rim 3IOHKLNG 1J1AL: THUKSIY. NOVEMBER 21, iS89 HII90BMMMMmiBNWaMIIMBIMM iiAiLY a. no Weekly l A i i.v k"i'i'i-ticl emr;. u.oniin cc:(l Mniu!a.j eUvered Oy carrier, per week 0.15 jr ni nl. Hr vt':u i OS v KKKL1. (i'ut::.i.hei! every Kr'ilay Morning.) e -.oy.v, iei ami tin, in aJvauce li'.n iii' cul in mlvanvc ...5S2.uO sit: m .1 1 1.4. Mailj t llnsAIhany oosso'.l'u-e close Kora'.l ollires north j Hie Kaslera me C:Si A. V, i'hc West .Siile I And the Nairn- li-ur;c It. K. J tor I'orUaiui and 6ai';:it ..Ha.m '.orvalli: ainl Vuiuttia 12:3 J r. i ottk-e south 7:U0 r. M Thu pHiitIiw'e will be closed each cveiiiiig rm six to Keren o'clock. r.-VUre l matter for tU early iiioniin I providing the storv be trill'. T.-i;i mi.jii1! ur liiiile l before S oi-Soci; the I " although he knew that Prim e and Princess Narishkin had both din! in prison six weeks before, a fact that bad not yet been made known to Mile. Pushkin, On the strength of this promise the young lady agreed to and did meet Alexis, and the very next morning she was arrested and thrown into a dungeon by the police, on a charge, made by Alexis himself, of being impli cated in the nihilist plot to assas sinate the Czar. Certainly if Russia is to be complimented upon the edict doing awav with Siberian exile, she is to be execrated for allowing a condition of att'airs to exist that will make possible the working of such a dastardly game by a member of her royal family, Newspapers and JlaKaziiies. . TBI The time is now approaching i 3 ' when people niil want a L-ood mm- p!y of readinu' matter for the winter evenings. K L. Kenton continues to receive subscriptions for all the leading news papers and maga zines, .ill papers except tliej Delineator and renewals to the Youtns Companion are furnished at publishers reauhtr prices, thus DrugS. saving the subscriber the trouble, risk and ex pence of sending orders to the publishers. All orders tire forwarded without delay. Price lists furnished free. Many new novelties and delicacies have lalely been added t my stock i f groceries C. F, Brtiwiicll. MM DRUG 1 : t- U'iuk evemii'.'. : ! Ol'.KUOX I'ACIFU' TIME TAl'.I.E. V Wkst Point, Neb., joI iceman j rc-.-ontly took occasion to gratify an Arrives Ocpurm : i i .,, i i , t f iut uwtT iiii'ivi nit: uiri; ui j - iiacucr i-i"i" k.w.' . in ! . . , . . , Freight i B.2:imM;..o a j ioriiung ins omciai duties. -e i entered s saloon against whose proprietor he held the grudge, and instead of complying with the re quest to depart, opened tire on the COMPANY N. E. Cor. 17th and F streets, : bystander who attempted to- pre- i P0CTLAN1 - - OUEliON j vent the bloody work was I.itally m vvcfactlkeks ok -New enterprise an: almost tlany i fl)t!1i witIl the b.tail(.t. tll(. 1 , . T beimr started m Ail-.m . Some I ; ,,IUI JUiN MxLiJYIj - in iik j" 'in tiii.ni n iiiuu ,1411. il I extensive factories and a larger fi,.,t ... i: :..i. For Orchard aud Lawns. c ( lUAl lIKfl II CJI1IUII U.l. .If. Jllilill- ment all any man will need to aid him in pi 4ns for murderous revenge is to get appointed upon the police force of that town, and SECRET SOCIETIES. A , O. U, W. SifetylLoilgA Xo, 13; meets A. every Ma l iv evenint; at the II. A. K. hall 0:1 Fe-ry s'.reot. between S.-eonil arid Third-Altitnr Or'uii. Strnei's in Lhi: tityand tr.uMivnt brethren conliu'ty invited j proprietor, reducing him to ;t mere '0att'i"t'- liimn of elite with.' t . shots. A - 1 EPi Tol! I A I. yoTKS. M'lTKAlY. NEATXESs. J. J. DORRIS, ABSTRACT Oil. The only comolete set of Abstract 15ooks and Maps in Linn County OFFICE IS THE COtIlT 1IOI SE. BL U MB ERG BLOCK, lias opened with a new and complete stock of patent Medicines, 'Stationery, Toilet Articles and DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, Having baa sixt'-en years experience hi the drug Im-tiioss. we feel justified in sayintc that wo fu'.ty uii'lr-.Kiii'l the art of coinjioaiidin; and disrensing medicines. On:- prcsi i ipt'nn il'.-jiartmniit i our $peci:ilt ; lioncety and purity our motto. The iiuhii.- is invited to call and inspect uur stock and cl our 1.1 ices. 11. C. iirmniii); Uesius.vcb OVEIt sTOHE PaEiCKirTlOX Dut liCilSI. rusiness entrusted to my care will receive prompt and care ful attention. OftEROH FERTILIZER amount of building than ever be fore will otter employment to bun ureds of workmen. A rr:i:Mi fall of snow is reported in the Cascade mountains. The i ivei-le bis virtim ithiu range of j river is slowly rising and steam- j JJ boatmen anticipate steady business j m the upper Willamette soon. ' XKIV TO-DA 1". ?Oll SALE .1 vear old ca 1-1 RST t LASS KOirK! Tuiri v-six thousand extra conies A yar m carrusre norw. uochi tor any ' 1 Kimt or work, ikhki 111c uinl gentle. In- uf our D'inib Animals, a paper j iuiru of Pr. .). . Gilbert, cnur of ::d , , . . street, between Wa-hiiietun and IVrrv published m Lofton, and devoted ! open m. week. to the object of ameliorating the condition f domestic animals as JJOXE PHOSPHATE., For Gardens and Grain. ALSO Granulated Bone for Poultry. Our fertilizers are made from Haw Hones, no sand or other worthless material being used. I Stewart & Sox, Agents, $5oo TH GOLD WATCHES I take tliis method of inlornung the citizens of Albany and vicinity j that I have just opened a first class clothing store in connection with my j tnerehantile lousiness, und have nd:led the most complete stecK of gent kk and Ootlii Are selling good goods at living prices. We have just received a let of new style in men's Boots & Shoes Ask to see our new Freutli ki boots. The best value of anv sold in Oregon. Made at 'M. 1. Wells & Co.'s facta- in Chicago. Agency for the Ludlow Fine Footwear. goo I 3hoe and a good fit guranleed. I OUB LINE OF DR1 GOODS j Contains all the latest novelties in Ladies' and (ier.tlemairs r:ne fur- nisbiiiL's and notions at bedrock prices. We mean business, and will j make it profitable for vou to patronize hs. pARPOWS & SEARLS. ever brought to the city. In older to adv-rtise my business I have'de cided to sjive away -v. r .J.'iOl) A-.rli r.f(io!d Watches. Every puichaser of out- dollar's worth ot ' ynctls, Ini C'ish. Iroiii the clothing department will receive a chauc: lor one of tn -se gold watches. J?tock 1 ail uew purchased in the east to; snot cash, and will be sold at j:r . 2S35 LOWEST LIVING RATES. Cad nnd c.XMiiiiti.' my stocK o-!'ore purchasing elsewheif. JjpNoiroublc to shmv uo i-. ;m 11 i n . in I 1 1) fAnorioiirco. Kcoiiomicai Buyers 1! 1 no in- ' 11 ii.tr- t i His i": 1 : ! tin :i!l dcsiii' to make selec it:ovi e:isiii:itit' styles ni l.OUXI) IN I Nov. I.- THIS CI iV o. MuX DA V a y-oM b inirlo 111 11 1-c-1 "M. A. .. . 1 .1 "tin iiic m iiiaf.r .111 lite rukL'rsc its name implies were issued thisisj,i,.. !t awaits u owner at thu ottice. month and iii.stribtited to the i " " . '".""7 . " AfuM- t Ffil l 1 I'll' up Mnviv , . . 11 ' ' ... w . . . . . newspapers turougnout tne couu-( ii was found in try. The bright little sheet serves great praise for the able! advocacv that it makes. I ALBANY, OREGON. yA.TKi) uRUX AND STOCK FARMS II of all descriptions. If you w.mt ti sell your property, write or i-allon K. t;. Ileards lcy, real estate a,'ont, Alh.iuy. Oiliec on llroad tlhiii strert near Kirst. I'. O. Im :tll. I in this city 01: Monday, Nov. 1 j is. i an at tne ure,'on i.aml Co, n olliee and pr.vKtiK ho'.'si:, Ai.uNTv,;oit. ciiAS IX I'feiller, I'ro)i. Only lirst eeiafs house in the city. Lanro sample rooms for loin-ni-re:al men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General sta-e ottice for CorvaUis. City Election Notice. liicx. ScMoi.riELi wants to pre vent desertions from the armv bv I'rcNlilonl Vice ri-c: a-lilrr Ii. Kill WT .. .141 w . i:j.ii. 11. k. .11 i:it 1:11.1.. trans . OTICK IS HKltKBY CIIVE.V THAT L there w ill 1m an annual lection Held on .M inday, the L'd day of Deceniher, lbs:), in the city of Albany, Oregon, for the p'ljpose of e'.e titu the following inunieipal otticers: frll'lO i-ilv nonr l..i iii.irili.il l.i.nii.M. . . . I '-J , 11, HI t'111.1, .11111 tiiaking easv for the men to pro three councilman, one each iii the 1st. -Jd cure discharges Upo-.l application. a''n;eolhnv named places have been Probab'.V his plan would ac.COUl- designated by the city council as the pUees , . . . .. i for holding the elect Ion in the various wards: pllf-h tllO design, blit it WOUid: First wards In the countv clerk's office. deplete tho army mow than the J (,,n"lt "'ar'1 "'" ,I,B ""i"ty trcas'jrc,r's desertions iIj. : , Tliinl ward In the-o!Rce of thj Albany mmmmmmmmmmmmimm . I'liniUTs' I'Ollipain . , . r .. . 1 ii"s 'ollow -insi nailed pirsi ns hive been Tiik amount of money attracted ! appointed juds and c'eiksof eu-ctonin to Paris bv the F.xposition is esti j the various wards: ' 1 First ward Juiluc, M. I tiMic, li.Fpcni.in, mated at $10,000,000 $100,000,000 : w. c. itead. citrus, t. j.' mhw. c. w. from the o.ODD.oa.) French people' second ward -Judges. Kins Knox, t.. sei-I Till' ()X Ii(Khl1inilll who came from the provinces and ' s- froman. cick,, c. c. i:aw:in,. .1. , vyil il UUM dill, 1 It. W vatt. ! I!A.K OF OKEfiON, ALBANY, OKI : JON. t .1111 Al Jj.-,MiO Albany. Or. A general bankijg busiue act ! rht excliair'e antl telcirrapidc tra ler buuvlit, unit so'il on New York, San Kraniisco mid I'ort l.mil, Ore .'on. C illcctiops made on favorable ti-rnis $l.j:StM!l,00 from the 1 ,500,000 foreigners. There were HSO.COO Englishmen. 20,000 Uelgiai'.s, lO.Midil (J-'rtnans. and li0,0i)0 .m'.ric ins in the h..-t of those who ; attended the (jreat show. These figures give an idea of the vast liuaiK'ial benolitlofa big exposition. , .loiin Ison., Win. I , . , , , . Clerk-:, (;. F, sin p-j Lnc'.ertlic new maiiaj-tnient of 11. I. unpiiiait will be contlucted on a fir.st-o!a-s plan. Meals will be servt d at all hours. Consult the v.. an I ilt c'o.-o BILL OF FARE T11 stagi' robber and niiudi ier ll"l!i.iy. in .Michigan, has re sentence, which is i-f. c'jive 1 :'. eminently cunvct. providing the, future governors of that state ate i forever debarred from pardoning 1 1 lii.-n out. It will b,; reme-nliercd ' (' i'('s U Third ward -.hid;; Huston. K. A Tarkci oll, I'. A. Uiirkbar'.. The polls will np 11 at ;.t I. r. M. of fai-l ilay. Done bv unJi-r of tin; city council of the ity of Albany. On"i:i, 011 'the 12th oav o: Xoveinl'ir. li:i, I .....! ii-.....l... I.; 1 .1 X'.'j. HKXTOX And order whit :ver? you want, pay L'ity itecorder. , ing for what yua order auii nothing 1 more. Straight meals served as usual I for 05 cents, and meals to order from X-i.neK IS IIKKKIIV fil VFX THAT j ,t ; an(, ti 0lfcc. to a i'lc an:iu il elcition of chief nnd assi-t- I . . -.in. 1 .nit rhuf eiiu-mei r 01 the Albany lire dep.trt- ; Ot'SL-cass .I.UU HH al. inc ii wili lc in id at the haii oi Alba.iy loi- j : Ku.-nished rooiiKS to let in i.-oiiiiec-7iac i'i No 1 Dec. :. I-V). between the ; (.;,, v.-jf, thtirestaurarit. hours 1,1 1 o c.nck and i::M o -lock r. i. 1 " w. 11. WAi:xi:i:. i .VAI.'l'Ki: M. I'AUKKIt. Sec. A. F. I L'MAI.b LAM) TRACTS -A NL'MUFIt OF 1 O sinail tracts of laml situatcil near Albany - 1 li.r s.t'c on easy terms. App'y to II. Dryant ) Firemen's Kleetion. 1'res. A. F. i. )S I i)i:i;si.vs hksiimng sand, i.oam or ' ' 1 gravel fnun the preini. ALI5ANY. OKl'dON. premises of I". I.. Such, hi licnton countv, can procure tickets for the J mine tit my ottice, Crawford's block, Albanv, ClIAS. K. Wlll.VKRTOX. that he tired into a stage full of .i-i n .r li.i '-oun 1 1 vvr. lmt :l f . and morally wounded a prominent Architectural Wood Turning. banker who was a rassenger. Such , Mi-'j-'t'ircrs of an kinds ..f neve " i.-il.-l-ils. stur n.'ists. I.al hulcrs. eon: miscreants should be placed Where ' blocks, rosettes, buttons, tinials, mantks . . ., , , . 1 olhce tiUin.'", porch ohiniris, - ate r ma lt is impossioie lor mem to coin- : molll n,m cii,i. table, stand and chair 'iilf -iiv I'lifMr.-n d.nr.d ifi.ms: ' leijs. Alt orders left w.iii us wilt receive; . ir iiiiii. :il.l iviri'fn! nltenli iik Wrto-l im-v : ...j - . ... - I ,k .1.. 1 I rt 1 f . ... L tJ( Hie umj luiiijiiuiu aim pi'i iixi ei I ABSTRACTS MARION Cdl XTV A ust.wi: but useless race for life ! in auil fancy turniti.' a spec i ".Ity." abstracts, SALEM or m 1 nvvn 1 n V... T.. Tko ,.f i LiNK tlOAKS-lMI'OIUEti. M-V WKST vas 1t1.11, iikimu 1 xi. j'jur, ; an, oomestic, embraciin,' the celebrated Tniotl COUfltV, New JerSCV. TilO ! H.rr de M idfi.i. Estrellus IJompierors and I ' . I other ctiot.-u brands in the . lis. hr;.i and I Dr. was out hunting with a friend ! Westero I'nioa Te!e.'ra;ih Oifiet-J buildiiij'. j ,. .. .- . i 1 i ii?'henic:nbcr the place. I ani in auempung 10 uisemangie : : .jr A-yri friAT I WTA" hU "tin from the buiriiv robe ex-' LHlt SALK-Kol'R yokeaxd half! " j(Y-L 1 " : 1 oifooj work oxen toettier witu yokes liloded it, frightfllliv Wounding . aiat chains. Are we'! broko cattle and will ' AND l.irv.cfdf in the? eft sbmi dor. arm " 1 , ' . . ! ... - --7 f,r rue esrat. or jonu no tunjit, uureaM'u. SALEM, OKlXiON.; lCverv abstract guaranteed. and side. He rea.i.ed the neces. slty of reaching home immediately j an 1 urged Ids friend to drive the All!v t John W. I'uh, lulininistr.itor of the estate at Shedd, Or. 1).UTHS WI-IIINU ;i!AF.b UtOJI the Wilkins pit near this city must call horse to Its Utmost speed, which nt tl:e otbee o the Orciron l.a..u x and pro , . . ... . I cure tickets. By order of J, II. iikins, was done, but without ettect as the 1 . , .,, , I I AXI WAXI KD AT TIIK SWKKT IIOMK Dr. died and the horse was Killed j X l;u.licrv- land of some experience pre- bv the furious ride of three miles. ' vrrvil- w The uratifving announcement ' that the Russian government had decided upon the discontinuance of penal exile to Siberia, as a pun ishment for political and ciyil ofl'eiues, is supplemented by the story of the outrageous treatment of the granddaughter of the Russian poet Pushkin. As the story goes the young lady is extremely beauti ful, and on lately being presented at court attracted the attention of the (.Iran 1 Duke Alexis, younier brother of the Czar, who paid her particular attention with the usual intentions of young scions of t ?!.-. r,t... . . 1 ,,1, . ,-i.. i.t-rwT . ' . ' -., , 1' 1 I br.-d I 1 bis attentions wuu co;ui:c-, ;...u 1 i;l would not even admit h;s fiiend- ' ANTED A (llKL TO IK) OEXEKAL hoiisewerk. Aj)ily at ibis otlice. OF LONE JACK CIG. arettes for cent 4 it PACKS Klhs eiar stoie. .Men Willi ted. rj-'O WOiiK X TIIK OKKGHN PACIFIC L rai road. Apply ivt mitj to turran & M oiCcith. STUAYEI) Fi:oM.r I'ASIT KK XEAU I'c iri one me.liuai sized spoled cow, red 1 id white, c'ein smooth horns, no mart.s or I rmd. Anv iuf .irination w i!l be suitablv rewarded. Ad Ire-s 1'. FltADV, I'cori.i. I in 11 I A 1111 jjimiwiuiiiy K. K. AUSTIN, Manager. i"TT On r It mm SGG rVAHR ALSTON HAND CHAMBERLAIN Albany, ; - Oregon Transacts a ccnur.il bankinir business. Draw siirht drafts on New York, San Frana J'iscoanil Fortland, Or. Loan money on approved security.! Receive deposits subject to check. Collections entrusted to us will recciv proniot attention GILSON'S SHAVING PARLORS ( 011I raeler 11 111! Itulliler. DC. SHKld. Wil.I, ITltXISII PLAN'S. ml' mil-v.i ei an 1 d ails for all kinds of , .. ! )'.,. . .... I .. . I I! -. i-!-4... iMlll'eii.iii'' Ii ,11.- . i.v . ,i i."ini,'iviii 'I mrrmm, i . 1 . r . ly d nc nil 1 -U -r -ntce I to be first-clis. F.s- J P1' irst door Cast of 11CW MaSOIl tiMiates airnish. 1 on short in:' ice for brick j ic Temple. bu. Mins, resnle.ices, public buiidins, i . . . A XI) II Alii DRESSING SALOON. None but first-class workmen employed. Everything neat and clean. live me a call. bridges, etc. . jjjl'ino Calves for .:ile. ('mnbcrries, cocoaimts, urniiges unil l.ried beef at l:. E. Urowiiell's. .Oi! E'lin unless I.e would provure the rc-'.'-a--' ' f her mo-'t ititimate lri n I. t!i-t y..;:-ig Princ-'ss Annie Na:i-ii-kin, ".io, with l-.er i.r .tlier.. Prince ar's;.k:. hud 1 'i-:i arrested on ;.liv " l'.li I a! n a cl;ar.:-i -i be ing iir-,i.. limited in an JUte:i:pt to SM.K -TWO VI AlII.IXi- KAI.F Siiort Hum and ell-.' i dies Vill I e o!,l ior i'AXII.I, iiolCK, ...i.v :. II ej. Ii. i I AViXi. 1 I cu.-i..." V. :mlll:.-. i-; t k-i m Tio.v ,:i . :. v. i-, i . i u::;t, t a ! 1.'. '. ".'i '' ' ' ' !,Ti.M."'. .nil i. ir.o. IVii-o- ,i.a i'. i'i v.o .!',; c-., .!-:i'VI'.l : 1 ': cil I .. ' icil. i'r't:s ..m br U:it aL !i.iw ik .' .- : . . p . ::i t:x, 1 .zfz Tcr bo-iress r.t the I' r'.l.-.nd H:e.::?c--s Co! c;.-, l'i;rl!;eid. or Pt the Cajiila! l;i.rinc- "on Sab-m. jlie.ii s-cIi'llS :uv iuii:.- i : . 4 ,,f A 1' An'i i.i.l.r I,-,,--. I COLLEGIATE lH-iiartiiients. In thej Acadeiiiic Department there are four courses of study of three years each: Classical, cicntinc, normal and business, ln truction is thorough; location, heal Siyi expenses low; advantages, rirst lass in every respect. Full infornia lon in catalogue, for which address v - -lit minim lle "College " -T. (I. IiUOW.M)i,l'.ss. Mi-MINNVILLE. - OREGON a. w. snrrsox. n3amH BOTH ACADEMIC AND ID ry: G DEESS GOODS, isrD ntotiosts. Fashion puints tv way to the iarge New Irrtock o w E READ C. K. HAWK IX-.. ALBANY 1 I I I K. I'ARUELL D-ies n inmiense husiness in all kinds ef furniture, bedroom acts, parlor si-ts. ctimr-i, bed lotin:es, kitchen safes, and all kinds of tables, etc. , e'c. U.. ! i a. tine seleet:on nf wall )aHT and wind iw shades, which they are . Terin .-.,!. ,:!ns- ti'iiies Call ami ee them, on First street, opposite Stew crt Sox. Til P.ECAUSE T1IL1K STOCK IS THE LAPGEI.T. I.fc:CAL'SE TIIEIK C.OODS AKE THE NKWtST, P.ECAUSE THEIR PKICES APE THE LOWEST. We know we eai: jiVase. All we ask is a thorough inspection. In lr s ii"'!is we have the largest stock ever shown in Al' anv. CYme and iee us and he happy. BE..X3'S Albany. Orecn. e.-irr pin imiiieiii-eyini if IRKS, Stoves and General hiwm Iiichnhug the .-ehb.-at!! K.v;i!.V lUiKAK FAST aad JEWEL cooking I1" Manii'auttii'i i am :.!: ill kiiuln of h;iVi itini .if.-! tuill paid t 1 1 J a i ; i -;i:t ' K V. suX.r -i-it 1 1. i and EawJindijinaeiiiiiiTy. iron fronts and i'v ii, in i. and brass ca.-ti!:.s. Special atten t ii n i. i try.: I'atteriiK made en stort notice. C. il. Stiavai.t, Secretarj'. stiiv-.-S' and iaei.es, ii.nl a'ei inokj-.j stoves, ajd ad kinds rd kiti'hen nt.,.:!; a!!,, , mi j.-cte assortment of ii ( (HIS BUILDERS' HAEDWAEE, Pumps, hose, copperware, tinware rrd jilumhers' cooili a specialty ami jirices are guaranteed to ht'satisfactorv. The puhlic is invited to call and inpect our stcek. Tv. eedale's huihtintr. Alhany.. Oregon. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED I'OK ALL Newspapers anil Magazines -AT- II. J. JONES' BOOK STOHE. FOR PURE DRUGS, TOILET A1ST) FAjSOY GOODS GO TO kgN i (. L. 8LACKMAR Successor to E. W. Langdoo DEYOE & ROBSON OF THE .AGRICULTURAL PROPRIETGRS. DEPOT JALBANY. OREGON Shelf Hardware, Domestic and Other LeadinSeiv:iiMachines A I'LLi. LINE OF GARDENER'S AND CARPENTER'S lOOLS The largest and'boyt variety of . STUDEBAKER I NEWTON DSALKtt IJf- -Sisli urugs, Paints, Oils Perfumery and toilet articles j also a lull line oi noots anr siationcry, periodicals, etc. f" Prescriptions careful' eotnpoundcd H ODD FELLOW'S TEMPLE 'dbany Orezot LFAEM j "WAGONS, HACKS AND BUGGIES In thc'ccntral Willamette Valley. Orders ironi"a'distar:ee solicited and momptly filled at lowest rate?. Will HE ALSO CAKRIES- i;. irl T MV K I i.V Cii flmmm of Pianos and Organs in & Stark: i-WQ&ktCm i i.. t mm r :ile. t-- '': tilf i'i V. : --.: !. A! .. t:v Vr. n.':. Y ; a'ri'V.r'U'ALT, anj ex.ali: 'ins stock i.i.:: ! .- J JOUll-t I'- ! .',