lliE MORNING HERALD; FRIDAY", AUGUST 16. 1889. gaming Saila txn& TUB HAILS. (-j,theVlbar pattoSce alae (MHO HITUH friitern states e ;3 A. M, i lie Nat row Cuje R r'.iwl and Sulem, ticiii anil Yaqu.na... ..11 A. p. m tificz WHia...NM(MiIIN IM, p, j i,usSotSoo will 'be cltsed each , six to inn o'clock. ;39 r. if cvei.iiig istered matter lor thejjearly meriting -houM 1m mailad before t! o clock the "rtyioi ereaiar. OKEOUN PACIFIC TIME TABLE. Arrives Departs Ul 15ai ' 5.2Sn: 1.00 pm 6.M)a Pr.'i-h JOTTINGS ABOBT TOITN. Boots and shoes at cost at Head's. Table linea just receivetl at W. I". Reads. Wheat Las advanced to J5 cnts I in this city. Fine poaches at 00 rents per box a; LaKoreKt ,c Thompson's. ' A new .tovk of good cheese jwst revived at F. L. Kenton V. Outside money is being invested i.i Albany real estate every day. ! (w . L. Blackman will sell his en Ire ;-toek of lo&ks and stationery . cost for :50 days. . Finest yellow Crawford peaches a: their best (or canning at LaForest Thompson's. due !i .Robertson's. Alio a tine Vt of Ashland peacliert at SO cents lr box. The city cow pound is well pat !:ii;:sd by b-mnes, which htill in oiii in running the gauntlet of the lewcow law. The finest Crawford peaches, v.hich are now in their prime for issuing, Bartlett pears, and all kinds of fruits, can be obtained in rittaiitities to suit at LaForrest & 'iloinpson's. I ' .t r r-. r.l Wn frr ,r nln.l. Af . U railroad commission, which has een examining the tracks of the .lifferent railway lines of the state, was in the city yesterday on his way home to CorvalliB. A room is being fitted up in the opera house building, which will ! occupied by the Electric Light Co. as an office. A doorway has been pot in,opening on Ferry ttreet, i ;r that purpose. Persons baring rooms to rent to students will do well to communi cate with Piesident Condit about the matter. Pupils are now seek ing places for the fall term, which opens on Tuesday, September 10. The fire boys of this city are anx ious to send a team to the tourna ment at Tacoma to compete for the prizes, If sufficient encomrage ment is given by the citizens here they will go and win a portion of that $4200. A proposition is on foot to estab lish a public park immediately e.ist of Hackleman's grove in the vstern suburbs of this city. It proposed to connect it with t is the leity by a street car line, and im- Uprove it so as to make it an orna- aient to Albany, Mr. J. N. Hoffman of this city is down on the programme for an ad- 'Iress at th coming firemen's tour- j iiaraent at Tacoma. The commit-1 tee in charge, however, have in-, correctly put him down as chief engineer of the Albany 1- ire De-! partment, a position which n now tilled by Mr. C. H. Stewart. PERSMNAI. MENTION. . ... I Mr. 4. r ury and J. . Wealerett. I of Sterling, Ills., are visiting Thos. KriBk. Mre. .1. K. KMerkin, why has been seriously ill at Ya)aina,i.s re iorted much better. Dr. E. A. McAHtster. Piatt Kl- 'icrkin and others returned yester day from Yaquina. l.Kt Night's I'lay. The old yet ever-laughable play i "Fun on the Bristol" was present-1 ed at the opera house last evening by the Laurence & Conner's Musi cal Comedy Company. The rendi tion of '.he comedy was excellent, whtch was made mosteatertaining by the charming songs of the com pany, in a grand conceit, introduc ing innamerable specialties and .ausical selections. The company la composed of artists of merit, who are good vcalists, as well as clever actors. INSURE. Julias Gradwahl calls the atten tioa of the citizens of Albany to in sure before it is too late. He rep resents seven insurance coatpanies who carrv a capital of $76,000,000, with a cash deposit in the state of Oregon of $350,000. Farmers who have spent the en tire year ia producing a crop of wheat should run no risks now, but promptly get insuraace upon the crop and gnard against fire, for if they lose their crep by fire.it is a calamity to the whole community as well as an irreparable injury to to them. Seattle, Ellensburg, Vancouver and Spokane Falls has nothing to do with our companies ; the losses will all be paid and still we are ready for business, the same as af- ,ter the Chicago fire. ioeI la vestment. For a snail amount of mosey that will in a year's time double or treble your money, such an oppor tunity is offered in South Al bany, only one-half mile from the city", embracing the tract of land F.lkins' falls to the fair ground road. Lots old on the installment j plat. TWKKDAI.K A KEDWKLD, Two doors south of postoftice. Building anil Loan ; Association. The regular monthly'meeting of 'iho Building and Loan Association will b' held on Friday evening, August Kith. Dues can be paid on or before that date at the bank cf II. F. Merrill. By order of the secretary, Jay W. Blain. J! PfiOPOSEO EOJPITAL. f Gronnd, or Hero if Nraessa Ofid for That Parpose. Arrangements were consum mated yesterday which will prob ably result in the buildiug of a first-class hospital in this citv, un der the management of the bisters of Charity. Through the efforts of Mr. J. A. Gross, tke Willamette Land Co.,composed of several solid citizens of this city, have offered to donate a block of land in the east ern suburbs of the city, or two blocks, if necessrry, as a site for the hospital buildings and grounds. This, Mr. Gross says, will be ac cepted, and arrangements will be made to erect the hospital with all the necessary buildings, which with the grounds will occupy at least one block. This enterprise is one of import ant-e to Albany, as the city will be provided with a hospital of no mean proportions, and will add a fine public building to the city, be sides centering certain interests here which could not be effected in any other way. The hospital will be managed similarly to the Sis ters hospital in Portland, which is patronized from all portions of Or egon. BiKturtiin Sr'nal. Salem Statesman says three Th bovs about 17 or 18 years old kick ed up a disturbance at the school and threatened to whip the teach er at Mill City a few days ay:o and warrants were sworn out for their arrest. Two of them were caught and taken before Justice Win. T. Clark, where they were fined $10 coats each. One of them, Hobson, (no re'ation of V. II. Ilobson, of Stayton) paid his fine, but the oth er. Frank Smith, was unable to liquidate, and was brought down j yesterday by Special Constable lleury Hadley to serve oui 21 days under the fatherly care of Sheriff Croisan. The third one is still at large, but if caught will probably receive a like punishment. Horses Barnetl at Jacksonville. About T. o'clock Wednesday morning the stable beloneinir to Mrs. oeorre Justice at Jackson- ville was discovered to be nn fire, The fire increased so rapidly that it was impossible to get out two valuable horses belonging to Gran- vine searcs. ine lire soon com municated with the house in which E. S. Scares resided, but was soon extinguished without much dam age to the house. The horses were valued at $ 00. Aside from the 11 .t m n burning ol some outhouses, no I further damage was done. in Oragoa. Following is the right of married women in regard to holding and disposing of property in Oregon : ! A. married woman may hold real or personal property in her owni j name and free from the control of, ! I or liability for, the debts of her husband, but a schedule of per-, the coanJT c,erk Her lumband J must joi:j -n a C0UTeTances 0f i,er aenarate urouf rtv. She mar make a will uninfluenced bvher husband. ' -'- uK-rij:tiv r i.ina County. u AU(JT ,as j3t receiTed f ,h intin; t.Ht:l,,Hfthment of i nih.r ,! iu;Bi .. ..mm.. ,.f ' In ,,.,.. ..v.w .Wrir.tiv.. r.f : fit : 'Z r thi-se 5000 were taken and will be ! l, , Muro some, singing was in ! distributed by the Board of Trade, ! d!pd 1,1 l'.v S0Uie n1 Sam. ot I0-..1 vf, i authors was unloved bv others. At it -n -r.tf.,, in ... t'mfi.fnl a. ! ".' " , and i contains a vast fund rf valuable information lor those who expect to find homes in Oregon. Tea roBtmisiionrri. The tea commissioners at the i .New York harbor have been notirl-' ! ed by the commissioners at Sani ; Francisco to keep a sharp look out' ! at that iort. as there is a .Treat deal ; of vary inferior tea being shipped i from China and Japen, it has now j : become necessary for dealers to suitings and trousers, which will I import direct and take a written be made up to order in the most guarantee, so to be sure and get a ; approved style by Mr. E. A. Schuf jgood article. We have juBt re-fler, the experienced tailor who ceived a large shipment of pure 1 has charee of that denartment. uncolored Japan tea, called Unity, which can be seen displayed in our ' show window; also a pure China I tea set of fifty-four pieces, valued 1 at ff 15, which we oiler as a gift to ' tho person guessing the correct j or nearest correct number of beans I contained in a glass pot. One iguess is allowed for each pound bought of this tea. At the Wil ; lamette Packing Company's store. Sane thing Hmw. Julius (iradwoht has opened, at the Golden Kule Bzaar store a' magnificent line of the latest dec orated ware, including Wedge wood & Co. ' Newyacht shape, richly decorated with flowers and goiu, nanusomeiy enanteiea, new-: iii i i csi snape ami prettiest aecoration on the market. These goods were received direct from Lagland, and are latest designs. Ladies are in vited to call and inspect them. There is no need of sending away for such goods when such a selec tion, imported direct, can be ob tained in this city at a Usb price than anywhere else. Another New Store. Messrs. li. G. Watson & Co. re cently from Memphis, Tenu., have rented the rooms in Fronian's block now occupied by the furni ture of Fortuiiller A Irying and will this fall open a new grocery store. Dreniied C'hlrkon. For Sunday's dinner, also sweet potatoes, fine comb loney and chipped beef at the Willamette Packing Co.'s I'.Iack Silk Srnrfs. I received to-day an invoice of Chantilla and Spanish la-e scarfs, hand run. ranmncr in once from 4 to?li each, ihey are very nice price is right, iauiuul E. Young. DOWN BY TEE SEA. A Newsy Letter frm Ytqaina- Hill-Tops Dotted With TeaicSoas.de PIewnre. Newtokt. Autust 15. laasmuch as a great number of banv's citizens have been and are now here, and form no mcon siderable portion of the vast throng row enjoying the healthful sea air, I think perhaps a brief resume of the doings of the crowd in general, and Albany's contribution in par ticular, miiiht not be. uninteresting to a large portion of your readers The season is fast Hearing its end ; much too fast to please those who dail wander along the long stretch of white sand or plunge into the foamy surf. But as if to keep pace with tho fleeting days, society Eeems to exert itself more and more, until it seems as though every one is whirled along in a continual round of pleasure, thinking nor caring lor naught but to extract all the excitement and fun possible from the few remain ing days before the inclement weather shall drive them back to the city. We dance at least three times a week and the hall is tilled to its utmost capacity on each occasion. Uood music is always in attend ance and a delightful evening in variably passed. Open air concerts have many devotees and sweet voices may be Heard each evening with whicn are mingled the soft strains of guitars and banjos. The air is redolent with the perfume of wild flowers and of "tutti fruiti." The hill-tops are dotted with tents ami the campers seem to en joy life as well as tho.e who are guests of the hotels, despite the fact that mother earth is rather damp and hard. Excursions to Seal Rock, Cape Foulweather and to various places of interest are of daily occurence. ! Clam parties are much in favor, as j are also "wading picnics," as they ; are called. The modus operandi i is simply to prepare for a picnic, not lorgetling to attire in sucli a I manner that the breakers may be ! allowed to reach one's knees with i out soilinir one's anparal. ftsne- ciaiiv are tne picnics popular with i the young people, and 1 believe t were introduced by a party of ; young folks from Albany. A great honor A reading room has been opened to the public, where books, the leading daily and weekly newspa pers and excellent literature of all kinds are kept for the perusal of the public. Last evening we enjoyed a hilari- ) ohs time on the beach until a late hour, the occasion of the unusual .. festiTities being what we in our ; coyhood days called a "tally pull." i The candy was excellent, the only disappointment arising from the small supply, l tie attendance had not been correctly guaged. Immense fires were lighted upon 1 the beach and all were in tue best of spirits, some of which were coa- privileged to pull the taffy w. mostly from Albany and Corvallit. and a few from Portland. The hands f the fair "pullers" seemed to add sweetness to the mixture, and although the writer swallowed a few pebbles and a small quantity t-od by mistade, he readily distinguished the difference. After the candy had been disposed of to the satisfaction of those fortunate laat with many good-nights the merrv ..artv disncrsed. The writer would like to mention some of those present but knowing his de ficiency in spelling, refrains. Much "more could be vritten, for the theme is inexhaustible, but fearing we h;ve already taxed your endurance overmuch we de list. JKine Suiting,.. .Inat. nnvnoA ut I. F. Rlain'a tailoring department, the very latest patterns in piece goods for Call early and get your choice of patterns before the stock is broken. HeiMora. Bhaars. Immense stock at Stewart ic ; Sox's. The best quality and any j size or style. Call and examine our stock. Stewart & Hox. Honey to Loan. At a low rate of interest on geod farm property ia Linn county, or "ti best Improved city property in Albany. Apply to Blackbrrn & Wright, Albany, Oregon. raokat Cutlery. The largest and finest display everv broueht to this vallev iuBt . received at Stewart Sox's. Call and examine Do Net Kaffr.r Any Lonrt Knowing that ft cough can be clifcked in a day, and tbo lirtt stages of consumption broken in a week, we hereby guarantee Dr. Ackers bnghsh Remedy lot consumption, and will re fund the money to ull who buy, take it as per direvtioLS, aud do not find i our statement correct. Mr. F. J. Smith, Editor f the. Ft Abercrombie, Dakota, Herah), says: "The most wonderful medicine, I have ever met with, is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrheea Remedy. In case of cholic is gives speedy re liaf On huntieg trips I have found it indispensible. Put in alkali water, ; it imparts a pleasant taste aud pre t vents the painful diarrhoea, wbih alkali water produces. I could not feel safe without it in my house." 25 and 50 eent bottles tor rr;te by 'osliay t Mason. Terrible. Two thirds cf ill deaths in New I York city arc from consumption or j pneumonia. I.he sae 'propotiion i 1101t'8 goou lor most oilier cities. le lavs are dutnrerous; 'r. Acker' i-. i:. u i. i.. i1 .! ... -ii : hiv. .ml uiuT suvc vour CXEAMEBY BUSINESS. Why the McMinnviile Creamery Failed It Will Rnoaie. A correspondent to the Oregonian gives the reason of the failure of the McMinnvillo butter making establishment by saying (hat the principal cause fits been inexperi ence. In the beginning, the com pany that furnished the plant, Bent aa unreliable man here to initiate the managers into the mysteries of the business, but; his habits were such that he was discharged at once. Some of the stockholders then undertook to run it them selves. But as is always the case where there are too many to boss there is no one to lead, so there was a mixture of jealousy, contrariness and inexperience. Some of the cream wagons traveled as much as thirty miles to Make one trip; they paid 20 cents a gauge for cream which is supposed to make a pound of butter, and sold the but ter for leas than 20 cents a pound in the market. Although they made a good quality of butter, the competition was so great in the spring on account of the market being full of home-made butter, they were compelled to sell at a sacrifice. Ihey then loweiel the price of cream ; this displeased the farmers so that many of them re fused to furnish any at tne reduced rate; some farmers claimed that a "guage" would make more than a pound of butler and that the cor poration was getting rich off them. A competent and experienced buttermaker has been secured and the creamery will start up again September 1. Hay and Oat Wanted. Mr. L. Senders, of this city, w ill buy all the clean timothy hay brought to him in tightly com pressed bales,for which the market price in cash will be paid. lie also wants to buy oats. Sacks fur nished. Deliver at 6tables. California Cut-K-t'ure, The only guaranteed curs for catarrh cold in the head, hay fevor, rose cold, catarrhal deafness and sore eyes. Re Ktorc the senie of taste and unpleasant breath, resulting from catarrh. Ea) and pleasunt to use. Follow directions and a cure is warranted, by nil drug gists. Send for circular to Abietine .Medical Company, Oroyillc, (Jil. Six months' treatment for $1; sent by mail. $1 10, For sale l y Fo6hay & Masoa. Have yon heard what Mr. (i. L. Weaat, of Cambridge City. Ind., says of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhon Remedy? If not, IiPreitis: "During last summer I was troubled very much with severe p:iins in the stomach and bowels, ami wagini'uced by a friend Ut trv this lie.medy. I took out? i. utc, as per directions, and it gave mi! iiiiiiost innt-int. relief. I cheerful! v ceuonniietn: it to the afllictcd." 2o anil ;"() eeut bottles for sale by Foshay fc Mason. The best kid glove ever brought to Albany f..r at I livid. v- i-ls hi Kcait s IT WAS LOXG KXOUCiH; Colonel Well, what's the matter now rrivate I've got liver trouble and dys pepsia, and ought to got leave for thirty days. Colonel-I ll give you ten, aud if you take Joy's Vegetable Harsaparilla that will be long enough. Fred TT. Ulnr-Vni. rii..n.u..i.. . . , - -wv.,, mr xiaiuwin i i oro i an Francisco, writes: I have spent rmtn v n .dollar for medicines, but the only thtag was Joy's Vegetable SarsapariUa GUHtav Solomon, of 223 Valencia street Mmnclco, writes that it has mirelv Eache. 1,18 luaiKc$tion " ' let Tin l!iiv Restaurant, Under the new m.maHinent of II. Lampmau will be conducted on a first-e!a'H plan. Mca'.a will be served at all hc!i-. Consult the BILL OF FARE And (iiiit-r uhatever you want, pay ing tor what you oi;er ami nothing more. Straight meal served as usual for 25 cents, and meals to order from a 5 cent roll aud cup of oofi'ee to a first-class $1.00 meal. W"Furnislid rooms to let in connec tion with the restaurant. " jioirsALi:-A vOuxii MivisirsuftC well broe auil ireptle. Inquired! I'". M. French. Notice of DiMHOlutlon or Partnership THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing under the firm name of Wallace, Tlwmpson & Co. wherein T. L. Wallace, W. S. Thompson and E. LaForest of the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregsn, wore general partners is this the 7th day of Augutt A S. 1889, dissolved bv mutual consent, T. L. Wallaca retiring, Tho business will be con ducted at the same place by rV. S. Thompson mid E. LaForest unuci the firm name of LaForest 4 Thomuson. who will assume all liabilities and collect all accounts due the firm. Dated tUis 7th dav o' August A. D. 1889. T. L. WALLACE, W. S. THOMPSON, K. La FOREST. A NASAL IXSECTOR fbee with each bottle of ShilohV Catarrh Item, edj. Price 50 cents Foshay & Mason 10 IVJDVIt. Put, un pressl v for Julius Grad wohl una roiu at ins uoiueu liule Bazaar in AT !2o CENTS PEIS CAN v"(.;uarantced t be tirst-class in every llcspect. JULIUS G K:DWOIIL. If GOLDEN n i ItobertsoD one FEW Flltfo! NEW GOODS'. Art; i.ow established with a first cl-ss stock of STAPLE FAMILY GROCERIES. On the corner of First and Ferry streets, opposite Stewart & sox. A complete line of canued goods, gro ceries and provisions of all kinds, no tions, etc. Fresh fruit and vegetables every morning. Prices reasonable. 2TCALL AND SEE US Irs Ceinxe. HOPKINS & SALTMARSH, Plumbinff S Pine Fitting S TOVES ST"A11 work promptly done at reasonable rates. First Steket, PsAnt'B Block Brick for Sale. A' T MY KILN ONE MILE! EAST OF tow n, or delive.-ed anvuhere in the city. W. C. CASSELL, Albany Or. Contractor and Builder rilHK UNDERSIGNED HAVING LOCATED X in Albany solicits patronage from city and country. Will col. tract to build brid-fts, barns, and all manner of dwelling houses, including Oueen Anne, Eastlake anil Eliza bethan stvlcs of building;. Will furnish plans and spicificati"ns free of charges. Satis faction guaranteed. W. V.. CASSEL. Important Notice HAVING LEASED THE MONTEITH pasture frctn the Oregon Pacific Co., all persons having stock therein on pasture are hereby notified to remove them at once, or make arrangements with me. Falling to do so such stock will be turned out. JOHN SCHMF.ER. BROWNSVILLE. Jrieal Estate and INSURANCE A CEN I ALBANY CREAMERY FRESH JIILK delivered to any part of the city by Wm' Meyer. Orders can be left at Conn Bros, or at F. L, Kenton's. Over The CASCADE MOUNTAINS FROM ALBANY It LEBANON WARD. KAS'I- The Willamette Valley and Cas 'emle Mountain Wagon Road is in ex cellent condition, and by all odds is i the best and shortest wat;on road to ! Lantern Oregon. If ater and grass is abundant along the entire road. The grades are easy, accommodations su perior and the road well bridged making it the best mountain road in the state. For summer jaunts, hunt ing and tithing the Cas?ade Moun tains in the vicinity of Clear Lake and the Three Sisters afford tnperior ail vantages. n! WHY OES i ii Because ho knows that his dear wife is j just commencing to work him for j something you know how it is j yourself but when LADIESThAiDE! WITH I IC Their husbands don't look that way, because there are no extravagant prices on their goods. Everything is good; evorythink is cheap; make Home happy, make YOUR HUSBAND SMILE By trading at the economical store wherejthe rule of good goods and low prices knows no exception. Don't forget that U mple of economy is at Srownell & St&nard's- ooKXBR first and rurM'tini" SLS The BUYERS' j rtUIDK is issued March and Sept. each year. It is an encyclopedia of useful information for all who purchase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can clothe you n furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary ap pliances to ride, walk ance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church or stay at home, and iu vaiious sizeo, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY. "i you can m,ake, a fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS' CUIDK, which will be sent upon rectint of 10 cents to pay postage. MONTGOMERY, WARD & CO., 1 11-1 14 Michigan Avcuu 3 Chicago,!!!. car MAM LOOK SAD an Brownell tad F. L. Kenton -CBALVft JK- Staple and Fanej (ffiOCEEIE Also Choice Candies, Nuts, Cigars and Tobaeees, Truits, Vegetables, JEt, 1ERMS CJASII AN1 PBIOES LOW. Subscription Agent for dl Leading News papers and Magazines. ff"NKAR THE POSTOFFICE. i&T SUCCESSORS TO WALLACE, THOMPSON A CO.1 FLIfWS BLOCK, ALBANY. Leading he Carry the largest stock in the city, enabling the to sujiplv any and ever want of their customers. SPECIALTIES In Table Luxuries,Choice Teas and Cotiees,Crea ery Butter on Ice, Cream Cheese, Canned Goods, LUSCH GOODS, ETC. ALL KINDS OF- Fruits ! lil1A(1 Ik 1 wxu v 1 IVUII Constantly on STEWART- & SOI -Dealers in- General Agricultural Iron, Steel and Coal Wagons and Buggies Rope and Cordage Blacksmiths9 Supplies Garden and And all Implements C. K. HAWKINS. ALBANY FURNITURE Does'an immense business in all kinds of furniture, bedroom sets, parlor sets, chairs, bed lounges, kitchen afes, and all kinds of tables, etc., etc. Also have a line select'on of wall paper and window shades, which they ara offering at close figure j, Call and see tfctm, ou First street, opposite Stew art -t Sex. ALBAKV, 0UE80N, and feptate Hand. mm Grocers. Hardware -ASD Iplemk Carpenters9 Tools Builders9 Hardware Powder, Shot, ete. Giant Powder & fust Saws and Axes Grass Seeds! Used by Farmers: tK PARREL!! MM