;: 15 CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY, OREGON, TUESDAY' JUNE 1 1889. VOL. IV. NO. 169 Jiuuil l r. Successor ti E. W. Lansdor. OKALKU IN- urugs, Paints, Oils. Perfumery and toilet article.-, also a fall line of books v.c - itioDTT. Periodicals, etc. v. TL Prlrtloaai refnll. IN ODD FELLOW'S TEMPLE, Albany Oregon 1 III Clothier Carries the Largest line of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Etc. in the Willam ette Yalle . SljJITS MADE TO ORDER Tailoring Dtprtment In lis Merckit F18TKR BLOCK, ALBANY Whar is 111 DYNAMITE BEATS Warning. - . . . . . jar . The modes of death's aracn are various, and statistics showcenclusive ly that more persons die freardiscascs of the throat and lungs than ajjy other. It is probable that e vcryoner without exception, receives vast vombers of Tu lci cli: Onus into theysfcni and when; these s:erms fall upi suitable soil they start into life 'andvdevclop, at lirt slowly and is! shown by a slight tickling fensation in fbc throat and if allowed to continue their ravages they extend to Uic lunjrs pro ducing consumption anaft the head, causing catarrh. Now -"ll,; this is dangerous and if ullowri' proceed - - I will iiLiimo. caaite deati": : , -Juta onset ....... ...... . .- ..ille utRALB sprcui Lnspienwr"' 111 U CUI'i ill U W1UIUU1. illlUllllVIl 13 d.mcerous and may lose you your life. As soon as you feel that some thing is wrong with yourthroat, lung6 or nostrils, obtain a be'tleof Boschcc'6 (ierinan iSyri.p. It w,;; give yen iui mediate relief. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A niarvci of purity .strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in eompeti lion with multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders Sold only in c ms. Rotal Bakis Pow der Co . 1GT. Wall St.. N. T. D;W Ckowlev A: Co., Agents, Portland, Oregon, ruisiciA W II. DAVIS, M. D. PIlYSiCIANi AM) IT siiicon. Can be found at his office room in Str&han's Meek, First street. Albany Oregon- 1 n 'd cu am ! hki;lin7 hum kopathiu U physician and surgeon. Office, corner Third and Lyon streets, Albany, Orepon. Of fice hours, mornings, s to ! and 12 to I and after 0 in evenings. W. I1ASTON. PHYSICIAN AM. Sl'K , Keo"i Albany, Oregon Mil. KLLIS, l'UYSUIAN AM Sl'Kr . ireon, Al'uai.y, Oregon. CO. KELLY, rilYSICIAN AND SVll . jrcon Alhnny, Oregon, office in Pit rev's new lilock Otfice.lmurH, from 8 a. m. to 4 p. ji. A J. KOSSITEK, VETERINARY Sl'R . seen, K'"riiiatu of Ontario veterinary collcffc and member of the Ontario veterin ary medical society, is prepared to treat, the diseases of all domesticated animals on Hcithtifie principles. Otiice at Ans Marshall's livery stable. Residence 4th and Calaooia fctrccts, Albany, Oregon. DR. K K( geon, A KOLDEWAY, VETERINARY SCR. Albany, Oregon Graduate of Ger: man an.i American eolleires. ATTOIt.VKVS. I). . S. lil.M KX. o. w. n iin.il r. 1)LACKl5l'RN, ,t WRIOIIT ATroRNEY AT ) L aw, Albany, Oregon. Oilice in Odd "oellow's Temple. Vill practice in all courts of the state, and fit u sjMcial attention to all business olverton" ctiarlSk. "aTtornev at Law, Albany, Or. Ottice in room" IS and 14, Foster's Rlock, over L. R. lilain's stor t JK. WEATHOKFORD, ATroRNEY AT . law, Albany, Orej;on. otlicc in 0ld Fellow's Temple. Will praet in all the courts of thestate, and give special attention to all business. Ton Cannot Aflord. At this seanon of the year to l;e without a good reliable diarrhoea balsam in the house, as cramps, colic, diarrhoea and all inflammation of the stciiiaeh and boweb are exceedingly dangerous if not attended to at once. One bottle of BEfJUS' DIARRHOEA BALSAM will do more good in cases of this kind than any other medicine on earth. We guarantee it. (. L. Blackman, druggist. OVER THE WIRES. Chicago Is to Furnish One Hun dred Ready Made House. FLOOD. LMoruy ia Cap BreUa Eager Boa at Preeidfat Batnratto Waehiagtos In di&a Coneil Eadsd. (SPECIAL NOTICE. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal College of London, England, also of the Belle- vuc Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime ot study and practice and makes a spe cialty of chronic diseases, removes cancers, scrofula enlargements, tumors and wens, without pain or the knife. He also makes a specialty of treat ment with electricity. Has practii eel in the German French and English hospitals. Calls promptly attended day or night. His motto is "GOOD WILL TO ALL." &()mcc and residence Terry street, between Third and Fourth. 9,999.00 IN To Be GOLD Given Away. REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR. CIIAS Pfeiffer, Prop. Only first-eclats house in the city. Large sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General stace oflii-e for Corvallis. HEWERT, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKE . and jeweler, Albany, Oregan, DOLLARS TO LOAN ON GOOf rea estate sec ant v. Apply to S. W . irowuer, Albany pastcfJce. 800 Mud Surveying. T)ARTIRS DKSIRISO Sl-RTETINO DONE CAN OB- 1. tain accurate and prompt work by calling upon ex-eounty surveyor r, r. T. Fisher. He has complete conies of field notes and town- ship plats, and is prepare I todo surverinir in any part of Linn county. Postofhcc address, Miners Mation, Linn count Oregon. CI R. WINN, AGKNT FOR THE LEA I j u'i Are, life aB.aeeicier.t insurance csdi panics. t'.r Item. RNISHED ROOMS TO KINT. AT THE 1I1AI IIACKIAU LOUUII OAN FE so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. toshay fc Mason. CleritL latDr. Samn Titclier, old, and CMldreai'a' Coiarplatfat yrgori op Jfaweodo SynnM. Ckildria err tor Caurtorla amd avfek 'enre lr- SaqMrloi .ia Cauiap Oii Mil H. F. MERRILL, Banker ALBANY, i OREGON York, San "t recomrama Caatorfa. fat diildno yUum at Mothor. Me CmmUrrl. CsatoVf rtrrrt CnTle. rjtrrtf.o ' hmawninUBaigpfacauai lUSO. OrfrntBt, ftrwAlyn. ir. Y Ms Cbarzasa CowjUorvCT Tgjanxf BL, Sor Tor' . Cm DEUG STOKE. FINE LINE OF ART SUPPLIES TOxLET AND FANCY ARTICLES. PRESCSIPTIONSffiCAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. GUISS & SON, PROPRIETORS, $3Her wire! DeutoJi qe so roc hen. Sells exchange on New Francisco and Portland. Buy notes, state, county and city warrants. Receive deposits subject to check. Interest allowed on time do posits Collections receive prompt attention Correspondence solicited. J3?"OiIlcc hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m Acent for reliable fire and marine usurancc companies. flihuf . Bath House AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON, JOSEPH WEBBER, PROPRIETOR gf"Ladies and children's hair dress. n a specialty. Bntue satisfaction guaranteed? Cut out this ai'.vci ttHcment and vend it J. LA1IMKR& CO., Nurseryman, Toronto, Canada, with 1 4 tlirce cett Canadian, m 'Jl two-cent American iKislae stamps, and they will send you by mail (postpaid) in iod time for planting in April or May next, your coolie of any one tit tiic following collection of lantH, and enttr your name in cmprti rion tor the tBi..eo Jti troid tnattney are irivinir awaj- in order to introduce their nur sery stock. Collection of Pltir.ts: No. 1 2 hardy roci. No. 2 1! liaiily clitnbinv: ron-s. iso. .i 2 overDlooniiiiu'lrc'H's !r5Bcuej cu: tu re. No. 42 dahlia. No. 5 10 Kladiola. No. ! : hardv trape vines." Nc. 7 -8 raspberry plants, 4l each black i,iul red; . o "0 8tr.wiK-rry plants 4 choice much. N'. 95 very choice plants four house cu!- .ture. No. JO S cherry currants (rei'V. No. 115 Lees prolific currants (black) No. 12 : white uruiie currants All letters with thisadertistincntenelos(d alon;; with ttanips for any one or more coi tions of plants, will be numbered as they oine to hand, and the senders of the flit thirteen hundred will receive jfifts as follows; ist Jji-Hi J tK.' next "JO, 910 each. 2nd l'K) j The next 40, if.i each, aril - 50 The next 415, . each. 4th :) ' 1 he next SiO, 1 each, .ith 20 1 After 50,000 letters have been received, the snnders of the next 1,100 letters will receive tifls as follows: 1st ir:, i Next 10, I5 each 2nd l:5 Next 15, 10 eac h 2rd 75 i Next 40,8;. each ? 4tii 50 j Next 47, 2 each jtl:- ir Next MiO. 1 each After li.O.OtK) letters have Iwen receired, C S" i Icis ol t ir n;xt 1,000 letter? will re- juts afi ln,i !,: an l -i . ....l;) ftacb ; Next 5 20 each 3, 4 and 5.. 75 each Next 1 10 each 0, 7andS... 50 each Next 3tf 3 each 3. 10, 11, VI. 2ft each j Nc.xt9S 1 each After 150,000 letters have been received the senders of the next 1.10U letters will receive L'ifts as follows: 1 $100 each I Next 10 $20 each 2 75enih j Next 25 , 10 each 3 and 4 50 each Next 585. .... 2 each Next 5 25 each I Next 479 1 each Any person may fend any number of times for any of the above collections. If 5 centsin otainiis extra is seni, we will ecml in Jun next a printed list of the names of ail persons who are entitled to trifts. vt c make this liberal offer to readers of the Hkrald, knowing it will not pay us now, hut our object is to intro iucc our stock and build up a trade. Our mailing points are loronto and Mirubmount. Out., noencstcr, .N. l Louisville, Ky., Plaincsville, O., and Chicago, 111., and we will guarantee all stork to reach our customers in Kod condition. We employ no ayents, but deal direct Willi customers, and can sell and deliver stock to any part of thel'nitcd States or Canana a, about one- half the price charged by other nurserymen, tiirouh agents. Remember we will not be undersold by any reliable firm. Send us a list of wants and we will quote you prices; or 10 cents for a hand omc illustrated catalogue which you may deduct irom iour hrst order. Address all letters J. LAHMER & CO., Nurserynen, TORONTO, CANADA. Johnstown, Juno 17. Fiva thousand five hundred men are at work on it-e ruins to-day. Dyna mite is being used freely, with good effect. One hundred portable, nady made houses have been ordered from Chicago, capable of accom modating six persons each. They will soon be up and furnished, completely with all necessities for housekeeping. If thin lot proves satisfatory the number will be in creased to one thousand. A Chi cago firm ngret'S to put tliein up at cost. Shanty stores will also be erected for those ready to begin business again. It has been arranged to build a jail, when a large number of ar rests, including people of ill-repute will be made, for stealing valua bles from the wreckage. A gener al search will be made. i.atritosv. The Fatal Fatal lMsa.iKe Found cm Cap- li ret on Islands. Ottowa, June 17. A few weeks agd it was leported to the depart ment of health that there were cases of leprosy on Cape I'.rctton Island, Nova teeotia. Dr. mith, medial attendant of leprosy, at Lazaretto, Tracedy, N. 15., was in vited to make a personal investi gation. His report shows that there are three cases, two women and one man. and thev have been in dailv contact with friends. Thev will be removed to I raced v at once. l NCII. ENI1KI). The liifllaiiH Will Krtuio to Thoir Keservations. Koskiu i), (Dak.) June 17. At i the council between th different bands of Indians vesterdav after- iiioon it was decided to hold anoth er council among themselves and then return to their homes. I f this I is done it will ureatlv delav action. The onlv Indians now prepared to sign are those present at the coun cil at Rosebud, or who are influ enced by that action. They are in i:ie miiiornv. r pnonenis oi me bill have been aided by owtside Isupport and their united strength is lorinniaoie. me commission expected to tiobl a council tins al- trnoon. CORVALLIS NEWS. Incendiarism in the City- Indigna tion of th Citizens Arused. Cokvallis, June 15. Since the 7th hist, this city has had three blazes, two beiu of iucmdiarv ori gin. The last one was the South School building, situated near the Southern Pacific depot, which waa burned at 9:30 last night. Th ra had been no tire in it tor the past two weeks. Water was turned on it from the engine, but did na good. Hardly had the tiro apparatus been housed when. flaAies ware aeen rising from ttofjiiwaJtean ,jfte east aide of Main street, in front of Woodcock's bank. They were soon extinguished, and calls of cotton and rags saturated with kerosene were found. This raised the indiguitioi of the citizens, aud immediately a meeting was called on a street corner and it was decided to have Mayor Lee offer 150 reward for the arrest and eonviction of any person taught in the act of incendiarism in this city. One man subscribed $5 and 50 feet of rope. Again at 2 o'clock this afternoon an alarm was sounded, caused by tire coming from the roof of Mrs. Wrijjht'8 house, on Third street, in the southern portion of tne city. No water was thrown by the firemen, as it was extinguished by buckets. Several bad looking char acters have been noticed in the city lately, and an extra police has been plsced on duty for a while. A meeting wa called for next Sat urday at the court house, to arrange for holding a county fair in Corvallis during the coming fall. Commencement exercises begin at the Agricultural c.llegc on Sunday, June :23d, and the graduating exer cises take place the following Wednesday, mMoijom dkift. Sugar Ilounty Kill Postponed. London, June 17. In commons to-day William Henry Smith, gov ernment leader, announced that the government had decided to postpone further proceedings in re lation to the bill to put into effect sugar bounties. Keturnd to Washington. Washington, June 17. The president and partv returne.l to ashington this morning. Tbe Pride ol Woman. A clear pearly and transparent skin is always a sign of pure blood, and all persons troubled with dark, greasy, yenow or niotonoa sum can rcbt assured that their bbou is out of order. A few doses of REfJIiS' BLOOD PL'RIFIOR and BLOOD MAKER will remove the cause and the skin will become clear and trans parent. Try it, and if satisfaction is ; given it will cost you nothinjr. It is fully warranted, C. L. IRlack- man, druggist. W mail lWcvery "Another wonderful discovery has been made ind that too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened its, clutches up-jii her and for seven vears she withstood its severest tests, but ncr vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She boiiRht of us a bottle of Dr. Kinff's New Dicoverv for Consumption and was so much re lieved on takins lirst do?e that she slept all night and with one bottle hac been miraculously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Luts." Thus write W. C. Hamrick & Co.- of Shelby, N. C Get a free trial bottle at Foshav A- Mason's Drug Store. China and Japan are buying dried apples from Maine. Thus does the AtiKi ican industry help to swell the population'!' the Orient. Maud So you are going ta marry your father's cashier? Isabella Yts, I'a says that if he runs away with the bank's funds the money Mill still be in the family; Appropriately named : "The drug gists have organized a baf eball club." remarked the snake editor. What's it's name?" ai-ked the horse editor. "The Quinine." Where he was: Lawyer Well, now do ou think the prisoner waa insane when he tired the shot? No, sir; 1 am perfectly certain he was in Pat Brady's saloon at the time. A "freak' in Philadelphia offers to wager $1000 that lie can eat fifty eggs including shells, in fifty seconds, Ve'U bet .?20(X) he can't, if he'll per mit lie te select the egg. A dangerous experiment: Miss Antique (school teacher) What does w-h-i-t-e spell? Class No answer Miss Antique What is the color of nij' skin? Class (in thorns Yellow. A symposium on rings: Edith Corner I ana. what ao the news papers mean by ring and whisky ring? Mr. Wheatly Corner That is one form to prevent rival enterprise. J.ditli Is that it? Why. that is just like an engage ment ring. A wise virgin: Perdita (heroic ally) I cannot,! will not mrry you, Alfred, auainst your mother's wish. Alfred I wish you were not so sen aitivc. Perdita It is not because 1 am sensitive, it is because vour father's estate is left at her disposal. Yabslcy Let a yoane woman deck herself in tine attire, powder her face and go out unattended after dark, and what naturally follows? Wick wire It ought to be her father with a good hickory gad, but it is more ape to bo some young man. An honest reason. Drug clerk I won't sell you the m irphine without a prescription. I'm afraid to let you have it? Customer To I look like a man who would kill himself? Drug clerk I don't know. It seems to me if I looked like you I sheuld be tempted to kill myself. .Conditional pardon: Oidgrudgc The doctor says 1 am about to die, and I sent to you that wo who have been bitterest enemies all these years might receive each other's forgive ness. Makepeace 1 most truly lor- give you iu everything, uiugruage And I forgive you if I the, but re member if I recover, the fight will be taken up just where we now drop it. PHIL AKMOl'It, Or CHICAGO, A short Sketch of the Great Meat Merchant. Ohio State Journal. t'hil Armour is au epigrammatic talker, fnU of qnaint illustrations and similts. He likes to speak aelf deprecatingly. calling himself a "butcher." His laugh is 6trong and hearty, and he is the cause of laugh ter in others. Arm ur abhors a man who speaks in his throat aud doesn't know how to "spit it out." He is not huugry for money. He goes working along simply because work is his delight, lie gives away hi latsxiwe.ioeney than anyther man in America. He isf to, cjfittetvt with small pro its on his business. The net returns do not exceed three millions a year on a total of fifty-five millions, or less than six per cent. Armour has a striking, a unique individuality, but is to all who know him well ene of the most, lovable of men. Though carrying on a business greater than that of anv railway corporation in America, and though at times he makes a great deid of money iu spesulative deals he never yet lost a fi.ht iu that field he in singularly irritable about some little things. I remember one occasion iu which he fumed and fretted for nearly a whole day about a fifty pound box of sausage which a care less shippisg clerk had sent to a wrong railway station, where it lay all day on the platform iu the suu and was spoiled. For several hours the office men heaul of little but that box of sausage, and thef chief was not appeased till the offender had been discovered and reprimanded. Tbe sausage was worth $4, and thai; same day the provision market, in which Armour was largely interested fell off so rapidly that nearly 200. OfC of margin money was required to protect the house's holdings. The packer gave no more than five min utes ef thought te the provision market. He was too busy marking down the loss of the box of aaus; g :. What tli Telescope KeTealed, llcbton Advertiser, Alvan Clark, Jr., the maker of big telescopes, was telling the other day reminiscences of Dr. Holmes, dating back to the time when the doctor lived on the Ci mbridgeport side of the Charles, and divided his attention between microscopy and medicine and verse-writing, and when his in terest in the lirst brought him almost daily to the laboratory ot .' the Clarks. Then it was, too, that on the occasion of il atrial voyage of the balloonist Wise, an i his son. Hoi in es. addressing the jounj men at a Harvard banquet, hade thorn "do, then, and do like-Wiee." In connection with the balloon story Mr. Clark told of a rather funny In cident. The ascensions, whish at that time engrossed the whole atten tion of the city and f the surroun 1 ing ueighberhroJ, were watched by the Clarks through th telescope. Subsequently, Clark S.-. waa intro duced to Mr. Wise. "We watched you intently all the while," said Mr. Clark. "When the balloon was tar out of sight of the the coal ring, salt J naked eye we could see you plainly We could see the tinker nails on yeur baud as plainly as I can t-ee them now.'" "I wai:t to know!" said Wise. ''Yes, tir; and I saw something else," said the teles -"Iks man. "1 saw yon take a bottle out of your pocket and take a drink." Wise roared with laughter, and said he guessed that li?re.i:ier when he thought no eye saw him, he should still see to it that he kept his dignity, Item' Catarrh Snuff. 5ure rure for sore cies, deafness. keadtfhe, aad tbe woit tonus of eatarrbin the head and throat. Price ' cents, bo'd by roshsy A ; Mason, Albany, Oregon. Anew line of fine wall-ruM-cr with. borders to match have been opened at Fortmiller A Irvine's. Tbry are new and elegant design. Cab aad sec Ueat. If veu want a clean and fine smoke askfor J, Joseph's home made white abor clirars. For sale nv mobt .cijrar dealers and at J. Joe,.hV factery, . New styleB of gilt and lron;- mouldings just received at the Al bany FurnitureCo 1'ict tire frame made to suit the most fastidious. Come and see us, we guarantee s fit in the frame or no pale. first and Ferrv streets. Corner The best watch for the money ia the world at K. M. French's. SOLD TTAVING SOLI) MY II OCT. INTEREST IN THE store of treneral merchandise of the inn ;f Coshow Cable to C. E. Stanard, I sh to call the attention of all who know ;hemsel-es iiJilcl.tc t to I'osbow & Cable to all and Fettle at once. Having sold out on leeotiiit of pour health, I expect to change lima'c for a while. aucl.M.ll accoui.ts not .ctr'.-d befure I u'et ready to lenve llrownsvilie iil l.e l ft with an Hi: er frr collection. A v.iil to tin' wic is "u'hVicril. '. i'.MitJSlIOW.Hjrownsvi (in. n peas ta'ibage. ca li.floTrer, r.iiou-, iib iy. uic plant, fiesh, at Drowncll fc ytanard. WANTED, THOSE WISHING A FIRST class piano, sewing machine, the latest music or artists materials, will Uind a bargain by catling at Mrs. B. Hyman s. j ne piauos are iuiiy guar anteed for hve years. The best pianos made to staud the climate of the Pacific coast. The New Ameri can Sewing Machine will please most fastidious. Tainting and music les sons given there. Stamping, Em broidery and Dressmaking done to order. No. 115 1st St., Albanv. Or. For chilblain and frest-bite Chamberlain's Puin-Balm. When promptly applied to the Iroen uarU it will pievent the skin from inrning bla'-k or peeling- on. it iia the itching and emarLnsg of chiii.hiiiv nd coon restores the parth: a bcuUhy condition, t organic lor hay Mtisou. Bueklen's Arnica alvc. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt hheum, rcver .sores, letter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all km Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. or money reiunaea, rrice cenw ner box. For sale bv Foshay ot Mason, A new line of solid silverware, cold-headed canes, beautiful dia mond nngs.gold and silver watcnea, has inf,t been opened by Will A Stark. The Albanv Furniture Co. would lie glad to have you call and cx- itmins tneir sompieie siock oi troods before purchasing elsewhere, STL " A A - We believe we can mane n to your interest to examine our puces and goods before purchasing. Corner First and Ferry streets. Fruit fresh every day Hum the market Gardens at C. H. Spencers. A Lively Woman. New York Sun. There is a woman in this city who is an author, a doctor, an ortist and an actress. After breakfast in the morning she spends a couple of hours over the manuscript of the story or essay which she has been employed to write. From 10 to 2 she prac tices medicine and receives patients ia he office. She next works at her asel as a painter till 6, and makes pictures for which she finds buyers. After dinner aud an hour's rest she betakes hercelf to the theater, where she plays the light part for which she may be set down in the cast. Besides all, she is a mother, knews how to make her own clothes, and under stands how to use her income from all her professions. And yet there- are men in New York who talk of the inferiority of the female s-x as com-! i .:.u .1...:- ! paivu ii.ii mvii unu, SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY A positives-cure for catarrh, diphtheria and canker mouth, For sale tj ro- hay it Mason. Albany Opera Hoe, One week only, commencing MONDAY, JUNE 17, MISS C.EOKGIA WOODTIIOKPE Supported by a first-class DRAMATIC COM'Y. BfBnsy vVLPEl IJT Taeaelay-MAY Bi.OOM' ttedaeMUy-AIIOIVti THE FIXES. ThatriMlay-rarBICBa FrMay MXIKS. Matlare-r A X rxie)S. Salardajr-TtTO. OKPHits- .) COLD WATCHES Uvea Away. 4 Each person purchasing a 30 cent ticket will receive a coupon I entitling Hie holder to a chance ia T i'l.t i given away Sat unlay, June 22d. Fahrnev's celebrated bleed els at Browne!! & Stanard and at Deywe j "1 f OH JVM II Qi Rob-on'-.. P. J. Bultimere general j IU, -J U JJ O I on sale at Elac'i- agent. New designiiu jewelry at Freuch'a I 4c"Seats now ! man s drug stoic Art. 1 '