Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, August 11, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    HEKAI.l); SUNDAY. AUGUST 11. 1889.
jawing gaihj Qm&
Til 5: MAILS.
VaiU at the Albany pastotai-e close
I or all oflices north
The Kastern stulf ?- f S;38 a. :,
Hie West Side f
And the Nji nT Csi. it. K. J
For I'ortkip l ani f nm 11 A. Jl
Corvallis and Yuu.iin-t ..12:S3 p. M
dice south 7:39 p. m I
The ioR'.'j:iici.- win lie closed eich evening
rum six ta seven e'cleck. I
r.ejrwier.M m.iier lor inrjjeariy inormn j
train HhouK! li.' m.iilr.i before t o clock the
previous eveninr.
Arrives Departs
Il.lfiamll.OO p m
.... . .. ,. , :
heat . worth b- cents, j
I'oots and shoes at cost at Bead'. j
S il- -.ii has two n-iw ciaar :
a t i :
Table linen just received at
. Reads.
u- !
Ashland is now aiilicted with the i
.-anauon Arm? . ,
O. H. I'dount, el Ashland, has i
made an assignment.
For the finest silver polish in the ; rk At " . SI. K-v.-rt's. -
:it CI-.-; !! iA: (!aVs
!'i:e-t reMow Crawford jeac!te
at their best for canning at
l:liaiUV i)
i iiomoson s.
i k't, fixtures for
r sto.-k bv-iow cost,
diatclv at l'-ium's
. t
T t 1 l-
y ini
st .ire.
oand tr- some of the cream
nats just received at Parker Pros,
it beats rolled oats in several re
spects. Horses run away, boats tip over,
accidents are alwavs happening.
ict a poncv with Winn m
A. H. Howard has removed
the .
lamiiy iroi
, and will n
'.re I'.'me.
Monroe to
ake Al!:r.
the VY
ir. 1;
r. t. r
:e will
hail at
!l:h. ',
in His
V.xt .
; Man Thinketl.
As ;
. !:'r .! . i". tew:rt.
'.'a: .. v. ill j i rach at tho
church in this citv al S i
Furl una,
y. . to-dav.
Elder N. !'.. Alley of Eugene City,
will also preach Monday at S c. m.
The finest Crawford peaches,
v :.ich are now in their prime for
l imning, Bartlett pears, and all
kinds f fruits, can be obtaiaed in
quantities to suit at LaForre!t A
C ;. Royal wet wi.h a serious
i' i id :it at Yaquina bay. He was
lelpn.g shift a plank on the traiu
. av iier the pile driver. The end
9. tho plank slipped off the cress
piece a;.-d'kno.-ked -Mr. Royal from
his foot!. old to ttie ground, a dis
tance of ahout 15 feet. He struck
en his hip causing the lower part
of his body to become paralyzed
ami injuring ins hack, lie was
moved to his home. His condition
.1. L. or an v.ent
Bruce Price, oi Easti
ii in the city.
'o aip::z.a
( 'IVgl'TI.
Cliarles Mueller returned yester
day from Ilwa:".
Thos. Kay, of the Salem wiki!-:
mills, i in the city.
Dr. E. A. McAli-tcr went
Harrisburg yesterday.
State Printer Frar.k Raker,
Salem, is in tiie city.
W. II. drsonwood and wife have
relumed from trip to Yaquina.
Atianiim I art :vlH?::ttt:.
ihe recent order o Secretary
ar Proctor to abandon loit
lamath stirred up a hornet s nest
in Southern Oregon and telegrams
protesting against this action have
been received by Senator Mitchell.
.Many people of Linkville and Ash
land sent dispatches protesting not
only in the interest of the white
inhabitants, but in the interest of
the Indians on the Klamath reser
vation, and asked Senator Mitchell
to request the suspension of the
order until the people could be
heard in the mattar. He did so
and has received teVgrams from
Adjutant-General J. C. Kelton and
Brigadier-General Nelson A. Miles
stating that the troops would be
retained until the complaints of
the citizens of Southern Oregon
have been examined.
Monday's Display.
Grapes, peaches, pears, apricots,
plums, apples, lemons, sweet po
tatoes, celery, cauliflower, cabbage,
squashes, vegetable marrows,
onions, cream cheese, comb honey,
etc.. at the Willamette Packing
Caaaot Karavar.
Nick Zimmerman, who was shot
by Barney Wilson, is still in a
critical condition and his attending
physician thinks he cannot re
eoTer. The ball is lodged in the
lungs, which is likely to produce
death within a short time.
Hay aad Oat Wanted.
r T. VsAmlikru r,f tVitafttv will
huv all tho clean timoth'v hav
brought to him in tightly" com-
pressed bales.for which the market J
price in cash will be paid. He j
also wants to buv oats. Sacks fur-!
Deliver at stables.
Black ailk Scarf.
received to-dav an invoice of ;
.... i . -? . I. I r . ."
I liantllla ami ianisii ace scans, ;
iiand run, ranging in price from ft '
to $11 each. Thev are verv nice
and stvlish, a new" thing, and the
price is right. Samuel E. Young. !
... !
Ncv .,. lU-adt ,
The best kid glove ever brought K turnini; itif out to grass, on SaSed to fill the position thus j 'I jflf 8 8 MMim.
to Alb2nv lor ?l.o0 at Keads. ! , ., " " , - " thu Albany praine, hut the nigiit niaue vacant. " m
A fine lot of peaches to arrive at j S?v or thnliS f tail-'Q ' IXSEKK. " " WM , ,
V. L. Kenton's Monday morniii'. i :.,tc.;n.; i...i ..' loainmg on ihe otner half, which . , work prorontlv done at
;.L.i;:a-kn1anwdls,.lP,is en-1 plies for the radroad work at and 1 x i' SI?., i!..; .h.e Julius Ciradwohl cails the atten-: "ble rates.
Newsy Notes Along the Line
the Oregon Pacific Railroad
"i o '.he Albany KIl'i
CcmpaEy Sketching f,
r Ilarp.-r
"Weeiiy-A Uracc'a Sallro.
' IATK5VII.LK, Aug. ii The build
ing of the Oregon Pa.-i:i'; railroad
from Albany eastward lias attracted
i much attention toward this region
j ami is resulting in the
development yf the country along
U)e Sontu Fork of t!le Santiani
river. The work o: construction
on the road is not pro,rreAinj just
at present with all th. vigor that
couiu ue uesireu, yec mere is con-i
cast of this place. About 200 men
are now a; worn on ue tnirtv mne
contract of Antoneile A Doe. Above
the end ot the track which is five
i .. " . 7 "
is strikingly similar
to the
car! v
mining days on the
bove tne aoandonc; tunnel. A !
; noticeable feat Ere of t'uis ra ilroad j
' work is the solidity heavy j
, character of the road. The road-i
j Pea, ynugc-s, ami an, ara con
i structe.d in t!:e most substantial
t:i'l tne track is Well
making it inie-i:r t
none of the trans-contimental lines
i of the country.
Tho growth of the towns aloiig i
I the line of the road has developed i
I quite a trailic with Albany me: - ;
j cliants. and the trains do a lively j
! carrying business, supplying these '
' towns with merchandise from the ;
Albany jobbing houses. At Mill;
! City is located one of the best saw-'.
mills in the state. It is driven by j
I an inexhaustahle water-power oh-i
tained frcm tho Santiam, and V:.isj
tin connection with it a ihinio
: mill whicit ':: a thr:v:i:.r;
; ii"ss. The capacity of the mill is
iijj'.:i .,).k) :eci. o: lut&i.'cr i-ori
day, ami a new set ft saws -s n-;w t
being put in place, which will j
nearly double the capacity of thel
mills. Larure ouantities 01 lumber:
.,--i,; i"t. in,.,.,, 1 ,.n...
to build
Mill Citv
timber lvi
road will be about six miles long,
and will be built by the saw-mil!
A new steam saw-mill is being
built by .!. V. Brown at tiie Nar-
rows, so called because the Santiam
river at that point is conhned
tit, tn'flin liit'll T,fc,rluTl 1 t.'ti !-l t.lnil I
1 leaving the channel but six feet
wide. Large bodies ol timcer lauds
have recently been purchased in
this region and the lum loringbusi
iiago Tirrrn ice tn W. .,11 1 ., . ..,rt ., f
....k. i' .a 1 v Ull IllljiUl lillll
industry, indeed it is already be
coming so.
A peculiar condition of the South
Fork of the Santiam now exists, a !
it does every a'-itumn. On ihe !
1 upper river are. extensive chalk
. . ... .
which during the excessive
dry weather crumble down into the i
river, giving it a milky whitness.
ti , , 1 1.1 .
1 Ins is so marked that newcomers
on iirst beholding the t.-cnliar
sight wonder indeed if they have;
founu that country
.here miik i
and honey Mow." This condition
wf ihe r.ver is death io trout iish-
T ... i
A scheme is now oa foot ' " .',V- ' "V . T. ' ''."'V est sl-.a5e Hi d prettiest decorat
a urancn ranroau uiieironi ,. . . Mi i:ie inaiKct. i nese gorwi.H
.1 1. ... ;i.. ii- ' vi itpi c:'. r i'il' 11. in tin mini!'-. .. . . ....
across the river into Linn ' i.f1 ' new-f .ew . r,,(.dv(..i irvM y:H.,..uA
, to tap the great forests of vu"''-;!' - "Pu iUe lai.-st designs. Ladies me
nrm Thar n'f ii in hn . ...... . . . . . . , . . t , ,.,.-,
! i.ig, as no fish ran be found in the
0slicaiii until it run clear again
i later in the fail. j
1 bis region is soon to be the sub-1
jecD 01 a series 01 illustrations in ,
me narpeis vieeKiy. wm. iav-
enport, one of the stai! artists of
that publi-'ation, bus been up the
river sketching .-om.' of the grand
! seoneiy during the past two weeks,
i T!, r ,..., .t 0-.... 1,.,,,
jcau,0,1:l all of SIMoke to h
,..,n ' ,i ,.,..,:.
,- ,i c,-.ilot i,:a 'u K,o
fered somewliat with his work, but
some f inc views were nevertheless
No little interest is being taken
here in the work of the Albany
Mining and Milling Co. in the
Ojiartzville district. It is reliably
reported that some of the richest
ore yet taken out has been found
in the tunnel in which two shifts
of men are now at work. A pack
train with supplies left this place
yesterday for their mines, in
charge of four members of the
It titl (,rs Oa.
People do not appear to profit
anything by experience in the way
of lires in the woods. There is a
state lawon that subject, and
every year "he fire gets leoae.burns
up Hundreds of cords of wood and
destroys a great deal of valuacle
timber. Houses, barns and fences
also go up in flames and smoke
every season. This year is just
like every other one. The loss will
probably be as heavy as last sea
son or the one precedins. This
Eeems to be a case where age and
experience brings no wisdom.
Hare Net Kcistarrri.
It is reported that quite a large
number of physicians throughout
the state have failed, to comply
with the law passed by the last
legislature, which requires every
phvsicmn to register in the countv
.1 - 1 1. , ,
m which he practices. The board
examiners intend to compel
them to ccruply w:th the statute or
se take in their shingle. Salem
-Statesman. -
xaaainatian i'stoiir!. j Mrs.
Barney Wilson, who shot Nick!tday
Zimmer nan, was brought to this
nifw -iit,r,l:lA' V,i "ifli.-rt AT?, .1.11
""-i.i .uiam;ii,
of Montague Cal., where he was
arrested. He was arraigned before
Justice Humphrey, On motion of
the attorneys for the defense his
examination was postp.onetl until
Monday at 1 o'clock.
omtv Stagc-DriTar cf
l Y.tra oa Keccrd.
A copv of ihe American Union-i
u-t, published at Salem, and dated;
January 1 i, l$j6. in the possession !
of Mr." Isaac B'inni. of this city ,j
who has an interesting collection cf I
Pacific Coast Iteratuie dating back j
;J0 years or more, contains some in
teresting reminders of pioneer days
in Oregon. In it is a communica
tion from Yaquina Fay, referring
to the advantas of the barter
and thu needs of a railroad It
mentions the doings of a number
of Albany ciiiens, and relates an
amazing story ot a .'tue-boie,
which, having iot his feet on the
road, traveled 1G miles on the
stumps of its legs. The informa
tion came from the stage-driysr, a
class of inea who are proverbial
i lor strict verac:tv, and also hr
udgoons. The narrator
ocs on to say that, ".u'ter losing
hi :eet. the les on one side came
n- .. . i.,lf ti
leading round the slope ot the hill,
aim j :iort ies neiiitr on me
i 1 1 ! I A 1
upper .Md:;,l;i
uriver i:t not liotice
;hr; catisaht.v
Presently the ani-
c.ident, nor was the ereat velocity
! of the vclucle in any way abated.
; On the otlter side cf the iiili, how-
ever, i roin broke; the !o:e jiarts
j of the exeit.'d horse got away,
i Iraving oidy the tail hitched to the
. stage, w ide!: nevertheless got in a
i little ahead of schedule time. The
! ; only irregularity perceptible to the
; driver was the vociferous neighing
o; tne tail auer the other ortions
of the 'uadruped had left. The
dismem'o-red horse was recovered
after a whiie, put togetiier witti
giue, ar.d is now used for carrying
mail I.) :ha Santiam Confederacy."
riiii:jj Next T!n:rs.Iay.
ii . ii. ' ;,"ason, representing i
the I.
.1" ('..:
Corners' Musical
...y. : ir. the city j
appearance f ;
comtany le:re ! The en-;
arran;i;-g tor
:l.s i.'cci.ctit
ext Thursday
re i
v ill api'tar f r one ;
:i t lie greatest of ;.:i j
udies. "Fun on tho;
roducing Hairv Con-!
night only
musical ec
ihisto!,'' in
his great iie ot the Widow
give a
iiosl on ir.v-1 Uf. nriJi f 1 1 11 -
. ... . J . . .:
It will be remembered that I
wnen i
.0 th
j.cmr a great hit, a:,d the company
. is
.t i'j in. iHHiri iiijm mail
Reserved si'ats will ha on sale to-
morrow a! Kiackman's at T cents;
general admission, ot) cents.
! .
'i'ra:i brke icto the
put ai Gold Iliil ard
S. P.
tolr a
I I'uak wb.ich liiej rifi.rd vi'its csn
tnls iast Tne-fl.-iy niO'sing. No
I c lie t tl. tliicvrs
A bail keloning i O. Xelson
-ji Vi.iv.,i tiwuir.. fr.,.i
!.... . ...m .!,;. .,i k.. c. ...... ..,.!
ii:1, Lilt v nr.L nil 1 U. I D ui lu;
"r ,i... c-i, i,,i
i ot trcirk cattle an!
large oi
a .
o.u.crv uuiaru. inai-j ;i- iiw i
J .... - .. .
a' u.e me
Gov I'enuover
pointfd F.
T. Do'rr.ic'r k uiembrr tbe I
u;iiei'a Oregon State Iluid ot' j
Agriculture, to iii the vacancy
i':iiicd lv t- i-pi-iintinn ms A . H
- - -
Sttwnrt. lie also appointed Jolin
G. Ck bealth ollicer fit Coos iiav
;: t!ie
vacsificy c
llliCM t7 the
ica'.h ot C B. (.iAider.
T!:e Georid' Wod thorny cani-
patiT. suffered t tUe extent 1"
a out $240!) by the Spukane fire.
The Cmes destroyed every piece I
their lithographs and other paint
ings, and all their scenery, Tto
wardrobe was saved.
It is reported that the summer
niu of salinen in lower Rogue river
this year is the lieavest ever known,
the river being black with fish, and
the catcli is se great that Hume's
canoery with all its facilities can
not take care ef them. It isn't
very difficult to take care ef the
few strays that manage to evade
the fl'ii traps and dams and get ii J
to the upper river.
The extensive mountain tires
have almost ruined the outside
tinge in seme of the beat steck sec
Jons ef Jackson county. In the
jieadews the fire which started
some weeks ago at the bean! of
Sam's creek has been eating its
war to the high divides at the head
o: Evans creek every since, destroy
ing much timber and cleaning out
tha browse and undergrowth.
"It may not be generally known,"
says Joaquin Miller, "that the
Columbia river and the Sacramento
river were once one and the aaaie
stream. But this h a fact. To say
nothing of the assuraaco of (jeolo-
ryieta ami tho Ttwlian ta3itiA wn
can easily trace the links of cob--)
ectioi by the chain of lakes reach I
ing from the head waters of the j
Sacramento river to a point near J
where the Columbia river bunt,
through the Cascade mountains
aad made its way into the Pacific
ceaa near where Astoria now :
stands, instead of flowing on dewn !
by Mt. Shasta and out of the Golden
.'Jefora Ip.irture.
Blum will' receive orders
and to-morrow only
portraits, nandsome gilt
frames included, from $7 uy
Sirissors. Shrars.
Immense stock at Stewart
Sox's, 'ihe best quality and :
i i
ny !
si.e or style. Call and examino
ourstOLk. Stewart & Sox.
I . , , . I ... .1 , - ,m i. , . Im..f i. ...... f ft i i ti t 0W'A':iT'JTlT hfli: 1 mon on-... -K
v T , ..: 1 . .. i 1 . 1 . . I .
Eot:3 &i:m thu State Capital Ar
t'chs of Incorraratien.
snfeial to the Hmal.)
alkh, Aug. 10. The foliowiiicri
articles of incorporation wire filed
in the otiice of the secretary ol
state to-day : j
The Farmers- Water D;
panv, princiial place of
l.i . .a. t
rieasant center scnoi ouse;
capital stock. $2000 :,J. E. btick
ney, M. A. Hamilton, L. O. Hoff
man, W. II. Winters, L. H. Tuck
er, Nathan Cra?en, V. 0. "Wilson,
1 It It. r T VV;i r r
L....5 -it- , ,
Ciain, V. D. Jiurnap and Daniel
The(dadstone Real Estate As-
sociation, of Oregon, capital stock, i
!ft,s,uj, ; oojeci, to conuuci a gen
eral real estate business in Oregon
Oitv; H.E.Cross, .las. P. Shaw
and F. O. McCown.
Major S. L. lowell has resigned j
his jtosilion as auditing clerk and I
bookkeeper in the secretary of
state's otiice, in order to giva all j
his time to his surveying contracts j
and private hi si ie?s. H'sresigna-
tion takes eflect August 1st. A i
tion of the citizens of Albany to in
sure before it is foo late, lie rep
resents seven insurance conipau:'
v.l'o cany a capital of jTii.i.'Vio.
with a cash dtspot-it in tho st-iK' u
Oregon of :;."i0,(K!0
Farmers who have spent th - e;,
tire year ia j roducing a ;,
of wheat should run no risks now, ',
nut promptly get insurance upon
Ihe crop and guard against fire, for
if they lose their crop by is a
calamity to tho whole community
as weli as an irreparable injury to
to them.
Seattle, iillensburg, Vancouver
and Spokane Falls has nothing to
.:" ' yul ius.M!5
til. . . !. i .
v. 1:1 au oe pam ano sin; we are i
ready for business, the tame as ai- !
Chicago tire.
Si;i:liiu!; Ti'?it.
Ji'.'.lns ( ira hvohl has opened,
the iu!d:-n I: lie F' stove
a 1
magniticent linu of the lafei cec
orated ware, including 'edge
woyd A (.'.. 's Newyacht .-hape,
ricidy de-orated with fiowns and
goni. u.UiUsotiii'iv enameled, new
, ... .
1 l he; is no :;i ed ot si'ini.ri" awav
" --j
lor such goo is w lnn such a sclec-'
i.'d dire.-t, c;-.n he ob- i
taint'.ti u :hi.
his citv at a less price !
tnan anvwhere else
('IiipppJ l.pi-i'.
have just lvct-iviv.'. a ires'n lot I
I ot snio;;r.
! .-I
'. 0 t roer ; also
i a iresh supply oi f-,
I cheese and lunch
letle Packing Uo.
i medal cream
U. Wihani-
;:;l Inves". ivirnt.
l"or a small amount of money
'hat will in a year's time double or
treble your money, such an oppor
tunity i oil' n;d in South Al
bany, onlv one-half mile from tho
citv, embracing the tract of land!
l " 1;"k", n u t
road. I .ol s sold on I he
I i-. .... l.'i 1. :.,.. .. 11,. . i
pla. & Rkhdiklb,
.Two door bouth of postoflice.
k'ii-k-l CiMlpry.
Tiie largest
every 'r-n-h;
uid finest displayi
to this vailev just
,-ait it Sox's." Call
received a' !p
a'id exr.mi.ii.'.
j Honey in I..i:ta.
j At a lor. ;:ii- of ia'crf st n good
1 farm propfr-y in rnunty, or
' on best !':i: ivco c.t property in
Albany. Apply to i'lackbrrn &
Wrighi, Albany, Oregon.
Let ii-: :;iv- ti..- vi-adi-t j i f the lb:s- ,
ALU a iitl t',cly advice. IK.t
weather is euining and with ltcoiic, :
cholera morbu.i, dysentery and di- i
arrhoea. The otily sro wiy to com-i
bat theen diseases, is to keep some '
reliable ree I v at hand, ami ad who !
have tried ChamWlaius Colic.
CUl.ri iJ ti;i.v.. t ,.1.. :1l 1
i; !,.. i n.. i
admit that it Is the most prompt,
-i.ui j r i j-
reliable and successful medicine
r . , ... Ta a 1
nown Inr n,. iinla If. rn.ra
but 2o or 50 cents, and may be the
means of sariucr von or vour fairiilv
much .Buttering if ot lifJ itself, bo- Bi-afiil S: StSiaid'S
fore the summer i over. For sale by j ,.KNKf4. FIasT anp pr"ttEiv sls
Foshaj' & Mason.
Have yon heard what Mr. O. L. ;
Weast, of Cambridge City, Ind., eays j
ot Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy? If not, here it is:
"During last summer I was troubled
very much with severe pains in the
stomach and bowels, and was induced
bj a friend to try this Kemedy. I
took one cose, as per directions, and
it eave me almost instant relief. I
cheerfully recommend it to the
afflicted." 25 and 50 cent bottles for I
i bale by Foshay & Mason. I
Colonel We'd, whafs the matter now? !
Private Pve ficit liver trouble and dys-
I'epsia. emi otisa: to get leave for thirty i
I ColjiK'l I'll pive you ton
"--' ' ic-ii. miii ii von ;
,!. i.... v,..,.,,.,:.!. ,. " ... !
, .- , lii-iauii- .-u.fui!imi;nnii! v:a !
he lontr enough.
! Fred II. Blocker, of tho Baldwin Hotv.
1 S.-in I raneiscK, writes: I Imveeiit nmnv
. n dollar for ineilicuies, Iir.t the oulvtbinir !
! thiitrverstOTiticil m v iivnrtmni,in,,:..i .i- !
l,;,... I
-4; j
, l
pepsin was Joy's' VcuetaWe Sarsannrii'i.i'
' 1 '
i.utav Solomon, of 2'i Vnlonein street. r mm i-ni. mi's i iiur lt nas entire
ireeo mm o ms KKhgetioa ami siei
Biirlii Robertson,
xi: w
Art- :;ow established with a tirst-elass
stock of
On the corner of First and Ferry
streets, opposite Stewart & box. A
complete line of canued goods, gro
ceries and provisions of all kin-it , no
tions, etc.
Fresh fruit and vegetables eyerv
niMmne, Prices reasonable,
Its Com inc
lihli! flltlDH
Fikst Stkekt,
Pkarcb Clock
Ilriok for Sale.
or .'.l Uvc.'O'l anvuliiTC in the c itv.
W. C. CASSKLL, Albany Or.'
l T MV
1 tuvn,
t oi:i r;ictoi' anil Euililrr. j
ii :: i . iii:;is!G.Ei) located i
: i Alha'iv srliits patmnrnre from city
,h!'u ".-niitry. nl 1 ran to lnuiil lindirt
kir .'Ml all l.i tii'.c. of ihviilins hon-cs,
in imiiiif Ouccn An -.f . Ea; tli'ke and Kibtu
l tlii. : ttvlt cf l.nil ii'isi. Wili iurnish
' .nil sritrifi. -i' tree cf oharccs. Satis
i cuaraiit W. ('. CASSEL.t.
Irapi;; :;ih. .'.oitrc.
caiure in in me urciron i :nc 1,(1., ail
t cruus I.avi'iir t tuck therein on i.isttirc are
lu rci.y r...tinei to remove tiicm a c!-o, .r
niake"arraiiKements with ir.e. Kuilin- ty
r' i.ui t nui uu t ill ll' !i "ill l .
131.10 VNILLL').
! .jE.state- ,
V.'-" ! ' f ' A "V1 , '
iitlX J" V1 J L' ii .'tJJ
: .
xas.m. l'SF("TOi;
t:ir:V ltcrn
. t ' li.i'on
ea: !i .:i!l!c ftf Sliiloli;
; civ. I'rii-e .V.i i-ents Fo-l:
?FuTl A
IR ia;'I W iii iabl(
Bucaae h- kii'.iws !'::ar luV
jnt conniicnciti row..:!: him for
something yon know how it;, is
yourself b'lt li'-n
n u c r
Biwnc!! (E olilliil
Their husbands don't look that way,;
bi'c.'.ui- bore ar- no extravagant:
prices on their gee. Is. Everything 1
i- .- in !; cvprvthink is jcheap; make
Home happy, make j
By tradirjat 'h f cor.'imical store
- , , j
where .tht rule i ;' oii good and
, ,
IUW UI ICCS Kll. 3 Ill CAtl-llhl' U
Duu t lorget that tf tnple ol economy !
is at
Over The
The Willamette Valley and Cas
cade Mountain Wagon Road is in ex-
celtent condition, anu uy an onus is
the best and shortest wagon road to j
Eastern Oregon. IFater and grass is
I abundant along the entire road. Ilie j
j grades arc eaey, accommodations su- j
penor and the road well bridged
making it the best mountain road in
the state. For summer jauuts. hunt
ing and Jishing tht Cascade Moun
tains in the vicinity of Clear Lake
ami the Three Sisters afford superior
issut-.i M-i-ch una Sept. each
year. J, is- an encyclopedia
j1 ue'u. information for all
b purchase the uxuries
o' ihe uccefsit.'es of life. We
clot lie you n furnish you with
1... ,.,. ccni'i mm
nr. necessary ap-
alk !ar.ce. sleep.
eat. n.- '. lUllT, v.oik gi T.i e:nuci; or
i : :
. . i l. . i
stay .'t e, :'io m vaiious i
i ulviv ' io i, entities, .just nfeBie out '
u - cooif 1 to do al
PCMiepTtni v , v0u
"uliii l.'i hiuLI "' Juu
! these things ;
f in make a ;
Ulilii liU IrtUL I J . - .
f.ti' .'lmaLt; the vah c i t the ,
iae ".itmtaic tee
UTTl-l. II. 1 .''I'lIlL'
IJJUI l',ll l L ll'l., W lll'wll 1. " mj i
'teei n.i.,1 reo.-i;.t -f IP cents to pay I
pot. .-f" F?10K"Cl 'acFY VAfiD & CO" !
. . . . ' J.I".. III I
HUJYI'dtv' f'L'IPF. whicli will be
1 11-114 Michicaa Avenuj Chicago, 111.
F. L. Kenton
taple and Ianey
ilso Choice Candles, Kuts, Cigars and Tobaccos,
Fruits, Vegetables, Etc.
Subscription Agent for all Leading Neics
pttpcrs and Magazines.
aFortst k
i ilk
Carry th- ai'j,eft stock in the city, cnaVing ilie
U s".p!y niiv tind eveiy want of their cilstousers. '
LuxurieSjClioice Teas and Cotiees, ream-
.ery Butter on Ice, Gleam
1 '
1 i j
Consta&tly oh
-Dealers in-
Irmi. Steel and Coal
Wagons and Buggies
Hope and Cordage
Blmcksmiths9 Supplies
Garden and
And all Implewts
Ltocs'au immense business in alt kinds
sets, chairs, bed Jounos, kitcncr.
Af m mm
- i,i
- f. . . . - l." 1. XI
Also have a hne selection of wall paper ar.d window slraclcs, which they are
ofTcring at close figures, Call and see the -m, on First 'Etrect, opposite Stew.
AH fw V
art Sox.
6lieese, fe'annyd Gootils,
Carpenters' Tools
Builders9 Hardware
Powder, Shot, etc.
Gian t Powder & Fuse
Saws and Axes.
Ghrass Seeds
Used by Farmers :
cf furniture, bedroom sets,: parlor
es, ana all Kinas or laojes, etc., etc.