1 15 CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY, OKEGON, SATURDAY IJECEMliEK 7, K-S9. VOL. V. NO. i ff V EWSr7.rif; '.V ., . V-nrzr--rrr.. . " '--'- : '" ; jj i fct'i 1 I I I ( V VOL. V. NO. ? SPECIAL .NOTICE. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal College of London, England, also of the Belle- Tue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lirVtiir.e '. study and practice ami in.-iki-.i ;i sj- cialty f chronic dise.-is 3, rciiif.i cancers, scrofrlaenlarerm iit.,:i::.: ts and wt'U3, without pain or the fcnii. . He also makes a specialty of trvai ment with electricity. Has pra.,-w 1 1 in the German French and E-pi.-!) hospitals. Calls promptly att;n i d day or nitrht. His motto is "GOOD WILL TO ALL." 2T0ffice and residence Ferry strict, between Third and Fourth. Star a 1 i ,A TULL STOCK OF Staple Groceries j 1WLTM rtMVi Hit1,! The best quality cf te&, coffees, candie-. j nuts, etc. CANDIES, NUTS FRESn BAKED BREAD EVERY DAT. At this oM reliable house is also to bo loand a complete assortment of fresh famih groceries, to whicr is constantly beii.t added all the seasonable lines of groceries cad pro Tlsiong, such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order, Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Eastern Buckwheat Flour, Canned Goods of AH Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These goods were all boutrht when prices were low and the benefit of tl e margin will be given to his customers. Remember the place, at the old coiner en First and Broalalbin Bto. .Proprietor of. Alhon-i- Qnlo WM'I.-f And manufacturer ef ICC iii-i TVe arc now prepared t fu-msh cboico. frtsh canuies of best grade, t-nnsbtint; of pre stick, assorted flavors, mixed oandie-, xtra French and ehneolate rreiias, f.in.- mixed, ranily tors and a jtoer nssortmoi' f fine caudics AT MIIWLKHAtF. JK BETA EI. MTOrders from ceuRt'T lelers prraiptly it Koded ts. Factory ea Kirst street. ALBANY OREGON RED CROWN MILLS ISOJI, LA.tI.Ci t CO., Trap', NEW FR0CES8 FLOUK. (upener f r Family an Baker's o-e) Best Siorase Facilities, aarllithest price pi4 (r whtrtT-A ! ALBANY OREGON The BUYERS" GUIDE is; issued March and Sept. each J year. It is an encyclopt!i ! of uaefnl iaformatior for n' ' who purchase the losnries or the necessities of lift. We ' ou clothe you a furnish, yoa nith all the necessary and unnecessary ap pliances to rido, walk Hance, slesp. eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church or stay at home, and in vaiious sizes, styles and quantities. Just lifc-are out what is required to do'all these things COMFORTABLY. & Ju n mke fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS' GUIDE, which will be sent uponlreceipt of 10 cents to pay dostace. MONTGOMERY, WARD & CO., 114 Mr.; i igaaAveoui Chicago, III. Albany Nurseries Wo are permanently located on the old Uliue homestead mile trom Albany on Corvallis road. We have n hand a largo stock of Choice Eruit, Trees of our own growing, which we wil sell at lowest living rates'. Parties contemplating planting trees will consult their interests by examining our stock and prices btfore purchasing. IItmax & Brown ell, Albany, Oregon. PATENTS OaTcats and Frade marks obtained, and all patent business conducted for moderate fes. Our office is opposite U. S. l'ati-nt Ofliceand we can recurc pstent in less time a.id at less rest than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing, or photo, with kefcription. We advise, if p.itviitat!-. or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is -ectircd, A 1'ntlo book, "How to Obtain Put nts," with 1; a. ncs of avtiuil clients i:i your st.;te, county or tn'.vn sent free AUdrcs Optoit9 l. S- l'.-.ttnt Oitlco Washing ton,f taken Conrad Meyerk" v and i1 u ummu r. . 1 1 iii I hi I. Kb- Co CODfl ectioncry If1!'? Kcjiui'j j.-aec. w'txh tlii-' $e 'Lt B Fall Announcement. &J a fill! :- .ju i;cl for :h Fall and Winter trade a lai gcr a-M.;-.;t:t :it than vvtr before, and invites the spe cial atit'iitioij of the people of Albany and surround lug country to his mammoth. iii CONSISTING OIP- DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SIIOE5, CROCK HI I S. CARrETS OF ALL KIND, OILCLOTHS AND LEN0LIU1I. WINDOW SHADED, PORTIERS. LACE CURTAIN; fiic: a o -wplete assortment of general merchan- Hi- rjitiiv building, including basement, first sfvos.d stone?, is crowded full of new goods. j . ! SiOCK '.i ):r . T- "i'' ::!'.:!. wiiich . cl.':.. . ' ; ivni;i:i -jt d can 'i:w r Siilb ' is-s ol' i-:-iil : Ltd cM-.r ; & J v Tiif I f? I n -, ch liand sewed i i ifct. in the mtrket. Try thein ouce. Yu . ..!! Ti-.r any other. Money relnnded if neMonnd entirely SStiM' rU.: V. Q "PP. VOT IMP. 0 brand Guiss .4 1. ! ' .i- ;:day Plush (ioods and Evy: i ! i.:.t. it.. ' Wlit-n :"u:i, i i'vi.- ; .'i Di.-pl;i). "First Sircet, Xrst to R?vur;; iI steady growth of All mil y YOUNG IL- Mil STOCK ! CLOAKS AND JACKETS, UNDERWEAR, KNIT GOODS, TABLE LINENS, FINE HOSIERY. KNITTING YARNS, ZEPHYRS, SAXONIES, FINE AND COMMON UMBRELLAS, from importers and manufacturers for ta!! and winter trade, which affords a -u fresh designs large enough to sup wrill be sold as low as first- b be bought anywhere in Fine Dress Goods and the Season. invited to call and inspect display roms. K. 1889 CORSETS BBB Perfection of Fit COMFORT A STRENGTH Sole -Aent tfQ r-A.bany- iday Opening. & Son trade one of the largest liut-sof Art Supplies: s: f cct their aunuit stock. :-. 1 ..-! j.lct-f of ut lio'.idav ua: PuwuER Absolutely Pure. 'L'liis powuer never vanes.' ,"A marvel o! ::K!;y,i-iii'tiirlli and Avbolesoinencss. M'irf roiKinii.-al imiii the ordinan ud.-.Kiid Citiiiiot te sold in comueti- iion v it1' i:u!t:tude of low test, short weiu!.: ii:i: 01 phosphate powders Sold onS i-iris. Kiiyai. HakiN' 'ow- dbu c, :o '( t. y. y. Lfwi M, Jfiir-Mix Co., Ajcents. rortlaud, Oregon. I'llTSItlAN WII. DAVIS, M. I'. PHYSICIAN AND suieon. C&n he found at his office room in Strahnn's Mock. I init etrttt. Albany Oregon- G TP. riASTON. tmSKIAN MMI , geon, Albany, Oregon . M. II . ELLIS, PHYSICIAN AND SURr geon, Alhai.y Oregon. C C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND J. geon Albany, reon. office in Piercc's new block, unu-e hour. Irom e A. M. to 4 P. M. J. KUSSI'IEK, VE'iERINAKY SLU- r . ceon, j.'r-"l,ate cf Ontario veterinary college and men. I.er of the Ontario etrrii!- ary medical srn-icty, is prepared to treat the diseases of all ionusti..'&tcd nninmls n aWpntifin lirinrinl'H iiiWro nr. Ann MnrshnH'o livery stalle. Kesulcnee lib and (.'ala)-c ia otreets, Albany, Oregon. DU. I. W. bTAICK, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon, late of Urnwnsvilic, Or, Ollire in the Strahan-I'f arre blo'k upstairs in the rear rooms on the nihin hall. Cai s promjitlv attended to in citv or countiy. DU K KOLDEWAY, VETERINARY SUR. geon, Allany, Oregou Graduate of Get" man an.l American colleges. DR. K. A. McALISTKR IIOUKOrATIIlC niv pician and Burgeon llss rt moved hi ofliceir.to Crawford's block. All calls )ron))t ly attended to. DRtOJlTWJiriNEYj PHYSICIAN AND surgeon . irsviuate of liellerue Hofpi tal llcdi-al College, New York City. DUco-es of women a specialty, Oflice in Frcman's brick, Albany Oregon. 1 OTICF. IS HEItEBY'GIVEN T'JAT PRO i.1 perty ownerH arc required by ordinance to cut down nun remove all thistles and oh. noxious weeds growing upon their premise" and upon the street adjoining thereto, within the citv limits of Albany. These failinsr to do no w ill e liable 10 a fine of ?.", Ky order of the titv marshal, J, N, HOFFMAN Ali;ant, Ji kb K, 1SS9, H, EWERT, PRACTICAL WATC1J1IAKE ami jeweler, Albany, Oregon, ATTOR.VCVS. WANTED A C.1KL TO 1)0 GENERAL housewcrk. Apjily at the coi tier of 6th anu nanroau streets. D. a. X. ULAIKBIRN. 0. W. WRIGHT. lLACKBfUX, ti WRIGHT ATTORNEY AT D Law, Albany, trcgon. Office in Odd bellow's Temple. -Vill practice in all couris of the Htate, and ive special attention to ail Dusmchs lUOLVERTON CHARLES E. ArTORNEY I V at Law, Alhanv, Or. Office in rooms 13 and 14, Foster's LMock, over L. E. Blain's stor T K. WEATIIOKKORD, ATTORNEY AT J . law, Allrany, Oregon. Office in Odd Fellow's Temple. Will pract in all the court- of thcslate, and give spevial attention in an IMismess. land StKFcjIng. PASTIKS DSHIRINO SL'RVKTIMO DOKB CAS tain accurate and prompt work by callinr upon ex-county survey 31 t. T. T. Fisher, lie bos complete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepare I to do surveying in any pari 01 Linn county. 1'ostouice address, Miners station, unn cou lty, Oregon. n B. WINN, AGENT FOB THE LEAD- j ing Cro, life and.accident insurance cetn. panics. For lieDt. T"URNISHE R(X)MS TO RENT. AT THE X: City Restaurant. kUrain Tile'for Sale. GOOD' SUPPLY OF FIRST CLASS Xt. drain tile for sale at tbe Eaire brick and cile factory East of Albany near Knox Butte. Call at the factory or address Propts s Auston, AiDany uregon. Dolmonico Restaurant, CONKR NRST AND ELLSWORTH ST8. The undersigned having purchased the old Herman 1'esUurant stand has opened under the above name a first class restanrant. We are prepared to furnish meals for parties or dances cn short notice. Oysters served in every style, eastern or coast; all kinds of fish known in the marketl Employ only first-class help and waiting will will be prompt and courteous. Ree ular meals 25 cts. Coffee of first class quality and a cup of coffee and cake at from 5 to 10 cts. I am well known in this eity and request the citizens to give roe a call. SAM GOETS, Proprietor. Important Notice. InAVE RETURNFD FROM THE FRONT. I paid all my men on the 19th. Any person holding any of my time checks will please present them to me at my office in the Tweedalo block for payment We have plen ty of money here. J.S. ANTONELLE. General Contracror of firm Antonclle & Dec. Men YT anted. work dn t;;j; oregdn pacific . rai'road. Apj iy ;..t ones to Currau & Momt-ith. Fine i'iivcs for .Salt-. J-OR S.VLK TWO YEAb'I-I.V:-' i!ALF 1 bred b i. Is. i.ne N);rit 1 i rii 1 . .! ir.' H'IsUin. ::..Uniu--.:.-. Vi.i ! ': .,! f.,r ;-.o c-ich. : a:ji;;, '.;; . k, 'W.v.Ulit icti-jJi OVER THE WIRES. I tvestig-ation of Cashier Silcott's $70,000 Defalcatioa. IIKl.O WITH CI.OSKl) HOOKS. A MartieriT Q:cs to the G.illows Protcstic? Hi3 I111 ocBce Preparaiioos for the Fnneral of Jeff Davis. The HcitALb's Special Dispatches.) Wakiuxgton, Dei:, (. i'lit; sj)t- i iai fominittee cmiiye-a. with ln vestigatino; the accounts of Cashier Silcotl of the oiiice of wrticant-at ;irnis met this morning. The com mitter went into secret session anil at the end of half an hour word was sent to Leedem that the com mittee desired his presence. Leed em, accompanied by ex-Congressman Phil Thompson whem he has retained as counsel, responed to the summons, but Thompson was denied admission. Lecdem has made another special examination of the liuoks and places the amount ot defalcation at $71,800. A Hl'KDEKER HANGED. H Went to the Gallows Protasting Hls Innocence. New York, Dec. (5. John Theo dore Wild, alias fJreenwHid, twice convicted for the murder of Lyman weeks at las residence on Dekalls avenue, Brooklyn, was hanged this morning. His neck was broken and he was pronounced dead in two minutes. It was expected that CJreenwald would sav something on the gal lows, but he did not. He went up stairs with a farm step. Oreenwald declared that he was innocent. He wished this inscription put on his tombstone : "Murdered December ti, lHS'.i." He made a will in which he declared lus innocence and gave his effects to Mr. Ding ham, private detective. Oreen wald was a burglar and shot Weeks while robbing his house. DEATH OF JEFF IAVIS. Preparations for the Funeral A Speech ky New Orleans' Mayor New Orleans, Dec. (. Jefferson Davis, ex-president of the South ern confederation, died at the resi dence of his lifelong friend, J. U. Payne, in New Orleans, this morn ing at 12:45 o'clock. He was aged 81 years. When the family had partially recovered from the shock of Davis' death. Farrar sent dispatches to Miss Winnie Davis, who is in Paris with Mrs. Pulitzer, to Davis' son-in-law in Colorado City, and also notified Governor Lowry of Mississippi. Mrs. Hayes, Davis' daughter, was due here yesterday, but was delayed last night at Fort Worth. She is not expected until Saturday. Judge Fenner and Farrar have the affairs of the dead man in hand, but the latter said last night that they would not take. any steps looking to the future until fliey held a consultation with Mrs. Davis, who at present is too much grieved to b approached on the subject. Farrar stated that he did not know but what Mrs. Days had received some final wish from her husband regarding the place of burial. Mrs. Davis had not inti mated where she desired the inter ment. Mayor Shakespeare has issued a proclamation announcing Davis' death and inviting the press, various exchanges and commercial bodies and a number of prominent citizens to meet at the city hall and make proper arrangements for the funeral. The mayor says: "It is with the deepest regret that I announce to the people of the city of New Orleans the departure from life of Jefferson Davis. He needs no eulogy from me. His life is a his tory and bis memory is enshrined in the hearts of every man, woman and child in the broad south. We all loved him and we will all honor his memory." THE NEWS IN WASHINGTON. No Action AVill B Taken on the Death of Jeff Davis. Washington, Dec. 6. The war department has not been officially notified of the death of Jefferson Davis and has taken no action with respect to it. A large oil painting of the deceased hangs on the wail of the chief clerk's office, and is surrounded by portraits of the ex secretaries. The flag on the build ing which has also been half masted on the death of an ex-sec-reiary to-day floats in the breeze from its usual place at the top of the staff. Secretary Proctor said : "I see no occasion for any action whatever. It would subserve no good purpose that I can see. Bet ter let the matter rest in oblivion. sleep if it will, and relegate it to the past, than to do anything thai would revive memories that had best be forgotten. EM IN PASHA'S ACCIDENT. It Causes a Sensation in Cerlln Ills Condition. P.kklin, Dec. (I. News of the ac cident to Emit: Pasha has caused a sensation in this citv. The emjter- er was ceepiv p.".!i!cu when in formed of the accident. :::id imme diately sent a dispatch to' Zanzi bar, ashing that daily ret oil.-, as to j the condition t Kmin he ?:, o iiiin. I lie ai'ci'.e. 11! v as ;t;s( di j poor eyesight. He walked off a portico and fell a distance i about twenty feet, and was fiightfully brubed. Zanikas, Dee. The condi tion of Kmin Pasha is slightly im proved to-day. lie, however, in addition to injuries to his head, re ceived severe internal injuries when he fell. It is now hoped he muv recover. ItEl) TOP COTTAGK. Mr. Cleveland Flatly Itefnitei- to Sell It Any Price. Washington, D. C, Dec. 4. Ex I'resident Cleveland either has an ardent attachment for Washington real eutate, or tlsn he hopes some day to he aaii: lecattd in Washington, At least such is the inference drawn hy business men of this city who have leame.l of a recent offer made for the lied Top Cottage projcrty. Several d.s ago a proposition was made to Mr. Cleveland for the pur chase of his property, the amount oflrei htitig upwards of $150,000. This is shout tire times what the property cost -hiui. hut to the sur prise af the bidder he was met with a Hat Lut courteous refusal. In his re ply, Mr. Cleveland said that RsdTop is not for sale, and that it is his ir tention to preserve it as a country residence for himself. Further, he desired it understood that some day he proposed to take up his permanent abode at Red Top, and especially as it afforded him an opportunity tor quietude and recreation. Look at Your Hand. Indianapolis News. The science of chironomy, or the meaning of the human baud, always exci cs curiosity; but few people un derstand it. Can a man's character be read on his hand as well as you can read it in his face, or by the bumps on his head? Tis so claimed, and the science by which it is done is a pretty one. It has many branches, all of them well worth studying. "If the palm of tho l and is skinny and narrow," said a "professor" of the science, "it denotes limidty, a feeble mind and want of moral and intellectual force. If the palm is too thick, biff and strong, it denotes a low intelligence and a tendency to brutality. A hollow, deep palm al signilics misery, ill-luck and failure in life. Fingers which are smooth denote a tendency to act upon in stinct, impulse or intuition, rather than by reason, calculation or deduc tion. Knotty finders denote a ten dency to or ier and arrangement. People with short fingers are quicker, more impulsive, act more on the epur of the moment, than people with long lingers. If the fingers are very short it signifies cruelty and want of tact. "Long ringers denote a love of detail. Such persons are tidy as to their appointments, easily put out and very careful about trifles. Work ers in small things always have large hands, and the constructors of colossal works have small hands. Small handed people write large, while large-handed people always write small. "Thick finders ilenote luxurv. Twisted and malformed ringers, with short nails, denote cruelty, tyranny and a worrying, teasing ciitpoaith n. It a hand is stilt and bard, opening with difficulty to its fullest extent, it betrays stubbornness ot character and avarice. If the liugers are 6upple, having a tendency to turn back, they denote, as a rule, cleverness and in quisitiveness, nearly always generosi ty, ending in extravagance. If the ringers fit close together it is a sign of avarice. If twisted as to show chinks between them it is a sign of curiosity. If they are smooth and transparent they betray indiscretion and loqua city. Disarming an Unseen Foe. "This waf sometime a paradox," as Hamlet says. Since, however, the people cf America and other 'and have been enabled to pit Hostetter's Stomach Bitters against that unseen foe, malaria, it is no longer a paradox, but an easy possibility. Whatever malaria evolves its rnisty venom to joison the air, and decaying unwhole some vegetation imprcgnater tbe water, there, in the very stronghold of mi8ma, is the auxiliary otent to disarm iae foe and assure efficient protection. Fever and ague, bilious remittent, dumb ague and ague cake, no matter how tenaciously they have fastened their clutch on the system, are first forced to relax their grasn and eventually to abandon it alto gether. But it i preventive force that should chiefly recommend the Bitters to persons dwelling in malaria cureed localities, for it is a certain buckler of defence against which the enemy ,s powerless. Cures, likewise, dyspepsia, rheumatism, kidney and billious ailments. California Cal-K-Cnre, The enly guaranteed cure for catan cold in the head, hay fevQr, rose cold, catarrhal deafness and sore eyes. Re store the sense of taste and unpleasant breath, resulting from catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow directions and a cure is warranted, by all drug gists. Send for circular to Abictine Medical Company, Oroyille, Cal. 8ix months' treatment for $1; sent by mail. 11 10, For sale by Foshay A Mason. Pocket Cattery. Tbe largest and finest display every brought to this valley just received at Stewart & Sox's. Call and examine. Scissors. Shears. Immense stock at Stewart & Sox's. The best quality and any size or style. Call and examine our stock. Stewart & Sox. Money to Loan. At a low rate of interest on good farm property in Linn county, or on best improved citv property in Albany. Aoolv to "Blackbrrn & Wright, Ioany, Oregon. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. An Infaturted Woman's Shameful 1. isgrace. New Ycrs, Dec. L-Ah'. ttgh Mrs. Mary A. t'lunkett claieis to have acted under divine approval when she hVk:d her dcstin;. to "Christain Scientist" A. Betitley Wortliington, sha merely played the Lart of an unf iitlifal wito frexn tho j inatt-rialiKfcic laadA:nt of tho I Suptcme Court. Judge Patterson to- elay signed a cietce. cu voice u favor of the husband, Juhn I. Plun kett, relcasir.g Lim Worn his matri monial bonds and containing a novel clause prohibiting Mrs. Plunkttt fiom contracting a tccund marriage. Among the evidence introduced was a letter from Mrs. Worthingtort to a friend, in which are such gems of "Christian" as the following: "All is Good, and all that seemed bad otherwise." "Do not be anxious, darling, about Mrs. W. Know y. u not that Ho tempcreth the wind to the shro lamb? Only think, she ia in the keeping of divine love itself, Mourn not for me, dear, but mourn for those who live in tho sensual world. I am hidden by the shadow of His almighty wing. My kingdom is not of this world, tbe realm oi good and evil, but of heaven, where all is good. Think not that this heart ot mine mill ever rind the earth chill whom it will hold in blame." "Iu the presence of Almighty God and a few ehoscn friends, I cook to be my husband forever and forever the rue who has in all past eternity been such, because God made him so, and promised by his divine assistance to be his loving and faithful wife. To day I am the happiest woman in all the world. I feel divine approval at every step I take. Oh, world! you little dream what heaven awaits your obedience to spiritual law?" Upon the evidence the Court found that the woman had been guilty of violating her marrirge vows and that Mr. Plunkett was entitled to an abso lute divcrce. This man Wortliing ton, to whom Heaven had joined her, has turned out to have half a dozen other wives lying around loose in various parts of the country, from Connecticut to W ashrugton. EMIN BET IS DYING. Walked Out of a Window and Fell. Breaking His Skull. London, Dec. 5. A dispatch from Zanzibar aunounces that Einin P.-!ia .as met with a probably fatal acci dent, lieiug near-sighted he walked out of a wiudow by mistake and fell on his head, fracturing the skull He now lies at Bagomoyo in a critical condition. All the doctors except Stanley's physician declare Etnin's injuries will prove fatal. Stanley's physician is hopeful of saving Kniin's life, but says uadcr the moat favorable cir cumstances the patient cannot b moved for at least tcu days. Later dispatches from Zanzibar say that Kmin misjudged the heigh of the balctmy parapet, became over balanced and fell a distance of twenty feet his body is terribly bruised. Zanzibar, Doc. 5. Stanley, Emin and Casati were met by Wissmau Tuesday, and made a triumphal entry into Bagomoyo Weelucs ay morning. The towii ii decorated, and Wiss inan's force and the German vessels lired salutes. In the evening there was a bfciiquct, at wiiich eloquent ad ii esses ware made. Stanley will ar rive at Zauzibar on Thursday, oa board a German vessel. Etnin's peo ple will 'come on a British man-of-war. Father Schypg, who returned with. Stanley, declares halfway measures are impossible in Germany's dealings with the Arabs, and Germany must cithe; consent to slavery or maintain her position ia Africa by force till the Arabs submit. lie says it will take centuries to suppress the slave trade completely. FAIR DALE ADDITION. Burkliart h Malin offet It r sale 108 city lots in this beautif 1 addi tion, which has just been platted. Tins addition is situate 1 on th east of the city, and adjoining Abe Hackleman's" land, and is the closest addition to the city that is now offered for sale. These lots will now ba sold for $75 and corner lots $100 each until January 1st. after which time all lots remain ing will be raised to $150 each. These lots will be sold on ey terms, and the first that call to see them will get the choice of all. Important Announcement. From now until January 1st Krausse & Klein will tell ladies Laird, Schobert & Mitchell Frei.cu kid shoes at $4 per pair : allwidiha from A to EE. Their Curacoa k ids at $3 per pair. We have the fin. st assortment of holiday slippers or ladies and gents ever brough' to Albany. We also make a specia t v of ladies' warm felt slippers in il styles and colors. Come and x ainine our stock and you will I nd our prices the lowest in the cit riie: rues: pile: llr William'ft TndtAvi PU f is the onlv sure. cure, for Mind hi. j ' - - - - - M. I I J ' I t J I 11 ing or itching piles ever discove d t . . - r - j - . 11 never iuiis iv cure o.a raees 01 U 1 standing. Judge C'oon, MaysiJ3e, Ky, 6: "Dr William's Indian Pile Ointn cured mc after years of suffering." d uuge 1 oiunourx, Cleveland, O, s; 4 "I nave Ound l)V exiierifFire tbnt William's Indian Pile Oixitnirnt u t niMncoiatc and permanent relief." ,! . , 1 vis nave nuuareds o: such V rimmals. 1K not siifi't-r an h,. lonarr. Sold by druggi? &t r0c ?1 per box. Soli by Foshav A Mi . Alb ir.v, Uregon. ii iVes, loiks. s;0".s, etc. gieut variety at i rerc i I ;-3 ... .1- '-nZ'JsZX. i rs:ir "'w--lffMWia