tw G 15 CENTS A WEEK. - ALBANY, OREGON,WEDJSTESDAV, SEPTEM.15EU 11 1881). VOL: IV. KO. 243 FOR PURE DRUG TOILET ANrJ) -co -HE ALSO The Finest Line of Pianos and Organs in Willamette Valley, CALL AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK. STEWAET & SOX. -Dealers in- General ID Iron, Steel and Coal Wagons and Buggies i Hope and Cordage Blacksmiths Supplies I Qarcien and 4ncl all Implements C. K. flAWKlNs." HIT ifflCiltlil'ii 1 I ft M Mm Doca'an immenrc buijinets ir."ali kindsfcf furniture, ! bedroom nets, parlm acts, chair?, bed louche, kitchen t-a.'es, and all kinds ef tablet, etc., etc. Also have a tine .elect:n of wall paper and wind iw (.hades, which they are offering at close figure , 'ali and we tl em . oi Firft strret,, opposite .Stew art Sox. CHEAPEST PLACE. IN TOWN. DEALERS IX Stores, Tin, Sheet Iron and Copperware, Pumps Iron Pipes and all kinds of Plumbing Goods. Agents for the Ce7ebrated ON TIME Cooking and Heating Steves, the best stye for the least money ever sold in this city. Give them a call at the Pierce RlockjNrorth First Street. Albany, Oregon. Tulitjs Joseph Manufactauer of Choice Ciais -AND v 1 J Li Cigars, riu-ratnl mrkinc; Tcl.'Htos, full line of Smokers. AND unuii Next tioor to VfTciffei candy -Tl IE- Mimx i iieald Imported and key 1 1111 HUDSON, G i'w repa: to fnriii.sii In:: ni'ALV, W 1 itt' FANCY GOODS TO - J.L Successor to E. V. I.angd -DSALKK IX- Mgs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery and toilet articles, also a fall line of books am' stationery, periodicals, etc. l-tf Prescriptions i-oroponnded;i TEMPLE. Ortgo;, IN ODD FEUMS Albany CARRIES - the BLACKMAN ! Rl Hardware ANT1- Carpenters9 Tools Builders9 Hardware Powder, Shot, etc. Giant Powder &jj'use Saws and Axes. Grrass Seeds Used by Farmers Li up wis F. t AKKELL ma DEALER IN- WEST !teitfli:.i. in :;i i! Fii.n l ijis.-i Article?. Also dealer in TROPICAL FKUflS. store, Albany. Oregon, LUMBER Linii diPAiNy. ,;t:i .O - l '1' w MUM Absolutely Pure. This pouder never vane. A marvel of pui'ity.streiurth and v holesonieness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be fold in competi lion with multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders Sold only in cms, Royal Bakin'" Pow der Co . 10V. Wall St.. N. Y. 1);W efc Co., Agents, Portland, Oregon. rilY.SH 1.4 X WII. DAVIS, M. 1. I'HYKICIANI AXI) sui'con. Can be found at his office room ir. St rahan's block, First street. Albany Oregon- D"""trC. Cll AMUliKLIXIioSl EOI'AT IMC physician and surgeon. Office, corner Third and Lyon streets, Albany, Oregon. Of fice hours, ' mornings, S to 'J and 12 to 1 ami after i in evening. W. IIASTOX, I'llYSICIAN Urc'on (it'll gcon, Albany, KLLIS, PHYSICIAN ANI Slltr geon, Alhai.y, Oregon. GO. KKLLY, I'lIYSICIAN AND ol II . con Albany, (ireon. office in I'ltrce's new block OMice.hnur, from 8 A. .v. to 4 p. M. J. uosmtki;, yk".i:i;inai:y SfK- l . ucon, yr.iduatu of Ontario cttrir ary college and member of the Ontario vch rin ary inodital yoeieiy, is jir pared to treat tbe di.icasts e.f all duimstiiatcd animals on scientific principles. Office nt Aim Marshall's livery fctfible. llcsMcr.ce i: h and C'alupeoia street , Al'ianv, Ore'cn. D'5. I. W. STAKII, PHYSICIAN AND .Suruec.n l.tvnt I'.rownsMiie, Or, OI!i e in the Mock upstairs in the rear rooms on t lie main hail. Cai s prorrptlv attcr.dtd to in city er c-imtjy. ryi it 1J peon Ko;.I)i;VAY, VKi r.KINAItY St 11 eeon, Alhativ, Ore'-on --Orai.uate of man and Americen coll'"'es. :. .McAt.ISTK- li'lVKOI AIIilC I II V- sii'i in ana snr'.'eu'i. lin rononil !ns otnee into Crawford blotk. All cal.s prompt ly a tended to. Dlt G. A. VVI xtir.-fiii. WIIITNKY, PHYSICIAN AM) Graduate f P,i!Ievue llospi- tal Medical College. New York City. 1'itcastM ofuipmen a specialty, O.'h'ce in rnmars brick, Albany;,. OTK l: IS lIKP.KIiYtGIYI.N T'lAT PKO pertv owners are renin red bv ordinance to cut dow n ami remove all tbiK;le ami ob noxious weeds frowins u on their premise,, and upon the street adjoinin!.' the rtto, within the city limits of Albany. 'I hose failiiur to do so v ill e liable tea tine ef cG, 15y order of t lie city marshal, J.N. HOFFMAN Albany, Ji nk 2S, 1SS0, TT EVERT PRACTICAL WATCHMAKE i 1. an d jeweler, Albany, Oregon, 4TTORXE1S. D. M. N. Ht.AlKKl'KN. . W RIOIIT. 1)LACKIil !tN, & WRIGHT ATTORNEY AT ) Law, Albany, Oregon. Ofliee in Odd bellow's Temple. A'ill practice in all courts of the state, and ;ite special attention to all business. w;t()N iiiakllse. attorney at Law, Albany, Or. Office in rooms 13 and 14, Foster's Ulock, ever L. K. lilain's Stor t T K. l . law, Albany, Oregon. office in Odd Fellow's Temple. Will pract in all the courts of thestate, and give special attention to all business. Land Surveying. PARTIES DK.StRI.KO Sl'RVKTIKS DONE CAN OB tain accurate and prompt work by cailintr upon ex-county surveyoi F. T. T. Fisher. He hascompletc copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepare I to do surveying in any part of Linn county. Postofhce address, Millers Station, Linn cou itv, Oregon. WINN, AGENT FOR THE LEAD- J ing ing fire, life ancLaecident insurance com panies. For Kent. FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT. AT THE City Restaurant. ZT - .,m.A.Tj. -. - , . THAT HACKING COUGH can pb so ijuickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. AVc guarautcc it. Foshay efc Mason. 1?OIt RENT A COMMODIOUS STORE 25x 60. An A 1 location. Small stock and fixtures jr sale, Aderces or call on Ashbv & Dickinson, Albany, Or. E. T. SEDGWICK, M. D., ECLECTIC physician and surgeon. Ofliee rooms 23 and 24, I'earec s hlooe, Albany, Oregon. WA.N'UD-A YOUNG M N DESIRES A situation as a canciiter Address Gee. Sandman, Albany pngtotlicc- Drain Hie lor ;ile. GOOD SUPPLY OF FIRST CLASS x drain tile for sale at the Eage brick and cilc factory Last of Albany near Knox Butte. Call at the factory cr address Propts & Austou, Albany Oregon. PALACE MARKET J A M K 1 'IF-K.I rop. ttlmti .l.mutton . r.s-.iii;t! :s:, "l-r SPECIAL NOTICE. DR W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal College, of London, England, also of tiu: l'..;l!e vue. Medical College. The Ir. h:ia spent a lifetime of i sin-! piaclicc ami makes a spe J i:ia!i ii chronic diseases, removes cancers, c rotrla lUilaivi-me-ntM, tumor? aii'l cii, without pain or the knife. I In also makes a ty .f treat nifi.t with electricity. Has ir.ic.tii eti it, flit Ceviiiari French ami English hos-pital.'. (.'nils -promptly attended d:iv or nilit. tlia mi ttn i J "(H)()l ' WILL TO ALL.'' uiTOiiice and residence Kerry street, !i;tween Third and Fourth. 9,099.OO IN GOLD I) 1)1', Cut out this ai l el t si men! vnd scmI it J. LAIIMEIl.V. CO., Nurpcn man, Toronto, Canada, with 11 tbree-ccLt Canadian, oi 21 two-cent American (testate stamps, and they will send you by inail(pcstpaid) in mil time for planting in April or Slay next, your choice of any one of the follow ing collection of plants, and enter your name in competi tion for the j!t,:i!!.00 in jrold that they are giving away in nrrier to introduce their nur sery stock. Collection of Plants No, 12 hardy roses. No. 2 "2 hardy cliint,:nu' roses. No. U '2 overblo"iniiigJrose8 forlhou'ij cul ture. No. 4 2 dahlias. No. S 10 gladiola. No. (i 3 hardy grape vines. Nc. 7 -S raspberry ph.nts, 4 each Hack and red: No. !S-20 straw berry plants, 4 choice kini's. No. 0 ; very choice plants four house cul " ture. No. 10 ' cherry currants (rci1). No. 11 f Lees prolific curranta (blacl.) No, 12 o white grape currents All letters with thif advertisement enclosed along with stamps for any one or more coi tions of plants, will be numbered as they come to hand, and tie senders of the Hist thirteen hundred w ill receive gifts as follows: 1st SUM The ncit 20, s-lCeeach. 2nd PK) ! The neit 40, .' each, tird - 50 I The neit 4 1.1, 2 each. 4th H0 ' I he neit S20, $1 each. J ;.th 20 1 After eO.OnO letters have been lfci-ived, the senders of tbc next 1, '00 letters w ill receive gifts as follows: ' 1st 22'. Net 10, $15 each 2nd l.!;- Next, l.T, 10 each 2nl 75 ! -Next 40. 5 each $ 4f n 50 ! Next 471, 2 each 5th 25 I Next 501, 1 taeh Aft.T P 0,000 letters have been received, e s" losoltir iii.xt 1,000 letters w iil re- i j-i!.l as lrj.1 iws: aa.l . - ..sMOeael: Next 5 $20 each H, 4 and l.. 75 each j Next 15 10 each 0,7 and 8... SOcae h Next :ttU :i each 3.10,11,12. 25 each Next ;)3 leach After 150,000 letters have been received the senders of the next 1.109 letters will tcceiic cifts as follows: I 100 each l Next $20 each 2 75 ea h Next 25 , 10 each .1 and 1 5i each ! Next 2 each Noxto 25 each Next 7!) leach Any person may fend any number of times for any of the above collections If aceiitsin stamps extra is scni, wc wil send in Juti" next a printed list of the names of all persons v.!io are entitled to gifts. We make this liberal nflVr to readers of the IH'itAU), know ing it will not pay ui now, but our object is to iiitro luce our stock and build upa trade. Our mailing points are Toronto and Shruhmount. Out., Rochester, N. Y., Louisville, Ky., I'lai'icsville, ()., and Chicago, 111., and lie will guarantee all mtyk to reach our customers in good condition. We employ no ai-cnts, but deal direct w ith customers, and can tell and deliver stock to any part of the I'nited States or Canatia a about one half the price e'harged by other nurserymen, through agents. Remember we will not be undersold by any reliable firm. Send us u list of wants and wo will quote you prices; or 10 cents for a hand ome illustrated catalogue whic h you may deduct from your first order. Address all letters J. I,AHMER & CO., Niirserynen. TORONTO, CANADA. WANTED. THOSE WISHING class piano, sewing A FIRST machine, the latest music or artists' materials, will find a bargain by calling at Mrs. li. Hytnan's. The pianos are fully i;uar antecd for live years. The best pianos made to stand the climate oi the Pacific coast. The New Ameri can Sewing Machine will please most fastidious. Painting and music les sons given there. Stamping, Em broidery and Dressmaking done to order. No. 115 1st St., Albany, Or. BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. CAPITAL $50,000 I'restelcnl H. BRYAftT Vice Prcn JAY W. KI.4I. CnHliicr ..II. V. NEttKILI.. A general bunkijg business trans' acted. fcsiirht exchange and telegraphic transfer bought and sold on New York, Sau Francisco and Portland, (ire iron. Collections, made on favorable terms ALBANY I II Mil 'I ALBANY, 2 OREGON 1SSS 189 A Eull Corps of Classical, scientific, literary, cemmcrclal and normal chesses. Courses of study ar ranged to in.:ct the needs of all grades of students. Social inducements offered to students frci.i abroad. Taition ranges from ..." to I'o'0 ler Term. Instrumental instruction music vi ven by Miss Laura Goltra. L..:ir.i in private families s.t low rati!-. 1 rio!.:s f-.r si if bcavding at email xri i- . 1 earciul mpi-n it:en eercied over ! avuv ia home. ' 1 1 ! I'...-. 1! i-M! art;.- !.: 1 .v ( 1 -N' 1 1'. Given . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I M I III II " 9 EAST OF THE ROCK IKS A no thf? Vcman Found Murdered and Hutibted. Ti:t::t: was no ti;a k left. Toe Atlantic. Cia3i Visited by the VTors-t Storm Experienced in -"Snn- te'' Cci Gr.daallylSitkiai;. 'the Hhii.M.l '.-Special I'riatcdes.J b.i.MwN, .i-(.t. Li. .u ii :'.','.) lliis inoriiiii": the police found the Ir1 uf : fallen wnincii lviil at tin iMri.'t-r 0; u.o railway aivii on 1 aide street, Wiiiiee-iiapel. An cxaniiiia "ion of tht remains allowed that the lit'tul ami aims had been cut off ami can ii!l away, the stomach ioped oi''ii a il Hit; intestines Iv- iag on the "round. Tje ;iitiieler is the worst of Hit whole .-erie's 01 W luteciiapel inui deis. The tnanner in which the litnli were severed from the bodv show- that the murderer posse ssed son e surgical skiII. Tlie woman about thirty years old. Her cloth ing was shabby and she was evi dently a jreat drinker. The re mains have not been identified. The most intense excitement pre vaiis in Whitechapel. Crowds sur rounded the mortuary where tiie body lies. Later details show that there is no tilooel 011 the ground where the oody was found nor on the body From this it is evident that the murder was committed in some other place and the hotly subse eiipntlv deposited under the rail road arch. The trunk was nude and torn and the bloody chemise was found near the bod. The arms are intact, but the legs are missing, It is believed t he woman has been dead lor two days.J DISASTKItS AT SKA FEAltEIb A II nrricano Cuews up the Atlantic Coast 1 run the West Indies. Yamiin;, Sept. 10. The hytlro:raph'e: oilicet has prepared a statement to the effect that tidal marks aloii the coast of New Jei-t-ey and Long Island for the past, few days were caused by a hurri cane joining up the coast from the West Indies. Disasters at sea are feared. The necessity fur telegraphic communication with J'.ermuda and Nassau, that warnings to shipping may be given, is pointed out. 'jhisisa hurricane t-eason, and great tears of disasters to shipping are entertained. Tin: dF ;;;. !. .vr ylaps. Nkw Yukk, Sept. 10. Incoming ws.-.els are anxiously waiting f jr news ui the great ttorm at sea, which has been raging during the past few days, 'lhat it. has been the worst of recent years is made evi dent by the high tides and storms ivliich have done such great dam age along the coast. In this city the cellars and fir. t floors of buildings along the water front are all flooded. This morn ing the ferry boats are having great difficulty in getting into their slips. lleporls of great damage done by the storm at high tiele last night ail along the coast are Cuming in, and as the tide this morning is higher than last night it is evident that an enormous amount of prop erty has been destroyed. Along the New Jersey coast the Ijw beaches are submerge ! and railroad tracks injured. Thousands of soecators watched the surf which is the wildest and highest known in years. Atlantic City is completely cut off from the main land and many bathing houses are ground up into kindling wood. Several payilious were lifted bodily from their pilings and destroyed. All night long the waves dashed over the breakwater at Manhattan and Brighton beaches with a tre mendous roar. The marine rail way between those places is en tirely swept away. This morning not a vesiige was left of the esplan ade in front of the Manhattan hotel, and the tide flows in and out of the basement of the build ing. ' M"SSET" COX'S CONDITION. Very Much Worse To-Daj No Ke-nr of Immediate Ite.nlk. Nkw Yokk, Sept. 10. Hon. S.S. Cox's physicians held a consulta tion this morning and found him w orse, but there are no reasons to fear immediate death, unless heart failure occurs. His condition is critical, however. SINKING 1AS1'. A message was received at 10 :.'!0 from the house, saying that Cox is sinking fast. A ItOl.l) KO IS I. Kit. lie Srcures OOO in Cein from .Mi 110 Superintendent. Dahoktt, Cal., Sept. 10. .1. L. Patterson, superintendent of the Kunover mine, was knocked from his lior.-n between here and Calico to-day and robbed of .",0;i!) in gold coin which he had j.ot from theex-p,-t to pay od' the miner.-1. The r...b!.er to. tho iios.-i' and s.::.'ti-.I in th'- direction of il.tley ro;:. i'vi ; e. ;!.; arc "';! alter !:.:. re.-:t -. soi-vet : c.-tau! a: av HAYTI'S AMAZONS. Tli Lbony Damsels Whom Lcgil intn Unlisted in Ilis Army. The war in Hayti. where the alletred rightful ruler. Legitime, has been driven into his last ditch by the alleged revolutionary leadei iiippolyte, lias developed an inter esting feature in the drafting of women into the army o: the former. Legitime has been wcrsted on eveiy held, and driven back until his domain is limited pretty well to his capital i-ity of Port au Prince. As his army dwindled away, largely by desertion to the oilier faction, be found himself without troops to man his notifications, lor his city was long ago strongly fortified by the Spaniards and French, e.iiu behl it. at different peiicds. In this extremity Legitime ii t upon the plan of lihii.g up his 1 -pleted ranks with women. There being a surplus oi the Poller sex in the c.tjii :ti ! the negro repub lic, it was possible to cnioli quite a number of these bony amazous, who are not embodied in exclusive battalions et their own kcx, but are distributed among the men. These women ate dressed in mas culine costuite, and are said to look very much like negro youths of the male persuasion. The Haytian negroes, where they have been amalgamated with the native Caiibs, have become almost beardless, particularly when the men are young, and hence these ll?ytian amazons are said to be distinguishable from the males, when all are standing in line to gether, chiefly by the fact that the faces of the women are more pleasing 3nd less hard and brutal than are those of the men. livery person who has seen our own fair amazons on the stage or engaged in a broom drill will have noticed that in the peculiar conformation of the sex the sujierior swell at the haunches and the lesser breadth of shoulders combine to exeit special effects upon the manual of arms. When the guns are brought up to a "carry," beig rested against the hip and upon the shoulder, they do nut .-tand erect, but incline at an angle toward the bead of the fair soldier. Moreover. w:.en the troops are aligned in "position of the soldier," it is more easy for them to touch hips thf.ti elbows, as re quired by the code, and should the tune ever come when the armies jf the white nations are to be made up of women it is to be hoped, in the of grace and symmetry, that somebody will design special anus and a manual for their use suited to ti;e l oiiforiuatioii of the l eiutiiul sex. When the masculine creature tu'i..s up the trade ei ia soldier l.e :oes 11; lor show ) '111,1 iritw 1 1 i !.!,.! I 11 . . :! fo !!'. 11-lv .. r-..e,. ..... . as possible. It w- ate to have hereaittr an armv ;! am is '.is 'hey should he nuao up altogether lovely. Fortunately the ancient style of excision ef the breast will not be perpetuated. That was done to enable the lair warrior to dratv the bow to its utmost reach. Now the drawing of the beau is done ir quite a different manner, as the ancient weapons of barbarism have all been discarded. But to return to the Haytians, these sable Moll Pitchers and maids of Saragosa have not yet done any fighting,but if they should be driven to it the' will possibly display as much bravery as women do in an e xiergeney. It seems a brutal outrage to drive the softer sex into battle, but if we are to ci edit ancient has been often done, and in view of the fact that the entire civilized world is accumulating a constantly in creasing delieney of men and a corresponding increase in the num ber of women, it is not out of the reach of possibility that the myths of the Old World amazons may be realized in fact as time advances. What has been may be again. IHsiinuluic an I'utern Fe. "This wae sometime a paradox," as Hamlet says. Since, however, the people cf America and other 'and have been enabled to pit llostctter's Stotnajh I5itter6 against that unseen j foe, malaria, it is no longer a paradox, but an easy possibility. Whatever malaria evolves its misty venom to poison the air, and decaj ing un whole some vegetation imprcgnater the water, there, in the very stronghold of miasma, is the auxiliary potent to disarm the foe and assure efficient protection. Feycr and ague, bilious remittent, dumb aRue and ague cake, no matter how tenaciously they have fastc-net" their clutch on the system, are lirst forced to relax their grasp and eventually to abandon it alto gether. But it c preventive force that should chiefly recommend the Bitters to persons dwelling in malaria cursed localities, for it is a certain buckler of defence against which the enemy .s powerless. Cures, likewise, dyspepsia, rheumatism, kidney and billions ailments. Klcrlrlc miters. This remedy is becoming so well ami popular known as to need no spe- eial mention. All who have used j Elccrie Bitters sing the tame song of i praise A purer medicine does notex i ist aud it is guaranteed to do all that a ' is claimed. Electric Bitters w ill cure ! all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys j iind remove Pimples, Boils, Salt ! lihciiin and other affections caused liy impure hlc d. Will drive Malaria from the system .nut prevent, ns well as cure all Malaria) fevers For til. cure of Headache, Constipation and Inelicstioii try elecuic hitters En tire satisfaction nuarantccil, or money ! riiiid'.tl. Price ri cents and 1 ( per Inutlc at Fosh.'v t Mason. Why Women l'aele. Women loe 'ln-ir beauty 1 ccause colds undcrmiii" their iif l)r Acker's Kti'i-h t.'.-'ii- i'y for consump tion is tin a'i-.o!i:;e eiue f )'.- to! is. V, THE rrpHXIC DEBT. $. tary "ITIndom Kxplalus thn Erroneous Reports Cwueerniiij; It Washino iox, Sept. '.. Ikfci ring to certain newspaper .statements that duiing the months of July and August e.f this vear the public debt has been i:;t se.'.-ed oer .7,000,000. while on tht satm- elate in US8b the debt, had been decreased over 11,000,K)0, Secretary Wiudom said to-day: "These ttatements convey entirely vrroneous impres sion. The fact is as shown by the books of the treasury, that on the :10th of .June, lS.S'.l, the total amount of the public debt, includ ing bonds of aU kinds, was $8, ;!s.s,','87, and lhat on the ;ilst clay of August it was onlv $873,478,807 showing a reduction of $20,yi0,180. During these two mon'hs f last year, there was: only about one thud of this amount, viz: $7,051, 270. The reduction of all tko interest charged during the same months of this year was ..S75.(')84, being more than three times as great a red lu-t ion as that of last year. In fact, the reduction of tho annual interest of tlie public debt during the last two months has been equalled by only a few periods in the country's history. "The erroneous newspaper con clusions above referred to are doubtless due to tlie peculiar form of the monthly statement of thft public debt issued by this uepait ment in which the amount of the debt is given, less the cash in the treasury. Dy this form any in crease of cash in the treasury shows an apparent decrease of the debt, and the disbursement for any purpose other thau the pur chase o: bonds at par value show an apparent increase of tlie public debt equal to the amount of raich disbursements. During the last two months, although the actual reduction of the debt was $20,;)10, 180, the debt statement showed an apparent increase of ."f7,0'.)4,U0:. 1 he of the elisbursements in July and August of this year over July and August of last year is accounted for by the fact that most of the appropriation bills were not passed in 18.SS until September and October, and that tire money was not available, except to such limiteel amounts as were permittee! by the continuous resolution of congress, while in IhS!) the appro priation lor the available on July "The largely entire vear was 1st. increa-cd pur lor the sinking: last two inoiilhft chases of bonds fund during the over the corresponding month ef last year show an increase in the premium of L'.'Kl.o'lJ.fJj:;. All of these things figure in the last de tailed statement as an increase of tiie public debt, v.!;il in reality they have nothing to do with it." He Was n Man SliorU '.iiici-o Mail. A big raft oi logi was b !in floated down the river and a Swdde and a helper we;c in cliargs of a certain part f the float. One day he came to t.'ie boss and said : "Gaess ae goota haav noother moo !" 'Well I guess you ain't got to " have ooMiin of tlie kind,' said the boss. "If two t you fellows can't take care of that ccd of the raft, I guess 111 ;t somebody who cin." "Veil, voota hoov noota mon," said the Swede stubbornly. "What's the matter with thw one ju'e t? What's the matter with Johnson?" asked the boss. "Yohnsou hae went oonda da rHi ittio.t' iwiuda minit ago, and ae ii'. hat 's quit." Money to Loan. At a low rate of interest on good farm property in Linn county, or on best Improved city property in Albany. Apply to Blackbrrn & Wright, Albany, Oregon. The bast kid glove ever brought 1 to Albany for $1.50 at Reads. CAUSE OF THE What are you growling at, sir?" "At the amount you arc eating, sir'. Ilavc you no regard for the feelings of .1 dyspeptic, sir?" "No sir! Go and taVe a course of JoyS Vegetable Sarsaparilla and you won't have the dyspepsia, sir!" John Argall, of 62S Golden Gate avenue, writes: "Y'oti may also use my name as au additional authejrity that Joy's Vege table. Sarsaparilla, will cure dyspepsia and liver and kidney complaint. It has donoitforme." James Wells, Onkdale, Cal .. writes: "I sTilFered acutely from dyspepsia for yean, se-are'ely taking a meal without the dis tressing pains of indigestion. Joy's Vege table Sarsaparilla relieved in'e of it entirely."' Adi ntter' nl. ft, OTICE IS IIKKEBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Ceo. W. i'crry. deceased, will, pur suant to an order ot the county eeiurt of Linn county, Oregon, d'lie made and ca tered of record on the ;'th Jy of September. liy.. at the court hemse door ;n Albany, in said comity, 0.1 l-'ridaj, the ih day of 6co her, ISs?, m tlie hour e.f one o'clock :n the afternoon i f said lrv. Fell ail the riht. title and interc-s-.. of the'tsid Gtorp W. CenT, deceased, ut. the time of iris dc-jtli i:: aiie! ta the follottii g di'scriietl ) tem'x s, to-wit: The west ha f of tiie oit: a-a e.iia.'tcr, si:d the ncrtii ha!: f :he 1 .jnaitcr of . : anw 1 ' :st l.t-.r.i c(,-,:i,tr, .- .he hi;-!.-.w i :'.:! on ; N.iUiS, !:iiii;-trator. sec i. :i 21 :m town-iiip li . cf ? V'iitrmctte n criuin en-; t 11, -.fdainit-s .0 ac hi 'dc.'. TeAi: . . fs!.-.. the J.-.v of 5"c. : . V