A 4; 15 CENTS A WEEKT!?;- ALBANY, OREGON, FJiJJ)AY JANUAKY 10, 1890. VOL. Y.NO. 38 SPECIAL XQTICE. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Roval College of T-omlon F!nflanr1 also of tli Kollp. ! , n , . vue Medical College. J The Dr. has spent a lifetime of I study and practice and makes a spe cialty of chronic diseases, removes cancers, scrof i la enlargements ,tu mors and wens, without pain or the knife. He also makes a specialty of treat ment with electricity. Has practit ed in the German French and English hospitals. Calls promptly attended day or night. His motto is "GOOD WILL TO ALL." XSrOffice and residence Ferry street, between Third and Fourth. Star Bakery ! A FULL STOCK OF Staple Groceries Crockery, Glassware, The best quality of tea, coffees, candies, outs, (tc. CANDIES, NUTS FRESH BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY. At this old reliable house is also to be found a complete assortment of fresh family groceries, to which is constantly being added all the seasonable line of groceries and pro visions, such as Cranberries, Fine Pichles, Dried Beef Chipped to order, Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts. Eastern Buckwheat Flour. Canned Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These goods were all bouirht when prices were low and the benefit of the margin will be given to his customers. Remember the place, at the old corner on First and Broalalbin Ms, I B. .Proprietor of. Albany Soda Works And manufacturer of Choice Confectionery. W arc now nrenared to furnish choice, frtsh canuics of best grade, consisting of pure stick, assorted flavors, mixed candies, .tra French and chocolate creams, fancy mixed, candy toys and a general assortment of fine candies AT WHOLESALE QR BET til. 42TOrleri from country dealers promptly at tended to. Factory on First street. ALBANY - OREGON RED GROWN MILLS IsO.M, LAN MX 4i A CO., Prop, NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Superior for Family and Baker's usc) Best Sioraee Facilities, 2THighest cash price paid for wheats! ALBANY OREGON The BUYERS'.- GUIDE is issued March and Sept.each year. It is an encyclopedia of useful information for all who purchase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can clothe you n furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary ap pliances to ride, walk Hance, t-leep. eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church or stay at home, and in vaiious sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do'all these things COMFORTABLY. d y 9an fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS' CUIDE, which will b sent uponlreceipt of 10 cents to pa dostage. MONTGOMERY, WARD & CO 114 Michigan Avenu3 Cnicago.Ill. Albany Nurseries We are permanently located on the old Cline homestead mile from Albany on Corvallis road. We have on hand a large stock of Choice Emit Trees of our own growing, which we wil sell at lowest living rates. Parties contemplating planting trees will consult their interests by examining our stock and prices before purchasing: Hvman & Brownell, Albany, Oregon. PATENTS Caveats and Fradc marks obtained, and all patent business conducted for moderate fees. Our office is opposite U. 8. Patent Office and we can eecure patent in less time ajd at less cost than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing, or photo.witb kefcription. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Onr fee not due till patent Is secured A little book, "How to Obtain Pat ents," with najties of actual clients, in your state, county or town sent free. Addrcs C A. SXOW A CO., Opposite U.S. Patvnt Ottice Washington 1U Conrad few PFEIFFEH 0 I have ;i variety of arti clts suitable tor the win ter trade, as follows: l)i ess silks in a great variety, in blacks and colors, fancy silk tidies, silk mufflers, silk hanker chiefs for ladies and gen tlemen, silk umbrellas, gold and silver handles, for ladies and gentlemen, ordered especially tor the holidays; embroideredlin en hankerchiefs, for ladies and gentlemen in colors and white, ladies port monies, ladies and men's kid gloves, furs, boas and muffs, ladies and gent's fine slippers and shoes, cloth and Sealette cloaks and wraps, ladies' and misses' rugs and bed spreads, table linen cloths and napkins to match, fancy China tea sets,tancy China dinner sets, hand painted, a very large line of novelties in China, con 1 sisting of vaces, tooth pick holders, card receivers, saW bowls, truit bowls, ice cream sets, mush and milk sets, finger bowls, pie and tea plates, individual butters, covered butter dishes, cream and sugar sets, salt and pepper sitt ers, cracker jars, fancy soap dishes, and tooth brush holders, China tea pot stands. cuspadores,the largest and finest line o fancy China cups and sau cers, hand painted, ever brought to Albany, These goods I have ar ranged on table in second story and it will pay the public to inspect them whether buying or not SAMUEL E- YOUNG What is infant', and: Children's Cwiplrtiti.. gaiwtois:t? Carta-OU, Yaregorlo oi Karoo tip BjrwtfH CUMwa toy tar Csatorfsu- Mil 3ion of Mother blcso Catorfa CastorTa-cnres Cnlrav Cfonatipatfon t g ("or ptomachi Diarraoeu, K nictation? I C.lvrs healthy sleep ; bIiio aids 'Vppstion t I s. The hest French hanu bewed rorset in the market. Try them once. You never will wear anv other. satisfactory S. E. A 188 "CneRnmenA rturtorifli tat cHMreu fotnplalnU, nm gmgrtor toaiiy ufwau Iptlon Jil&X Oxford fitj Brooklyn. OT. Baa f&axua. Coagsxx,7ZlbafBBSar'Sar. TTTSflSl it mm BBBPerfection of Fit COMFORT & STRENGTH .Money refunded if nof found entirely YOUNG, jionObr -A.lbanv ASTOKA The iv.t desirable Mition yet placed n the market is Powell's Addition to he City of Astoria, This addition is located just south of Tcugue Point The Columbia river adjoins this property on the east side. It is accessible either by motor line or river. Lots are tor sale For a Few Davs Only Corner loti $85; inside lots $75. terms, 10 cash and $10 per month until paid for, or five per cent, dis count for all cash. Call and see plat at the office of PHYSICIAN WI1. DAVIS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND an, 'eon. Can tie found at his office room in Strahan's block, Firtt ttrett. Albany Oretfon- W. IIASTOX, PHYSICIAN JIM) il'h , peon, Albany .lOregOD. M II. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN , peon, Albany Oregon. AND iSURr CC. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND oUR . Keon Albany, Oregon, office in iPitrce's new block. Otfice.hours, from 8 A. M. to 4 r. x. A J. KOSS1TEK, VETERINARY SCR . ceon. graduate of Ontario veterinary college anil(mcmber of the Ontario veterin ary medical society, is prepared to treat the diseases of all domesticated animals on scientific principles. Office at Ans Marshall's livery stable. Residence 4th and Calapooia streets, Albany, Oregon. DR. I. W. STARK, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon, late of Brownsville, Or. Office in the Strahan-Pearre block upstairs in the rear rooms on the main hall. Calls promptly attended to in city or counUy. fEcitig DR. R KOLDEWAY, VETERINARY SCR. Kcon. Albany, Oretron Graduate of fieri man and American colleges. DR. JE. A. McAlihtkr nOM EOPATIlIC PUT sician and surgeon. Has removed bis office into Crawford's block. All calls prompt ly attended to. DR. M. J. PATTOV, PHYSICIAN AND n IT.1n.K T)l 1. 111,... n. Female diseases a specialty. Cau be found DRJO. A. WHITNEY, PHYSICIAN AND surgeon. Graduate of Bellevue Hospi tal Uedical College; New York City. Die eases of women a specialty. Office in Froman's brick.'Albany, Oretron. Xf OTICE IS HEREBYIGIVEN THAT PRO JLl ' perty owners are. required by ordinance to cut down aiia remove all thistles and ob noxious weeds (Trowing upon their premise!, and upon the street adjoining thereto, within the city limits of Albany, Those failing to do so will te liable to a fine of $5, tiy order of the city marshal, J, N, HOFFMAN? Albany, Junk 28, 1886, H EWERT. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKB , and jeweler, Albany, Oretron, ATTORNEY. n. v. n. Blackri fx. o. w. wright, BLACKBURN, & WRIGHT ATTORNEY AT Law. Alhanv. Oretron Office in Odd bellow's Temple. (Vill practice in all courts of the state, and give special attention to all ousiness. UrOLVERTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY V at Law. Albany. Or. Office in rooms 13 and 14, Foster's Block, over L. E. Blain's stor . T K. WEATHORFORD. ATTORNEY AT 1 1 . law. Albany. Oregon. Office in Odd Fellow's Temple. Will pract in all the courts of thestate, and give special attention to ail business. - TAMES P. MEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW O and title examiner, Albany, or. Will practice in all the courts ef the state. Ab stracts of title furnished on short notice, Ten years experience. . Land Surveying. PARTUS DKBIRINO 8URVBYIN8 DONTt CAN OB tain accurate and prompt work by calling upon ex-county surveyor F, T. T. Fisher. lie has complete copies of field notes and town- siup iaist unu to iit:part; I iuuu Kunming 111 any part or Linn county, roslofnce auurees, Millers Station, Linn cou it v, Oregon. f- R. WINN, AGENT FOR TIIE LEAD J i n fire, life iin.l r-eciiient insurance com Millie;-. mm A BILL BY DOLPH. For a Revenue Cutter for the 1 Pacific Coast Service. ANOTHER SHIP GOES DOWN Jhe Infant King :f Spain on H.s Death Bed The New Treaty Between the U. S. and Great Britain. The Herald s Special Dispatches. - Washington, Jan. S). The vice president laid before the senate to day a 'communication from the attorney general . in " response to a resolution adopted by the senate yesterday. The attorney general states that no instructions, oral or written, were given District Attor ney Chambers on the subject of the arrest of W. W. Dudley. No communication, says the attorney general, was sent by the depart ment of justice to tiie district at torney of Indiana, or any received from him, directly or indirectly, in reference to the subject. Dolph, from the committee on commerce, introduced a special bill for the construction of a revenue cutter for service on the Pacific coast; also a bill to prevent the ob struction of navigable waters - in the United States, and for typo graphic works from trespass. FiTt from the committee on com merce, reported a bill for the erec tion of a first order lighthouse at Cape Disappointment, Washington ON HIS DEATH BED. The Infant Kins of Spain Not Likely to Kecoror. Madrid, Jan. 9. The sickness of the infant king has assumed a most alarming phase. During the night he had convulsions and a hich fever, and is extremely weak. The ryal physicians have little, if any, hope ! his recovery. At o'clock this morning it seemed as though he was dead, but he subse quently rallied. Senor Pagasta, the prime minister, has been sum moned to the palace, where he is awaiting the end. Alphonso XIII, king of Spain, is the posthumous eon of Alphonso XII. Ha was born May 1, lSbb, and is therefore .'! years, 8 months and L'3 days o'd. lie was pro claimed king on the day of his birth, with his mother as queen regent. An official gazette says the king was quietduring the night, although feverish. The fever abated a little at night, enabling his majesty to secure some sleep, but at 2 o'clock this morning he suffered a partial relapse, whicli has not entirely passed. Later The king was able to take some broth this afternoon.but his condition is still dangerous. TIIE DEADLY LA GRIPPE. The Disease Is Still Spreading: in New York City. New York, Jan. 9. The la grippe is spreading in this city, as is shown by yesterday s mortality list, which reached 2G0 deaths up to noon. This is the biggest number known in the history of the health department in twenty-four hours during the winter months,' and more than in any summer months Binco July 2, 1872, when 351 deaths occurred, sixty-eight of which ere from sunstroke, four of yester day's deaths are due directly to in nuenza. sixty died irom pneu monia, forty-two from consumption and twenty-six from bronchitis, In the cases, of fifteen adults in' fluenza was the cause death. Ut l.'50 deaths yesterday 14, or 75 per cent., was due to influenza to some extent. The death list for the week so far is as follows : Sun' day 208, Monday 14G, Tuesday 237, "Wednesday 250, total 839. There are ninety bodies in the morgue. The number of deaths during the twenty-four hours end ing at noon to-day is 207, a de crease of forty-seven, as compared with the preceding twenty-lour hours. Of these twenty-four are attributed to consumption, 22 to bronchitis, sixty-three to pneu monia and fourteen to influenza. A BIO CCK FIGHT. Hew the Sports of Now Tork Ansae Themselves. New York. Jan. 9. A cockincr main between picked birds of New i org and rennsyivania was tought near Philadelphia to-day in the presence of forty high rollers. It is said that f (JU,U00,U00 was repre sented by those present. The main was for 500 for each battle and $5000 on odd fights. Thirteen pairs leu in" out ot twenty-one shown by each side. Pennsylvania won seven out of eleven battles fought, which gave that 6tate the victory. A Fatal Lovers' Quarrel. Philadelphia, Jan. 9. William Tarrand in a lovers' quarrel to-day, shot Belle Carter and then himself, lie died at once. The young woman will probably die. STEAMSHIP LOST. A British Ship Goes Down Several Men A re Missing and San Prancisco, Jan. 9. The steamer Citv of Pekin arrived from Hong Koiig via Yokohama this morning. The captain brought a report ol the wreck ot the British ship Nylghau, from Yarmouth, on Protal shoal November 25th. Cap tain Butler and eight men arrived at Hong lvong in a small boat four days later. Another boat contain ing Mate Bi iggs and six men is missing. I he British gunboat Cocachafer left Hong Kong in search of the missing boat, but re turned without finding her. THE EXTUAD1TIOX TREATY. Scope of the Treaty Between the IT. S. and Great Britain. Toronto, Jan. 9. A Globe spe cial contains a copy of the proposed extradition treaty between the United States and Great Britain, which has been received by the minister of justice. The scope of the proposed treaty is very wide in contrast with the treaty of 4842, which contains only four sections. If the pending treaty is adopted the legislation of the dominion Earliament will be necessary to ring Canada under its provisions. THE NEW POSTAL CARDS. They Are Said to be Maao of Tery Shoddy Staff. New York, Jan. 9. The Times says the new postal caids are not up to contract. The material is bo bad that the ink spreads like on a blotter. Al. Dagget, a Brooklyn politician, is the contractor. The Kniflea laqnest. Trestox, N. J., Jan. 9. In the Kniffen inquest to-day Edward Williams, druggist, testified that Kniffen bought aconite of him a few days before the murder. On the morning of the murder he saw footprints in the frost on the roof of his shed. The inquest adjourned till Monday, when Professor Corn wall, of Princeton, will give the result of a chemical analization of the stomach of Mrs. Kniffen. Ready for the Fray. - Dcblis, Jan. 9. In the attach ment brought against the Free man's Journal, in the suit for damages brought by Capt. O'Shea for slandering him in connection with his suit for diyorce, Edward Gray, proprietor of the Journal, says he is ready to meet Captain O Shea in any court. England Will Net Arbitrate. London, Jan. 9. A Chronicle correspondence Irom Home says that Portugal has suggested that the pope act as arbitrator in the diplomacy between herself and Englandbut England has refused point blank to accept arbitration. Warlike Demonstrations. Zanzibar, Jan. 9. The largest fleet of British warships ever as setnbled in these waters are here. Others of the same nationality are constantly arriving. Excitement is intense, and all kinds of reports are afloat concerning the object of the gathering. Should Come to regron. New York, Jan. 9. An ice famine s seriously threatened here and in other Eastern cities. V. 8. Senator Nomlnatad. Annapolis, Md., Jan. 9. In the democratic caucus to-day Senator Wilson was renominated by accla mation as U. S. senator. Still Alive. Washington, Jan.9. The latest report from Judge Kelley is that he is still alive. Onions Versus Quinine. One dav I was taken chills and headache - signs that my old enemy malaria, was on hand. My quinine box was eopty, and I looked for ward to a restless, sleepless night. In desperation I peeled a raw on ion and slowly ate it, then went to bed with warm feet and an extra comforter, when presto! I was asleep in five minutes, and awaken ed in the morning free from mala ria and ready for a day's dutie.. Our hamcly but strong friend will be apprciated in time as a medicine and if agriculturists , would turn tbeir attention to raising a model onion, with, tue strong seem issen out that taints the breath so un pleas antly families will be putting their "pills" in the cellar by the barrel, and the doctors would take to onion farming. The onion acts as a ca- tnartic and diuretic and may neip to break upa cold or lessen the bad symptoms. Said a doctor: I always store a barrel of onions in my cellar during the fall. We have them cooked twice a week, and whoever of the family is threatened with a cold eats some onion raw. If this vegetable was generally eat en there would be no diphtheria, rheumatism, gout, kidney or stom ach trouble. But bless you! the young men and women are afraid to cat them. One young man went so far as to say to rae, 'If my wife ate onions I would get a bill ef diverce.'" California Cal-K-Cure, , The only guaranteed cure for catarrh cold in the head, hay fevar, rose cold, catarrhal deafness and sore eves. Re store the 6ense of taste and unpleasant breath, resulting Irom catarrh, tasy and pleasant to use. Follow directions and a cure is warranted, by all drug gists. Send for circular to Abictine Medical Company, Oroyille, Cl. Six monius- ircaimem ior i; sent tjy mail. $1 10, Forsale by Foshay & Mason. Ladies all wool scarlet under wear 75 cents at Barrows & carl DE1TH IN THE STORM A Brooklyn Church Wrecked by a High Wind-Stern. . SEVERAL TEOPLE CRUSHED. A Wild flight Scent -The IniMtes of Tene meut House Caught Beneath the Falling Stracttre. The Hrralo's Special Dispatches. New York, Jan. 9. The Throop avenue Presbyterian church of Brooklyn was wrecked this morn ing by high winds. Heavy winds last night shook the church to its foundation, and at 4 :30 this morn ing one of the walls fell with a crash on the three-story frame building adjoining, and brought "with it death and destruction. The ruined building was tenanted by two families named Mott and Purdy. There were in it nine per sons. The tenants of the frame bouse adjoining were alarmed last night by the manner in which the church walls shook and rattled. Their own building was considera bly shaken, and it was with tear and dread that the retired. Twice daring the night some of the in mates were aroused by the roaring wind, but every one was in bed and sleep when the disaster oc- curred. Tneneayy oncK wait oi the church fell suddenly with a crash, and in a heap through the cockshell structure adjoining like a battering ram. The building seemed to be torn in twain, ana instantlv the shrieks and groans of the injured startled the residents for blocks around. The house was torn in such a manner that the bedroom was exposed, and in the bed, within plain view of the street, lay the dead body of Mary Purdy, borne down beneath a mass of debris. Later news shows that Mary and David Purdy, two young peo ple, were instantly killed. Several others were seriously wounded. The Handkerchief Specialist. From The Manchester Guardian. The other uorning,as a deparing Cunard steamer was casting off its lines and swinging out into the stream at Liverpool, au elderly looking business imtn hastily embraced a lady, who was one of the passengers, and rushed dowa the gang-plank . to the wharf. Going up to a melancholy loafer who was watching the busy crowd, the gentleman drew him behind a pile of freight, and said, '-Want to earn five shillings!'' ' .r?oi.r "You see that lady in black on the forward deck, there?" said the gentleman. Yes." 'Well, that's my w:le, going to New York. Now, of course, she'll expect me to stand here for the next tweaty minutes while the steamer is backing and rilling ao as to wave my handkerchief and watch her out of sight. See'f" "I understand." "Well, I'm to busy to fool here. Stock to buy; business tc attend to. She's a little aeur-sigbtod, so I'll just hire you to wave this handkerchief instead. It's a big oae, with a red border, and so lone as she sees it she'll think it's mo. Come up to 202 Lime street when they are well off, and I'll ray you." "Spoiin' she looks through a telescope orsuthioT' , "la tba' case you'll have to bury your face la the handkerchief and look as though you were weeping." "That'll be two shillngs atd sixpence extra." "All right. Time it money. Look 6barp, now . You can kiss your hands a few times; say three pence for a kiss," and, snapping his watch, the overdriven beiinesa man rushed off. We print this affecting little in cident te call attention to the fact that the man thns employed has gone into the business regularly. He is now a professional farewollor business men and others caa sayo valuablo time and yet giro their departing relatives an enthusiastic send off by applying to the above specialist any steamer day. Go early to avoid the rush . Disarming an Unseen Foe. "This was sometime a paradox," as Hamlet says. Since, however, the people of America and other .'ands have been enabled to pit Hostetter's Stomach Bitters against that unseen foe, malaria, it is no longer aparadox, but an easy possibility. Whatever malaria evolves its misty venom to voison the air, and decaying unwhole some vegetation imprcgnater the water, there, in the very stronghold of miasma, is the auxiliary Mtent to disarm the foe and assure efficient protection. Fever and ague, bilious remittent, dumb ague ana ague cake ' no matter how tenaciously they have fastenet' their clutch on the system are first forced to relax their grasp and eventually to abandon it alto gether. But it i' preventive force that should chiefly recommend the Bitters to persons dwelling in malaria cursed localities, for it is a cerUia buckler of defence against which the enemy ,s poweilcss. Cures, likewise, dyspepsia, rheumatism, kidney and billious ailments. Walk Upright in Life. The Knickerbocker Shoulder Brace will assist you. For sale by II. C. Hubbard, druggist. Call and examine them.