" 1 ii -C 1 kf I THE MOININ j J1KJAJJI); TUESDAY, SEPTEMBEB iO, 1889 Bl'glXKs-S XOTICES. The latest fleet niiie at Mr Hymau'6. Buy your -tovea and tinware at Smith & Va&uburne'fl. Try Sapol'ui for Louse ."leaning. It it ubequuled lirowucll fc Stan arc, No. 1 Star tomatoes and all kinds of tresh cannd gordi at a very low fgure at (.'ourad Meyer's. Builders should go to Smith A Washburnt's for tbeircarpcBtcrs looks ad builders hardware. Fahrney's celebrated blood cleanser at Browuell & Stanard and at Ueyoe A Kobaou'a. P. J. Baltimore general agent. t-overa of good cheee bkould call a '.onn Bros. They ha?c just re wived a lot tf full cream, fre.sh and weet. Mexican Cactus Bitters is the best , remedy in the world for liver and kid j mcy diseases, indigestion, etc. For Sale j at M Banmgart's i Anew line of line u all-papers with bfeidcrs to match have been opened at Fortmillcr fc Irvine's. They are new and elcssut dosi-riis. Call and see them. ; It is no ;ood to look at tin: ther- j Miomctei this year to judic of winter, t The only tiling to suide you 's j Browne'l & Stanard's price, which j ire always down to zero. Fr chilblain and frost-bites use I Chamberlain's I'ain-Balm. When iromptly applied to the frozen parts! St wil picveut the skin from turning; Hack .r peeling oil'. It allays the' iJchhys and smarting of chilblains' aad soot restores the part to a healthy 1 condition For sale by Foshay ' M.V.OU. Grand Army hoys, as well as many others, will be interested in the fol- fowiry from Alex Ii. I'o-. e, Stewart '1 Tenn.. who is A. D. C. (.'uimander Uep't Tenn. and Ga. He says: "Wo J have had an epidemic of whooping j oou2'i here and Chamberlain a Lough Remedy has been the onl tning that has done any good." There is no danger from whopping congh when this remedy is freely used. 50 ccnl 1 -tattles for sal; by Foshay Sc. Mason. Have you heard what Mr. il. L. TV east, ot Cambridge City, lnu., says f Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and I Diarrhu'a Remedy? If not, here it is: "During last suuuner I was troubled cry much with severe pains in the fcomach and bowels, and was induced b a friend to try this Remedy. 1 took one oo3c, as per directions, and it cave mc almost instant relief. -cheerfully recommend it to the afflicted." 23 and 50 cent bottles for : -ale by -Foshay & Mason. Mr. F. J. Smith, Editor of the Ft Abcrcrombie, Dakota, Herald, says: "The most wonderful medicine, Ii have ever met with, is Chamberlain s ' Colic, Cholera and iJiaiiluea Remedy In case of choliu is gives speedy re liaf. On nnnticz trips 1 have it iudispi nsiblc. Put iu alkali u imparts a pleasant taste and p rents the painful diarrhoea, which alkali water produces. I could not feel safe without it in my house." 23 ' aad 50 cent bottles tor ale by Fashay & Mason. New Addition to AlUuny. J. il. Abbey's addition to Albany in tlu' eastern suburbs oi thn city has been platted, and 34 choice lots are now ors sale at 30 to $123 tj Cmian & ilonteitli. Apply at once and select vour lots. .u .ttiMolmc Cure .bietinn Oiutiucnt i-. lar-e two-ounre tii; Tlie Origin 1 Abii "lv vnt ur iu hi oxes, and is au abxilate cure for old wares, burns, vrounda, chapped hand-. ud all skin eiuptions. W ill ;o:itive y cure all kinds of piles. -tk tor the 9ri;imtl Abietiue Oiutuit'ut. Sold liy V--hav A Masou at :'.' cents ;t;r box y mai. ''0 cecb. You C'niinol A Kurd. At this season of the year to he 'without a roiil reliable diarrh'iea ijJam iu thts wje, as cramps, colic, iiarrhoea. anil all iii!l.tn:iiiation of the touiauh ar.il l.owel.i arc exceedingly Aincerous it not atten.i'el t at once. toe" bottle ..f liKUGS- DIAKIUIOKA BALSAM will .Io luorqgooil iu e.-s at this kind than any other tneilii:iie a earth. Wc i;o.raatee jr. O. L. Black mau, druggist. . Wkr U It That piroplo linger ali'i:; alwajp Mtnplainiu; ulxmt lliit tired feeling? tneb ttleof ItEOtiS' BLOOD I'UKl FIEU and KLOOU MAKER will en tirely remoyc this fceliut;, qivi- tiim good appeti'e and reauUte H.2 tioa. (. I- Biackinan. OrujMr. Dou". ferret that at Mrk II. K. My in ati's is the place.to ;et your sew mg machines. The Frlde of Woman. A clear pearly ami transparent skia ia always a sign of pure blood, aud all persons tioubleil with dark, greasy, yellow or blotched skin can zest assured that their blood is out of nler. A few doses of JIKIHJS' blood fuiufior au i BLOOD HAKr.tC will reniore the cause an (j 1 -ttie skin will become clear and trans-1 parent. Try it, and if satisfaction is ' aot given it will cost you nothing. J -It ia fully warranted, G. L. Black-! nan, druggist. Sot a i'altrornla Bear. Anybody can eatt h a cold this kind f weather, Tlie trouble Is to let go, like the man who eautrht the bear. "We advi.-x; our readers to purehise of Fosliav 5c Mason a bottle of Santa Abie, the California Kingof Consuinp. ton. Asthma, Uroncliitis, C'ouulis nnd Croup Cores, and keep it handy. 'Tis leasing to the taste and death" to the above complaints. Sold at fl 00 a tottlc or 3 for CO. Ca'.irornia Cat-B-Curc gives imnicdiale relief. The Cat."-rlial virus is toon displaced by licalin? atid pciictratiuir nature.. it a trial. Six months trcatuicut 1 4)0. sent bv mail $1 1C. Terrible. Tvto thirds of all deaths in New "York city are from consumption or Tneiiinouia. Lie same propotlinu o'ds good (or most other cities. De lays are dangerous; 'Jr. Acker's F.ntli-Ii iieinedy for consumption will alwajs relieve, and may eave oi;r life. l.'aw Doctors onqucr Ileal '.i, Doctbr Walter Uamniond s:iys: Allc a Ion?r experience 1 have conn to the conclu.-io i that two-thin!-a" deaths from coughs, )M'i.iinii::i :il:d con-niuintion in:gbl I'.- au-ii-ct! if I) . AcKor's English. Jt.-nn-lv for -r.i &r.mptio" were oi y n.-nl Th's v. o..(!clful rcini ( y s s.i'd i..:'cr ;i j (isitive- gu:,.rai;'i..e l i"..-':-; v .. JIi'ii.i Uoot3 and shoes at cost at lie.t i's it i rf i i n 11 fflM STOEE. Mrs. Nancy Wcstfal!, wife of She well knoAn Chinese contractor Jim Westfall, has opened a Japan ese bazaar store in the brick next door to C. II. Spencer's. It is filled with all kinds of Japanese wares and novelties, including parasols, fans, canes, ladies wear, souvenirs, etc. fiTAll goods sold very cheap. The Afav Bakery !i -Under the t management of- D WH KEEP . . . , ., . a iuu ime ai cnoicc laniny irroocnes ana crovaiiw Cannea nneapples, Til nnn Clioice TaWe Meaciesip uiiuiuu j. luuiu uuuuu,jiuuiImvell.eni,ntirt;V(n)rcibv y, jivcr Ornamented caie for Wethuuas find lartie. I .Salui l-ili-. : kiu.l. II 1 : n u 1 i 1 1 : It' 1 . JWvorv DaAT ! Best Svru. Pies. Cakes i TEAS ax COFFE 1 j : I Gaudies Nuts. Raisins. CANNED liuODS, ETC. mc best Soap in the market- i;Le Roi Savon, i A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars j tf-At John Fox's old tand -icw brick. low Kl nil's Stars i Merck's! COMPANY FPlft N to-- ?nr- Albany, Oregon . I'Ulilji! tlf J Ull 0 ill It r.ifir. $..,C!0. OFFICEKS. ricsiili'i't ('!i:ir!es E. "VVolvertod Viic-l'rosi'lont J. (). Writsman. Treasurer .1. V. Cusick. Sfcretarv J. K. Elderkin. DtP.Et toks. i;. . Mrulian, Clias. E. Yo!v:r Jo:i. J. L. Cowan, D. IL .Monteitti J. W. Cuitk, J. O. Writsman, J K. Khlerkin, CiirifH Iontn'th, ... K. Simpson. ' A Square Company, Managed by Square Men, Patronized by Square People Tarsonizs Heme Enterprise ill Nfir. Curran &, iloii?titli have lot: lot sale on ti e installment plan, rang ing in price from 125 to $1000. II ILL JlllUS. Dealers in all the latest improved i ; pianos, organs, sewing iiiachitics.ifuo. 1 also a full line of warranted razors. butcher and pocket knives. The he-st I kind of stwiDer M.-i.diine oils, needle? r'0 extras tor ai; ui.icn.in'a. re- l - e ,1 . 1 1 pairing in tne aoovi; nnea nci'iv aim rcasonaoiy none. TAKE TIIE FROM CAR m ratEs: To any part ot the city, o0 cents. For calling, first hour $1.50, each subsequent hour $1. Stand in front of S. E. Young' and W. F. Read's stores. SHILUli'b VlTALlZER what you need for constipation, loss of ap petite, dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price, 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Foshay .v. Mason. ! STOCKMEN AND FARMERS BEAD, I hereby certify that Dr. I. N. Woodle hsis successiully operated on inv ridi;linc horse. I ISAAC HAYS. ; L',.- r.,...- ,.r :.. 1 . ,. i v. mniiu kit iruiii IV, IIj;iinS ii Imire of Dave Peterson, Win. Pet erson, Leb anon; John Ha diuaii, Alfred Wclrerbui, Al any; Sara Gait cs, Peio; Win. Foster Princ ville. I practice veterinary n tdi' ine in Al bany and country surrounding (itl'.ce nnd i re'dence corner (ith and Washiictmi st. 1: ' I. N. WOODLE Veterinary Sur-'eon. ! Albany Batli Hons AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON, JOSEPH ng a rv; guarautc: 'it ( ! toe 0 000 mmm mw mm STABLE Take Simmons Liver One Dose WORTH J ioo Dollars ! Drar S. I,. Ii: I ctnsiiler one loe of Sim i nioriM Liver Itcsulator worth 100. i constipated, 1-.!(1 lle.nliche, couM cat I was j noth-: uvi with shti.-factioii or appetite had tne i 01ii-p, and feit altoiieUierout of sort?. I re- sirtfil to lilne -Mas?, Calomel. Quinine, and ' every remedy s:irested, but ordv .titit'incd i t..,w-.r,rv rii. iw f u i. n .li.i ..... i more jrood than "sjioo worth of dmlors and dectorin- Uep-y, jcmartis. 1 lK'.ve(i.een a teaeticr for twenty Years, nnd itesuia'or. 1 louna 1; to he of go milti a ; rharartcr in its actioi. as not to interfere, in 1 : the least with inv duties in the tehool rcom, ! To those Mini irly situated ar.d gubjeet tohe ( same, I eannot too highly recowmend Sim- I I mons I.iver Regulator. " ; . K. K, "iip.kk, Camplieiisvillc, Kj. ; For 3 our tine imported md Ke West cigars, sro to M. Bauingart cigar store, one dooi -ast of black ; man's drug sto" : i Uy hi. yinjf yoods at the. 8EG0HD HAID STORE. Past experience has proven it to be a necessity. The best nd cheapest 1 place in the city to buy your 1 Stoves. Burniture.tinware We aie aiwajs prepareu to ouyyoui household furniture at the liiliesl cash price. ! V irt-el.t.-s coori 'old rheaprr xnan ;'i y i.iii :n Altiany, i.. ; '!'! i iki: r j : . . r s fj it M si mar ; i 1 4X2Mtt&A$V!tXmt&WViv : 1 1 ifilUiy. HaUUMk mW raes rfaresor freight on all transportation lines to and ;TAL lAUJnSSIONFlUCES VICE-PRESIDENT 8. E. Fount?. cashier. E. W. Laogdou j 1 p.cssI.vkss. Acc-onnts krpt. Hubjeet dicvt. sisrht Kxchan-e and Telegraphs rraiiK.vr 80id on Xe York, Chicago, San , ru.nir.-u .:im urwami.vrezoii. made en Uvorabla terra. V""CC"" I S. K. Vocnb L. Vixvs I. K. Hwi.x W. K . ;xni E. W. I.?t.it Tai. K. ! Ift t. An-iiUH i h Hi i Mil s KestauranT. Hermann Dieicks, Prop. rpms rtiiSTAU rant is now opened to A the public In the Saltniarxh building be low the Kevero House, where good nicaln win uo ser-eu at all hours. Mr Dicrck in v'tes nisnld customers and the nub in irener ally to call. The tables will be supplied with mu ucm, lianas tne marKei anords. batisfae tion cuanntee . Sir. DicTCks was formerly proprietor of the net ere iiojse 'esiaurant, winch reran on ti e European p'an.but found thai pian didn't succeed, so he opened hK present restaurant wiiere nc nas triven general satisfaction. Persons wantin- a first-ela.is meal should so in iierniann s. -VXo I'hincse ci:i,.:.ied. JOHN SCHMEER'S Livery. FeerJ & Sale stauie Corner Second and EUwrih Sts ALBANY, . . OREGON Horsm boarhkd by the da or month napes or buirirics on reasonable term n'jil II :lC-L W ASS HEARsTTTTnTtm THE MARKETS. A I. BANT QUOTATIONS. Wheat-C3 Outs 25d.;fli- Flour $4.2 pei Potatoes COc bb) Ego-s 18c Butter 15c. Lard 123 15c Wool-3.u Hams 12315c. Shoulders--! 10c. Bacon 1214c Hay Timothy, 12, oats.and ci.cui, r-1- r k a-i App is Green, 75(5:1.00 per bu. Plu jq. Dried, 5gc. per Ib.a "JaJ App' R dried bleached 5c suudried (ft 8 c. Chickens $2.505 00 Hides Bef hides, jrreiT, 4 t, 10 c ; deer skins, 20c; 6heep pelts, 10 75?, accordinj; to wool. Beef 22e gross. Mutton 2 00 per head. Hogs 5(g7c, dressed. Lard Kegs, or 5 gallon tun-, 10c; pails 12c. Do oi KulTcr Any Longer. Knowing that tough can be checked in a dav. and the first t:ii'es j of ronsiiniption broken in u week, we Hereby guarantee Dr. Ackers Knjrhsh Butnedy for coiisinnjitioii, and will re fund the money to all who buy, take u ;ik i)cr uircctioi s. and ilo not lma intiil correct. Wlwn Baby Tva slcic. Wo gavo her Castoria. When she as a. Child, Slio cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, She clung to Castoria. When he had Children, She gave theui CiKitoria. il. 1 1PM DEALER IN- ii ia DRY.GOODSf DRESS GOODS CLOAKS FANCYiGOODS MEN'S CLOTHING HATSCANDCAFS. FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS AND SHOES. ! LADIES AND CHILDRENS SHOES. ALL AT LOWFST?PRICES. Oregon Slate Fair! Twenty-ninth annual exhibition at Salt in, Oregon, commencing MONDAY, SEPT. 10, (.'ontiiiiiin one week, niider the management of the Oregon State Hoard of Agriculture. 0MM5HINCJLSI1 PREMIUMS Offered for Agricultural, utcck, dairy and mechanical exhibits, for works of art and fancy, w oik, and for trial.s of speed. ! RUNNING it TROTTING RACES KACil DAY. Imiiottaiit improvement made .Milium list. S'Sket Z Men's season ticket $2 50 Women's season ticket $100 Send to the secretary at Salem for a premium list. J. T. A1TERSON. j J. T. (iitKctt, President OfilBOI FERTILIZER COMPANY X. E. Cor. 17th and F streets, POCTLAND, - - OREGON M A N r K ACT U KERS OF PU11E BONE MEAL For Orchards and Lawns. BONE PHOSPHATE, For Gardens and Grain. ALSO Granulated Bone for Poultry, Our fertilizsrs are made, from Raw Bones, no sand or other worthless material being used. Stewart & Soi, Agents, ALBANY, - OREGON. The BUYERS' GUIDE is issued March and Sept.each year. It is an encyclopedia of useful information for all who purchase the .luxuries or the necessities of life. We c.-in clothe vou n furnish vou With II the necessary and unnecessary ap pliance to ride, walk -lance, t-Ieep, rat, I:.-!., hunt. work, co to church or . ay a. 1 i.:ee, and in. vaiimio sizes, tvi'.s K:intities. Jm.t Iime out '1 :.t is retired to dual! tliesc thints CCMFOfiTABLY. you can make a ! -!ii:i:ite f.f t!,e va'.re f the i' ! ':' ( TI ill-', which will he d.y UIli -'i. r. () cif.'S to pay I' '' f.I5'i.C0MERY. WARD & CO.. 111-11! XwMf-r.u AvemiJ (.hicr,iro.ll. Geiiei Merc ndse French CURE Warranted to "lAKtriritT.'V'! or isoiuy rcfur.deil tine aiUi',WViiUb AFTER the ctnerative organs of either sex whether arisinvr Iroin the cxecs-ive im of stimulaing, lobarco or opium, or thiouh jouthful indU cretioti, over iiiduljrein e, ite., t-uch aslossof lir.iin l'oner. Wake u'ness, llearinjj Iiowq I'ains in the Back, Seminal W- aknes.-, Hys teria, Ner on I'ros'ration, Nocturnal Omis sions, Lcucorrlioe, Dizziness, Weak Memory, Loss of I'owe ami Imoteiic.i , whivh if neg lected often lead to premature old asc and insanity. 1'riee $1 a box; 6 boxc5 fcrJ.i.OC. Sent hv mail on receipt of price. A WttlTTES Ul'AUAKTEE is glvua with every order received, to reiui-u tne money if a I'rrnianent cure is notttfoittn. We have thoiixaniis of tcstimonialg from old and yoiinv, of both sexes, who have been permanently cured by the UfC rt Aphrodituie Circulnr free. Ad.lress iiii: Ai'iiuo t!K!u s: to. Western lirnnch, Hox, 'JT. i'ortland, Cire.'on. Kor sale hy Fotliay Si SJason, wholesale acd retail dru.-'yiHts, Albany, rciou Oreriand to Calibia. VIA f A flKIC ?ovtiii:i:n ("OMI'A.NV'S THE MOUNT miaSTA KDl'TK. Time iJeiwccn mit -!i 5 r:UM-ico Ailiany OK California express tr.iiax run daily lietu'eta Portland and Sau Franeisj-o. sorm 1 i 0lllI 4:00 p m..Lv Portland Ar. .10:4a am 8:18 p m. .bv Albany Lv. . 6:45 am 7:45 a m..Ar S. FmnciBco.Lv.. 7-00 pm loral 'Pnss. .Train It a fly- Sundaj 8:00aiu..Lv.. 1-2:40 m..Lv.. 2:40 p m..Ar... ...Portland . . . Albany..., . .EiiKer.e. . .. .Ar. . 3:45 piu ..Lv..ll:r.5am . ..Lv.. :00am Lebanon Branch. 8:20,p iu..l,v Albany.... .Ar.. '.:aoam 9:00 pm..Ar Lebanon Lv.. rr.4.".fam 12:50 p m. .Lv Albany Ar. . 2:45 pm l:S0p m..Ar LcbanoD Lv..2:00 pm PLMAlTBUFFETSLEEI'EIiS. TOURIST SLEEPING CAKS, i For accommodation r.f Second-Class l at senders attached to Fxj ress 1 rains. The S. P, Co.'s Terry niaVes eonnecfion with all the regular trains on the cast bide di vision from foot of b' street, potrland. Mint Side'imisiun. Between Foitlami and Corvailie. Mall Train flatly - :xcep Sunday 7-SOa" mZ L. Po.-tlan 1 . .Ar.6 CO p. 12:25 p 111. .Ar C"nniii.. Lvl.30 At Albany a;d forvallis connect itl (mins of Orcjm Pai iticHailrcjad. K press Train l.ill .Kxcipt Sunday) 4:50 p ni. .Lv Portland.. Ar. 8:00 11 m .Ar. il. Minnville. I.v. ):ki at. 5.4." on THROUGH TICKETS lo A I! Point SOUTH AND EAST Via California. ;?"Kor full information rc;rardinf: rate, maps, tc-, call on con.pany sa;ent at Albanj I!. KOKHLEIl, K. P. HOG KISS, liana fir. Asst. G. 1'. K P- A OREGON RAILWAY and vtYM;vrio toMPASil Columbia River Route Trai or the fast lcae Portl&r.i! :'t A. x and 2:40 r. u. daily; TTYI T7"L',T,C! to anl ,r""1 Pri"o!i'a! I ill 1 O voiiim in I'nitcd States, Canada and Europe. ELECAMT PULLMAN PALACE CARS' Emigrant Bleeping Cars Son Throcsh ca Express Trains OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS and ST. 1 AUI. Frre of Chnrer nnct W ithout Cliansr, Close Connections at Portland for San Krai circo and Pu;et Sound points. For further particulars inquire of Curaar.j i Mont, ith, r'irst Street. Albany. Oreifon. fcT15oatH leave the li. It. X. Co.'s wharf, a! the foot of llroadalbiD gtrrut. on Tuewlav anJ Friday of each week. C. t. H.VWLIX US. Local A if cut. -. j. sjnru. tnral Stannser. A. L. MAXMKIL, fi. P. Hi T. . -THE' OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. A!!D Oregon Development Co Steamship Line 71 n AND 22 Hours Less Time. Than by any other route: Kiist-clacs through passenger and"freiirht (rom Portland nnd all poii-tx iu the M il- n.ttte Vrllev lo ol d from San Fri.ni irco. Accomodations unsurpassed for comfort and aaiety. Karen am' freights via Yaquina and the Oreiron Deve opment conniany g steam ships, much less that by any other route be ween all points in tne wiiuaivette V allot tnd San Francisco, SAILING DATES. fBOM YAQl-ISA. Willamette Valley Aug. Sd Willamette Valley : l:tth Wi 'amettc Valley - " 52d WillametteJValley " Slst FROM BAN FRANCISCO Willamette Vallev Juiy SOth Willamette Va.ley t"S 8tti Willamette Vallev " IStb Willamette Vallev " 27th The company reserve the rijjht to chans teamcra or sailin? dates. (.:. If. Hakwk.m., Jr., Gen F. P. Aent. o Moiitjromcry street, San Francisco, fal. n.MI.Y rASSKNOF.R TRAINS, Kxecpt. Sundays.) L Vaauina 0:4.1 A M Lv Albany 1:C0 r " Corvallis 140 PV Ar Yaquina P'10 r. v. tV.riall:slO:.,-j A M Ar Al'r.nny ll::o a m O A: C. trains coi'titct it Aibut.v and '"r-l:cnu-ml)cr the Ori-.-f.n Pacific jwsni'ar Summer exciin-ions to Y iiiina Lo.v r: K1 t ii Ket-i arc now r. u sa o, "ood cv ry i"!hk- r:d ! f : . Ali r.iiy, Corv.-l-.f I Wa. M. I (.AG, I'. uvnil Mai .iii. I4. '-i-'Ci t ! CorvaHi?, O on I .il! .a:h. in:. o. r. -t ; The Celetoated BEFORE 5'Ib lapina Route ! MILES SHORTKIl DEYOE & ROBSON, Proprietors -OF AGRICULTURAL DEPOT ALBANY. Shelf Hardware, Domestic and Other Leading Sewing Machines A FULL LINE OF GARDENER'S AND CARPENTER'S TOOLS The largest ainl licit vr.rictyfof STTJDEBAKER I NEWTON WAGONS, In the central Willamette Valley. Diomptly tilled at lowest rates. ii. J. mm SPRINGFIELD SAWILL A. WHEELER, SPRINGFIELD, PROPRIETOR. SPRINGFIELD OREGON a &t?7A1,bany ,yard "Rnd oflicc ou Kailroad'betweeu ih end 5lh streets:. A.,V heeler, Albany Manager, -ar- .laving lumiK-r not exi ellcil in -luality, uiid facilities not surpuf ted fortbe srompt and Kttih.cior. Ml.n. or orden. I tiwcelfulh solicit a f-bare oftbe p trace, Whs Ufuti' Wmm of Mother ble Cm torfa. JPrr rrii "fSI C M LJ o'bSs Asthma .Corns B flu3. vVMit. I niUA u i. I M v w I I I 11 1 ll . m - iUNOo r-Ooid on Scr(cT for Ctt-colar.l trtcrtltj sr Q minWUhW-xmmiii at BROWNSVILLE. I 1 rid 1XSJJ THE OREGON A2TD BUGGIES Orders from a dibtauce solicited at.d VIERECKS SHAVING PARLOR THREE CHAIRS RUNNING STEADY. A GLEAN TOWEL TO KVKKY CISTOMEE. SS .Sl.aTii:? 15 cent?. Hair Cuttirfc' 20tf. 1U( -AT- sum. a. tVllKELKE .:JZJXMaaU2XE. 1 Oil. Mil- MJT. i: r m r a i SOLD BY y & Mason. DAVIS BROS. AND CO t KALBHS IN CrsJX3AL;i:fcCCrjMI SLTDD. LINN Co.. op egos perfect IKcDiedies Fosha