and i-niiMb-. For coiiirhs it ci-- ii.o a ( li:"in, and (iin i,e inhfik-d into the liipf-or ji.tsac. win re .0 oiher t-oiiuh i r.m rea: h. 0 i n' 1 '.-rt'iBic r.ti.: . -!' "-I'liiir in is Til' fT l:K- ..tl.i if ..trm ::::ifi r: . -v..-.,,. 1 'jii rl. ' ur ... 1 lu' ' it. .1 IT. Fop 1 id Bo ways ilita- South ekx I'ACIFIC Oomimxy'b ! j-irarx:. THE AMOUNT SHASTA Time Between nnil an Krnnrlsco Albany 35 35 H O L" E S California express trains run daily between Portland and San Francisco. soi ru NORTH 4:00 p m..Lv... t:18 p m..Lv... :4 a m..Ar. ... .Portland Ar. .10:45 am .Albany Lv.. C:45 am . S. r'rantisco.Lv.. 7-00 pm Loral : Pass. (Train Dally- Ex. Sunday h 00 a iil.Uv Portland Ar.. 3:45 pm 12:40.p m..Lv Albany .......Lv. .11:35 am 2:40 p ni..Ar.....Eu(rcne Lv.. 9:00 am Lebanon Brancb. b:Ai,- in.. Lv. . 0:06 ptn..Ar... l:;o im..Lv..l :': :o o m..Ar.. 7; 0 a in.. Lv.. S.-'i a ni..Ar.. ..Albany... .Lebanon.. ..Albany... . . Lcbaiu m. . .Albany .Lebanon... .Ar.. ti:J0aui ..Lv.. &:45tam ..Ar.. !:25 pm . . Lv . . b:40 am .. Ar.. 4.20 pin . Lv.. 3-40 pm PULLMAN BUFFKTSLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For r - finoilation of Second-Class Pas sen. to Fxprees Trains. liic S. i, t'o.'n Ferry mates connection with;'1 . ic . .I'.ir trains on the cast side di vision i ...n .oot of F street. Potrland. Wc-Kt Sidc'IH vision. Between l'oitlam! and Corvallis. Mail Tr.-iln lliilly - Kxiept Sunday 7::0am..Lv ...Po.tlanl ..Ar.6.20p. n 12:5 p ni. .Ar Ccnaiiis.. Lvl.30 p. m, At Albany at'd Corallis connect with train o' (lrr ;r,n l'n iili ltailroad. KxprrsH Train IallyEx-tpt Sunday) 4:f0piu..Lv I'or ';-nd... Ar..9:00am 8:00 p ni. . Ar Sl V iniMlle.I.v..,fc.45im TrOUH TICKETS lo Al! Points SOUTH AND EAST Via California fSTFor full information retrardiiig rates, maps, etc-, call on couipany s a-cnt at Albany K. bOKULKK. E. P. KOCEKS, Manaircr Asst. C. F. iP A DNIOON PACIFIC RT COMPA.M1 Overland Route Trains for the East leave Portland at 7 A. H and U:00 r. m. daily. T'TTT'XnQ! to3anJ Irom princijisl X XJ1-AJ KJ points in I nitcu states, Canada and Europe. PULLMAN PALACEtCAR SLEEPERS. Free Colonist Sleenin? Gars Bnn Throtieh on Ex -ress Trains OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS. Klegnnl Sew llinlns Car Mil I Cliansr, ClosclConnections at Portland for San Fran Cisco and Pu'ct Sound points.g For further partii ulars inquire ot Curaan & Monteith, First Street, Albany, Oregon. fiTiioats leave the Company's wharf, at the foot of Rroadalbin street, on Tuesday an J Friday of each week. C. ii. HAWL1SGS, Local Ag-cnt. . s. .niLLi:ir,' General Traflic Manner. j.w. li:e, v. v. A, -THE- OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. ASP Oregon Development Oo.'s Steamship Line1 v k3 -AND 2 2 Hours Less Time. Than by any other route:'! First clasB through passenger and freight Irnm l-.trtl.tti.l f.iiil nil ix.if.tu in Vi Vil. I nirtte Vi Hi v to r.utl frcm San Francisco. Accomotlations unsurpassed for comfort and safety. Fart s and freiirhts via Yaquina and the drouon Dcvc opnicnt comgiany's steam ships, nint h less that by any other route be wei'i. all points in the Willlanutto tYallcv nd San Francisco. Sailing dates. FROM YAQ11N. Willamette Valley........... Sept. 2th WillamettolVallcy M Die. 7th WilUmette Valley n " 16th FROM SAN FRANCISCO Willamette Valley Sept 24th Willamette Vallev Dec. 3d Willamette Valley ". 11th Hie company reserve the ri(;ht, to chang famcrs or saiHnir dates. C. if. Haswkll, Jr., Uen F. & P. A),cnt. Sil Montgomery street, San Francisco, Cal. . DAILY FASSKSOFR TRAINS, Kxcept Sundays.) f. Ynnuina fi:4R A I I.v Albanv 1-00 P I ( i. allm 10:38 am " Corvallis 1:40 pm Ar Albany 11:10 A M I Ar Yaquina p-'iO r. . O Si V. trains count ct, at Alban and Coi Willanirtle Ulvrr Line of Slranicr Tb- vVui. M. Hoa-.', the N. S. Bcutlcy and the I'i.r c 'v-tt-rs are n Ft-rvit-c for both pas-sen--rami in ijflii. iratlie lictwcrn Cor-allis ami Toi' -iid ;nitl -iitcilnptpnte (loipls. It; v in-; iiim, i' . '. a bill f, d . vall's, tnt' Mcstrs. IImIi'i.im .'i Co s l:;iii", Nos. -Jtt) :.iul 202 Fr-it I'orilaiul, three time (each week as follows: NORTiX EOCKD. Lv Corvallis Mini., Wed n lii 8 OOfam I.v V.birv Mon., Weil, anu Kn !) M am Araifiii Mun., Wild, and Fri 3 0-- pir L :l-;i 'lues Hmr and Snt '.....ttt o tlantlT Thur.andSat.... 3 30 OUT1I BOUND. Portlaiitl yoii..'Wni imIF'i,... fC'Ta S.-in Mon., Vied .ind Fn 7 l.Vi-ir Lv S.u inT cs., Ilnir. Piid Sat C 00 . m Lv AH'.nv Tnts.,lhur. ami Sat 1 30 mn Ar L'oriuMiH lues ,Thur. and Sat... 3 3('-i)ni Wm. M. Hoao, rC.'Hooi'K, Gene raipianag el . Actg O. F &P. AKentT! ICorvallis, O on WAMTED. TMO'i'. WISHING A FIRST cl.i ' : i. -o, he win s machine, the Lit" co f lisls' nifltfTi.'K will finil . v .:n 'y calling ft 'ls- ! llv.i.;i r."' 1 i-e 'pianos are fi'lly tuar onli'til fo- .ive yi-fli-. The hvt 1)mm-in...li-' ':", !'' cl-rateoi le !,, i. jtt. 'lie Vw AthI- imii v.i., - M... l.i..c will l''c:-- t'l't f ., .,::.,' I'.ii.iliri ai"' ' ,cs .-o.i- -n-M i'i""-. SUmi.in-j. Km-;.roi,l.-.v. a.i.i I'"' f-niakmu !"c -o . i. v.. i - Kt t.. Albanv, Or. wT,7l ri;in.':li:.V!j O T O.l-.e ! C, K, i;.:i.v.iell j lapna Route ! M LES SHORTER STEWART & SOX I -Dealers in- General Iron, Steel and Coal Wagons and Buggies Hope and Cordage Blacksmiths Sii2plies Garden and W all totals SPRINGFIELD SAWMILL A. WHEELER, SPRINGFIELD, PROPRIETOR. SPRINGFIELD OREGON 23T"Albany yard :and office on Itailroadbetwecn 4ih and 5th streetsflPS A.JWliecler, Albany Manager, Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed forthc prompt and satisfactory lilllntr or orders. I rcsneetfullv solicit a share of the trad' A. WHEELER A GLOEIOTJS PUTDEE In keeping with the ever brightening prospects of our fair city, we are daily adding to our already large stock such fancy and staple groceries as will ully supply the wants of the most fastidious. And wnile we call special attention to the quality and complete assortmentjof our goods, we wilKidd that as a Special Inducement. TO OUR FRIENDS WE WILL Give Away on January ist 1 Dinner Set, 120 pieces 1 Tea set, 44 pieces Three Tea Sets, etch 44 pieces. This ware is not cheap baking powder prizes, but is-'elegant genuine English table ware. Let every lady avail herself of this opportunity of procuring not only the best groceries to be found, but have a chancefat drawing free onf For more of these elegant sets, LA FORREST & THOMPSON, T. JONES, Gene Boob ra NEXT BOOB TO FIBST NATIONAL BAMK. Subscriptions received for azmes. Illinois furniture House! i THOS. BRINK Best Lice of Furniture In the Citv of Albanv! Fanc Wickt- Chairs Lounges Parlor Cornice Poles. Mirrors Feather Pillows Srin Mattresses, Window Shades Walnut Exten sion Tables Suits; And w-afc you can't find at other houses, I have it In fautevery- thin tlia. is kept in anrst-class Ash, Mapleand Walnut Chamber sets9 Chairs, Spring Beds, Lounge Elc, Etc., at Prices that AM NOT BE UNDERSOLD. R-VlsY - ORE Hardware Carjyentcrs9 Tools Builders' Hardware JPotcder, Shot, etc. Giant Powder &Fuse Saws and Axes. Grass Seeds y by farmers t .525 00 . 750 . IS 00 all the leading newspapers and mag house. er and Stationer.