) ST VOL. V. NO. 20. ' 1 ' ,T ' rrr: lo liUSIS A WEEK. AL15AKY, O KEG ON, FRIDAY DECEMBER 20, ImSD. '5 ft I I: SPFXIAL JOTK t: DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal Cllt-,- Londor., England, ais'inf f lie Hell.. vue Medical Col leg:. The Dr. ha Kju-ct i!v;i:u. : study and practice i.iahivs .1 r( -. cialty of chronic ilit-eas, i-enu.x. . cancers, scrof rla enlar-eii -n: ;: n. : and wens, without pain r li:e kiul. . He also makes a specialty n? tie-i -ment with electricity. 2 .'is prr-m -i in the German French - ! t 1".: ;i::ii hospitals. Call prm.-.i-tly .ute; day or night. Hiem t : "GOOD - WILL Trr JLL a "iOffice and residenu" rer.-t A r7 , between Third and Fnrsv Star Mm a rn.L stock or Stap?e Grocr! i The best quality f tea-, refftm. rjmiie, nuts, (tc. CANDIES, NUTS j FRESH BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY. At this aid reliable houna in alis to tie ! found a complete assortment of tit fkmi'j I jrseer.e, to wmcr-is Constantly bei. r ulilo'l all th seasonaMe line ef jrrecerits and pre visions, such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order, Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts. Eastern Buckwheat Flour. Canned Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, There goods were all bought when prices were low and the benefit of tl e margin will be given to his customers. Remember the plac- at the old corner on Finland Broilalbin Sts. P. II. PFEWHI. Proprietor of Albany Soda Works j And manufacturer of n ice We are row prepared to fumisti clio.ee. rrtth cii:uici or i m crane, t!n or pure stick, ast-orted flavorn, uiixt'l iimfc-, ! extra French and clvcoU'e reams. f.-.w mixed, candy toys and a crierx;! fctw.rtr-i' nt ; of tine randies i at wjiolf.ai.!: hc i-.i.iaii. I JcS'Crilcn frrm unt'T Scalers irouir?!i nt- j tended to. Factory en Mrst ktiei ; ALBANY - OREGON; RKI) OlioWN MILLSl IsOJI, IAM; A ., Preps HEW PROCESS FLOUR. (5u ner far ramilyand lk.lr ue) Best Siorane Facilities.! jay Uiiiket h fr p-. U: htt"TtS ALBANY OREGON The liUYEKS' (iUII'K is ii-Mit-il March nud Srpt.each ftr. I ' ar. mcyciopedia of uet'u! irti mtitian fer nil ho tiiiirha- -he .uxurira or the utx-eraiti"- ' life. VYe eaa clxthr yon a fyri.i-H 5ai with all thr n ccewrj and rBi!PeBry ap pliances to ride, wlU 'anre, vlet-p. eat, fiah, hunt, werk, go to church or stay at home, and in rations size. atTlea and quantities. Just hfenre out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY. nd you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS' GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pa doatace. MONTGOMERY, WARD & CO 111 Michivf ft Aeau O.iu i, 11 Albany Nurseries We are permanently located on the old Cline homestead 2 n)''fc from Albany on Corvallis road. We have n hand a largo stock of Choice Emit, Trees of eur own jjroinp, which we wil ell at lowest living rates. Parties contemplating planting trees will consult their interests by examining our aivck aud pricts bt-fore purchasing. Utman fe Brownfl!., Albany, Oregon. ' PATENTS Cavents and Frade marks r!iiiinrd. and ii!l Tr.?i) t t.iisincss coiKliictcd for mod;r:ite f r.. Our ofii.'i- is opposite IT. S. nitfiit tMiirciir.i: trc i-ars ceeure I patent in ler-s time :-!(! at K cost; iliau tliose remote Iniiii Wa.-li inrt n. ; ik-ml hiixIl-I (Irau iiif, or jilioto vit!i . keffript'on. We :idvi?e, if p. it' iitiiliir or i:ot. free of i !i;ire. (:ir fee i t ; due till patent is secured, j lit tie li,ik, "How to fM:i:p I'at- I cuts," with t.ajKs of avian', eln-tils. in your tit.it', county or Iowji t-eiit f : AiUlrcs V. A. S(!V tt "., t'j'.iiit V. b- 1'utuiV l-llce WathiLiti,r.,r' n 1 uro Conrar AT Coniecl ioncry . n ! ; i'J I li:f a variety of arti cles suitable tor holitlav presents as follow-: i'te-s silks in a great varit, in blacks and oloi, fancy silk tidies, -ilk mufflers, silk hankt-r--iiiefs for ladies and ien-rlr-men. .silk umbrellas. old and silver handles, for ladies and gentlemen, ordered especially lor the holidays; embroideredlin en h an kerchiefs, for ladies and gentlemen in colors and white, ladies port uonies, ladies and men's kid gloves, furs, boas and muffs, ladies and gent's fine slippers and shoes, cloth and Sealette cloaks and wrap., ladies1 and misses' rugs and bed spreads, table linen cloths and napkins to match, fancy China tea sets,tancy China dinner sets, hand painted a very large line of novelties in China, con sist5 ng of vaces, tooth pick holdeis, card receivers, salaf1 bowls, truit bowls, ice cream sets, mush and milk sets, finger bowls, pie and tea plates, individual butters, covered butter dishes, cream and sugar sets, salt and pepper sitt ers, cracker jars, fancy soap dishes, and tooth brush holders, China lea pot stands. c!ispadores,the largest ar.d finest line of fancy China c.ps and sau cers, hand painted, ever brought to Albany, These goods I have ar ranged on table in second stort nd it will pay the publ c tu inspect them wbcih'-r buying or not. I SAMUEL jrant Guiss & Son -Are now pcriinf l'r Ilwlidaj trade one of the largest lioas of Plush Goods and Art Supplies ZZZI Ever brcuht ? Albany. Call and inspect their immense stock. "When fully opened it will he the Moat complete of Elegant Holiday Dipl"iys. -?rjFir-t Srrit. N-xt to Reverf Tfonp. S. r ) V iii 'ut si I-rcii' h hand f-t'V.etl corset i:i tl c tnark( f. Try tl.ini once. o!i t.rcr v. ill we ir any other. .iti.-f;iCi(iiT Solo E YOUNG 880 oliday Opening. K. CORSETS BBB Perfection of Fit COMFORT & STRENGTH .!.tit'v nltiiKicil ii :;o.' iohivi cnmeiy YOUNG, l Ibaiiy- POWDER Absolutely Pure. 'I'til- powuci never Variph. A lunl i I j nl .iiirilt .strcturtli and wlioie-s.inieneef. , More. .c-oi:omii-al :li;in the ordiuaiy j kinds and oaiumt lie Miiii in connu-ti. tion '.vim !:m,iuuue oi lowtcBt, snon weiirlil .ihiin or nhosnliate novrdcrw Sold onlj in -iu.. KotaL Bakin' soit. tier Co . 10 -Vail st.. N. I. Lrwis M, .luliNMiX iV Co., Affellte. t'oi tlund, Oregon, I'll YKK lift f II. DAVlM, M 1. PHTSiCIAN AM It siiie(.n. I'lrili found at hia orhc. room ir. S iklun' Deck, Hut street. A'bau Oreeon- G W. MASTuX, HlV-IU-i HIM1 , jfeon, Allianv, Oregon M II . ELL1, PHYSICIAN AND BUHr gfeon, Ail u y Orr'fon. n C. KELLY. PHYSICIAN AND UR J. eo All any, urcjioii. oftice in ,Pierce-g new block, om-.-c.iinu-, from 8 a. u. to 4 r. m. J. UOi-HTEi:, VI." KK1N AH MR . treon, g ruinate of Ontario veterinan collepre nnil n.cn.lnr of llie. Ontario veterii ary medical bucicty, in jiri pared to trcut tlx dixeaaes of a'l don t-stirated aniinala rr scientific principles. Office at Ans MamhullV livery stuMx. I.tmlciH c 4 1 It and Cala cx h streetg, Ai'janv, orc-ron. " Dlt. 1. W. STAHI!, PHYSKIAN A.Mi Surifcon. 'ate of lirownsvilic. Or. Ott're in the Straliar:-IVar-e block iipstairn in tie rear room on tire main hill. Cai a run -jtlv artcnien to in isry or counwy. TR 11 KOLDEWAY. VETKRINARY SI'K U (reon, Albany, Oretron Graduate f GeiJ iiiun sua incncvn voneices. "TR. E. A. MfAUtiTER IIOS-EOPATHIC PHY IJ fioian ami iiiret.n lis rimovf-d r ollice into Crawford's block. All callu pruui) ly a:tenled to. IVltO.A. WHI'lNhY. PHYMCIAN AN I) 1 SIlfL'. Oil. rnilll!k' of RolU.vna Tlo. n tal Medical Collc.-e. New York City. DUei ses nvuuicn a rpe rai". vmc in i romni briek, Albany Ortvoi.. V OTICK IS HEREISY GIVEN TrIAT PRO i. ncrty ownein are reiuir-d by ordinate to cut dnwsi niai remove all this: lis and ob noxious weeds i;r.iwiiiir upon their premise and uH.n the street adjoining thereto, within the city limit oi AMwiy. 'Ihrsc faiiiiirto do so will e Ii ti'e to a fine of liy order : tlio itj niarihal, J, N. HOFFMAN Aliunt, Ji nk ls, 1359, H. EWEI'.T. PItACTICAL M ATCHilAKE ami jeweler, Albany, Oreirou, ATTOKXKYS. ii. v. N. lir.AiKerRN. . w. wmflMT. )LACKiSI H.N. k WK1G H'I ATTORNEY AT J3 Law, Ailmoy , Oreirou. Orlice in Odd 'nellow's Tetu.:r. " A'ill nrai'tic in all court of the ttte, and jjit gpccial atttotioa to all huninesa 1 r)LYr.RT iN CHARLES E.TrfORNlT V at I-iw. Albanv, Or. Odica in room" IS and 14, tetter I'.luck, rr L. X. Blaia'i ator . TK. wi'.ATii;iKoRr, Attorney- at . la, Aloany, 're;on. Otfie ia Jdd I'ellow'i Teuiple. Will pract in all the courti f thi-tat, aid (iv special aHeation to all liumiie. t.nxul KnrTeyln-.. PARTin liaSllISO OKTKTIN !)- tain accurate and prompt work by online upon es-couuty sunt voi 1". T. T. rhmer. iln ban complete copies of teld notes and town ship platu, and in prepare 1 to do sun rriaf ia any part of Linn cortnty. Posloe addrnaa, Millers Staliou, Linn con itOree. c ii tviw icfvt roll THE LKAU- in j fire, life and aeefdent iutsraDM com- panica. l-'or Itent. BURNISHED ROOMS TO IttNT. AT THE City Rerbturtiit. Ilrnln Tllelfor pale. AOOOD SUPPLV OF FIRST CLASS drain tile for tala at the Esge brick and cile factory Last of Albany Mir Kooi Iiutte. Coll at the factory or address Propta & Auston, Albany Oreyon. WANTED A GlRL TO DO GENERAL hnusewerk. Annlv at the aOiDsr of ttb and Railoatl strceU, Dclmonico Restaurant, CO'KK. riMd AMi ILLSW0KTH MS. The pndtrsipaed having purchased the old Herman Restaurant atand has opened under the above name a first class restaurant. We are prepared to furnish meals for parties or dances t n short aotice. Oysters served in every style, eastera or coast; all kinds of fish known in tha marketl Employ only first-class help and waiting wiH will be prampt and courteous. Reg ular meals 23 cts. Ciffce of tirflO class quality and a cop of coffee and cake at from 5 to 10 cts. I am well known in this city and reqaest la citiaaas to give m a call. SAM G0ETS, rrepriuktt. Important Notice. I HATE RETURNED FROM THE FKOTI. 1 ftitl all aiy - icn on the l!Kh. Any please present hem to me at my osUce in t 1 wceuaie hock ror psyuieui. e pave ty of money here. J. S. A.STONELLE, (ienvral Co::rai r,- r rf firm Antunebe 4 Men Wuxited. no.woiiK on iiit: i::ix.;dn ?.-. ;fi 1 r,iid. i -! v at one.! to Ci;ni.ri u Man t lt'n. FiisV i.5es fur Sale. ';: ; '.l.K-T'.Vi) Yi"AI .lN- ! '.' j' I .,! ).: :. o'ii r-;;"'t Horn :.:. on u v,, ,, !, j c::vi i. lV ' ! vo'i! fc'i" i a .'' ! r.t. :;on.;K, HER FATE UNKNOWN. Vessel Recently Purchased by the Northern Pacific Missing THE SITUATION IN MONTANA. A Rail oad Csductir Steals $10,000 in m Italiaa Liboren who Threaten to Barn a Town-Fishtw'ta Rohbtrs. The 11 KB M.o's Special Disuatchtt.' New ork, Dee. Ii. It isiu- moretl m shipping firdes that Uu iver steamer City ol Kingston ha? liee-i lost. Tho vessel formerly plied between thiscitv and Uond- out, on the Hudson, but was sold to the Northern Pacific Ilailroad Com nan v to run on TiiKet Sound. I wo weeks aeo she lelt Here des tined lor that plat e, by way of Cape Morn. Since that time nothing has been heard of her. Upon receipt of the above dis patch tho Herald's Portland tx-r respondent called at the ollice ol Mr. A. D. Charlton, assistant pas songer agent of the Northern Paci fic Company, and that gentleman said that he has not been advised concerning the 6teamer beyond ihe fact that about two weeks ao ebe left New York for Puget Sound, and was expected to arrive in about ninety days IN MONTANA. The Whole Qaetion Will Be Brought Before the Courts. Helena, (Mont.),Dec.l9. Little bus:ness was transacted in either house of the legislature this morn ing. After roll call the senate took a recess until 2 P. m. and forthwith a joint caucus wa? held in order to arrive at some understanding as to the permanent organization. The most important event of the t)aj was the mini; of & suit against State Auditor Cenney to coin r el him to pav mileage and per diem to members, which he refused to do, as no appropriation had been made lor the payment. U is ap parent that the suit was onlv brought to bring the w hole question before the courts. A Itlti iVl'EA I. A Kailrnad Conductor Arrested for Stealing 10.O0O. Hudson. Dec. 10. John Camer on, of Plaintield, X. Y., a railroad conductor, was arrested to-day a the instance of the. Kingston A Hudson railroad, on a charge ol stealinp: about $10,000, wages due Italian laborers. The latter, when they learned that their 'wages were missing, threatened to bum a.i phmdei the town. FIGHT WITH KOIIKKUS. A Desperate Encounter In Which Which I'iKtola were Weapons. Waco. Tex., Dec. 19. News has readied here of a light on Tuesday between four farmers and :wo rob bers with six-shooters. One farm er, John T. Watts, was killed, and W. T. Harris seriousiy wounded, and others more or less injured Jim Iepp, supposed to be one ol the robbers, has been arretted. A NEGRO LYNCHED. While Drank He Shot and Killed a, White Man. Owenscoko, (Ky.), Dec. 19. Last night Doc Jones, a negro bar ber, while drunk, shot John Wesl erfeld (white dead. Early this morning a mob took Jones from the jail and lynched him. Powderly Kxpecta to Be Arrested, Scranton, (Pa.) Dec. 19. Con stable Washabaugh, of (ireens burg, who yesterday telegraphed that he hud a warrant for Master Workman Powderly's arrest, was expected to arrive here at 9 :30 this morning, but &t 10 o'clock he had failed to put in an appearance. Powderly has been walking about the principal streets all morning, expecting the oflicer. A Hotel Man's Suicide. New York, Dec. 19. Timothy J. Coe, one of the best known hotel proprietors in the city, shot and killed himself this morning. The act was the result of temporary insanity, induced by illness and protracted insomnia. The Union Pacific. Chicago, Dec. 19. Ata meeting cf the Union Pacific directors to day the Union PaciB.c and Port Worth deal was considered and re ferred to the executive committee, to be put into shape and executed. FACTA ABOUT ASTOBIt. felse Will Have Four Kallroad In Lens Than Three Team. AVork is being done on two f them now the Albany & Astoria Hai.'rond and the Astoria South Coast Koad. There is a chance for the thousands whose aftersight. pain fully convinces them of th golden opportunity forever gone by to make fortunes by getting in en-hand buying property in a first-class seaport, which is at the same time a railroad center. The excitement in regard to real estate at Astoria at the j resent, fine is something remarkable. The real estate dealers are busy from morning till night making out ilceds, abstracts, Uicitgaucs and convV-i., ami none of them pre the property thev tend o show have for sale, their time being en tirely consuii.ed with office work, buyers are not at all particular, but seem o believe that any real estate in and about Astoria is a de sirable tluug to have. A young lady from Oregon City some weeks ago discovered that eighty ac-es of land lying back some distance from tne water front belonged lo the government. She at once secured it, and has 6ince been offered $8000, and could get for it at the present time 16.000. 1 his activity in real estate is not due to advertising or booming meuioos, en neither Astoria nor anv real estate dealer m the city has ever expended a single dollar .n advertising. The activity in the real estate market began some three months ago, by parties from the outside, mostly from the East ern states, coming quietly into th city and investing largely in real estate and returning to their homes. This is supposed to haTe been caused by information quietly hav ing been given by railroad men who are on the inside to their friends, who at once took the hint and purchased accordingly. But a hint is hardly needed to convince men of the certainty of the future of Astoria: a first-class seaport, with a magnificent navigable river reaching every part of the vast, rich, productive country back of it and four railroads is sure to make city. Compare Astoria with Seat tle and Tacoma : First. It has just as good a har Dor ana no other ban or within a hundred miles, while all of Puget sound is a good harbor, and m a years a dozen rivals will spring up for Seattle and Tacoma. Second. Astoria has the best system of river transportation back ol it of any city in the world, and in these two important renpects will never have a rival on ii.:. Pa cilic Coast. There will be inside ot ninety days a wild rush for real estate in Astoria. In last Saturday's Ore gonian appeared a hall-page adv., accompanied by a large map show ing anticipated railroad connections and other prospective improve ments. This adv. will continue for several months in the Oregon ian, which, with other advertising to be done, will proclaim to the world at large, for the first time, the leverish slate of extitement in the real estate market of the com ing greatest seaport north of San Francisco. lit anticipation of this wild rush the Oregon Land Com pany h?ve bought a tract of 2 acres of land on the peninsula ad joining the platted portion of the city, on two oi the proposed lines .f the railroad, and having already in operation a railroad within a quarter of a mile, and near the steam motor line. This land is now in acre lots, and if you w ish you had bought in Seattle and Ta coma when it was selling for from $300 to $500 per acre, here is a chance to buy acre tracts at those figures, and which will in a few months be selling as in Tacoma and Seattle, from !G000 lo $15,000 an acre and upwards. These tracts are ottered during the next ten davs at each of the otiices ol the Oregon Laud Company, in Salem, Portland, Astoria and Albany, at $3J0 ier acre, one half cash and one-half in ninety davs. The land adjoining this tract is already plat ted ad being sold by the lot, and no otl er land is to be had in ai res oetweeu the Oregon I.and Co.'s - ret and the business portion ol the ciiy. The romnm-u of ieal estate is found in the following actual oc currence: Squire Herron, ol alem, had to take four lots in As toria on a bail debt and now hold them at $10,000. Last fall Squire Herron trok, under something of a protest four lots in Astoria for $3500. He lias recently been ollered $8000 for them, but holds them at $10,000, arid will no dmbt get that for them inside of 30 days, if he does not double op on the price again. UlxaruiliiK an Fuorcn Foe. "This wa sometime a paradox," as "Iamlet gays., inec, however, the people cf America and ether 'andp have been enabled to pit HosletterV StcniiK'h Hitters against that unseen foe, malaria, it is no longer a paradox, but an euey possibility. Whatever malaria evolves its misty venom to joison the air, and decaying una bole .omc vegetation imuregnater the water, there, in the very stronghold of miasma, is the auxiliary -otent to disHrm the foe and assure eiluient protection. Fever and ague, bilious remittent, dutn'j ajuc and at;uc cake, no matter bow tenaciously they have fasiene tin ir clutch on the syrteiu, are tirf t forced to relax their gra; mid eventually to abandon it alto gether. But it ic preventive force that should chiefly recommend the Bitters to persons dwelling in malaria 'ursed localities, for it is a certain buckler of defecee against which the enemy ,s poweilces. CUrcs, likewise, dyspepsia, rheumatism, kidney and liilliouB ailments. Files! riles! Piles! Dr William's Indian Pile inttnern is the only sure cure for blind, bleed ing or itching piles ever discovered It never fails to cure old eases of lor standing. .Imltre. Coens, M;iysvil1e, Kv, says. "Dr William's Indian Pile Ointment cured me after years of sitfScrinjr." Judge ( ollinuirv, Clevt-hiiid. O.sa v "I nave ound by experience that Dr. u iiLar. Ji (liMi 1'ilc Ointment 'ivi immediate tit d perm .i.enl relief.' U'e have Lundreds of such testi tnf'ina!-:. Do not sutler nn inti.nt lutigi-r. Sold 1 y druggists at -ra"'c iis'il .51 per box. f-o'i by Foshay &M.iSo:i, Albany, Oregon, IN CONGRESS. Steps Taken to Prepare for tlif: Big Fair in 1892. THK SILCOTT DEFALCATION. The Holiday Uuefst The Coatrstid Elec ticn Caiet Examination of Cal! Ifernia's War CltiniE. The HtiULi.a's Special Disputes .J Washington, Dec. 19. In the; senate a house concurrent resolu tion for a l.o'iday recess from Sat urday next till Monday, Januury 9. wa6 concurred in. Stewart, from the committee oi military affairs reported a resolu tion directing an examination by the treasury department of the war claims of the state f California, grow ing rut of Indian war hostili ties and disturbances. By Cullom Tc prepare for celebration ot the 400th anniver sary of the discovery of America by an exposition of arts, industry, manufacture and products in 1892. By George To permit states tc tax national banks not using United States notes. The committee investigating tho Silcott defalcation has agreed upon, a report by which an appropriation will be asked to make (rood the losses sustained by the members of the house. A separate bill wilt also be reported making the ser-geant-at-arms a disbursing officer. The sub committee of the house elections committee charged w ith the arrangement of the contested election cases completed its work in the house this morning. It was agreed that the republicans should select one case and the democrats another, in rotation until all were arranged. This was done, and a hearing will be given after the holiday recess. LIKE HIS FATHER. The Toung German Crown l'rlno Is a Chip of the Old Block. There is an amusing story of the little German Crown Prince, who seem 8 to have inherited some, of the. pleasing qualities of his father, says iv writer in the New York Tribune. The Prince was driving out with his govcrut8s. Aa usual, the Germans cheered the little one or lifted their hats to him as he passed, to w hich the young Prince replied by raising his bonnet. At last the Crow u Priuce got bored with having continually to acki owltdge the talutes of the popu lace. Flinging himself back in bis carriage he said t his governess: 'l am tired now, and shall out lift lay bonnet any mure to them, no matter how much the cheer." "You are & naujj'ity buy," replied the governese. "and unless you acktiowladge the salutes of the people I shall riot con tinue to drive with you." The liii?e Crown Prince 6at up immediately. "Coaohnian," said he. The coach man looked around. "Stop the car riage, -i achmari," continued the little one; "this lady will get out," he added, with a lordly wave of his hand toward his governess. EIGEXK NOTES. El'GENK, D-Cf 17. The gret revivalist Webl err will be at the M. . church during the ensuing week. A street preacher is on' the street to-night trying, as he says, to con vert the preachers to Christ. The Jinglers had full houses here two nights in the M. . church. Part ol proceeds go to the G. A. 11. Marion Martin, an old settler of Coitage Grove was killed near that place to-day in the forenoon, by a woman named Taylor. No parti cu'ars at this hour. For the ladles Only . I am now prepared to do all kinds of stamping and' have over two thousand designs to choose from. Also a nice line of em broidery materials, such as arra senes, crewels. No. 1 and 2 em broidery, chenilles, princess che nilles, etc. etc. And the finest pompons, tassels, crescents, cordw, plushes, felts and fancy work ma terials ever in the city. Zephyr is going at five ents an ounce. Miss Minnie Col well has cnarge of this department, and has had several years experience in all kinds of fancy work and stamping. At the store of G. W . Simpson, Albany, Oregon. Ipmortant Announcement. From now until Jannarv 1st Krausse & Klein will sell ladies Lain!. Schobert & Mitchell Frem-li kid shoes at $4 per pair: all widths from A to EE. Their Cnracoa kids at $3 per pair. We have the finest assortment of holiday slippers for laoies ann gents ever brought to Albanv. We also makeasripr-iuliv of ladies' warm felt slippers in all styles and colors. Coma nri r-. amine our stock and you will hiul our prices the low est in the city. fSci8ors. Shears. Immense stock at Stewart & Sox's. Ihe best quality aiid any size or style. Call and examii.e our stock. Stewart & Sox. Fort mi tier A ""Irv.ng have ;'ut opened a new line of portiers, table 5ii-is, towel rings, stair -na. s ar-.l r.ov?ltics in furniture ai d n iii-e-i.r.i.-tiinL-s. cll fh-:r elegant rovr storn in Masonic btnldli,--. Si C tie B- T