4.. THE i MI NTNti FiKKAU)! FRIDAY. AUGUST 16. 18 SHormng Tuvalu i - . UAILY AMP WEEKLY . TERMS ut soB3UKiriJ" ."7173" I n'Oifhtd ery morninj ex-.-ept Monday .j ' .v.-rc.l bT corner, per week 500 W'EKKLY. i VublUhcJ every Friday Mornin; co(. , ftet annum, ia advance...... i neu uut paiU in advaiivo .... ,-2.C0 EDITOIUAL NOTES. IIox. Soi.. HiKscii, United States Minister to Turkey, will ba tender- i d a farewell banquet at his home in Portland before leaving for his J new field of labor. A Hew pujyhased York syndicate have a Lake Superior iron ... : . :A .-;1 ore mine wuicii u sum practically give them the control of the non-Bweui.T sematitojircn businese of the country. Lieutenant Wood of the United j lawyer?, considered the best to States Nav-v, who ha been much j draw from, probably bec-usa they in the east declares that the efforts I fancy that they can tnoiv ucc of missionaries to convert Chinese ! fully mislead i-noraiue than in to Christianity iiavo been perfectly i fruitless. Ili statement will prob ably be taken with a 'roat lal i allowance. Tiik vigiiante in Virginia recent lv perpetrated a lynching that differed horn the usual method. They hung two men up by the heels and then shot them to death. The men were suspected of having outraged and murdered a widow lady and her two daughter. Tut: people of Trucke?, Califor nia, have adopted an efficacious way to rid themselves of the bad element in their town. A woman' beater who would not desist from this barbarous work was given a heavy coat of tar and feathers and placed on the cars for Sacramento. Anotuku one of Chief Justice l-'uller'a daughters has eloped from the family home in Chicago with an insurance agent. Judge Ful ler's girls seem not to harbor any great respect for the paternal au thority. There are said to be six WOre to follow the example Of the ' two have already ehpcd. The settlement of the rehrings tea seizure matter calls for the exercise ol wisdom as well as firm ness, and a close adhesion to the American view of the rights to ontrol those waters. These . , , i mauiies an- t'miufiiui luswe-ii i by those having charge of the de- j partmnt of f tate and will be satin- . . , f . . i. I factory arranged for our peuple i despite the threats, cajoling, and ! bluster of the London Time, j t- i f.A Which attempts as usual tO l,!'y J the matter to its own suiting. i j . , " ' . . , . Tiik shooting of Judge lerry t-y ! Deputy Marshal Nagle in i.rote.-; tion of Justice Field, is generally commented on as being a justifia ble act, and one tii.it the violence j and uufairncjss of th deceased merited. It bring into prominent remembrance the old times when the brave T.roderick fell by the hand of Terry, and those who re meuilfr that terribl affair will not fail to feel a little thrill of ntis faction over the violent ending of Broderick's slayer's life. Tue conferenca of the American republics to be held in Washington in October will be largely attended. The state department is advised that delegates to the conference of the Tnited States, the republics of i Mexico, Central, South America,! Ilayti, San Domingo and the em-, pire of Brazil have been appointed J by th3 Argentine republic. Bolivia Brazil, Columbia, Guatemala, Peru, Chile.. Costa Kica, Ecuador, Hayti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicara gua, Salvador, San Domingo, Uruguay and Venruef. have c- cepted inviUtions to take part, bnt . Iu the funniest brightest and witti liave not yet sent the names of j est production oj the day entitled delegates. , lr is often asserted thai the colored people of the South are . nMiKn.ltiinm f oi f in f bnn fliA u-niTA I III Hi 1 Iffl J iUg IBCigi fcAJtVa HIV VV M'lVl clement, but the census of Texas taken by the statistician of that state tells a different story. In 1 8S0 tho jrhite population of Texas was l,107,'-,:;7; colored, 594,512. In ,.,- -v.. . wi,:i. u.c " I l,51l,45!; colored, 39&,5; show-j Original scenery and mechanical ing a vast increase of the whites, j effects ; handsomest steamboat with a trifling increase of the ! scene ever produced before the ill . ti, i public. Laughable specialties, blacks, m seven year?. The white archefs Medl?v8i aml tfie hillari- birth-rate in 18S7 was :,.VJ, the 0U9 mirth-producing Billy Court 2.87. The white death-rate was right in his original production of 1.05; colored !. 11. It is thought FLEWY-FLEWY. that some thousands of negroes ; g0-lieserVfSti st.at8 7oc; gener8l have emigrated tj Kan.as and admission 50 cents. California. But allowing f ir this, 1 r- there it still 3 rate of increase far ! below the popular expectation. T.n: Chronicle, thinks cn our jury . system there is a chance for im-' provemeut am! MigLieit that wa might learn something from the English practice. It says that V.hj v.ho havrt attentively follow ed the news item ;;bout ti e May bhek tria", ha.-o learned that Eiv- frcJthe privi!ege of re.dliilig nws- DaDera durins the course, of a trial, artnity haYe them furnished to j them by the officers of the court. Evidently the idea so prevalent fa this Country, that a mar Who Id , . , mlai:fiad to sit IV AMV V on a jury, does not obtain on the other side of the water. Tre at tempt m this country to make uo juries composed of men who can not read or what amounts to the same thing, who, having read, have not sense enough to draw a conclusion has not helped the cause of justice in America. The verdict of a man who will frankly- admit that ne has formed an opinion which will require eyidence to remove, is ten times uavre apt to ba fair than that of the clod who never heard of the case, because he has not energy or education cnriiinli in read a newsuaper. The s. - - - (-1 i 1 itrpr Hass. however, is. by many telligcnce l or the iini'.st silver polish in the market to II. vnrf.H fry Omt: Kvo' Piippnose eul Havana t-i.zar. p.Myiia gar XIJ IV TO-ifAl . Et. seu(;vu:k, m. d.. ixlectiu . physician and nurijton. Otlire rooms 2j and fl, Pearet's bloc, Albany, Oregon. ANTKI) A XiPKTHNT QIRLTO CO flENER-'L housework. A.tirev. Apply at once M Lr O. (' IV ANTED A YOUNG MAN DKSIhXS A situation as a carpenter Address Geo. Suidman, Albany Prgtotfice- w r ANTED -TWO GOOD G1KLS TO ( work in a boaidin houj Amly to Mr?. M. t'enneli. LOST A GOLD LOCKET WATOII CHAKM with a short piecr of cold chain at- tai.hcdtoit. On the charm was engraved' the letters S.H. B, The finder will be suita bly rewarded by leaving the same at thin office. ! FOEtSALE A FINE YEAKLING J IIOL stein bu!l from a good cow, weight OoO pounds. Will be sold for tl4. Alio a good , gentle fresh milch cow five years old pnd calf, the latter a heifer J bhort horn. 1'iiceSMO. Apply to Dauie) UoueU, Tangent, Or. I Wood Sawing. TT Xl cujrine and a full wood pawing outfit, I aiu Dreuared to take contracts of that kind. Persons wishing iheir winters firewoodsawed .. :tl J. . rmi a n atoll t kvi'ui 3 ii-j tk t . r will do well to (f'vo me a Ori'eis can br : left at Kjownell a btaaara s. GEO. H. WAKREN. . " brain I lie lor Sale. A GOOD SUPPLY OF FIRST CLASS drain tile for sate at the Eajre brick , ami tile factory East of Albany near Knox ' Hutte. Call at the factory or address Tropts : 4t Auston, Albany Oregon. uriNN & W choice cijars. In WI!v, Fargo Jc Co.'g om:e. Mae iote a wey ttobi, mgars a specialty ; p KTERf. ZCxTok-cVas It pfeiffer, Pro. Only first-oolass houso iii the city. Larfe saaiple rooms for torn- nlereiai ,:. x0 Chinamen employed in te , kite-hen. General stage office for Corvallig. ; v OTICB IS HEKKWT ulKS T'lAT I'i:o l pertv owner are required by ordi mic; t.u't -nvn rfmvea.l tlimtles uud!-i noxiou weeds rowint uou their prmiiho" j and upen the street adjoinin? thf r.:to, within . the tit limits of Albany. Jhcse laiiin? to (io 0 -e iiiie to a fine f ''"'" ''''N.'iiOi KMAN! ! Aliunt, js-f it. lsw. i A COMM.IDIOl'S STORE 25x jfit P 60. An A 1 IcK-Htioii. Mnall e;cck a d , are-" -jr iu:c, .ui''wr ca.i on aiiu ; & Dickir:?iif. A'bam. .'r. IV- A J mean a' McAblSTXR iifiVM'FATUlO PMY- anl sur'roo. removed b:s oriicc into Csawford' Blo- k. All calls prompt ly a;teniicut. IAIH WARN I N'C '. T.r I'V Bl.IC IS 1 hereby notified cf t.he cx:.ence of city ordinance prohibitire fiAiix in the city limits faster than x niles an lif nr, and tile leaving of teams unti l, l td. lolesthe same are respected hereafter arrets will be ivadj, under provision" ei suih erdioance. J.N. HOFhMAN, C'tv Marsbal. E- J. McCAflSTLAND. CIVIL ENGINEER and Surveyor. DiMtightia and Blue prints. Ofico witu Oregon Land Co. Albany Or. Scwerapo s stems and water supply a specialty. Estates sufedivioee, maps sr.ado or copied oa short notice. Albany Opera House, THURSDAY, AUG. 15 LAWRENCE & CONNORS J y FUN ON THE B RISTOL INTRODUCING IIARRY CONNORS, 7 In his favorite character of WIDOW O'RRIE, A perfect amusing performance by a competent company of 14 well -known ladies and gentlemen, leach and every one an artist in their regnective lines. A rtl'.alde I". S. Stan r-i S ton scale only V7. (ioi.T icd a; onr . ; rest railroad static n ;. -i f :r-- tin mi t'lirty cays trill. Lartrcr at 1 ro; or, oiiati'iv 'o prices. War i:.t ..'. for lite ytars. Address, V. C. HOFFMAN, Albaiy. Orocoa Comedy m torn gggpi lists itmilSLmLLEGE: McMINNVILLE, Will & ; ivr..t -:-.; .... N-r-i r- . i 1 . I J 5 t 2 S41 II. 1 1 i i ULIUSGliADWOHL'S FAMILY G AND GENERAL JHARDWAFE Roer JBi'os'. Silverware, French, Oiiina aiid Crystalware Boys' Wagons and "Doll Carnage?. Fancy Goods- and a General .sorfcment 01 Orockerv. andTOYS. He Bujs Direct ond Carries the Largest Stock in'the Willanip.tt.fi VallevF lei on parte Francais. Hier rrm Hi m k M carry an iaimense line of Mm and General Hardware Including the celebrated EARLY BREAKFAST and JEWEL cookiDg stoves and ranges, parlor and cooking stoves, a. id ail kinds of kitchen utensils! also a wmlpete assortment of E farmers and artars Tools -AND- BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Pumps, hose, copper ware, tiawara, r nd plumbers' gool3 a specialty, prices are guaranteed to be satisfactory. The public is invited t call .jid iospectjour stock. Tweedale's buildine. Albany, Oregoa. The Willamette Packing iGompaiiy -IN ADDITIONJTO- THEIR OWN LINE Including fruits and vegetables or an so.as.not to lose their natural tlavor, carry . COMPLETE IjIZLSTIEj -OF- Family Clioice TableDelicacies, fresh fruiH tud cickBB, etc., ecc. UOTH ACADEMIC AND i OLLEGIATE !t .Kiuu ;.!s. In the Academic IV ) m ;u ; t t ii . :re four courses stii.iv i ii,rrf vt at? each: Classical, ;.!.';. I. ;.;.i aitd business. In i ii : i. location, heal- III fifei't i txiff 8 !w; advantages, first- ti i. i ..f.a for which address - '!' . HKOWiXSON.Prss. OH EG ON Stark. s Ml at the Lowest prices of any house in the city. Give them a call. Dill. wirf deutch gesprochen.j OF CANNED GOODS; kmns cjiuicu in a suuarior imanner, G - roceries o -vejetablecf all ds,'?. dressed rv iit I -mn-rv mm ran, All Perfect .hi u'il le mild, aud pro m p t and pleas ant, with bo griping or purgat ive tfCtS It should also incite the liver to actiou, aid diges tion, and elievt-the kidneys. Like nothing else, Paine's Celery Compound is a perfect laxative md cuiei riiiht:pat: u whcrej.i!! other remedies fail. "As a gentlv iaxai Iva l'iiinc'.s Ctle ry Compound is surely M ithout a peer 1 think I ought to I.nott, mi:.:; ij-ivj tried 1. nieily aiter remedy for ut six ye-'Ub. Slid SiavnTround lm i'is; tliat iji::ilt it in my oasc -f f-tivc-ness." J. 1. Jenkins, Teacher. Chiyd's --;. 1 1:1m. 11 at!e. :iiriu. linois Furniture jl THOS. BRINk Best Lice of Fane- Wickt. Chairs Lounges Parlor Cornice Poles Mirrors. Featlier Pillows Srino-Mattresses, Window Shades Walnut Exten sion Tables Suits. Ami ..t, you can't tin J at othr houses, I have it. I factevery- tbiinr t'n is kept in a first-class .inh, Mttle tnd Walnut Chamber seta, Chaira, StH'hifj Jtrd. Lonnti!' CANNOT BE ALBANY - 0 BOOTS'1 AND SHOES! BARGAINS! From and after this date'l will jjell mygentire stock ;of I Boots and Shoes j AT DC 08T! This'is a cloeiug out sale to mako room tormy immease Fall and winter stock of Dry G0ods,OloaK;s and Furnishing Goods which will soon arrive. I intemd to hare the most complete Dry Groods Store In tke Valley. Call earlr, as 1 can aadjjwill save yo money. ALBANY M B WWK n w Alainiiasture s-mii eiiimes, grut an all kinds of heavy ami Ii-.''it work in ir :i and brass citina. tiou paid to repaitiii ' nil kinds of machinery. I'attoriis mads E. F. SOX. "i.lnt. Laxative J I'auK'i Celery Compomndpsronip and pleasant. As a laxative it leaves httle to be desired. I have great confidence in its merits." Albert Leakakd, Asso't Editor Jour, of Pedagogy, Athens, Ohio. "For two or three years years I suffered intensely with severs pains in my bowels, which were habitually constipated. My bowels are now regular, and I have had no return of these pains since using one bottle of Panic's Colery Compound F. C. Stickskv. Druggist, Havana, Ala. Moral: Uee I'aiue's Celery Com pound ai d .stop uinin the intestir.al tract. ith liari-ii vurkMtive Kills. gi'l.OO.Six.for 5 CO. Drug-istt.Jj Wells KiebirdsosJi. Co. Ear'aioa. V:. B Livine'-n wtatel Kc!f are HtaltliV. y ami Heart' It is unequakd In the Citv of Albanv! houa i:tc, Etc., at PHces that UNDERSOLD. - OREGON im Si IJIJ BARGAINS! louse! P 'BEAD, Albl'l I five r.rdi tna -'unury, ir.a troais aul Special atten oa strt notice. U. Stewart, (Si Wo iesirt Usav to our eitiaeBS, tta for vears we bave keen selling pr. K.ue'fcNcw Dicovervloi Consumption, Dr. Kins'sNew Life Pills, Buckle Arnica Salve aud Electrie Bitters, an bave never bandied remedies that eell as well, or that bave ffiven such uni versal satisfaction. We do notbosi tatc to guarantee them everv time and wo stand readv to refund the pnr-iha-e price, if satisfactorv results 00 1. jt follow their use. These remedie kay won their great popuUritv pt lvon iheir merits, "-oskav & Mason Druggists. A Safe InveittinrBl. Is one which is guaranteed to Irin vou satisfactorv results, or in case of failure a return of put chase price. On this safe plan vou cuu buv from our advertised Dnifrist a bottle of Dr. King's Few Dibcoverv for Consump tion. It is gurrantccd to bring relief in everv case, wbeu usca for any affec tion of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whoop ing Con;, b. Croup, etc., etc. It rs pleasant r.iid agreeable to taste, per fectly tafe, and can alwavs be depend ed upon. Trial bottles free at Fosb'tv & M axon's Drugstore. riles! Piles! riles! Dr William's Indian Pile Ointment is the only sure cure for blind, bleed ing or itching piles ever discovered. It never fails to cure old cases of Iodj; standing, Juue Coons, Maytville, Ky, sajs: "Dr William's Icdian Pile Ointment cured me after years of suffering." Judge CliinDurv, Cleveland, O.say: "I nave Oiind by experience that Dr. 'illiar'3 Indian Pile Ointment giv immediate ami pcrnii.kent relief." We h:iye hundteds of such tesli mouial. Di not suffer an instant longer. Sold by druggists at 50c ani $1 per box. Sold by i oshay AMaeoa, Albany. irea-on. The Xw Dinevery. You have heard jour friendsj and .leigtiburs taiking about it. You may yourself be one i.f the many wh know from personal experience lost how good a thing is. If you have ever tried it, you urc one of its staunek friends liccu'wc the wonder ul thinj :ilut it is that when once given iri il, Dr King's New Discovery aver at.er holds a place in the bouse. If you have never used it and should be atllicted with a cough, cold or any Thyoat, Lunsr or Chest trouble, secure, a bottle at once and give it a fair trial, It is gauranteed every time, or monar refunded. Trial bottles free at Foshay & Mason's Drug otore Fifty pieces of furniture given with all cook stoves or range sold liv Matthews & Washburn. CnWAH5 RAISTCK 11 Cit CMAKEERLAIN" Albany, - Oregon Transacts a fenera.1 banking tuKuiuss.f Draw sicrlit drafts n hm Vert, tn FraaJ iscound i'ortlaud, r. Lao montj on approved BMurity.' Reeeive iepesite inbjtct t c.beet. Collections entnwted t ua U rc m rampt attent.4 ,v Just received atH. iEwerfa, niceassortiucBt f goIJ-h cned canes. Staple Qrocecies! FiBeGlasware,Cfwien eta, ets. CAKES, PIES, Fresh. Baked Breat) Every Day. nth m Cranberries, Fint fcftfes, Dritd Beef Chipped to Order, Anchoey Bustard, Candks tad Nuts, EastemHuaMaAeat Flotrr, Canned Qoods cf Ail Kinds, Bohtmku GlassuHire, Etc. Tfaat mat waw all txxtca vrkan prten woo wr. mmi firm la Ma at lha maiiln vtli a tUMM iLBlYMfOES QioiCoiiMoD&Fi'. : lB irin( frt af pore aUet xam rraaaS ad. aaadytaji CfOrdara aavedla. IMS, tJnCKTtifi CQ. NEW PROCESS FLOUR, CTTTlia Hqjfcwt jrfea hi Lino County Bank Star Bakny ! jjraxx siocrffp At tbM ela-ana ffetblt hooat lr tonnd a onaphN mtiawiL ol task bad. grvoeriea, te vaacb i i wNntlyliaaartiil a ma IM F.J. PFEIEFF . we ra,i paeaaaaMuaXauli liiiiilllMafadaaai un acnHaauMaMaaaaaakaBaBaeaaaMa AT WWOXBUtm aV UTAIX; mm m i