L)7JLY Jw.X'n WEEKLY TMItV.S OS:' ?ri:CUIi,Ti"N' DAILY rn'ili.iol every mtcir.ivj except eliwil lv c.uvier, per neck , I y ni:', jT veil Morula. .) 0.15 0 00 WEEKLY. (PuWi.sl'.eil every Friday Muriiiii:;-.) re to;y, )or .vi'.ir.ia, in advance When not .".U in ailvanco J.OO 2.f0 thi: mails. MaiU at the Albany postotlU-c close For all oKieeM north The Kajtern hTntc-j ? C;3D A. M, The W est iSiilu f And the Xai row Oaujja U. It. J For Portland ami Silem 11 a.m. Corvalli.i ami Yaquim 12:30 P. M office south 7:30 r. H' The postoilice will "he closed each cvciiiiig rom six to seven o'clock. Kc'istered mutter for thn !early morning train should he mailed before 3 o clock the previous evening. OREOOX PACIFIC TIME TABLE. Arrives Departs .. 11.15am 11. 00 pm . 5.25pml C.LUa I'assenser. Freight ,.. EDITORIAL NOTES. One of the essentials for Albany , is the paving ot the business streets, and this matter is being taken up in earnest by the business men and will be assuredly put through next season. The only point to discuss is the quality of pavement to be used, in regard to ecop.omy and durability, as thd question of paving is already definitely settled in the minds of our principal business men. Taking soii, climate, salubrity, and healthfulness into considera tion there is no spot on the green earth so desirable for human habi- J tation as the Willamette valley. Her growing and prosperous cities, of which Albany is the thriving center, attest to the general knowledge upon this point, and the diffusion of that knowledge will bring much larger prosperity in the near future. Albany's prosperity is marked and known all over the land, and general attention is directed to it from all parts of the country. Letters of inquiry and applications for information are constantly be ing made. The facta are becoming broadly known that Linn county is one of the best counties in the state, and Albany, the chief city of the central Willamette valley. The purpose of using electricity in public executions, instead of hanging, continues to be a topic before the people, although it has as yet receive 1 no actual example. New York passed the law but op position delayed its application, and now the law is before the su preme court for a decision upon its constitutionality. Meanwhile tests are being made of the methods and mechanical appliances. The Tri bune says that the results of the tests made with the electrical ma chines that will be used for exe cuting murderers, in case the court of appeals decides that the new law 14 constitutional, appear to furnish conclusive evidence that death will be produced instan taneously and painlessly. It is a question that can or.lv be settled by experiment; and the experl ments made with two animals on Tuesday were entirely successful. The contention of the opponents of the law is that death by electricity ia cruel and unusual. Accidental deaths by this agent are no longer unusual., and the evidence tends to prove that they are free from pain, suffering or cruelty. The fact that protection lowers prices instead of increasing them, was emphatically asserted by Washington and Jefferson, by Jackson, Webster, and Clay, and their foresight has been amply proven by the results. The Econ omist, in commenting on this matter says that in the face of these irrefutable facts, backed by the price-lists of every trade, and against the judgment and experi ence of the country's wisest and most gatriotic statesmen, the free trade advocates of to-day assert and repeat the falsehood that the amount of duty is added to the nrlrr. Tint linn of what is im- price, not aione 01 wnai is im ported, but ot all corresponaing demestic products. English and American makers have quoted the same prices for steel rails within the p&st month with the tariff standing at $17 per ton, while through a long list of fabrics gen erally worn by the people the same relative fact3 exist. Certain lines of cotton goods are now exported, and American calicoes now find a sale in English centers of cotton manufacture. This could not be if it were true that the amount of duty is added to the price of the home-made article. In no other country in the world can the workingman get a better suit cf clothes for a week's labor than right here in the United States. -fhoro the fro trade proacher tells THE him he pays so much more than would be necessary if w ool grow ing and manufacture were not pro tected. And the same in true of every article his family. commonly worn by The relapsing of fanning inter ests in the New Kngland states forjis one of the topics of the day that calls out considerable com ment. The- opinion seems to be largely prevalent that such a con dition exists, but the extent of it is probably greatly exaggerated, and the cause probably mainly lies in the rapid dev elopement of the West by immigration from the Kast. Edward Atkinson says that a large portion of the farmers of New England buy western train Will any one who treats the al leged decline in the agriculture of New England please inform me how the farmers of New England get the money to pay for the grain? The last time 1 looked into this' subject I found that there had been a steady increase in the value of the agricultural products of Massa chusetts, although for many years prices had on the whole been diminishing. It therefore follows that what has occurred is not to be named depression in agriculture; rather it is a change in the method corresponding to the change which has occurred in manufacturing. Dairy products and hay remain profitable to those who farm with brains. Market-gardening pros pers under intelligent direction. In many cases even large farms are cultiuated on the intensive rather than the extensive system, and may be assumed to be profit able since they continue and in crease their products. NEW TO-DAY. TIOR SALE THREE GENLE FAMILY V horses, of good carriage, well broke for ladies to drive, either single or double. In quire at the City Stables. House to Bent. WITH WOOD FURNISHED IN THE wood house all ready fcr use. Inquire at this office. GIKL WANTED TO DO GENERAL housework. Apply at this office. HAY FOR SALE-CLEAN CHEAT OH timothy, baled; will be sold in quantities to suit at reasonable rates for cash, at the stables of L. Senders. Money to Loan ON REAL ESTATE. WILL LOAN IN sums to suit on approved security at the law rate of eisrht (8) per cent, per annum. E. G. litAKDSLEV, General Agent, Broadalbin Street, Albany. 1200 CORDS fir wood for sale in quantities to suit the purr-haser. at the office of Curran & Montcith. Inquire WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housewerk. Apply at the coi nor of 5th and Railroad streets. FOR SALE! A NO. 1 MILLINER STOCK in a No. 1 location in the thriving city of Albany. Low rents and splendid rooms. For particulars address firm P. O. box 90, ( Aioany, ur. PARTIES WISHING GRAVEL FROM the Wilkins pit near this city must call at the otnee o' tlie'Orcon La,.d CD. and pro cure tickets. I5v ordrr J. H. Wilkins, pti CHE A r MONEY ! We have nude arranifcments to supplv money t all on lout; time at low rates of H'tercst oil improved farms, and choice city property, inosewno contemplate nullum brick blocks can sret monej See us! WALLACE Si CL'SICK. Fine C&lven for Sale. F 70R SALE TWO YEARLING HALF Horn and one Holrtt in. 20 each. Kothjfine calves. Will he 6old fr DANIEL HOUCK, Tungenf, OrKn. "TUNE CIGARS IMPORTED, KEY WEST X1 and Domestic, embracing the celebrated Flor de Madrid. Estrellas, Conquerors and other choice brands in the Wells, Fargo and Western union Telegraph office building, lThemember the place. Contractor and Builder. DC. SHELL WILL FURNISH PLANS, specifications and details for all kinds of building and architecture. All workjprompt 1;' done and guarantead to be first-class. Es timates furnished on short notice for brick buildings, residences, public buildings, onuges, etc. Wnnfi"1111' YOUR WOOD.ASH, TV lJJJ oak, maplsor fir, to the Al bany Wood Yard. Orders left at Wallace & Cusick's office will receive prompt attention H fONEY TO LOAN-HOME CAPITAL ON 1TL good real estate security. For partic Iars enquire of Geo. Humphrey. SECRET SOCIETIES. , O. V, W. Safety Lodge No, 13; meets CV. every Monday evening at the G. A. K. hall on Ferry street, between Second and Third. Albany, Oregon. Strangers in thn city and transient brethren cordially invited to attend. HJ1 IRL WANTED ONE THAT IS WILL- ing to cok and take care of a house for two; new cottage throughout. A home for some willing girl; work light. Addres Mrs. F. A. Northnp, 267, Seventh street, Portland, Or., staUng references and wages expected. WANTED - A SITUATION IN A DRY goods store by an experienced lady clerk- ln1uire t the Willamette Af.ency .opposite tne postoffice. Land Albanv Opera House, FIVE N1&HT8 ONLY COMMENCING TUESDAY, JANUARY 7. Family Matinee Saturday at 2 p. m. Engagement of the ELLEFORD & BROPHY DRAMATIC AND COMEDY CO. Will appear in the following great successes: THE niXTEH S WIFE. HAZEL KIBK. LADY AlDLEf ' BUCKET. FIX I A BOAKIU.t; SCHOOL. EAST LT.MME. OXLY A FABSIEK'B DA1GHTEB. Prices of admissien 25, 35 and 50 cents. No extra charge for Reserved Seats, now on sale at Blaok man's Urug Store. MOKXING HEKALD: Tlie CsleliEiM fo il CURE BEFORE AFTER tlie tjt'iicratiic oramof eitiitr sex ulniliir arising from the ex'.-.-ive use of (stimulant, tobacco or opium, or through jouthful imlis crction, over indul;t nee, ttc, such a loss cf lirain Power, Wakefu'iiesn, lioarin liown Pains in the Hack, Seminal W. akness, Hys teria, Nervous Pros" ration, Nocturnal omis sions, Leucorrhoe, Dizziness, Weak Memory, Loss of Power and Impotency, which if net, leeted often lead to premature old ajre arid insanity. Price $1 a box; 0 boxt'i fcrSTi.OO Sent by mail on rcqeipt of price. A WUITTEX tlliRlMKE is tfiven with every $5 order received, to refund tne money if a Permanent cure is not effected. We have thousands of testimonials from old and younjr, of both sexes, who have been permanently cured by the use -t Aphroditine Circular free. Address TIIK AP1IKO MF.Itl l.K:0. Western Branch, liox, 27. Portland, Oregon. For sale by Foshay & Mason, wholesale and retail druggist, Albany, Oregon - THAT HACKING COUGH can pe so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Foshay & Mason. I Instead of offering a prize thai only benefits the lucky one, or sending out confidential slips as baits, wt propose to openly offer the citizens of Albany and vicinity choice goods at bedrock prices and give 5 Per Cent Discount For cash on each dollar's worth at regular retail prices, until Jan.l, 1S90. Highest prices paid for chickens, cgsre and butter. Thanking you for your past patronage and soliciting your trade for the future, I beg to remain at your service. J. M. B A UDUE. 'WRECKS SHAVING PARLOR T HUE CHAIRS RUNNING STEADY. A CLEAN TOWEL TO EVERY CUSlOMEi: IMPORTED mm n THERE ARE 6 Hares and 2 Stallions. Call and sec them at the Burkhart stable, corner Sixth and Lyon Streets, Richards APhillips, ALBANY, OREGON. Architectural Wood Turning. Manufacturers of all kimlsTpof newels, pdeslals, stair posts, ballusters. corner blocks, rosettes, buttons, iiuials, mantles, office fittings, porch columns, gate orna ments, Indian clubs, table, stand and chair legs. All orders left with us will receive prompt and careful attention. Wood carv ing and fancy turning a specialty. The City Restaurant, Under the new management of H. Lampnian will be conducted on a Hrst-clasa plan. Meals willbe served at all hours. Consult the BILL OF FARE Andjonler whatever you want, pay ing for what you order and nothing more. Straight meals served as usual for 25 cents, and meals to order from a 5 cent roll and cup of ooffee to a first-class SI. 00 mtal. lFurnished rooms to letJirjeonnec tion with the restaurant. ACCURACY. NEATNESS. ALBANY ABSTRACT GO, The only complete set of Abstract Books and Maps in Linn County OFFICE INjrUE COUBT HOUSE. jpCBusiness entrusted to my care will receive prompt and care ful attention. PERSONS DESIRING SAND, LOAM OR travel from the premises of F. L. Such, in Benton county, can procure tickets for the same at my office, Crawford's block, Albany, Oregon. Cius. E. Wolvkrtok. REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY.JOR. CIIAS Pfeiffer, Prop. Only flrst-eclass house in the city. Larga sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General stasre office for Corvallis. BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. CAPITAL 930.000 Prexlflrnt H. BRYANT Vice Pres JAV W. BLAIM. Cashier U. r.lMERHIIX. A ercneral bankiacr business Itrans" actcu. aieai exenane ana teicsrapi telegraphic transier Dousnt ana sola on sew Id on I York, ban Francisco and Portland, Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms OMALLt:LAD TRACTS A NUMBFR OF O small tracts of land situated near Albany for sale on easy Ierms. App'y to II. Bryant FOUND IN THIS CITY ON MONDAY Noy. 18, a gold bangle marked "M. a. B, with the LaTt prayer on the reverse side. It awaits an owner . . this office. "Wishing, of ail employ mcnta is the worst, So f aid the poet, now dead and turned to dust Were he alive, and with desire beset. He'd wish for bargaies now at my store, 70a b(! 9. S. Bmwseu. V ' If - S I f st of A SATURDAY, JAyt;Aii-j 11, 1890. ! ISN'T IT Wilis k uri WORTH GOLD WATCHES I take this i t!nnl o! inlorming the citizens ot Albany and vicinity that I have ui-t opened -i first Hhss merchantile busines. nni hnvc added MFoisliii ever brought to the city. In oidcr to advertise niy business I have de cided to aive awtty over $500 wor'.h of Gold Watcbes.fJEvcry purchaser Ot one dollar s worth ol goods, tor will receive a chance for one ot those cold watches. Mock is all new purchased in the east for spot cash, and will be sold at LOWEST LIVING RATES. Cail and examine my stooK"ocfoie purchasing elsewhere. J3FNo trouble tnjshow gooi,. Albany, Or. G. W. SIiUPSOX. f - y i 1 mm w mi M 1 m ItMlNNVILLE McM INN VILLE, FE II Dnd8TORE GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WANTED SPECIALLY Hay, oats and potatoes, to supply customers on the Oregon Pacific Railroad extension and my increasing home trade, where I sell in quantities to uit tlie purchasers. Office foot or Ferrv street. R. XI. ROBERTSON. FOR PURE DRUGS, TOILET AND -GO -HE ALSO ii ii ii ii x 1 f 9 S H " ( The Finest Line of Pianos and Organs in tlie Willamette Valley, CALL AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK Will iflpyiamoiK ISmS Jewftlrv dfuclrv? SilVerwareAc. WONDERFUL THE AMOl XT OK f-TOVKS THAT Mm I lis IIave sold since they started in business '.' It is all owing to the im r Mad bv them. IThev al-o keep a full line of Hardware. RICES 5oo clothing store in connection with niy t !e most complete stcck of geno Goods and Oiling cash, from the clothing department BOTH ACADEMIC AND COLLEGIATE Departments. In the Academic Department there are four courses of study of three years each: Classical, scientific, normal aud business. In struction is thorough; location, heal thyi expenses low; advantages, first class in every respect. Full informa tion in catalogue, for which address G. BROWNSON,Pjss. OREGON FAKOY GOODS TO- G. L BLAdlM ' Successor to K. W. Lanjjdon, NUB IV- Mgs, Paints, Oils, PerftmerroaA toilet articles, also fan ose of books and sftjonwy. periodicals, etc. f.immiipmunM eareiuii romi III CZ) FELCTS TEMPLE, Alboarr Omcoo, CARRIES - & Stark. MIIUIWI.JI'L11'' HiWI.WIU.Illl l.LJWy.Wyj9l.'t' J .4 I ' I- 5f 3 V. . Dili Br-v eoodg, Fotfoiss. gents Funi'gs BARROWS HL rji t? ; ; n . ck. m !7 o ronfinceo. Who lur Ji v ih )ai'raiiis .muI U.sirt to luake selec tioiis I'loni liif most sea?oiialle styles in DF Y GOODS, DBESS GOODS, ZLsTID STOTIOZsTS. FasliioTi points tli- way to tlie large Kew btcck . F. READ, P.KCAUSE THEIR STOCK IS THE LAUGELT, BECAUSE THEIR GOODS ARE THE NEWEST, BECAUSE THEIR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST Wo know we can please. All we ask is a thorough inspect:on. In drtss goods we have the largest stock ever shown in Albany. Come and see us and be happy.?, 1 - Albany, Oeccn. ALBANY 01 Mauufactiire cteam entires -.i island raw mil. machinery, iron fronts and all kinds of heavy and lijit veil. i:i;iron and brass castiDcs. Special atten tion paid! to reputing an j,iny s.of n achicery. Patterns made on stort notice K SOA. -H.unt. ftC H. Stewakt, becreUry. DEYQE & ROBSON, Proprietors. OF THE AGRICULTURAL DEPOT JALBANY, Shelf Hardware, Domestic and GARDENER'S! AND CARPENTER'S lOOLS ine largest an STUDEBAKER g NEWTON PAEM WAGONS HACZS AND BUGGIES IOTSlSSSffSS? Va!ieJ- di om r The City Liquor Store, Jf' BAVMGART, Proprietor. . rVSext door to the Odd Fellows' emple, AlbMy.KOreffOD-Ca M-.5f"Pf.c?n?J,?U7 0Dand imported nddoicstia woe. Uqacii rinn tcWios. Only flrst-clara liquor store In she citT . - c (r SPIClAL kmxm PAID TO ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY a SEAIi AT AND ' !HK)TS andSHOES AC.nXCY FOE THE LIFDL0W Ladies Fine Shoes. Also Agency for M. D. WELLS &CO.s Boots and Shoes. & SEARLS. Kconoica OREGON' Other Leading 'Seuihgl Machines djbest. variety of rdCrS '8Wc. elicited and WHSl