Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, October 27, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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gtormttg iJaihj jtoad
SPECIAL. 15:3t A. M.
lot t s-e our stoves and ranges
before buying is a mistake. Mis
takes are alwaya costly. In beat
ing stoves we have the largest as
well as the most carefully selected;
stock in the city. The staves ve'
offer were not bougkfc-ts an experi
ment bat as a eertaiaty. We
know what each stove will do, khd
they were bought for cash, so the
price is right. We have special
ties in heaters, beside oar regular
lines of Garland, Argand and Su
perior stoves and ranges.
' Geo. W. Smith.
For Albany aud vicinity Fol
lowing is the forecast for 24 hours,
ending at S v. :r. tc r.ay :
Rain; nearly stationary temper
L. A. Tucker bought yesterday
of II. Bryant two lots in his east
em addition to Albany, jiayin for
the same $530.
Mrs. John Haley died at her
home seven miles above bitesvil!e
on the 25th inst. She was aged
about ' and leaves a Husband and
Col. T. E. I Iojry: and party a:e
expected to return from San Fran
cisco this morning. They wid re
main here a few days before retun
ing Kast.
Philomath ;s to have a bank
soon, and a new bneU building is
being erected for the pu-pose.
Prof. B. L. Aro'd, of Corvallis, is
interested in the enterprise.
Rev.T. J. Wilson and wife have
resigned their positions as teachers
of the U. P. mission school at the
Warm Springs Indian agency, and
will spend the winter in Albany.
The Yaquina Republican says
that Collector Priest is baring a
windfall just now in duty on rail
road iron that is bein? shipped to
that iKrt. The iron now comim?
for the Oregon Pacific road has
been in bond for a year or two at
San Francisco.
It is said that recent high tides
at Yaquina are cutting a channel
through the sand spit on South
beach in front of tiie old govern
ment wharf. If the cutting
process keeps on there will be a
irood channel from the upper to the
lower bay in a short time on the
south side.
County Clerk E. E. Montague is
the possesor of a fine model of a
full rigged, three-masted schooner,
presented to him by Thomas Roan,
an experienced old sailor, who
lives with Geo. Cline, near this
city. He whittled it out ertirely
with a jack-knife and it took him
six weeks to co.nplete it.
K. L. Thonmson has purchased
of Mrs. L. M. Fosu-r, f Portland,
the brick building adjoining the
Foster block. It is one of (he line
bricks of the city, and the rooms
now occupied by the Masons will
be occupied by the 1 1 sjw a : soon
as the remove into theirnew tem
ple, which change will ocur about
the first of the year.
Jos. Gray, a prorrrnent capitalist
o: Eugene, was in the city yesle:
day. James Titus, o: Tacoma, is
spending a few days with old
friends in this city.
Mrs. Thomas Kay, of Salem, 's
visiting he daughter, M'3. (). P.
Coshow. in this city.
Mrs. O. E. Krausse and Miss
FJla Krausse, o' Salem, are Isit
;ng Mrs. A. K'ein, in this city.
Geo. F. Simpson, W. J. Stewait
and I). B. Monteith went to Ya
'juina Bay yesterday on real estate
Mrs. F. E. Allen and family re-tr-nedhome
last night from tb2
East. She is accompanied by her
mother, Mrs. M. E. Graves, of
New York, with whom they have
been spending the summer.
Hi Fi -at Steam -.
It may be interesting to know
that the first steamboat that was
ever on the Columbia, si earned
down from Vancouver in is:!f.
Her name was Beaver. She came
i'om England as a saving vessel
with all her machinery aboard and
was fitted up at Vancouver. Her
first trip was to the Sandwich Isl
ands with a cargo of wheat and
salt salmon. It seems that the
feelings of the natives when thev
saw the vessel going against the
wind and tide, could be better
imagined than descibed. ?'ae
Beaver belonged to the Hudson
Bay company, who used her for a
number of ye.i-s and the.i sold he".
She i3 now a pensioner, and lying
at anchor at Victoiia, B. C, a3 a
relic of early day?. Transcript.
Sentenced to I'ao.
While holding coi"t in Coos
county last week Judge Bean pre
sided over the case of John G;I
man, an old gfav haired man ac
cused of mn-denng a Mrs. Easton
hover and her litt'e bo. The j t .--was
out but twenty in:nulcs and
brought ;n a verdict of nivue' ;n
the f'-st deg ee rnd tiie mn'c'cr
was sentenced to be hng on the
13th of li :eiule-. li s dime,
says the Eugene Rc0I ;f-. wa; oi:e I
of "the most co'd-blooded rnvders!
ever cemmitted. i
Yaquina Lot. i
Burkhart & Malin ol'er for sale ;
this morniuir t-.-.entv-iivo city lotsi
ad join in-.
,i:ii.i Ci'v. Thce'
lots are sitivi! in Holiday's ad-'
dition and jjiti Yaptiua City.'
They wi'l Lo sc!J cheap fcr cr-h. J
Usual Budget of
' About tie City.
Mre7 .'OTjai'y Tb-own iwij Writ t.-e
. .esMt .Urd!t'oa. of F'-.l S.-cti
Blioa'd '-'eacli.
Already thee- Jy fall -ain3 have
p"at ed Fj st el eet ii such a coud:
'.loi tbatj Dotwil'isto'Kl'ng I've
aaroL'ni of money erj o.ided u.x i
it last' &o;ntne.-, it :s p'ain'y to be
seed jacit wMnot be any c.-ed'l
to the city tiis i: ife", aou rn'ess
more work js 'doae unon it it will
be a miserable to dd-hoie '.-oni
end to the o xer. No is this eon
ditloa anyth Vjdsvv. Eye 7 yea
tliere has beea an anneal recur
rence of gravel-hai'j'ng. li'ling.
cutting 'down, and mud-sc -ap'ng
and ttie ano.1 it e-cnended unon
First st eet dfing tne live
ye's has b; en enough to have
paved i two or three times ove
Tee const ?jc: "on of the si--?
ui 'tiay l:nes last sjmme." nece.
sitatid the pari'al reg.'ading ol the
street, ?"d it was put it; f.s good
a condition as po -sir.'e hy Ue
coninnsstoner, dui AIoa;i. . ' ; -riveu
a a petioti in lie." 10 '". '
when the daily wea aud tea:-01
heavily loaded t-in-';s H'ld u.a.'s
arid t!ie bust'e o1" exn-ess wagons
and ochc- vehicles over the li.'iiici bus've is nt eel - demands sone
thhig a'ore subsla ilial than d; -J
and gravel. The time ha:: ..o ne
when First street at !e 1st soot 'd
he paved. Albany has out;. -own
he: period of vi'luge'i; xi and if
she is going to be a city shoe'"' lay
aside her swadd'ing- clothes a id
improve tin brs'ness st-eel3j
keep pace with the sted'', grow
ing ;ndjstries of the city.
A nong the several other impc -tant
enterprises and improvemen 3
already on foot in A loan ' should
be added the paving o" Fiislst eei.
Y. M. f. A. NOTES.
The attendance ac the gosne'
meel'Cg last Sabbath was thirty
three. Tbe new stove was put up last
evening and now all will be made
lomfoitable on coid nights.
Chas. II. Hart, the newly e'ect
ed Jteo-ding secretary, is attend
ing the Baptist convention at Mc
Trie subject for the Gospel meet
big for men this afternoon is "The
Yoeng Men's (iuidc Bok." to be
held as usual at 1 o'clock at the
Though the Association has no
library as yet, any dor-.t:ons of
books for the sime would be thank
fu'iv received and well taken ca-e
The V. ?.i. C. A. reading rooms been open everv ifght fe
tiree weeks and acco ding 10 the
reg'slc 2.7)0 visils have been made
!.' ing that lime.
The 'eadifig room now has twenty-five
newspaper from O-eoK
four f o'ii n- a.i. two -o:n
DaUoia, twu from iV"-is ,1 vanin.
one 'n A '. a. one oin Ca'i
for.i'a, one i.-om lM;nois auu one
from Te"i.s, besides iitc maga
zine: arid illustra.ed wieklies.
The following transfers wer
c l'il yesterday:
tV. W. Crowiler to Mrs. E.
Ii. Chead'e. south half of
lot 2, block 17. Hackle
man's. 'Id addition $ lOoO
A. Webster to Biclia-d
Warm". J 10 acres in Tp.
1J. S. l2an !:; W 4.00
Hugh Nickerson to W. II. j
tioltra, 2o0 acre: in Tp. 10
and U.S. R. 3 W 1:.jOO
R. L. Bu-khavt '.0 J. J. Du
bfui'Ie, 21;.j' acres near Al
bany SG34
R. A. Mu-phy to Henry Sei
tlem're, small parcel in
Albanv 5
II. J. Parent to W. D. Har
mon 43 ac;es in Tp. 12,
S. R. 4 W 1
W. D. Harmon to I M. Sut
fo.d, 4 3ln ac-es in Tp. 12,
S. R.4W S00
Albany Cemetery Associa
tion to II. "N'ickerson,
cemetery lot, 173 17
('nited States to II. Nicker
sn Patent
Death of a St i-anger. i
L. W. Chowder, of New York, a j
stranger in tnis cit, died ye3ter-'
day mornng a week's illness
from lung fever. He was kindly
cared for dur-'ng h;s il'nes by thel.
O. O. F., of which order he was a
member. Hs reuoair-s are taken
to Saiein for burial, where his
sistc" resides. The deceased came
to Albanv i oni Sak-m and secured
wo-k ;n lee Albany Iron Works,
but wns iii en i'l socn aftr arriv- j
te itn C'rceit ('nri.
Itie November term oi circuit
court fo" Benton comity convenes
ac Co- va"'s Mondav" Nov. 4th.
IVe civil coci et embraces sixty
cases, and the c. iminal not a few.
Among the lasl named will be the j
t-ia's of those who constructed nd !
maintained dams without lishwp;s'
intbeAl. ea fid Yaouina r.vers.
1 v'r will be tiie firs;, ic nn of cor t i
to b held ;u ihc new boiiibnu-.
I : porta )t if T'-.rj.
S.v.r-i'ay's issue of the Spo' ane
! a,!s Jteviev conta'ns a starting
:n oi"ice!rent of a st.ilo of ai:;,;is
that ii io.'s y ai'lct3 the intrfi zi
o' a iLT-.'oer of low .is ii Oregon.
A 'oar? is 'titer? (eu a'so as the
.Jne 'can B;,d:"g rtd Loan Assc
c ;'t:o.i ras sev?"a me. 11 ers in
t! :s city, aUtiOiig'n ''ti'c or ro
ii'O ?cy has b' ea M'd in he-'e and
!' o'gr'iit.i.'o.i is rot t'ui'i'l.-.
Ti:e I'ev e-.v oco'e' ' 0.11 the Mir
. ea'o;s 1 -ibi'ne a:, ''o'lows: 'It
H ti?3 i)i ": r i i'l' n-piual le and
'onp-.t o.'gans or.'-ooa' opniion to
re establishments lot'i't'ng
' 'emst'yf 3 here aud tf'nvi-g p. 011
le good c." ttn'a torn'runif
-r'P'l no", go ft) a"d t'or.n Uc lan
eJ.'a-'fl" iai vo,h; " Eche.nes
Le2 a''ed to e. -'auiioi or a- -co-)t.
It is fie bel'e' in tpanv
."?.''.: -a. K;; a?u West M3t t lie "icao rii'hv'jg a"u Lo;n
c at:on is a sc'nefPe c I'eui'u the
)oo ad 0'a,-j. 'j -ie '"asi lepa
tab'e part of tne business oi tl,;s
'Ajcerican Buihng and Loan
asoc:at;oa' is ita Cipense.
?".'i3 Ame ican asoj'alica e'Sl3
-.ote'y and purely occaL'.e it can
collect uidc" gu'se of ai e nense
"t'tiu an enormors sjm ol moicy
toat ,oe3, presumably, in lie 1 -k-
J o- mRoase.a. xno oi-.-e;
JSI tul uu1c,r -
oa e?.
9, not ev:
:i tbe wo si, o-. Ite
bo.'s as'.csstre-it".ce coa?
p:- ? es, nave eve: ?s we oo-eve
e pe cces.
A Cood Uay'jl!ei.r:l.
The 'ea-es'uie f' oi of Wa'bce
& Cfsii k so'd vesie.ciai- .0 c,o
a rra 1 7 V?. !V - 't C-,
ad.1 t on fo- p 00, to D. V . &. Ke.d
?:,eJT on 5j,J5ta str'Cl' owned b'
D. j . W'-mn : to yAW, a'so one jot
on Sixln st eet owned oy 1. 1..
tvunaf.e ior mi.). . riey a-.-o .-oiu
S '01s in . ':h iif'f's i.iidiiloii to
f 01 .
C20. V. .-ly, ... . J. A.!
r.'cVeri-n and C-.. alnave
for'C'iO. The o . oM me Hi 1
property and Wceeie.- 'i-r-n pur
chased by Dr. A Sc-ogltis, of
St. 'of's, Io.. repo- iede'scwtiere,
amount1'!),' m $12,0'.:). 1 he total
sa cs yesterday we e 't;,0Jj.
J mprovin-j the I'e.Ty,
Mec? s. Curie's & Ste. :ibeg have
commenced ;, i. iem of reoirg
upon the A").i iv fe . v thai will
(st $1000 or .firoo. "They will
b.;:ld a rew boat ent-'re. The tim
bers and lumber is row readv for
divery by the Mbl City Co. The
on 1 tact for t'ie cons! 1 action of the
1-oat has been let to f. F. Conn, of
mis city. New masi.- for sppoils
i the cable a -e now be'ng erected,
and the fer y projiei y will b,
iho"ou?h'v imotoved. Tlie new
boat wi'1 be 70 feet lo lg and will
be Pushed w'th d lumber
throughojt and neat'y pc: ited.
Cliur.'h Notii f.
''reaching services to-d;:y ri
the J'rcst) vC-ia 1 church at I a. m.
an:i 7:30 ! m. Sabbath ?cl ool ai
y2:r ;. m. Young peop'e's p.:'ye -mct't'-r
in the lecture room atG 30
". 11. '' '-e subject of the mo'nirr
r " mon wi1! be: "Cod Always on
th Side o." the Wenk." Subject
of the eveninir dkcor-se : "The
Rejected and Accepted Offering.''
All v ib be made welcome to thche
ji vices.
An ldau Ite'ic.
Mr. C. . Burkhart of this v.y
i'as a co'io ity in the sIipjh.' of a
cane. He o n't. lined i. throu rh a
.tend from the Alaskan Iud:ais.
It is ci'riorsl carved, and upon it
isculw:th no small artistic sk'U
t:e iira?es o." several o." the Indian
hobgoblins s.ipoosed to rep-e.-eil
their gods. One of thorn is
lowing a Mve infant, and the aon
ized e roression on tne face oi
iitile red sk:n shows some
anion;; the Indian wood ca'vei: or
V'l'rah e :'-( -iv l'o vjta el.
Dr. A- :ii'- Sc-ogg:?s. O' Sal:
bii'y, 'o., bou;rht yeste-iLy l.'
acres of Jacon Wnee'e 'sfo. m re
this c:l p rying Tor the ume $:M0
vx at re. He a so borght "or- 'ots
in Jason Whrelei's add'lion for
U"0. He also bought o? D-. J. .
Hi'l SOxlf ) feet ne.vt to tbe I'.uss
house '"or :'rSJ01. I'e lia 4 Scaled
he.-e and 'uteuds to engage :n some
1)11-. :"ChS.
XI ore Stne Ztr Yaqiilnn.
Captain W. Young, of the Umted
St.ites eii!'.;reer corps, is back fro.ii
his visit of inspection to the wo l:s
or tbe impioveinent of Yacjuina
bay. He has concluded to have a
lot mo.e rock placed on the f;oulb
jett- be''oe stooping work, so a3 to
make it as secure as possible
aga;nst the sto ms of winter.
30 Kewa-d.
Lost on the streets of Albany, on
SatJ'day, Oct. 20th, a purse con
taining three-$20 gold pieces, ore
$J0 gold piece, one $5 bill and 50
cents in s'lver. The tinder will re
ceive the above reward by lea ing
the purse at the Herald o'lice.
Svhmeer'8 Addition to Albany.
Wallace A Cusick have now for
sale 34 choice lots in Schmeer'fa
addition to Albany. They are
located near Hackleman's fourth
addition and are desirably situated.
Call early and secure your choice
of these lots. Every one of them
w ill he sold at a bargain.
Kid Gloves! Kid Gloves!
I have just received a full line of
kid gloves brand "Our Own."
This is a irenuine kid glove. I buy
direct from importers in New York
and consider them the best value
of any glove I ever sold for this
price. Five buttons, three rows of
stitching, $1.50 per pair. S. E.
Money to I.oati.
Money to loan at a low rate o?
;fite ej.: on improved farm and
c't.' p cpeoty, in nuns of $200 to
!h 0.000. For particula.b call on
Bi'-Khart & Malin, Real Estate
Imiort:iMt Nelicr.
Ovvingto the chan-; in owner
ship of the Albany and Santia.n
canal, '.he Magnolia llouring mills
and city water woiks, all persons
indeb.'ed to me n:e heiebv notified
local! ;it h; oMice and settle the
sutne iinmediately.
J. A. Cn.w ! ;;:!).
ia c:;
s' cii
'. I iiiii-; in,
t", V., !'.. m. i
l'ount;'.:ii pens a Y
nk's. j
A Shooting Affray at Fsr
m'jjton, W. T.
;i I,:
' - 'C .'.j
Deea.tu at Ce ia's.
: ;'a' r
2G. This
morning a man bv the
Kusseti, in conpany
'on, a ."pole Votn Dayf on, entered
Hue Palace saloon wbile under the
ui luence of Mruor. and a.ter a W ts liiiSoeH (.rew a pistol and
fiioL Jan!el Cotilv th ough tho
j iiead. the brdl enlering
below the
tem-ile and passing back of the
v in- ipe ami oming out of t!ie
reck. Medic?! assistance was
at orce SJ'nmoned,buL the chances
o. Coiny's ;ecove.y are about one
i.i a liio; Daniel Conlv is
' a -V0JD3 maQ aut 20 vearS of age
. anJ we. t;)0Uht of." 1:rssen
about rear, of age and a &on ol
Charles fcussell, and old pioneer of
: U' ;u Wn't-.
...... .... .. .r.iw., ,.irvvvi
no in the cii.v ja'l awaiting bisc:;-!
A Iiu-..e of C'l ii'ia;,ne
Over Her Lows
S.w F ", . 1 co, Oct. 2b--A
sie-.idy dowtipou: of rain attended j
.11 .1 t
iiie ai'iiciiing 01 tne new cruiser,
"San Francisco," 10-day and de
tracted considerably from the in
terest hi tne event. The crowd of
persons who found their way
through Cue ta'u and mud to the
L'nion Iron Works' ship yard was
rot as large as that winch assem
bled there one year ago to witness
1.1 -e launching of the Charleston.
but f.illy 2000 people stood under
umb e.das to-day and watched l!ie
.-san . rancisco suae on me- ways.
A platform had been e ect'ed
aOiiud ihe bows of the vessel,
wii'ch was oci'imied by a hundred
pesons, among them "be'ng Com
modore A. E. K. Bcnham and
other navy oiliccrs f'om the Mare
Is'and navy yard. A tug a -rived
f om les;:dio about half an hour
before the launch and slopped a
stfort d:stance from the yard. On
th:s were (ten. Nelson A. Miles
and staT and other army o!I':ce.-s.
Do ;ens of other tug? aiid sailing
vessels crowded with spectators
were also in the ya-d. A few min
utes befo-e the launch two young
ladies, daughters of Commodore
Beuham and Mr. Scott took posi
tions near the bow. ready to
ch 'sten the new cruiser.
Within a minute or two after 12
o'c'ock 'ast block was knocked
?way, and as the! began to
si:de down Ihe ways, two bottle- of
chnmiKignc were broken over her
bow. The band played "Star
.Spangled Banner" and" the crowd
se U up a hearty cheer. Whisr'es
i' lug boat- and foundiies
broke forth at the same t'me and
the noise'iued for .several
m:nutes. The launch was perfectiy
su cessf.i' and the vessel went oil"
gracefully and apparently stuck in
the soit mud a hundred yards iro.n
toe s:iore,:md then glided sim ihly
o.e' the water.
A ;,((() Foot Itare.
(Jkkv.x , Oct. 2i'. A big foot
race was run to-dry between Cam
eron of Corval,:s, a. id Langdon of
Pc Jand, for two thousand uo'la.3
stakes. Langdon won by s;:c feet.
Came-on takes it hard.
Fine I'hotes :i ibif Work.
. 1 . 1-1 ,
: a v;-it to t'ie photo parlors vi
Ci aw ford it ."a::ton yesterday the
wi iie was showd a new style of
p'c. u ci f ir sj- passing in exquisite j
beauty ''ne.iess and tni:lj"ulness
1 0 tiali' e an.viii! lg yet produced.
U is a late discore v and the en firm above-iamed, to be
in lle foremost, ranks of their pro-
less on on tVs const, have set ured
t'ie e.. c; csive right for Albany, and
have toe new material on the way,
due any day, a lien they v. ill give
the'r pat'oas the ben'eh't of their
ente-pr'se. They also inform us
that they w ill 110, allow any trav
eling sUa i.s to make cheaper work
t'.ian ttiey do, but will take better
m' at ower prices tha t they
dare do. Fo- all of the above
easons we wou'd advise the pub
lic who think of getting pictures
to go where they can be sure of
gelling their wo.k when they liave
paid for it, a, id to patronize meu of
known 'eMabilily. We say, there
fore, don't be tnken in on cheap
I avei;ng phoLos. -
T the I.m" es Only.
1 ?n now prepared to do p'l
'la o" stamping, and have over
tv -. "'
fio u.
lousand des;gns lo choose
A'o a nica line of en
y mateila's, such ps a-ra-c
ewe's, No. 1 pnd 2 em-
y cev'lc3. p-"icesa ch?
"etc, etc. And the fine t
pompons. tao:els, crescents., cords,
plushes, .'e'ts, aud fancy wo-k ma
tei'als ever in the city." Zepbv r
going at 5 cents an ounce. Miss
M;nn:e Cohve'l 1 as charge of th: j
department, ind has had scve'al
yca-s esT.:."ieace m a", k'nds of
fircy woik s .id f-a.npi ig. At the
store of It. Y Simpson, Albany,
XVo;lle"s l::vrrsil Ailuition.
This addition recently platted
emb.-acc . 115 lots 55x1 '0 leet ad-
: act.
a. ;d
g Ihic'i'eman's -lili addition
ic east. It is a beautiful
dcsiiah'v located and i.s high
dry, al rady ckved and
?l out in choice iiuiitiees.
lots wi'! sel1 rapidly, and
s desiring a choice location
d :! v.t "'ii-.! upon Wallace
-ick, agents for tiie p-.optrty.
- '.1!(J
I s v.
". t-e so i on easv u: - n-ei.ts. Sic
stock a!
'; iri.i.
e. Call
-'tew an ii
Stewa: I A
'v .md any
i:u e::;ui;i;ie
aiv stv;.!;.
M-.C::. T. Sj-'tiDrewfeHojee and Lo
?-3.1w' C'veaBjae; Weaaevve j
II drawing for the 00 house
and lot in Pipe's addition occurred !
t S o clock last evening at the real
estate oiiice f BurkharUt Malin.
j'he drawing was conducted in a
pp'fcctly fair manner bj a com-m-ttee
consisting o" W. F. Iiead.B.
F. Tabler and A. J. ns!;-n. The
hou:e and lot was drawn bv Mr.
G-orgeW. Smith, fie will &ive
the cllicr put chasers of lots a royal
uaumiei ai me ft. CMiarles hotel
Dayton, entered been 31-1 for Wednesday evea'nsr
W.lilfi lin.lpr tlio I AT- c:.. 1 . .. '
Mr. bmna desires us to mv that'
each and every person interested, j
a'so the members of the commit-1
tee, ae invited to be1 present at the '
St. Charles hotel Wednesdav even- j
ing accompanied by their "ladies, j
ne a'Vair will lje at ranged to make J
I he occasion an enjoyable one. !!li.( NOTES.
H : ;.i.:i, Oct. 20, iS39.
-Mr. Bnl'e- is putting up a ne?t
residence 011 the
and 3d streets.
corner of Smi.'h
went to l
her ia j-hter
Mrs. Dr. Hendrex
i banv to-dav to visit
Mr.. I) . Davis.
One of the .Uarrisbrrir ware-
' houses has 25,000 bushels of 1S38
j oats for sale, which is quite a bon-
air a at .p.-eseot.
Wi'l Briggs, of WaPowa cornty, ;
who has been visiting parents and I
i 'ends in this city reti'-ned home j
tt:s week. j
E. !. Upiiiyc." and 'ainiU- have
uioyed into the property he recent I
ly purchased in the city, on the i
corner of Smith and Third streets. I
Miss Kotie Ullery, forinerlv of I
this city, was ma-ried in Portland
ye.le-day to Will C. Yoran of tke
1 Eugene Register, and passed up to!
1 their bom in on i l.n tn I
tram. The host of friends of Ihe
bride gathered at the depot to give
liei a kindly word of congratulation
as she passed through.
Quit3 an improvement has been
made in the appearance of the city i
an extensive quantity of w nidi has
been put down. The pr.t,:ng up of
a hand railing along the high wain,
from the railroad track down Smith
street makes a needed and attrac
tive improvement.
A telegram was received here
to-day announcing the death of the
young babe of S. B. Ilendee, in
Kast Portland. Their daughter,
Eulie, died last week. The fatal
destroyer diplheria was the cause
of the death of the two children.
Mr. and Mrs. Hendec, the lalter
being the oaughter of the late Hon
Enoch Hoult, have the sympathy
of the entire community in their
sad a.'l'iction.
The entertainment tjiven last-
evening at the new hall of Harris-bnrgti-ange,
situated at Muddy
Station, was a success. The hall
vas crowded and a large number
cou'd not get Inide. The young
ladies and gentlemen who" took
part in the drama and farce and
other pieces acquited themselves
with g.val c.edit aud gained the
encomiums and applause of the
1 audience, as well as the sincere
J thanks of the members of the
grange. the substantial results
vi 11 enable the grange to liquidate
a large share of the indebtedness
on the new ha'l.
5. i.:K i:kal estate sales.
Mrs. E. R. Cheadle made the
' real estate dea's through
the ageucv of Cur. -an & Monteith
! during tiie past few davs:
Lold two houses corner
and Railroad streets to Ge.
son ; consideration $2750.
j Bought of I'eter Riley, two
I Iiousjs oil Fourth street, between
:Je.'e.jon and Thuislon streets:
consideration -2200.
Sold to J. J. Du'oruille
md A.
Kle'-.i 0 feel of her First street
r-operty; co-vsideralioii $5100.
Bought of Wavren Crowdei one ;
i'ojse and lot in Hackleman's tld !
addit;on; consideration $1050.
Bought of J. J. Dubruille and A. :
Klein, three houses and two lots
on Fist street; consideradon, '
nougat 01 j . j. uunruioe, one
house and lot on Fifth street ; con-;
s deratioa $750.
So'd to Mrs. M. Eaumart onei
1'Oiii.e and 'oi. on Fifth street.
Besides the above 6he purchased ;
five vacant lots in Hackleman's1
third addition ; consideration pri-;
Messts. Curran A Monteith have :
sold to Mrs. .-arah Van Horn onej
house and two lots on Eighth:
street; consideration $1;;0.
Also one block adjoining Hackle- i
man's fourth addition; considera- J
tion $1400. j
To Wall is Nash the residence of
Joseph Webbe- on Second street,
for $2500. I
To C. Cb McCord and 11. Young '
b'ock 12 and 1:, in Hackleman's j
foorth addition: consideration I
$3(00. ' ;
ioJJ t3 i.enajxjwts two tots m
Abbey's addition, for $225.
l' o Cox Ibos. lots 3 and 7, b'ock
17, Jn Haek'e, nan's 2d addition;''derat:on $1100.
To Mrs. M. Bau ngait lot 8 in
blo;k 1, Haek'eman's th'rd addi
tion ; consideration $200.
To E. V. Lan jdon .'our lots in
Hackleman's Md addition, for
si 750.
To II. J. Petc'son r. lots in block
I'.i; coiisuleration $1250.
To Mrs. Tyler two lots owned by
D. V?n !Iorn: consideration
To D. Vi'n Horn lots 5 and ('.
biock . owned by R. R. Fimp'e,
:o- !t))U.
To Tiiomas Badger, of Mill
lot 4, block !"., for .5J0.
I'.K-Kft C'JlJ'.cry
The largest and finest display;
every brought to this valley just :
vecefved at Stewart it .-'ox's. Cull;
and c-j:.".mine.
In keeping with the ever brightening prospects
of our fair city, we are daily adding to our already
large stock such fancy and staple groceries as will
fully supply the wants of the most tast.idiwus. And
wnile we call special attention to the quality and
complete assortment of our goods, we will add that
as a ' : . -
1 M.
Give Away
1 Dinner Set, 120 pieces
1 Tea set, 44 pieces
Three Tea Sets, ech 44 pieces. ,
This ware is not cheap
s eecan geuuie English table ware. Let every
lad 3 avail herself of this opportunity of procuring
! . i .1-1 i , 1
I not oniy tne uest o-rocenes to oe lound, out nave a
j chance at drawing free one
! sets.
K. L. Kenton
j Staple and F an oy
Uso Choice Candies, Nuts, Cigars and Tobaccos,
Fruits, Vegetables, Etc.
Subscription Agent
impers and Magazines.
"Oh! the cold and winter,
Ever thicker, thicker, thicker ;
Froze the ice on lake and river,
Ever deeper, deeper, deeper;
Fell the covering snow and drifted
Through the forest round the village."
'OU Prolx
says winter
severe this year
Taketime by the topknot and examine
stock of
Leading Clothier
Ns.rI'v'..:. ' v
:-"f.'".-; ;'';.-" . V"
on January ist
.$25 00
. 18 00
baking powder prizes, but
or more of
these elegant
for all Leading Ketes-
is comino- earlier
and more
than usual.