'Jin: jni(;i;:jiii. udjiru 20, it so MMMtuaMn . ami BonungSniUUkvalrt ,AiLY WEEKLV! TKIi.MS OK I K.-CKII'TH-N 'AlLY .-iVia-iuI Cory n.oiniiu? iMcpl .Mi.nda .j ct v-'i-il ly currier, per week y :ti Hi. i-er ' W I .i.;:..lt.l tve-iy rrii!:y M-.iri..ni;.) y . in.r r.ai.u in. in advance ..i :.! ii: rw.v i.i'--' - v TUB .MAM-. t tiie Albany pcislodioe close r..r -.'I oXeos iiortii ) ( 1, iwst side f Ami ; 110 Nairow Uaii;t K. it. i'ln.ir.fid and Sulem II A. i I or.abiH :.rnj Ya.piiu.i 12:3 p. M , otriee south ;S!9p. h i !..: ix.stitfifM be closed t-ioli cvenin.: " I: filtered "laaf.'-r for tin- V?.rly n-nniin;: tr 1 . Inni!(! ii" n;i,:.-'l u -f jic3 o clock ,,r.-.i...i-vem-..-. OliKQON PACIFIC T.MKTAP.I.K. trol.Iit 5.2.i;n:' . -.t. :z SECIIETiSOCIKTIKS. A TT! a . ' - v . , ' It. II r... h..rif t.i.... hi.Tvl'MHIl S f'inil IL'if 1 Tairl. Vlltta, Or,'i!. S.wi.w in -h i..t to attend. :UMu:s fitoJl uiiaaiL. Uectul adviees from Uracil speak of rejiorts of trouble in t!iat l otiiitry ii 1' , .1 . . i .. ,,...m. at the time of the change ol govern - JH"Ilt Which Will he news to the , , WrKl if irie. it is aseneu niai .11 one place 150 sailors were impris oned and shot for cheering for Dom Pedro, and that at another place there hud been a, fijht between the militia and the imperialists and that 500 persons had been killed. These things are said to have taken place between the 2)tn and 3 :th of j .Minify to Loan la-t month, and it is claimed thatjx i;kal ksvatk. w il. l-an i. , . W sums to suit on a;iproed sve'iritv at t ie thev were not made KHOA!l SO-.'ner c rat. of tich: is) ner -nit. pcratm':im because of the rigid censorship ex-: M;;UV, ercised over the telegraph lines by: tVx the tlC'.V gOVertinieiU . ! A in -Icin!,-jtfr.l:iy by a hitsints U. . , ,. , . I ni":i l :i;is -it v l.v a mistake t m-irh -. is best to receive tl.es.- rumors rlil. ,.,,, t.M,.. the Kl. w n ,.,t,ve ivith a i-on-iitera';!.- ie'.'iee 1 1 cau- j r';-lr tK- or 1l:'Vi; il oii'. lion, roasioiy nice may nave j l. cm. l...,l j. "il. i ii,-i.u lif I or there, but it i- hmlly credible tiiat loO men could have been shot down in oie place and 500 killed in another and no ne.vs of it have reached the outside wo: Id. Stu b -ii i... :.. . ..:.. ,.t ah w'n,v',"!t'uilm the WStehfllllieS tiiilt call he exer- , , , , , . i cise'l, for there are at ways pn-nty f .. 1 . . . . t .! .. . : . r i VI vcmcaes lur tin: u.u!M'iu...-..iu ui Unfavorable llS'iVa. ! i Probably these rumors emanate from the imperial.-, faction in . IJrjzil, W'liOSC object is to make the i ... . ... i .rj'ti 'iiy iii".'j'"..i. , o.'M ....... i .t... raBn.,,;r f '... i n".I,u' cxi.e I emperor. The imperialists are not strong enougn 10 vesuure . up jo any overt acts, but if they can sow the seed of dissension in the min U of the pe-iple they will be WoriioLr U'litC- as .th-ct!U-lv as ; 01 1 tllOUIl they stirrjd Up an arilltd ! ,vJi.,nir.tl vvlv l. .rn IP-! public. ' ' SCIEN'CE brings O'.it Strange theories and gives the moon almost as 't-ange and oecuit po.veis as do j .. , I (if! they weat'ier prophets w l Iou. to the moon for rain and the bean . and potatOe croj.. Eor iu.-.tullCC It I , ,, . . , . . , i is Paul that H:ne twenty yeatf ago . llerr Fiilb, an Austrian s.-ientist, I first sugije.s'ed tiio possibility that the moon may act upon the great ocean of rrtjlteu matters beneath i the earth's crust exactly a& it a ts j in producing the tides of the exter nal ocean of water. He now con siders that the reality of such action ia proven, and that the earth's crust is severely strained, more or less warped and broken at the limes the theory would in dicate. It is during the periods of greatest strain resulting from the moon's attraction that earthquakes appear to be most likely to occur, at'..e.i.i ..iw. j 'I atld the gases seeui to be forced j . , , . i into e-jal mines to such an extent : as. greatly to increase the exp!o-a" i Taster are said to differ and in fact they may be matters of culti vation. r instance when Pari sians were forced to eat horse meat during the German siege we pitied them. When it came out that I'c-r-Jin has thirty horse meat markets, we rather sneered at their taste. Put not only have we go-tea over that in this, country but 1 n New York city we have a horso sausage factory at our own doors, for the product of which purchasers are readiiy fqund, but Consul Dillon, of Florence, repoi is to the State Department that the Ilologoa sau-savrea which we import so large- lv un. also said t..b made of horse ... meat. Iliere is notiung especially ast.iundii.gin this facr, as h.ne-! fljsh has been pronmnt ed exc l- i lent, food, and, if healthy, -is , nourishing .s beef an 1 poik. Ii is i more a ma'ter of t-entinu-n: ami Jiab;t th in a iv' .'-i . . ,.. j Titi: ho'iM! j. ,.'nbeiv. f til itiUional fiMlgn-ss is 4 .v::-. o t ; ,-'-.:iti n :i ml v e ru:...! 'i. ; - -a ..-.-. amount ol work. A h - ' "i l-lv,V ' ' ". '" '"' ! ' BO UN. iMATruiws 10 he w fu ! a, it. .Ma t on c.iii.mii. utv. i. ico., . y u. u girl, UIICD. H CO 1 ills At Ins 11 nit near t.iis city, in Kent n comity, 011 Wediicsda' , Dec. 18, .Mr. Frank Ibi'idies. aged about ;(0 yeaH. He vas a well kiiomii ami nigniv nstcica citizen cf liciitor, cnumy. llie jere.oea lam. ly have II sympathy ol 1110 entire coniiiiiinity. HLDKICK- fin Wednesday niirM, December If!, ISMi, li.-e . liedri k. of diphtheria, a-; d 12 years 6 inn.uhs arid lo ilajs. 1 he ueceaseJ as the helot ed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II T. Hciiriek, a-id was an am'ab'u child. Tlrj fmii'l.d roi'iirred 1 Illir day i.t :;:. SMI I II At I'eoria oil Weineseay. Iec. IS, James N. ttm.tn, atd Tli ears The di - d '.vas an Orn.iii pioneer, coni :n to 'J.-e . 'r.iii Iv.-iiltirUv in ls-17. He a l.'.idy n'.eiii 'ii ciw; mi ami le.ves a ---r-le 01 rel 'tin s and iricniU I ..i... 1 . j Come ami Look. Tiiii-;. Ihiiil; lias just received :i tint: In? ol wieker ehaiis, wood t;sskt?!. niisii" htaii(i. ahi smiif 1 .v . . . ... I , ' n-,. at H.- eiv ioa-M J.rire. M.M.evtoioniat a low rate of j . , , l.-!lll' ll!l :ilMl!llVtil t:lllrl Slllll ! , ii v pi-.periy . in miihs of $11H to U!il,u:"l l-or ,.. ii.ntiLiilais cill un ll'.rk'iatt & M.iiin. Ui-a! I".sta(e yelits. v:;r to- ski v. . rpuKi snK ..sicssiiii wim; imi-osl) i 1 i-l li s !'!" i" litisii.e i in tiii- eitv, aini 1 u.iril!if , M.,.,e .,,,:, ,,1Wlt.esi jtf;iirs I reque-ts ail who lme a.v. nuts a.':ilnt him to present I Ik nam at n , ami parties 111 d..l.te.l h.J.im will please :. I and -et ic without dtliiy. All aci. nuts to l-e presented hi mi! it my former iil.ii-e of Ims'iiesK the Ihini !rd (irncery ston-, turnt r Sc pi d amlJa-koiin ire. ts. MAIt IN LYNCH I'.iiN Kt-i'i'i vcl, rpm; 1 ikusii.:ni: will iiwkivk L liiiU at the iLNit ilotel lor p'.itlin- in limi'i lite o;i his iruit f 11 111 :i Ij.u- 'i.t to tnn. The tile is .lire dv on t le rmind; it i- to lie laid ahout tlnce feet d cil I. A. liltosS. p ikl waxtku one TH t is w ill 'X inj to cook ami t ike caiv of a honsr fir t-.v.; new e tt.i.'e thron.'lioi-t. A home for -ome w ilia.t; airl; work liulit. Adihes .IrM. K. . N'. rtlniji 'JijT. Seventh street, Portland, nr., stu'in. lefereneea a:id wiies exnected. 1 taxi v. . position p.y a YOfvo TI n.p.rr;ed man ;s assi-tai.t book-keeper or oilie-e work- Address , i 1 .!.: cltiec, Albanv. iretf.'ii- l Afr;i-A SIIT ATION IN A IH:V (.o U store h an expereuecl li.dy i l. :k. ln.jii re at the W il:;. ini tio Land a,m e.,o .p.itc 'neio-totii..-. noNKV TO 1....V -Hu.MH CAPI I'AL ON ''-L '0'"' r:a' '-" ,at"J "'i.-iirity. for parfic". Ins enipiire of i;. H'.niii hiev. 1 ' yf -iiALi- lNThiiKr ;x a I r il estate oth:;.-r; Albany, pu.14 over ? 0 ,i.-r m nth. If o.i want ; i.'oo-rthin a. d'o.ss at cm e box ;o, Albany. W-sr- "t;Aits - i.!i-o:;tki. kkvwi nt j; a. .,iC , nibraein the i-eiehrat. d d- Madrid. iMr.iias. .rompumrs ami j.'i : lo: iir .n is in the W . IN, 1-sr.r ) and vest. ril c.i.o i ro:.vrapii otnvi i.i:iMhi. n-l'hi'ii.t inner the place. onlrarlor ami l.nlMei-. Dc. smi:ll will kcknisii plans, s;i.' ritij i-i ms a i 1 do'ails I' r :i'! kinds of bnildin-i an I nr.-hitejt.in:. A 'I .."rU prompt- if .In.,.. I ...I.... I i I... t , I .- l-'j- limates tambihed on .short in i I -.r 'brick '"l-Mi"-:-. resi.bmecs, unl.:.. bn: d.n. j iiridi-s, etc. ! IKIO-MS To) It'CST TWO NKLLY IT U 1 iiisfn.d M".u: t'i I--S. Api.lv a? r.orth- -ft corner vu" Fourth aii'l Sotitotiu rv s;r'-'! SI oii.-r to mmMi.!.I-is. T'ni.T-:iS HKUKiiVfiiVLN THAI" HIE a.,nila, ,n,.t..ilu. ()l t lt. Ktr cb,t..i,u-., of '! !"'"'r" .hsi.u ' i.urai.. i .. . f l un., 0.c'j:i. ill he li 'l.l at ll.e otlic-of ! m.paiiy in the city of AMuny, ..reoti, mi Wi.iii.-vim, .1 ut'ia v 1. Is'ilat th.: ! our . .. ,.,,k ,.; M. ,- HlM ,.v ,f ... . ,e -i c nw .i;.e t .rsct said . .-. ui-ai.y to business as may reuiarly come 1 core said n;eeti:i Hated Nov.., lsy. J. K. KLOKKKIN", Secretary. (Ontrnrliir it nil Uulliler. jiiii-. uxiEitsti:xi:o havi.no locatel L in Alb.i'iy licits patronage from city and country. Will contract to huiid bridges, barns, and a' I in :nner of iKv. l!in houses, inclu lin i.i'ieen Am:?. Eastlake .-.nil Eliza iKthian stle of baildinvrc Will f irn.sl. plans and s;- ci'ie Vioiis iree cif eliar-e-i. Sati Kietion rtwinh' W'. A.SSEL. FOlt SALK -l-'ilL'it t'Olir..Mj A Uai.1 of i'oo I work oxen together w ith yoki t ndehaiiis. Aro weT broke cattle a ui will be sold atabir iin for cash, heiiiJ a portirn i f the estit. o' John Ko'iinett, deceased Apply to John W. PuLfh, administrator of lhe estate at she.ld. r. OTij a ykd kk..m. pasture neap. o I fu one niedmn sized fpotcd eo, red n.l whit;, ele.n smioth horns, no mar:.ii orb- iid. Anv information will he suitably rta .h i. Address P. kkaoy. ivoiii. PRIDE OF ALBANY SOAP, The best laundry soap in use. Try a box and you will us? no other. For sale only by C. E. BROWNELL. i i m Txiirci ward Ifnvin t itr:-li;i.-eil this impiil ir ' lishtiH i.t I a ru now pr.-pau-d to .11 any oiders in the ynx-cn mid pro isil)n inic, A fall stoi k i f ''loiviies k; -;;t t-on-tantu- ,,n h-md. Tli- hicin -t ,,, m-c,' or . xi h.inge uoods b.r the aii'e. t.-me ..i.e. cp..-: ir. t UA. l.vdi. . . , . , tu -L J- WHITING, ARTIST. Grocery Store ! MrV t'l.AI V 4KI KU. Ve have just, received an im mense .jnantitv ol hoiwiav noods. I I CANDIES. ! Candvo-naments ('team .cubes R.bbon miNed l'lain mixed I'atH'V MUXO'I, NL'To. Walnuts Teians. IKUIIS. I'.i.n k IViian 'latt-, Ijjjjjjg j pe.jnujg Smyrna hs WliHi ligs Oranjies Lemons Bananas l'lin-ai'iiles. 1'on.TKY. ( Jvese Turkevs Dui-ks" K(;i:t aim.ks. Cauliflowtr (Vii-iy L'ar.-niDS Sffi i.t:it.c. All of ti e alxe ran lm ! ::ii iresli at;l new. I.raf onli rs ior ('liristnias inrkeys at ai. early !! , n as in secure .lie !'.-!. ! Wii.i .amkttk Pack 1 Mi ('. j " iit'iiiW i.iVi-i d'.i 1 .t C (ivir? ' l::ic lulelv liU'll :-lit-tl I'- ! .-l- k (! j t ,, ,,,. K.s ' C. K. Brownell. ! . ( I 'RY 11(1111111111. I I 7 I Lml r the now maiiajjeiiii-nt f I!. Litmpiuau will 1 1 ciiiiiliuti il .i. a nrt-e tn plan. Me ;l.s u 1 1 i ! A at all iii ui'i?. (.'ni'Miit t'ie JJILL OF FARE And onli r what..' v. r jtii uant. pay ing fr h i" ynti fi:i-r .m-i i.t i, mt: ni.iri'. Sfra'ght mi-als servi-tj as usual fur -J." o nty. anil meals t oi'lcr trnni .. .... ... i ... IV . ... ' " " 1 ' I ' ' I msi eiass .71. uo mi ai, S'J 1'u: nislicd rooms to let in eeiin'cc- tinii with the'restaurant. A C t l K A ( V . NEATNKSS. T. J. DOltHIS, A BST R ACTO H. The only coinnh le .-et of Abstract I'ooks nnd Maps in Linn County Ol l it L IN THE COL'.iT IK. I Si:. JT"B;tiness enlrusie.. to my j ure will leceive prompt .in-l can nil alteiition. U""A.li:i)-'iKAIXANi STOCK K.vRMS of all desc-ipti ins. It yon want t. sell ' our properly, .yrite or call on K. (S. Il.-jrds- v, real estate au'enc, A.ba iy. "i.-c" cm voad ilbtn str.'i-t mat l'ir-t. V. O ho .".11 RKVKwr, uorsE, alhavv. oil- ciias PfeilTer, Prop. Only lirst eclats house i the city. l.ar'O sample rooms for tom-m.-rciul iin ti. Xo Chiiiuineii e:opioycl in the Xitchen. Cem.-ral MtiVfc o!ii. for t orval'.is.y BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. ririT.it y.v.wio iVcslili'liI II. H1IVAM lire lrf JAV U. -Itlt-r II. . .M". It KILL. A g.'ti!'ii':"l:niUi ig iiu-irn'ss trans" art I S -.t ev-t'mn ...el b-b graphic tr.i i-iVr linii.li: :m! sold on Nov Yuri, Sin Kiaiuisc i n.1 lort ai tl C .i.-!s made on favoraliIe'Urins o MA LI. LAM) TRACTS-A XCMi;! It OK O s .i ..1 tr .cts of .an I s tu ted no tr A Im y f. r 1 1' (i.i easy !e:ms An) 'y to II. I'.'.v it t li:;tsoxs in.-.iKixo s. N , i.-i.-.m ok ji j-ravcl from the iriniiscs ..I K. L. such, in il:-;inn county, can procure 'ii-kets for tin s'ii'ie at tu.v oifi'-';, Cia'.vfonl's blo.-k. Alhai:, i.r.'.m. i ins E. W'.i. tKroN. jSJiV.VULSTOMAND CHAYEERLAlo" Albany, - Oregon Transacts a scneral banking btisinesa.fT"' Draw Bi'lit drafts on New Yolk, S.iu Kraiv iseoand t'ortland, or. Loan money on approved Recurity.J Keeeive deposits subject to cheo . Collections entrusted to us will ruiciv pr i tint n.r.r,f;tition GiLSON'j SHAVING FARIORS AND llAlU I)UESSIN(J SALOON. None but first-clas workmen employed. Everything neat and e "an. Give me a call. jf"First door east of new Mason ic Temple. Crnnbeir.i 8, cocom u, ornnges an:l riedbeel'... V. E. Ito.neU's. ?or business at the Portland Business Col sue. Portland, or Pt the Capital Uusiucs College, Salem. Doth schools are unde he management of A. P. Armstrong, hav. ame course of studies, same ratesol" tuition BuSiaCai, Slioa'flinnd, rypewriting, Penmanship, English Depart uents. I Jay aud c euing sessions. Sluutiit ilmitted any time . Tor Catalogue, addres rlancl llnsiiassCl!tx'r ADrjintid !lttiiir CsHr! ,-srtland. .reeo ,ln "l 0"wa ipOUXD IN THIS Cl'Y ON MoX AY P Xoy. ' 1 S, a sold handle m-iiled "M. A I!." with the Lore's prayer m tho reverse side. It awaits an jimer at this otticc. T( ( I B'.IXO YOL'll WouD.ASII, W ' iJ I oak, m pleor fir, to tbe Al bany Weod Yard. Onb is 'eft at W'..ier & J.isi, k's liR.-e wil' receive p.otniit a'tentio i. Candles, Nuts. tin'en fruits, tuhaceo and cigars. "Delay md till In-nn.riow lo be wis-, but buy of tiiose hi adver MM'." AI'.as read I he advert iso- n'liis hi (' . r.rownell. Tiny! v TI be niea. iirink ;.inl bulging Di ! VOU. j w .. ..I ... ' !. NO i:; i.i repre- i t ii- al tin . ... 'i II : i I .i.i ' , ;: tit .V I-- Wi.. ' ' i .1 . i. i . . d iiK-ri ii it t t .i'i :- i I ii: ISN'T IT lilllliLiKN & 1 1 1 111 im mm 1 j r f - y. a 1 J ? -S 3 5 i BLUMBERG BLOCK, Has opened with a new and complete stock of ' Drugs. Jdtiuit iVtciicines. Stationery, Toilet Articles at a DRljGOISIS' II' Vitii I'st 1 sivt-f:i y -ar- ix;)fii-iice in'ilii' drtlif lui-iims. w; f.-vi jiistiin in y.iu lliar e fu'iy an u is;.:;i(! tin: aiJ if . Oilipoaniliii"; nl nisi i-tt--i'i u iiiudu'i i.'-. ( 11 p;-c-i:iid ..m t -(..i t.nr.iil i-uitr speeially ; ln.ne.-t.v 'ind j-mMj o.!.- 111 1! ii. i tiuMi:- i in. 'ied h'.Ciill .:i,d iin-pvet our .-toek :ii:(i ,, ii.es. II. C. HI i;r.i:i). iKk-iu m : i m sri!;i: l'ltK.-cuiri h l!:c...i-i. 1 take this mrthud o inlenning the ciiiy.ns ot Albany atid vicinin that 1 have just' opened a first rlas chithiug store in connection with u inercliMiitile business. nl l.f.vr ailded the most complete stt'f k of gt-n taiisliiiiff kk and Mm ever brought to the city. In cider to advertise my business I have de-i.b.-d to oivc :iv.,i,- vi i fCt'O'J .'.rli nt Gold Warcncs. Every puicha-ei of i. ne d.!!!.r'i worth ii' gnoilj, 'or caslt. Inun the clothing i p:i:1m"iit vv i i i rt'i ive a chance for one of tti';se goiii watches. Stock ij ail !it' puichusetl in the east for spot cish, and will be sold at LOWEST LIV 5 IMG RATES. (.'..I otl extniine uiy tocK tiefore purchasing e'senherc. I--' N 'f.-if i't' to show goods. 'ffift'tu. Or. 3nutimujfaiiHii tin Bcwnwi 'iLjt .d'- 'J - ip'VKpSUWl. ". M- Mvit le Allege ' " Mc.MINNVILLK, jab1- Have you seen the niagniiicf nt display of Holiday hoolcs, plush ouoils, art supplies, and the lie.au titul trilles i'o Holiday presents at 0. J.. JIM lie has the iiwst display in this line ever otl'eied in Albany. Call mv see ins a soi tnient 'l exceedingly low p.iuvs will .s..iri-e- you. FOit PURE DRUGS, TO. LIST AKI FAINOY GOODS (10 TO . .; i 'Uwaliliiv-:' -? HE AI.'-O no riu-t ! i- or Urn and Organs in tliej WiJIamctfe WONDERFUL THK Ai:'l NT lr ST'VKS THAT Have .v.il.l -i:;ee tliey started in Susincps? It is all owint: to t!e LOW Mali- 1-v rlieei. Trif V ai-D r i t t ir 1 ... Keep a mil line 01 iiuru-ic. if 1 1 1 1 1 1 t S 1 liV 1 a. n sr M i's ox.. s r.orii I ACADEMIC AND C0LLEGLV1E Depatttlic nls. In tin- At;i l.'I:lic . , t c ' iv .im -t, i s. s & 2 tni'j it three j '.- ' '.'ii:!i - Cii-siil, ; I I ! llie. I:irtl:!l: :..' IiUsM.-s. Ji.- , ,sti...n.u;i.: i---ti..,:; i..a - ..os ii. c v , i y resi i c . Ki il ii ni li .-ei : e f T. (. IUU.)U'NSo;v.pfs,.j OKEUON BOOK STORK. 6. L BLAC Successor to E. VV Langdor. DBALxa lit mugs, Paints, Oils Perfumery and toilet article also a ful line of books ar.f siationery. periodicals, etc. -tT" Prescriptions careful!; coin pounde d !H ODD FELLOWS TE.71PLL lbany Oregu: (WEEIES norn 1 III i k I i i I I II I.NIhl STONE WAT 0L1DAY ff IN Valley. j()LIIMY 1 I i invij k tiii: . in .n ! ; n : rirv. vnuc to iiuiiu immknsk : Hf K OK Holiday Goods. Santa Glaus Headquarters. Ti...- :.; .! : kI tl.eir -:cc'.-'. ?! t i ' E .-4 S . I r. JLJ it i5 il ' BARROWS lSLt'JMEHG BLOCK, s: .ii. i! .1 . t! ;!-snl i :i 1 To Iwwml Fwmieal Buyers Wlu. 1... it i.Mi-i.in-. ! - ir 1 ii : t s ;isonaljle styles in TJ r T G-OODS, DEESS GOODS, s-' i-1i::mi jioiiiis i hi- wjsy to th Larse New Stock 15 EC A UirE TIIEIK sroi;K Is Til E J:l.',i:.-!T!;ni; i-m:ai s i : T 1 ! K 1 1 We know UV e.d p ;:s . nsptci t ; In .ii.-- n , vei .-howi: in happy. MaiiufaetiM..- steu.i i i lii.c, Ui-t P, ,i now mil. niathinrry, iron irenta aad h kmcis ol h.tevv i!t:d -.j. ) , v.uk in i, ti aid bias taMii-j. Special attea en paid t.. re, aii re ai! 1 ., d . t a, ., ly. ltten-.P n.mler.ii st. rtnotica. I- 1 . "OX ! -M.i.tt. C. II. StiwaiiT. becrttary. Will & Stark. fC;- ? ' .- t ., . f --7 SHOPPERS ... ; ' . - nj;i iiT!. '..ir i.-u.uu'ht ! The.r lew prices will tenh vou. hEARLS, L4 urn gs -AM! :;rnT AoiiNcv :oa THE LUDLOW Indies Fine Shoes. Also Agency for JI. I. WELLS & CO.'S B .ots :'Tld Shot s. & SEARLS .1 i.esiiv to make sel-c- HUM F. READ, I.AKGELT, S A EE THE NEWEST, ; n; I ( AUK. THE LOWEST All We j.k ii? :i tllOJCUgll veh..Ye the IatgeBt6tock ( .n;t and tee us and b Alhanv. - O'cpon. WORKS. Hinm niirl "V JL-' i v J.J. YA. a i i " ? AITT A I l iTT ?) dl'.W 1 1 I V i V. " ' U VII rn i oilis w-n; iiiii".I'i c.i 'a-I ' . ' Cl ci..s s .i.vi t'ra-. . Ai' ... -I .1 : -r ii!u-'..iji ,. 1. .1. . :.