Z' V." ' j ' 15 CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY, OHEGON, WEDNESDAY, Is'OVEMUEIi (, VOL. 1V.NO. 286 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEM ENT AND SECOiiD HAND furniture, Stoves and v 'I Bedding, Tinware, . Hnrrimnre Crockery. ere., ftC-i -ith iL . i hi U : attention of the publi. to the faut that wf have more than doubled our stock in all its department. u...l e are now to the front r?.f . r ? n,0SVe'ect ltocJ.er brought to Albany. The fact that we have done an immense business ever m, our owning here is a f tUr PnCe8 ly l0,I,Pe1t,t,0n antl cannt,t undersold. He invite everybody to visit our store, examine g....,i and compare our W b,, 1 , f J Pn?h"eB nd WC, "aptee to vc ou twenty-five cents on every dollar's worth you buy of us. Ire TnartK Vflll tnr Vfilir Tine rififrni..na r..l 4n.: . , , . J J J t,. .uu iiuouijjj i t,naie your Kina patrantge m the tutur, we are Respectlully Yours, "Highest sash prices paid for second hand furniture and stoves." SPECIAL AOTIt'E. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal College of London, England, also of the Belle- Tue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of study and practice and makes a spe cialty of chronic diseases, removes cancers, scrof ila enlargements, tumors and wens, without pain or the knife. He also makes a specialty of treat ment with electricity. . Has practi ed in the German French and English hospitals. Calls promptly attended day or night. J lis motto is "GOOD WILL TO ALL." HTOffice and residence Ferry street, between Third and Fourth. Star Bakery A FILL STOCK OF Staple Groceries Crockery, Glassware, The best 'juulity of tea, colfcis. camliis, auto, f tc. CANDIES, NUTS FRESH BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY. At thi oM reliable hou?e is alo to be found a complete assortment of freMi faaiily groceries, to tthier is constantly Lii.fr added All the seasonable line? of groceries anil pro visions, such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order, Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts. Eastern Buckwheat Flour. Canned Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, .' . . . - r, TV Mm (.Mula wr ftll hAn)tt vhn lrlrM weralaw and the benefit ot tbe margin. will be given i nis runomers. lumemner inepiHC, at the nlH aorner n First and Broaialbia Eta. F. II. . rroprieaor af. Albany Soda Works Aat aonfacrarar af-- Choice Confectionery. WaareBft prepare to furaiah cheiaa, fraah tanales of beet graie, eoaiistinf of lavre stiek, assorted flavors, mixed candle, Xtra JFrcnch and chocolate araama, fanar lied, candy toys and a general aortaent ot One candies AT .TfalI.C8ALB QB KRTAU. AyOrders from counter dealers pramptlj at tended t. Factory on Kirat streek ALBANY OREGON RED CROWN MILLS lM. LASXIXG at CO., Prpi, NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Superiar for Family aad Baker's use) Best Siorap Facilities , fcTUichesk eaah priaa paid far wheatU ALBANY - OREGON The BUYERS' GUIDE i I issued March and Sept.each j year. It is an encyclopedia of useful information for all ' who purchase the .uxurics or the necessities of life. We can clothe you n furnish you with all the.neci'ssary and unnecessary ap pliances to ride, walk -lanop, tlei-p, eat, fish, hunt, work, to church or stay at homo, and in vatious' b:zc8, style3 ami quantities. .Just tij.ure out what is re'iniifvl t; do a!l thv.-e tlrngs COMFORTABLY. yu - ' make a t-iir estimate of the value f the BUYERS' CUIDK. which will It font upon receipt of 10 cents to i :w pettae. MONTGOMERY, WARD &. CO!, 1 ! 1 1 i Ji'.!':-.n Avenuj 'mo . . I Conrax PFEIFFER, OF THE PORTLAND BKAKCH. lie b -OF ITS KIND e :b wise & co. Si j. YOUNG'S OLD stand Fall Keeping pjiee "vrith tlie SAMUEL Has opened for the Fall and Winter trade a lai -gey assortment than ever before, and invites the spe cial attention of the people of AlbanyLand surround ing country to his mammoth. ILL and fflfflR STOCK ! consist dry goods anb notions. boots and shoes, groceries, Carpets of all kinds. oil cloths and lenoliums, window shades, portiers, lace curtaiks, Ii fact ii-coMpleteiassortntentJof general merchan dise. His entire building, including basement, first and second stories, is crowded full of, aew goods, bought direct frowi importers and manufacturers for the present fall and winter trade, wliich affords a stock ot new and fresh designs large enough to sup ply any want, and which will he sold as low as first class full weight goods cam he bought anywhere in Oregon. Specialties ft Ladies Novelties of the Season. Tko pub'jio is cordially inyitefl to call and inspect our i&agnifieentiy stocked display rooms ' liiik k 18 owns CHEAPEST PLACE IN TO WW. -DEALERS IN- Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron Agents for the Cieuratert ON TIME y tik'?'-' -"I'l IL-utin Slovc.-, tli.- -i.i in t-iiv. tiivi' ttieni a fi .-trect. .Mb:ir.y, ()ro.!.'o:i. House IX Till: Hi' Valley ! ALBANY, ORKOON stead y growth of Albany Lisra of- CLOAKS AND JACKET?, UNDERWEAR, KNIT GOODS, TABLE LINENS, FINE HOSIERY. KNITTING YARNS, ZEPHYRS, SAXONIES, i fine and 'common umbrellas,, Fine h ti it li j S: ana (Joppcrware,ruims . !. - stove lor tin? leat moiicv -vc - .n at !i:o 1 ior - i;i , Announcement. YOUNG Dress Goods M 1889 rrJKUQNMkl 111 si MOT WTf, CLOTHING riOOTS and SHOES, Trunks ana VzltSKSi Pe!lti-'flin';'siinq Goods, Jeiuelry. Cutlt..;. hats and Gaps, Etc, Etc. h VV VSlil CO. Absolutely Pure. This pmvder never vanes. ;A marvel ol puri:y,.t rcnt!! and w liolesomeness. More eionomie.-il the ordinary kiiuis. ;inrt ciirinol Oe Mkl in oompeti. iion with i.ii!tituile of low test, short u'eiolit ill 1 1 in fr .iluwiili .itn i ,ui'H.irc Sold only in c uis. FIoval lfAKiS" 'ow- TKll t.1) , 1 I. Pi. X, 1-Kwis M, iV C'i., Airents, P:rl land, Oregon, W II. DAVIS, M. 1. IIlYSiCIAN AMI IT su.emi. an 1 e found at his efili r rnom ir. S:!;.h:.ii'.-l-kiJ, l iit htn et. Albar.j lrei;oii- G 1 V. MAST' IN. I l!VfK IAN ;M':M 1: i;eo:i, Alliany, (irei'on M. II. K1.I.I, I'lIVSK IAN k'etrii, A!!:.r " (lit-jriiu. AND SU!r f V. Ki.l.l.V. V. u'l-on .!!-ai , Dew Mock. i:ic r. u. l'iIVSR:IAN AND AVK- rtLi'i.. olHie in I'uree' l..iiiif, from 5 A. M. t 4 a .1. (;-MiKi;, K'i HilNAKY Sl'll iA . L'eon, vmiliinte t f ontnrio veterinary eollee nini niemlier of the Ontario veterin ary ineliul iroeiety, is pr I'arrd to treat the (lixeaseii uf nil limrevtieuteil oniinuls on seientifie iir'un ij.lcs. ulllce at Aim Marshall's lircry utahltt. I.'ciiiileiicc 41 h and Calapcoia streets, Alhanv, Oregon. DR. I. YV. STARK, I'llYSICIAX AND Sni treoii, late of Uron nnvilie, Or. Oliire in the Strahan l'earee bloek ujwtnin in the rear roonm on the main hall. C'aiiB rau!itlv attended to in city or countiv. DK. K KdMiEWAY. VETERINARY SUR. Keon, Albany, Oregon - -Graduate af OeiJ man anj Aniericrn collctrea. Dn. E. A. McAliptju iir.arArmc rnj aieian and Rurircen Han rtmareJ Lii office into Cranfard'l alack. Ail calls prompt ly attended ta. DRJO. A. WHITNEY. PHYSICIAN AND aurjrfan. Graduate of liellevue Hospi tal Medical ColleRe. New Y'ork City. Diieasea of women a specialty. Office in Fromaa't brick, Alhany (Jregon. M OTICE IS UEREBYC.IYRK TUAT PRO Al perty owners are reqniredby ordinanae to cut down auu remove all thistles and ab noxious weeds growing upan their promisej, and upon the street adjoining thereto, within the city limits of Albany. Ihose failinrU da aa will te liable ta a fine af (5, By srder at the city manhal, J. N, HOFFMAN Albas T, Joe 28, 18S0, H. EWERT, PRACTICAL WATCHJIAK1 and jeweler, Albany, Orejen, .ATTORNEYS. ME. BRINK, ATTCRNEY-AT-LAWAND justice of the peace. Crawford's block, Albany, Oregon. B. V. X. BLACKBUR!!. o. w. WRIOriT. BLACKBURN, 4 WRIGHT ATTORNEY AT Law, Albany, Oregon. Office in Odd bellow's Temple. -Vill practice in all courts Of the state, and give special attention to all business. WOLVERTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY at Law, Albany, Or. Office in rooms 13 and 14, Foster's Block, oyer L. E. Blain's ator i JK. WEATHOKFORD, ATTORNEY AT . law, Albany, Oregon. Office in Odd Fellow's Temple. Will pract in all the courts of tbestate, and give special attention to all business. lad Sal-Trying. PAMIRS DKHIR1KG ' SCRVXTIXG DONB CA.N !! tain accurate and prompt work by callinr upon ex-county surveyor F. T. T. Fisher. He has complete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepare 1 todo surveying in any art of Linn county. Postoffkc address, Millers Station, Linn cou it, Oregon. p ? YVINN- A(; -XT.! the lead J "'1 panics. l or Itent JTi:I!iEr l!(lOMS TO KI.NT. AT TilE ! City liwt.nir.ifit. I tJ:-:ill Tl'r lor :it j ; t (JOt Ml .i I". !. Ol" Fl !;S'I' ( l. ASS i i ih i-'i '- i:r ! !.t il I. in l r !, t . i (I'. !:o ' i ' "i .'.!! iUii:; ELECTION RETURNS. Pugilistic Encounter at Torento Before a Large Crowd. MICH SCRATCHING DUNE. Only Small Offices at Stake Celored Tote in Virninii Ohio Out in Forct A Quiet Elector. The Hurald'o Special Dispatches. Toronto, Canada, Nov. 5. A boxing contest between Jake Kil rain and John Schules, of this city, la-M- nigbt was witnessed by one thousand people. ?Jfcur rvUnds, Queensberry rules, were boxed. Sdioles was in first-class condition. Kilrain was verj' lat. Kilrain was on the defensive most of the time. General opinion was that Kilrain did not exert himself. THE ELECTION. Aa Oft'-Year I'slitically and Kvary - thing: Juiel." . New York, Nov. 5. Tbe weath er throughout the state is general ly fair and cold. Keports show an off-year vote. Eterything in the city is very quiet. A large amount of scratching is reported. Noon. The great bulk of the vote of this city seems to have been polled before 10 o'clock. Poli ticians are all at sea as to the re sult. Indications are that Taylor and Wemple, on the democratic state ticket, will run considerably behind. The vestpocket vote is larger than ever before known. VIRGINIA J Claimed by Both ltepahlieaus ud Democrats. UiciiMoNi), Nov. 0. Indications ate favoiable for a good vote being polled throughout the state and in the city. While the democrats have been voting steadily the ne groes have not as vet turned out in their u.uual .strength. Contrary to the expectations of many, up to noon no trouble had occurred. 15oth parties claim Virginia. Th! weather opened cool and cloudy. ILLINOIS. A Very Light Vote I'oIIed Cool Weatliar. Chicago, Nov. 5. A very light vote is Ix-itig cast. Only minor county ollices and two judgships are at Ktake. The weather is cool ami cloulv. OHIO. Foraker Not Scratched to Suit Opponent. Coi.i.Miirs, Nov. 5. A heavy vote is being polled. Foraker is being scratched, but not to the ex tent anticipated by the democrats. VENN'S Y I. V A N I A . A Light Vote Is Being Cast Clear and Cold. PuiLADEi.riiiA, Noy. 5. A light vote is being polled throughout the state. It is clear and cold. Woodle's Itirersid Addition. This addition recently platted embraces 115 lots 55x110 feet ad joining Hackleman's 4th addition on the east. ' It "is :a beautiful tract, desirably located and is higb and dry, already cleared and planted out in choice' fruit trees. These lots will sell rapidly, and parties desiring a choice location should call at once upon , Wallace et Cusick, agents for the property. Lots will be sold on eaBy payments. Oregon Celery. We have just received a fine lot cf Oregon celery, als a1 full assort ment of fruits and vegetables. Our roast coffees and fine teas and spices are the talk of the town. We handle nothing but first-class goods and invite those who do not deal with us to give onr goods a trial. Willamette Packing Co. Seasonable . Specialties. Messrs. Thompson & Overtoan have added to their large stock of harness and saddlery a complete assortment - of winter horse blankets, rubber and oiled horse covers, lap robes, etc., which will be found just the thing for winter. Call and see them and get prices tilackuian'g Addition to Albany. This , addition, which has been recently platted embraces sixty five beautiful and sightly lots. The addition lies just south of Hackle man's grove, and is beautifully situated. These lots will now be placed on the market at $50 per lot, by Burkhart & Malin, who are the agents for this addition. Money to Loan. At a low rate of interest on good farm property in I jnn county, or on best improved city property in Albany. Apply to Blackbcrn & Wright, Albany, Oregon. Wishing our lady customers the compliments of the season wc beg leave to remind you one and all that our lieautifr.l tyles :'or fall and winter arc open for iu.-peetion. Plea:-e eali aiid examine the niot attractive displav of season at W. THE MISSOCKI PACIFIC. Wall Street Agitated Over the Mystery Concerning It Affair. New York, Nov. 4. The Times says: Wall street has been much worried lately over the mystery in the affairs of the Missouri Pacific. The price of the company's stock fell three points in the last two days ef the week's business from causes that apparently mi body but an insider could umiorstard. It 1ms been re ported that Jay Could lias intimated that dividends upon the stock were about to be suspended. This has sounded unreasonable, for the reason that the quarterly dividend has just been paid and that the next oi.e is not dne for nearly two months. There seems to be much more basis for the -Velibf that a very substantial issue of bouds is tc ,1)0 made. . It has leaked out that Jay Uould, .Oorge 0ald and Russell Sage have claims" against the Missouri Pacific company "tor moneys advanced, etc.," tggie gatiug S7,S75,000. Other claiui.i not openly htld in tie (Jould-Sae name arc said to be of size enough to make a total of $10,000,000, which is the amount of the bonds now said to be ready to be issued. Wash for Tress. The Sutter County Farmer is in debted to Mr. J. T. Bogue for Bhe fol lowing receipts for cleaning trees, giv ing its effect and advantages: Taka stone lime, slake and prepare as for ordinary whitewash, in an old barrel or box.. Take enough at a time to make bucket two-thirds full pro per consistency for rdinvy white washing. Now add ona pint of gas tar, one pound of whale-oil soap dis solved in hot water, or one pint com mon soft soap, or one pound of potash, or one pint strong lye from wood ashes, then add clay or loam enough to make a bucket full of the wash of proper thickness to be applied with a whitewash brush. If the trees have had the earth ridged up around them, take the earth away from around the collar, and apply the wasH to the body of the trees, from the limbs to the ground or down the roots. Its advantages are: First, it will des troy the barklouse, will give the trees a bright clean, healthy appearance, This wash will drive out all borers that may be in the trees, and the moth will rot deposit cges on or about the trees tuo same season the wash is used. AH who grow apple, peach, dwarf pears, quince and ash trees should not fail to use this wash; don't fail ti use it because not patented and sold at a high price. Wc have known cases where poach trees have been badly affected by tbo borer; they have all left, and the trees become healthy and vigorous with one application ot this wash Auaiu, mice and rabbits will not girdle trees where the wash is used. Apply in May for borers and general beuetit to the trees, and the late autumn as a preveutitive against mice and rabits. Gas tar, applied pure, will Kill trees. Irreaiatlble America. London Spectater. No State, however powerful, will ever again do with ease anything to which the American republic is strongly opposed. There if not a diplomatist in Europe who does nut know this; or who does not hold that Napoleon III was only sane in quit ting Mexico, and that Prince Bis marck showed his wisdom when, rather than quarrel seriously with Washington, h abandoned all pre tensions in Samoa. Regarded from the point cf view of diplomatists, it is because of her Ame.ioan alliance that the legislative independence of Ireland would be. dangerous to Great Britain so dangerous that we rather wonder Mr. Gladstone,' intihke pjoht h.iqjuWrdinates, d.4 not . fake pains to avoid showing how deeply his Irish leadership makes him feel : ihe ever growing strength and irresistibleness of the Union. It was of that he thought when he pointea out that at ready Great Britain was surpassed in population by the republic, as a cen tury hence Europe, as a whole, broba bly will also be. . , A Now Wted IstrnanBt. 6t Louts Globo-DamocraL ', L1 .. The latest invention in cheap mouth instruments comes from Austria,' and is generally called the "sweet potato," though its right name is the ocarina. It is made . of clay, and exactly re' sembles a sweet 'pout in shape. It is a kind of combination of the flufi and clarinet, but is, of course, very much shorter. The ocarina Is made in every key and can be played with out difficulty, being probably the easiest-learned musical instrument ever invented. It is very clear in its tone, and answers well for experi ments with the phonograph. Another Addition. I have for sale about 20 acres of land situated just one mile from this city. It is offered for sale very cheap. Also farm property and city lots for sale. E. G. Beards ley, real estate agent, Broadalbin street, Albany, Oregon. High Triced Property. While property is being sold at nigner prices every uay. we are still selling groceries, fruits, vege tables, etc. at the lowest possible figures. Our motto is large sales and 6mall profits. Willamette Packing Co. Money to Loan. Money to loan at a low rate of interest, on improved farm and city property, in sums of $200 to .$10,000. Por particulars call on Burkhart it Malin, Ueal Estate Agents. Tlie largest stuck of gloves ever bhown in Albanv at ,V. F. Head's. OLB CHINESE BRIDGES. Engineering Science in the Celca tial Empire. Imn- The ChiLi-se Mispcnsinn brid.;ci, dating from the tunc of the Ha;i dynasty (202 i:. to '220 a. v.), fur nish striking evidence of the early ac quaintance f the Chinese with eniu eering science. According to the liis tori?al and geographical writers of China, it was hang Lieng the com mander of the army under Kaen Tsm, who understood the construction of the roads in th; province of Shenve, to the west of the capital, the hih mountains and ecep oigrs of wLk-li made cominuuicatiou difficult, and which could be reached only by circuitous routes. At tbe head ot an army of 10,000 workmen Shang Lieng cut through mountains and atf tilled tip the valleys with the soil obtained' Yrom ihe r.cx.cayatijv, Where, however this was not sufti'j-; ient to raise a road high enough, ho ' built bridges resting upon abutments or projections. At other places, where the moun tains were separated by deep gorges, he carried out a plan of throwing sus pension bridges stretching from one slope to the other. These bridges, appropriately called by the Chinese writers ''flying" bridges, are some times so high as to inspire those who cress them with fear. At tbe pre ecu t day there is still a bridge in existence iu Sliense 4000 feet long, wliich stretches across a gorge of immense depth. Most of the bridges are euly wide enough to allow of the passage of two mounted men, railing on both siaes serving for the protection of travelers, Ic is not improbable that the missionaries who first reported on Chinese bridges two centuries ago, gave the initiative to the construc tion of suspension bridges in the West. DIVINATION BY CRYSTALS. Revival of an Art Practiced y Ancient Necromancers. The notice of a scientific man has recently been directed to the revival of the old experiments in "crystal vision" known as devination to the Assyrians, Persians, Japanese and Hebrews in the earliest times, says a writer in the Youths' Companion. The necromancers among these people in the early ages of the world declared that they were able, on looking into a crystal or beryl, or into a cup tilled with a black, opaque liquid, to see scenes and figuie? which leretoid the future. It was the cup with which Joseph "divined." our readers will remember, that was placed in hi brother Benjamin's sack. Down through the who'c course of English and French hiitory wc find occasioi.al mention of ciysfal divina tion as practiced by charlatans. It is revived now, and with the light of scieuct turned upon it will probably prove to be a veiy simple matter. The experimenters in England and this country procure a globe of crys tal, or black, shining surface, :nd holding it close to their eyes look fixedly at one point until a sense of dizziness and taintiiess is produced. Then they assert that pictures are seen in tbe magic mirror figures, landscapes or woods. These "visions," they state, can invariably be referred to some idea which had passed through their brains and had been . retained by the memory. While tiie explanation of the phe nomena is not yet fully civen bv phy sicians, it is probable that they are produced by the strain u pon the optic nerve, which affects the brain. 4'ronp 4 a n Do Prevented. We wnt every mother to know that croup eon be prevented. 1 here i no question about, this; as it bas been done in thousands of cases, and you may depend upon it that when a tuild tafvcathe ctoud it is wholly owinir to the negligence of Jits parents. True croup never apucars without due and timely warning ; a. few hours or a day or two before the attack, the child be comes hoarse. This hoarseness is the first indication of croup, and is a tore sign that croup -is , to follow, unless promptly and propeily treated. The free., use. of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as r"i reeled wjtlj each bottle, under the heading "To prevent croup," will dispel all symptoms of the dis ease. This- first sign f croup, hoarse ness, may be overlooked by yount; mothers or , those sot . familiar with the disease. ' Under such circum stances, or when not properly trended, the hoarseness becomes more marked, sad the child shows shows symptoms of having taken cold, then a peculiar, rrugb cough is developed, Even at this Etage Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy will prevent the croup, but utter the cough has developed the ere- p is liable to appear at any moment. The proper way is to keep a bottle of this remedy at band, it costs but 50 cents, and only a few dasss, or at most not over a third of a bottle, is required to dispei all syaiptoms of the diecupe. Caa you afford to n&k bo much for so little? There is not the least danger in giving this remedy in large and frequent dofes, which are alwajs re quired, ss it contains no injurious substance. As proof of this fact we refer to John L. Olson, of Des JHoi .es, whose 18 months-old bov diank the entie contents of a 50 cent bottb- of Chamberlain's cough remedy without the least injury. Certainly it n ade the baby vomit very freely; but srter takiscr a nap he would have been frUd to have d auk another bottle of he remedy, ss he liked it. A similar in stance occurred neai Valley Spruits Dakott. Mrs. Mattie Job year-old daughter, Annie, drank a mil noiueoitne remedy wttnout inr inis remeay lias been the sole liaiicc of thousands- uf mother rc- for crcup, and especially as a prevoi ; ;ive or niaiiT yearss. and bus never 1 known to fail. It is also invah for colds and whoopiiiir-eoiih en Ic or iaic i:y rut uay iv .Mason. Beautiful ribbons are arrivJ. . the features of the season. 'c have an immense sleek and !.-... reduced tbe price- 'JiJ ;ei cent. W. F. Head.