ahanB S-T - f ' ... J. I ALBANY, OKEGON, SATURDAY, MOVEM15EK JG, 1889. VOL. IT, NO. 295 10 UJJiJNXS A. WJKEK. mV T'."rmf a - " . l JJQ'P 3tCALlSF Don't nflM'T Yl)l I RT' otm'r ('alers telling you that all our goods are secoBiMwnui It U nutjicious 1Ull I 1'JU LImI lj'. falsehood, and we will convince you ly calling on uftthatA' will give vou NEW GOODS ?t Second-Hand prices Yours respectinllv. Tine C- GOODMAN, MANAGER. SPECIAL aOTICE. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal College of London, England, also of the Kelle- vue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of study and practice and makes a spe cialty of chronic diseases,, removes cancers, Bcrofu la enlargements, tumor and wens, without pain or the knife, lie also makes a specialty of treat ment with electriciiy. Has practii ed in the German French and English hospitals. Calls promptly attended day or night. His motto is "GOOD WILL TO ALL." 4"2TOffice and residence Ferry street, between Third and Fourth. toy A FULL STOCK OF Staple Groceries Crockery, Glassware, Die best quality of ea. eolft-ea. randies. CANDIES, NUTS FRESH BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY. At this n'nl reliable house is to he found a complete assortment of frh family arroccrici, t which is constantly leinii addul th reasonable lineF of sp-oceri9 and jur.- mons, such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order, Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts. Eastern Buckwheat Flour. Canned Goods of Alt Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Eto, These jried were all boutrht when priM ere lew and the benefit of tie margin wiH ha ;ien to his istomrs. Remember the plme; t the '1 w.iaer on First and BrotJmlbin Sw, F. B. .Proprietor cf . Albany Soda Works And manufacturer of-' ice We are now prepared to fnraisH choice, frten canaies of bent Trade, consisting of pare stick, assorted flavors, mixed candies, extra French and chocolate creams, fancy nixed, andy tors and a general assortment of fine candies AT WHOLESALE OK BETA II. ASTOrder from country dealers promptly at tended to. Factory on First street ALBANY OREGON RED CROWN MILLS IsOH, LA.VXHG A CO., Prep, NEW PROCESS FLOUR, i Superior for Family and Baker's use) Best Sioraie Facilities. AVHigbeat omb price pa!4 far wheat"! ALBANY - OREGON The BUYERS' GUIDE is i issued March and Sept.cach year. It is an encyclopedia of useful information for all who purchase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can clothe you ) furnish you with all the necessary and tiunectssary ap pliances to ride walk uuiee, leep, cat, fish, huut, work, go to church or stav at home, and iu vaiious fizes, styles and quantities. Just tij.7i:i out what is required to do all these tilings COMFORTABLY. J yon can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS' CUIDE, which will ho fcent uion receipt of 10 cents to pay i.-ote. 'HOfflCOMERY, VAS3 & CO., 111-111 M:. !i:-au Av.-i.u l.'lnc.i .:, 1 i. Star a H iyer. Confectionery u nn UN h ii!,id born in a stable that he must ' 1 t'uriMtuu', stovt-8 clothing, etc., chenjx You Have That -Portland. a Keeping pace with the SAMUEL Has opened for the Fall and Winter trade a lai -ger assortment than ever before, and invites the spe cial attention of the people of Albany'and surround ing country to his mammoth. FALL am CONSISTING OF dry goods and notion's. boots and shoes, groceries, Carpets of all kinds. oilcloths and lenoliums window shades, portiers, lack curtains. In fact a conipleteassortmentfof general merchan dise. His entire building, including basement, first and second stories, is crowded full of Dew goods, bought direct from importers and manufacturers for the "present tall and winter trade, which affords a stock ot new and fresh des'gnfe large enough to sup ply any want, and which will be sold as low as first class full weight goods can be bought anywhere in Oregon. Specialties in Ladies Fine'; Dress Goods and IS" ovelties of the Season. The pub'iic is cordially invited to call ancfinspect our magnificently stocked display rooms. 1880 kmmmbM LAD For add in this space noxt 'Sunday. H3V WISE steady growth of Albany E- YOUNG CLOAKS AND JACKETS, UNDERWEAR, KNIT GOODS, TABLE LINENS, FINE HOSIERY. KNITTING YARNS, ZEPHYRS, SAXONIES, I FINE AND COMMON UMBRELLAS, IBS Announcement. STOCK ! 889 he a hoi s , r than oilier that our Idea l i & CO, CHOP'S PSffDEB Absolutely Pure. This ptwaer never vanes. A marvel of puritytrenirtli and whok-soineness. kinds, and oimrjot iw old in competi tion wui mimituut; ot low teBt, Piiorl weight ilium or !hosphatc towdert Sold onlv in --ins. Uoval BakiN" 'ow- DEK Co, ltV-. Will' N. Y. Lkwis M. JmiHx!t Co., Ajrents. Portland, Oregon. (':StN5 IAS Y II. I"AV!.S, M I. rilYSlCIAX AND iT Miifin. ':n ! i found at his othce no:ii ir; h.r.il anV liUct, I'irft eircct. Albany ri W. IIASTON, I iMCJAK iMIII IT. eon, Albany, Oregon M. II. KLI.IS, IUVSICIAN AM) SURr ji'in, Aliiai y Cri'KOii ri . KKI.LV, I'lIYSiCIAN AXD et"R j. j;cou Ail:any, orvenn. oftiic in il'ttrcc'a new liloi.k. tli,-e Imurp, from b a. K. to 4 r. M. 4 J. HihlTEl:.; Vtl KRINARY SCR a . eeon, (rrainate: of Ontario veterinary college nuil member of the tjntorio veterin ary ii:e(lial tmcicty. it prr-parrd to treat the ilixcitflcR ! ail (ion equated animals nn "'ientific principlce. Office at Ana Marshall's livery stable. Residence 4;h and Calaponia streets, A Pjanv, Oregon. DR. I. W. STARR, fhysician AXU Surceon, late i f Rrcwnsvilie, Or. Offire in the Strahan-Fcarrc Mock upstairs in the rear rooms on the main hall. Cai 8 promptly attended to in city or country. DR. R KOLDEWAY, YETKRIXARY SVR. (foon, Albany, Oretron Graduate of Ger man and Americrn uolleres. Tr. E. A. cAtisrr.B ffomtoPAmic mr J J aician and surgeon. Uwv removed his office into Crawford's block. All calls prompt ly attended to. TlRjO. A. WHITNEY, 1 HYSICIAK AKD XJ surpon. (..raduate of BelleTiie Hospi tal Medical Collepe, New Y'ork City. Diseases of women a specialty. Office in Frt man's brick, Albany Oregon. VI OTICE IS HEREIfYIGIVEN T'JAT PRO JLl perty owners are- required by ordinance to cut down ann rcrnor all thistles and ob noxious weeds growing upon their premise", and upon the st.-eet ad joining thereto, within the city limits of Aib.my, 1 hose fail in i to do so will - e liable to a fine of (5, By order of the city marshal, J, M. HOFFMAN ALBAST, JrNB 23, 18K9, H EWERT. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKE , and Jeweler, A"ny, Oreifon, ATTOBSKVS.' ME. BRINK, ATTORKEY-AT-LAW AND justice of tho peace. Crawford's block, Albany, Oregon. n. . h. Black burx. o. w. Wright. BLACKRL'ltN, i WRIGHT ATTORNEY AT Law, Albany, Oregon. Office in Odd bellow's Temple. ' K ill practice in all courts of the state, and give special attention to all business ioTverYo1harlese. ATTORNEY IT at Law, Albany, Or. OfBce in rooms 13 and 14, Foster's iilock, over L. S. Blain'a stor . T K. WEATIIOKFORD, ATTORNEY AT J . law, Albany, Oregon. Office in Odd Fellow"s Temple. Will praet in all the courts of thestate, and give special attention to all business. Land tiurrcyiBE. PARTIR8 DK3IRISO 8t.RV8TI.SO DOKI CAN Ob tain accurate and prompt work by callinsr upon ex-county surveyor F, T. T. Fisher. He lias complete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepare 1 to do surveying in any part of Linn county. Postoffice address, MilltTd Station, Linn cou ity, Oregon. CI5. WINN, .tOEXT FOR THE LEAH- I in fire, life and. accident insurance i out- ' i pan ies. j J lor Krul. FLT.N: -HKi ROOMS TO IU XT. AT UK ) Cuv Ib.'tti.uraiit.. i Sirs,l!i "5 He tor si!e. t ;(! bi I'i'I.V ) FIRM' v LASS .' i!:a;t- tjV ;,.r t.lf t "1-e l.s-'.t- I ii k mid -i I ..-i ! '"'. ' r, f Knox 1 I'.'ittc . . ! t-i:'c-rj " .'.riff i'f; : ' A .' I.,! i i -a ii. i 0ER ) FIRE ON SHIPBOARD . The Hawaii Swamped at Sin Francisco to Prevent Burning A FliltiKTKl'L HOLOCAUST. Twj Children Ea n.d to Desth-Spstttd Ttvur Scjnrgc. !in Kentucky-Did Lilhau Rnisell Elope? The HSRALB8 Special Dipatt'hw. San Francisco, Nov. 15. A fire was discovered this morning on the steamer Hawaii, which was lying at the Oceanic deck ready to sail lor Honolulu to day. The steamer had a full cargo, including much valuable merchandise in tended for the Christmas trade at Honolulu. She was at once towed to Mission dock and the fire extin guished by swamping her on the mud flats' The extent of the damage is not known, but it will probably be heavy. The Hawaii was formerly named the Del Norte, and was recently purchased by the Wildon Steamship Co. of Honolulu for $30,000. She was intended for the inter-island trade. THE KNIHTS OF LABOR. Brave ATrlg from Grand Vaster T. V. Pawderly. Atlanta, CGa.) Nov. 15. The Itnighta of L-abor committee on law resumed its report immediate ly after tho convention was called to order to-day, and continued un til the hour arrived when the com mittee from the committee from the Farmers' Alliance was to be re ceived. They appeared headed bv President Livingstone, who Baid he felt sure when the convention met at St. Louis on Decembet 3d, a confederation would be formed, and would be really beneficial to both their ends. In Powderly's replv he thanked God for this day aid said the day when the farmer and merchant could Btond side by side and work for the same object had always been tWe dream of his life. The entire ineet-ng was verv entbusias tic and cverv ment'.on of confeder ation was met with tumultuous ap plausi. 11IK KAII.KOADS, The Latest (Iteport of tli I'nion raclfic Combinations. Chicago, Nov. 15, A ten years agreement was entered into in this city to-day between the Allen road and the Kansas Pacific branch of the Union Pacific, covering freight and passenger business to all points between Chicago and the Pacific coast, the Union Pacific to fix the east bound rates and Allen the west bound. It goes into effect March 1, next. Boston, Nov. 13. President Adams said to-day in regard to the reports concerning the Union Pa cific and Denver, Texas and Fort Worth : "There is nothing to give out." SPOTTED 1'ETEK SCOURGE. 1'eople ia Kentucky Threaten to Desert their Home. Hopkinsville. JKv.j Nov. 1". Great excitement lire vails in Web ster cou ty over the appeaianceof the terrible spottea lever scourge that raged in that connty last win ter. A number of new cases are repo-ted from valleys surrounding Dixon, all being the same disease in the most malignant form. Ev prvthinir noK.eihlfi in hein? done to - j r- r mj - p prevent its spread, and keep terri fied eople from deserting their homes, as they; did la6tyear. SWEET LILLIAK RUBS EL. Her Father. Denies the Report TbatShe-has Eloped. Chicago, Nov. 15. C. E. Leonard, Lillian Russell's father, says she did not elope. She had a severe cold And followed the physi cian's advice in deciding not to appear on the 6tago. He went with her to the train. It is rumored in theatrical circles, how ever, that sho gone to New York to meet .N. C. Sanford. a yoang club man, with a $200,000 yearly income. BURNED TO DEATH. Two Children Hoot Death by Viar- ing With Matches. Danbury (Conn;), Nov. 15. Two children of Robert Hennessy, in the absence of their mother to day, while playing with matches set fire to Iheir clothing and were burned to death. All Showed Their Diploma. Boston, Nov. 15. Since the board of dental examiners was ap ixinted subsequent to an act of the legislature of February 12, 1882, that board of officials has granted certificates to 147 dentists. A member of the board said this morning that every reputable den tist in the state has appeared before the board, either to pass an exam ination, .show his diploma or prove that he was practicing in the state pievious to the passage of the act. Marion Crawford's Prize. Paris, Nov. lo. Th' Frcmh academy has awarded u prize Marion Crawford, author. to. A new invoicf of Cr;tal 1'akir.g Powder just received by F. L. Kcmoii. A handsome priz goes v. ill: each can. Price off. FOGHORN OR BELL? Experiments to be Made to Peter mine AYhicu is the Mere Desirable Washington, Nov. 14. The steamer Dispatch, Lieutenant Cowles commanding, will go down Chesa peake bay next week, t carry on a series of experiments as to the most desi 'able sound signals for sighting vessels in a fog or in heavy weather. The result of the experiments will be communicated to the international marine conference for their informa tion, The question upon which there is a difference of opinion is, which is the most de6irahle instrument, the foghorn or the bell? The confetvnee committee on eonud signal will pro bably witness the experiments. Self-control. A uiau w ho would be a eutlcrrun and a woman who would be a lady must learn nel' -control; must spend much of thtiir time iu thinking of unit for wthhrti; iniibt uvoiJ doing nia-y things which would c. dia.T:e-all? to oth(-r; muht cultivi-P! lln'inclvts in irany ways which will make them agrecaM to others. The study and the cultivation of the science of sacial He, even in its minor details, is not unprofitable. It gets rid of the ooarscr and ruder forms of selfishness; it makes people study bow to make themselves agreeable to their fellows, and the mere it reveals itself the more we discover its purpose, and that in reality not a single minutiae of all the forms et even etiquete itself, which sometimes appear so tedious, but has its basis in a real need or purpose; and if our present condition or more imperative requirements do not per mit of strict attention to tbetn let us not despise or undervalue them on that account, but cultivate the graces and amenities to which they are closely allied eo far as we can, so that it ..hall be seen that what we omit is the result of discriminating judgment or bard necessity, not of ignorance. Jeff Davit Seriously 111. Vickseurg, Miss., Nov. 14. In formation was received in this city to-day that ex-President Jefferson Davis is seriously ill at his Briertield plantation, in Davis bend, twenty miles below Vicksburg, and his re latives have been telegraphed for, Special Notice. Owing to a misunderstanding re garding the school hours, Mrs. Mead and Miss Starbuck the teach ers of the select and kindergarten school in the W. C. T. U. hall, wish to sav their session is from a. m. to 4 r. m., also thev have received a large and fine assort mcnt of kindergarten materia1, and give instructions daily in common school studies and kindergarten work. Also music lessons given Jrce to each pupil if desired. Terms fifty cents per week. Mrs. Mkad, Miss, Stariutk Notice to Our I'atroim. Crawford & Paxton wish to say that the opposition has been with drawn and they will not take any more cheap photographs. P.ut will make all who call firsi-c!as work at reasonable prices. Respectfully yours, Crawford & Paxton. Astoria. Lots in the north addition to As toria; price $45 each on the install ment plan, or. a discount for ca6h. Thjese lots are selling rapidly in Portland and other cities. I am authorized to 6ell but a few blocks and it will pay yoo to call early and get your choice. E.G. Beards ley,' Ileal Estate Agent, Broadalbin street, Albany. Teacher's Kxanaiifotioa. , Notice is hereby given that' the next regular public examination of teachers for Linn county 1 will be held in Albany. coaiTnencing at noon on Wednesday,: Nov, 27, and, continuing until .Friday noon i All teachers desiring examination will pleasi be present at the commence ment. L: Mk Ci'RL, Co. ftchool upt. Honey to Loan. At a low rate of interest on good farm property in Linn county, or on best imnroved citv nronertv in Albany. Apply to Blackbrrn & Wrignt, loany, Oregon. Piles! Piles! Plies! ; Dr William's Indian Pile ' Ointmem is the only sure cure for blind, bleed ing or itching piles ever discovered It never fails to cure old cases of long standing, W ' ltJ-. ll'JUIJIIl , , omj D . "Dr William's Indian Pile Ointmet cured me after years of suffering." i) ucl sre t olhnburv. Cleveland, O, savs "I nave ound by experience that lr. Willian's Indian Pile Ointment jrive immediate and permanent relief." We have hundreds of such testi monials. Do not suffer an inslaat loneer. Sold bv druirirists at 50 aud $1 per box. Sold by Foshay i Mason, AiDany, Oregon. Why lTomen Fade Women lose their beauty because colds undermine their life. Dr AtUr'a English Kcmedy for consump tion is hn absolute cure for colds. Dnrno'K Catarrh Snuff. Sure cure for 6ore eve6, tlcafnes, bcadnche, and the worst forms of eatarru in the head and throat. Price 25 cents. SoM by Foshay t Mason, Aibar.y, Oregon. ScixKorfi. Shears. Immense stock at Stewart oz Sox's. Ihe best quality and any size or style. Call and examine our stock. Stewart & Sox. About :50tt.C(l0 telephones ars in r.se in the United States. A NOVEL ADYEKTISIXG SCHEME 100,000 a Tear for the Backs of V Postaje Stamps. " New York, Nov. 14. W. J. Arkell, the pioprietor of Judge, has on to t rather a unique scheme fur advertising, lie thinks that hecuuld afford to j ay the government i the United States $100,000 a year for the privilege of using the Lacks of poutac stamps for advertisiug purposes, liar ing satisfied himself as to the safety of the offer by interiiews with nino of the best aditimi'a in tiiis aii the old country, The attorney for r' rll proceeded to Washington. "I en suited the postmaster general n'.'.rd ing the matter." but he feared I'.; at the statutes would stand iu the wy and prevent any such hale, lie de cided to examine into the mattt r aud see what could be done, however." Arkell's iilea is to print some adver tisemeu.ofa rcpuratilc house on a certain part of tuc stamp lor a certain time, or .u all during ft limited period, and toilow this up by printing anutker advertisement tor another poiiod. The advertisement will be printed iu delicate colored ink before the stamps are gummcil, and the result would be that every user of postage stamps would have the opportunity to rend something on its back before he licked it. Arkell will leave for Washington to-morrow, and will make a formal offer of $100,000 a year for a perma nent contract. SECRET SOCIETIES. The Baa Against Them Rentct by tho Congress. Baltimore, Nov. 13. The Sun to morrow will say: Probably th mott radical thing that transpired through the assembling of the first Cn1- lie congress is in regard to secret 60c'-' s. The Catholio Church has long dm- re garded as the implacable foe of o-t-ry society without its own pale, it now appears that the ban of the church is to be lifted absolutely from every sort of secret organization ex cept the Masonic order That the objoctionsto the Masonic brothi rb .id will auo be raised is canndentl ex pected by those iu the secret, ai l it is said to be only a matter of Uvtdvc months or so before any man may openly avow himself a member t the ancient order of Free and Accepted MasonB as well as a faithful meml er of the Catholic Church." Crona fan Be Prevented. "We want every mother to kno-' -l'?t croup con be prevented. 1 here is no question about this ; as it has ' - n done in thousands of cases, am! ; r may depend upon it that when ti - : 'ld takes tte crouD it is wholly wing- to the negligence ofits parents. True croup never appears without due Mid timely warning; a few hours or u .Ij or two before the attack, the chi '.e comes hoarse. This henrsrnees L- '.h first indicatioi of croup, and i a re sign that cioup is to follow, un'-s promptly and proacily treated. T'io free nso of Chamberlain'6 !' -Kemedy as directed with each b -"le, wider the heading"Toprcventcrnllf,', will dispel all symptoms of the dis ease. This f rst sign of coup, hoar.-e-aess, may be overlooked by joua; mothers or those not familiar with tho disease. Under such circunt. stances, or when aot properly treated, the fcoarseaess becomes more marked, aid tbe child shows shows symptom oi uavio uken com, men a peculiar, rrugh roujrh is developed. Een at tkis siago C'JiJtnberlain's Cough Rem edy will nrsvent the croup, but aftor the cough ha deveioptd the ere- p is liable to appear at anr moment. The proper way is to keep a bottle of this remedy at band, it costs but 50 rent, aid only a few doss, or at most not over a third of a bottle, is required to iispei all symptoms of tbe discaso. Cfea you afford to risk so much for so littleT' Tkere is not the least danger in jrlvins; this remedy io large and f request dors, which are alwa s re quired, as it-contaiis no injurious sabstance. A proof of this fact wo refer to Jokn L. Olon.of Des Moines, whose f8-monts-o:d hot diani ike oitio cosfte it f a 50 cent hot of Chamherlain'a courh remedy wi bout tho lout iajary. 'Certainly it do the baby-vomit very freoJy ; but fier takhig a itp ks would have been a lad. io nave a.anK anotner oottro . f aa remedy; as be liked it. ' A simils sUaeo oecorred neat Valley tp' iin, Dakot. , Mrs, Mattie JohasonV year-eld daughter, Anaie, drank uK hotUe of tbe remedy witLouc ii ry. Tbia remedy has been tho so' re liance of thousands of mother for crcuo, aad especially as a prev tivo lor Biaav yearss, and has sever ea known to fall. It is also inval - lo for colds and whooping-cough, or sals hy Voshay di Ma30c. Somethlag Slee. Wo have just received a V el of guine GermaH saur krant -o grakani flour in bulk, and Ot m leal lard in bnlk. Willau '- Packing Co. What eaa we reasen hat for what we 1 t Brewnell sells roods because his prie. w Brines him the custom. Other bra d We But he tbe gooes ae sell, that all allow The largest etoclr of watcke tke city at Will & Starks. Fountain pens at Will & Sta Eleoaal Lotion, k k Holida s riKI D1SPLAT OF FANCY GOOD Chinese dishes, Japanese cn ities,and novelties of all kinds been opened at the Japanese B. Store of the Kwong V.'aCoe opposite the new Masonic: Tci The led ies are invited to tali inspect these fine ho!ii.-.v :ooi o r d jr-ro t than i:i Poitiard. S-' 1 V. v V.' .1,' Jr.- t : i I." - - V