r' -I . .'7 y-" .7 t r THE MORN 12? (J IlEKALD: WEBNESijAV, OCTOBEK 2, 1889. IMSIX: .NOTICES. JAPANESE BAZAAR STOEE. Mrs. Xancy AVestfall, wife of the well known Chinese contractor Jim "West fall, has opened a Japan ese bazaar store in the brick next door to C. II. Spencer's. It is tilled with all kinds of Japanese wares and novelties, including parasols, fans, canes, ladies wear, souvenirs, etc. jGCAll Roods sold very cheap. -Under the new management of The latest, sneet n:n:c at Mr llyman's. Buy your stoves and tinware at Smith & Washburnc'u. Try Sapoliofor house leaning. It i uuequalcd Brownell &, Stanard, Builders should co to Smith & va8jiburnc'8 for their carpenters tools aid builders hardware. No. 1 Star tomatoes and all kinds of fresh canned good at a very low figure at Conrad Meyer's. Fahrney's celebrated blood cleanser at Brownell fc Stanard and at Deyce 4c Kobson's. P. J. Baltimore general agent. Lorers of aood cheese should call ou :nn Bros. They have just re ceived a lot of full cream, fresh and sweet. Mexican Cactus Bitters is the best remedy in the world for liver and kid ney diseases, indigestion, etc. For sale at M Banmgart's Anew line of fine wall-papers with bovders to match have been opened at Fortmiller fc Irving's. They are new and elegant designs. Call and see them. It is no good to look at the Ihcr moinetei this year to judge of winter. The only thing to guide you is Brownell & Stauard'a price, winch j are always down to zero. j For chilblaiu and frost-bites use Chamberlain's Pain-Balm. When promptly applied to the fro.eu parts itwih Jieyent the sk'.u from turning; black 'vr peeling off. It allays the. itching and smarting of chilblaius and soon restores the part to a healthy condition tor ale by tosuay v ; :.,1U Mason. ! kind. w ...j - j ---1 rT nnrr t i tt ti t" v-m-i . y i others, will be interested in the fol- L- U f U UhU h KK.H A ! W, The Afav Bakery ! D asker Ik WH KEEP A fuil line of choice drov-sion family groceries an(j Canned fineapples, GMce TaMe Delicacies! IStUiii Take Simmons Liver Regulator One Dose WORTH 100 Dollars ! iinamcnlcd cakes for Jl'rdtnnas mid Parties. bellies r - 1" .1 1 I . . C. .. lOWlut; iroin u. mi c, ou:i, i Tenn., who is A. D. ('..Commander I Dep't Tenn. and Ga. lie says: "We j have had an epidemic of whooping cough here and Chamberlain s Lough Remedy has been the onlj thing that has done any good." There is no danger from whoDping congh when this remedy is freely used. 50 ceni bottles for sale by Foshay & Mason. Have you heard what Mr. G. L. Weast, of Cambridge City, Ind., says of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrbcea Remedy? If not, here it is: I "During last summer I was troubled I very much with serere pains in the j stomach and bowels, and was induced . b a friend to try this Iiemedy. I took one uose, a3 per directions, and it gave mo almost instant relief, cheerfully recommend it to the j afflicted." 25 and 50 cent bottles for ! sale by Foshay & Mason. Mr. F. J. Smith, Editor of the Ft ! Abercrombie, Dakota, Herald, says: . "The most wonderful medicine, I j have ever met with, is Chamberlain's ; Colic, Cholera and Diarrhuca Remedy. ! In case of cholic is gives speedy re- j liaf. On hunting trips I h&Te found j it inuispensiblc. Put in auali water, it imparts a pleasant taste and pre vents the painful diarrhoea, which alkali water produces. I could not i feel safe without it in my house.' 2o : 4uJ 50 cent buttles for sale by ; Foshay & Mason. Nv Aclditiaa to Albany. J. K. Abbey's addition to Albany in tlie eastern suburbs oi the city , has been platted, and .14 choice lots are now on sale at $50 to $125 by Cnrran & Monteith. Apply at once and select your lots. Ai Absolaie t'nre The Origin M Abictinc Ointment is only put up in large two-ounce tin -koxt s, and ii an absolute cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands, and all 6l;in eruptions. AViil positive ly cure all kinds .f pi'es. MU lor the Original Abiet'me Ointment, io'd by Foibay & Masou ut -5 cents yvv box Iry mai. 'M tents. bjvorv .Day. Dkar S. L. k: I consider one di.e of Sim mons Liver Ketfulator worth $100. 1 was constipated, had Headache, could eat noth ing with patisf action or appetite" had the blues, and felt altogether cut of sort?. I re sorted to Blue Maes, Calomel, Quinine, and every remedy sup-rest el, but only obtained temporary relief. One dose of S I, R did nie more good than worth of doctors and dectorinu'. Kesp'y, J c Martin. I havefbeen a tcachtrfor twenty years, and during that time have hail lepeatcdattacksof headache, produced hvtornid Liver, and I j have been entirely cured by Simmons Liver i Kegula'or. I found it to he of so mild a I ! character in its action a not to interfere, in I the least with my dutim in the cchool room. To thoc bimi irly xituate.1 ami H.iliicct to lie f . V! LI.. . ... ; .-u.in.-, i . .inn. it h,ij nijniv recoiuiiientl sun KSiljf'th ;f al j motis Liver Keyidntorr ' I E. K, ,m:i:K(.'anipbel!Rvillc, Kj. 1 tor your line imported ind Ke est cigars, ro to M. Knumcart cigar store, one dooi ast of lilack man's drug sto' ? THE MARKETS. 1LBANT QUOTATIONS. Wheat-61 Oats 25:Wc Flour ti.2b pei bbl Potatoes COc Eggs 18c Butter 15c. Lard 12 15c Wool 2:c. Hams 1215c. Shoulders SlCc. Bacon 1214c. Hay Timothy, ?r', oats ana iili'.'l'.LJ-LU-JJ' the at. 8. App .8 -Green, 7o(gl.G0 per bu. Plu.m Dried, oc. per lb. App'i s dried bleached 5c eundricd Sc. Chickens $2.505 00 Hides Bef hides, greer,r4 t , 10 c ; deer skins, 20c; sheep pelts, 10 75c, according to wool. Beef 22c gross. Mutton $2 00 per head. Hogs 67c, dressed. Lard Kegs, .or2 5 gallon tins, 10c; Pail We. ri;-.,;- l Xi Siiffee Any Longer. fo Knowing that n cough can be checked in a day, and the lirst stages of consumption broken in a week," we hereby guarantee Dr. Ackci's KnL'lish llcmedy for consumption, und will re fund the money to nil who buy, take it as per direi-tiois, and do nut find our statement correct. BestS TOD. TEAS and COFFE Pes ma? UUlil Candies Nuts. Raisins 11 CANNED ooODS. ETC. ne best Soap in the market ?!Le Roi Savon. I A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars 12TAt John Fox's old standi new brick. low Kl tin 6 it r t i i ; V( , U I V I ii 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 ! M, 111 I1JU1 M W lllll VitUlllU . nsurance! 1 ,- 1 XJ! When Baby was slcv, Ve gavo her Castoria. When she was :i Child, l I Sho cried for Casioria. j When she Levuiile Miss, j She chins to Custoria, ' W'heu she had Children, She gave them Castoria. The Celebrated CURE Warranted to . IMer,.!ir.,V! French cr money rtfundcu cure 3 5 !5 on BEFORE AFTER the Ktncrative organs of either sex whether aritim; from the excessive use of stimulants, tobacco or opium, or through 3 outliful inilis- cretion, over indulgence, etc., such as loss 01 Brain Tower, Wakcfu'ness, Bearing Down Pains in the Back, Seminal Weakness, Hys teria, Ncr ous Prostration, Xocturnal Omis sions, Leucorrhoc, Dizziness, Weak Memory, Loss of Power and Imjiotciicy, which if neg lected often lead to premature old atre and insanity. Price 61 a box; 0bo.e5 fcrSS.OO. Sent bv mail on receipt of price. A VritlTTEX .i 4K4XTF.R is fciven with every 5 order received, to refund tne money if a Permanent cure !s nottffeUed. We have thousands of testimonials from old and youiij.', of both ReX3s, who have been permanently cured by the uce rf Aphroditinc Circular free. Address iiik Aiiiia iucixi: o. Western Branch, Box, '27. Portland, Oregon. 1'or sale by Koshay fi Mason, wholesale and retail druggists, Albany, itreuon. DEYOE & ROBSON, Proprietors of Tin: AGRICULTURAL DEPOT fJALBANY. OREGON Overlain! k Mkm. -Ol'TIU.KX - VIA ! Shelf Hardware, Domestic and Other Leading Sewihg Machine 1 FULL LINE OF GARDENER'S AND CARPENTER'S TOOLS Ti e: Irrgcbt aifl iit vrictV o STUDEBA..K.ER 1 NEWTN THE MOUNT sriSTA U;liTE. Time, between n nd Mm I I 2Z o j a E "UK-fsru i 35 fiJ.S DEALER IN- j benefii ii ilWh i! a ndise AIli;i ii v 35 California express trains run daily between j Portland a ad San Francisco. j HOITII NOItTII 4:00 p m..Lv.. 8:18 p m..Lv. . 17:45 a m..Ar.., ...Portland ....Ar.. 10:45 am ...Albany Lv.. 6:45 am ... S. Francisco. Lv.. 7-00 pm WAGONS, Local I'asH. ITraln Ituily- Ex. Sunday 8:00 a m. .Lv Portland Ar. 12:40 j) m. .Lv. Albany Lv. 2:40 p m. .Ar Eugene Lv. . 3:45 pui ,11:35 am . 9:00 am Lebanon Branca. In the central Willamette Valley, oi omptly tilled at lowest rates. SACHS AND BUGGIES Orders Jrom a distance tiilicited'ajjtf 8rJJ,p m..Lv Albany... 9:06 p m..Ar Lebanon.. 12:50 p m. .Lv Albany.. . 1 p m . . Ar Lebanon. . .Ar.. o::0uni .Lv.. 5:452am .Ar.. 2:45 piu .Lv.. 2:00pm PULLMAN BUFFETSLEE PER S. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation of Set-cnd-Class Pas servers attached to Fxj.ress Trains. The S. P, Co.'s Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains on the cast side di vision from foot of F street. Potrland, Wctit KfIe?ivis:n. Between Pot Hand ami Corvallif l fly - Fxcej' Po.tlanl . Crnaiiis. . ; SSundav DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS M 2 r CLOAKS FANCYtGOODS MEN S CLOT hiNlTT"" HATSiAND CAFS. FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES AND CHILDRENSi Tr'"" ta.v-Kxctpt Sunday) , ..- 4:50pm..Lv Portland ... Ar.. 9:00 am SHOES, wurf.cV'' 8:00pm .Ar il!innviile.l.v.. 5.45am I ALL AT LO W F ST.IP R ICES. M.iH Trniit 7:30 a in.. Lv. ... 12:23 pm..Ar Ar.6 20 p. L. 1.30 p. COMPANY W -0F- Albany Oregon Ganita! Stock 50fi 000 1 l'u Cannot A fiord. At this sea.son of the year to be without a good reliable diarrhoea iMdaam in the house, as cramps, colic, diarrhoea and all inflaDiuation ef The stomach and boweLi are exceedingly dangerous if not attended to at once. One bottle of B EGGS' DIARRHOEA BALSAM will do more good in caies of this kind thau any other medicine on earth. We guarantee it. (!. L. ' Kackmiu, druggist. TVhT I It That people linger along always oaiplaiuiog about thc.t tired feeling? One bottle of BKGGS' BLOOD PURI FIER and BLOOD MAKER will en tirelyjremove this feeling, give them good appetite and regulate iliges-, tion. (i. L. Blackmail, druggist. Don't forirct that at Yrs. B. E. 'Xymau's Is the place'to set ymr sew img machines. 14 in II' ( A!'MH S55,(ll. OKFICKRS. President Charles K. V'oIvert(ii Vice-President J. O. Writsman. Treasurer J. V. Cnsiek. Set-retarv 1. K. Klderki::. directohs. ' ii. X. tralian, Clias. K. Volv;' (011. J. L. Cowan, I). H. Monteitti. J. W. Cusi. k, J. O. Writsman, .! K. l.lilerkin, Charles Monteith, F. Simpson. Safe, Bound, iJonservative A Square Company, Managed by Square Men, Patronized by Square People ! P&xsonizQ Hone Enterprise TAKE THE CA15 KKOM lTi fir ; OREGDNS I FERTILIZER COMPANY N. K. Cor. lTtli and F streets, R I'OCTLAND, - OREGON MAM'FACTUKERS OK PU1JE KOK"EjMEAL For Orchards and Lawns. BONE PHOSPHATE, ! For Gardens and Grain. ! P.t experience has proven ii to le a ! ALSO ; necessity. The hist and cheapest i Granulated Bone for Poultry. Our fertilizsrs are made from Raw IV M Oil Ii At Albany and Corvallis connect I rains of Urcon Pacificltailroail. I'.y hiiyiii" ffooJs at the. SECOID HAND mil A..M j mi place in the city to buy your Stoves. Fnrniture.tinware We aie aiwiijs prcparea to ouyyoui ho.ist-tiold furniture at the highcel c:t'll (ir'.cc. -T "First. class ; .(.'ds fold eheuj er tli.in i;i;v house in AUi iny L. (1OTTI.IKI: TSBFKlliLil OF ALBANY. OREGON. riLKsiwEsi, L. Flinn. VICh I'KKMBiKKT S. E. roUfl". E. W. Liuimliio ! 'M CAKIIll'.N. JLiU -1 - KL'SINEKb. Tke Pride mt Wvaiaa. A clear pearly and transparent skin ii always a sign of pure bloi.cl, and all persons troubled with dark, greasy, yellow or blotched skin can rest assured that their biuod is nut of rder. A few 'lebes of BKGGS' BLOOD PURIFIOR and BLOOD KAKER will remove the cause and RATES: To any part of the city, 50 cents. For calling, first hour $1. ."), ?ac subsequent hourjl. Stand in front of S. K. Youn' and W. F. Read's stores. SHILGH'S " V1TAL1ZKK what you need for constipation, losa of ni- petile, dizziness and all symptoms of ! A CKNEK.VL'j 15AXKIN" AixonntH kect mbiect check. Sight Exchange anil Telegraphic Transfer sold on Xcw York, Chicago, San Francisco and PortJaiKl.Orejfoi). Collectioiv ta!e oq favorable terms. S. K. YfcCNe Ii. Fijxn I.. K. Jiais, W. I . mf E. W. Ijiomn Jab. F. I'otieli. oithninh Bones, no sand or other worthless material being used. Stewart &;Soi, gAscnts. ALBANY, - OREGON. Hie BUY Kits', GUIDE n issued March and Sept.each year. It is an encyclopedia of useful information for ftl' who purchaso the luxurief or the necessities of life. We can clothe vou n furnish vou with all the.recessary and unnecessary ap ! pliances to ride, walk lance, sleep, I eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church or ! stay at home, and in vanous sizes, styles and quantities. .lust likore out what is required to do all these th'ngs COMFORTABLY, and yon can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS' CUIDE. which will be sent uponjreeeipt of 10 cents to pay postage. 1 8te. MONTGOMERY, WARD & CO.. 11-1 14 Michigan A vent) Ghicago.IU A. L B ANY tke skin will become clear and trans-1 dyspppshi Price. 10 and 75 cents per ' parent. Try it, and if satisfaction is uol"c- to,ua Magon not given it will cost you nothing. It u fully warranted, G. L, an an, druggist. Hermann's Restaurant ! Con te IrivtifiitA llJUllllUU ALBANY, OREGON 1889 BiackP: stockmen and farmers j Hermann Bieroks, Prop, - ! A Eull CorDs of Instruers.to 1 miri r "f ; ""'uir0 of ,)ave 'eterson, Wm. Petcron,Lel- y t" call. ? l,0,',urV a ! anon: J,,nn "ardma.1, Alfre.1 Wclverton. Al th best Tiai Jiottle OI !anta ; any; Sara Gaincn, Scio; Wm. Foster Prine- tion Ruarant ville. I practice veterinary medicine in Al bany and country Hurroundintr Office and Hot a (California Bear. Anybody can catch a cold this kind successfully operated on my riddling of weather, f he trouble is to let go. like the man who caught the bear. We advise our readers Foshav & Ma. on a bottl Abie, the California Kingof t'onsumi ton. Asthma. Bronchitis. Couzhs and Croup Cures, and keep it handy, "l is : residence corner tith ami Washington stn.; leasinff to the taste and death to the N DOODLE Veterinary Surgeon. above complaint. Sold at ?1 00 a liottle or 3 for $2 SO. California Cat-; R-Cure gives immediate relief. The ! Catarrhal virus is soon displaced by ita healing aud penctratieg nature, j iive it a trial. Six months treatment : tl 0, sent by mail 1 If. 1 hereby certify that Dr. I. N. Woodlehn) tne PWic in the Saltmargh buildinc be- f y ndjrling horse. low lne nevere House, where good meals ISAAC HAYS, j De served at all hours. Mr Dierck in. , ranged to meet the needs of all trades rp"'S RESTAURANT IS NOW OPENED TO 1 Classical, scientific, literary, 'ctmmcrcial and normal classes. Courses of ttudy ar ranrrnrl In mpfc llli nunln nt nil ffMilna 4 For further -efcrence in rc-ard to ridglinp j vitc9 his old curtomcrs and tho public gencr students. Special inducements offered to ni. 1 iic iuun-3 wm oe supplied with ! siuncnts irora aoroad. Tuition ranges from .imiius viiv uiai hci. auorus. atisiac guarantee . 93.50 te 813.50 Ter Term. r 1 1." 1 ... . . ... ! Revirc lliuse "3. "e InrtramentalSnrtruction in; music wj the Eurwm n'.t, ,., f.,n'.i : I K"en ? Miss.Lanra Uoltra. - , r T v. muiu ma t itau uiuil I AJbany Bath House" succeed, so he onene.l hi. nrrf.'T, I BOar? ,n P.8te !nHes tt low rates, and where he has riven eeneralWiifar inn I m8.,or 8e" t Iense. -AND- I Perpons wantin eo to Hermann's. j 3T'o Chinese emplvrel a first i lass meal should I careiul supervision 1 hot HAIR DRESSING SALOON, exercised over tud away from home.n ; ror circulars and full particulars, address ! the'president, i REV. ELBERT N. COND1T, i Albany, Oregon, Terrible. Two thirds of all deaths in 'New nir a York city are from consumption or ; euaranteedj :.. 11... ttf.ttl l.iii Sneuuiuiiia. iiin- ( u'ui mmi Olds good for m)!t other cities. le- lIULj1 lays are danireroii; Or. Acker's 1 1 1 1 Pil fur -niiiinii)tion will vJ.UVrt alwajs relieve, and may --avc your life. JOSEPH WEBBER, PROPRIETOR1 JSyXadic? and children's hair drew, njr a specialty. tDntiJe satisfaclior. ui i mm How Donors t'ouquer IJenfh, Doctbr Walter I!animoi:d :.':.: After a Ion? experience 1 have come to the ceneluMon that two-!liiids f all deaths from coughs, pnciimr-nia m.d coii-urnption mi'lit l.e avoiucd , if Dr. Ackoi-'s En-ii.-li K incilv K.r j consniiiplio" were y n--ed i" t.Tiic, . Tuis wojit'erful icim 1 y is mjM usivu-r; a jiositive jjnarantee ly Fo.-hny ilacon Boots and eboes at cost at Kea IV ; reasonably done. Curran & ilonteith have lots for sale on the installment plan, rang ing m price from 12o to $ 1000. YflLLlfliOS. Dealers in all the latest improve!; piano3, orans,sevin ni.icliines,j;t:ns. also a full line of warranted i;i(ii., butcher and pocl;ct kniw s. TKe in si kind of sewiug niajhim? i i!s, ::c:!s and extras for ali lii-iahtpr Ail ;c p.iirin in the ahevej !inc rc.'lv and JOHN SCHMEER'S Livery.Feed&Sale stable Corner Second ami Elhieorth Si j ALBANY, - . OREGOJS j Horsm boarpkd by the day or month. Cat I riairwi or bneiries on reasonable terms ' vilnl J3L UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. EUGENE CITY. Next session begins on Monday, September 1G. 18S9. Free scholarships from every coun ty In the state. Apply to j our county super intendent. Free tuition after January 1, I&90. Four courses: Classical, Scientific, Literary and a short English course, in which there is no Latin. Rreek. Frenrli or German. The English is pre-eminentlv a business course. For catalogues or otner in formation, nedrcss J. W. JOHNSON, President. AKC1JIE W. BLACK r.UUN.: wrrn h:00 p m THROUGH TICKETS Jo Al! To'titt SOUTH AND EAST ' Via California. 43TFor full information regarding raU'S. maps, etc-, call on con panv s agent at Albany K. KOKHI.Klt, K. V. ROGERS, Manager Atst. G. F. & I A lliflllullfaS AVIU41IO OSII'A.M Columbia River Route Trai or the Fast leave Portland at S and 2:40 P. if. daily; T1T'1T4rT?rl1C! to antl ,rom prineial 1 ILJVJlJ J O Points in United States, Canada and Europe. ELEGANT PULLMAN PALACE GARS Emigrant '. Sleeping Cars Ban Throncb. oa Express Trains OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS and ST. FAUL Free of ('bul ge and Wllliout 4 hansr. Close Connections at Portland for San Fran Cisco and I'uget Sound points. For further particulars inquire of Curaan, & Monteith, First Street. Albany. Oregon. r"15oat9 leave the O. It. N. Co.'s wharf, at the foot of Broadalhin street , on Tuesday an j Friday of each week. C. G. RAWL1NGS, . i l-ocal Agent. v. 4. H.mrH. Sirtrral MnuMcer. A. L. MAXWELL. C. I. A T. . I : " i m. i in,! f I I l I I I i J AT I t II. J. JONES" BOOK VIERECKS SHAVING PARLOR THREE CHAIRS RUNNING STEADY. A CLEAN TOWEL TO EVKKY CUSTOMER, ifcavirjr 13 ct itr. Hair C uttirp 2."cts. with 0(J!( ST SPRINGFIELD SAWMILL A. WHEELER, SPRINGFIELD, PROPRIETOR. SPRINGFIELD OKECjON .'lavint? lumber not excelled in quality , -. vd facilities cot surpassed fortha npt and siitisfuctori or orders. I reeiiceifulh nliei: a Lsrc of tbe promj trade, t r? WHEELER laaiima we OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. AND Oregon Development Go.'s Steamship Line m MILESSHORTEH AUD 22 Hours Less Time. Than by any other route: First-class through passenger and'freiaht from Portland and all points in the Wil- mette Vrllcy to and from San Jrannsco. Accomodations unsurpassed for comfort and safety. Fares and freights via xaquina ana the Oregon Deve onment company's steam- ihips, much less that by any other route be ween all points in tne vtiiuamciie tancv nd Sao Francisco. Sailing dates. FROM TAQCINA. Willamette Valley Sept. ?8th wnumetteivallcy wi. , m WUlamette Valley " 16th VmnBowio p Hfootto Syyp57 ChOaSSi Ii of Mottsrs blew Omm UtAml mf ChTla. DHimeiii i nil i m nil mmaiii Htraa beoltlrr sleep ; also 4da 4igetiJoa t rwamnaaaV fhafwrto tor cMtoaV FROU SAS FRANCISCO Willamette Vailey Willamette Vallev. . . . Willamette Valley ..Sept 24th ..Oft 3d .. : 12th LILY MHST G: ASS. LEAf; 'i nr. : ( i:. ; The companv reserve the right to 'han t earners or sailing dates. ."Vi; C. II. Hasweix. Jr.. Gen t. Il V. At,cnt. (114 Montgomery street, San Francisco, Ca!. DAILY PASSP.XfiP.R TRAINS, Kxccpt Sundaye.) L, Yaiiiina 6:4.r A H I l.v Albany 1:00 Corvallis 10:38 AM I" Corvallis -W m Ar Albany 11:10 A II I Ar Va;iiina r--" P. v O AC. trail's connect at Aibanr and Uctr.cnilicr the Oreyr.n l'acifio pojaibr Summer exctirsioim to Y ii;na. Lo.v rate tickets re now on sale, i-'ur.d cvyry Wednrp i!v and Saturday from Albany, CorvaliU anil l'!ii!ii!::ith. V":. V. II..-.-.. C. If.-ifrr. i.i iii: ii .'lana;.!' Act K.F i T. A pent . Coia!:ia, O cn cwa. i-y ra ravi r m i f tano (elms AsQoms, vf r - , v"vj.iot.Dinriun' ADu.JlNLMED co.oRDWurfAL. iwiiajj ut mm. jam ill SOLD BV a BROWNSVILLE. P'-vis-bros. and co -:.! J.stato and 'L'AXCE ACEN'l 'KALH.S ,.v ,1 X u:h;Oiisms.C .-Li