v THE MOUNING IIEKALD: SUNDAY, .JAN I'AKY 5, IMIl i. .Ii ::: evur.v mnriiili - ji-.-i i l.y carrier, ier .... 3 id i- . irr . .. I l'.l!ii;:C I fin) 1 : . , . V t l'vf ''llin-i'1 i'i -!- ; .. . it i.i : in ;li! 1131. l uv . V o'i ii tlie Albany cul. i!. f ci t .. -Ii uince.i n..rth I K.iti-nt states i uv WVst Siilo 1 , M A M, ud l he N'airow G.iir.-u U Ii. ; lor Portland and S.icm ;'.' v vwvalii ami Yaiiuiua liC'- r. m otl'cu south S i'. ' rho iHwtofii'jo will be ci ?vi ea-h uvci.h (j .'iiii nix t HSVC'i o'-!uck. Kui-toreil m itw f-r the early i.io'i.ini' H.iiii dhmlj he uiule.1 lielure d o clock the pr n i..ii eveninir. URKOOH PACIFIC TIMETABLE. Arrive UcpurU ...i ll.l5ainll.liO ni ..... S.pml ..' i r-Ass'inser. ... Krei'ht.-.. editorial sums. One million four l.umlred thou .' eaml ton v of steel. raiis were ron- Burned in t!i rai.road constnictn.n aud repair in this country during the past year. Lord Salisbury, the Briti6h Tremier, got the Uusian influenza and ail; of the lorv pnrty weie ; greatly exercised thereat. He is recovering so their fear ire allayed j.' - . . Tue ; dislinguished foreigners who are.' in AVahinst n attend ir g the pan-American and other meet ings, added -bright ness aud ! attrac tion to tlie' Now Year's reception at the White I louse. No ! wine .was allowed -at the Presidential New Years', reception at the White ilou.sc this year.- The cordiality between trie President and his distinguished gue-t was not in the least disturbtd by that fa-t. Ohina's control of the tea trade of the' world has fallen off -inco 1SG4 from '97 per cent, to 43 per cent., while India's has grown in the same period from 3 jer cent, to 37 per- cent. China seems to be subject to decay. . . KicrtMOST,.At!anta, Montgomery and New Orleans each press their claims for the honor of being the final renting place .of Jefferson Davis's remains, upon his widow with such pertinacity and cogent reasons-,' that Mrs. Davis cannot decide' between tnem and has de cided to postpone her decision for one vear. - San Francisco plumbers seem to be extremely curious in ti e matter'of making finds: One re cently on the roof of a house found a human leg. Investigation de veloped the fact tiiat .it formerly belonged to the anatomy of a ... . . 1 - ..w.rt u'lii Kuil 1 14.4. n . hltiwn (in , : at a boiler explosion, three months before sevenl bhx-ks away. What could be found of him was? buried at the time, but this leg was minus. The -.Chicago News c!aims . to have made the startling discovery that Kate Field's Washington paper is edited by a man. That is a moBti wonderful discovery and the News claims great credit for it, which it. 8houM bave of course, until the wonderful piece of news . is proven to be false, which it un doubtedly will. Kate is capable of Cditinir'any paper, even to as vreat a one as the astute Chicago News, which thinks sh isn't. - There seems to be a dimnnition of foreign . immigration to this countryi which will be looked upon with favor. It is said that the immigration to this country during the past year fell off more than 150,000 from the previous year, but the Castle Garden authorities re port that it was of far better char acter, -'f nil is what the coantry wants', for the years which "w nt the greatest influx of foftigners were also marked by the additim of a large nuaiber of paupers and imbec ile's to our population. The checks this undesirable class are proving effective, and the prospect is that the. nations of the Did World .ViH f oon abamlon the j lan of atre'ra'uting to iqake us support their pauper and criminal clastes. Ex Conobbssman .Money of Mis sissippi, ha a very joor opinion i f phy-ical. toil, in fact detidedly o!j"cts to it. To a group of south erners w ho were gathered at Wash ington ha recently expreeed him eelf -.u follows: "I hate work. I think that men wh-j like work for its ow n sake ure either fr. aks or myths. I don'i think ai.y normal ln.in woika unles h has to. A in u! id iy tie of a nervous teinpera-iin-ci a..d ko c:i-tnut d .hut ho is not iMpny uti!e.-s ho is working; but a. man s.-i.nd mind and even d:sposi:i..n v.oiks for the cotn fvits and the luxuries whit.li woi'k ii! .nil fr iiini hi In- If -1. ! r . . il-- il . mi : i Ii ! ! t I I III- .11- 1 fha-le : .i j t f--. e.i' c :iuil read in.vel-. 'Vl wh-t I wil. i. . lii-i! I aft iii...i- rlu l.f.1. t.i retire from wntk. .tn-l I wil never live ny-dii inn .-..uiitry wlne never live siy-iiii Hiii miiilry wlnie; f ! h.ivv ii.i. .nii.r." I'nli , :! til!l a 1 rn.-iliiiii .f lliej I. I .. ,.. -.11 .il. Wl. I Will III.-' .ill.. L . Ii ii L .r (mi .1.... !i nor.ii'I-- ii1 k 1 1 1 1 ki-r. Inn llu- .! lull 1 I; ill- Hie li.ii.t l"rllll I I1i.1l ( ri . - - Ii 111.11, l.i'llilv Kat- lift! P'mlli" iii'l iva-ling Iiovt-U i'vi;lcl. mi tin iiif-tite scrnDer or lat.-r. I CKKTAKV UlNlMlN I:I8 roll rlmliMi in iiiTi'i't ior the privi h'ji ill lling f he r-eal fislierii'S of ,. , . -iii. A'a-K alnl th. is llkl t- r.rm,. nut Iivflv i-.....iwt;t;..ii fr... rival C Miiiiiinniis. I'he Clirulii. le IIII.; It H pro MlHe tliat the Only pra-iit-al ay tr .he United Mates t derive : profit from t'..v l'm-si al - ing industry is to let the exclusive privilege, Under certain speritied conditions and restriction-' ; hut it is inu.-li bett. r. that thee should he an active competition for the privilege i han that any ersoii or cor;oration should come to believe that it could hold the lease in per petuity. Secretary Wiudom has taken a wi-e c uie, and the piivi lege, under the competilioii Thieh will ensue, will bring al that it. is worth. It will be very valuable, even jnder tire new regulations of the Treasury Department,, and the biila may be expected to run into high figures. Chicago tius taken a long step a lead by appointing five l.tiies upon their H.initaiy policw force, wh ise duties are t look after the ua'iitary arrangeuients of the fac tories where women are employed. Their work will probably accom p'isli iireat gixid for the working women and for the general health aim wenare 01 me eitv. ine greater tne com yiven to woman s work toe butler society becomes and the increase of mortality fol lows. A decided movement a innnsr the colored population o' South Caro lina points to the purpose of. re 1 r . 1 . rrs t moving the colored - people from Barnwell 'i.n l such counties as do i not accerd the 11 good treatinen and concentr itnisr it in counties where tlieir rights and welfare are better . looked afier. . The result may lead to sotne complications in the labor market. IIOKN. XAVuO.t lo tne who liarry Ta. lor, in th s eitv, on Saturday eyeiiinir, jjn 4, lStfO. alioy. i:r to-i a 1 00 CORDS fir wood for ale n '):aiititit to riin the pur-haser. Iniuire at tre o'lic-j of Currau A; .Monti it h. : ANTED -A ClKL "IO DO GENERAL i.miewerk. Apply at the co.ncr oi f.tli ! autl JUilroad street, DvliXl1 WI-IIINO GUAVEI. t'KUM J. the Willins pit near this city must call at the office o' ttifl'Orcion L..1 and pro cure ucnen. nv orier j, tl niiKins. CUEAP ;M OJXJSYl I tVe "have made arrahifmenU to supplv : niouvy to all on lone time at low rates of ll'HCI9ll Uli lll7IV.'U IttKIUS, KIIU ITIIUlCe I'llV i pro.trty. A b.we who contemplate ,t.uildii g I liri-lc blocks can jfet money. See lis! I IIN E CIUAUS i M POIt I' ED. fY WEST L L and DomeHtic, enibracui the celebrated r'lor ds Madrid. Estrellas, !oiuuerors and oilier cnol-e brands in-the Wells, Karp.) and tyestern unni telegraph OinceJ bunnim; idT rieti:embtr the place. IfrANTEl) M VN Of GOOD SELLING If a lilit y to represent us as alcs auent in this town, (200 to $-J00O ier year can be made, ) Address, Wauam iker & Brown, I piiailelplua, c.i . fh largest clothing and merchant tiilor iui; house in America. (nntrarlvr and Itaildrr. I C. SHELL WILL FURNISH PLANS. L -i?j :ii1itiom and details for all kinds of building and architecture. All work prompt ly done and gu ir inteed to be Srst-cl ss. Es timates furnished on short notice for brick bu.!din4, residence, public building, bridifeg, etc. Wflfi I 1-BKING TOUK WOOD.ASH. IT K'J J oak, m .pie or fir, to the Al bany Wood Yard. Orders left at , Wailvce ft Ousick's 3ifi :r wil' receire mmpt attention. MONEY TO LOAV-1IOME CAM TALON (rood real e tate security. For partico. lais enquire of Goo. Humphrey. IOIt SALE HALF '." IN r EC EST IN A real estate olUc in Albany, payinr over dtuOperui nth. If you want a (food thinj; auu'es at on e nn M, Aiptny. . ronirarlor a art It I Mir r. 1 1HK UNOEttSfONED HAVING LOCATED L in Albany solicits patronage, from city and country. Will contract t build bridges, barns, and alt manner of jwellinir houses, including Queen Anns, Eastlake aud Eliza bsthtan. stvluf of building. Will furnish .laiis and sp cifica'ions tree of charges. Satis faction ir uar mteea W.C.i 'A S EL. 1ai:ties desiring pianos tuned should call unon Prof. D, Van Horn nf this city, the well known ai d relialilp piano ttl'ii-r. He is we'I known to the peo,le f Albany and the entire S'ate, hav iiijf had rears of txperien e in this bnomess, also in a piai'frte manufactorc, and has no ruual in that line of business. It aKvays pajs to j .-.triiiiize borne entcrnri.-c and the i.nblic i shuuld rciut-nibcr that they can iuw tret ! liuno4 tuned in a in ire skillful in inner in i Albany than elsewhere i.. the State, Leave iri'cr:.t U ill & l ink H In,,!. ... ,,. ; iifr,,,,, uin-' look at mj ne--iir icrner win-. dow, it is the wonder of the town. . C. E. Brownell. ! SECRET SOC'IKTIK-i. t . . ' , V.-. -..f - .vUl. -'s .A ..! V. ).', ,i i '.-.iiiii" . v. r, v.-.--..f c No, ructs ; at !-:. A. IS. i- r:ii iV-r-- ytiv. I, I c'ween .s. . . nd ami Iui !. Al -..:i . , it -i. Sriaiiu-.-is in 'he ii I t.-.i-i..eiit b.-ct!.r-.n v.mw:!i iiivitc! '0.1 ' .1. ;. ...e U s - .:! Fi-tuuii: c l: k k run t ii ' ru e .y. " " 5S1 y j3w4 2 E f f BEFOKt 2.?2re AF1 Si? 5 K ; ftrmimr fr.nn tin. cxcoi iveuv ,.f -t.ni , . ! tl iiuiiimilnn ..r.r. i.u ill .-it i.i-r anV li' 1 1 . ( 1 1 . . . ( ' lo,)-1 L'" "r "I'iu"1' " thrimh jimthfiil iimis j j Brain I'nwcr, Yake u ne. Bearing lin 'Ml. 111 ni-fr linllllilll .tlC. M11f!.l Iltliii. il I'ainsiii 1 lie uacK, Mcnunai aKins-, nj tcria.Nt.-r mi-Tms ration, iotuni l iu; nUiiiH, Leuioirh'K;, Dizziness Weak Mciiiiir, Loss of I'ou c'aml Imp itenct, whic h if 111 1,, k-urvd often liwl to ureniature old tfe and insanity. Price a box; 6 buxeS for $f.0 Sent by innil on receipt of price. t U(I IK UUKIKK IS eivrti i "ito crv 5 order receivtd, to refund tne money if a Prmmnriil rure is iiOtt ffei te-i. ; we hve thoinammor testimonials from old '. o' '!" wxes, wno nave been perniaiicntly cured bv the ue f Apbroditine I Circular free. Ad. tress Western B.atioh, Itox.27 Portland, Oregon. reS.AZ. ! ' ! J.y S'ffit & i iruHraiikee it. Foshay & Masou. Instead of offeriiiji a prize that on'y henetiU the lucky one, or si-ndlnir 01. t confidential slips us Iwtts, wt propose to 0e ly offer the citizens of Allimv and vicir.ity i'boice goods at bedrock priees and gite .Vl'ei' Cent Dkouot For cash 'n: each ' dollar's worth at regular retail prices, until Jan.l, Sm. Iliifhest prices paid fr chickens, eg" and i.uttrT. Thanking you fr your past putrona;e and - soliciting jour trade for the future, I beg to remain at your service. . J.M. KAKDUE. 'IERECKS MAYING PARLOP THRE "CHAIKS k u s n ixgV kTd V . A CLEAN TOWEL ro KVEBV CUSIOMKK. IMPORTED CLlfDK- HilKSES THERE ARE 6 2rIaro3 and 2 St alliens. - Call and aeo them at the Bnrkhart staMe, (Comer Sixth and Lvon trets. Richards & liil!ips, ALBANY, OREGON. Architectural Wood Turning. Manufacture! g of all kind fuf newrip, p'-d laK stair I-04U, -hallUHters. i-onier blix.'t, roettf . tiuttoa. tinials, mantles, li.-e IUtiii;i. porch column, sfateria inent'i, Indian clubs, table, at:md and chair leirs. All orders left with us will receive !r ",t't careful attentl .n. Woo.1 carr l.lj, .rm l.tlllj iuilllll . HrVtail.t . rp The City Restaurant, Un.,erthe ;Bewm.na,,l..fH. Lrmimnan will ! com lucu-d t.ti a hrst-clas plan. Meals illjbe arv. d k 1 .-.- I. .1 ?Z u ""T' . . ,t""t ' ;' "1T r t ' -p -- Andjnr.lef wha poef ; jou want, pay mg for What V iU tinier ami niithins more. Mraight uieals served as usual for 23 cmts, a id ineaU to order from a 5 cent roll aud cup of ootfte to a ll . I i. I A 1 1 . nrst-ciass .UJ m.ai. rFurnwhed riH.ma to let inconnec tion with the restaurant. ACCURACY. SEAT.MESf. A'iUANY ABSTRACT CO, The only comDlete set of Abstract Books and Maps in Linn County . OFFICE IX THE COfBT JIOVKE. "Businejm entrusted to mv care will receive prompt and care ful attention. PERSONS DESIRING SAND, LOAM H . a ravel from the premise of F. L. huch, in Rentoo county, can procure tickets for Uie same at my office, Ciawford's bio., Albany, re.m. I'mi E. Woi,vitKTO!. REVRrtB IMUSe, ALBANY, OR.-CHAS PfeifTr, Prop. Only first eclan houw in the city. Larjjs sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed In tht kitchen. General sture otfto for Corvallis. BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. . C"TAl ....I $54,000 Prrllrnt.. Vice Tres.... H. BKY.HT JAW W. IILt. - II. I-IUKKKILU I'uKbler A g mcral b.inkl lg Otijin-.'ss trans acted. o srn tra - if'fi ts srht exclian-'e and telc-TBMl lc r Ii. n ir lit enl o'd on NV York, S.m riaiuisC'. nn'l l oitlald Ore 'on. ' (; Ti,.r.,N maje on raTl,rim!c tcrni UM1''' '' A:I TRACTS A NUMIJF It OK r H,..i ..,,. ,ntlli .,..,.i . (r c tm cw icri.i. Ai p'y in n. hrwnt '- JUCNH--IN THIS CI Y ON MoN "AY Nov is. ii jf .!,! t,.v yv in. 1 1 ed -JI. A. I. win tlie l. k k ura.ur -:it!i rewrtc ride. It w:i is :c- . wncr mlii-ntl'.ci-. ' - -- - - "W istui sr. l 'i . Mi. r n rtiln I- tleoer-f. fo d l.e po 1. 1 . , l :,d ai .1 tun f'l toea t W re .c alive, i d w; ii iVv-ire I c-ct. Ileil Ui-li lor lar.!.iii i..,w :.t mv ftcrr. jeu l.t! . l:i:un.n.l.. il'Sl III' (ill I ISN'T- a 1 c. t. UA;Kl v 9 smm. rER j Y WW 1 ; I LX I 1111 IIAfiiii I I I H I I U 111 11 I UllU 4oi au jjiiuiifiii-c litismss 11 kiini.s I'i furniture, lieilnxuii f-ta, j ar! 1 ;-ta,r clvairtr,' lied 'loui.t-B, kit l.tn n e. and ail ki .1- ..t tal.le. efn.. e-. . Also hvd a ne srlect'oii of val papci ic.igjin fios nun?, tall anJ Mj? : $5oo WORTH GOLD WATCHES I take this method of informing the citizens of Albany and vicinitv that I have just opened a first class clothing store in connection with mv merchantile business, and have added the most complete stock of genif- Furnishinff Goods and Clothing ever brought to the city. In older to advertise my business I. hare de cided to jiive away over 500 woih of Gold Wa'ches. Every purchaei of oin: doiinrN worHi ot W.I..-U-. tor chsIi. from the clothing department witl rf'!v h chance tor one. of tnese gold watches. Stock ) ail new purchi-e.i in 1 fu- r.tM i-t siot rash, and will be sold at LOWEST LIVING RATES. Call and examine. my stocttjoefore purchasing elsewhere. J3if"No trouble toshow goods. Albany. Or. ffi VjJV; S2i M-ft'.INNVILLE Jllege - McM INN VI LLE, m t. Hi 18 if SI II Ik I, JL1.1P 111 FE L D ( STORE GKJVEHAL riiojlUCE MARKET. WANTKfi SPKCIALLV Hay, oats and potatoes, to supply customers on the Oregon Pacific' Railroad - extension -okI my increasing home trade, w vi 1 M il in sntitiex to suit the purchas rs. Office font or Ferry street. R. iVI. KOBERTSCN; FOR PURE DRUGS, TOILET AND (10 -HE ALSO Tlie Finest Line of Pianos1 and Organs in the WillamettR Vailey. CATX AND EXAMINE JHIS.l STOCK Will & 7 . S Ctnn'vs: O'". 'S or WOlYirEK !' THE AMOI XT OK s-TOVFS THAT Have sold -incethev started ii. lusine1-- ' It's all outing t"UK' Tl lev keep a full line of Hardware. WMIIiliV r. 1 .nilii-.I.L i TIIIM,) ami wind m elia.Ua, which tliry a r I belli, m first wUcet, i.i.i.osite Stev g. ir. suipsoy. BOTH ACADEMIC AND- COLLEGIATE l).,..n..n. In !,. A ! I)fp:titin lit ilier are fuui courses f 'mu.Iv of three vears each: riatsiil. isciciitifiv. normal and busiutof-. In j struct ion is thorough; location, t!n : expenses low; advantager, flap k in fcvery resject. Full info struction is thorough; location, heal- first- orni;.- " tien in cutaloL'iie. for which a.lilr. s- .- . G. IUK)WNSt;N,Piss. FAN O Y TO GOODS 6.L Sueeesaor to K. W. Langdoa 91 diTios, Paints; Oils T-1 ei'.' -i. - v e. I'erfumury and toilet article l--aUa-fuU-lia of books an sutfonery. periodicals, etc. . X9T PrcaeripUont carefull--ompotUide4 it! ODD FELLOWS J TEMP1E Albaay Oregon CARRIES - Stark. - ??c- ;Jj ' BLACKMAN jgLiuiiiuim ) . !li J V H VII p (m D:illV Dry Goods, Kot'oias. Oents Eiirng. I PAR ROWS WIio Hli it. liai Lrains anl desire to make select lions tic in ilie ino.-t f-rasonable ftyles in DBT" GOODS, DEBSS GOODS, Fashion poiuts the way to tlie Large New Stock . EH BECAUSE THEIR STOCK IS THE KECil'SE TH EIR "GOODS ARE THE. NEWEST, BECAUSE THEIR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST - - 'We know we car. Vast. Ail we ask is a thorough nspecron In li s goods we have th Jargesf stock v-r shown in Ai' aia. Come and fee ' us and be tappy. p Albany, O'egoa.. ON ManutactVre tcj.it. ei.fit!r. (rii ai.d til Kjuoa ot lieavy bi .1 .:tbt uoik n n-u ana brawi caetii fs. Special attest tfpu f.aidtt repaying ail s i. rl-itry. PatUrrs made on sti-rt notioe. K. F. SOX. "-Mw. t.t. D EYO E & ROBSON, PROpRiEfGRs. OF THE AGRICULTURAL 5 ALBANY. helf Hardware, Domestic and ...... t-A FULL GARDEHER'Si AND CARPENTER'S IDOLS -Tha largest ana STUDEBAKERg NEWTON TASM .'V'WjMJ-QffS.l HACKS AND BTJGGXES2 I? 4jnt.r,al XVinani',,e Vulley. Ordere froma distance solicited and oiomptly lil.ed at lowest r-.itin.; The City Liquor Store, SI. 1UUJIfiAin Proprietor. X-X-xt d iar t tha hi I Ml jV ple, AH.iuj, Orc-cn Ktr-j-K .oi'i Mlj or. I and the fJnot inj.orcd and donufi-.it: w tic, liqaarj' oliir tV-x. "'tih t.it-rbhs b..i ! t-tcriti slip city SPECIAL ATTEP'OH PAID TO ORDERS FROM THE COUNTBVr & IS EARLS. AND AOKNOV FOB THE1ILUDLQW JLadies - Fine Shoes. Agency for Aim M. D. WELLS & CO.'S Boots and Shoes. . & SEARLS. LAltGItLT, - . ar mil.-ir.at hin-rj-, iron frontal k C. Ji. Stkwaut, Secretary. OREGON Other Leading SeivinsXIilachines LINE OF ;. Jbest variety pf---. lift DEPOT