IK 15 CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1889. VOL. XV. NO. tb I M PORTANT ANNOUNCKM BNT OF THE PORTLAND BRANCH. 1ST IE "W" AND SEOOBD MB Furniture, Stoues and Bedding, Tinware, Hardware, Crockery. Etc., Ftc.l If e wish to call the attention of tie puhhe to the fact that we have nio;e thai, doubled our stock in all its department, .. : .-.v to tin- front with one of the largest and most seiest stock.- ever brought to Albany. The fact that we have done au immense bMiii ver .V,:r ..,(... here is a sulncient proof that our pru-.es defy ..-unp. i.rion ai.d we cannot U undersold. H e invite everybody to visit our stole, eximme ..ur i.,.!, and compare our prices before you make jour purchase, and we cnarantee to ave ym, twenty-flve cents on every dollar's worth you buy of .. j- .. . j. iiun JKespeoLlully Yours, Highest task priee paid for second hand furniture and stoves.? SPECIAL AOTlt'E. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal College of London, England, also of the Kellc ue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of study and practice and makes a spe cialty of chronic diseases, removes cancers, scrofula enlargements, tumors and wens, without paiD or the knife, lie also makes a specialty of treat ment with electricity. Has practii ed in the German French and English hospitals. Calls promptly attended day or night. His motto is "GOOD WILL TO ALL." firOffico and residence Ferry street, between Third and Fourth. Bakery ! .A rCU. STOCK OK.. St,apJt3 Gri-oeenes Crockery, Glaswarc, Tlnliest quality of taa, cofri. nnili.;!, uutf , f tr. CANDIES, NUTS FRESH BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY'. At Uii aid reliable hsuso is alo lo fcc found a eoin(!rtc RSortmect of 'renli f.nnily ffrocencs, to which is eonstaptly hii.ir Uel all thp scasonalile line? of groctrito and ;rr. vuions. such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order, Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts. Eastern Buckwheat Flour. Canned Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, TTiase good were all bourht 'when pritei wera law and the beneflt.of the margin "W be given to his customers. Remember the pl, at ike o'.4 enrnar en liratand BroaJaihin St. t. ii. nu Frepriator af Albany Soda Works Ami aftuUttirr f.- dob - Coflfectione ry. We are saw preparae to farauH oheiae, fraph eanulei of bet fta.de', coasirtiar. of pure stik, amnrted flarora, mixed ndie, Str. Prcnrli anil ehcoIat cruna, fanay lied, cnrtT toys and a jtnerl anortaant t Ins eandiM AT QK KRTAII. ATOrdsrs from counter 4alr pramptlj at tended t. FacVory on Kirat at rest ALBANY OREGON RED CROWN MILLS I50M, LAKKIKG A 0., Preps, NEW PROCESS FLOTJRJ (Superier far Family aatl Bakrs vie) Best Storage Facilities. jfj-nifhes eaah prita paU far wheafCl ALBANY - OREGON The BUYERS GUIDE is i issued March and Sept.each year. It is an encyclopedia of useful information for all who purchase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can clothe you n furnish you with all the necessary and uniu cessary ap pliances tu lido, walk 'aiic, h-i-ji, eat, fish, hunt, work, go tn chun-b or stav at h'liiio, a;:d i:i vaiions r.?..n, styles ami ouantitu-s. -Just i:; lire nut what is ronuircd t T :i!l ti: so tilings C?MFOPJASLY. can make a r.-nr esTiii.:iti- of t!ia va!t:i! of t!ie Duvi:n;' cliidk, which win u- s-pv.t ui n riM -ijrfc of 10 iv:i's t pr.v i..utav. f,'0!iTCGMEHY. WARD . Cl l-lil Lr. Star Conrac Meyer. Ann fffin u jum: -OK ITS KIND Wioe IF". WISE & CO. S. K. YOUNG'S OLIi STAND. ALBANY, OK KG ON ,iKv .iiu in Buug u s,r.are your umo patraiuge in tue Tuture, we a Fall Kfej)ing pjiee rrith the SAMUEL lias opened for the Fall and Winter trad a lar ger assortment than ever before, and invites the spe cial attention of the people of Albanytand surround ing country to his mammoth. ii CONSISTING OF dry goods and notions. boots and shoe!, groceries, carpets of all kinds, oil cloths and lenolium-, window shacks, rORTIERS, LACE CI'HTAI'NS, Im fact'acoMpIeteft?sortMentj'of general merchan dise. His eatire building, includir, bttsement, first and second stries, is crowded full of metv joocls, bought direct from importers and manufacturers for the present tall and ninter trade; Inriich affords a stock t netr and fresh designs large enough tosu ply any want, and which will be seld as low as first class full ' weight gods ca lie bought anywhere in Oregon, ii" lamesm Lames pec Novelties of the Season. Tit public is cordially inyiteil to call anal inspect our iaagniifiently stocked display rooms. 188 & ow CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN. -DEALERS IN- Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron iron rtpes mid all ktnus of slumbnig Goods Afrvfsfor the Ce7ebrated ON TIM B "-i.ok.nvr .:!! Uniting Siovcs, t'i:o i vol.! in tlis .-it;, . (iivc them .i mil House IN Til K : are steady grotvth of Albany CLOAKS AND JACKETS, UNDERWEAR, KNIT GOODS, TABLE LINENS, FINE HOSIERY. KNITTING YARNS, ZEPHYRS, SAXONIES, I FINE AND 1 COMMON UMBRELLAS,"! it rv n i a fine dms liooos and Saltmarsh. and Coppertvetre, Pumps j .-.: !iio for the lea.t tnorrv -ve at I he I'ioic i;ioi-k.Nrouh'i";:s Valley ( Announcement. YOUNG ff 1 1889 iiODTS anil's OSS. 1 t f ITtunks i and Values, ' 1. f II I I 11 U7lL! cftienyjf ., 6'tf.'-.s. 7c. fe. li WItoE te CO. Absolutely Pure. This powp.cr rjevcr vanes. A marrti ot purity.strcnirtli sitkJ wboli-soiiieness. More !ciii;ciiii-:il tiiii:i t fie ordinary kinds, ami t.Tiiot lie sold in competi tion with multitude of low test, short weight ilium ru idiociih.itc Dowders Sold only in cms, Koyai, BakijP" "ow. Lfwis M, J(;iinmi:; t Co., Afftmts. I'ortland, Oreircin, f H. DAVIS, M. V. rilYSit'IAS AXO 1 f Miiii'ii. Cmi 1 1' ff -inn) at his ailice room ii. h r: Ii:n, ( k. I !rtt strut. A'ban 01 W. .MAVTOX. 1 MVSU IAX MMI J, ifion, Ali any, (rc:in M. II. I I.l.ls, I'liVMi IAX AXI SIHr C c ki:i.i.v l'iiviriiv wi i-ji. V. Ai! :.: , i rcni:. oific in I'k rev's new likn k. uitin.-.!i.i.rK, from h a. u. to 4 .1. l;u.-M I I I;, XK'il.lJIXAKV M'K i . L-coii, -railnatu of Or.tnrio vctf rinary coIli!"c mill im nil.i r r.f tl.e (ii'tario vi'ti rin- sry liiuviiiai wn u '.y, is jin j)rl to treat tlio uiscaH nt a:i din t 1 1. atul nn;niam on s-!ienti!i.; priinMiile. Ofl'uw nt Ans Marsball'ti livtiy siiil. Ie. l.'fsiiUiii i' 41 h ar.d t'jilii coin xt rutin, Ai'-anv, 4n-on. Dl!. I. V.'. ST A H If, PHYSICIAN AND Sur-eoti, lutenf l;rnwm.vilic, Or. Office in the Stnilian lV.n-ie Mock upstair in tl.e runr rm.ihs nu the main hall. C'ai 8 iraiitlv sue: ueu to m city or oouiitjy. TIt. It KOI.DKWA Y. VETERINARY SL'K. U peon, Aliany, Oregon --GnwJiuUa af GerJ man an.i Amcri;'n collejres. TAR. E. A. UcAmhtk namarATDio n If siciftii aiul rii jefin Hs rrnicYe' bin oftice into Crawfarrj alek.r All calls pi aa-rpt- ly attended ta. ; , . . i . , DR'G. A. WHITXfiY, PHYSICIAN AKft surgi-an. Graduate of liellevue Horpi tal Medrcal Collcse. New York City. Diiease. of women a sjieeialty. Office in Fromam'i brick, Albany Oregon. XI OTICK IS HEREBYIGIVIN THAT PRO; X perty owners are required by ordinanae to cut down aim remove all Unities and aU noxious weeds rowinjt upn-4heir premised, and upon ttie street adjoininthereto, within the city limit of Albany. 1 boas failing ta da sa will l e liable ta a fine af $6, By erder af the city marehal, J, N, HUFFMAN Albast, Jcua 28, 1&9, s H EWERT. PRAfTTIPAT. niTrumii , and jeweler, Albany, Oregea, ATTtin'ETS. ME. BRINK. ATTORNEY-AT LAW AND justice of the peace, i Crawford block, Albauy, Oregon. . it. a. x. Hlm kburx. n. w wrioiit. BLACKBCHN, t WRIGHT ATTORNEY AT Law, Albany, Oregon." office in Odd bellow's Temple. Aill practice in all couru oltlie state, and give special attention to all business. liroi.vpiJTov rir a or re b a n.nn..nn at Law, Albany, Or. Office in rooms 18 and 14, Foster's Block, over L. . Blain'i T K. WEATHORt'ORD,' ATTORNEY AT tJ . 'aw, Ainany, Oregon .Office in Odd Fellow's Temple. Will pract -.in all the tourts oi tnesiaie, ana (tiva special atteotion to all hiiRiness. Lawl tarTt?yIaa;. PARTIES DKSIRIXO SIT.VIYIXO DORR CAB S tain accurate and prompt work by callinr upon cx-county aurveyoi F, T. T. Fisher. He hascomplete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepare I to do surveying in any part of Linn county. PostoSicc address, Millers Station, Linn cou ity, Oregon. WIXX. AGENT- FOR THE LEAD J in;j (ire, life :.nl an-irii r.t iiiturance eoin panies. tnr ttt'lll. 11!'ii."ISi!EP IHIOJ City Pe.-tattrai.f. n;.'it.VISi!EP ItOOMS TO It I. NT. AT Vlti: ITain I lie for sale ;.' '; -'!-;.v ot' FIRST -f.SS I .: t: '. ! ,- r. , .- ;l,e I l.rlek ..ill.!'. ; : Mi.fti ft-ir " i 4kP THE ELECTIONS. Latent trcn the States East cf the Sockies. THE l)K.U(i('KATS AltK UAPl'Y. A Scuce Bordering on Terror in VirginaiL SUhoae Arrested Mach Eicitemeat. THE VHiClMA KI.KtTION. Democrats Wl'l Carry (ha State by Thirty Thousand. Ihe Herald's Special Dispatches.) Richmond, Va., Noy. G. Re turns from two-thirds of the state 6hcw lare democratic gains in everv section. The gains now ex ceed30,000 orer the vote of 18S3. The democrats will Have a two thirds niajoritj- on joint ballot in the legislature. AN KJLECTION FIGHT. Mahoue Arrested for AoHa.lt Wit j Intent tt Kill. Petersburg, Va., Nov. 9. A scene bordering on terror took place in front of the Mahone resi dence last evening. About 11 o'clock a mob of drunken men came down the street firing off rockets and roman candles and shooting. VVhen ' they reached Mahone's residence they ' halted and fired their rockets against the door accompanying their action by deresive remarks and shouting for llahone. "Come out! Come out! Dare him to show his fac!" cried the ringleaders. Seizing a double-barrelled shot gun, loaded with buckshct, Ma hone opened the front door, and the butler, Mahone and a number of his friends went out. For a time it seemed as if there wculd be bloodshed, as it was understood that revolvers were freely displayed. Charles N. Ro main, a dealer in fireworks, was at the head of the crowd, and shout ing to Mahone, lie cried : "Shoot! shoot!" The crowd shouted again de risively, and poured a vl!;y of fireworks toward the house. By this time it was discovered that one of the paiticipants in hu fireworks had been shot, and ,he mob left. About midnight the chief of police appeared with warrants sworn out by Romain, charging Mahone with assault with intent k'U one llanison. Mahone was held in .L.")flO bail, which wa fur nished. Mahone said the gun which he was holding ax the time when the crowd appeared was not loaded. UKTIRXS FKUIl IOWA. The Entire Democratic State Ticket Kiected by 10,000 Majority. Ch.cago, Nov. G. A social dis dispatch from Des Moines. Iowa, at 1 :'o0 a. M-, to the Herald says: The republican state committee concede the election of Roiesv by from 50(10 to 8000 plurality. Latest returns show the election of the entire democratic state ticket by a majority probably exceeding 10, 000. A dispatch to the Tribune, rep., admits that if the gains so far are kept up the republicans are de feated. KATIN-O HlTlt AN FLESH. Solaaaoa Islanders Satiate Their Appetites on an Englishman. Melbourne, Not! 6. The can nibals of Solomon Island murdered and -devoured an i Englishman narned Nelsdn and 'three ? native boys. ; Learning of the massacre the cautain -of ' the-British cruiser Royal-proceeded to the-' scene and the mare&aionsr the coast. The natiTes- fled to' the1 hills. Other cases of cannibalism tin the islaud are reported. f - i. - THE i ELECTION IN OHIt. I Feraker Defeated for Gevaraor Tb Lesislatar Democratic. Columbus, Ohio JCot. ' 6. The republican state committee at' 1 1 r. h. concedes the election of Camp bell, and admits the legislature to be democratic in both branches. Governor Foraker has tele graphed his congratulations to Campbell. A KEMABKABLK DUEL. How the Re. If r. Bowman Downed a Desperado. Atlanta, Cx, JournaL ' This seems to be a year of duels," said Dr. Morrison oi the t irst Metho dist Church to an Atlanta Journal re porter, "but I notice there's far more duels than blood. It reminds me of a fare on s duel fought in Kentucky in 1848. "Bill Bowman was n noted preacher who lived near Millcrsburg. He was a typical Keutuckiau, tall, angular ami muscular. Like Sam Jones, he a!vrassaid wlrat he thought. In the dst of a revival meetini; a well- known tu-gpt-rado walked into the i t i t t-iiii vii ana ueau ina"iiii,' a tiisturo aiue. With eyes flusliin with in- ili;;natio.i Bill Bowman aroF.c ami in a rii.inj; voic i uli'icly n jirovew the :esi i liido, wiii r.t i !!(.(.' :-.tireil irvin v!:ii church. The lmxt mi ruing the desperado .-i lit a i;ii;i!len'e to lj.r.vni:i!i to ripht r-iii: a tiii'.l. Dowma:: .-o.-.- to ' the challenge, and there was no four column newspaper correspondence, no railroad trips to an adjoining State, nothing but two little notes one a challenge and the other an acceptance and then all was ready tor the fight. The town was terribly excited, tor such a tiling as a prejner ngur.ng a duel had nercr be ui heard ot he fore. "Old Bill Bowman beins the chal lenged man had the cho;ce of weapons. He selected a half-bushel of lush potatoes as big as his tisfc for each man acd slipulaLcd that his oppt nsnt must stand fifteen paces distant and only one patato at a time to be taken fro,n the measure. The town was wild with del;2;ht, for everybody knew that Bill Bowman could throw with h's long muscular arms as st.ai-ht and almost as swift as a title could send a bullet sit gicg toward the tai-fcet. 4Tlte desperado was farious at be ing thus freshly insulted and made an indignant protest agaiuet such alight, but Kill Bowman insisted that he was the challenged man and had a right to chjose bis own weapons and threatened to denounce the dttper.do a a ceward if he failed to c me to time. As there was no way out of the box but to tight, the desperado finally consented to face the preacher. "The fight took place n the out skirts of the town. Everybody in Millersburg was present to see the fun, The seconds arranged 'the two men in position , by the side of each being a half-bashel measure filled with hrge Irish potatoes as hard as a brick. "Bill Bowman threw the first potato. It struck his opponent a central shot and flew into a thousand pieces. A yell of delight went up from the crowd, which rattled the desperado and his potato flew wide of the tall, bony preacher. "Bill Bowman watched his chance, aud every time his opponent stooped for a potato another one hit him in the 6ide. leaving a f j spot on his clothes aud then scattering itself to the four winds of heayen. Old Bill hit the) desperado about five times, and then the sixth potato struck him in the short ribs, knocking tbe wind completely out of him, and doubling him up on the grass. "The people were almost erazy with lausrhter, but Bill liowman looked as sober as if he had just finished preaching a funeral sermon. The desperado was takeu home and put to bed, and there he staid for more than a week Dcfore he recovereit from the effects ot his Irish potato duel. "The old men in Millersburg still talk about that celebrated ihitl, but it was the means of breaking up duel ing in that Bection." ODl AND INTERESTING. Senator-elect Pettigrew, of South Dakota, is only just oyer -10 years old. Uittori.-.n Bancroft says that lon gevity will come to a man who kcci s his temper. Isabella, the i x-Queeu of Spai, has entered her Dlkh year, in good health and spirits. Mrs. Harrison recently remarked that she docs not want her husband to receive a second terai of the presi dency. B. T. Babbitt, the well-known aoap manufacturer, who dhd in New York Sunday, leares a fortune f 55,000.000. Mr. Kendal, the famous E:iglhh actor, carries a typical' Euglish with him on his travels. It is rubber, ai.d is strapped to his trunk while en route. Emperor William has suggested that t.very high school in 4iermaoy should he equipped with a pbonogra) h as a sort f vocal ' mh"ivr,,: in whhh the speakers can. perceive their own vocal 'imperfections. Navy officers are laughing at Com mander J. G. Walker because he recently - had ' a nomber ef United States flags made for the new cruisers, and forgot to have forty-two stars put in them instead of thirty-eight as cere tofore. Sir Frederick ' Young, who ia over 70 yeora old. tu -rerahieeptd London after one "of r;the - 'most v Tialarkfcble journeys ever midev by; a man faf his ace a SoUth "African " tour that covered i 6,000 'miles. He was not sick a day-' during - his absence from home. W hi tela w Reid, onr Minister at Paris, speaks good 'French, yet be prefers to 'use his native tongue as much as possible in France. He recently said to a triend: "You'll never catch me trying French when I can make the Ohio dialect serve my parpose. Dr. Chauncey M. Depew is not at all afraid that this country-will be overcrowded througn the rush of immigration. - lie says that "the area of arable acres ia the, United Slates ia 20 per cent larger than that of China, which supports a population of nearly lour hundred millions. ' California atK-Cnre, The only guaranteed cure for catarrh cold in the bead, bay fever, rose cold, catarrhal deafness and sore eyes. .Re store the sense of taste and unpleasant breath, resulting from catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow directions and a cure is warranted, by all drug gist. Send for circular to Abictioe Medical Company, Oroyille, CL Six months' treatment for $1; seat by mail. $1 10, For 6ale by Fothav a Mason. Money Lo Loan. Monev to loan at a low rate of interest, on improved farm and city property, in sums of $200 to Y 10,000. 1-or particulars call on Rurkhart it Malin, Real Estate Agents. Tho largi'sl stock of gloves i-vr-r shown in Albany at A". F. Read g. OVERTAKEN BY FATE. The Punishment Visited Upon the Murdering Benders. CHIME SHOWS ITS UGLY FACE. laken Fortli From Tbrir H&nnts K;died Wuh BnlUts-The Bcdies Left to ifcj WoItm. Los An;ei.is, Nov. 5. N. Coberly, now a laborer of this city, tells a re markable story of tho fate of the famous Bender family of Kausas, and claims that he was one of the hundred vigilantes who haunted down the Benders, and after riddliug thtm with bulltts left their bodies nnburied on the hillside, t. be devoured by wild beat ts. Coberly states that in 1 872 he was constable of Havana township, Mont gomery count)', Kas., where the Sen ders lived and kept a tavern. The lar?e number of mysterious murders in the vicinity caused ihe citizens to organize a vigilance committee. Several suspicious characters were ar rested, but finally young Bender was taken into custody and confessed that his people had murdered a prominect citizen by tbe namo of York. In re lating the circumstances of the cap ture of the Bender family, Coberly said: "Young Bender was taken to the banks of Dunn creek, not far dis tant, and the vigilantes proceeded co ward the Bender tavern. I didn't fro with the party to the creek,-but no body ever saw young Bender after that. At the tavern, the old couple and Kate wero secured, and then gan the search. Thirteen bw es, including that of York, were exhumed in the orchard. One of these wr.s that of a child, buried with its mur dered father, and the little one had evidently been entamcd alive, a small feather pillow having been placed over its face with the evident inten tion of smothering its cries while dirt ' was being heaved npon it. After the search was cuucluded and the mode of killing explained, namely, placing ihe victim seated with his back to the cloth partition, and then striking his head, outlined there, with an ax. Old man Bender, the old woman and Kate were loaded iutj their own wagon and headed south. I was one of the one hundred and sixty men who followed aud surrounded that wagon. Reaching Rocky hill, ncaa Cole creek, in a barren, desolate region a few miles from the Bender tavern, the team was halted, aud 100 bullets whizjed through the air and the three demons were literally rid dled with balls. Th-sir bodies were not buried. They were thrown among the rocks on the hillside, where wolves p rot ablv fed upou them. "The vigilantes took a back tracV. All were sworn to secrecy. No in vestigation of the case was ever made by Kansas authorities, but you can rest assuredjthat th3 Bonder family Will never again be heard of in this world. Next spring three more bodies of murdered men were found in Dunn creek, and, all told, it is be lieved the Benders killed seventeen peop'e. including the child that was buried alive. Crenp Can Be Prevented. We wunt every mother to know that croup con tie prevented. There is no question about this ; as it lias been (lone in thousands of rases, and you may depend upon it that when a cnild take tbe ctoud it is wholly .owing to the neglige nre of Jits parents. True croup never appears without due and timely warning; a few hours or a day or two before the attack, the chiid be comes hoarse. This hoarseness is the first indication of croup, and is a sure s;gn thxf croup is to follow; unless promptly and proneily- treated. Tho free -use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as Greeted with each bottle, nndcr the heading "To prevent croup," will dNpel all Symptoms of the uis ease.'"' Thi first signot coup, hoarse ess, nay be1 overlooked by - youhe -mothers or' those hot familiar with tnedieerfBe. Under such cirenm staneesr. or 'when not property treated, the hoarseness becomes more marked, and the Child ebVws shows symptoms of bavin taken cold, then a . peculiar, rrugh cough is developed. Even at this st Cham berlaih'a Cough Rera edywilj prevent the. cronpr but after tbe cough has developed the crei p is liable to appear at any moment. The proper way it to keep a bottle -of this remedy at hand, K cost bat 50 cents, and only a few doses, or at most not over a third of a bottle, is required to dispei all symptoms of the disease, Caa you afford to risk so much for t o little There is Set the least' danger in feiving this remedy in large -ans. frequent doses, which are always re quired, as it contains no injurious substance. As proof of this fact we refer to John Li Olson, of Dcs Moines, whose 18 months-o'd boy drank the entie contents of a 60 cent bottlf of Chamberlain's cough remedy without the least injury. Certainly it made the baby vomit very freely; but after taking a nap he would have been glad to have d:ank another bottle of the remedy, ts he liked it. A similar - in stance occurred near Valley Sprints, Dakote. Mrs, Mattic Johnson's two. year-old daughter, Annie, drank a full bottle of the remedy without inj'-ry. This remedy has' been the sole re. liance of thousands of mothers for crcup, and especially as a preventive lor manT yearss, and has never been known to fail. It is also invalua lc for colds and whooping-cough, or sale by Foshay & Mason. Bloney to Loan. At a low rate of interest on rood iarm property in Linn counlv- or on best Improved city property in Aiuany. Appiy to tflaekbrrn & Wright, Albany, Oregon. Beautiful ribbons are arriving the features of the season. Wc haw an immense -lock isnd hove rcuMri ; rl:;:- - ... w V. Kc:i.l. 7