ITT' THE IIOKNLKG HEKALD; SATURDAY, HSOVEIUKEK 30, 189 J V J f t i ."1 - 7 notices. The latest s-aeel u;uie at Mrt Hyman's. By your -toves anJ 'tinware at j Smith & Vashburne;a. Try Saoli. for house .leaning'. It! it uequaled iirovvuell tfc fctanard, j Bailders should 1:0 to Smith & 1 Wtfiuburac's for tbeircarpenters tools j ud builders hardware. No. 1 Star tomatoes and al! kiuus of fresh canned oid lit a very low at Conrad Meyer's. Kahrney's celebrated blood cleanser ' . ai Browuell A: Stauard and at Deyoe Kobson's. P.J. Ualt;more general aDt. Jhover of irood cheese should call B .01111 Bros. They have just re eiVed a lot of full cream, fresh and sweet. Mexican Cactus Bitters is the best -rtsedy in the world for liter and kid t diseases, indigestion, etc. For sale atV BanmgartV A new line of fine wall-papers with borders to match have been opened at Fortmiller te Irriny's. They arc new aid clejjant designs. Call and see Uesa. It is no good to look at the the: tometei this year to jude of white. . The ouly thing to guide you is Krownell A. Stanard' prices, which axe always down t zero. Fr chilblain and frost-bites use ebamberlaiu's Pain Balm. When promptly applied to the frozen parts it will ,)! event the skin from turning black r peeling off. It allays the itching and smarting of chilblains and soon restores the part to a healthy condition Kor &ale by Foshay t Mas, 0rand Army boya, a? well as many otkera, will be interested in the fo! owing from Alex B. lo; e, Stewart, Teuu., who is A. D. C. Commander p't TenB. and Ga. He says: ''We have had an epidemic of whooping ough bere and Chamberlain's Cough Xtamedy has been the onl) thing that kaa done any good." There is no danger from whopping congh when this remedy is freely used. 50 cent bottles for sale by Foshay & Mason. Have you heard what Mr. G. L. Weast, of Cambridge City, Ind., says of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy? If not, here it is: "During last summer I was troubled very much with severe pains in the stomach and bowels, and wasinc'ueed ft) a friend to try this Remedy. I toek one uose, as per directions, and it gave me almost instant relief. I theerfully recommend it to the afflicted." 25 and 50 centjbottles for sale by Foshay & Mason. Mr. F. J. Smith, Editor of the Ft Abercrombie, Dakota, Herald, says: "The most wonderful medicine, I have ever met with, is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy. Id case of cholic is gives speedy re liaf. On hunting trips I have found it indispensible. Put in alkali water, it imparts a pleasant taste and pre vents the painful diarrhoea, which alkali water produces. I could not feel safe without it in my house." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Foshay & Mason. New Addition to Albany. J. 11. Abbey's addition to Albany in the eastern suburbs of the city has been platted, and 54 choice lots are now on sale at $50 to $125 by Curran & Monteith. Apply at onee and select your lots. An AbHOIoic Care The Original Abictine Ointment"! is only put up in large two-ounce tin boxes, and is an ab.-olule cure for old ores, burns, wounds, chapped hands, and nil skin eruptions. Will positive ly cure all kinds of piles. Avk tor the Original Abictine Ointment. Sold by Foshay A Mason at 25 cents per bx y laaw 150 cents. Toh Cannot Aflord. At this season of the year to be without a good reliable diarrhoea , balsam in the house, as cramps, cone, c diarrhoea and all intla-nmation of the temach and bowel are exceedingly . dangerous if not attended to at once. On bottle of B EGGS' DIARRHOEA BALSAM will do more good in cases f this kind than any tlier medicine a earth. We guarantee it. tG. L. JMaakman, druggist. Why It Tii:it pc-plo miser along always I etfRplaiiiing iiiu.ut i lu.t tired feeling? Doe bottieof eKi : numb I'L'itl- riKK-Hnd liLUOb MAKKK will en tirely rruove this f-iuiiDjj, give them j gwiiil app-itito ttU legn'ate lie- tin. G. L. Blackiiiae. aragiMl. Bou't forget Uiiit ;it Mm. li. K. Hymau's is the get your few ittz rnachine. The rrlO al Wiun. ' A clear pearly and transparent skin is always a sign of pure blood, and all persons troubled with dark, greasy, yellow or blotched skin can rest assured that their blood is out of order. A few doses of BEGGS' BLOOD PUR1FI0R and BLOOD MAKER will remove the cause and the skin will become clear and trans parent. Try it, and if satisfaction is not given it will cost you nothing. It is fully warranted, G. L. Black d, druggist. Not a (California Bear. Anybody can cateh a cold this kind of weather, Tue trouble is to let k like the man who caught the bear. We advise our renders to purchase of Fohav et Mason a bottle of Santa Abie, the California KinsofConsump ton. Asthma, Bronchitis, Coujrhs and Croup Cures, and keep it handy. 'Tis pleasini; to the taetc and death to the above "complaints. Sold nt ti C1 a lKttle or :5 for ?2 TiO. California Cat-R-Cure rives immediate relief. The Catarrhal virus is soon displaced by its liealinsr and penetratirjr nature. Hive it a trial. Six months treatment tl 00, sent by mail $1 If. Terrible. Two thirds of all deaths inCN'cw York city are from consumption or in. I.he sarr.e piopotlion holds irood lor mot-t other cities. He-; hts lire danirenius: '.)r. Acker li"h Remedy for consumption w ill j . i always relieve, and mar; save life. . ! . j How lioctors oiiquer Denlli, j Doctbr Walter Hammond says:; After a lonir experience 1 have imic ! to the conclusion that two. thuds i f I all deaths from cou.-rhs, pneumonia and consumption miirlit ! :;voidcd i if Dr. AcKor'a Eniriish J'-incd; fr : fonsiiiiii'lio". were only nscil i" l.t :'.'. i This w derful rcmet'.y is. s .1,1 nuik-r a ) ;i::rai:!c; l y IV-!iay Mason i Boots-:.'..! AuKti at cost a l.e THE MARKETS. ALBANT QUOTATIONS. Wheat-til Oats 257.:;0c Flour $4.2.' pei U1 Potatoes 05c Eggs :0c Butler 25c. Lard 12VfeI5c. Hams 12i$ 15c. Shoulders 10c. Bacon UA 12c. Hay Timothy, $12, oats and ci eai, fS. Ap j is Green, 00gl.00 per bu. Plu K Dried, 4j?c. per lb. ApjiYs dried bleached 5e sundried m c Chickens ?2.50(g5 00 Hides Hcf hides, grcer, 4 , 10 c : deer skins, 20c; sheep pelts, 103 75c, according to wool. Beef 2((t2Je gross. Mutton it IX) per head. Hogs 50e, dressed. Lard Kegs, or 5 gallon tins, 10c, pails 12c. For the finest silver polish in the market go to II. Kwert's Take Liver Regulator One Dose WORTH 100 Dollars ! Drar S. h. ft: I 'consider one do-e'of Sim mons Liver Regulator worth $100. I was constipated, had Headache, cou!l cat noth ins with satisfaction or appetite had the blues, ami felt altogether out of sorts. I re sorted to Bine Masu, Calomel, Quinine, and every remedy sujtirested, but onlv obtained temporary relief. One dose of S L It did me mo -c (rood than $10 worth of doctors and dectorinjr. Kesp'y, J c Martin. I have been a teacher for twenty years, and during that time have had lepeatedatticksof headache, produced 1 y torpid Liver, and I have been entirely cured by Simmons Liver Regulator. I found it to be of so mild a character in its action as not to interfere, in fie least with nr; duti s in the school room. To those fiimi'irly ait 11:1 ted and subject to he same, I cannot too highly recommend Sim mons Liver Regulator. E, E, Chkkk, Cannpbellsville, K). For your fine West cigars, sro cigar store, one man's.drug sto-i imported and Kc to M. Baumirart door iast of Ulnck When Baby was slot, We gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, She cried for Castoria. When she became Hiss, She clung to Castoria, When she liad Children, She gave them Castoria, iJ, THE FIT RATIONAL Ml OF ALBANY. OREGONJ president, L. Flinn. VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. TOUng, casuier.. E. W. Langdoa TRANSACTS A CENERAL BANKIN ISUSiNESS. Accounts kept subject check. Si;ht Exchange and Teleffra.hic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, San Francisco and I'ortland.Orcgon. Collections made on favorable terms. S. E. YocsgJ L. Flinn L. E. Blais W.E. Turkkll E. W. Laxupon Cashier. I propose to t have ' yeur trade, if honest froods, low prices and irood treatment will sccurejit. C. E. Brow, nell. Fresh oysters served every dav at Hermann's restaurant. Ladies prefer to trade at C. E .irownell's because everything- is neat and i lean and in applcpic order. WILL Dealers in all the BROS. latest improved pianos or machmes.guns, .Ion i full linn -it M7rtrE Simmons ioun""" " " "-...... I butcher and pocket knives. The best kind of sewing machine oils, needles arjd extras for all machines. All re pairing iu the above Iiix-s neailv and I reasonably done. MISSES GILBERT KELA CiLEEHT... loiul.t rsci t i FRANCES Gil CERT r;i:i r.iii! rc n a:n . ;.,t:'0'i " 1 JAPANESE BAZAAR STOEE. Mis. Nancy Westfall, wife of the well Chinese contractor Jim Westfall, has opened a Japan ese bazaar store in the brick next door io C. II. Spencer's. It is filled with all kinds of Japanese wares and novelties, including parasols, fans, canes, ladies wear, souvenirs, etc. jf""All goods sold very cheap. The Albanv Bakery Cuiicr the ew management of WH KEEP A full line of choice drov'gion family groceries and Cannea Pineapples, Olioice TaMB Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Wedainas and Parties. Sa'.mo kinds. tellies FRESH BAKED BREAD Gvcrv 11) av. TEAS and COFFE Candies Nuts. Raisins. CANNED OOODS, ETC.; Ine bcrt Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars 2TAt JohnJFox's old stand low JKl nn s lew brick. Farmers & COMP A.N Y 0P- Albany Oregon PAID IV CAPITAL $35,000. OFFICERS. President Charles E. Wolvertou, Vice-1 resident J. O. Wntsman. Treasurer J. W. Cusick. Secretary J. K. Elderkin. directors. R. . !Sratian, Chas. E. Wolver ton, J. L. Cowan, D. B. Monteitn, J. W. Cusick, J. O. Writsrnan, J, K. Elderkin, Charles Monteith, C. F. Simpson. Safe, Sonnd, uonservatlve A Square Company, Managed by Square Men, Patronized by Square People ParsonizQ Home Enterprise TAKE THE CA15 FROM RATES: To any part ot the city, 50 cents. For calling, first hour $1.50, each subsequent hour$l. Stand in front of S. E. Young' and W. F. Head's stores. SIIILGH'S VITALIZER is what you need for constipation, lo68 of ap petite, dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price, 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Foshay & Mason.' litany Bath House AND ' HAIR DRESSING SALOON, JOSEPH WEBBER, PROPRIETOR SLadiee and children's hair dress, nir a specialty. Dutue satisfaction guaranteed; Curran & Monteith have lots for sale on the installment plan, rang ing in price from $125 to $1000. JOHN SCHMEER'S Livery. Feed & Sale stable Corner Second and Ellneoiih Sti, ALBANY, . . OREGON Hoksks noAithPD by the day or month. Car naircs or tunrrits an reasonable term? vital AS &6 Sffl3l ttf? ! : ?5W j'-vH 1 Parlor m Best Pies Cakes RANCE Cawta Stock 500 SCHMEER'S STABLES OREGON PACIFIC -2.rA-i.'?ss;.;;-i; i Tui.o i.i- i):ifS:i."i. vv if re no o.ner ff T6:vW-2'i : : criiJ, cures can r-avli, t jj)' v--5 : ...MMV''' ' T, v ,-r.i: L'ro's I'spj o: m- Cccnt LI B,iKlXJ PO fVDICIi. Put up expressly for Julius Grad wohl and sola at his Golden Kale Bazaar in OXE POUND CANS 25 CENTS PEIi CAN CGuaranteed to be first-class in every liespect. JULIUS GRADWOHL k 4le Holidays MNE UISPI AT or Chinese dishes, Japanese curio s ities.and novelties of all kinds have been opened at the Japanese Bazaar Store of the Kwong Wa Gee Co., opposite the new Masonic Temple. The ladies are invited to call and inspect these fine holiday goods. CffTancy goods sold cheaper than in Portland. E. E.IWAKFORD, Having; purchased the PALACE MEAT MARKET I Is now prepared to furnish fresh meats of all kinds; best variety or cboict beef, eal, mutton pork sausage, etcin the city ktpt constant! an hand. ) BR0raSVlLLR ieal JtLstate and 1NSU11ANCE ACEN' I DAVIS BROSiAND CO DKALER8 IN SBXKRAlJmKRCIIaNIMSF.. SIIEDMLJKN Co. 01 ARCHIE W. BLACKBURN,: , C. E. CR0CEK- UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. EUGENE CITY. Next session begins on Monday, September 16. li'80. Free scholarbliips from every coun ty in the state. Apply to your county super intendent. Free tuition after January 1, 1890. Four coursee: Classical, Scientific, Literary and a short EtiRlifh course, in which there is no Latin, Greek, French or German. The English is pre-eminently a business course. For catalogues or otner in formation, nedress J. W. JOHNSON, President. ALBANY Collegiate Institute ) ALBANY, OREGON 1889 ISSS., A Eull Corps of Irtnictois. Classical, scientific, literary, commercial and normal classes. Courses of study ar ranged to meet tlie needs of all grades of students. Special inducements offered to Students from abroad. Tuition ranges from $5.50 lo $i2.r,o Per Term, Instrumental inttiucticn inj n.usic i given by Miss Laura Goltra. Board in private families U low rates, nnd rooms for self boardiug at email expense. A careful supervision exercised over puD' iway from home. For circulars and full particulars, addrets the president, iKEV. F.LBEKT N. CONUIT, Albany, Oregon, Over The CASCADE MOUNTAINS FROM AI.KANY ORj LEBANON EA91 tVARB. The Willamette Valley and Gav oade Mountain Wagon Road is in ex cellent condition, and by all odds is the best and shortest wagon road to Eastern Oregorj. Water and grass is abundant along the entire road. The grades are easy, accommodations su perior and the road well bridged making it the best mountain road in the state. For Rammer jaunts, hunt ing and fishing the Cascade Moun tains in the vicinity of Clear Lake and the Three Sisters, afford superior advantages. FOK BAIE BY AIL DRUGGISTS. "Some'monthp aro I purchased a box of Dr.J. P. Gill's Catarrh Cure for my own use. but finding my nephew, C. A. McMahan. needing eucli medi cine I let him have my box of medi cine. He now sends for three more boxes, eayingr it is the best thing for catarrh ever tried by him and hi friends. I got another box to use in my case, and cheerfully recommend it toothers. (Signed). JOHN McMAfTAX, Ex-County Commissioner Lane Co, Oregon. Springfield. Lane county, Oregon. I'rof J, W. Johnson, president of the Stale univcrsiiy, says it cured him of a cough after tWt other prescriptions had failed. Likewise two of his little girls usid it to cure theireoughs. Mrs M:irk Hailev. wife of Prof UaUey, sent 1', 10 Prof -Tohnson, and recom, i!i nds it to all who eufVcr from colds, fmghy. lor coughs it acts like a - Iku 111, and can be inhaled the GOLDEN cigars. Overlaud to -OUT HERN THE MOUNT Time Between and Ban KraurlMi-o Albany 35 California express trains run daily between Portland and han rrancisco. , g4:00 p m..Lv... j,S:18 p m..l.v... ":.") a m..Ar... ..Portland ....Ar..l0:45 am . . Alban Lv. . 0:45 am .. S. Kr.incisco.Lv.. 7-00 pm Loral I'nss. Train Vnily- Sunday 8:00 a m..Lv. 2:40 p m..Ar., ....Portland Ar. Albany ..I.v, ...Eugene Lv . 3:45 pm ,11:35 am . 9:00 am Lcbauon Branch. 8:20,p m..Lv 9:06 pm..Ar 1:50 pm..Lv 2:30 p m..Ar 7;TO a m..Lv... 8.22 a m..Ar... .Albany... . Lebanon . . .Albany... .Lebanon.. Albany..... Lebanon... . .Ar.. . .Lv ...Ar.. ...Lv.. .... Ar.. ... Lv.. 0:30 am fi:45am 0:25 pm 8:40 am 4 .20 pm 3'40 pm PULLMAN BUFFETSLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, for accommodation of Seccnd-Claes Fa senders attached to I xprcts 1 rains. The S. P, Co.'s Kerry mates connection with all the regular trains on the east side di vision from foot of F street. Potrland, West SldePIHvlMea. Between l'oitland and Corvallis. SJall Train lall - 1 ixcepl Sunday 7:30 a iil.Lv. .. 12:25 p 111. .Ar.... .Po.tlan I '?r:inis. ...n.-.C 20 p. . Lvl.;:0 p. 111. in, At Albany and t'orvallis i.uinievt trains of OroEron Paf.iiicKailroad iti ExpreKK Train nalljr(Exnpt Sunday) 4:50pm.. L.. I'll Hand Ar.. 9:00 am 8:00 p m . Ar ilcMinnville.Lv.. 5.45'am THROUGH TICKETS lo Al! Points SOUTH AND EAST Via California, tS?or full information readme rates, maps, etc-, call on con panv s ai nt at Albany K. KOKI1LKK, E. P. KOGKKK, Manatrcr Aps-t. K. k P- A OEEGOK RAILWAY anfl XATIGATIOX CUMPA.Y Columbia River Route Trai or the Fast leave Portland at 8 A. M and 2:40 P. u. daily; TICKETS to and from principal points in United States, Canada and h.urope. ELECANT PULLMAN PALACE CARS' Emigrant Sleeiini? Cars Enn Ttroneh en Ex ressiTrain8 OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS axd ST. PAUL Free ofCharne and Wllliouf! ( li.-inse. Close Connections at Portland for San Fran Cisco and Puct Sound points. For further particulars inquire ot CuraanJ Monteith, First Street, Albany. Oregon. Xa'Boats leave the O. H. N. Co.'s w harf, at the foot of Broadalbin street, on Tuesday an j Friday of each week. C. G.lKAWLlNGS. Local Apeut. c. j. s.Tiirii, Urnrral Manager. A. L. Jl lXWKI.l, . I. V T. Am -THE - mm PACIFIC RAILROAD. ANl Oregon Development Cos Steamship Line m IIILESlOHTi ANr Hours Less Time. Than by any other route: J 22 ntst clcs8 through paKt-eiifcr ami freight from Portland and all points in the Wil li fte Vrlley to and frtiu San Frann'sco. ArconuxJationH unsurpassed for comfort anil ulety. Kares and freights via Yaquina and the Oregon l)cve opnient company's steam jhipo, much less that ly any other route be ween all points ii tbs W ilKanicttf iVallcv tnd Son Franciecoi Sailing dates.' PROM TAQl'lNA. Willamette Valley Sept. 2Sth WillamettelVallcy Willamette Valley.... ....Oct. rth 16th FKOX SAK r RAX CISCO Willamette Vailey Sept 24th Willamette Vallev Ort 3d Willamette Valley ': 12th The company reserve the right to chang teamers or sailinir dates. C. H. HASWKLt, JR., Gen F. & P. Agent, 304 Montgomery street, San Francisco, Cal. DAILT PABSRKORR TRAINS. Kxcept Sundays.) L Yaquina 6:45 A M Comallis 10:38 a m Ar Albany 11:10 A M Lv Albany 1:00 P " Corvallis 1:40 P Ar Yaquina P"60 P. l. O. &5C. trains connect at Altan and rot Willamette River Line of Steamers The Wm. M. lloag, the N. S. Bentlcy and the Three Sisters are in service for both pas senger and freight traffic between Corvallis and Portand and intermediate poinls, leav inp company's wharf, Corvallis, and Mesors. Hulman & uo. e wnan, ros. zw ana zu-j Front St., Portland, three time each wcelr as follows: KORTH BOCVI Lv Corvallis Mon.,Wel nn Fri 8 OOfam Lv Allianv Mon., Wed. ana Fn :0 am Ar Salem Mon., Wdd. and Fri 3 00 pn Lv Salen- Tties. Thnr and Sat i otlamlTu Thur. and Sat.... 3 30 OUTH BOCXD. Portland Mon.. Wed. Is 1 d fi 6 00'a Saem Mon., Wed. and Fri 7 15 pre T.v SaemT cs.. Thnr. and Sat C 00 am Lt Albanv Tue8.,Thnr. and Sat 1 30 pm Ar Corvallis Tucs.,Hiur. and Sat... 3 30 nm Wm. M . IIoao, Generaljllanatu. apent Corvallis, O nn C.niooi-E. A s O. K & F WANTED, THOSE WISHING A FIPiST- I class piano, F.evving machine, the latest music or artists' materials, will find a bargain by calling at Mrs. I. Hyman's. The pianos are fully guar anteed for rive years. The best pianca made to stand the climate of the Pacific coast. The Xew Ameri can Sewing Machine will please most fastidious. Painting and music les sons given there. Stamping, Km broidery and Dressmaking done to order. Nn. 113 1st St., Albany, Or. N H!-rTKIC r.KIIKV 1 TMF. MOST KM'- a n talcitic hi tee worl.l for inti n.i l riiMi '.' tnr! e'O. aim i- r :un 01 si.,,':!' . You v i : T ntvi-r liml itr 5" - -!-;; : ' ;' arnist fiT it. MiASTAi route. igav flv0inHit3?Jnv Yaquina Route ! i California. mgmfflmhM Htmim ! (cW& ASTItfM.ColiG,, 'S encTjoi C i r-col j r, tr Unit 3 or oiins CHEAPEST PLAGEi 11 TOWN. DEALERS IX Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper-ware, Pumjfs Iron Pipes and all kinds of l'lnntbina Goods. Agents for the Ce1ehrated ON TIME Cooking and Heating fcHovep, tlie bett ftoye for the leant money et sold in this city. Give them a fall at Ibe Pitrc Block, Nrorth Fir treet. Albany, Oregon. Tijlius Joseph Manufactauerof Choice Ciais AND DEALER IN FINE IMPOHTEI) AND KEY Ml Ciait, 1 aitr m d Mi ok'uiL' Tel mi ot-, l.'rt in l ;.:m s i d Fiiar Pipci, full line of Smokers' Articles. Also dealer in CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. Xext aoor to PfTeiffer's candy store, Albany, Oresfon, STEWAET & SOI. Dealers in- General Iron, Steel and Coal Wagons and Buggies Hope and Cordage Blacksmiths' Supplies Garden and And all Implements Agricultural inois Furniture House! THOS. Best Line of Furniture Id the Citv of Albanv! Fancr Wickt. Chairs Lounges Parlor Coraf ce Poles. Mirrors Feather Pillows Srin Mattresses, "Window Shades Walnut Exten sion Tables Suits. And w.'.at you can't find at other houses, I hare it. In factevtry thing tha is kept in a first-class house. Ash, Maple and Walnut CJiatnber sets, Chaip, Spring Beds, Lounge Etc, Etc,, at Prices if&k CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. ALBANT OBI rim .2- -SOU) BY - sliay il Masco. Hardware -AND- Carpenters9 Tools Builders9 Hardware Powder, Shot, etc. Giant Powder & Fuse Saws and Axes, Cdrras-s Seeds' Used by Farmers! BRINk MIRECKb SHAVING PARLOR THREE CHAIES RUNNING STEADY. A CLEAN TOWEL TO KVURY CTM OM ?i R- .1 y :.l i- ... lPlemeDts I v 1 . ft 1 k 4-: ;; w. Al