t .A 15 CENTS A -WEEK. ALBANY, OREGON, SLNIUX JAKUABY 5. Ib90. VOL. V. NO. 3 Mam. ii i i n 1 1 iv rCML JkOTU E. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal College of London, England, also of the Belle- vue Medical College. The Dr has spent a lifetime -f atody and practice and make a tyn eialty of chronic diseases, removes cancers, scrofrla enlargements, turur and wens, without pain or the knife, lie alfeo make a specialty of treat ment with electricity, lias practii ed in the German French and Ei'jjIM capitals. Calls promptly attended day or nipht. Hism-ttois "GOOD WILL TO ALL." CVQffice and residence Ferry afreet, between Third and Fourth. Star Bakery FULL STOCS OF.......( Stap!e Groceries , Glassware,! The beat quality ef tew, coffers. tat-cHei, CANDIES, NUTS FRESH BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY. At this old reliable noose Is slss to he found a complete asaortme t of frerti familj fTcer:,tn wbict is constantly bi. g added ail th seasonable lines el groceries sad pro visions, aach as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order, Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts. Eastern Buckwheat Flour, Canned Goods of All Kinds, ' Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These goods were all bonrht when price were low and the benefit of tl e margin will be Riven to his customers. Remember the plaor. at toe old owner on First and Broalalbin bis, i ii. Albany Soda Works Ami roinufacturer of Choice Confectionery. We are now prepared to fu'nish choice, ntah Canute of beat grade, connictin of pure stick, assorted flavor, mixed candies, extra French and ch"co!ate creams, fancv mixed, candy toys and a jtnervl amortmtut ef Bee candies AT WHOLESALE OK BKTAII. AsTOrden frcm connt'y dealers promptly at tended 10. Factoiy oa t irst btieet. ALBANY - OREGON RED CROWN MILLS mou, lasmmc 4 r., rrp, SEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Sujwicr trr Family sad Baker's uee) Best Siorase Facilities. CTBlgbea sb fr'-ri jauJ rr wbiattl ALBANY OREGON Tho -BUYERS' GUIDE is ean d'the too furnish yea with mil the nreessary and unnecessary ap pliances to ride, walk Hanc, sleep, at, fish, hunt, work, go to church or stay at home, and in vaiione aiaei, styles and quantities. Just bhnie oat what is required to do all theaa things CSSfOBTABlY. A, yo . fair estimate of tho value of the BUYERS' CUIDE, which will b eat upon.reoeipt of 10 cents to pa tkstage, HOMTCOMERY. WARD &,C0 J4Michiiri Aeaai Cnici,lll. Wa r nrmanntlv located on the Id Cline .homeetead mile from Albany on Corvallis road. We have on hand a large stock of Choice Emit Trees four own growing, which we wil ell at lowest living rates. Parties contemplating planting trees will consult their interests by examining our stock and prices before purchasing. Hymaw & Bbownkll, Albany, Oregon. . PATENTS Caveats and Fradc marks obtained, and all patent business conducted for moderate fes. Our office Is opposite U. S. Patent Office and we can cerure .,.lf ! l..ta rim a 111 at lFft COKt, PXICUK IU .vr -- -- - - romnto from W rlt.lnnet(.n. uju muss - :.. Send modeh drawtn;:, or photo with kefcription. Wo advise, if patentable or not. free of charge. Onr fee. not j due till patent Is secured, j A little book, "Ibw to OMa'tn Vat-j ents" with noes of a:ttt:.l Hi. tits, it: : j-oiirs' it-, co'iatyor town suit f.e;. ; Addies C, A. SXOW A !., OproshV; U.S. Pat.ni Ottlce Vatii;oin-ji If.C. Crockery Conrad mm. Proprietor of Albany Narsenes v If liiwilter I have a variety of arti clfr. suitable tor the wiu 1er triide, as tbllow-: I Mess silks in a great varit-tv, in blajcks and ' color-, fancy silk tidies, m Ik mufflers, silk hanker cniefc for ladies and gen tlemen, silk umbrellas, gold and silver handles, for ladies and gentlemen, ordered especially tor the holidays; embroideredlin en bankerchiei8, tor ladies and gentlemen in colors and white, ladies port- , Lionies, ladies and men's kid gloves, furs, boas and mutt's, ladies and gent's fine slippers and shoes, cloth and ISealette cloaks and wrap, ladies' and misses' rugs and bed spreads, table linen cloths and napkins to match, fancy China tea &ets,fancy China diniuir sets, hand painted a very large line of novelties in China, con sisting of vaces, tooth pick holdeis, card receivers, sala' bowls, truit bowls, ice cream sets, mush and milk sets, finger bowls, pie and tea plates, individual butters, covered butter dishes, cream and sugar sets, salt and pepper sitt ers, cracker jars, fancy sonp dishes, and tooth brush holders, China lea pot stands, cuspadores.the largest ar.d finest line of fancy China c..ps and sau cers, hand painted, ever brought to Albany, These goods I have ar ranged on table in second Btury and it will pay the julu: to inspect them w!.-.h r buying or not. SAMUEL E YOUNG m VViUSalUMMsMOhdU II Jill What Is Ooaiorist f Pr. Saonl ,Pttoltnfw eM lanmaast a etmlestrsnrw f ImtmaU smd CMIdren'a Complaint. Bwparior ts Cststoa- Oh yarexoTle oi Hairootio Byrwpa. ChUstossa evrr far Cavstorlav. Mil lHana of Morthcrs nlwse Catoriav. - Castorfa euie fVtte, ConstlpalUm t iSilS?. I I iar womacn, uiarrncea, icm tllres healthy sleep ; also aide fsUiaoua naiuaiM WigerifMn, I M i V s Tl.c l. n Tn-ri'-h ba..u .-cwp! torrct in the iii!irk t. Try them once. You n.ivrr will .':tr any otlier. -Money n-fundffl :l r.vt lonnd pntirely f:itisf.ictorv E. Sol-.- -v AnnouncemBnt 1889 . "t wwommena Chstorta fwenMreu. Ul So. Oxford okra.kv fXBS Oatuoav CoxFAirr, T7 Murray 8C,2?ew York. I. WETS BBBPerfectiQn of Fit OOMFORT & STRENGTH YOUNG, C"i:,w'i" Albnuv- ;rai;i . Wsal WmW. fSP'-. 1 warn;.. Absolutely PigSh ?A v rue powacr never vanes.' A marrei ot puri:y,t.renirth and wbolesomeness. More --onoBi a! than the ordinary kirid. .d cannct b- sold in competi. iion with iiiultiutde of low test, short e:Kt:i I'liin or phosphite uowder Sold onh in i-tus. Koial Bakix' ow. dek Co. W- 'Vail t N. Y. . . ; Lpwis M, J. i:sux & Co., AgeDtj, i ortianrt, Oregon. I'll Vl IAN 1TH. IAVl!, U I. rHYSlCIAN.AM Iff KU. Vin i'uli I m foiinH ot l.la st room ic. 8;rahanH blcck. Vint Urejron- G W. IlASTHN. I1IMIU Ikl 111 eeon, ADiany, Orcron . , M II. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN AND SURr . (eon, Alkv y Urrg-on. CC. KKI.l.Y, PHYSICIAN AND JUR . (eon Albany, t reiion. ofPre in Pitrce's new block. Orlice hour, from 8 a. a. to 4 r. a. AJ. KosMTKK, VK'lEKINAHY SUR . teon, trrHiluate of Ontario veterifary colles;e and.n.einlxr ot the Ontaris veterin ary medical society, i pn psrwl to . treat the disease of all tlon-eMicatcd aHmals on scientific principles. Office at AOS VanhaH's livery stable, heritlence 4th and Cal ocia Mtreeta, Al'iany, Oregon. DR. I. W. 8TAKK, PHYSICIAN AN1 Surifeon, latent Kronnavilie, Or. Ottire in the Strahan-IVar e block ii atnirv in the rear rooms on the ni;.in hall. Cai s preniptlr attended to in city or counrjv. T"R R KOLDEWAY. VETERINARY SUK- U geon, Alliany, Oreran Onulnate of OeiJ man ana Amenccn ronexes. DR E. A. McAlirtfk iioasorATtuc rHT sician and uiir on Us rnid hie office into Crawford's block. All calia prompt ly a tended to. f 1C O. A. WHITNEY. I HYMCIAN AM U surir.on. Cradiiate of UelltMM Hpi till Medical College. New Yr-rk City. Dieso f women a fe ialty. Office in Frosak&V Ifick, Alnary imoi.. V OTICK IS HERKBYGIVEN THAT PRO 1 ' perty iwners are requind by ordiiancr to rut aown unit remove all this'.les and oli tmxiou weeds ifrowjnsf u on thilr preminej. ami upon rne street auiounnir tntrno. within the city ImiitK of AU any. T hose failine to do so w ill e liable to a di e of 5. -v liy order o tiie citj mar-hat, - J. N. HOfFMAN Alcakt, June S8, 1889, . H EAVER I', PRACTICAL WATCH MAKE . and jeweler, Albany. Oreu, 4T10lt.KV. n. a. a. Blackri kk. y.W. waieirr. I )LACKlii:K.S. i. WRIGHT ATTORNEY AT J Law, Ali-any, Oiecon. Off to in Odd brllow's Temple. ill practice i it all court it the state, and give special attention to all husines. 1 1 Toi.vkhtiin en t hi i'"? k '.attiir7vkv W at Law. Albanv. Or. OlhVe In room 13 and 14, Pouter's block, over L. Z. Blaiq'S tor , T K. WEATHOKFORD, ATTORNEY AT l . law, Albany, Oregon. ontne in Odd fellow's Temple. Will pract ia all th. court of thenlate, and (rive special attention to all business. TA ES P. MEAD, A ' TO RN BY-AT-L A W tj and ti'le examiner, Albany, or. il practice in all the courts ef the etate. Ab-atiact- ot title furnished on short notice, fen years ex i-erience Laud Jurvelg. flaaTtss bbsibino seavBvrxe vosscaaos- 1 taiu accurate and prompt work bv calliae upon ex -county aurviyoi r. T. T.Jisher. Hs has complete eopiesof field notes and tewn ship plats, and is prepare I to do aitrvetinf ia any part of Linn county. I'ostolflce sadNSS, Millars station, Linn cou it f. Oregon. c 1 B. WINN. AGENT r OR 'THE LXAU- ing are, me ana accwent insarsses com panies, r "- er Kent. FURNISHED ROOMS TO RIWT. AT THE City Restaurant. Brain Tile lar aale. A GOOD 8UPPLV OF, P1R8T CL8 drain tile for tale at tfee Jtaie brk-k snd tile factor) East ot Alliany near Kaes Butte. Call at the factory or address Prepts A Auston, Albany Oregon. Dclmonico Restaurant, OMR 1T A1 1 11 i-Ht 1.1 H ST8. The und reigned having parch aaed the old Herman Restaurant stand has opened under the aUivo ns me a first class restanraut. We are prepared to furuiali meals for parties or clauces n short not ire. Oysters served in every Btle. eastern or coast; all kind of tish known in the marketl Employ only firat-clas help and waiting will will be prompt and courteous. Res ular meals 25 cts. Coffee of first class quality and a cup of coffee and cake at from 5 to 10 cts. I am well known in this city and request the zttizeiiB to five m a call. SAM GQETS. rroprietou Important Nqtiee. T HAVE RETURNED r ROM THE FRONT. X 1 paid all my men on the 19th. Any person holding any of my Jlime cecke will pleane present them to me at P y O lice iu the I weedalt- Mock for pa menu We have pjen- ly oi money here. J.S. WlWtb Ocneral Coniracror of firm Antutielle k Doe. Men Wanted. riH) WHiiR ON THE OKEUDN PAflFIC 1 rai road. .j y at oiicj to curmn Mon i iih. -iiV- CafveV foFSal. V'OU SALE -TWO Y1AKI.1N': HALE I irr. I i i.!. oiu Sbnt j!.'!"1 '! :. l!' ! 'i'i 1 , itrt'.ne ih.- v : f. f'-r - . i ' t ANJf'l. 'iol'" I.. i- ...v . O.v u. THE FLAG INSULTED. Aa Amp.rieaB Vessel Seized ty a Columbian Gunboat. DKADLV WOKK OF ltl'RGLARS Somber of Deaths in Krw York 320 -"La Grippe" S'.ill Sp-radlu Wreck nf tk Steamer Glnd Tidiug3. New Yokk, Jan. 4. Another vent-el flvi"n the American flair luih been seized by the Columbian giin-.j boat h 1'opa. Advices were re ceived by fechepp & Co.,' nl tliie city, saying that their vessel, Frel rica L. Schepp, had been seized while calling for cocoa nuts on the ran Elas coabt., Adpatchfiom Waf-hington favs: "The ftate de lui tmeut bcB little information in regard to the heizuiH recently made by- the Columbian govern luenr, but full particulars are ex pected uuuy. i sissK THE WOKK OK VIUOL1K8. T ww Ladles of Trentwn, M. - J., Cblorrrnseel,'One Fa tall r. ThENTON (N. J., Jan. 4.- The dead body of Mrs. Kniffin, wife of Or. Attnur s. ivmmn, was fountl on the floor ot her bedroom thit- morning. Near by lay the uncon scious tigure of a young lady who bad been visiting the tamily. Both bad apparently been chloroformed, and it is supposed to hHve been done by burglars. Miss furcell, the young lady boarding with the Knittins, finallt revived, and said that during the night she was awakened by Mrs. Kniffin, who was screaming tha burglar were in the house. Mist Furcell sprang from the bed to cull for help, but was seized by a man who applied a drug to her face. Mrs. Knifhn was seized by anotner .nan, who pressed the end of a bed quilt saturated with chloroform t her nose. That was the last Mist I'urcell reinembeied till resusci tated by the physicians. The who'e house it in great con fusion, every drawer being emptied and the furniture scattered about. "LA GRIPPE" IN NEW TOItK. Kamber ef Deaths 3tO-The Dis ease on the Increase. New York, Jan. 4. To day if balmy with sunshine, such ai uever was t-een in New York, cii before at this time of the year. Tiie deaths numbered 2pi against 1U5 yesterday. TIuh is something unprecedented at this time of the yeat. I'neimionia, bronchitis ami cotihumptiun show an increase ovei '.he standard. The number of policemen re ported sick is 357, showing u Hieudy i net ease. The increase in the number of deaths is attributed to la grippe and the diseases Inch follow that malady. THK GLAD TIDINGS WKEtKKD Went Ashore on the Northern Coast of ltritlsh America. Victoria, 11. C, Jan. 4. Intel ligence has just been received from Kiikatlah harbor, in the r.orthern portion of the province of the prob able total loss of the Method itl iiiiaaionary steamer Glad Tidings. She waa lying at anchor when a heavy gale sprang up and drove her ashore, tin- bad not sufficient ateam to keep her off the rocks. It is not known whether there wa any loss of life. She is valued at about $10,000. Peter Jackson Accepts. London, Jan. 4. Peter Jackson has sent a cable to the United otates, announcing his acceptance of the challenge of John L. Sulh van to fight for $10,000. He will hail for New York January 15. MR. BLAXNK'S DEAD KKOTHKIt The Discrepancy Between "Blaine" and "Lane" Pussies easterners. Washington, Jan. 3. The name of Melville O. Slaiue, who was teacher at tbe Indian Industrial school, at Chetnawa, Or., and who died a few lays ago, does not appear upon the books of the Indian bureau as teacher of tbe school at Chetnawa, or any where else. Xoe name does appear, however, of Melville r.y Lane, which is "Blaine with two letters dropped, who wa teacher at Chemawa and whose death waa reported to the Indian department on the same date as that aasigued for the death of tbe secretary's orother. According to Dr. Dorchester, super intendent of Indian schools, who re cently returned from a visit to Ore gon, Lane always claimed to be a brother of James G. Slaine. Years ai;o, however, on account of some fimily t t able, into the detail of which the old teacher would rarely go, he had left tbo Blaine household, changing his name and never remtm iug it, He had intrusted Lr. Dor chester with a message for his brother, the secretary of state, which the superittti ndant had prom's d to, and did, deliver. The truth of the story is vouched for by officials from the Indian bureau. WONDERFUL EYES. ItemuriabloSij;lit of n YniR Kn glish Itoy. St. Louis Iteptibiic. Jolin Ttionu.i Iit !-c. t,f limiiing. ham, Imi-1.i;i.!, is a S.vi uitoe puut-is of visi-ni risv to lo. iioi'o.itit'j'l uinoi.t: the marvelous. IK- KtiDWfi y ":! i- liviusi microsci pc" on account of h- in able to see the moat nnrure jh:U elearly d fined. .In 187SorlS79 he was attacked with some haffliui o e trouble and o.vne near losinu hn- sixht fotever. After the disease hid reached its worse th- re was an instat t and startling change for tlte better. winch resulted in a complete cure -t all iiiflan.mation in an incredibly short time. It was Dot a cure, however, 'hat brought bak the old eveiuln like that possessed by the average gniius homo. When it returned i was with extraordinarily increased IHiwers of visiop. T John Thomas the most mitm e plant louse was an lare as a rabbit, and the mosquito's bill as large as an ax handle. . He could see and describe dint ant minute objects with startling clear ness nd prechiun. He was amaz ingly shocked upon repairing to the well to uev a cooling draught to set the - immense number of hideout creatures that were floa'ing, fighting and wiggling about in the water. . From that day to tins water h-.s nev. r puned the.Iips of John Thomas H slop; his drink consists wholly ot coffee, tea and milk, thoroughly boiled. The doctors say tht the en tire organization of the eye has under gone a structural change; that the cornea has become adnormally en larged, and that the crystalline lens bar divided into three different disks or circles, each c:rcle surrounded by another of light blue. In the renter of each of these three circles appears tb iris, greatly diminished .in aiz? hut an iris nevertheless. Medical reports have been made on thrcase by journals such as the Lancet, Medi cal Times and many others. The young man has been visited by all the greater and lesser lights of the British medical coll iges, each of whom pro nounces hij case the mist wonderful i i the annals of optics. a s TEMPERATE NOTES. Contribute.' by the W O T. U. Rev. Anna Shaw pointedly says: -'The brethren said': Keep right ou prayin sisters; you're in the line of God's providence.' But we never could understand it; how we were in the line of God's providence praving the saloons out of existence, and they were in the line of God's provit'euce' voting them in. ' Sam Jones relates that lie saw in Chicago eighteen thousand men march ing through the streets ' carrying a b inner on which was ioscrilicd, 'tur children cry for bread. Theproces- i(in marched on to a grove where tbe -ett'."d down to a picnic and drank unoug them fourteen hundred kegs of her. 1 be hat eguard . The daily papers report GOO illegal saloons in placts where honor' ir illegally sold, in Pittsburgh and Aileghanv City, runninc without license and contrary to law. If it wcra in Maine or Kansas or Iowa there would be a universal out cry from the liUor papers that prohi bition was a failure and a repeal oe manded; but as it is done under high license, tnere is not a ei n of disap proval from one of them. Why cin not the. Evening l'osf? which every day or two is referring to Bangor turn to this Haurant violation of law and comment thereon? National Tempe, ance Advocate, The secretary of the National Prison Asaociatiou estimates tbat tho census nf 1890 will show a prison population of nearly one hundred thousand, an increase of about 30,000 in ten, year Kansas, Iowa and Maine, the trio of prohibition state, are the only oner that have not contributed to this in crease. In these, crime- has stearli!) decreased and in many pi ace J the jail is empty. Many local crusade camp fires were lighted by the W, f, T U. AJeccm her 23, in honor of the sixteenth an niversary of that wonderful first fire if the Woman a Temperance Cmsade, which aprcni! up at Hillsboro. Ohio, in IS73, Jt'o spread .throughout the nation. It is encouraging to note 'he very at rone and comprehensive resolutions in regard to the liquor traffic, passed by tha State Baptist Aesoeiatton in sis different states, within a few months past. We select one as a specimen of these Bound utterance; the Minnesota Convention adopted tho following: Resolved that we ex press our vigorous protest against the liquor traffic in any form, licensed or unlicensed.' That, we declare our strong conviction that the movemeuts naw so prominent in onr country for the total destruction of the traffic are so closely connected with the moral and religious welfare of the land as.-to demand our most determined and conscientious support, and we hereby express our pur pot e by all means in our power to render such aid. Similar emphatic c'ejlarath ns were made by the Presb) tery of Kansas, and by the Univertalist General Con vention at Lynn, Mass. The nomination of Judge David J. Brewer, of Kansas, as associate justice of thi United States supreme court, was finally confirmed by the senate, notwithstanding tbe vigorous opposi tion it had called forth on account of Judge Brewer's well known anti-prohibition decisions. About one hundred of the recog nized temperance leaders of Iowa, have issued a call for a mass conven tion in Des Moines, January 9, to consider the situation and take the necessary action to show that prohibi tion in the settled policy of t ie statp. enshrined in the honest convictions . f its people. Come and Look. Tho?. Brink has just received a fine lot of wicker chairs, wood buckets, music stands, ntnl Form; lino parlor suites, etc , which will be sold at the very lowest price. Parsley & ixgg&g Jolj Printers. BRUTAL TREATMENT. Care Taken ef Insane Women m an Illinois Pooi house. DISGUSTING DEVELOP.Mk.MM, Tbe Unfortunate T malts Bacdltd hj tt;a is a Moet Eevoltirs; Manner A a Ijve?t'satin in Propre?s. Wueaton. III., Jan. 4. Tha ' state board of charities, by diu ra tion of be jiourr.or, are mveH i;.;-!- ingthe manner of caring for ilo insane patients at tbe poor bout-e. The evidence has shown that, l am violently, insane women are con fined in zinc-lined cells, with t.o closets or other necessaries; t;'t the cells are cleaned only oix i-, or twice a month and tbe : women bathed once a week, by male At tendants, ..there .being no femah help; that these women tore . ilu-ir clothes off and remained in" ihu cells naked; that one bad her hands tied behind her and took tuou from a plate on the floor with l:r teeth, like a dog. The managers say tbe place i not intended for the insane they could do no better. i THE CHANNEL TUNNEL. IU Projector Hopefal Tbat It ' r He Finished. London, Jan. 4. A prom.i tot) member o Parliament says thai St Edwards Walkin is going ahead uiilt his tunnel under the channel 'i'!.f work is not actually going on be-uo?a the Board of Trade is watching t i ro ve nt it, bat a prtt'y good beiiiiojS of the tunnel was secured befo'ie ll G-vernment interfered, and Sir Hi ward Walkin is convinced that w.uh the Gladstouians come back to ui- o he will be allowed to do what he lineo under tbe channel. The "old man is ou bis side, and that is more i.mu half the battle. It will never l to lose the $280,000 which has already been put into the big hale near 1) rer0 a id bis shareholders declare tha nt-a will stand by him. lie will ne i it the help he can get before he rea .-iiea the French coast. .... LIVJELY NEWSBOYS. They Paralyse the Polio Forc ut P ttsbnrs;. Pittsburg, Jan. 1. Sevrral ur drvd lewbtjov returning from tho aonnuai newsboys' dinner ai:n-.t created a not on Fifth avenue ;'iu nlterDooD. They first attack. i ia crowd of Italians aod Hebrew, a-iti then tamed their utuiition to h uoion gripmcn and ccriductor the Pittsbcr faction roid. I hi bojs beg&n by calling them "ec ',' and then m de an aeau!t nppi tt-o cirs. Sticks; 6loms and mud " ro thrown aad agcoera! light fpl-w-ed. Th-i streets in the vicidty were soon black with people, n the regular force of polio.', Im-ui; ;nwerless t dhptrse the n--wl were compelled to call, out , iio reseives. Finally the bojs w-r driven off and quiet restore!. N odc was injured. POISON IN THE COPEEK POT. An Illnois Hired Man Hillsjai Rival Suitor of tb Hlred-GIrl-Jolikt, III., Jan; 2. JtJbn Sh ii r. of Moktnu, was to- day -lodged ja 1 here, chazged with . p-.ieo .ti the family of John Deb), ! whom he worked cd a iaria r Mokena. Tbe family consisted ( Dah!; bis mother, aged 70, : a rl named Mina Bclienclr, and a h ! man pamtd Schcmfelr. On Is r. Year's day tbe girl prepared dii. r. and wnen t he coffee was served l tasted each member notictd'a bi r t-tstc. The6tuffwostbre.wri a and a new ietmud?. This was - , bitttr. but not ecoogh so to p:e -t tho family partaking freelly. S u alter dinaer all became ahsrmii y sick. The hired dud aid- Rfo once drank a lot ot fresh a , which caused vomiting and e I their lives. Dabl and his mt r died in a few hours. Aw powder was found in the coffee . and fctehaefer, who was a i t suitor wi.h Dahl for . haod of the tkhenck i , was at once suspected. When s'ltriff arrest-d hi.n this' mum he trieu to commit suicide wit). . ' razor. Better Than. Ever. I am now better prepared tha 1 have ever been to suit my c -tners in the shoe line. I have j received a large invoice of tha - ebrated Laird, Bcbober & Mitel t fine shoes for ladies. There in manufacturer who claims anythi ng netter than these shoes. I mi. to keep a full assortment of tin in all prices, widths from A 1 and can Buit tbe most fastidioa fit and price. I also rccei another invoice of tbe popn ahoe, E. P. Heed's in waukenph. . snl patent leather tip. 'it, shoes are well known in Albam a lirst-class nice style shoe. ders from the country filled care and Batisfaction guarante Samuel E. Young Walk Upright in Life. The Knickori ccker f-lioa P.race will asiii.ri ou. I'or h.sIi II. C. Hubbard, dregpst. I an .1 examine tiorn. ' rita-'.-! fe',3Bi ... -V:' .: . I r. t.K i