6 1889 N. bisiks noticed. Tha latest Hy man's. sneet music at lira Buy jour -tovos and tinware at waitu A Wushutirne's. Try Supoli.j for house .'leaning. It ia oucquuled liiowutii & Stununi, Builder should ico to Smith k Wadhburuc's for their carpenters tools aad builders hardware. No. 1 Star tomatoes and all kiuo.s of fresh cann-.-d goodi at a very low ffiiru ut ('ourad Meyer's. Fahmey's celebrated blood cleanser t Browucll & Stauard and at Deyoe ttobsou's. P. J. Haltimore general Kent. lxvera of uod cheese should call a onn Bros. They have just re ceived u lot of full cream, fresh and sweet. Mexican Cactus Bitters is the best remedy iu the world for liver and kid mey diseases, indigestion, etc. For sale atM Uuiiiugarl's'. Anew line of line wall-papers with orders to match have beeu opened at itortuailler & Irvine's. They are n.'w nd elegant designs. Call and see them. It is no lcooJ to look at the the: mouietci this year to judire of while. . The only tuinj to guide jou is Srownell fc Stauard'' price, which are always down to zero. For chilblain and frost-bites use Chamberlain's Pain Balm. When promptly applied to the Irozcn parts it wiU i event the sk.n from turning lack . r reeling otl. It allays the ti'. It allays the . ing of chilblains I le part to a healthy I le by Foshay laubioz und smart sad sool restores the condition For bale Mason, Grantl Army boys, as well as many others, will bo interested in thefcl-' owing from Alex B. Poi e, Stewart, Tenn., who is A. D. C. Commander Dep't Tenn. and Ca. He says: "Wo have had an epidemic of whooping cough here and Chamberlain's Couh Remedy has been tha olj tuing that lias done any good." There is no danger from whoping congh when this remedy is freely used. 50 ceni bottles fur sal-i by Foshay &. Mason. llav you heard what Mr. C. L. Weast, of Cambridge City, Ind., says of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy! If not, here it is: "During last summer I was troubled cry much with severe pains iu the ttomach aud bowels, and was induced b a friend to try this Remedy. I took out: uose, as per directions, and it gave me almost instant relief. I oheerfully recommend it to the afflicted." 23 and SO centrales for ale by Foshay & Mason. Mr. F. J. Smith, Editor of the Ft Abercrombie, Dakota, Herald, says: "The most wonderful medicine, I have ever met with, is Chamberlain's olic, Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy. In case of cholic is gives speedy re liaf. On hunting trips I have found ft indispensible. Put in alkali water, it imparts a pleasant taste and pre vents the painful diarrhoea, which alkali water produces. I could not feel safe without it in mv house." 25 ad. 50 cent bottles for sale Koehav & Mason. bylnell. FAIR DALE ADDITION. 1'urkhart ti Malin offer lorsale! 108 city lots in this beautif;) addi-' tion, Which has just been platted. J This addition h situate i on the! east of the city, and adjoining Abe I Uackleman's" land, and is the ! closest addition to the city that is! now offered for pale. Ttiese lots : will now ho sold for $75 and comer : lots $100 each until January 1st, , after which time all kits remain-! inj$ will le raised to 150 each. ( These lots will he sold on easy ; terms, and the first that call to i-ee : them will t? t the choice of all. New Addition to Allmuy. J. H. Abtey's addition to Albanv ia the eastern suburb oi the city kad been tlatted. ami . choice Lota are uow or. .sale at tito to $l-'5 : Jurrau & Moiiteilh. Apply a: I and -elect your loi.. br C onxa An AlMwIiiir Cur Tho (Ji iiiiil Ab'.eti:ie in; is-rl i- oaly put up iu lare tno-'iiu e lit; koirs. a n't Is au ubiluU' eure fcr ulC sores, burns, wt-uuits vtipped tmudh. , And all s'uiu eruptions;. ill positive- j ly eure all kinds of pilea. A-k lur the Qtiiuul Abictlutt Ointuieut. )1U o.t Woihay A MaeuD at "A" t -cats per Ux fcy wu Ut) cents. Von limntl ABwrd. At this searivo of tho year in ii without a iKul reliable diarrrxiK Wlsaui iu toe houso, as erampt, y-iu, 4rrho:ii aud all iniia'nmatiou i t Uik tomaob aud bowela are exceedingly daaerous if nob attended to at once, (fat bottle of B EGGS' DIAK1UIOFA BALSAM will do more gool iu cases oi this kiud thao any etliir luedieiue on earth. Vt guarantee it. ,U. L. JUackmau, Jrugist. Mr i ir . Iiat people linger along always' HnDlaiDinr aoouc urea iecimc: One bottle of B EGGS' BLOOD PURI FIER and BLOOD MAKER will en- tarelyjremoye this feeling, give them a good appetite and regulate diges tion. G. L. Blackman. druggist. Don't foreet that at Mrs. B. E. Ilyman's is the plaee'to ret your sew ios machines. The Pride of Woniai, A clear pearly and transparent akin ia always a ein of pure blood, and all persons troubled with dark, greasy, yellow or blotched skin can rest assured that their blood is ont of order. A few doses of BEGGS' BLOOD PUKIFIOR and BLOOD MAKER will rfinove the cause and the skin will become clear aud trans parent. Try it, and if sitigfaction is not given it will cost you nothing. It is fully warranted, G. L. Blauk man, druggist. .Not a K'aHf01"11114 Kenr. Anybody can catch a cold this kind f weathi r, Tlie trouble is to let o, like the man who caught the bear. We advise our readers to purchase of Foshav & Macon a Lottie of Santn Abie, the California Kirirof Cotinimp ton. Asthma, Hronchitis, Coujrhs und Croup Cures, and keep it bandy. ' l is pleasing to the taste and death to the above 'complaint:. i'M at ?1 t'i a bottle or for i'J ;"0. ( a:il..;i:ia 'at-Ii-Cure irives immediate relief, 'il l C'atan l.ul vil li;-i:'- n.i di.-f ! 1 its hcaliiur u:ul pi r.. :i:i:i-na'i v . Give it a t:ial. J'ix i:. t: ..:'.. .: i'X ill), sent by mail i;! important Afivire t :e::t::;-.. Buy the cehdirated IVnt t:!.y.. at liiirrows & .ce.irl-'. c.-.clasiv agents for Albany, THE MARKETS. lI.KANt QUOTATIONS. Wheat -01 Outs 'StQMc Flour pei bbl Potatoes Cjc Eggs :30c Buiter i")c. Lard V2 15c. Hams l'2i(?15c. Shoulders SiglOc. Bacon 10 12c. llav Timothy, J 12, oats and cueai, 18. Aj i s -Nreen. fiO(gl.OO per bu. Plu in Dried, 4c. per tt. AppVs dried bleached c sundricd 8 c. Chickens $2.505 00 Hides 13ef hides, grecr, 4 , 10 c : deer skius, 20c; sheep pelts, 10 73?, according to wool. Beef 2g2-Xc serosa. Mutton $2 00 per head. Hogs r(g0c, dreshed. Lard - Kegs, or 5 trullou tius, 10t, pails 12c. Fcr the finest silver polish in the marke' go to H. tvvert's Take - . . TylPI M jL CC One Dose WORTH ioo Dollars ! Dear S. L. K: I rongider one doe of Rim muni uiver nrcumier onn WIOO. 1 was j i-uusui'uicu, nau. iieAuacne, couki eat noin lnsr with atit.faction or appetite- had the blues, and felt alt 0(e?her out of sorts. I re sorted to Blue 5J.-vii, Calomel, Quinine, and every remedy mijri-'O'tetl, but only obtained temporary relief. One dose of 8 L It did me more rood than $IN worth of doctors and dectorinjf. Resp'y, 'J O Mirtim. 'I I have been a teacher for twenty years, and during that time have bad tepeatedatticksof headache, produced by torpid Liver, and I have been entirely cured by Simmons Liver Regulator. I found it to be of so mild a character in its action as not to interfere, in the leant ith mv duties in the Fchool room, To those siuii rly situated and subject tohe same, I cannot too highly, recommend Sim mons Liver Regulator. E, E, CiiKKK, Campbellsvillc, K. For your fine West cinrs, tro ci;ar store, one man's drusr 6to' imported and Ke, to M. Baunisrart;' door :ast of Black I propose to huie y. ur tmde, if honest good, low prU-es ard srocd treatment will eceure'it. C. E. Krow. Fresh oysters served every at Ilermann'ri restaurant. dav Ladies prefer to trade at C. E Jrownell's because everythintr is neat und ileau and in apple pie order. Vtu-u Baby -was sick, We gavo her Castoria. Wheu she u. ChilJ, Sho cr;J fur Castoria. When she became llias, Sho clun to Ca-storA. Whxu she had Children, She gave thein Castoria. t-r'y VZ 1 r.'X'mSSisa ? WiSa OF ALBANY, OREGON,! pke9ident, L. Flinn. VICE-PRESIDENT O. E. fOUDg, CAsniER. E. W. Lansdon T TRANSACTS A GENERAL EANKIN BL'SiSESh. Accounts kept subject check. Sieht Ex.-hanjfe and Telegraphic Traniifer sold on New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Portland .Oregon. (Collections made on favorable tcrrus. S. E. YocsoJ L. Fx.rs.1 1. E. Bla! W.E. Tcrsbll E W. Lakodos C'Bfhier. WILL BROS. Dealfrs in all the latest t improved pianoe, orcai!s,sewin machines, guns, a!so a full line of warranted razors, butcher .in;! poefce-t knives. The best kic.l : stwir.jr Ma-.'iiine oils, nerrlles and rtr.s for all machine?. All re- r zn w ai'ove lim a uea'tv and r.iliiV liC.r.i'. I !! Illllllllllllll Mil ! IIIWI.I. I I ! PW Will IE. 0. HEARDSLEY. .V.M. 1TA'I i: ACJKNT. : 1! .".r: i.iril liifC i:i a p!!: . r. A 1 '.; ir c ill IV. "c )r--i:i: i! ttrtt, f:v Simmons Regulator KSS (T71 fc1 ! KcT ETI dinMIMd I i T) 1 TDflT7i nifj tin Mrs. Nancy Westfall, wife of the well knovn Chinese contractor Jim Westfall, has opened a Japan ese bazaar store in the brick next door to C. H. Spencer's. It is filled with all kinds of Japanese wares and novelties, including parasols, fans, canes, ladies wear, souvenirs, etc. JfcSJAU goods Hold very cheap. i'flie Albanv Bakery ! Vtulvr the new mtnatnitnt of -WH KEEP A fail line of choice I (.'revision family (jrocerie and Cannea i-iriefctpples, Clioice TaWe Delicacies Ornamented uakvs for IVedninas ami Jai'tie. i Salmo )iUi : i . 1 1 1 l !(itr). ! I)'. kinds. FRESH BAKED BREAD JtCvcrv X)av. Best Svrun.Pies. Cakes, TEAS and CUFFE, Candies Nuts. Raisins. CANNED WOODS. ETC.; ne best Soap la the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars X3TAI John&Fox's old standi low JF1 nn a lew brick. COMPANY -0F- Albany Oreqon CaoitoS Stock 500 000 lAI IP CAPITAL OFFICERS. rrt'f-nicnt Ciiarlcs r. Wolvvnuu, i Vice-President . I. O. VritHln;vIl Treasurer J. V. Cusick. Setrtiirv J. K. Klderkin. DIRECTOUS. it. Stnilian, UhaR. K. Wclv toii. J. L. Cowan, D. P. Alonteitii, J. W. Cunii k, J. . Writsman, J K. LMeikin, Charles llonteith, C. K. Sinijisi'ii. Safe, Sound, uonsemtivB! i A Square Company, j Nonaged by Square Men, j Patronized by Square People i .M.Wv..WB TAKE TILE -FROM CAli .11,1 RATES: To any part ot tho city, 50 cents. For calling, first hour $1.50, each subsequent hour $1. Stand in front of H. K. Youde' i and W. F. Itead's Btores. SHILGH'S . V1TALIZER is wnir you need for eonstipatioD, loss of ap petite, dizziness and all symptoms of dspepsia. Price, 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Fosbay & Mason. Aibany Bath House AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON, JOSEPn WEBBER, PROPKIETOBi I3?Ladier nd children's hair dress. nf a specialty. Dnti-ie eatisfaclior euarantedr Curran & Montelth have lots for sale on ti e installment plan, rang ing in price from $.125 to $1000. JOHN SCHMEER'S Livery. Feed ft Sale stable Corner Seamd and EUsvri7i St.s ALBANY, - - OllEGOt TJeasM KOAimin l.y tlie day or month Car R cr hii-ties rescnaliic terms vt;nl FOSHAY & MASON, i a:a anjl fie'ail f)- ill AI.I'AXV, OREGON. Parker Bros Merc & Merchanls NSURANCE STABLES OREGON PACIFIC Ml BAKIXG PO YDi:i. Put up cxpresslv for Julius Grad wohl and Fold at his Golden Rule Bazaar in ONE POUND CANS AT CENTS Villi CAN "Guaranteed to be lirst-dass m every liespect. JULIUS CJRADWOIIL (or FINE DISPLAY OK 1 Chinese dishep, Japanese curios ities.and novelties of all kinds have been opened at the Japanese IJuzanr .Store of the Kwong Wa (ice Co.. opposite the new Masonic Temple. The ladies are invited to call and inspect these line holiday goods. JCfFancy jrooils sold clieaper than in Portland. E. E.WAllFOKD, 'Having purchase-i the PALACE MEAT MARKET Is now prepared to furni'th fresh mtati of ail ! pork lausage, etcin lb city kept cotHsntl an hand. "brownsvilleT o. p, o.snoT7 a mss, Jbieal, jsxaxe and 1N8VHANVE A CEX k DAVISB EROS 8 AND ,'CC DIALERS IS K.ESLfi!IRCHSDIBE JJ SI1EDD. ZJJTA'Co 0'fcG"A ! ARCHIE W. BLACKI1URN,: ,C. E. BROWNEIJ., THK r.KOCKK-' UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. KL'tiENK CITY. Next session liciriiiR on Monday, September ! io. jocv. rree HinoiarMiipgirum cverycoun tj In the state. Apply to j our county super intendent. Free tuition after Januarv I, 1890. four eourccs: tVastical, Siicntiflc, Literary and a short English couise, in which there is no Latin, Greek, French or German. The Knglish is pre cmincnilv a business course. For catalogues or otner in formation, aedrcss J. V. JOHNSON, Presidcntr j ALBANY ALBANY, OREGON ,!88 188!) A Eull Corps cf Jr.stntlcit. : Classical, scientific, litcrarv, commercial ' . ml normal cla."S. Couicm of study ar- I j raiiKcd to m.-et the needs of all j-rades of students. Sf ecial inducements tifftred to ! . students from abroad. Tuition ranges from i 3.30 to SI'j.Stt Tor Trrm. II lltir I i Instrumental ir.Miui lirn in jfiven tiy MB8 Laura Goltra. Hoard in private families s.t low rates, and rooms for self boarding at small expense. A careful supvrriHicu exercised over pup way from homo. For circular ami full psrtknUri ,', addrn the president, UtKV. KI.HKRT N. COND1T, Albany, Oregon, Over The f!ASf!AT)F. IfOITKTATxrc rROM AhUASr OB LEBANON CAM- j WABD. ; me niiiamette Valley and Ca- j Mde iiountain Wagon Road ia in ei- ceneni condition, and by all odds is tho best and shortest wasjon road to Eastern Oregon. Water and grass ia abundant along the entire road. The grades are easy, accommodations su perior and the road well bridged making it the best mountain road i a the atate. For summer jaunts, hunt ing and bhing the Cas?ade Moun tains in the vicinity of Clear Lake and the Three.Sistera. afford superior advantages. rott PAIK BV AIL Til I'GGISTP. "Some months ajro I purchased a box of Dr. J. P. Sill's Catarrh Cure for my own use. but finding my nephew, C. A. McMahan. necdine such mtdi cine I let bim have my box of medi cine, tie now sends for three more boxes, sayingr it is the best thincr for catarrh ever tried by him and bis friends. 1 rot another box to use in my rase, and cheerfully recommend it toothers. (Shrned). JOHN McMAR AN, Ex-County Commissioner Lane Co, Oregon, Springfield. Lane county. Ore pou. Prof J, W. Johnson, president of the State unlversijv, savs it cured him of a coiiirh sfter tw other prescriptions had failed. Likewise two of bis little sirlsused it to cure theircousrhs. Mrs M:uk Hailey, wife of Prof Ba'ley, cent it to Prof Johnso". and recom, nxixls it to all who sufl'er from colds, and coughs. P'or eoHcbe jt nets like a cbrit in, ard can l.e iplisl' il into tlie jiipcs or passages, wbrrcrno other (.urii cine-! can reach. -'. V ITI'lC IIFI.IVK IS 1IIK VOST r. r- MM-ir.e in tho wrtrln frr interna : n! f..r fait- i r. ;. rat'ir. You ::cv be f I" i .in! , its ci;vr.I. your ie Holidays! Colleiiate IA.. Ar.. 1 rt'm.d . . Ar. 1'. linovi)t.l.v. .(9:00 am . SAb ani THROUGH TICKETS lo Al! Point- SOUTH AND EAST Via California. 3TFor full information regardm rate, maps, etc-, call on con panv saent at Albaiir K. KOKHI.ER, K. P. liOOKKS. llanacr AsNt. U. K. & P A UI1I00N PACIFIC RT COHP1KI! Overland Route Trains for the fast leave Portland at 7 a. m and 9:00 r. u. daily. TICKETS to and from prineiiol points in United Status, Canada and r.urope. PULLMAN PALACE CAR SLEEPERS. Free Colonist Bleeninsr Cars Sen Through oa Ex -rees Trains OMAHA, COUNCIL R LUFFS j KANSAS CITY, : CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS. ; Klcsant .Sew Itinlns C'nrs Mltbout i (banse, ! ClosejConncctioiiH at Portland for San Fran cihco anu i'u'ct bound points, j For further particulars incguire of Curaaiig & Montcith, First Street, Albany, Oregon. fTUoats leave the Company's wharf, al the foot of Broadalbin street, on Tuesday and Friday of each week. C. Gj KAWLINGS. Local Agent r. s. niLLKir, Cerral T raffle .Managrr. J. . LKE. p. At -THK- 'I OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. Oregon Development Do.' Steamship Line I AND Hours Less Time. Than by any other routo:T rtrtt-elass through pawenxer and freight frcm Portland nd all l un til in the YYii- o ette Vvllty to and ficm .vn Framisco. Accomodations UDSurpawcd (or comfort aad ttlety. Fares and freirLta via Yaquina and the Oregon Deve opment company's steam ships, much 1cm that by any other route ba weeti all points in lb W illlaoiette.Yalisv andSao Francisco, Sailing dates. rion TAIS. Willamette Valley Sept. 8st Wtllaaiett)Valley .....D . Ttk Willamette Valley " tMi raoM sam rsAstuoo Willamette Vailey Willamette Vallev Willamette Valley The company reserve the right ..Sept 21 ..Dec) t .. 11 b chaaf teamers or sainna-dates. C. II. Haswaxb. Ja.. Oen T. h P. Atent. i04 Mont-omery street, San Francisco, Cal.gJ DA1LT FASSaKOBH Taams, Except Hundayt.) L Yaquina:45 a m I Lt Albany 1:C0 r Corvallis 10:38 am!" Corvallis 1 40 r x Ar Albany 11:10 is I Ar Yaquina R'V) r. x. O. 4.C. trains connect at Allan and ft Willamette Klver Line of Steamers The Wm. M. Hoatr, the N. 8. Beutlcy and the Three Sisters are in service for both pas- enasr and freight traffic between Corvallis ami Portand and intermediate points, Icar ins-company s whan, Corvallis, and Hears Hulman & Co.'s wharf, Nos. 200 and 20t Front St., Portland, three time each weelr as follows: NORTH BOUKU.. Lv Corvallis Mon., Wol in tn ...... S OOTiua Lv Albanv Mon., Wed. ana Fn. ....... 9 bO am Ar Salem Mon., Wdd. and Fri S 00 po Lv Salen Tucs.'fhur and Sat 6 o tlandlu Thur. and Sat.... 3 SO OCTH BOUXn. rortlsnd Von.. Vnl.fr id K: 6 00"a Saem Mon., V'ed. and Fri 7 ltypr" Lt SaemT es., Ihur. and Sat ll 00 on Lt Albanv Tues.,1hur. and Sat 1 80 pa Ar CorvaU'S Tues..lhur. and Sat... 3 30 Dm Wm. V Hoas, CtHoacB, General Manager. ArtK O. F P. ARfnt IPorvallis, O nn WANTED. HOSE WISHING A FIRST- I class piano, sewing machine, the latest music or artists' materials, wiJJ find a bargain by calling at Mrs. B. liyman's. The pianos are fully guar anteed for five years. The best pianos made to stand the climate of the Pacific coast. The New Ameri- can m-w mu .ii.iv.inn; in in...- , fastidioui. rair.tm and music les- i sons "iven thrre. Stamiiinir, Km- bn-iderv :irfl Pre? smrikiP1' done to .r.i r. No. 11. "i l.-t St., Albany, Or I- .1 1 11.11 : "n j vis-'f. I nllll hi! vi , K, Urow i.cil. our tiiUv i 4:M) p m. j 8.00 p ru WW UOOUM) 660 M LEiO 0 lUll Cil STEWAET & SOX -Dealers in- General kii'iiltoral Iron Steel and Coal tl'atons and Jiugyies lioper and Cordage lilach'smiths 9 Supplies Garl:ii and Afid all Implements SPRINGFIELD SAWMILL A. WHEELER. SPRINGFIELD, PROPRIETOR. SPRINGFIELD OKEGON 3r"Albany yard and office on Kiilroad 'rxitween 4ih aud Ath streetsgj A.; Wheeler, Albany ilanaper, rlavinpr lumber not excelled in quality, i:d facilities not surpassed forB prompt aud satisfactory filling or orders. I rcsncclfBllr solicit a share oftto trade. a, WHEELER GLOEIOUS PDTDEE r. In keeping with the ever brightening prospeb of our fair city, we are daily ackliDg to our alreadr large stcck such fancy and staple groceries as "will u lly supply the wants of the most fastidious. And wnile we call special attention to the quality and completegassortmentfof our goeds, we will add that as a Special Inducement. 10 OUR FRIEKDB WE WILL Give Away on Januarv ist 1 Dinner Set, 120 pieoes 2f 0t 1 Tea set, 44 pieces 7N Three Tea Sets, ch 44 pieces 14 ti This ware is not cheap baking powder prizes, fcmt is elegant genuine English table ware. Let eveiy lady avail herself of this opportunity f procuring jnot only the best groceries chaneefat drawing ire onr more of theseelegBt sets,5 j LA FORREST -- f lST RBC1IVBP A FOREIGN Woolens in Overcoatings, Suitings and Ttouset inqs specialty in Full Dress for Balls and Parties Oil REGULAR EVENING WEAK. A PEltFBCT TIT 6UABH TKED. aT THE LEADING MARCHAKT TAILORS. Zaches Bros, Opposite! o stoffice. Illinois Furniture House! THOS. BRINk Best Line of Furniture In Fanc Wickfc. Chairs Lounges Parlor Cornice Poles Mirrors Feather Pillows Serine Mattresses, Window Shades Walnut Extend sion Tables Suits. And ..at you can't find at. oilier houseR, I hare it. In factevery- triing tha is kept in a first-class I.si. Maple and Walnut Chamber sets. C!iair. - Ol rinjf Jrt(., iutnnjrn . . . . , . AI.JJ.U i - Hardware AND- IpleiDccts. Carpenters' Tools Builders9 Hardware Powder, Shotf etc. Giant Powder A Fuse Sates and Axes. Crirasts Seeds Used liy Farmers to be found, but hara & THOMPSON. LARGE INYOICK OF- AND DOMESTIC the Citv oi Albanv! house. , ,h., .m.. ki " i . . . . - . xuJtai, J